Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ One Night Can Change Everything ❯ You and I ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I couldn't wait for five reviews to post, so yeah...
Well, it's been five years since 'that night'... *giggles* You know, I actually wrote this a LONG time ago and posted it on FFN, but not MM gets the fic... Damn all of you people who don't review or rate the chapters!


Five Years Later

I make sure that each mushroom is cut equally before I throw it into the pot. I next take a carrot and cut it just as nicely.
I would have never imagined myself working in a restaurant again, especially after the time with Joe in the Digital World. I guess I proved myself wrong. I work in this restaurant as a cook. Another cook, Teresa, works when I don't. Then there is the head chef, Stella. Stella isn't someone you want to pick a fight with. She can have you fired within two seconds, especially since she is part owner of the store.
After Tai and I ran away, we moved to a small town not too far away from Kyoto. We were actually going to live in Kyoto until we decided that it would be better if we lived in a small town where television isn't a major priority. Of course, people have television, but don't watch it as much here.
"Morning Chad," Teresa says cheerfully as she walks in.
"My shift is over already?" I ask in disbelief.
"Yes," Teresa replies giggling.
I take off my apron and hang it on the hook, underneath my name plate. Teresa puts hers on.
"Just watch that soup on the stove. Two large bowls of soup were ordered."
"Okay," she says, stirring the soup.
"I'll see you later."
I walked out of the kitchen, thinking how much hate being called Chad, but Tai and I agreed not to use our real names. In this small town, not a lot of questions are asked, which is lucky for us. Tai goes by the name of Ted.
It takes ten minutes to get home, just by walking, and when I do, I plop myself on the couch. It is a warm day. Even though it is almost December, we're in the subtropical part of Japan so we are warm all year round.
"I guess I'll take a cold shower," I mumble, standing up.
I walk into the bathroom and strip out of my clothes. I look at my hair in the mirror, even though it will get washed in a second, I still make sure it looks good. I notice a bottle of Vaseline out. I only remember that too well.
Tai and I were very confused at one time. It was a month after the accident. We were at a motel in Kyoto when we saw the story on the news… still. I remember saying to Tai that Ashley wasn't joking that her father was a judge. Tai didn't say anything. I still remember the anxiety of watching what they were saying. They didn't know that it was Tai's gun because he bought it illegally, thus, it wasn't registered. Police weren't sure if it was an accident, murder, or suicide. They more leaned to the thought that it was a hit and run. Which, is true. I can remember that night like it was yesterday.


Tai turned off the television and sighed angrily.
"Tai, what if they find us?" I asked, my voice cracking.
"They won't," Tai said sternly.
I didn't believe him and stood up, walking in circles. "We shouldn't have ran."
"And what? Get thrown in jail for life by Ashley's father?" Tai asked angrily, standing up.
"Maybe that would have been the right thing to do instead of running away!" I yelled back.
"Matt, listen to me," Tai said, taking my shoulders. "If we would have stayed, we would have been a lot worse off. Remember, Mimi and Sora were there. They saw everything."
"It was all my fault. It is my fault that this happened," I mumbled, looking away.
"I killed someone too. It was an accident," Tai said.
I didn't look at Tai and he shook my shoulders, so I looked at him. His eyes showed fear. Mine probably did too. The next thing that happened was unexpected. Tai began to kiss me. He kissed me until I kissed him back. We both threw off our shirts and quickly took off our pants. Tai left me for a minute only to return with a bottle of Vaseline. He looked at me unsurely so I kissed him lightly on the lips. Tai opened the bottle…


That night, Tai and I questioned our sexuality. I remember the feeling when I woke up the next day next to him. We were laying on the bed, naked under the covers. I still remember when I turned around and stared into Tai's large, brown eyes. We didn't know what to say so we didn't say anything. Nothing has ever happened like that since then. We know that we aren't gay… or are pretty sure of it.
I finish taking my shower and climb out, putting on some clean clothes. I walk to the kitchen and notice that we don't have much food left. I'll buy some groceries tomorrow.
I hear the door unlock and take the apple I have to the living room. Tai walks in and sets down his bag. He works at the local school. Since not many people live in this town, the school hired him as a phys.ed teacher and he also has to teach the sexuality class too even though he doesn't have a teaching degree.
"How was your day?" I ask, taking a seat on the couch.
"It was fine. I had to deal with one of the students in my health class because they were making fun of one of the other kids. I guess this kid is gay or something. Then the kid who was making fun of him was like 'want me to ask how males have sex for you, Riomi?'. It was all very annoying."
"You could have explained that one," I say, not looking at him as I take a bite of my apple.
"Yeah well, no thank you," Tai says bitterly. "Anyway, how was your day?"
"Same as usual. Teresa came in early to cover the rest of my shift. She keeps doing that."
"I think she likes you… Chad," Tai says, laughing.
"I think so too, but I like her just as a friend," I say, taking the remote and turning on the small television that we have.
After flipping through all the channels twice, I sigh and turn off the t.v. I look at Tai who surprisingly is staring at me.
"What?" I ask.
"Nothing," Tai replies, blinking his eyes a few times and turning away.
The phone rings. At first, neither of us do anything. Hardly anyone ever calls us. The only reason we have a phone is for work purposes. If we didn't have a phone, we probably wouldn't have gotten a job. Tai stands up and walks over to the phone.
"Hello?" Tai nods a few times before he says, "Hold on."
"Is it for me?" I ask.
"Yeah. I think it is Teresa," Tai replies, covering his hand over the speaker.
I sigh in annoyance and take the phone from Tai. "Hello?"
"Hi Chad… uh, this is Teresa."
"Hi Teresa. How did you get this number?"
"Off the work phone number list," she replies.
"I was uh wondering....... maybe we could go to a movie tonight or something?"
I mouth a curse and look up at Tai, mouthing, 'She's asking me out.' Tai turns away and tries to hold in a laugh.
She reminds me of Jun in a way, but a bit less annoying.
"I can't."
"Oh," Teresa says, her voice full of disappointment, "I understand."
"It isn't that you aren't nice or pretty… because you are. It is just that I am already seeing someone," I explain.
"Oh. Who?" Teresa asks curiously.
Dammit it! Why did I tell her that? We live in such a small town that most people know each other!
"I uh…" I try to think of an excuse and look up at Tai who is grinning. "I am… well, I am sort of gay with Ted."
"You're gay?" Teresa asks, her voice full of surprise.
"Yeah. I uh… don't like to make a big deal out of it. Can you please not spread that around?"
"Of course. It's our little secret."
"Okay. Thanks Teresa and I am really sorry."
"That's okay. I'll see you at work tomorrow." I hear the phone clickand I also hang up the phone.
"You couldn't just tell her you weren't interested?" Tai asks, taking a seat on the couch beside me.
"Well it is half true, isn't it?" I ask, looking away.
"What's with you today? Ever since I got home you've been reminding me of that night."
I don't reply and stare at the carpet.
"What?" I ask, looking at him.
"Are you… well, are you… do you have feelings for me?" Tai asks hesitantly, looking away.
"I don't know."
"I don't know either."
I look at him and he looks back at me. We stare at each other for a few minutes until Tai moves a bit closer. I do the same, inching closer to him. I can't resist anymore and begin to kiss Tai's lips softly. He begins to kiss me back, pushing me back so that he lays on top of me. His hands explore my body, as mine do to his.
"This is crazy," Tai says, between kisses.
I nod in agreement, kissing Tai back.
"We don't love each other. You love Mimi…"
"…and you love Sora," I finish.
Tai unbuttons my shirt and I slip it off. I help him take off his shirt over his head. We throw out shirts on the floor and continue to kiss.
"Than why are we doing this?"
"I don't know, but it feels so good," I reply, kissing Tai's neck.
We stop momentarily to catch out breath. Tai falls on top of me, breathing hard. I embrace him, leaning my head on his shoulder.
"Should we go another step further?" Tai asks, his voice panting.
"I don't know," I reply.
Tai begins to kiss my lips again, his tongue playing with mine. He moves one hand up and down my side while the other reaches for my belt. I begin to slip off my pants while at the same time, undo Tai's. Once we have out pants off, we throw them on top of our shirts; then begin to kiss again, in our boxers. Tai slips his hand down my boxers and begins to feel around. He stops kissing me and traces his lips down my body until he comes to my lower body.
The doorbell rings.
Tai jerks up his head and wipes his mouth. We don't move for a second, as if we were hearing things. Tai suddenly curses and begins to pull on his pants. The doorbell rings again. I also get dressed and follow Tai to the door. Tai opens it.
"Hello Mr. Foster," a middle aged woman says.
"Mrs. Juni. Remember, I told you to call me by by first name," Tai says, in rather a charming voice.
"Oh right, Ted. I told you to call me by my first name."
"Diana, I almost forgot that we planned to go over the discipline charts today," Tai says.
"Well, that's why I am here. You're the young man who works at the diner downtown, aren't you?" Diana asks.
I nod my head and say, "It is nice to meet you. My name's Chad. Well, Ta- Ted, I am on my way out."
"Okay, I'll see you later. Come in Diana," Tai says, motioning for the woman to come in.
I slip on some shoes and step outside, closing the door behind me. I walk to the nicest place I know: the park. Once I'm there, I pick a spot under a shady tree and slip off my shoes. I rest my head against the trunk of the tree and close my eyes.
I can't believe what just happened. I almost slept with Tai. Not just for the first time, but almost the second. Do I love Tai or Mimi? Things are just so confusing. I like Tai just as a friend… right? Than why the heck would I want to sleep with him? Maybe it's more than friendship. I should understand friendship. After all, I do have the crest. So why can't I figure this one out? Before Tai and I skipped town, I almost had the guts to ask out Mimi. Things are just so confusing. I wish Tai and I never planned to go to that party that night. It was one of the many nights that led to the screw up of our lives.

An hour later, I made my way home. My stomach told me to because it is past six. I unlock the door and slip off my shoes. I notice that Diana's shoes aren't here so I know she has left. I can hear the shower running.
My instincts tell me to go to the bathroom and take a shower with Tai, but I don't let my instincts take over. Instead, I turn on the television.
"Ruthless as he may be, he has a good reason. Judge Bill Macinti, father of murdered daughter, Ashley Macinti, sentenced a man, who's name has not been released, to jail for three years on the account of drinking and driving. Many are questioning his authority to do that, but others agree. His reason is because he thinks that's how his daughter was killed. On other news, the stock markets…"
I turn off the television and sigh. Man, I hate to have him judging me. Than again, I am responsible for the death of his daughter and her best friend. Speaking of which, in one week, it will mark the five year anniversary. Well, I wouldn't call it an anniversary, but it does marks her death.
"My thoughts exactly."
I turn around to see Tai walk in -- fully clothed -- and take a seat beside me.
"I was watching when you were," he explains quietly.
"It has almost been five years. Five years since we've seen Mimi, Sora, T.K., Kari, and all of the others," I whisper, not really hearing what I say.
Tai just nods his head.
"How did that meeting go with Mrs. Juni?" I ask, not really caring.
Tai knows that, but he relies anyway, "I couldn't really concentrate, but other than that, it went fine."
This time, I nod my head.
"You know why I couldn't concentrate."
It was more of a fact than a question.
"It was you. I couldn't stop thinking of you and what would have happened if Mrs. Juni didn't ring the doorbell."
"Yeah well we have both been there and done that."
"We never agreed not to do or not to do that again, though," Tai says quietly.
"What are you saying Tai? Do you want to be together?"
"I don't know. I do right now, but I still remember the first time this happened. After we slept together that night, I didn't have the same kind of feelings for you as I did the night before. I felt feeling of friendship more than love," Tai replies.
"So did I."
"So than the answer is right there in front of us," Tai says, pausing for only a second, "we remain friends and do the same thing we have been doing for the past five years, and that is to forget about it."
"Fine by me," I say, standing up and walking out of the room.
Is that what he wants? Is that what I want? I guess that will have to be.

One Week Later

"Chad, two house soups!" Sherri, the obnoxious waiter who reminds me somewhat of Yolei, shouts.
"Got it!" I yell back, taking the slip of paper that has the order on it. I begin to cut up some vegetables.
Saturday. It's been exactly five years marked on this day. Well, tonight will mark it. Also, today has to be the busiest day at the diner because that's when most people take their families out to supper because they are too lazy to make their own dinner.
"Hi Chad," Teresa says, putting on her apron.
"It's really busy today," Teresa comments awkwardly, reading the notes left by the manager on the bulleten board,
Ever since that phone call, Teresa hasn't acted the same. I think she is embarrassed that she ever liked me now that she knows I'm gay. Wait… I'm not gay. I just told her that. Yes, I'm not gay. No, I only like Tai in a friendship sort of way. I have to work right now. After all, it is Saturday: the one day I get to work with Teresa.
I smile when I tell myself that. I've been doing that a lot in the past week in order to keep my cool.
"Chad. Hello, Chad?" Teresa says, waving her hand in front of my face.
"What?" I ask, somewhat confused.
"You were day dreaming. I thought I would warn you that Stella is in a really bad mood. I think it is her time of the month," Teresa answers.
"Thanks, though I think she is a bitch all of the time."
"Oh am I?"
Teresa and I turn around, somewhat like a four year old would do when they are caught drawing on the wall.
"Get back to work, Teresa," Stella sneers.
"Okay," Teresa whispers, taking the spoon from my hand and beginning to stir.
I begin to relax. What is she going to do? I hate her anyway. I don't have to listen to her pitiful excuses. After all, I could easily kill her. I've done it before…
"I want you in my office, now!" Stella shouts.
"Fine," I say, following her out of the kitchen. I take one last look at Teresa and Sherri who both stare anxiously at me, both waving their fingers in goodbye.
I follow Stella to her office and shut the door behind myself.
"Take a seat."
I do what she says and stare confidently at her.
"So, do you want to be fired?" Stella asks.
"I don't have much of a choice, do I?"
"Nope," Stella replies. She pauses for a minute, a smile coming onto her face. "Well actually, I won't fire you unless you go on a date with my daughter."
I shudder at the thought. I met Stella's daughter once. She's a bit younger than me. She's exactly like her mother: ugly and bitchy. I would go out with her if she wasn't so obnoxious and cruel.
"I know you've met April before. Right now she's feeling a bit down right now. That is why I am looking for someone to take her out," Stella explains, her voice sounding somewhat sad.
"Why is that?"
"Oh it is just her cousin. You see, five years ago, her cousin, Mary Summi, was killed along with her best friend. Mary and April were really close. After that happened, we moved out here," Stella replies sadly. "Mary was the sweetest girl I ever knew."
I stare at her, shocked. Oh my God! Oh my God! Mary is Stella's neice. Oh my God! As if Mary was such a sweet, innocent person. I met her before. She was at one of Tai's soccer games. I think she was dating one of Tai's friends, even.
"Chad? So how about it?" Stella asks.
"I can't. You see, I have a girlfriend."
"Oh, and who is that? Teresa?" Stella asks.
"No, no. Back home I do," I reply.
"Oh. You never did tell me where you lived before you moved here."
I stutter to reply, "Obdiva."
"Obdiva? No way! My family used to live there, too, until Mary's death. Hey, you're around her age. Did you know her?"
"No, I don't think so," I reply, getting more uncomfortable by the minute.
"Oh. Well anyway Chad, you are fired. You can take your stuff and leave," Stella says, already pulling out the 'Help Wanted' sign.
I get up sullenly, clutching my stomach. I feel sick, my mouth dry from anxiety. I gather my stuff out of my locker and quickly flee the restaurant unnoticed. By the time I get home, I feel more sick than ever. I find Tai marking homework at the kitchen table.
"Why are you home so early?" Tai asks, looking up.
"I got fired," I reply calmly.
"You know, my boss, Stella? I called her a bitch behind her back and she got me fired," I explain.
"Sorry Matt. Don't feel too badly about it. You can easily find another job," Tai says softly.
"I know," I say, slumping into a chair.
"Hey, what did I just tell you?"
"Tai, that isn't what is bugging me!" I snap, looking up at his surprised look on his face. "Stella's niece was Mary. Mary, of all people. She wasn't going to fire me if I went out with her daughter. She told me that her daughter was feeling down. I asked why. She said it was because today marks the date of her cousin, Mary's death. I couldn't go out with her then so Stella fired me."
"Are you serious? Are you sure it is the same Mary?" Tai asks anxiously, sitting back down.
"I'm positive. She said she used to live in Obdiva, until Mary was killed."
"This has to be the worst day," I say, banging my head on the table.
"Yeah well I turned on the television today and guess what judge was on the news? Ashley and Mary's parents did this entire media story about their 'wonderful' daughters. I watched the entire thing."
"Can't they just give it a rest?" I ask. "After all, it's been five years. If I would have known this would have haunted us so badly, I would have killed myself ages ago."
"Don't say that!" Tai scolds.
"Whatever," I say, standing up and walking out of the room.

Two days later

I fall out of bed, my head hitting the ground first.
"Ow," I groan, rubbing my head where it hurt.
After I get dressed and eat some breakfast, I take the grocery list. Since I haven't worked for two days, Tai's been keeping me busy with errands to do. Today, it is grocery shopping. Tai's already left the house to go to work.
As I approach the market, I notice how it is cooler. Man, is this bad sign or something? It is hardly ever this cool.
I take a basket and go inside the market store. It's completely crowded even though this is a small town. There're still over three hundred people living here, but most people acknowledge who others are. It's so noisy in here because everyone is chatting with the people they know, except for me. Tai and I try not to be very public or social.
After ten minutes, I start to get annoyed with all the people. I want to scream and tell them to be quiet, but I don't. Instead, I pursue the groceries that I am supposed to buy. I find myself in the quieter isle. The isle with bathroom products. I scope the list I have with me.
"By toothpaste, dental floss, and Vaseline," I mutter to myself.
I take the toothpaste and dental floss first, not really wanting to buy the Vaseline. Ever since that night with Tai, the thought of Vaseline makes me want to scream. I head towards it anyway. I outstretch my hand to grab it, but my hand touches someone else's.
"Sorry," we say at the same time.
The voice sounds familiar so I look up. Mimi, her brown hair still to her shoulders hangs loose and wavy. She brown eyes show a bit of confusion and fear.
"Matt," Mimi whispers.
I drop the basket and quickly start to jog away. I push my way past the crowds of people and out of the doors, not looking behind me. I run down the street and towards my apartment. Since this town is fairly small, it only takes ten minutes to run home.
I stop when I get near my apartment. -Mimi! Why is she here? I shouldn't go to my apartment in case if she follows. Yeah, I will go to the park!
I begin to run faster there, not slowing until I reach there. The park is pretty empty today except for the grandparents and young toddlers who are either too young or old to work. I run past them and more to the quieter section. I finally stop when I don't have any more breath to run.
"You actually thought you were going to lose me that easily?" Mimi asks.
"But how? I mean--"
"I drove here," Mimi explains quickly.
"Why are you here?"
"What? You actually thought you could hide forever?" Mimi asks with a frown.
"Sort of," I answer.
"Well sorry to burst your bubble, but things don't always revolve around you and Tai," Mimi says coldly.
"Why are you here?"
"You have already asked that, but Sora and I have been driving all over Japan looking for you guys."
"Yeah? Well then you wasted your time!" I snap, standing up and beginning to walk away.
"Have you forgotten what you've done?" Mimi demands, running ahead of me and then stopping.
"No Mimi, I remember perfectly."
"Well than you should understand what I'm trying to tell you. Have you forgotten about your friends, your family?" Mimi asks.
"Of course not, but what were Tai and I supposed to do? Stay in Obdiva? I don't think so!"
"Well you could have at least told us where you were going. Nobody else knew what happened. Joe, Izzy, Davis, and them all thought you and Tai are gay so that is why you skipped town. T.K. and Kari…"
"What? What about T.K.?" I ask.
"You want to know what happened to them?" Mimi asks, her voice cold and angry. "You and Tai left your siblings when they needed someone the most. Someone to look up to. You know that T.K. looked up to you as a brother so why would you do that to him?"
"Do what?" I ask.
"You left him and Kari vulnerable to this cruel world. Are you prepared to hear what has been happening?" Mimi asks. She doesn't wait for me to reply before she continues, "T.K. impregnated Kari, but since they're both on crack, Kari had a miscarriage. Just last week, they attempted suicide, but luckily, your dad found out before they could do anything. That's why Sora and I decided to come looking for you."
"T.K...." I was surpised to hear that, and guilt and sadness entered my heart.
"You don't even care what has happened to me!" Mimi screams, tears running down her face. "You don't care how you left Sora and I!"
I look back at her, not really sure how to react. I reach out my hand to touch her, but she shrinks back.
"Just don't touch me!" Mimi sobs, putting a hand over her face.
I just looked away, trying to keep control of my emotions.
"You don't even care," she whispers, shaking her head.
"I'm sorry Mimi," I say, wrapping my arms around her.
"You forgot about me. Just left me to watch those two bitches die. It wasn't even your fault you hit Mary," Mimi says, burying her head into my chest.
I take her shoulders and pull her away asking, "What do you mean?"
"Mary and Ashley were both stoned. The police even know that, but they didn't release that into the media so that they didn't ruin the 'image' of Ashley and Mary."
"Are you serious?"
"Yes. It wasn't your fault. Sora and I planned to tell you that in the morning, but by then, it was too late," Mimi replies sadly.
A wave of relief comes over me and I whisper, "It wasn't my fault."
I smile in joy and lean forward, pressing my lips firmly against Mimi's. She seems surprised at first, but soon puts her arms around my neck and kisses me back. Resolutely, I pull away.
I smile and help her to her feet. I take her hand and we walk silently through the park and to my apartment. Once we are here, an awkward silence follows.
Finally, Mimi speaks. "Matt, do you care about me?"
"Yeah," I admit, turning away because my face feels flushed.
"Than why did you leave me?" Mimi asks, her voice filled with sadness.
I frown and lean forward, beginning to kiss her again and again. Mimi wraps her arms around my neck and I automatically scoop her into my arms and carry her into my bedroom. In there, I take off her clothes and she takes off mine. The last thing I notice before I make love to her is the clock that says it is half past three.


What a lousy day. I hate teaching the human sexuality class. Kids are so cruel these days to others who are gay or have other problems. I probably was just as cruel when I was fifteen.
I unlock the door and step inside, setting my briefcase down. I remember that Matt isn't working anymore, so I wonder where he is. When I approach his room, I'm surprised to hear a female voice. I look through the crack of the door and almost gasp when I see Mimi in there, whispering into the phone.
"I'm at Matt and Tai's apartment building," she whispers. "Where's Matt? Well… he's uh…. sleeping."
I look over to the bed where sure enough, Matt sleeps peacefully. I notice his clothes scattered everywhere and can tell he is naked under the covers.
Mimi's voice gets a bit louder and full of excitement, "Yeah! It was amazing. He is unbelievable." She begins to giggle and tosses her hair back. "Come here, now, before Tai gets home."
I decide to make my presence acknowledged so I clear my throat. Mimi looks over at me and gasps. She says her goodbyes to whoever she's talking to and hangs up. She puts a finger to her mouth and I begin to walk out of Matt's room. I walk into the living room and turn around quickly, making Mimi gasp.
"Don't do that."
"Do what?" I ask.
"Don't scare me like that," Mimi says, taking a deep breath in.
"Why are you here?"
"Matt and I met at the market. I followed him to the park and then he brought me here," Mimi replies bluntly.
"Mimi, you shouldn't be here," I say quietly.
"Why not? I care for Matt, and I care for you too. We're friends, Tai."
"Use past tense, Mimi. We aren't friends anymore. Matt and I left that life behind," I say.
"You don't know how selfish you guys were being. Matt now knows it. I'm going to tell you the same thing I told him. Kari, the Kari you knew and loved, is gone."
"Gone!" I exclaim.
"Not dead, but different. She isn't the little girl who had the light shining in her eyes. T.K.'s the same way. The hope that filled his eyes is gone too. All that they do now is drugs and have sex. Kari had a miscarriage a few months ago. They've changed for the worst. Everyone else thinks you and Matt left because you are gay. They think that you are too scared to admit it," Mimi explains coldly.
"Isn't that the truth," I mutter.
"Is it true? I mean I know that you left because you killed Mary and Ashely, but are you guys gay too?" Mimi asks in disbelief.
"No," Matt replies, walking into the living room fully dressed.
"Oh," Mimi says, sighing in relief.
Matt and I stare at each other for a second, our eyes saying to keep our mouth's shut.
"Come home with Sora and I," Mimi pleads, taking Matt's hand.
Matt looks at me again before he yanks his hand away and replies, "I can't."
"Why not?" Mimi asks.
"You know why, Mimi," Matt says softly.
"Don't do this to me!" Mimi screams, clenching her fist. "You can't do this to Sora and I. We've finally found you and you don't even want to come help T.K. and Kari? They need you! You're the ones that screwed up their lives!"
"We can't," Matt says, his voice monotone.
"Yes you can!" Mimi shouts.
"Mimi, just go back to Obdiva with Sora," I say.
"Stay out of this!" Mimi snaps. She turns back to Matt and says, "Please, we were so happy together just a few hours ago."
"Mimi, go," I say firmly. "This isn't right. We can never go home. If you and Sora don't leave us alone, we'll pack up and leave here too."
Mimi glares at me before she turns back to Matt. Matt bites his lip, it almost looks like he is going to cry. He turns away and folds his arms together saying, "Mimi, go. Tai's right, we can never go home."
Mimi slaps Matt on the cheek and cries out, "I give my love to you and this is how you treat me? I hate you! I wish Sora and I didn't try bothering to come find you guys. Fine, leave your siblings to kill themselves. Sooner or later they will commit suicide!"
Mimi takes her purse and begins to cry as she runs out of the apartment, and slams the door. Matt and I remain silent. I look up at him and he looks up at me. His eyes are filled with a definate sadness. He walks out of the room and shuts the door. I sit on the couch and sigh in frustration, tugging at my hair.


Tai and I can't go back home. Or can we? Mimi did tell me they were stoned. It isn't like the police are going to know it was us. Mimi's right, we are being selfish. Poor T.K. and Kari. They were so innocent, and now what? They are full of sins. Well, so are we. That's it! I have to go find Mimi. I want to go home. I want to see my friends and family again. I made a mistake. Tai and I have made plenty over these past five years.
I leap off the bed and make sure my hair looks okay before I run out of my bedroom. I slip on my shoes and look at Tai, who opens his eyes and stares at me with a confused look on his face.
"Tai, we can't do this anymore. I want to go home. I'm going to find Mimi. If you want to keep living this lie of a life, go ahead," I say confidently.
Tai smiles and says, "Go on Matt, I support you one hundred percent. I want to go back too."
"You are my best friend in the world, Tai," I say as I leave the house and begin to run full speed for the motel that Mimi left on a piece of paper for me.
I am almost there when I spot Sora. I stop when I see her. She looks at me angrily and slaps me across the cheek.
"Ow, that hurt way more than it did when Mimi slapped me," I say, rubbing my cheek.
"Yeah well you deserve it. You and Tai both. I'm going to your place right now to give him a piece of my mind," Sora says angrily, her fists clenched.
"Whoa Sora, Tai and I were way too harsh on Mimi. We thought about it for a bit and we agree that we want to come home."
"You do?"
I nod and wrap my arms around her. Sora wraps her arms around me and gives me a kiss on the cheek where she slapped me.
"I'm going to tell Mimi right now," I say as we let go.
"Good. Well, I am going to see Tai," Sora says as she begins to walk away.
"Oh and Sora, don't be too hard on him, okay?" I ask in a joking way.
Sora winks and says, "Oh, don't worry about me. I have ways to straighten him out."
I smile and begin to jog towards the motel. Once I get there, I find room eight and knock on it, my eagerness making me jumpy.
Mimi opens it with a scowl on her face and then shuts it.
"Mimi, let me in!" I yell, pounding on the door.
"No!" Mimi shouts.
"Please, I want to come back with you. So does Tai. We are sick of life like this. Please," I plead, knocking more softly.
Mimi opens the door and jumps in my arms, half crying. I bring her from my arms and begin to kiss her with all I have. We break away, panting. I quickly shut the door and lock it.
Mimi leans up and whispers in my ear, "Make love to me. Please, I want you inside of me."
Since we are in a motel, the bed is in the middle of the room. Mimi walks backwards to the bed, we stare at each other. I forget to warn her that the bed is behind her and she falls back when she bangs into it. I climb on top of her and kiss her. Kissing her in places where I didn't before, and she touches me, touches me in places that she did earlier and that Tai only did.

Two Weeks Later

It was a long two weeks, and yet, when I think about it, it went by really fast. Tai and I spent the weeks quitting jobs, even though I already lost mine and packing up. We even sold our apartment right away. Now it is time to leave the small town that we have been staying at for so long. I load the last box into Sora's car and slam the trunk shut. Tai and I don't have my car anymore because we drove it to a junkyard once we reach Kyoto and then bussed it here.
"Man, I hate cars," Tai whispers.
I turn around and nod in agreement.
"It's going to be strange going home. I wonder how Kari, T.K., and the others will take it?" Tai ponders.
"So do I," I say anxiously.
"Matt, Tai you ready to go?" Mimi asks as she and Sora approach us.
I nod, a bit unsurely. So does Tai. When I do that, Mimi leans up and places a soft kiss on my cheek.
"Why are you calling him Matt?"
Tai and I turn around to see Teresa standing with a frown on her face. She approaches us closer, waiting for the explanation.
"Teresa!" I exclaim. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to say goodbye. I'll ask again, why are you calling him Matt and who are you?"
Mimi puts a hand on her hip and replies, "Ahh… hello, that is his name. I'm his girlfriend, Mimi."
"What! No, you are Chad and Ted," Teresa says, shaking her head.
I bite my lip and say, "I'm sorry Teresa, but my real name is Yamato Ishida, but most people call me Matt," I explain quietly.
"And my real name is Taichi Kamiya, but most people call me Tai," Tai says.
Teresa frowns and says, "So, I guess you aren't gay with each other."
"Matt and Tai gay? That's a laugh," Mimi says.
Tai and I take a quick glance at each other.
"I guess I'll go," Teresa says as she quickly turns around and walks away.
"Hey Teresa, I am truly sorry. Nobody in this town knows our real names. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't tell anyone," I say.
"Whatever!" Teresa shouts back as she walks around a corner.
"So who was that, a girlfriend of your Matt?" Sora asks.
"No, just a friend from work," I reply. "She was okay. Kind of shy."
"Come on, we should get going," Mimi says.
We all climb into the car and begin our four hour drive home.

It didn't seem to take that long to get here, probably because I have been dreading it the entire time. And now, here I am, standing before my door step. Well actually, it's where Mom and T.K. live, but since I used to go over all of the time, I call it my place too. Tai, Sora, and Mimi are all behind me. We agreed to stop at my place first and then go to see Kari.
"Keep it quiet. T.K. might run away if you show yourself too soon," Sora urges, grabbing a hold of my arm.
"T.K., running away?" I ask disbelief.
"I told you he's changed. Oh and I should warn you, it isn't just his personality that has changed. Let's just say that he looks quiet a bit different than when you left him," Mimi says quietly.
My stomach turns at what she says and I pull out my key, praying that they haven't changed the locks. Sure enough, the key won't go in. Although the key won't go in, it doesn't matter anyway because the door is unlocked. I turn the door silently, and we all walk in and shut the door behind us the same way. At first I don't hear anything, but when I get closer to the bedrooms, loud noises are heard.
"Suck it, bitch!"
"Glad to."
I can hear the faint sound of moaning coming from T.K.'s room -- he is still in the same one.
"Fuck me, T.K."
I can hear a bit of rustling and then louder moaning noises come from Kari and T.K. The bed creaks, the second loudest noise in the house compared to the sound coming from themselves. I look at Tai who has a bit of a disgusted look on his face. Sora and Mimi don't really look surprised at all, in fact, they seem to think it is normal by the expressions on their faces.
"Harder, T.K.!" Kari moans.
Finally, the creaking stops and the only sound is the panting from the both of them. After a few minutes, it sounds like they are getting up. After another few minutes, Tai nudges my arm and we go closer to the door.
Instead of them being naked, Kari is almost fully dressed -- if you could call it that! She wears a short, black leather skirt, just barely covering the bottom of her butt. The tube top she wears is also black, just barely covering the bottom of her breasts and goes so low down her neckline that she might as well be not wearing it at all. She also has a belly ring on her belly button that has little black beads on it. Her hair isn't light brown anymore. It's black with dark pink highlights in it. She doesn't wear it short and straight anymore, now there are longer strands and many short, spike strands that stick out everywhere will gel.
T.K. is wearing black, baggy jeans that go a bit below his waist, exposing a bit of his gray boxers. Not much of the boxers are shown though because he is wearing a loose, long, black t-shirt that says 'Fuck Me' on it. His hair is still blonde, but it seems duller now, maybe because of all the black he is wearing. He takes a look at himself in the mirror and I notice a silver stud on his tongue, a tongue piercing.
While T.K. is fixing the spikes in his hair, Kari lifts up his shirt and begins to lick his stomach, exposing two tattoos on T.K. One says 'Fuck Me' and the other says 'Kari is Mine'. Also exposed, is Kari's own tongue piercing. She has an identical piercing like T.K. on her tongue. She begins to lick lower and lower until she reaches T.K.'s belt to hold up his baggy jeans. She smiles slyly and begins to undo it.
"Kari, not right now," T.K. says, his voice somewhat sounding annoyed.
"What does it matter anyway, I'm only going to get knocked up again by you," Kari says slyly.
"Yeah well, whatever," T.K. mumbles, continuing to fix his hair. "I wonder if Mimi and Sora found those fuckers."
"Who cares? Those mother fuckers are hopefully dead or living whatever gay life they want. And I do mean that literally," Kari says, booting T.K. out of the mirror and beginning to put on black eye liner.
"I don't think Ma- he is gay."
"You almost said his name again," Kari says calmly, continuing to fix her eye liner.
"So what? You know I don't give a flying shit about him. Shut your mouth, Kari!" T.K. says, his voice rising.
"Touchy," Kari whispers.
"Got any?" T.K. asks suddenly.
"I swear, every time we talk about our brothers, you want to go smoke dope." She sighed, putting away her eye liner. "Yeah, I have some in my purse. This time, save some for me."
"I will," T.K. says, rolling his eyes and walking to Kari's black purse. After dumping out the contents in her purse, he says, "You don't have any."
"Oh, maybe it's by the front door."
"Kari, you know my mom will freak once she finds it," T.K. says, frowning.
"Well she's out of town right now, isn't she?" Kari points out.
"Yeah, but she is coming back tonight. Here, I'll go get us some," T.K. says, beginning to walk towards us.
"Go," I urge, pushing Tai, Mimi, and Sora back.
Unfortunately, we're too slow.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" T.K. asks.
We all turn around, but nobody speaks.
"I asked you a question, fucker. What the hell are you doing here?" T.K. demands, pushing back my shoulders.
I can't speak, I am too afraid to. I think the others are too.
"Oh fuck this!" T.K. shouts, punching me in the lip.
"T.K.!" Mimi exclaims.
Tai and Sora help me stand up. I hold a hand over my lip where it is bleeding. Kari stands in the doorway, her face full of shock. T.K. looks angrily at me, and then he walks away and pushes Kari back into his room. I hear a chain lock.
"Let's go get you some ice," Sora whispers, beginning to head for the kitchen.
Tai helps me to the living room and I sit on the couch, still holding my lip so I don't drip on the carpet. Sora hands me a towel with ice wrapped inside. She and Mimi begin to leave.
"Where are you going?" Tai asks.
"We're going to tell our parents that we are home. We told them we went sight seeing in Kyoto, saying that Yolei recommended it. You guys need to talk to your siblings alone," Mimi says as she and Sora quickly walk out of the house.

It's been over a half an hour. Neither Tai or I have moved or talked. I can't even hear T.K. or Kari, my mind wondering if they're still in there.
"Your lip okay?" Tai asks dully.
"It'll be fine."
"This is going to be hard. They are so different now…"
"I know. Look at the way they dress, act, talk," I comment.
"I guess we've all changed. Every single one of us. In a way, I think we've all changed for the worse," Tai whispers, his voice trailing a bit. His eyes show a bit of a clear, sparkly side, like he is on the break of tears, but won't let them fall.
"How so?" I ask.
"Well do I have to spell it out? They have definitely changed and so have we. I mean look at us. We don't even know if we are in love with each other. I can't stop thinking about it, either. I try to pretend as if it didn't happen, but it did, almost two times," Tai says, tears beginning to fall down his face, which he quickly wipes. "Things aren't okay. I don't know if they ever will be again."
"Tai, we made a mistake sleeping with each other. You said so yourself…"
"Yeah, but I have to do that. That's my job, to make sure everyone feels sure of themselves. That doesn't mean I always feel what I say is right. Do you think I believe that we should just forget about those days? No Matt, I can't forget that I slept with my best friend. And not only is he my best friend in the world, but my best guy friend. It makes everything tougher because I don't know if I want to be with you or Sora. I love you both, it's just that I don't know if my love with you is friendship or actual love," Tai explains, trying to hold back his tears.
I can tell it was really hard for him to tell me that. "Tai, whatever we do, I know it'll be right. I think right now the best thing to do is stay calm, remain best friends, and try to forget about that night," I whisper.
"So, you guys slept together?" T.K. asks dully, his face showing a bit of disgust.
"T.K.!" Tai and I exclaim at the same time, standing up. We both start to walk over to him, but he walks past us and sits lazily on the couch where I was just sitting.
"So, everyone was right. You guys left to be gay together. I guess Kari was right too," T.K. whispers, staring ahead of him.
"No T.K., that was just one of the many mistakes that Tai and I have made over these past couple of years," I say, taking a seat beside him. Tai sits on the other side of him.
"So, then why'd you leave?" T.K. asks coldly.
"I can't say," I say.
"Why not. You're a fucker. I hate you!" T.K. shouts, his fists clenched.
Before he can hit me again, Tai grabs his arm and says, "Don't T.K. We just want to help you and Kari. Where is she?"
"Masturbating. Yeah, you heard me. She does that when she was passed off. I would have screwed her again, but I thought I would come and see if I was not dreaming. Then I heard your entire talk, right from the beginning when you asked this fucker if his lip was okay," T.K. explains cruelly, wrenching his arm free of Tai.
Tai frowns and leans back on the couch.
"Say your sorry T.K.," I say angrily.
"What for? He wanted the truth, he gets the truth. I'm not saying sorry to your boyfriend," T.K. says.
"Tai is not my boyfriend. Mimi is my girlfriend now," I say, trying to keep my voice calm.
"Oh, so now my brother is bisexual. I don't give a flying shit about you, fucker. I don't care if you are with Tai or Mimi. What I want to know is why you decided to come back here. Why did you come back to this fucking miserable life?" T.K. asks angrily.
"I came back because I realized it was a mistake. I want to help you--"
"You can't help me! I don't need your fucking help! I'm fine without you or Tai or anyone else. All I need is Kari and my fucking drugs!" T.K. screams, standing up. "You hear me? I don't need you anymore."
"Yeah, but you needed me at one time and think you are lying. You need me now, too," I say.
"No I don't! I may have needed a brother when I was fifteen, sixteen, but I'm twenty years old now and am moving to an apartment with Kari next week because Mom doesn't want me fucking Kari in the house! Also, I will never need a brother because I don't have one!" T.K. screams, backing away.
"I'm your brother, T.K. Even though I haven't acted like one, I am still here as your brother. Don't shut me away!" I stand up, looking T.K. directly in the eye.
"You will never be my brother again, fucker!" T.K. yells, pushing me back down beside Tai.
"Call me by my name, T.K.," I say softly.
"No! I hate you and your name! I promised myself not to call you by that anymore and I keep my promises unlike some people!" T.K. yells obnoxiously.
"T.K., I want to be here now. I came back to start my old life here again. I don't want to be called Chad Omchi anymore. I don't want to pretend that I have no family anymore!" I cry out, burying my face in my hands.
"What are you talking about?" T.K. asks.
"Matt, let's tell him and Kari," Tai whispers.
"Should we?"
"Go get Kari," Tai says.
"You don't need to, I've been in here since T.K. began screaming," Kari says softly, walking in.
"Kari," Tai whispers, frowning at his sister.
"Don't look at me like that. I have just as much right to judge you like you are doing to me right now," Kari says angrily.
"Sit," I instruct.
Kari and T.K. take a seat together on the love seat across from the larger couch that we sit on. T.K. takes Kari's hand, and to mine and Tai's dismay, rests their hands on Kari's crouch. I think they did that on purpose.
"So fucker, begin," T.K. says.
"You go first," I whisper.
"No you tell what you did I and I will tell what I did," Tai says.
"We were going to a party outside of town. It was an usual night. Tai bought his usual porn magazine, but this time, he also had a gun and gloves with him. Anyway, we were heading to this party when all of the sudden there were two people on the street. Before I could stop, I hit... I hit Mary Summi. She died on the scene. I couldn't so anything, there was just so much blood and my head pounded…" I couldn't continue. It was as simple as that. Who could possibly tell their crime of killing someone?
"When I saw Matt freaking out, I began yelling at Ashley Macinti. She shoved my shoulders and my gun fell out of my pocket. It hit the car going down and shot a bullet into Ashley's head. Matt and I quickly got in the car and drove away, but as we were leaving, Mimi and Sora were watching us," Tai explains, his voice cracking every few minutes.
After a few minutes of silence, Kari begins to cry. She walks over to Tai, who holds out his arms, and collapses in her arms. "I'm so sorry," she whispers again and again.
I look up at T.K. who trembles. He walks over and hugs me sincerely. We stay like this for quite a while, not saying a word, but supporting each other this way.
"I wish I could have done something. I feel so guilty. I could have not been feeling so sorry for myself that I turn on drugs and sex for the answers. I hate myself," T.K. whispers, beginning to cry.
"Don't hate yourself, T.K. We have all made mistakes and now you know my biggest ones of all," I whisper, trying to comfort him.
"God Matt! Everyone thought you left because you were scared to admit to being gay when the truth is really that you were scared of someone finding out the truth," T.K. says, his voice cracking.
"That's why you and Kari have to keep your mouth shut. We could get thrown in jail for life by Ashley's father. That is why we left. That's why we moved to another town and changed our names," I whisper. "I regret every minute of it."

One Month Later

It's been a month now, and many changes have taken place. We decided to tell the Digidestined team everything we told T.K. and Kari that day so that we could clear up our name, but of course, we didn't tell about Tai and me. Tai and I even got up the guts to tell Mimi and Sora about our little 'romance' that happened. They were okay with it, a bit insecure for the first week after, Mimi wouldn't even sleep with me. T.K. and Kari went back to their old look although T.K. did keep the piercing to Mom's dismay. Though she and Dad were happy that I was home, and didn't even question my whereabouts, just glad that I was home and that T.K. went back to his old looks and personality. He regrets putting that tattoo that says 'Fuck Me', but doesn't mind the one that says 'Kari is Mine'. He and Kari are now in drug rehab. They go twice a week. They still bought an apartment together and T.K. told me that he and Kari are starting their relationship over again, and are going much slower than their last one. Now we are trying to get on with our lives even though the guilt is sometimes too unbearable, Mimi and my friends are there for Tai and I. We are so lucky.


I apologize for the crappy grammer. The sequel is actually much better, the point of view, layout, ect. So I can promise you that it will be better. besides, it has Taito... What more could anyone want? And lemon... so yum! Vote/review and I will post it quickly!