Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ One Person Does Make A Difference ❯ A New Member Of The Team ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4:

A New Member

Of The Team

Here is the next chapter to my story. I hope you enjoy reading it. As usual, I don't own digimon.

(Author's POV)...

Elsewhere in the digital world...

As Davis and Kari were off in their quest to reunite the DigiDestined, a certain digimon ruler was going to recieve some unpleasant news.

"Lord MaloMyotismon. Lord MaloMyotismon. I got some unpleasant news to report." said a frantic man. "What is it? And for your sake this better be important." replied a voice from the shadows. "W-Well s-sir, we just got a report that SkullMeramon's prison camp has been totally destroyed. and all the prisons have escape." "WHAT?! How did that happen?" "From what we could gather, it was a organized plan and it was all lead by one boy that we have let to identify." "What about the DigiDestined girl and her digimon that were placed there?" "I'm afraid sir that they to have escape and were able to retrieve her D3 and D-terminal as well as destroy the control spire in that sector." Send me SkullMeramon. He has some explaining to do." "That can't be done sir. The DigiDestined's digimon was able to destroy him before they escaped."

By the look on MaloMyotismon's face it was easy to tell he wasn't too pleased about this news. "Argh, find them. Tell all my minions that I want that DigiDestined, her digimon and this boy brought to me and I want them alive. I want to have the pleasure of killing them myself. Now go." The man quickly left the room and leaving MaloMyotismon to think how to torture these infidels.


(Davis' POV)...

It has been two days since we escaped from SkullMeramon's prison camp and we where now walking through a forest in the digital world. The reason we were doing this was because I heard a rumor that a town where some DigiDestined have been seen. To pass the time me and Kari would talk about basically anything we could think of. I would tell her about what happen to me since MaloMyotismon invaded and she would tell me about her adventures in the digital world, and the also about the other DigiDestined. I had thought about asking her what happen to her while she was in SkullMeramon's camp but decided against it. And as she was telling me about things of the DigiDestined their were something's I had to ask. "If you don't mind me asking Kari, you told me that everyone of the new DigiDestined except for Ken got a digi egg or digi eggs in some cases and who got which one. But you never told me who got the digi eggs of courage and friendship?" "No one got them. We never found either of them. Now on a different subject. Where is this place you are taking us?" "It's a small little town at the end of this forest. I came across it before I was captured and sent to a camp. It was so small you almost can consider it really as a village. In fact, it was so small that it didn't even have a control spire anywhere. Another reason why we are going there is because I heard that some of the Japan DigiDestined have been seen there."

We only had to walk a few more minutes until we were able to see a small in front of us. As we walked into the town we could already tell something wasn't right. It was too quite for this time of day, the streets were basically deserted of anyone and when we ever did see someone they would look at us with fear and then runaway. "What's wrong with everybody Davis? Why are they afraid of us?" "I don't know Kari. Last time I was here everyone was happy and carefree. So whatever did caused them to become so frighten had to be something terrible."

After walking around and getting the same reaction from everyone we started to hear the sounds of a struggle. Following the noise we saw three Gazimon surrounding a man who looked to be in his mid forties. "Please leave me alone. I haven't done anything to you." said the man. "Who said you ever did." snickered one of the Gazimon. All of them started to laugh at the man's misfortune and kept him from getting away.

Not being one to just stand back and watch someone getting unfairly attacked I looked around for something to use. I was able to find a board. I grabbed it and ran to help the man. The Gazimon saw me coming at them. But before they could do anything I nailed one of them in the back of the head and quickly nailed one of the other two in the stomach. Both of digimon fell to the ground and laid their motionless. Not taking my eyes off of the only digimon standing I stepped in between him and the man. "I would suggest that you leave and take your friends with you before you wined up like they did."

Seeing that he was by himself and I was prepared to fight, he quickly grabbed his fallen partners and dragged them away. "You'll pay for this boy. Just you wait. You haven't seen the last of us and that is a promise."

When I saw that they were gone I dropped the board and went to check on the man. "Are you alright sir?" Before the man respond Kari and Gatomon came over to us. "Are you alright Davis? What were you thinking of attacking those Gazimon with nothing more than a board?" "Relax Kari. I'm fine. Sorry for making you worry so much but you know me. I can just stand back when someone is being mistreated." "It's okay Davis. For right now lets check on the man to see if he is okay." Switching our attention to the man we saw that the man was about a foot taller than the both of us, had a small beard and had light brown hair with some patches of gray in it.

"Are you okay sir?" asked Kari. "Yes, I'm fine. Thanks to the both of you." "Actually sir, you should be thanking Davis. He was the one who saved you." "Come on Kari, your embarrassing me." "Did you just say that your name was Davis?" "Oh, yeah. My name is Davis. Do I know you or something?" "Maybe you don't remember me but I remember you. It's me Davis. Mitch." "Hearing the man's name I was to recognize the name with the face. "Mitch, it is you. Oh my gosh, it's been a long time hasn't it?" Me and Mitch started to exchange greetings when I saw that Kari and Gatomon were looking at us with confusion. "No offense Mitch but is their somewhere more private were we can talk?" "Sure Davis. You and your friends just follow me so we can talk. I know their is some questions you want answers to."

We followed Mitch through out the town until he lead us to his small little house. After we got ourselves comfortable we got down to business. "First off Davis. Who is this lovely lady? Is she your girlfriend?" "What!? Come on Mitch. Hear name is Kari. She is just a close friend that I known for a long time and nothing more." I stammered out with a hint of blush on my face and from the corner of my eye I thought I saw a slight blush on Kari's face as well but I shook it off thinking it was just my imagination. "Alright, alright. I bet you are wondering how me and Davis met each other don't you Kari?" asked Mitch. "I wouldn't mined hearing about it." "Well, it started about six months after MaloMyotismon attacked. Thankfully, since this was a small town we didn't suffer much. They didn't even bother to put one of those damn control spires up. As time went by we thought we could live in a somewhat of normal life. But that was until they arrived. Like vultures, they came into our town and ravage anything in their path. Most of them were Gazimon like the ones you saw earlier. When we thought it couldn't get anymore worse, they brought in their boss. Unlike the rest of the gang he was not a small rookie digimon. He was a champion level digimon by the name of WarMonzaemon. And to make matter worst, he had a human partner."

"Wait a minute. Are you telling me that he was a DigiDestined's digimon?" "Yes, they were a DigiDestined human and a digimon." I answered her question before Mitch could. "After MaloMyotismon took over, the first thing he did was go after the DigiDestined. With all his minions it didn't take very long for him to capture them all. After they were captured he would give them a choice. Either join him or suffer his wrath and from what I just told you it obvious that some took up on his offer." "So your telling me that their are DigiDestined that are working with MaloMyotismon?" "That is correct. Trying to find a DigiDestined that is not captured or working for him is harder than finding a needle in a haystack. In other words Kari you may be the only DigiDestined that is willing to fight MaloMyotismon. But enough about that for now. You may continue with your story Mitch."

"Thank you Davis. Now, where was I? Oh, not I remember. Are town was in the mercy of the digimon gang for two months. Then one day you arrived Davis. You came walking into town with nothing more than the clothes on your back. No one gave you any signs of recognizing that you were even there. So you wonder down the streets and you continue to do so until you saw someone in trouble. You saw my younger sister, Mary being attacked by two Gazimon. Even though you were out numbered you still went at them and attacked. With the element of surprise on your side you were able to get rid of them and save my sister. After that you were able to organize all the towns people together and lead them against the gang. Working all together we were able to drive them away. When it was over you stayed with us to help fix up the damage that was caused by them and when you saw that everything was going to be okay you just packed up some supplies, said your goodbyes and left."

"Man Davis, you really did all that?" "I was just doing what I thought was the right thing to do. When I saw that my job was done I left. That reminds me Mitch. Where is your sister Mary? It would be nice to catch up on old times." It was then that I notice that Mitch's facial expression change from a carefree to a look of sadness. "She isn't here." "Where is she then?" "The gang that those three Gazimon that you saw earlier took her to their hideout. Before you say or do anything Davis you have to know something first." "Alright then, spit it out." "Well, I was with her when they took her. They quickly got rid of me and then went after her. She try to escape. But they were able to get her. Then, before leaving with her, one of them came over to me and said 'if you ever see your friend Davis again, tell him that Trevor will be waiting for him.' And with that said grabbed Mary and left. That was a little over a week ago."

None of us say anything as we took what we heard in our own way. I could see that Kari and Gatomon were upset about it but I was furious. What they didn't know was that when I was here I became very close friends with both Mitch and Marcy. "Where is Trevor's hideout?" I know what you are thinking Davis and I would reconsider it." "Why should I?" "Because one, you would be out numbered and two, is that by now those three Gazimon that you let go have probably told Trevor what happen and it won't take him long to figure out that you are back. You better than anyone should know that he won't be unprepared. We have to think this through if we want to stop him."

Calming myself I started to think clearly and started to get up. "Your right Mitch. We have to think this through. But first, tell me where is Trevor's hideout at." Getting up as well, he came up and stood in front of me. "If you must know his hideout is by the edge of the mountains where the caves is at." "Thank you Mitch and I am sorry." "Sorry? Sorry for what?" "For this." After I said that I gave him a blow in the stomach. They were completely shocked by my sudden action. As I removed my first from Mitch's gut, he collapsed to the ground and was gasping for air. Kari and Gatomon went over to check on him. "Why did you do that Davis?" "I'm sorry Kari. I had to do it. Tell him that this is something I have to do on my own." I then got out of the house and headed towards where Mitch told me where Trevor's hideout was at.

(Kari's POV)...

I couldn't believe what I just saw. It appeared that Mitch was able to convince Davis to settle down and sit down so we could come up with a plan but was punch in the gut instead. Then when I was checking on him, he just leaves. It didn't take long for Mitch to recover from the shot. "That boy can sure hit." He looked around and saw only me and Gatomon were with him. "Let me guess. Davis has already left hasn't he?" "Yes he has. He told me to tell you that he was sorry for what he did and also that this was something he had to do on his own. What did he mean by that?" "I have a feeling that he would do something like this." "Their is more to this story than you told us isn't their?"

Not saying a word he went and took a seat. He gestured for me to sit with him and I did and sat in a near by chair with Gatomon standing by me. " To answer your question, yes, their is more to the story than I told you. First off, that boy, Trevor, he was the DigiDestined who was partners with WarMonzaemon that was attacking our town. But when Davis lead us against his gang he took on Trevor and after a tough battle Davis finally won. After winning the battle Trevor, his digimon and his entire gang fled but as Trevor was leaving, he looked right at Davis and told him that he may have beaten him now but he would someday comeback and get his revenge on him and the entire town. We didn't take the threat seriously but you can see that we should have."

"So are you telling me that as we speak Davis is going after this guy all by himself." It was the only thing I could think of saying. I mean, Davis couldn't be that crazy enough to do something like that. "I'm afraid so." I guess I was wrong. "You must know Kari that Davis will do anything to protect his friends from danger. Even if it means sacrificing himself in the process." "Quick, tell me where these caves are at before it's too late." I knew I had to act quickly. I had to get to Davis before it was too late for him.

(Davis' POV)...

It didn't take me long to arrive at the place I was looking for. Hiding myself from view I looked to see what I was up against. I saw that both of the caves were being well guarded. Luckily, most of the guards were just Gazimon and other rookie digimon. And knowing Trevor he would be in the bigger cave. As I hide to think of a plan I heard something moving in the bushes behind me. Thinking that it was one of the guards I prepared to defined myself. As I got ready to fight whatever came out of the bushes the two figures came walking out and came over to me.

Instead of two digimon guards coming out from the bushes it was Kari and Gatomon. "What are you doing here?" "What does it look like where doing? Where here to help you." "You shouldn't be here Kari. This is something I need to do on my own." "No you don't. You can't take the entire blame for Trevor coming back and taking Mary." "I see that Mitch told you the entire story." "Yes, he told me and Gatomon everything. And that is way where here. We are to here to help you." "Very well then. But before we do anything I suggest that you should get Gatomon to armor digivolve to Nefertimon since their is a control spire just a few feet away from the caves. I suspect that they put it up so that no digimon could digivolve and beat them." "That has to be the answer. But wouldn't the spire stop Trevor's digimon from doing the same?" "No it wouldn't. Just like Gatomon, his digimon has evolved enough to stay in it's champion form. That is why we have to hit them hard and fast. Then, during the confusion we rescue Mary and get the heck out of there. We can deal with deal with stopping Trevor and his gang later. Right now we got to get our plan in order."

When we got the final details straighten out we started to put our plan into action. Giving the go ahead, I signaled Kari to start her part of the plan. Grabbing her D-terminal she unlocked the digi egg of light which allowed Gatomon to armor digivolve to Nefertimon. When that was done Nefertimon flew out and started to attack and as planned the guards went after her but no matter how much they tried they couldn't hit her. While they continue to go after her, me and Kari snuck passed them and headed for the caves. "Which cave do you think Mary is being held in?" questioned Kari. "I have a feeling that she is in the top one because knowing Trevor like I do he would want to keep her close by and with his ego like it is he would be in the top cave." I answered. Then I looked over to see how Nefertimon was doing and I could see that the guards were getting closer at hitting her. "We better hurry up before we get caught." Then, as if on cue, me and Kari felt something poking us in the back. Turning my head I could see that the two Gazimon that I knocked out when we first arrived were now behind us and restraining us by shoving their claws into our backs. "Be smart by not trying anything funny and call off your digimon off."

Seeing that their wasn't anyway we could get out of this I told Kari to do what they said and she did so by telling Nefertimon to stand down which she did and then reverted back to Gatomon. Once that was done they lead us into the top cave. The two Gazimon continued to lead us further into the cave while the rest of them kept an eye on Gatomon so to make sure she wouldn't try anything.

They continued to lead us until we arrived at the end of the cave where stood a version of a throne with a man sitting on it and when he saw us he got up and walked over to us. As he was walking towards us I could see that he might have change a bit, but I could still recognize him no matter what. "It's been a long time hasn't it Davis?" "Hasn't been long enough if you ask me Trevor." I hissed out at him which he just responded with a sinister smirk. "I see that your still as head strong as ever." "I still see that your a power hungry madman." I got a punch squarely in the jaw for my comment which caused me to stagger down to one knee.

"Oh my, Davis. Are you alright?" asked Kari as she came over and knelt besides me. "I'm fine Kari." I said as I wiped off the trail of blood that was coming from the corner of my mouth. Getting back to my feet I decided to get down to business. "Enough of this crap Trevor. Tell me what have you done with Mary." "Why she is right here." He whispered to one of his goons to do something. He left and came back a few minuets later with a girl about my age, with long red hair that went pasted her shoulders, two black eyes and I had to say she a very shapely figure. But just like with Trevor, I easily recognize who she was.

When she made eye contract with me she as well was able to recognize me. Getting away from the grasp of her captive, she ran over towards me and hugged me. "Oh my god. It's really you. I can't believe your actually here." Shocked by her sudden action, I didn't do anything. I quickly recovered and returned her hug. "Don't need to worry Mary. Everything is going to be alright. I'll do everything in my ability to make it possibly." Moving her aside I marched myself to Trevor and stopped when I was face to face with him. "Oh, is Dais gonna try to stop me?" said Trevor as if it was a joke. I remain quite and retain my anger by clinging and unclinging my fist. "Is little getting upset? Come on. What are you going to do about it? Maybe I should just take care of your friends first."

That was the final straw. Not caring about what would happen to me I tackled him to the ground and landed some punches into his head. No sooner that I did that the Gazimon that was watching me jumped on top of me to stop me. With a solid punch I was able to knock him off and out. Before the other one could come and interfere, he was knocked out as well by Kari. I continue to punch down onto Trevor and it seemed I was on my way on finishing this until he was able to push me off of him and crawled a bit away from me. When he was far enough he yelled for something to come and help him. Suddenly, something came rumbling into the cave. It looked like a giant ragged old teddy hear. But I knew from past experience that he wasn't something to laugh at.

"Ah, WarMonzaemon. I'm glad your arrived. Now, I would be very thankful if you would take care of these three for me." demanded Trevor as he got back to his feet and got behind the digimon. "This is not good. This is definitely not good." was the only thing I could say as I saw the digimon preparing to coming at us and seeing that Gatomon was still being watch over by the other guards I knew that we were set for major trouble. "Kari, take Mary and get as far away as possible." "But what you Davis? What are you going to do?" asked Kari even though she had a sinking feeling about what I was planning on doing?" "I'm going to stay behind to give you the time you need to get Gatomon and get out of here." "Don't be crazy Davis. You must know that if you go through with this you are going to die." "Then so be it. As long as one of us makes it through this, then their will still be someone to stand up to MaloMyotismon. Now, get out of here."

Turning my attention back towards Trevor and WarMonzaemon I saw that they were prepared to attack. "What are you waiting for? Give my what you got." Granting my request Trevor gave WarMonzaemon the order to take care of me and doing as he was told he charged straight towards me. But I stood my ground and ignoring the pleas of Kari and Mary. Then, when WarMonzaemon was only a few inches of landing his claws into me, a giant light of red and orange came between us and stopping him in his tracks. Everyone that were seeing this could only stare at the lights as they shinned throughout the cave. Then the lights started to form into a shape. The light faded away and was replaced by a egg shape object with red and orange flame designs on and a huge spike sticking out of it.

It just hovered in the air then it slowly lowered it self towards me. Reluctantly I grabbed it and noticed a symbol under the spike. "Alright. Can someone please tell me what just happened?" "That's the digi egg of courage." answered Kari who was now behind me. "Are you telling me this is actually a digi egg?" Before she could say anything, a strange light came from behind the egg and in my right had. Moving my hand I saw that it was holding a digivice just like Kari's but instead of pink it was blue. Even before I could make a comment, a blue beam shot out of it and hit the ground in front of me. It took shape and formed into a little blue reptile with a white belly. It also had a small horn on it's nose and a small yellow V symbol on his forehead.

Needless to say I was completely freaked out by the whole thing. Calming myself down I looked back at the little creature and saw that it was looking at me strangely. Not knowing what he was going to do, I nervously looked waved at him. Then, out of nowhere he came running over to me and started to hug my legs. "Your here, your finally here. You found your digivice and the digi egg of courage." I was speechless at what I just heard. "Are you saying that these things are actually mine?" "Well of course they are. Their yours since your a DigiDestined." "Me?!? A DigiDestined? Are absolutely sure about that?" "Of course I am. Let me introduce myself. My name is Veemon. I'm your digimon partner." "My very own digimon? I'm not really sure about this." I couldn't help myself for having doubts about this. Then a conforting hand landed on my shoulder. Turning around I saw that it was from Kari. "Davis, I do believe what Veemon said about you being a DigiDestined is true. But you have to believe it yourself if you want to unlock the digi egg of courage." Hearing her words I felt my doubts slipping away. It was then that I noticed that WarMonzaemon was coming towards us again. Then as he was coming I held up the digi egg in front of me and not even thinking at all, I let the words come out of my mouth. "Digi armor energize."

A light of red and orange came out of the egg that covered the entire cave. Due to the brightness of the light all of us had to cover are eyes from it. As the light continued to shine, I could hear Veemon say, "Veemon...armor digivolve to..." but I couldn't hear what he digivolved into. When the light finally dimmed away, I saw that the digi egg was no longer in my hands and where Veemon once stood was now a bigger version of Veemon, with pieces of what seemed to look like armor on his feet, legs, his hands that hard three claws on the end of them and his head that had a large spike on the forehead. Looking more closely at the armor I saw that it had the same designs as the digi egg of courage had.

"Is that you Veemon?" The new digimon looked at me and gave me a little smirk. "Yes I am Davis. Well, actually, yes and no. I'm Flamedramon. I used the digi egg of courage to armor digivolve. Now why don't we save the rest of this conversation for later and get this over with?" Returning my focus on the task at hand, I prepared to fight. "I'm right behind you Flamedramon. You show that awful excuse for a teddy bear what your made of." I then started to inch over to Kari and Mary. "Kari, when Flamedramon starts fighting, you and Mary get Gatomon and get out of here as soon as possible." "And knowing you Dais, you are going to stay behind." "You know me too well Kari but your right. Flamedramon is going to need help in this fight. I can't just let him do this on his own. Do you understand what I am saying?" "In a way I do. Just try not to get hurt." "I can't promise you anything but I will try. Now, if you don't mind. I have to get to work. Go get him Flamedramon." Following my orders he charged at the digimon. WarMonzaemon quickly tried to take the lead by driving his big claw hand into him. But reacting quickly, Flamedramon moved out of the way and delivered a kick to his head. "Way to go Flamedramon. Keep it up. You better move it now Kari while they are distracted." "Alright Davis, were going. You better not do anything stupid." She grabbed Mary's hand and pulled her along as they left the cave. "Thank you Kari. Flamedramon, lets take this guy down." "Gotcha Davis." replied Flamedramon and then he returned to the fight.

The two digimon went at each other like two pitbulls. But despite that WarMonzaemon was bigger and stronger, Flamedramon was more faster than him as he used it to move out of harm's way and deliver a blow himself. As I was watching them I saw from the corner of my eye that Trevor was trying to escape. Moving quickly I ran at him and knock him down to the ground. "Where do you think your going? The fun has only just begun." "Please Daisuke, let me go." "Let you go? Are you kidding me? It was you who wanted this and now you want to leave? I don't think so." Before either of us could say anything we both saw that both Flamedramon and WarMonzaemon were involved in a struggle and that they were powering up for their main attacks. With both attacks colliding with one another it caused a huge explosion. The blast covered the entire cave with a blinding white light. As it was coming towards me I couldn't think of anyway to stop it.

(Kari's POV)...

Leaving Davis and Flamedramon to fight by themselves, me and the girl named Mary ran out of the cave. When we got out we saw that Gatomon was taking care of the last guard that was suppose to be watching her. "I see that you took care of your little problem." "Well, they weren't really that hard to beat. They all got distracted by a strange light coming from the cave. And speaking of the cave, their is some questions I want answered. First off, who the girl? What was that weird light? And what happen to Davis?" "Calm down Gatomon. To answer your questions you need me to get a word in. This girl right here is the person we came to get. Her name is Mary. The strange light that came from the cave, that showed up because Davis was able to find the digi egg of courage and receive his digimon." "He did" That's great but where is Davis right now?" "Well, after Davis got his digimon and digi egg he went into battle with Trevor and his WarMonzaemon. As they were fighting he told us to get out of the cave, get you and here we are. Now Gatomon, you better armor digivolve so we can go help Davis before something bad hap-" Before I could finish, a explosion of some sort came out from the cave.

Fearing the worst I was preparing to go back in but someone was holding me back. Turning to see who it was I saw that it was Mary. "What are you doing? Let me go. I have to go save Davis." I kept struggling to get out of her grip but despite what she looked like she was not too strong, she was able to keep her grip on me. "Don't do it. You'll just get yourself hurt as well." Tugging hard I was able to free myself. But instead of going into the cave that was letting out gigantic clods of smoke, I fell to me knees. "Why Davis, why? You said you would try not to get hurt." I didn't even notice Gatomon as she was trying to confort me. I just continued to let the tears come out.

*Why Davis? Why couldn't you get out with us when you had the chance? You can't be gone, you just can't. At least not before I could-* "Hey, what is that?" I looked up and saw that Gatomon was pointing towards the cave opening and saw that something was coming out. Looking more closely I saw that it was Flamedramon coming out. Getting back to my feet I ran over to him and as I was running I saw that he was worst for wear as his armor was slightly damage. "Flamedramon, your alive. But if your alive than what about Davis? Why isn't he here with you?" Before he could answer, someone answered for him. "Because he's right behind him." Looking around Flamedramon I saw something else coming from smoke.

Waiting for a few more seconds I saw that it was Davis limping towards us, with numerous cuts all over his body and holding his left as it was laying motionlessly at his side. "Your alive Davis. I'm so glad that your still alive. I thought you were dead." "Come on Kari. You know it takes a lot more than that to get rid of me." said Davis as he limped towards me and Flamedramon. When he got to us I noticed that his injured left arm had a huge gasp. "Oh my god Davis, your arm is hurt." "Don't worry about it. That's just a little nick. I'll be just fine." But no sooner that he saying that he fainting to the ground.