Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ One Person Does Make A Difference ❯ The Search Begins ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 6:

The Search Begins

HAPPY EASTER to my fellow fanfic writers and readers. Here is my Easter present to all my fellow readers. Especially Angel13. I appreciate you reviews to this story and my other ones. You know the drill. I don't own digimon.

It has been over a week since we left Jack and Mary and everything was doing okay. I had fully recovered from my injuries, me and Veemon became good friends. But me and Kari on the other hand weren't doing so well. She was still acting uneasily whenever I was by her or trying to talk to her. Seeing her act like this made me start to regret what I did that night. I just hoped that this won't cause any long term problems for us.

After two more days of walking we finally arrived to our desination. From our hidden location we saw that it was a huge building with armed guards on the roof and both human and digimon surrounding the entire building. And their was a control spire not that far from it. "Look at all those guards Davis. They are going to be hard to pass them." "No one said this was going to be easy Veemon. But if we all work together we will have a chance." "Your right Davis and no matter what happens I will be behind you through all of it." "Thanks Veemon, I really appreciate it. Okay now listen up you guys. I have a plan. I'm not one hundred percent sure this is going to work but seeing as that we don't have anything else we really don't have a choice." Seeing that they were all listening to me I went to explain my plan.

"Alright, first off we have Veemon and Gatomon armor digivolve. Second, me and Veemon will go out there and take care of the ground guards. Then, shortly after we go out, Kari and Nefertimon will go get the guards on top of the building. After we take care of all them we quickly enter the building, free the captured DigiDestined and get the hell out of here. Do you guys follow me on this?" Both Veemon and Gatomon gave me their nods of approval but Kari just stood there, not doing anything. Noticing that if she kept going on like this we would be in trouble. I put a hand on her shoulder which made her look at me. "Listen Kari. I know their is some tension between us since what happen that night. But we have to put that behind us if we want to pull this off. Do you understand what I am talking about?"

After not saying anything Kari finally answered. "I understand Davis. To make this plan successful we have to put that incident behind and work together. But as soon as this is over we are going to talk about it, alright?" "Sure Kari, we'll do that. But lets deal with out current problem." I reached into my pocket and pulled out my D-terminal. It was then I realized a problem. Which digi egg would I use? "Now here is a little dalemma. Should I use the digi egg of courage or friendship?" Just use the one that you think will help us more." Thinking about my choices I came to a decision. "Well, we saw what the digi egg of courage could do. So lets see what the digi egg of friendship can do. Digi armor energize."

Just like with the digi egg of courage, a blast of light came from my D-terminal and went into Veemon. He started to glow blue and started to change. He grew about two feet, went to all fours and like with Flamedramon armor, a set of armor appeared on his body but instead of a flame colored armor, it was black and a spike coming from the forehead of the head piece. "Veemon armor digivolve to...Raidramon: the Storm of Friendship." As the digivolution was finished in where Veemon once stood was now Raidramon. "So this what the digi egg of friendship does to you. Looks though enough to handle what we need to do." "Your right about that Davis. Now hop on we need to get moving." Causally I climbed on Raidramon's back. When I got settled I looked over to Kari who already had Gatomon armor digivolve to Nefertimon. "Remember Kari, start attacking shortly after me and Raidramon start attacking." "We understand. You just worry about doing your part." "Don't worry about that Kari. We will get these guards attention. Lets get moving Raidramon." Moving quickly Raidramon ran out from our hiding area and towards the guards.

The guards noticed us coming but we were the first ones to strike. Raidramon first bolts of lighting at the guards to knock them out and using his incredible speed he was able to keep us from getting hit. As we were fighting, Kari who was on top of Nefertimon flew towards the guards on the roof top. Since they were so occupied with me that they were not ready to stop her as she and Nefertimon took out the guards one by one.

Not giving them any chance to regroup, we were able to quickly deal with the guards and thus we were the only ones standing. "It looks like we took care of everyone out here. Lets hurry inside, get the DigiDestined and get out of here." I was about to go in the building until Kari stopped me. "Wait Davis. Do you even know where they are being held? We just can't rush head log in there without being prepared." Before I could say anything I noticed that one of the guards was starting to come to. Coming up with a solution to our problem. I went over toe the guard and grabbed him by the colar of his shirt. "Now listen and listen good because I am only going to say this once. Where are the DigiDestined being held?" "I'm not going to tell you anything you lousy punk. Their is nothing you can do that will make me say anything." "Oh I wouldn't be to sure about that if I were you. You see my two friends, they can become really upset if they have to deal with annoying people. So if I were you I would tell me what I want to know." The guard was about to protest until he saw Raidramon and Nefertimon behind me. Seeing that he was out numbered and out muscled he decided to give in. "Alright I will tell you. They are being held in the prision block on the third floor. I told you what you wanted to know, now let me go." "Why thank you. We appreciate your assistance. To thank you I am going to give you something and here it is." I then gave hima solid punch to his face which knocked him out. Letting him fall to the groundI got up and turned around to face Raidramon, Nefertimon and Kari.

"Okay you guys, we know where to go to. Now here what we should do, Raidramon, you take out the control spire and while you do that the rest of us will go inthe building and get them out of here. When you are finish join us, do you understand?" "I understand. Now hurry up and get them out before anyone shows up." "Don't worry about it. If everything goes along smothly we should be in and out shortly. It also shouldn't take you that long to take down the spire and join us. Lets stop wasting time and get to work." While Raidramon left to care of the control we headed into the building.

Getting into the building wasn't that hard since I figured that most of the guards must have been outside. We easily got past the first floor and Raidramon caught up to us on the second floor which did have some defnce but they were quickly dalt with. When we got to the third floor we carefully walked down the hall until we peaked around the corner and saw two armed guards in fron of a steel door. Knowing that going straight at them wouldn't be that wise, we had to come up with another way. "Guys we need an idea here. If me, Raidramon or Nefertimon even come close they will open fire. Only if we had some way to distract them. Or someone." Glancing at Kari I got an idea. I just hope she would do it.

"I just might have a plan you guys but may you may not like it. Kari, can walk up to them and how do you sya, use her womanly ways to make them follow her to here. Then when they get over here we knock them out, take the keys for the prision cells, get the guys out and then we all get the hell out of here." All of them looked at me if I was nuts. "Are you kdding Davis? You can't be serious about Kari doing that." questioned Nefertimon. "Just calm down. I was just suggesting it. Kari doesn't have to do it if she doesn't want to." Before me or Nefertimon could continue arguing Kari intervined. "That is enough you two. Their is no need for fighting. I'll do it." 'Wait a minute Kari. You don't have to do it because I suggested it. We can come up with a different idea." "No Davis. As you said, if either you, Raidramon or Nefertimon come close to that door they will open fire. I might be the only one to get close to them. Besides, with my looks they couldn't possible resist me." "Oh brother, don't get too cocky Kari. You still have to make them come over here." "Do I hear a bit of doubt in your voice Davis? You think I can't do it don't you?" "No, that's not it. You misunderstood me." "Oh was I? I don't believe you. I'll show you that I can do it, you just watch." Without another work Kari walked off and headed towards the guards.

(Kari's POV)...

*How dare Davis think I can't carm these guards. Well, I will show him how flirtatious I can be.* Walking over to the guards I put my most innocent looking expression on my face and went over to them. "Why hello hoys. What might you be doing?" I asked innocently. "Halt. Who are you and what are you doing here?" demanded one of the guards. "Who, me? I'm just a young woman trying to have some fun. Maybe you two can help me with that. Would do you say?" "Augh. Go away woman, before I-" "Hold up man." Interrupted the other guard. "Maybe we can help her find some fun." "What are you talking about?" "Come on man. It has been a long time since either of us seen a women like her. So what do you say we have some fun with her?"

I didn't like the sound of that and what kind of 'fun' that they had in store? "Well, if you guys want me come and get me." I seductively replied. Giving them a wink I started to walk away from them and as I figured they followed me. I slowly then turned into the corner where the others were at. Not thinking that anything about it, they followed me and were meet with a surprise. No sooner after they turned the corner they were knocked down and out by Raidramon and Nefertimon. "The plan work. You r plan actually worked Davis." Instead of giving me a comment he just went to the fallen guards and search them until he found the prision cell keys.

"Alright you guys, we got what we needed. Lets get moving. I suspect that the guards we knocked out earlier are going to wake up soon." "Ah, pardon me Davis. Don't you have something to say to me?" "Like what?" "What do you mean what? Aren't you going to thank me for going out there and getting them over here so you could get them?" "Oh right. Thanks." *Thanks!? Is that all he has to say?* I couldn't believe what I heard. Before I could say another word Davis was again walking to the prision cell chamber door. *When I think I knew everything their is to know about you Davis, you show me something new. When will the true Davis be shown?* Pushing that thought back I went to catchup with Davis and the others.

(Davis' POV)...

I knew I was acting a bit mean to Kari but I couldn't help myself. Seeing her so willing to go along with my plan and how flirtateous with the guards it somewhat struck a nerve in me. I don't know the reason for it but it didn't settle too well with me. Pushing that thought aside we went to the door that leads to the cells where presumably the DigiDestined were being held.

Not wasting anymore time I unlocked the door and we walked in. The prision chamber was what I expected it to be. It was basically a huge room covered in solid steel walls with the only light source was coming from the ceiling lights and their were ten or fifthteen prision cells that had to be at least one foot thick of steel with a large lock on it.

Looking at all the doors, a guestion came to my mind. Which door do we start with? Glancing at each door I got a feeling about the door that was on my right. I quietly walk to the door and put my ear to it. From the other side I heard some sounds of movement followed by silence. "Is anyone in there?" My only answer was silence. "Well, if their is someone in there back away from the door." Grabbing the key I needed I put it intothe lock and unlicked it. Once I removed the lock I grabbed the door handle and prepared to open it.

While the otehrs were still be the door way I open the door. Before I could even fully open the door I was tackled to the ground by two people. Being caught by surprise I wasn't able to counter or push them away. "Hey, let me go. You better or you'll regret." I tried to fight back but they maintin their grip on me. "No way. Were going to take this chance and escape." said the taller man of the two.

"Hey you two, leave Davis alone or you'll have to deal with us." cried Kari as she and the digimon came running to my aid and stood right in front of us. When the two people saw Kari they stood there in complete shock. It looked as if they were seeing a ghost. "Kari? Is that really you?" came a voice from within the open cell but it sounded more feminine. "Yeah, my name is Kari. Who wants to know?" Instead of saying anything, the person walked out of the cell. The person was indeed a girl, a few years older than me and Kari, as well as taller. She was wearing a worn out t-shirt and blue jeans. She had light red hair that reached her shoulders and two red eyes. Looking at her I didn't have a clue who she was. But looking at the expression on Kari's face it lookedas if she saw a ghost. "Sora?"

All of us stood there in silence, waiting to see what was going to happen. Then, without any warning, they ran to each other and hugged one another.

"It is you Sora. I can't believe your actually here." "I'm glad to see you to Kari." Both girls released each other and looked at one another. "My, my, look at you. I can't believe that you are the same Kari that I use to give piggy back rides to when you were younger. You sure have grown up Kari." "I can say the same thing about you Sora. Is it just the three of you here?" "Nope. Their is one other person here that you will remember." Motioning for the person from in the cell to come out they slowly came out of the cell and was revealed to be another girl who was the same height as Sora and like Sora she was a wearing out t-shirt and jeans but instead of red hair, she had brown hair that went passed her shoulders and brown eyes.

As with Sora, when she first appeared I didn't have a clue who she was but looking at Kari's I could tell that she knew exactly who she was. And as before, Kari and the new girl embraced each other in a big hug. "Your here to Mimo? I can't believe that your here to." "Believe it Kari. All four of us are here and were so relieved that your alive and here with us." "So am I Mimi. You don't know how much it means to me that you guys are alive."

It was about that time that I was getting fed up of being held down. "Hey, what about me? Would you be so kind as to let go of me?" Finally remembering me they turned their attentionto me. "Who are you?" asked Sora. "Do you know him Kari?" "Yes, I do. His name is Davis and he is the reason I'm here. If it wasn't for him me and Gatomon would still be in SkullMeramon's prision camp." Seeing that I wasn't any kind of threat to them they let go of me and allowed me to get back to my feet. "Sorry about tackling you to the ground. We just desperit to escape and seeing you opening the door, we had to take it." said the taller boy. "It's alright. If I was in your position I would have taken the chance as well." "Wait a minute everyone, what kind of digimon is that?" asked Mimi as she was pointing over to Raidramon who was standing beside Nefertimon. "Oh that's just Raidramon, the digi armor form of Veemon. He's my digimon partner." Everyone but Kari gasped in disbelief by what I said. "What do you mean your partner? The only humans that should have digimon partners are DigiDestined. How did you get a digimon?" "Maybe it is because I am a DigiDestined just like you guys." I answered as I showed them my D3 and that was enough proof for them to believe me. Seeing that we were wasting time by just standing there I figured that we better move it.

"Sorry to interrupt this little reunion and all but we better get moving. The guards that me and Kari took care of eariler must be coming to and they have to be very angry. So lets just get your digimon, D3 and D-terminals then get the hell out of here? Do you guys know where they could be?" "The best we could figure is that they are two floors above us and are being well guarded." "Well guarded huh? Oh well, no one said this was going to be easy. Let's get a move on before anything else happens." Not getting arguements from them we got moving.

We meet more resistance in the next two floors but luckily the digimon were able to deal with it. After getting through the last bit of resistance we entered the last room in the hall and when we entered we saw a bunch of computers and other electrical equipment and right there, in the far end of the room, in a little room built into the wall were the four digimon being held in. It was just a hole in the wall with no door of any kind. Stopping Kari and the others from running to the digimon I looked around the room until I saw a pile of steel pipes. I grabbed one of them and threw it at the digimon and as I suspected the pipe hit an invincible field and hit the ground, all melted together into a chunk of steel. "Just as I thought. An invincible force field of electricity and by what happen to that pipe it has to be strong. If we can just stop the electricity from going through we will be able to get them out." "Impressive." said the blue haired boy who tackled me earlier. "Not really. It was kind of obvious if you looked closely at it. But like I said before, we have to stop the flow of power to the force field." "And how do you supose we do that?"

Thinking about if for a few seconds until I got an idea. I went back to the pile of pipes and grabbed the largest one I could find. I walked back to where the computers were at with the pipe in hand. Looking from the pipe to the computer then back to the pipe. Ignoring the questions fromthe others, I started to smash the computer with the pipe. I continued to smash the computer until it started to smoke and let out some sparks. When I was done beating the crap out of the computer I cautiously poke the pipe where the force field was at. But instead of getting any kind of shock it just went right through without any trouble. "Well, it seems that I have dealt with our little force field problem." "Did you really have to do that Davis?" asked Kari. "It was the only solution I could come up with. Besides, I didn't hear anyone else come up with anything. But lets get to the matter at hand." Turning my attention away from Kari I turned it to the four digimon, that I presumed were rookies, that we just set free.

"Do any of you know where the D3s and D-terminals are being kept at?" None of them said anything which I presumed was because they were wondering weather or not they could trust me. After getting nods from their partners they decided to tell me. "They locked them up in that safe over there." answered the digimon that resembled a worm as he pointed over to the wall that was to the right of us.. Getting a closer lookat the safe I could tell that it had to be at least five inches thick with a huge lock on it. Seeing that we didn't have anything around that we could use to open the safe I started to come with a idea until I noticed Raidramon. "Hey Raidramon. Would you be so kind."

Knowing what I was asking he fired a small thunder bolt at the safe. After only a few seconds of firing his Blue Thunder attack the safe was completely melted through leaving a hole big enough that I could easily stick my hand in. Searching around in the safe for a while I was able to grab something. Pulling it out it was revealed to be a pouch that was similar to the one that had Kari's D3 but only bigger. Opening it up I saw that it contained four D-terminals and two D3s that looked like mine except that one was black and the other was sandy yellow instead of blue. But instead of seeing two more D3s, their were two smaller variations of digivices.

Deciding to think about tha tlater I went back to the other who were now reuniting with the rescued digimon. "Okay everybody. Since were all together I think you will want these back." Sticking my hands out to show them the retrieved items and after seeing what I was holding they grabbed them. Once tyey were all given out I saw that the two D3s belong to the two boys who tackled me a while ago and that the two girls that were known as Sora and Mimi owned the different digivices. "Now that we got what we were looking for, what do you say we get out of here?" Not saying anything we all left the room and started to go down the stairs. We kept going down the stairs until we saw the guards that Kari and me dealt with earlier were awake and coming right for us.

Let out a silent curse I turned around and went back up the stairs. Following my lead the others followed me up the stairs. We were about to go up the stairs to go to the roof until we saw the guards that Kari and Nefertimon dealt with were coming down the stairs as well. Seeing that both of our escape routes were block we had no choice but to run back to the room that we just left. Soon as we were all inside we locked the door and baracated it as best as we could. "Does anyone have any ideas how to get out of here?" asked Mimi. "I don't know but we better think of something quick." I commented as I saw that the guards were now attempting to breakthe door down.

"Why don't we break one of the walls down and fly out of here?" suggested Kari. "But I thought that Nefertimon couldn't fly with more than two people on her back. How do you suppose she can fly with all of us on her?" 'Who said that it would be just Nefertimon doing the flying?" "What in the world are you talking ahout Kari?" "I'm saying that Nefertimon isn't the only flying digimon we have in our disposal." Finally getting what she was saying I looked over to the four digimon. "I presume you are talking that these digimon can digivolve to something that can fly." "Acutally, only two of them can but that's will be enough."

Turning her attention away form me she looked over to the otehrs. "You two know what to do." Understanding what Kari wanted both Sora and the dark blue hair boy held up their digivices and pointed towards their digimon. As with us, both of their digivices started to emit a light and just like with Veemon and Gatomon their two digimon started to be engulfed by a white light as they started to digivolve.

"Biyomon digivolve to..." 'Wormon digivolve to..." The light grew brighter as they started to change shape and growing. When the light finally disappeared I saw that where the two small digimon once stood their was now two huge digimon. One a giant size bird with orange wings and the other was smaller but by his appearance he was no weaking. He looked like half man and half insect with huge wings. "Let me introduce you to Birdramon and Stingmon. The champion forms of Biyomon and Wormon. They will help us with out flying problem." Seeing my look of confusion she saw that I didn't understand what she was getting at, so she continued to explain. "They each can carry two of us out of here and take us far away from here." "Oh, I understand. Now, lets get a move on it before it's too late." I replied as I motioned to the door that looked like it could come down at any moment. "Okay everyone, get on a digimon and lets get out of here."

Not wasting any more time we each got on one of the three digimon, with to on each one. Both of the girls went on Birdramon and the two boys were going to be carried by Stingmon and since Raidramon wasn't a flying digimon I made him dedigivolve back to Veemon and we both, along with Kari, climbed on top of Nefertimon. "Alright, now that everyone is ready, lets get moving." said Kari. "If you would be so kind Nefertimon." Knowing what she was asking, Nefertimon shot a small laser beam to one of the walls which easily destroyed it and leaving a huge hole init. Birdramon was the fist one to go through the opening and was shortly follwoed by Stingmon. After making sure that both of them were safely outof harm's way Kari told Nefertimon to get moving. Doing what she was told to do, she took off intothe air a second before the guards were finally able to break the door down. But they could just watch as we were flying away from them.


(Author's POV)...

Back at MaloMyotismon's castle, MaloMyotismon was going over some plans when someone came into his chamber. "My lord MaloMyotismon. I have some news to report to you." "Are you here to tell me that you have finally captured that DigiDestined girl and her digimon?" "Not really my lord." "What do you mean? How hard is it to capture one girl and her digimon pet?" "W-Well that is t-the p-pr-problem. We just got a report that one of the prisions that were holding four of the other captured DigiDestined was broken into. They were able to destroy the control spire in that area, retrieve their digivices and D-terminals, and they escape with their digmon before they could be captured."

"WHAT?!?" hollered MaloMyotismon. 'How could a person with only one digimon be able to tak edown all the guards down and escape with the otehr digi pest without being captured?" "But it wasn't just her and her digimon. She had help from another DigiDestined." said the man hastily, afraid what his lord's reaction would be. "Another DigiDestined? How is that possible? As I remember is that all of the DigiDestined and their digimon were captured and put into camps. So how is it possible that their is another DigiDestined with her?" "By a stroke of luck we were able to get some video from the prision they attack."

Pointing to a nearby monitor he turned it on to a video were Davis and Kari attacking some of the guards. It continued to play until it was paused on a close up of Davis and Raidramon. "This my lord is the other DigiDestined. He has been confirmed to be Davis Motomiya of Odiaha Japan. Even though his digimon has let to be identified we have confirmed that he is a armor digimon like the Kamiya girl's digimon. It's also has been confirmed that he was the leader of the prision escape from SkullMeramon's camp."

Turning off the monitor the man turned around to face his lord. "What are you going to do about this my lord? Their is now six DigiDestined to deal with. How do you suppose we take care of them?" "What do we do?" said MaloMyotismon in a evil voice. "I want you and all my minions to search for them. Don't leave a stone unturn until they are found. Now, get out and don't comeback until you have found them." "Y-Yes my lord." The man quickly left the chamber. After the man left MaloMyotismon turned the monitor on and replay the tape. "It seems that the game has been restarted and we have new players. But this time, were going to play for keeps."

How do you like how the story is going? Review and give me your comments. I should have the next chapter by the end of Sunday. Until then, see ya. Remember, if you want to know when I put up a new chapter and/or story up, email me your email address and I will put you in my mailing list. And if you do email me, put your opinion's are to my writing and my stories.