Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ One Person Does Make A Difference ❯ Breakout ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8:


Hello everyone. I'm back. Sorry for updating for a while, I was just so busy with school projects. As you already know, I don't own digimon what so ever.

Before you read my story I would like to announce that for this chapter and the next two after this one I will recommend two authors and a few of their stories that you should take a look at. I will put this information at the end of each chapter. Now, on with the fic.

Week and a half later...

"Are you sure that this is going to work?" I asked. "Well, if you have a better idea I would like to hear it." asked Ken. "Not really." "Lets just follow Ken's plan. It is the best plan we could come up with." said Sora. "I'm just saying that this is a very dangerous plan that we are doing." And indeed it was dangerous. After taking information from some of MaloMyostimon's soldiers that were sent after us, we were able to find out where four of the other DigiDestined were being held. But getting in was the problem.

The place that they were being held in was a heavily fortified and heavily guarded with at least two control pires close by. Hence the problem. How would we be able to get inside without being notice or captured? Luckily we found out that once a week a truch would come to the base to deliver food, ammo and other supplies. With that bit of information Ken was able to come up with a plan to sneak in. The plan was that we sneak into the back of the truck and hid from sight until we were in. Then, after we were in we would sneak around until we found the other DigiDestined.

But unlike last time, we wouldn't all go in. We would spilt into two teams of three. One one team was me, Ken and Sora and our job was to get into the base and free the DigiDestined that were in there. On the other team was Kari, Mimi and Cody and like we did, they had a job to do. Once they got our signal that we were safely inside they would start attacking so it would distract the guards and giving us a better opportunity to get our job done.

And that brings us to the present, as my group was now going into the base. None of us said anything as we were all now starting to fee the uneasiness about what was ahead of us. "I don't know what it is you guys but I have this feeling that something isn't right about this." "Come one Davis. This is the best plan that we have. You are just being paranoid." "I guess your right Sora." But deep down inside I still had that same feeling that this wasn't going to be as easy as Sora tried to make it sound.

We didn't say anything else as we felt the truck come to a complete stop which meant that we were now in front of the base. After keeping quite for a minute we felt the truck moving again which meant that we were actually in the base. Taking apeak outside of the truck we saw that the coast was clear we got out of the truch and ran to a secluded area. "So far everything is going according to plan. We just now have to find were they are keeping the DigiDestined." "Maybe we should try over there." said Ken pointing over to a nearby building that had two armed guards in front of a huga metal door and on top of the door in bold letters it said, 'PRISION'S HOLDING CELLS.' "Ha, ha. I guess that is a good place as any to start." I said in a bit of embarrassment. "All we now have to figure out is to find a way to distract them. Anyone got an ideas?" "I might have an idea." 'What kind of idea do you have in mind Sora?" "You just stand back and watch. Just get ready to attack when I say so."

Not saying anymore, Sora left us, including her digimon and headed towards the guards. Seeing a version of what Sora was going to do I had a pretty good idea what she was about to do and I could only hope she knew what she was doing. She went over to the guards and said something but we were too far to hear what she said. As she continued to talk she started motioning for them to follow her which would give us the opportunity we needed. Soon as they past by us our digimon attacked them and knocked them out and dragged their bodies out of anyone's sight. Grabbing the cell keys I turned to Sora and Ken. "It looks like we got what we needed. So lets get moving before we get caught." "Wait a minute Davis. Shouldn't we email Kari and the others to start their distraction?" "Kens right. With them distracting the guards it will make it easier for us tog et our job done." "Fine, whatever. Just let me email them so we can get back to our job." Pulling out my D-terminal, I entered the message then I put it back into my pocket. "I've sent the message. We should probably wait until they start." Agreeing with my suggestion we sat down in a secluded area and wait for our opening.

(Kari's POV)...

From our hidden area we could see that the truch that had Davis, Sora and Ken in it was now entering the base and we just stayed back as we would wait for their signal to start our distraction. "So what do we do now?" asked Cody. "I don't know. We just have to wait until we get a message from Davis." "Speaking of Davis, what is it between you and him Kari?" questioned Mimi who was sitting besides me and Gatomon.

"What are you talking about Mimi?" "You know damn well what I am talking about Kari. I've seen how you two act towards one another." "I still don't know what your getting at." "I'm talking about how you are always talking to one another and agreeing when he comes up with a plan or idea." "So what? Me and him are friends." "Then what do you call that moment when you supported him when he was having trouble in telling us what happend in his past?" "I was just helping him in dealing with the difficulty he was having to talk about what happened to his parents and sister. The reason I did it was because he needed it and I know that he would have done the same for me." "Did you just do it as a friend or something more?" "I did it because I, uh...because um...I am not really sure." I finally admitted. "I will admit that I might like Davis a bit more than just a friend. But I doubt that he thinks of me as anything more than a friend." For some reason when I said that I felt a little upset that it might be true.

As if sensing what I was thinking, Mimi put a comfronting hand on my shoulder. "You won't know for certain until you tell him what you feel and ask him what he feels about you." "I don't know how I would be able to do that." "Kari, I want you to answer me truthfully. How do you truly feel about Davis?" That was a question I have asked myself over and over again ever since me and him shared that kiss. All I knew for sure was that I never felt for anyone like I felt for Davis. Just before I could say a word, my D-terminal went off. Taking it out I open it up and saw that it was an email from the others which said:


We have safely made it into the base and we have found where they are keeping the others. You guys should start doing your part. We will do our best to join you as soon as possible. Good Luck.


I turned to Mimi and Cody. "That was Davis telling us to start our part of the plan. So this is how we should do it. Me and Cody armor digivolve our digimon and each of us take down one of the control spires. No offense Mimi but with those spires up Palamon wouldn't be that much help to us." "I understand. We would just get in teh way if we went with you guys. So we will stay here and wait until the spires are down so we can help you." "Alright then. Cody, you know what to do." "You got it Kari." Opening our D-terminals we got out our digi eggs. "Digi armor energize." we both yelled out which activated the digi eggs.

"Gatomon, armor digivolve to..." "Aradillomon, armor digivolve to..." "Nefertymon, the angel of light." "Digmon, the drill of knowledge." Climbing on our armor digimon we headed out and started are attack which we hoped that it would give Davis and the others the time that they needed.

(Davis' POV)...

We could now hear the battle between Kari and Cody against the guards. I knew that they had to be out numbered by a large amount but I had a feeling that they would be able to hold out long enough until we were able to do our part. Waiting a minute to make sure that they were preoccupied with the others outside, we quickly headed towards the pisioner's holding cells. We easily unlocked the door and were now walking down the hallway that lead to the cells.

Luckily for us that the hallway only lead one way and we shortly arrived to the cell block. Once we got there we saw that only two of the cells were being used. In one cell their was a group of four kids and in the other held four digimon that I never saw before. But instead of regular cells, they were in the same kind of electric force field that held the other digimon in the last base that we had attacked. It didn't take very long for one of the human prisioners to notic us.

"Hey, who are you?" asked one the guys. I ignored his question and concentrated on figuring out how we were going to get those guys out. It was then that I spotted a computer that was very similar to the one that was in the previous base. "Hey Ken. Do you think you can use that computer to get them out?" "Give me a minute and you'll have your answer." he answered as he went to work on the computer. As he was doing that I went toe the prisioners to ask them a important question. "Do you guys know were your digivices and D-terminals are being kept?" "Now just wait one damn minute." yeled the girl with glasses and long purple hair. "We don't even know who you are and you just come along and ask us a question like that? Who do you think you are?" "I think I am one of the people that came here to get you out of here. So if you would be so kind and tell me what I want to know."

When she finally saw what I was getting at she pointed to the nearby wall. Going over to where she pointed I found a glass casing that had to be at least three inches thick and inside the case were two D3s, two older style digivices and four D-terminals. Seeing that their wasn't any locks or laches to open and their wasn't anything that I could use to break it. That only left me with one atternative. Bracing myself I lifted my right arm up and I quickly drove the point of my elbow into the case which caused it to scatter into pieces.

Ignoring the sever pain that was going through my entire arm I grabbed all eight items. I then went over to Ken who was still working on the computer. "Haven't you finish getting them out yet?" "As of matter of fact..." Pressing a few more buttons both force fields went down. "Yes." "Show off." I could see that the now freed prisioners were still skeptical of us. "Don't worry. We aren't going to hurt you."

Despite that they were still questioning me they slowly started to come out of the cells and come over to me. "I do believe that these belong to you." Sticking my hands out I presented them their digivices and D-terminals. Not asking any questions they grabbed their respective digivices and D-terminals. Once they were all given out I saw that the purple hair girl and the boy that had to be my age had the same kind of D3s that I had. But instead of blue she had a red one and the other had a green one.

"Now that we got that out of the way, why don't we get out of here?" Not arguing one bit they grabbed their digimon partner and followed me and Ken down the hallway and to the door. Too bad for us, since we saw Sora and Biyomon coming are way. "Sora, what are you doing over here? We have to get out of here before we get noticed." "That why I came over here. I don't know how they found out but some of the guards are trying to break in. Fortunately, Biyomon was able to stall them long enough to give us the time we need to get of here.

It was around that time that the others finally realized who was with me. "Sora?!? Ken?!? Oh my god. How did you guys get here?" asked the boy. "Well, it's a long story." said Sora. Knowing that their wasn't really anytime for this I decided to but in. "Excuse me but we should deal with getting the hell out of here. So if anyone has any idea as to how we escape I would like to hear them." "Their is those stairs that lead to the roof. We could escape from there." said one of them. "That will have to do. Lets get moving. You lead the way."

Following them we went back to the cells but we quickly went to a nearby doorway that revealed a flight of stairs that lead to the roof. Going up the stairs we got to the roof. Thankfully their wasn't anyone up there except for us. Unfortunately, their wasn't anyway down fromt he roof except for the way we came up. "Okay. Were up here, does anyone know how we get out of here?" asked Sora. "We could try to fly out of here. But with that still up it might be a problem." I exclaimed as I pointed over to the one control spire that was still up. "That shouldn't be a problem." said the boy who was my age. "Me and Yolei just armor digivolve our digimon and we can fly out of here." "That's a good idea. But how many people can they carry at once?" "About two or three people. It depends on who the people are." "Alright then. You guys decide who goes with who and you better do it now before the guards get up here."

Doing as I ask, they looked at their respective digimon. "Digi armor energize." As with Veemon and Gatomon, the two digimon were engulfed in light. "Patamon, armor digivolve to....Pegasusmon, flying hope." "Hawkmon, armor digivolve to....Halsemon, the wings of love." Where the two little digimon once stood, were now two huge four legged winged digimon. The digimon that was identified as Pegasusmon looked like a armored horse and the one known as Halsemon looked like a griffon with a helmet that had blades on the side of it's head.

"Now what do we do Davis?" asked Ken. "It's simple. These two digimon will fly us to the ground two by two. Then, when we are all on the ground we regroup with the others and get out of here." Slowly but surely everyone has being flown down to a abandon area outside the base. We repeated this over and over until only me and the partners of the flying digimon were left. "Those were the last two. Lets get on and go." They got on their respective digimon and I was about to get on as well until four digimon guards that had to be at the champion level busted through hte roof and were now in front of us.

"Stop. Surrender now and tell us where the overs are at." Realizing that we were outmatched I could only come to only one solution. "Do you actually believe we are going to tell you anything?" I exclaimed while I took a step towards them. "I don't think so." "What are you doing Davis?" yelled the girl known as Yolei. "Lets just get out. We can get out of here before they can get us." "Your wrong. They will take us out as soon as we take off. That is why I will do my best in holding them back while you guys go back to the others." "Are you crazy? Their are four champion level digimon. Their is no way you can handle all of them by yourself. Let us help you." "I don't think so. It wouldn't do us any good if all three of us go down. If anyone has to go down it should be me." "But-" "But nothing. Now get out of here and get back to the others."

Despite that they didn't want to, they did as I ask and flew off. "Thank you guys. Lets do it Veemon. Digi armor energize." "Veemon, armor digivolve to....Flamedramon, the fire of courage." "You are very stupid boy. With your friends now gone you don't stand a chance." smirked the leader of the group. "I wouldn't be too sure about that. Do it Flamedramon." Following my order he charged forward and prepared to attack.

(Kari's POV)...

We were able to take down the first control spire easily. The guards had kept us from knocking down the last one but they were dealt with quickly and we were able to take down the last spire. Once we were done Mimi and Palamon rejoined us and we were wondering what to do next until someone started to yell at us. Looking to where the yells were coming from, we saw that it was from Sora and Ken who were coming towards us.

"Sora, Ken. You made it back safely. How did you do?" "See for yourself." Moving aside I could see four people and digimon that I haven't seen in years. "Oh my god. You guys are here. I am so happy to see that you are all okay." It was then that I noticed that their was someone missing. "Guys, where is Davis?" They looked at me with a look of worry. "Tell me what happen to Davis." "Kari." said Yolei. "As we were flying out of the base four champion digimon appeared and were trying to stop us. He stayed behind so we could escape." "You are telling me that Davis and Veemon are fighting four digimon all by himself?" "I'm afraid so."

Feeling worried, I could only wonder what was happening to Davis. He and Veemon were indeed impressive but they haven't fought on his own when the odds were four to one. None of us knew what to do next. Either go on without him and hope he would catch up or wait for him to rejoin us or until we knew that he wouldn't be coming back at all. Their was a brief moment of silence before we heard the battle that Davis was in.

Looking up towards the roof of the base we could see the explosions of the attacks. It went like that for a while till we saw that a explosion at one of the sides of the base had knocked down two people. Getting a better look at them I could tell who they were. They were Davis and Veemon, and by the looks of it they were both out cold. Knowing that Nefertimon was too tired to fly and the others wouldn't make it to them no matter how fast they went. I could only watch on in horror as both of them were heading towards the ground which would certainly lead to their deaths. "DDAAAVVIIISS!!!"

(Davis' POV)...

"Do it Flamedramon." Doing as I order he charged forward and prepared to attack. Thankfully, Flamedramon was able take out two of the guards and was now going against the third one. It seemed as if we were on our way to another victory until the apparent leader of the group fired a blast at Flamedramon from behind. Unprepared for it he was sent flying to the edge of th eroof and dedigivolved back to Veemon. Not caring for my safety, I ran over to him and I saw that he was knocked out. Then, without any warning that same digimon fired another blast right in front of us. The shock wave of the blast sent us flying right off the roof.

Mostly everything after that was a blur. The only thing that I could tell was that I was falling. As I was falling I thought that I couldhear voices yelling my name but I still wasn't able to react. Then, as I continued to fall I heared a voice that sounded like Kari yell out "DDAAAVVIIISS!!!" It was then that I snap myself wake. Checking my surroundings I could tell that I was heading towards the ground at a rapid pace. Looking to my right I saw Veemon who was still unconscious. Reaching out I was able to grab him. "Veemon, wake up." But he was still out of it. "Come on Veemon. Wake up." Finally he started to come to. "Uh, Davis? What happen and why are we falling?" "To make a long story short, we were blasted off the roof." Taking my eyes off him I saw that we were coming closer to htting the ground. "Listen Veemon. Before we hit I want to say that even though we haven't known each other for a long time I have to say that I wouldn't want any other digmon to be my partner and friend than you." "Thank you Davis. I fell the same about you."

Suddenly, my D3 started to glow and at the same time Veemon was glowing the same blue glow as the D3. "Veemon, digivolve to...." He started to grow and by the looks of it I knew what was going to happen. When the glow finally dimmed the place where Veemon was at, was replaced with a gaint size version of him being more built, two giant wings and a horn like Flamedramon's was on top of his nose. "ExVeemon."

Quickly grabbing me he started to flap his wings and pulled us up just before we hit the ground. Both thinking the same thing, we flew right back to the roof to take on the two guards again. The look on their faces when we came up was priceless. They couldn't believe that we survived from the fall and that Veemon digivolve to ExVeemon. We landed shortly after, I let go of my digimon and couldn't help but be amazed on how he changed. "That was so cool. I can't believe you were able to digivolve to the champion level." "It happen because you had the heart to not give up. That is what allowed me to digivolve." "Thank you Veemon...I mean ExVeemon." Turning my attention back to the two remaining guards I could tell by the look on their faces that they were starting to get worried about what they had to deal with. "Why don't we deal with sone unfinish business?" "I'm with you on that Davis." "Then lets do it."

Going straight at them ExVeemon immediately took control and being unprepared for the evolved Veemon, the two guards could only block or move out of the way of his attacks. After a few more minutes of attacking, ExVeemon decided to end it. Crossing his arms over his chest in a 'x' formation. While that was happening he was gathering energy to prepare for an attack. Getting the energy he wanted he aimed the attack at both guards. "VeeLaser." Throwing his arms out he released a yellow 'x' symbol of energy at them. Unable to escape the blast the guards could only look on in horror as it came straight towards them. Their screams of agony were drone out by the VeeLaser engulfing them both and becoming bits of data that were being blown into the wind.

"You did it ExVeemon." "Correction, we did it Davis. It was you who believed that I could do it and that gave me the strength to win." "Thank you ExVeemon. Now, lets get back to the others." Getting on my digimon's back we flew down to the ground. As soon as we landed he dedigivolved back to Veemon. While I was congratulating him again, I heard someone yelling my name from behind me. Turning around I saw Kari who was running towards me with the others five steps behind her. "Are you okay Davis?" "Except for a few scratches I am okay." The next thing I knew was that I got a slap across my face. Not hard enough to hurt but enough to take notice. "Ow. Why did you do that for Kari?"

When I looked at her in the face I was shocked by what I saw. I saw the anger as I suspected but what surprise me was that even though that they weren't visiable, I could tell she had tears in her eyes. "I'll tell you what that was for. It was because you are a complete jerk. You think you can just go off and fight without making us worry?" What happen next shocked me the most. Instead of yelling at me some more or even slapping again, she reached over and hugged me withher head on my shoulder. The others, who saw the slap earlier seemingly could tell that now wasn't a good time. So they left us and went elsewhere. "I was so worried that I wasn't going to see you again. You don't know how I felt when I thought you were lost to us....and to me."

Saying nothing I returned the hug, trying to reinsure her. "It's alright Kari. I am okay. I'm sorry I worried you and the others." I could tell that helped her calm down a little but she was still upset about it. "We'll talk more about this later when we're alone. For now lets get back to the others and get out of here before we get caught." Kari didn't say anything. She just nodded and followed me as we went to theothers. We quickly got any of the digimon that had the strength and got out of there before anyone arrived.

Hello and thank you for reading this chapter and all the others in my story. For my appreciation I will for the next three chapters will give some picks on some other Fan Fiction authors that you should check out. First off:

Ben Myatt. He has been writing digimon fics for quite a while and they are worth reading. If you like reading a good DaiKari story read 'As long as she's happy', the sequel to that story 'Now, Forever and Always' and his current work 'The Remains of Twilight'. Hope take the time to check them out if you haven't already.

Next is:

DigiDestined of Courage. A major fan of digimon and has a large collection of digimon fics from seasons 1, 2 and even 3. He even has some fics that have them all together. If you want my opinion, check out 'Digimon Tamers-Tamer V.S. Tamer' and the three other stories in this series.

I hope you consider reading any of these author's stories in the near future. If you don't want to then don't. I am just suggesting. Until the next chapter. I will see you later. See ya.