Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ One Step Forward, Two Steps Back ❯ Chapter 8: Bizarre But Right At Home ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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Capítulo Ocho: Bizarre But Right At Home
“The bigger they come the harder they fall.”
—American Proverb
A/N: Yeah, okay, I know it doesn't mean anything kinky, but hey, in my mind…
“Hey,” Daisuke whispered, “wanna get out of here?”
Ken's considered his options.
Right Shoulder Angel: ~~Ditch school? Are you mad?~~
Left Shoulder Devil: ~~Pass this up? Are you mad?~~
“Yes,” Ken said, “yes.”
Daisuke grinned.
Once more, Ken allowed himself to be grabbed by the hand by Daisuke. Except this time, he wasn't just allowing himself to be pulled along. This time he was running towards whatever lay ahead with both hands open.
Daisuke and he ran from the Library, the librarian's call for them to not run being lost upon them. They ran through the hallways and out of the entire building, breaking out into the falling rain. There was only a slight pause at the school entrance.
Left or right?
“You know my mom doesn't work,” Ken said, reading Daisuke's mind.
“Right,” Daisuke replied, and he turned to the left.
They didn't run anymore, but their quick pace never slowed. Ken watched the passing scenery. The rain fell here and there, and Ken marveled at the sense of déjà vu that passed over him. This Friday was exactly like the previous Friday, only it felt like a lifetime had passed between the two days. Their feet splashed in the sidewalk puddles as they rushed through. He could see the large muddy puddle in the center of the grass field in the park, a landmark to where the Great Mud War had occurred. Then suddenly they were standing on that same street corner, but there was no traffic, no old lady, and no speeding red car. The light turned green and they crossed.
At long last, they came upon Daisuke's house. As they walked up the drive, Daisuke fished his keys out of his pocket, and so, wasted no time letting them in when they approached the door.
Pushing open the door, Daisuke nudged Ken inside first. Ken quickly obliged and Daisuke followed, closing the door behind them. Ken and Daisuke stood in the entrance hall, staring at each other. One by one, they dropped their backpacks on the ground, but still yet, no one acted.
“So,” Ken said, suddenly feeling bold, “what did we think we were going to do once we had got to your house?”
Daisuke broke into a surprised laugh and Ken smiled. When Daisuke stopped laughing, the two resumed their staring. Ken began to panic. Well, not exactly panic, but he began getting the feeling that if this continued further, he would begin panicking.
Wasn't anybody going to do anything?!
Something of his feelings much have read in his face, because nervously then, Daisuke leaned over and kissed Ken's lips. Awkward, the kiss lasted barely a nanosecond before Daisuke pulled away.
Ken stared at Daisuke's flushed face. “That was really cute!” he said with a happy grin.
Daisuke's face darkened. “Shut up.”
Ken laughed. Holy underwear! Daisuke said he loved him, Ken had ditched school with Daisuke, and now, Ken was standing, dripping wet in the entrance hall with Daisuke standing before him looking unbearably adorable as he scowled.
Ken's laugh faded away into a thoughtful smile. Gathering all of his courage, he reached out and circled his hands around Daisuke's torso. Walking forward, Ken laid his head against Daisuke's chest and snuggled up against him.
“Ah—you're cold!” Daisuke said, shivering.
“That's because we've been wet through, genius.”
“I thought that was your title,” Daisuke said mockingly as he pulled Ken in closer.
Ken looked up and stuck his tongue out at Daisuke. “Don't be jealous.”
“You'd better be nice to me, or I'll hold your school uniform for ransom.”
Ken looked confused. “My uniform?”
“Not that one, the other one.”
Ken thought for a moment. “Oh, the one from last Friday? You still have it?”
Daisuke looked uncomfortable. “Well, yeah,” he said. “'Course I do, I couldn't just toss it out. But I also couldn't return it. I didn't want to try and give it back `cause I was scared to bring everything all back up again.”
“Aha, you *were* trying to avoid everything!”
“Well, not quite,” Daisuke said slowly. “I mean, not at first, but after you ran out the way you did, what was I supposed to do? I thought for certain you either already hated me or would begin to hate me if I kept bringing it up.”
“I'm sorry, but you made it seem like nothing happened!”
Daisuke pushed back the damp hair from Ken's face. “I know. I knew it the moment you ran out. But there was nothing I could do about it then.”
Ken opened his mouth to suggest a whole myriad of things Daisuke could have done to try, but after a second he didn't voice any of them. He was bright enough to know he wouldn't have appreciated the effort. He almost thought that maybe he *would* have come to resent Daisuke if he *had* tried.
“Sorry,” Ken repeated, and he felt Daisuke lightly kiss the top of his head.
“Don't apologize,” Daisuke said quietly. “It was both our faults, we've paid enough for it, and it's over now. Besides, I don't know about you, but isn't it bad enough that I spent the entire day puking and a week in torture?”
Ken looked up into Daisuke's face. “Puking? You mean, last Saturday? You did?”
Daisuke raised an eyebrow. “Of course I did! Didn't you?”
Ken shook his head. “No.”
They stared at each other again.
**Damn, this is an startlingly unexpected development,** Daisuke thought, staring off somewhere above Ken's head. **Ken holds his liquor better than I do? I must overcome this!**
Daisuke looked back at Ken and smiled. “C'mon, let's get out of this hallway. And out of these clothes.”
Ken blushed but didn't have a chance to reply since Daisuke was still talking.
“They're dripping all over the place and it's freezing in here.”
Ken hesitated, feeling as if he were standing at a station trying to look into the windows of a train as it sped past. Everything seemed to be moving at an incredible pace and it was faster than he could comprehend. His lack of movement ended with him being dragged by Daisuke towards the bathroom. Once there, he was startled back into the present as he became aware of the fact that Daisuke had turned the shower on and was stripping.
“Ack!” Ken shouted, pressing himself back against the closed doorway. “Daisuke! What are you doing?”
“Huh?” Daisuke paused in unbuckling his belt and turned around to look at Ken. “What are you talking about? What else did you think we were going to do in here? Have a tea party?”
“Ken,” Daisuke said, but no more.
Ken watched nervously as the half-naked, finely-toned body belonging to One, Daisuke, came closer towards him. His breath quickened as he felt Daisuke's hands travel up his torso and begin unbuttoning the jacket to their school uniform.
“Hmm?” came the reply, from somewhere along his neck.
Ken shivered as he felt the warm blow of air along his chilled skin. He groaned when he felt the scorching tongue slide along, leaving a charred path in its wake. Daisuke's hands had pushed aside his jacket and allowing it to fall to the floor, began climbing their way up under his white, button-up shirt. He nibbled along Ken's jaw and further until he found his lips, and engaging them in a kiss, set forth to remove Ken's shirt.
Ken's mind had suitably liquefied by this point, and he lived off of the sensations that Daisuke was giving him. He wrapped his arms around Daisuke's neck, pulling him deeper into their kiss. Then, Daisuke rubbed the tip of a finger across one of his nipples. The surprising sensation brought Ken sharply back to his senses.
“Umph—Daisuke!” Ken managed, pulling away from Daisuke to look at his state of undress. His jacket was in a heap at his feet, he only had one arm still in his shirt (when had that happened?), and Daisuke had unbuckled his belt and was working on the fly. “Wai—wait a minute!”
“Huh? Why?” Daisuke asked, before catching on. “Ken, it's nothing I haven't seen before!”
Ken blush intensified. “Yeah, but—this time I'm stone cold sober and well aware of it!”
Daisuke laughed. “Good, because I don't want you to forget this time what I'm about to do to you.”
Ken gasped when Daisuke grabbed his ass and pulled him forward, using Ken's hips to grind Ken against him. “I—I never…never forgot,” Ken managed to gasp.
“I never forgot what you did. Or how it felt. It was—ah!—torture to be near you, every time you touched me, even accidentally—Oh.—I could remember.”
Daisuke laughed. “Me, too.”
“I thought you didn't remember, even less than me.”
Daisuke smiled and began kissing his way down Ken's chest. “Not at first, but after a while, it all began coming back to me. Hoo-boy, did it start coming back!”
Ken blushed and began saying something before he had to switch mind-tracks. “Ah, that,” he said then as Daisuke began working at one of his nipples with his tongue. “I like that.”
“I know.”
Through just this simple action from Daisuke, Ken felt himself becoming incredibly aroused. He began to squirm in the tight space between Daisuke and the door. He half-thought the movement would make the feeling go away, and half-wished it would give him the friction he so desperately wanted.
Ken quickly debated within himself. Before he had assumed that Daisuke was nervous, and maybe he had been…at first, and Ken had planned to bring out Daisuke's more dominant nature by emphasizing his own submissiveness, only to find that he had no need for either. Daisuke had already grabbed control of the situation, and Ken, himself, just seemed to enhance it by reacting with all that uke-ish timidity. However, something seemed to be changing about in his passive mind. He was becoming aroused, and it made him feel…aggressive.
But that wasn't how he should act, right? If he was going to be bottom…
Oh…my…gods…Ken couldn't *believe* he was having these thoughts. Never in a million years (okay, maybe once or twice, but not really and only for a second) did he think he would ever be considering what he was. And he was bottom? HE was bottom?!
Ken became aware then that Daisuke had stopped moving.
“Ken?” Daisuke said. “Are you alright? If you think this is too much I'll stop—hey! Yeah, it'll be hard—no, that's not what I meant, stop smirking! I mean, I want to continue, but if you don't I won't, y'know?”
Ken stared at Daisuke. Daisuke was smiling up at him with the cutest boy-smile ever. Ken's heart instantly melted, even against his better male senses and all his fear. Then Ken blinked.
Ken wanted Daisuke. Ken wanted Daisuke to make love to him. Ken wanted to feel, actually *feel*, Daisuke. Inside of him. Ken wanted to know just how it felt to be that physically close to another person. That close to Daisuke “Foot-in-Mouth” Motomiya.
Ken suddenly sprang to life, startling both himself and Daisuke, who had hitherto been enjoying a free and uninterrupted exploration of Ken's body. Daisuke didn't even have a chance to draw breath to complain, however, before Ken claimed his lips. They kissed hotly while what remained of their sodden clothing was peeled away in a frenzy.
Steam was rapidly filling the bathroom, fogging the mirror and warming their skin, leaving a fine sheen that was easy to slide over. Ken pressed himself up against Daisuke, delighting in the feel of his skin rubbing against Daisuke's. Inside their mouths, their tongues battled for dominance, even as their hands continued the war on the outer level, each trying to come out on top, trying to draw the most reaction from the other as they sought out and teased erogenous zones.
“K-Ken,” Daisuke breathed, giving up his battles. “If—if we don't hurry up and get in the shower—oof! My foot!” Laughs from Ken. “If we don't get in the shower now—”
Ken threw his arms around Daisuke's neck, kissing him senseless as he backed up inside the shower stall. Compared to how Ken was feeling with Daisuke all over him, the hot water felt merely lukewarm, but he gladly stepped under the spray and dragged Daisuke in with him.
Daisuke rushed in after him, pressing Ken up against the cool tiles. Instinctually, Ken pressed his groin up against Daisuke's, delighting as they touched.
“D—Dai,” Ken whispered.
Daisuke froze. This…this felt familiar. The fire in Daisuke built up, higher than even previously and he began to pant as he leaned his forehead on Ken's shoulder.
“Ken,” Daisuke said as if strained. “If we don't get out of here…”
“We just got in!” Ken said, in confusion.
“I know, I know,” Daisuke continued. “I'm just saying, if we don't stop this or hurry up then I don't think I'm going to make it to my bedroom.”
“Hmm?” Ken said, still not comprehending.
Daisuke looked up into Ken's eyes, annoyed at Ken's sudden dimwittedness and at his rising frustration. “If we don't hurry, or if you don't STOP TOUCHING ME! I'm not going to make it back to the bedroom, so if you don't STOP THAT!” Ken grinned guiltily as Daisuke grabbed his wrist. “I'm just going to take you here.”
Something in the feral nature Daisuke was displaying appealed to something in Ken's nature.
Ken looked seriously at Daisuke before moving the hand Daisuke was holding back towards Daisuke's arousal. Daisuke's eyes widened as Ken took him firmly in hand.
“Not gonna make it, huh?”
“Then, don't try.”
Daisuke moaned and pressed himself back up against Ken and his hot hand that was working miracles on him. “But this isn't the bedroom…”
“I'm well aware of that.”
“It isn't very romantic…”
“I hear it's very sexy, though.”
“Who'd a-thought you for the kinky type?” Daisuke looked back at Ken. “This is our first time, you—you won't regret it, will you?”
“Regret doing it with you, or doing it with you in the shower?”
Daisuke blushed as he smiled. “Both.”
Ken leaned up and kissed Daisuke softly. “I won't if you won't.”
“Well, if you won't, I won't.”
Ken grinned. “Then do it.”
Daisuke smiled back. “As you wish. So what do I do?”
Ken made a face. “Huh?”
“I asked what do I do?”
“How should I know?” Ken asked, bemused.
“Well, don't you know how…to…”
Ken finally cottoned on. “Why would I know? I'm not gay!”
Daisuke looked surprised. “You're not?”
“No! Aren't you?”
“No!” Pause. “But, if neither of us is gay, then how—”
“Look, I'm not gay,” Ken said, looking even more confused as he continued. “I just happen to love…well, you. And you just happen to be a guy.”
“Hey, wait a moment—”
“Look,” Ken interrupted, “does it really matter right now if either of us is gay or not?”
“No, I guess it doesn't,” Daisuke said slowly, “but it still leaves us with a problem.”
“How's that?”

”What do I do? I mean, I guess I just have to go in the only place I can.”
Ken jumped as Daisuke began feeling around a place no one, *no one*, ever had before. Daisuke leaned down and kissed Ken softly, and Ken welcomed the kiss as an opportunity to calm down. After a moment, he lifted a leg, offering more room for Daisuke to work with.
Daisuke continued to kiss Ken as he pressed a finger up against Ken's opening. Slowly, he slid a finger up inside. It felt hot inside, and extremely tight. He paused when Ken whimpered into his mouth and the muscles around his finger tensed.
“Did I hurt you?” Daisuke asked in concern.
“No, but it just feels…strange.”
Daisuke held his position until the muscles around him relaxed, then he began to slide his finger in and out. Ken tensed again and Daisuke stopped.
“What's wrong?”
Ken looked a bit lost. “I'm not sure…it just feels kind of…”
“Dry?” Daisuke supplied, helpfully.
“I guess so,” Ken said, feeling every bit embarrassed. He supposed he should have expected it…it's not like it got wet up there. Not the way he'd heard girls do. Ken blushed anew. Great, now he was thinking about girls… “Dai—SUKE!” Ken began, the last syllable being distorted as he jumped.
Daisuke had removed his finger but now slid it back in plus one, this time with much more ease…and something cold.
“Daisuke!” Ken panted. “What the—”
“How does that feel?” Daisuke asked, wiggling his fingers around inside Ken. “Is it better?”
“*Ah, ah…*” Ken answered.
“I'll take that as a yes,” Daisuke said, grinning.
“What is that?” Ken managed to ask. Daisuke's fingers were starting to stretch outwards, giving Ken a mixed feeling of subdued pain and subtle pleasure.
“You put conditioner in me?!”
“What would you have suggested? It was either that or shampoo.”
Ken opened his mouth to respond but decided against it as Daisuke brushed against something inside him. He moaned and began to thrust back against Daisuke's hand.
“It feels good?” Daisuke asked, suddenly desperately needing an affirmation that Ken was enjoying this. He had a sudden thought that if he were to hurt Ken or if Ken actually hated this, that he would never forgive himself, ever. Losing Ken for his own selfish reasons was the last thing Daisuke wanted. “Ken?” he asked again.
“Feels…feels good!” Ken said as he leaned in to give Daisuke a swift kiss. “Gods, it feels good.”
Daisuke's worries dissipated, and he took hold of Ken's arousal as he continued to thrust his fingers into him.
“Ah, wait, Daisuke!” Ken said, stilling all motion.
“What's wrong?” Daisuke asked, all worry back.
“Nothing,” Ken smiled. “It's just if you keep this up—” Daisuke raised an eyebrow. “—I'm going to come. I don't want to, not yet.”
Daisuke blinked. “So, are you saying…?”
“Enter me.”
Daisuke blinked again. He stared down at Ken. This was Ken Ichijouji. Reformed Digimon Emperor. One-time soccer star, and still one of the smartest kids in their high school. His best friend. His best friend talking in a real sexy voice. Saying really sexy things. Daisuke took in Ken's features. Ken's dark hair, soaking wet, was plastered to his face, his face which was rosy from his exertions, and his dark eyes glittered with lust.
Speaking of lust…
“Turn around,” Daisuke ordered, and Ken didn't hesitate to comply.
Now that Ken wasn't looking at him, Daisuke let all his apprehension show on his face.
**Oh man!** Daisuke thought. **What am I doing? I've never been good at anything but soccer! What if he totally hates it? Or says I suck, and not `suck' in the good way, eh?**
Daisuke took a breath and looked down at Ken's opening. Ken looked back over his shoulder at him. Daisuke looked back and forth between Ken's opening and Ken's face. Back and forth, back and forth, back and—
“WHAT?!” Ken shouted, his face flaming.
Daisuke startled and his eyes stayed on Ken's face. “Um…I…I don't think…I'm gonna fit—” Cue Deadly Blushing. “—in there.”
Ken laughed heartily even as he also fell victim to Deadly Blushing. “It's okay, Daisuke, I think I'll manage,” he replied with more certainty than he actually felt. He turned and looked back at the tiles on the shower wall. “Though, I think you ought to put some of that conditioner on yourself.”
Daisuke nodded wordlessly to himself and did as Ken suggested. He had to bite back a moan as the cold conditioner touched his overeager arousal. That being done, he refocused his attention on Ken, and then, because he couldn't help it, he hugged Ken tightly from behind.
Ken blinked in surprise, having rather expected Daisuke to just go for it. “Okay,” he heard and felt Daisuke whisper in his ear, “here I go.”
Daisuke loosened his hug and positioned himself. Ken held his breath, then decided against it, then held it again. His eyes widened when he felt the tip of Daisuke pressing against him, but he squeezed them tightly shut as he felt Daisuke's yummy garlic pickle—
[A/N: Ha ha ha, I'm just kidding!]
…as he felt Daisuke's arousal press past the resisting muscle and slide into him. He was so surprised to find that Daisuke was entering him and his instinctual nature caused him to tense as it found a foreign invader enter the “Exit Only” spot.
[A/N: Tommy: Your readers are going to kill you. Me: I know! Ha ha ha, it was either that or the “Do Not Enter” spot. Tommy: We should never have read that one thread. Me: Alright, I'll stop now.]
Ken's instinctual nature caused him to tense. Daisuke paused and waited for Ken to become accustomed to the unfamiliar sensation of someone entering his body.
“Relax,” Daisuke whispered, kissing between Ken's shoulder blades and massaging his hips. “Relax, Ken.” When Ken relaxed, Daisuke continued to move in, Ken allowing it quietly except for a couple small sounds, and finally Daisuke was seated completely.
Ken exhaled sharply, feeling as if he were impaled. Daisuke, while slighter larger than Ken, was perhaps only average, but Ken still felt extremely full and stretched to discomfort. However, Daisuke didn't move and little by little the discomfort eased.
“You—you can move now,” Ken said quietly. Daisuke pulled back a bit and then pressed forward again. While it didn't hurt, Ken thought the movement felt decidedly odd. When he didn't make any further protests, Daisuke repeated the movement, drawing out a little further and pushing back in with a little more force. This time, he drew a reaction from Ken.
“Feel good?” Daisuke asked.
Daisuke smiled in relief and continued his movements. Ken was incredibly warm inside, and the feeling of his body around him made Daisuke want to just thrust with wild abandon. He looked down to the place where his body joined with Ken's and watched for a moment, before moving his eyes up to the spot that his hands gripped Ken's hips. His sight led a path up the small of Ken's back, up the smooth curve of his spine to his shoulders, the water from the shower causing small rivers that ran from the tips of his hair and down his back, all the way down to where Daisuke met his body.
Daisuke ran his hands around Ken's waist to his stomach, dragging them firmly up his chest to rest on his nipples. Massaging them drew gasps of delight from Ken, and Ken moved backwards to meet his thrusts.
“Daisuke!” Ken breathed, and, finally, Daisuke felt the full impact of the moment hit him. Drawing out of Ken, Daisuke stood up straight.
Ken turned his head to find out what was wrong but he found himself being spun around by Daisuke. Once he was completely facing Daisuke, Daisuke leaned down and kissed him deeply. Ken allowed himself to be drawn into the kiss, even as he felt Daisuke's hands go under his thighs and lift him. Daisuke pulled him up and pressed him against the tiles, and Ken was impressed by Daisuke's show of strength. That he could lift Ken like this was indeed something. Or so he thought.
“Showoff,” Ken muttered then.
Daisuke grinned. “You barely weigh anything, so it's nothing.”
Ken didn't have a chance to respond before Daisuke slid back into him. Already loosened and slick besides from the conditioner and the precum that had leaked into him, Ken swallowed him completely without much difficulty. Both of them moaned at the sensation, and Ken wrapped his legs around Daisuke's waist.
Daisuke pinned Ken there against the wall, unmoving for the moment, the two of them staring at each other.
The spray from the shower, long-since having gone from hot to merely warm, fell over Daisuke's shoulders, droplets splashed over onto Ken's chest, but neither noticed. Outside, the rain continued to poor from the sky, flooding the streets. At their school, Takeru and Hikari listened as no one answered “here” at “Ichijouji Ken” or “Motomiya Daisuke” in the Dreaded Fourth Period. In their very own shower stall, one heart sent a message and the heart opposite received. Someone smiled.
Then someone startled. “Why are you crying?”
Someone blushed from pure embarrassment. “You know I've always been the emotional type.”
“You're such a girly man.”
“Shut up.”
Ken laughed and Daisuke thrust up against him. All timidity lost, all nervousness gone, the two were never more certain about anything than they were about this. Ken gasped and leaned his head back against the tiles. Daisuke had attached himself to one of his nipples and started up a furious thrusting tempo. Ken felt as if he couldn't breathe: the pleasure that encompassed him now so extreme that it was as if his soul would leave his body.
With a muffled shout, Ken came between himself and Daisuke. Daisuke grunted as he felt Ken squeeze his inner muscles around him and could only thrust once more before he was caught in the vice. The force around him was greater than his self-control, and then, Daisuke came.
All at once the adrenaline and the energy ran out of them, and they began to slide down to the floor of the shower. They tried to stop, but it was a lost cause and soon enough they were sprawled over each other at the bottom of the tub. In a heap of flesh, they panted against each other, hugging each other loosely because they couldn't drudge up the strength to cling to each other as they wanted to. Ken turned his face into Daisuke's chest to hide, leaving Daisuke to battle with the water that fell on them.
“Blegh—Ken!” Daisuke spluttered. “If we don't get out of this shower, I'm going to drown!”
Ken laughed and Daisuke moved out from under him to stand up. Ken moved more gingerly, afraid that any sudden movement would aggravate the tenderness he was now dealing with. Daisuke seemed to understand and pulled him softly up.
Finally, at long last, the two of them cleaned each other up for real with the chilled water and moved out of the bathroom.
Once in Daisuke's room, Daisuke cleared all the junk from his bed by throwing it to the ground to join the rest of the mess there.
“It's a good thing we didn't come to your room after all, Dai,” Ken said, staring around. “There's less room here than in the shower.”
Daisuke stuck his tongue out at him and threw a pair of clothing at him.
“What's this?”
“Your pajamas.”
Ken raised an eyebrow. “A pair of boxers and a shirt?”
“Well, seeing as my only other pair's run off…”
Ken laughed. “Point taken.”
Daisuke watched curiously as Ken put them on. “I thought you wouldn't be wearing a pair of my boxers?”
“It's a little late to be concerned about *that*, isn't it?”
“Ah, gotcha,” Daisuke said as he pulled on some clothes himself. When they were both dressed, Daisuke pushed Ken into the bed and crawled in after, pulling the sheets and comforters up over them, he snuggled into Ken.
At first, Ken tensed, still not used to being so intimately close to another person, not even Daisuke after all that had happened. Ken was just not one to touch other people. Daisuke on the other hand…Daisuke always did have that kind of touchy-feely personality.
After a moment, however, Ken eased into the embrace and snuggled back against Daisuke. The two of them lay in silence for a long while, half-dozing, half-thinking about all that had happened.
“Hey, Ken,” Daisuke said quietly then.
“What do you think about all this?”
Ken thought about all this.
His best friend. The Mud War. Getting drunk. His best friend. Making out. Their card game. His best friend. Not talking. Daisuke confronting him. His best friend. The shower. His best friend and lover. His lover. His best friend.
Ken smiled. “I don't know, but I like it.”
Daisuke grinned back at him.
And then, without warning, something pounced.
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A/N: Well, we've sorta come full circle, haven't we? So…how did you like it? *Closes eyes and hides behind Muse*
Tommy: Ha ha, they were supposed to go back to Daisuke's bedroom, `cause Herme's got morality issues—
Me: Yeah, that's right, no—
Tommy: Anyways! That was the original plan but then Herme axed the idea.
Me: It'd take way too long to get them to that place and geez, they weren't even in the shower before Vesuvius was fit to blow.
Tommy: What have we learned about euphemisms?
Me: *Laughs Smirkily*
Tommy: *Pulls out Holy Fan to put the Fear into Mistress* What?
Me: *Has the Fear put into her* Oh, I'm sorry. Uh, that the readers don't like them—
Tommy: That the readers don't like them!
Herme: …
Tommy: *Sigh* Just tell `em about that one thing.
Me: Hmm? Oh. Yes. The line where Ken says, “Ah, that. I like that.” And Daisuke replied, “I know.”… I have to admit it. I stole it from a scanlated doujinshi called “Zettai Anzen” by Anjey-SS (my fave Naruto doujinshi person/peoples). It was just so flippin' cute that I HAD to, okay? I'm sorry!
Tommy: Geez, what a plagiarist!
Me: Well, at least I'm admitting it. In any case, it was tons of fun to write this and I hope everyone had at least half of that reading it. If you've made it this far, thank you very much, but especially if you've made it this far and have let me know you were there throughout, um…I love you.
Tommy: *Pushes Mistress out of the way* And if it's not too much trouble, leave us a note, eh?
Herme: Thanks again. *Dramatic Theatrical Bow* I remain, yours gratefully, Herme
15. July. 2006
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