Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Only the Good Die Young ❯ Prologue
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Only the Good Die Young
Genre: Lemon
Rating: NC-17. So if you're under 17, don't get caught reading this.
Copyright: I don't own Digimon, but what kind of retard needs me to tell them that?
Disclaimer: This is a lemon. So there's nasty shit in it. Don't come crying to me if you can't take
tentacles, guys being fucked up the ass, monsters fucking humans, or violent death of cartoon
characters. In fact, if you can't take any of that, just sit at home and never leave your house ever
again, because there's scarier things outside than you'll find in here.
E-mail me at suikakujyu_sama@yahoo.com and let me know what you got off on, what you
thought could have been better, or who you wanna see doing who next. If I get enough e-mails
and sequel requests, I might just grace you horny perverts with another lemon. I'm enough of a
horny pervert to already have ideas.
"... so, see, things really aren't over," Davis said to his two companions, pounding his closed fist
into his open hand for emphasis. "All the bad guys came from the Dark Ocean's World of
Nightmares, right? But we never did anything about it. If we could destroy the World of
Nightmares, then we'd have really beaten the bad guys once and for all! "
Ken gave his friend a very startled look as he finished. "... Davis, that is an extremely bad idea,"
he pronounced.
"... how come? The World of Nightmares produces bad guys, right? And getting rid of bad guys is
what we do, right?"
"Like the Digimon Emperor?" Kari smirked.
Davis frowned at her as much as he could bring himself to. "That's different!"
"No, Kari has a good point, Davis. I think I have more reason to hate the World of Nightmares
than anyone, but destroying it... that would be as bad for the state of all reality as destroying the
Digital World," Ken attempted to explain.
"How? The Digital World's not evil. I mean, not intri- intrans- in-trun-sac-al-ly, right?" Davis
asked, stumbling over the unusually large word as he tried to say it. Kari couldn't help but giggle.
Davis' current habit of spending time with Ken whenever possible had him trying to emulate
Ken's much more erudite vocabulary. She actually admired his attempts to pick up Ken's good
qualities, but in the meantime, it meant he often tried to use words he didn't entirely understand.
"Intrinsically," Ken corrected him, without a hint of anything but patience in his voice. "And no, it
isn't... but... I don't know how to say this right...."
"The Darkness is as much a part of everything as the Light is, Davis. Everyone has a good side
and a bad side, so there's a Digital World and a World of Nightmares. It's just how things are,"
Kari spoke up as Ken faltered. "Changing that would ruin the balance of reality."
"Everyone has an evil side? As if!" Davis laughed. "Come on, you're not evil! And Ken wasn't
really evil either, he just didn't understand what he was doing."
Ken frowned pensively. "... I don't know about that..."
Kari smiled sadly at the heartfelt but, to her mind, thoroughly misguided complement. "No, but
I'm not perfect, either. I have my flaws, Davis, just the same as you and everyone else. I pick on
Tai for fun sometimes and I've blackmailed TK with embarrassing pictures of him and Patamon
playing with toys together, and..."
"You're kidding!" Davis snickered. "What kind? Blocks or something stupid like that?"
Kari immediately felt the urge to smack her forehead with her palm at her blunder. "... well, I've
done my share of bad things, and let's leave it at that. The previous examples could have been,
er... entirely hypothetical."
Davis grinned and looked up at the sky. "I so bet it was blocks. Big goofy wooden blocks, that
were painted all different colors...."
"Ah, Davis? You're straying a bit off the subject," Ken interjected.
"... oh, right. Sorry." Davis' grin became a bit apologetic.
"Anyway, while maybe trying to seal the World of Nightmares off from the human world or the
Digital World could help make things safer, destroying it would do any good at all. I'm not sure
how to explain it more clearly than this... it's not pleasant, but it's just something that has to be
there," Ken finished.
"Yeah. It's really probably best in the long run if you forgot about this idea, Davis. I mean, how
would you even get there?" Kari asked.
"I hope you'll forgive me if I refuse to open the Dark Digiport again unless I absolutely have to.
Last time was really enough to last a lifetime." Ken couldn't quite suppress a visible shiver.
Davis remembered how hard controlling the darkness even for that long had been on his friend,
and suddenly felt vaguely guilty for even thinking about making Ken do it again. "Alright, alright.
It was just an idea anyway, guys."
But, as Davis tried to sleep in his room that night, he found he couldn't forget about the idea. It
twisted in his mind, and agitated him to the point where his tossing and turning was keeping
DemiVeemon awake as well.
"What is bothering you, Davis?" the little In-Training Digimon asked irritably. "Neither one of us
is going to get any sleep until you can be still!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Davis exclaimed, sitting up in his bed and slamming his pillow onto his lap
in frustration. "I just got this idea in my head and it won't go away!"
"What is it?" DemiVeemon asked, curiously.
"Okay... remember when Kari told us about going to the World of Nightmares, and she got all
scared and stuff?" Davis asked.
"Yeah... I remember 'cause that made you sad, too," DemiVeemon nodded.
"You bet it did! And know how Ken always got scared whenever something involving the World
of Nightmares happened? And how TK would get all mad and scary when he was talking about
destroying the Darkness? And how Yolie and Cody always got real upset when they had to fight
a Digimon so evil that it had to be deleted?" Davis asked.
DemiVeemon nodded his head as much as he could without toppling over. "Uh-huh...."
"Well... well, what if you knew there was something you could do that could make it so none of
that had to ever happen again, but the people you wanted to help didn't want you to do it?"
Davis' frustration finally became evident.
"Well, it's obvious! Do it anyway and make it a big surprise for them!" DemiVeemon smiled,
without a moment's thought. He waves his arm-nubs in the air for emphasis as he continued.
"They probably just don't want you to make a fuss over them. Like when people tell you that you
shouldn't have given them a present, but everybody likes presents!"
"Yeah... yeah! See, that's exactly what I thought!" Davis said, picking up his partner. "But to
make that happen, we'd have to go to the World of Nightmares somehow and destroy it forever,
and I dunno how we'd manage that."
DemiVeemon's eyes widened. "Oooh, that is a toughie...." the little Digimon pondered. "... but if
you want it to happen so bad that you can't sleep, maybe that could let you go there!"
"Huh? What, you mean a force of will thing? Like what beat MaloMyotismon?" Davis asked.
"But we could only do that because we were in the Digital World."
"Then let's take a computer with us to the Digital World and try it there!" DemiVeemon
suggested. "We don't even have to stay there long that way, we can leave whenever we want."
"Hey... yeah! That's so cool!" Davis' eyes lit up as he caught onto DemiVeemon's train of
thought. "I can get the new laptop my folks got me and use the old computer in the living room
to open the Digiport! And I can be gone and back by morning, so mom'll never suspect a thing,
and tomorrow's Saturday... this is perfect! Man, just wait until I convince the guys that I'm right
this time! They'll love this! Jeez, why didn't I ever think of this before?"
"Because you were never smart enough to ask a genius like me!" DemiVeemon smiled proudly.
Davis smirked down at his partner as he hopped off of his bed and starting trying to quietly
gathering up the stuff he'd need for the trip. "Man, someone says one good thing about you and it
goes straight to your head...."
DemiVeemon sniffed in a vaguely wounded manner. "That's the dragon calling the ocean blue if
ever I heard it."
*** **
Once Davis found his laptop and his goggles, getting into the living room with DemiVeemon
posed no problems. He didn't even need to bother with changing out of his pajamas; his trip to the
Digital World would take care of his clothing needs. A simple whisper of 'Digi-port... uh, open...
please?' was all it took to transport himself, clad in his usual pseudo-safari gear and flaming
jacket, and the newly digivolved Veemon into the Digital World.
From there, entering the World of Nightmares was more difficult. "Okay... we've just gotta want
it really bad, right?" Davis asked. "And then tell the gate to open?"
"I guessh," Veemon shrugged his little shoulders.
"Then... okay! Start wanting!" Davis called. Both the human and his Digimon partner squeezed
their eyes shut and began wanting with all their might, while Davis brandished his D3 at his
laptop's screen.
Davis didn't know about the probability-inverting property of the Crest of Miracles that he carried
deep in his heart. It was activated by determination, and gained even greater power by the force
of human dreams. Through its ability to channel determination into the power to make otherwise
terribly unlikely things happen, it had in the past saved Davis and the Digidestined time and time
again. Of course, no one suspected that there was anything supernatural about Davis' ability to
come through when things were worst. It was simply something that happened, and was
usually attributed to the sort of luck that only the very drunk or very stupid ever seem to have.
It was not entirely the power of the Crest of Miracles that caused the Dark Digiport to open for
Davis. Something on the other side of the portal had felt the force of Davis and Veemon's desire,
and wished to open the path for them. The probability-inverting field of the Crest was simply the
mechanism it used to channel its own desire to bring the boy and his Digimon to the World of
Nightmares into the physical form of a Digital Gate that lead to the Dark Ocean.
However, when Davis and Veemon saw the tiny window into the World of Nightmares open on
the screen of Davis' laptop, they did not suspect any of this. They simply grinned and assumed
that once again, their payoff for trying what everyone else said was impossible was getting what
they wanted.
"Wow! It actually worked!" Veemon exclaimed happily.
"Of course it did!" Davis smirked triumphantly. "Now... let's get ready to take a look at the
World of Nightmares for ourselves! Dark-Digiport, OPEN!"
The world seemed to have become a photo-negative of itself. Black waves lapped against a black
shore, with only ripples of silvery grey to indicate that the dark water was moving at all. Blotches
of varying shades of grey dotted the otherwise bleak, ashy landscape. A black disc that generated
neither light nor heat seemed to have taken the place of the sun in the pale grey sky.
Davis rubbed his hands over his arms and shivered, despite his jacket. "This place... it... man, it
really sucks!" he exclaimed. "I mean, I can't even tell what's what, it's so dark! It's just grey stuff
over black stuff, and then the water...." Davis gazed out into the water. The pattern of the waves
seemed mesmerizing, enough so that Veemon had to tug on his shorts leg to get his attention.
"Wuh... oh! What is it, Veemon?" he asked, shaking his head in confusion.
"I got another idea, Davish!" Veemon grinned proudly. "Use the Digi-Egg of Courage! Since I'm
strong enough to be a Champion by myself, I bet I could wear the Armor for a real long time, and
then I could...."
"... give us some light! And heat, too!" Davis thrust his D3 forward eagerly. "So let's give it a try!
Digi-Armor, Ener... GIZE!"
The globe of fire and light that enshrouded Veemon's transformation did not seem to illuminate
the landscape so much as leech the blackness from it. The ashy ground was bleached white by the
brilliant red-orange colors of the Fire of Courage, but quickly returned to its former state when
Flamedramon broke free of the egg of elemental fire after his armor had entirely formed.
"... hmmm. Not much, but it's still an improvement," he noted in his much deeper voice, glancing
down at what little of his effect on the landscape he managed to catch.
"Don't worry about it, man. I don't think a million light bulbs could light this place up, and I feel
a lot better knowing I've got you here with me than a million light bulbs! I mean, ExVeemon's
cool, but so are you, and I kinda got to missing you after awhile," Davis chattered happily on to
keep from looking at the waves again.
Flamedramon, for his part, was as grateful for the confidence and affection as any partner
Digimon could be. He smiled, and briefly wished, as he often did in his more intelligent forms, that
there was some way he could show his appreciation to Davis besides merely fighting for him. Not
that such an opportunity was ever likely, but still, a Digimon could dream. "So what do we do
now?" Flamedramon asked his partner. "Explore a little? If we're going to try to take this place
apart, we'll probably have to examine it for awhile to figure out how."
Davis turned his back toward the Dark Ocean. The compulsion to look at the waves was growing
far too great for his comfort. He glanced around at the black ground and grey sky, and nodded.
"Yeah, I guess. If this place is nearly as big as the Digital World then there's gotta be some kind
of stuff here besides just rocks and water...." Davis pulled out his D-Terminal and idly toyed with
the buttons, hoping that the mapping function Izzy had modified into them for use in the Digital
World might somehow be useful here, too.
Neither Flamedramon nor Davis saw the eyes that rose from the surface of the water to peer out
at them. The countless number of Divermon maintained an eerie silence as they moved about in
the water. They moved slowly and steadily toward the shore. The one who dared go closest to
the land lifted his long, slender webbed hand, allowing a harpoon attached to a long rope to break
the surface of the water. There was not so much as a splash as he pitched his arm forward,
sending the harpoon into flight with the line rippling silently after it.
The spear rocketed past Davis and Flamedramon, startling the both of them. Before Davis could
even act on his surprise, the harpoon had changed over to a circular course, wrapping itself and
the line it was attached to around Davis' body several times. The Divermon holding the other end
of the line immediately began reeling it in with the enormous strength typical of an Ultimate-level
Digimon. Davis was abruptly pulled backward and launched across the sandy beach and into the
Dark Ocean before he even had time to begin shouting.
"Davis!" Flamedramon shouted his human's name as he turned around in time to see him pulled
into the Dark Ocean's water. The Armor Digimon tried to charge forward, only to find his Flame
Shield assaulted by a storm of thrown harpoons. The spears that managed to penetrate his aura of
fire were for the most part deflected by his armor, but the sheer number of them forced him to
stop his forward charge in order to avoid being skewered by a lucky shot to the eye or lower
torso. The pause gave the Divermon that was reeling Davis in more than enough time to seize the
boy in his incongruously strong arms and place one webbed hand over his mouth and nose before
diving into the water, dragging the struggling, frightened boy with him.
Flamedramon surged forward as the salvo of harpoons ceased, but the particular Divermon he
wanted to stop was already long gone. He screamed in grief and fury, launching a rain of fireballs
after the retreating Divermon that remained. Those that were struck let out screeches of pain
before disappearing beneath the waves; most of the fireballs were simply snuffed out by the black
water. Flamedramon found himself forced to touch down at the shore's edge. He was unable to
pursue his human due to the very nature of his powers. The black water would render him
incapable of attacking or even defending himself, and the Divermon had to know it. What
frustrated him was that they'd simply taken Davis away from him. They didn't seem to want to
hurt him; if they had, they could have skewered him with a harpoon instead of tying him up. But
where were they taking him, and what did they mean to do with him?
The only thing worse than knowing that his human might be in any sort of life-threatening danger
was knowing that there was nothing he could do about it. There was nothing else to be done but
see if he could find some way to get help.
Davis felt like his lungs were about to explode as the Divermon hurled him out of the water and
onto the sandy floor of the underground grotto. He gasped for air, not yet ready to bother his
mind with questions like where he was and why. All that mattered to him was that wherever it
was seemed to have a flow of fresh air and a solid floor.
When Davis finally took it upon himself to look around, he found the cave he was in was rather
narrow and small. He couldn't tell where the air was coming from, but he could tell that the solid
ground there was little more than an island. Black water lapped at the sandy ground just a few
feet away from him in every direction. Behind him lay the passage that lead back downward into
the sea; in front of him lay a glistening black pool that seemed to stretch away into some sort of
underground river or passage.
"... geez, this sucks... I hope Flamedramon can find me..." he spoke to himself, mostly to comfort
himself with the sound of his own voice. The Divermon that had kidnaped him had withdrawn
before Davis had even seen him again, and the others had not even dared to approach. Davis
felt utterly alone, miserable, and wet. He was a bit nauseous, too, since his trip through the black
water had made it clear that it wasn't just water. Something there had torn at him, tried to change
him, reached out to him with dark whispers and cold caresses. He wanted nothing to do with it,
and the strange feelings had faded the moment he'd steeled his mind to refuse to let the Dark
Ocean affect him. It left him feeling tired, though, and definitely too afraid to even think
about simply swimming out of the grotto or exploring down the underground tunnel to find where
the fresh air was coming from.
Davis did not have long to wonder about what to do next. After a few minutes of sitting and
fruitlessly attempting to think, he heard a rumbling in the water that lay down the tunnel. He
turned to watch what was happening, curiously. It didn't occur to him to be afraid, as he was sure
Flamedramon would find him at any moment. So he only gaped in awe as he saw the incredible
size of the Digimon that arose from the water before him. It seemed like nothing so much as a
gigantic humanoid squid, with fleshy 'wings' extending from its back. Its skin was mottled grey
and had a slick look to it. A necklace of skulls hung around its neck, and ornate jewelry
decorated the bound masses of tentacles that seemed to constitute its arms and, presumably, its
legs. Davis couldn't know about its legs for sure; the size of the cave only permitted the creature
to rise up to its waist level. Its red eyes fixated on him, and a wickedly gleeful smile crossed its
"Whoa! Who are you?" Davis asked, once it occurred to him to do something besides gape and
"Dragomon." The Digimon hissed his answer in one simple word, and curiously enough, didn't
bother giving an Analyzer entry on himself. Perhaps he assumed that Davis already knew him, or
was trying to hide something from him.
Once Davis got over the Digimon's sheer size, he quickly fell into his usual methods for dealing
with unruly Digimon. "Yeah, well, I don't appreciate your goons grabbing me and dragging me
down here! If you wanted to talk, you could've just come up to the surface! Now, you're lucky
I'm such a nice guy, 'cause I'm not gonna hold a grudge about this, but you'd better take me back
to the surface right now or I'm not gonna hold Flamedramon back when he finds out."
Dragomon chuckled. "Foolish boy. You have no idea what you're dealing with, do you? Your
little Armored pet would be a nuisance to me, at best."
"That's what they all say!" Davis smirked confidently. The smirk dissolved when Dragomon
merely reached one of the massive tentacles that served as his 'fingers' forward, wrapped it one
around his torso, and lifted his body high into he air. Davis fought down a shout and instead tried
to look appropriately heroic and determined as he was lifted until he was level with the monster's
hideous eyes.
"Do you remember when your little female friend came to this world?" Dragomon asked him, in a
whisper. Anything louder would have made Davis' internal organs vibrate at this proximity.
"Kari?" Davis asked, surprised.
Dragomon chuckled again, in a way that made Davis begin to feel distinctly nervous. "Who do
you think brought her here?"
Davis' expression contorted in sudden anger. "... that was you? You jerk!"
Dragomon's calm demeanor remained unruffled. "Do you know what I wanted from her?"
"Something evil!"
"Not entirely incorrect," Dragomon smiled coldly. "I wanted her energy, boy, her Crest Power.
And since it was bound into her heart of hearts, the very core of her being, there was only one
way I could take it from her. Do you know what that is?"
"Does it matter? You're never gonna get near her again!" Davis shouted back.
Dragomon's entire body rumbled with laughter. "Of course not, stupid boy. What do I need her
for now that I have you? The Crest of Miracles will serve my needs as well as the Crest of
Light... and you were so foolish as to want to come here. So you can take her place as my...
"What?" Davis said, confused. "That doesn't even make sense! I'm not even a chick!"
"A technicality. I can still take what I want from you." Dragomon's laughter stopped, and his eyes
narrowed threateningly. "INFINITE TENTACLES!"
The other tentacle-fingers of the hand that held Davis seemed to shred apart into a countless
myriad of smaller, prehensible tentacles. Even the one wrapped around Davis' waist altered.
Smaller tentacles seemed to peel off of it like the outer layers of a banana. They darted out to
seize his wrists and ankles while other tentacles wrapped around his arms and legs. In the
terrifying second that followed after the tentacle around his waist broke apart, Davis found
himself firmly but strangely comfortably in midair. And the smaller tentacles felt different to him
than the original squidlike one that held him. The skin of these was different, firm yet somehow
rubbery, and some of them seemed somewhat slick and moist. Some of the tentacles had oddly
bulbous tips almost like blunt arrowheads, whereas others tapered to a delicate whiplike end.
Some tentacles were thick, others as small and slender as one of Davis' fingers. They all seemed
very long, and very strong, entirely resisting Davis' attempts to struggle against him.
"Do you know what makes humans different from most Digimon, little boy?" Dragomon asked.
Davis could only stammer, confused even more by the sudden question. Dragomon did not seem
disappointed with his response. "Of course you don't. You're young, even by their standards. But
I am old, boy, as old as your miserable race, and I know about your race's peculiar needs and
drives. I studied and labored for many years to come to understand them... and to adapt my body
so that I could take advantage of such activities. It is a remarkably effective method of energy
A sickening sensation of panic seized Davis' stomach. He couldn't entirely tell what direction
Dragomon's rant was going in, but he could definitely tell that it wasn't good. Davis wasn't used
to feeling helpless, and it provoked a desperate rage in him. "You're nuts!" he shouted at the
massive Elder God Digimon that loomed over him. "I dunno what you're even talking about, but it
doesn't matter 'cause there's no way we're going to let you get away with... with... with whatever
you're plotting!"
Dragomon's eyes lit up with glee. "A challenge, boy? Let's see if you can resist an attack against
your race's greatest weakness."
Davis' next heroic, angry protestation died on his lips. He went pale and only narrowly fought
down the impulse to scream as Dragomon began his assault. Tentacles dived down the neck of
his shirt and pulled outward on it, tearing the garment into its component pixels. Others similarly
slithered up the legs of his baggy shorts and the loose boxers underneath them, shredding them
into a cloud of data with little more than a simple tug outward. His jacket, gloves, and even his
boots remained completely intact and untouched, and his goggles had not been so much as
budged on his head. But the front of his torso and virtually everything important from his waist
down was bared to Dragomon's piercing view. Davis turned red and shut his eyes; he couldn't
bear being stared at like a piece of meat.
"What are you doing to me?" he demanded, his voice somewhere between a shout and a shriek.
"Exposing you," Dragomon explained with malicious care. He enjoyed watching the horrified
look that came over the boy's face as he suddenly understood the reality of the situation. "First I
will take your body, and then through it, your soul."
Davis was more thoroughly terrified than he could recall ever being before. He had only a vague
understanding of what Dragomon meant to do, but it was still enough to sicken him. He could feel
the tentacles spreading his legs apart and forcing his arms behind his back, reducing him to little
more than a human marionette. Swarms of other tentacles surrounded him, advancing slowly, as if
they were still deciding what they would do to him.
Some of the smaller, thinner ones finally decided to advance. Davis felt their smooth, slightly
slick surfaces slither across his chest and around his thighs before finally reaching around him to
grope his tight, firm buttocks. One of the slender tentacles slid down the crevice that separated
them, before poking delicately at Davis' anus. The boy's body jerked as much as his bonds would
allow as he let out a cry of discomfort. His passage was tight, and even the relatively small
intrusion that the slick, tongue-like tentacle provided was uncomfortable. Dragomon felt a stirring
of genuine lust spread languidly through his massive body. Judging from his bewildered reactions
and his anal passage's tight closure, the boy appeared to be thoroughly virginal. Dragomon liked
virgins. There was something about being a victim's first sexual encounter that made the intrusion
particularly sweet. Perhaps it was their confused reactions to sexual stimulation, or all the
opportunities for seduction their sheer ignorance presented.
Regardless, it made Dragomon decide to take his time with this one. The slender tongue-tentacles
pulled away from the boy's rear and instead whipped back around to his chest. A pair of them
slithered down the narrow but firm expanse to rub moist, lazy circles around his nipples.
Others began investigating his body hungrily, sliding up his face and neck to caress his cheeks and
poke insistently for access to the insides of his mouth. Davis made a point of shutting his eyes,
clamping his mouth shut, and trying to turn away as much as he could. The ministrations of the
tentacles sent disgusting shivers through his body.
They continued probing him, though, running down from his chest to his taught abdomen, even
poking at the insides of his navel. Two pairs of tentacles began feeling the firm, shapely expanse
of his thighs and calves, while another pair began investigating his exposed genitals. One tentacle
wrapped around his scrotum and gently squeezed his balls together while another wrapped around
the base of his soft penis and stroked curiously up and down the length of it. Davis' member
firmed slightly under the tentacle's ministrations, but not enough to be considered a true erection.
Davis' stubborn resistance pleased Dragomon. Most victims began to cooperate out of
sheer terror and hopelessness. He rarely had to struggle to gain control of a victim's will, and that
always made the experience more interesting.
The tongue-like tentacles remained where they were, groping, licking, rubbing and squeezing to
stimulate Davis' body as fully as possible. Another set of tentacles, larger and more bulbous at
the tips, thrust down the back of his jacket and ripped the garment away to expose his back. They
retreated slightly, and then split even further to become a mass of extremely slender, whiplike
tendrils. The tendrils immediately lashed out at him, hard enough to sting but not so hard as to
draw blood. However, the force of the repeated impacts quickly drew a raw pinkish glow from
Davis' otherwise dark, tanned skin. Davis grit his teeth, but the previous stimulation of the
tonguelike tentacles had rendered his sense of touch far more sensitive than usual. He couldn't
ignore the painful lashes anymore than he could completely ignore the slick tentacles that writhed
around his body. Eventually, he had to open his mouth to scream.
That was the opening Dragomon was waiting for. Finally, one of the thicker and more bulbous
tentacles writhed into action, lunging with terrible speed at the boy's mouth. Davis gagged; the
distinctly phallic tentacle had plunged into his mouth and slithered across his tongue before his
scream was entirely finished. His first reaction was to bite down on the offending appendage,
which he did with all the force he could muster. His teeth sank into the dense leathery skin of the
appendage, but couldn't penetrate it. He was about to make another try at assaulting the
offending phallus with his teeth when he realized that the deep rumble that was emanating from
Dragomon's central body was pleasure, not pain.
"Yes, again," Dragomon leered at his victim. Human teeth could provide nothing but a sharp,
unusually intense stimulation to his countless erect tentacles. As much as he enjoyed it, he was
not surprised when the boy suddenly opened his mouth as wide as he possibly could to spare his
teeth any more contact with the invading phallus. But that merely opened another way for
Dragomon to enjoy him.
Lubricated by Davis' saliva and its own slimy emissions, the tentacle began slowly pistoning as
much of itself in and out of Davis' mouth as the boy's orifice could manage without suffering
injury. The motion was smooth and slow, to ensure that Dragomon could sharply feel each inch of
his monstrous erection pass over the soft flesh of the boy's lips. Dragomon found it immensely
enjoyable, but the expression on the boy's face clearly indicated that he did not feel the same way.
The taste of the boy's flesh as his tongue-tentacles caressed his body tantalized Dragomon with
thoughts of the World of Light that the Harmonious Ones had denied him so long ago. That,
combined with the soft, yielding heat of Davis' mouth as it was invaded roused Dragomon's
ancient instincts to their height. Voracious lust gave new energy to Dragomon's normally
lethargic body. Now was the time for the fucking to begin in earnest.
The tongue-like tentacles began to probe less gently at their victim's body. They squeezed more
tightly and writhed more insistently against his genitals, as if trying to force them into a full
erection. The tentacle in his mouth began plunging faster and harder into him, despite Davis' best
efforts pull away from it. Another tentacle darted violently forward from the mass that hovered
just a few yards away from Davis' straining body. This one was also tongue-like, but thicker and
wetter than the ones that were working over his body and genitals. It snaked relentlessly toward
Davis' ass before gently stroking the crevice between his slick buttocks. Then, not so gently, it
thrust its tip into his anus.
This time, the boy's scream of discomfort and terror choked on the monstrous penis that filled his
mouth. Fortunately, the thick tentacle that was invading his rectum was slick with its own
secretions, a saliva-like fluid that made an ideal lubricant. The liquid prevented Dragomon's
sodomy from even drawing blood from the boy's tight anus. It also allowed the tentacle to
immediately begin thrusting into the passage, slowly stretching it open.
The occasional groaning rumble was now escaping Dragomon's lips. Even now, the boy was
fighting him. His penis remained largely flaccid, and his muscles jerked perceptibly against his
bonds with every advance the hot, pulsating organ made into his anus. Every jerk sent thrills of
sublime pleasure through Dragomon's body. His attempts to make the boy's anal passage able to
accommodate one of his larger and more sensitive phallic tentacles were just heightening his
nearly uncontrollable arousal. Davis attempted to clamp his rear's muscles down on the invading
tentacle with all his strength, in the misguided notion that he could impede its progress. But the
pressure only made his ass tighter and more pleasing to Dragomon's member, which possessed
more than enough strength to keep advancing despite Davis' efforts to keep it out.
The struggle against his tormentor was beginning to wear on him. The humiliation of having
himself exposed and stroked for a hideous thing's pleasure, and then being forced to suck on one
of the monster's erections, was rapidly becoming more than he could handle. As he felt
Dragomon relentlessly sodomize his last available orifice, it simply became too much for him to
bear. His muscles relaxed, his body sagging against its bonds, before stubborn tears began spilling
down his cheeks. The tentacle in his rectum squirmed farther and less painfully into him.
Dragomon knew he'd reached a critical point. This was the first sign of despair or weakness the
boy had allowed himself to show, and though it was trivial, exploiting it was vital. Its work
finished, the tentacle that had been preparing Davis' anal passage for proper fucking withdrew.
The tentacles wrapped around his legs tilted his body forward slightly, and spread apart in
preparation. From the mass of tentacles that hovered around his body in readiness, a thick, slimy
one slid forward. This one had the distinct mushroom-like head and bulbous tip that marked it as a
penis-tentacle, but larger and thicker than the one that Davis was forced to accommodate with his
Davis managed to choke a scream of protest out as Dragomon's unholy penis plunged into his
anus. The tentacle slid with little difficulty into the wet, stretched passage. But it was not painless
for Davis, prompting him to once more attempt to thrash against his bonds. For Dragomon, his
struggles were pure ecstacy. The massive Digimon shifted his hideous body, and the tentacle in
Davis' mouth began thrusting with the rhythmic speed and force of a piston. Davis feared he was
going to be torn in half or suffocated.
Then the tentacle in his mouth abruptly pulled out. He temporarily ignored the phalli that
continued to twist around his body and the one that was thrusting into his ass so he could gasp for
air. That was when the looming tentacle ejaculated, spraying a thick, sticky black semen into the
air and onto Davis' face. He quickly shut his mouth and groaned in displeasure, but he was too
tired to put effort into having a more aggressively negative reaction. His head swam, sweat
poured down his body, and his eyes had difficulty remaining open. The forced exertion was now
what his mind settled on as the most torturous aspect of the ordeal. He wanted to lie still, instead
of constantly strain within his bonds or be rocked forward by the thrusts of the tentacle that was
anally raping him now.
Davis hung his head and gasped for air, wincing and weakly crying out as the monstrous phallus
that possessed his ass made a particularly forceful or violent move. Dragomon watched on, horny
enough to not be entirely displeased with the fact that he'd never managed to stimulate the boy to
an erection. There were other ways of getting what he wanted from him, and if anything, he was
amused that for the first time in thousands of years, he was having to employ a back-up plan. In
the meantime, he was more than content to feast upon the sensual pleasures the boy's unwilling
body provided. He could feel each the boy's fighting spirit break just a little bit more with every
thrust his pounding phallus made into his anus. Davis' continued refusal to beg or plead with his
captor made his every moan and cry excite Dragomon further.
The Elder God Digimon listened on to the boy's gasps for breath and helpless moans as he
continued anally ravaging him. Davis arched his back in agony and emitted a strangled scream as
the tentacle began moving faster and faster, building toward a climax. Despite the much greater
force being used against him, not one bit of spare flesh on the boy's body bounced or jiggled; the
muscles remained taut and firm, straining against the thrusting phallus. After one last, viciously
hard thrust, the tentacle retreated and ejaculated as Dragomon experienced another orgasm. The
demonic Digimon rumbled in exquisite pleasure as the tentacle spilled its black seed onto Davis'
lower back. Trails of the demonic semen ran downward, dripping over his buttocks and around
his waist. Dark grey streams of the slick fluid already dripped down his collarbone, having run
down the side of his face and neck.
Davis felt quite thoroughly miserable, hot, and sticky. His body was exhausted and his mind had
gone numb from a total inability to process his sheer horror at the situation. He didn't bother to
try to look Dragomon in the eye now. "Are you done now?" Davis spat bitterly at his tormentor.
"... done?" Dragomon's body rumbled with hungry, mocking laughter. The tongue-like tentacles
that bound Davis' upper torso tilted backward, forcing the boy to look up. Davis beheld an
innumerable swarm of phallic tentacles waving in his direction. "Boy, satisfy all of these, and
perhaps I may decide to leave you be."
Davis' mouth moved soundlessly for a few moments, before his mind was simply overwhelmed by
the awful scope of it all. His eyes rolled back into his head as he passed out, his unconscious body
slumping limply into the bonds that supported it.
Dragomon chuckled to himself at the boy's reaction. He idly thrust another erect tentacle into
Davis' ass, while a few more delicate, tongue-like tentacles worked his mouth open so it could
accommodate another monstrous erection as well. Even as he enjoyed the pleasures of the boy's
unconscious body, his mind was working away at his back-up plan. If he had heard the boy
correctly, he had brought his Digimon partner along with him. Dragomon had failed at terrifying
Davis into opening his heart to him, but perhaps he could succeed in getting what he wanted from
the boy by using a less direct route.
Flamedramon flexed his fingers uncertainly. He couldn't recall ever having to use them before
before he began tapping at the D-Terminal's interface. Flamedramon's first priority was
protecting his human, and he'd been more than willing to strip off his red armor plating when that
was necessary to fulfilling that goal. With his long and strangely slender hands freed from the
heavy red claw-gauntlets, he could use them as deftly as any human could. He'd stripped away his
knee and foot guards largely so he could sit down comfortably while he figured out how Davis'
D-Terminal worked. He'd kept his chestplate and armored mask on largely because he'd seen no
immediately utility to be gained in stripping them off.
It took some time to figure out how sending an e-mail worked, but Flamedramon was by
necessity a clever Digimon. His finished note read:
Trapped in Dark World. Assistance at your earliest convenience would be appreciated.
Best regards,
Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage
The Armor Digimon tapped the send button, and then fidgeted uneasily. He supposed he should
put his armor back on, but what was the point? There was nothing to fight. He felt strangely
pointless like this. Davis usually made him revert back to Veemon the moment the fighting was
over, so he wasn't entirely sure what he should do with himself at the moment. Flamedramon
couldn't ever recall having to be in a situation that called for mindless waiting. Shouldn't he
occupy himself somehow? But doing what? He was unnerved at all the questions he was
suddenly asking about himself.
His train of thought was abruptly interrupted when he heard a great sound of splashing and
roaring from behind himself. Flamedramon momentarily forgot his lack of armor and turned
around to face the source of the noise, the Dark Ocean. He saw a massive shape rising from the
water, a Digimon so huge that even when just its head and shoulders rose from the water, it
dwarfed Flamedramon. It also rose one of its arms, which appeared to be composed of nothing
but a great mass of tentacles that were loosely bound together. The tentacles seemed to fold in on
each other as they terminated, creating what appeared to be a tangled club-like ball of tendrils.
Flamedramon's reaction was immediately hostile. A fiery aura sprang about his body and he
launched himself at the huge Digimon, with the massive blade on his facemask leading. "FIRE
Dragomon winced slightly as the Armor Digimon collided into his, the armor point getting buried
in his leather flesh. The flames licked fiercely at his thick hide, but did not possess the strength to
really hurt him. Flamedramon felt the Digimon's body rumble with laughter before another arm-
like mass of tentacles rose from the water and wrapped themselves around his body. They gently
pulled Flamedramon out from Dragomon's dense, leathery hide, and then wrapped around his
body. Only Flamedramon's head and upper chest were even visible above the mass of restraining
tentacles as he found himself raised up into full view of one of the Elder God Digimon's glowing
red eyes.
Flamedramon didn't bother maintaining his aura of fire, since it obviously did no good. But his
angry, defiant expression clearly indicated that he was hardly surrendering to the larger Digimon.
"You! You'd better let me know where Davis is, Dragomon," Flamedramon hissed. "Or I
swear I'll make you regret it!"
Dragomon chuckled. "You? A puny Armor Digimon who's not even wearing most of his Armor,
defeat me, one of the most powerful Ultimates? You're quite lucky I'm not in a vindictive mood,
little lizard."
Flamedramon squirmed uncomfortably in Dragomon's tentacles. He knew Dragomon was
supposed to be a very evil, ruthless sort of Digimon who was cunning and treacherous. He had to
be on guard for any sort of trap, and the best way to do that seemed to be to take the most
aggressive possible stance. But it didn't make sense that an evil Digimon wouldn't try to attack
him or... well, do something evil, especially since he'd taken the first shot. He decided to press on
anyway. "I still want to know where my human is!" Flamedramon demanded.
"You're the one who let him be carried off by Divermon," Dragomon sneered down at his
hostage. "Fortunately, the weaklings had the good sense to drop their prize and flee from me."
Flamedramon decided that sounded enough like something an evil Digimon would do that it was
worth believing. "Then you do have him! Where is he?"
"Right here. He was amusing and harmless enough - much like yourself - so I decided to occupy
myself by taking care of some of his neglected physical needs until I found the partner he'd
babbled about to me before he became insensate," Dragomon spoke, slowly, making sure
Flamedramon absorbed every word as he gestured slightly with the ball of tentacles that he was
still holding above the water.
"Neglect?" Flamedramon exclaimed, in surprise.
"Of course. Humans have an insatiable need for stimulation that comes from their fleshly organs.
Digimon can learn how to enjoy it, too, but it's not a need for us. We are conceived more cleanly,
through packet transmission," Dragomon informed his captive.
Despite his better judgement, Flamedramon found himself becoming curious enough to ask
questions. "Stimulation? I don't understand."
"Watch," Dragomon said, a devious smile spreading across this massive face. The ball of tentacles
began to unwind itself, revealing what it had concealed: Davis' body. He was still bound by the
slender tongue-like tentacles, and a single demonic phallus was thrusting into his anus. Dragomon
carefully began peeling away the slender tentacles until the bare minimum necessary to support
Davis' body were holding him. The force of the tentacle that was ravaging his ass caused his
unconscious body to rock forward in time with the thrusts.
Flamedramon stared at Davis, fascinated and repulsed all at once. Something immediately struck
him as wrong with the situation, but as he could not see Davis in obvious pain, he wasn't sure if
his instincts were to be trusted. Even beside that, there was something terribly hypnotic about the
movements Davis' body was making at the moment. Flamedramon had never really gotten a very
good look at what his human looked like without his clothes on. Even when DemiVeemon
bathed with Davis, most of his human's skin remained covered by soap suds and water. But now,
save for the tentacles and the slimy-looking black patches, he could finally see what Davis was
like underneath all the fabric that humans insisted upon wrapping themselves in. Flamedramon
found something intensely interesting, if not downright pleasurable, about watching Dragomon's
tentacle slide in and out of Davis' body.
The Armor Digimon nearly started in surprise when Dragomon swung Davis closer to him, close
enough that Flamedramon could make out the troubled, exquisitely agonized expression on his
partner's face. "Would you like to do this yourself?" Dragomon asked him.
"... do?" Flamedramon stammered.
Dragomon laughed. "Fuck your human, of course. They need it rather frequently when they reach
a certain age, and this one seems to be nearly ripe. While he's amusing enough, I assume you
intend to take him back to the World of Light where he belongs at some point."
"... I... of course, yes, I do. I mean, take him back... this... if you're sure it's necessary..."
Flamedramon found himself stammering. He knew there was something dubious about
Dragomon's claim. He hadn't heard anything from the older Partner Digimon about needing to
provide physical service to their humans. On the other hand, he was entranced by the beautiful
sight Davis' writhing body posed to him, and did really want to learn how to make his body able
to fuck with him. Davis certainly didn't look like he was in pain, and perhaps this need to fuck
humans explained the curious lack he had been feeling in his duty to his partner.
Dragomon shrugged, a movement that caused small waves to ripple around his body. "Well, I
suppose it's not strictly necessary..."
"No... no, really, I want to know. How do I do what you're doing?" Flamedramon's question
tumbled out of him, unbidden. Watching the spectacle of Davis before him was simply too much
for him to ignore.
"You need at least one of these," Dragomon replied, as a few of his phallic tentacles slid forward
toward Flamedramon's face. "You call it a penis. It's used to fuck. Your human is male, so the
best place to fuck him is the opening in his ass. Like I'm doing." Dragomon tilted Davis' body up
vertically, so that Flamedramon could more clearly see the tentacle piston in and out of his
partner's anus.
"... I s-see," Flamedramon stammered, his cheeks reddening underneath his mask. "But I don't
"It's a simple modification," Dragomon chuckled at the uncomfortable Armor Digimon. One of
his tentacles pushed forward to rest mere inches away from Flamedramon's snout. "Take this into
your mouth and suck on it. Drink the liquid that comes out of it. The energy will give you the
sexual organ best suited to you."
Flamedramon thought that over. It seemed harmless enough and fairly logical, as near as he could
tell. So he nodded, and reached out with his bare hands to grasp the monstrous phallus. He drew
its head, which dripped with black fluid, into his mouth, carefully maneuvering it past his sharper
teeth. He began sucking gently on it in much the same way that his lower forms would suck on a
popsicle or lollipop, his tongue running over the penis' head and just below it. Dragomon
rumbled appreciatively and began thrusting more energetically into Davis' ass, as the new
stimulation hastened on his latest orgasm. Emitting a satisfied rumble, he ejaculated another load
of sticky black semen onto Davis' back, before sliding another tentacle forward to begin
sodomizing him anew.
Flamedramon watched the spectacle, fascinated, as he sucked on one of Dragomon's other
tentacles. Watching his human being fucked was beginning to make him feel a strange, unusual
excitement. It made him feel as if the entire world had fallen away, and all that really mattered of
what was left was Davis'. There was something beautiful about his pants and sighs, even about
the sheen of the black semen that trickled down his body. Flamedramon wanted desperately to
touch his human, but Dragomon's tentacle kept him from moving forward.
Dragomon could see and even sense the new emotion that Flamedramon was beginning to
experience: lust. It would probably be tempered with some slavish, sentimental affection for his
partner, but hopefully not so much that it would impede the plan. With a deeply satisfied rumble,
the Elder God Digimon climaxed twice at once. The tentacle thrashing in Davis' ass pulled out
and ejaculated messily upon the boy's back, while the tentacle in Flamedramon's mouth writhed
violently before depositing a stream of sticky black jism in the dragon Digimon's throat.
Dragomon watched Flamedramon swallow the liquid while wincing at the taste. The Elder God
Digimon gently deposited his Armored victim on the sand, then dropped his human next to him.
He'd sated his lust enough for now. He would withdraw into the sea while Flamedramon
underwent the painful internal and external transformations that would give him functioning
genitalia, then return again to strike when the time was right.
The first thing Davis realized when he woke up was that he was sore. Very, very sore. He
moaned softly as he tried to crawl up to his hands and knees, and then winced when he tried to sit
down on the soft sand. Then he mused to himself on how irritating it was to have sand clinging to
his butt cheeks, when he realized something else: he was quite naked. He reddened, despite the
total lack of anyone else around him, and quickly drew his knees up to his chin to afford himself
some meager element of modesty.
"... are you feeling better now, Davis?"
He started at the voice. It was deep, but soft and strangely hesitant. He glanced over in the
direction it seemed to be coming from, and only caught the barest flash of smooth, light blue
reptilian skin. That was enough, however, to make him recognize the voice.
"... Flamedramon?" he asked, both hopeful and confused all at once. He'd never heard
Flamedramon speak in that tone of voice before, and certainly never seen him hide behind a rock
He peeked out from behind the rock, hesitantly. Davis stared as he saw that Flamedramon's face
and upper torso were uncovered by his usual red armor. The fire dragon Digimon reached bare,
gauntlet-free arms over the top of the rock, the white claws tapping softly against the stone. "It's
me. Are you feeling better?"
"... y-yeah..." Davis' voice cracked as a terrible, hideous thought began twisting in the pit of his
stomach. "... did Dragomon catch you?"
Flamedramon knew from the moment that he heard the fear in Davis' voice that Dragomon had
not told him the full truth about what he had done with his human. A voice in his mind cursed at
him, telling him to put his armor on and find something to cover Davis up with while they waited
on the others to arrive. But another voice, one that had only been speaking to him since he'd
made the mistake of drinking Dragomon's semen, informed him that it was already far too late for
that; his armor wouldn't cover what needed concealing the most. There was no point in not going
on, especially since he certainly didn't intend to hurt Davis anyway.
The new, darker voice spoke the most loudly to Flamedramon now, and commanded his actions.
"No," Flamedramon said, confidently. "I just found you on the beach, that's all. You were dirty,
so I took you into the water to clean you off."
That explanation seemed to relax Davis considerably. In fact, it was enough to make him smile a
little. "... oh. Okay, I was worried..." he trailed off, as if uncertain of what to say next.
Flamedramon winced as Davis' smile provoked his new, blue-lavender penis to stand erect once
more. He wanted to fuck his human so badly that he could barely stand it. A voice that grew
ever-weaker howled at him in outrage for even thinking of such a thing, but it was summarily
ignored. Instead, Flamedramon decided that since the others would be returning soon, he'd need
to make his move as quickly as possible just to rid himself of his troublesome erection. Davis
would understand. In fact, Flamedramon was sure he could make sure Davis enjoyed it. He
loved Davis, after all, and wasn't this what humans needed most of all?
"Davis, I sent an e-mail to the others. They're probably trying to get to us right now. But before
they do get here... there's something we need to take care of," Flamedramon began, setting
himself down a path that he could never turn away from.
Davis' heart leapt with joy at the thought of his friends, even if he was naked and sure to be
embarrassed. He grinned openly at his Digimon Partner. "Sure, just you name it!"
"Come over here, Davis..."
The boy reddened slightly in embarrassment, but mustered the courage to stand up and walk over
to the rock. "Yeah?"
Flamedramon reached out to grasp Davis' shoulder with a trembling hand. "Over on this side,
Davis. By me."
He blinked in confusion, but complied. His eyes were locked firmly on Flamedramon's, so he did
not notice the azure erection that was bobbing freely before Flamedramon's body. But even for
Davis, it was difficult not to notice Flamedramon's heavy breathing, or the way that Flamedramon
was looking at him.
"... what is it?" Davis asked, voice quavering slightly.
"I'm sorry," Flamedramon managed to hiss through clenched teeth as he grabbed his human by
the shoulders and roughly pushed him down onto the sand.
"Flamedramon!" Davis protested as he fell to the sand. He could feel the Digimon grab his legs
and hoist them upward as he knelt over him. "What are you doing?! Wha..." His voice abruptly
stopped as he inhaled sharply, then screamed.
Even within the confines of his own mind, Flamedramon quickly abandoned all pretense of being
primarily concerned with Davis' well being as he buried himself to the hilt in his human's
struggling body. The pleasure he felt was overwhelming, intoxicating. New, bestial instincts
overwhelmed him and demanded that he focus on sliding his erection in and out of Davis' slick
passage, faster, harder, making the incredible new feeling ever more shatteringly intense.
Tears brimmed in Davis' eyes. Being raped again was hurting him physically, but it was his sense
of confusion and betrayal that wounded him most deeply. Flamedramon wasn't an evil Digimon!
Why was he hurting him like this, and... and enjoying it? Had Dragomon gotten ahold of him and
warped him somehow, put him under his control? Or... or what if everyone else had really been
right all along? What if Flamedramon had always wanted this, but managed to control himself
until he was in a world made of pure evil?
Kari's voice played through his mind, unbidden. "The Darkness is as much a part of everything as
the Light is, Davis. Everyone has a good side and a bad side. It's just how things are."
Davis squeezed his eyes shut as despair finally settled over his heart like a choking cloud. They'd
both tried to warn him, idiot that he was, and he hadn't been able to listen. He'd brought both
himself and Flamedramon to this point by interfering in things too large for him to understand.
Everything that had happened was all his fault. His muscles slackened as the urge to fight
Flamedramon left him. As the resistance stopped, the Fire Dragon Digimon simply held his human
tighter and gave himself the liberty of thrusting harder and faster, moaning to himself and running
his claws gently through Davis hair.
The boy opened an eye to glance hesitantly at Flamedramon's face. Davis pondered him and
decided that... well, he looked like he was enjoying himself. At least Flamedramon wasn't
suffering from Davis' stupidity, and putting up with the sex didn't seem so bad if it was for him.
Flamedramon was certainly being more gentle with him than Dragomon had. Maybe all of this
was the best....
Davis' will to fight had faded entirely by the time Flamedramon was approaching his orgasm. A
few more frantic thrusts, and he could feel himself ejaculating for the first time. His body
slackened, and he took a few moments to catch his breath before he began to be fully cognizant of
the world around him. Davis' body had suddenly begun straining against him. Flamedramon
glanced down, and was horrified by what he saw.
His human was in pain. His body glowed with an unnatural radiance, and his mouth gaped open
noiselessly. His hands flexed and gripped at Flamedramon's shoulders uselessly as spasms that
turned into seizures began to wrack his body. "Davis? Davis!" Flamedramon shouted urgently
down at him, panic lacing in his voice. "Davis, what's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" He
shook his human slightly, trying to get him to snap out of his fit. While Davis' movements began
to grow progressively weaker, the strange phenomenon that engulfed him did not abate. If
anything, the unnatural halo of golden light glowed ever more brightly.
Energy! The answer dawned on Flamedramon in a terrible flash of insight. Something was tearing
Davis' life-energy from his body. But what was it? Who could have managed to attack Davis so
viciously while they were fucking?
Flamedramon received his answer when he felt the aura of power begin flooding into his power.
He dropped Davis to the sandy ground and pulled his flaccid blue penis from the boy's body, but
it was too late. He had willfully violated his human too thoroughly to stop the process now.
Flamedramon could feel his naked body begin to undergo the Digivolving process as it absorbed
the power. He screamed in agony and regret as his limbs began to twist and distort.
He could hear Dragomon's mocking laughter from the seashore that lay all too close behind him.
"Stupid!" the Elder God Digimon hissed. "Didn't you realize? It is not natural for Digimon to feel
the urge to fuck! And for a Partner Digimon to fuck his own human makes you no better than me!
When your stupid boy lost his will to fight, he lost the ability to control his heart's power...
causing it all to flood into your body in a single instant!"
The newly evolved Megadramon opened his eyes and blinked down at what remained of his
human. His stomach twisted in agony. He could tell, just from gazing upon him, that Davis was
dead. When the Digidestined had lost his will to fight, Flamedramon's violation had become so
powerful that it had ripped his very soul out and devoured it. An indescribable sadness, laced
with self-hatred, lanced through Megadramon's soul... a sadness that shortly turned into boiling
rage as he heard Dragomon laughing behind him.
"YOU TRICKED ME!" Megadramon shrieked at Dragomon as he whirled around. "You didn't
tell me... if I'd know, I never would have..."
"Of course not," Dragomon rumbled. "That's why I didn't tell you. Now that you have the boy's
power, it will be much easier to take it for myself!"
The Dark Dragon Digimon's eyes widened in fury. "This was all just a plot to steal power...."
"... so I could Digivolve." Dragomon hefted his massive bulk upwards out of the water. He flexed
his tentacles. All hints of their phallic nature were gone. They were crushing, strangling
appendages now, ready to be wielded like the deadly weapons they were. "So now I will beat you
into submission and devour your data, and finally become a Mega level Digimon!"
The rocket launchers built into Megadramon's hands peeled open, readying themselves for
combat. "NEVER!" Megadramon screamed. "I'll make you pay for what you've done! I'll kill
The World of Nightmares shuddered as the two powerful Ultimate Digimon joined each other in
what could only be a battle to the death.
It was some time later with Kari, TK, and Ken managed to find where Davis' remains lay after
coming through the Dark Digiport. Angewomon, Angemon and Stingmon fortunately managed to
precede their humans to the site. By the time the young humans saw what was left of their friend,
Davis' body had already been wrapped in Angewomon's purple scarf, concealing the worst of the
Ken was inconsolable, enough so that Angewomon merely left the body where it lay so the boy
could have some time with his best friend's remains. His quiet sobs punctured the otherwise eerie
silence of the World of Nightmares.
Kari's hands trembled as she looked on. "... what did they do to him?" she asked herself, voice
barely above a whisper.
"Whatever it was... was probably what they wanted to do to you last time we were here," TK's
voice cracked with emotion as he attempted to place a comforting hand on Kari's shoulder.
"What are we going to tell the others... what are we going to tell his parents...." Kari continued.
"We'll have time for that later, Kari," Angewomon's voice was quiet and terse. "I'm more
worried about figuring out how he was brought here. We can't let this happen to anyone else."
"Is there any sign of Veemon at all? Anything?" TK asked.
Angemon and Stingmon swooped down to stand next to Angewomon, pieces of Flamedramon's
crimson armor held in their arms.
"This is all we've found," Stingmon's buzzing voice seemed somehow thicker and more
"Flamedramon was a proud warrior. Whoever hurt Davis, I know Flamedramon went down
fighting against him," Angemon added, stoically.
"Why didn't you listen to me? WHY?" Ken screamed at the body, before collapsing over the body
in a desperate crying fit.
"We have to lock this place away, TK," Kari said as she watched Ken's grief. "We've got to
make it so that no one can ever come here again."
"... after something like this... I'm not sure that's enough. We've got to find whoever did this and
make him pay!" TK exclaimed.
Kari bowed her head. "Davis wanted to come here just to do something like that." TK fell silent,
and looked away from her. "We can't destroy an absolute evil like this... but we can try to keep
people safe from it. Lock it up and throw away the key, and never think about it again. The more
you think about the Darkness, the more powerful its hold on you becomes...."
"I know you're right," TK sighed. "I just wish there was a better way... a way to really fix things.
To get rid of places like this."
"We all do, TK," Kari looked sadly over to him. "But this is just a part of the world we're going
to have to accept. If we can't..." she glanced sadly over to where Ken was kneeling by Davis'
body, his tears finally falling silently. "... that's all that's left for us."
Genre: Lemon
Rating: NC-17. So if you're under 17, don't get caught reading this.
Copyright: I don't own Digimon, but what kind of retard needs me to tell them that?
Disclaimer: This is a lemon. So there's nasty shit in it. Don't come crying to me if you can't take
tentacles, guys being fucked up the ass, monsters fucking humans, or violent death of cartoon
characters. In fact, if you can't take any of that, just sit at home and never leave your house ever
again, because there's scarier things outside than you'll find in here.
E-mail me at suikakujyu_sama@yahoo.com and let me know what you got off on, what you
thought could have been better, or who you wanna see doing who next. If I get enough e-mails
and sequel requests, I might just grace you horny perverts with another lemon. I'm enough of a
horny pervert to already have ideas.
"... so, see, things really aren't over," Davis said to his two companions, pounding his closed fist
into his open hand for emphasis. "All the bad guys came from the Dark Ocean's World of
Nightmares, right? But we never did anything about it. If we could destroy the World of
Nightmares, then we'd have really beaten the bad guys once and for all! "
Ken gave his friend a very startled look as he finished. "... Davis, that is an extremely bad idea,"
he pronounced.
"... how come? The World of Nightmares produces bad guys, right? And getting rid of bad guys is
what we do, right?"
"Like the Digimon Emperor?" Kari smirked.
Davis frowned at her as much as he could bring himself to. "That's different!"
"No, Kari has a good point, Davis. I think I have more reason to hate the World of Nightmares
than anyone, but destroying it... that would be as bad for the state of all reality as destroying the
Digital World," Ken attempted to explain.
"How? The Digital World's not evil. I mean, not intri- intrans- in-trun-sac-al-ly, right?" Davis
asked, stumbling over the unusually large word as he tried to say it. Kari couldn't help but giggle.
Davis' current habit of spending time with Ken whenever possible had him trying to emulate
Ken's much more erudite vocabulary. She actually admired his attempts to pick up Ken's good
qualities, but in the meantime, it meant he often tried to use words he didn't entirely understand.
"Intrinsically," Ken corrected him, without a hint of anything but patience in his voice. "And no, it
isn't... but... I don't know how to say this right...."
"The Darkness is as much a part of everything as the Light is, Davis. Everyone has a good side
and a bad side, so there's a Digital World and a World of Nightmares. It's just how things are,"
Kari spoke up as Ken faltered. "Changing that would ruin the balance of reality."
"Everyone has an evil side? As if!" Davis laughed. "Come on, you're not evil! And Ken wasn't
really evil either, he just didn't understand what he was doing."
Ken frowned pensively. "... I don't know about that..."
Kari smiled sadly at the heartfelt but, to her mind, thoroughly misguided complement. "No, but
I'm not perfect, either. I have my flaws, Davis, just the same as you and everyone else. I pick on
Tai for fun sometimes and I've blackmailed TK with embarrassing pictures of him and Patamon
playing with toys together, and..."
"You're kidding!" Davis snickered. "What kind? Blocks or something stupid like that?"
Kari immediately felt the urge to smack her forehead with her palm at her blunder. "... well, I've
done my share of bad things, and let's leave it at that. The previous examples could have been,
er... entirely hypothetical."
Davis grinned and looked up at the sky. "I so bet it was blocks. Big goofy wooden blocks, that
were painted all different colors...."
"Ah, Davis? You're straying a bit off the subject," Ken interjected.
"... oh, right. Sorry." Davis' grin became a bit apologetic.
"Anyway, while maybe trying to seal the World of Nightmares off from the human world or the
Digital World could help make things safer, destroying it would do any good at all. I'm not sure
how to explain it more clearly than this... it's not pleasant, but it's just something that has to be
there," Ken finished.
"Yeah. It's really probably best in the long run if you forgot about this idea, Davis. I mean, how
would you even get there?" Kari asked.
"I hope you'll forgive me if I refuse to open the Dark Digiport again unless I absolutely have to.
Last time was really enough to last a lifetime." Ken couldn't quite suppress a visible shiver.
Davis remembered how hard controlling the darkness even for that long had been on his friend,
and suddenly felt vaguely guilty for even thinking about making Ken do it again. "Alright, alright.
It was just an idea anyway, guys."
But, as Davis tried to sleep in his room that night, he found he couldn't forget about the idea. It
twisted in his mind, and agitated him to the point where his tossing and turning was keeping
DemiVeemon awake as well.
"What is bothering you, Davis?" the little In-Training Digimon asked irritably. "Neither one of us
is going to get any sleep until you can be still!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Davis exclaimed, sitting up in his bed and slamming his pillow onto his lap
in frustration. "I just got this idea in my head and it won't go away!"
"What is it?" DemiVeemon asked, curiously.
"Okay... remember when Kari told us about going to the World of Nightmares, and she got all
scared and stuff?" Davis asked.
"Yeah... I remember 'cause that made you sad, too," DemiVeemon nodded.
"You bet it did! And know how Ken always got scared whenever something involving the World
of Nightmares happened? And how TK would get all mad and scary when he was talking about
destroying the Darkness? And how Yolie and Cody always got real upset when they had to fight
a Digimon so evil that it had to be deleted?" Davis asked.
DemiVeemon nodded his head as much as he could without toppling over. "Uh-huh...."
"Well... well, what if you knew there was something you could do that could make it so none of
that had to ever happen again, but the people you wanted to help didn't want you to do it?"
Davis' frustration finally became evident.
"Well, it's obvious! Do it anyway and make it a big surprise for them!" DemiVeemon smiled,
without a moment's thought. He waves his arm-nubs in the air for emphasis as he continued.
"They probably just don't want you to make a fuss over them. Like when people tell you that you
shouldn't have given them a present, but everybody likes presents!"
"Yeah... yeah! See, that's exactly what I thought!" Davis said, picking up his partner. "But to
make that happen, we'd have to go to the World of Nightmares somehow and destroy it forever,
and I dunno how we'd manage that."
DemiVeemon's eyes widened. "Oooh, that is a toughie...." the little Digimon pondered. "... but if
you want it to happen so bad that you can't sleep, maybe that could let you go there!"
"Huh? What, you mean a force of will thing? Like what beat MaloMyotismon?" Davis asked.
"But we could only do that because we were in the Digital World."
"Then let's take a computer with us to the Digital World and try it there!" DemiVeemon
suggested. "We don't even have to stay there long that way, we can leave whenever we want."
"Hey... yeah! That's so cool!" Davis' eyes lit up as he caught onto DemiVeemon's train of
thought. "I can get the new laptop my folks got me and use the old computer in the living room
to open the Digiport! And I can be gone and back by morning, so mom'll never suspect a thing,
and tomorrow's Saturday... this is perfect! Man, just wait until I convince the guys that I'm right
this time! They'll love this! Jeez, why didn't I ever think of this before?"
"Because you were never smart enough to ask a genius like me!" DemiVeemon smiled proudly.
Davis smirked down at his partner as he hopped off of his bed and starting trying to quietly
gathering up the stuff he'd need for the trip. "Man, someone says one good thing about you and it
goes straight to your head...."
DemiVeemon sniffed in a vaguely wounded manner. "That's the dragon calling the ocean blue if
ever I heard it."
*** **
Once Davis found his laptop and his goggles, getting into the living room with DemiVeemon
posed no problems. He didn't even need to bother with changing out of his pajamas; his trip to the
Digital World would take care of his clothing needs. A simple whisper of 'Digi-port... uh, open...
please?' was all it took to transport himself, clad in his usual pseudo-safari gear and flaming
jacket, and the newly digivolved Veemon into the Digital World.
From there, entering the World of Nightmares was more difficult. "Okay... we've just gotta want
it really bad, right?" Davis asked. "And then tell the gate to open?"
"I guessh," Veemon shrugged his little shoulders.
"Then... okay! Start wanting!" Davis called. Both the human and his Digimon partner squeezed
their eyes shut and began wanting with all their might, while Davis brandished his D3 at his
laptop's screen.
Davis didn't know about the probability-inverting property of the Crest of Miracles that he carried
deep in his heart. It was activated by determination, and gained even greater power by the force
of human dreams. Through its ability to channel determination into the power to make otherwise
terribly unlikely things happen, it had in the past saved Davis and the Digidestined time and time
again. Of course, no one suspected that there was anything supernatural about Davis' ability to
come through when things were worst. It was simply something that happened, and was
usually attributed to the sort of luck that only the very drunk or very stupid ever seem to have.
It was not entirely the power of the Crest of Miracles that caused the Dark Digiport to open for
Davis. Something on the other side of the portal had felt the force of Davis and Veemon's desire,
and wished to open the path for them. The probability-inverting field of the Crest was simply the
mechanism it used to channel its own desire to bring the boy and his Digimon to the World of
Nightmares into the physical form of a Digital Gate that lead to the Dark Ocean.
However, when Davis and Veemon saw the tiny window into the World of Nightmares open on
the screen of Davis' laptop, they did not suspect any of this. They simply grinned and assumed
that once again, their payoff for trying what everyone else said was impossible was getting what
they wanted.
"Wow! It actually worked!" Veemon exclaimed happily.
"Of course it did!" Davis smirked triumphantly. "Now... let's get ready to take a look at the
World of Nightmares for ourselves! Dark-Digiport, OPEN!"
The world seemed to have become a photo-negative of itself. Black waves lapped against a black
shore, with only ripples of silvery grey to indicate that the dark water was moving at all. Blotches
of varying shades of grey dotted the otherwise bleak, ashy landscape. A black disc that generated
neither light nor heat seemed to have taken the place of the sun in the pale grey sky.
Davis rubbed his hands over his arms and shivered, despite his jacket. "This place... it... man, it
really sucks!" he exclaimed. "I mean, I can't even tell what's what, it's so dark! It's just grey stuff
over black stuff, and then the water...." Davis gazed out into the water. The pattern of the waves
seemed mesmerizing, enough so that Veemon had to tug on his shorts leg to get his attention.
"Wuh... oh! What is it, Veemon?" he asked, shaking his head in confusion.
"I got another idea, Davish!" Veemon grinned proudly. "Use the Digi-Egg of Courage! Since I'm
strong enough to be a Champion by myself, I bet I could wear the Armor for a real long time, and
then I could...."
"... give us some light! And heat, too!" Davis thrust his D3 forward eagerly. "So let's give it a try!
Digi-Armor, Ener... GIZE!"
The globe of fire and light that enshrouded Veemon's transformation did not seem to illuminate
the landscape so much as leech the blackness from it. The ashy ground was bleached white by the
brilliant red-orange colors of the Fire of Courage, but quickly returned to its former state when
Flamedramon broke free of the egg of elemental fire after his armor had entirely formed.
"... hmmm. Not much, but it's still an improvement," he noted in his much deeper voice, glancing
down at what little of his effect on the landscape he managed to catch.
"Don't worry about it, man. I don't think a million light bulbs could light this place up, and I feel
a lot better knowing I've got you here with me than a million light bulbs! I mean, ExVeemon's
cool, but so are you, and I kinda got to missing you after awhile," Davis chattered happily on to
keep from looking at the waves again.
Flamedramon, for his part, was as grateful for the confidence and affection as any partner
Digimon could be. He smiled, and briefly wished, as he often did in his more intelligent forms, that
there was some way he could show his appreciation to Davis besides merely fighting for him. Not
that such an opportunity was ever likely, but still, a Digimon could dream. "So what do we do
now?" Flamedramon asked his partner. "Explore a little? If we're going to try to take this place
apart, we'll probably have to examine it for awhile to figure out how."
Davis turned his back toward the Dark Ocean. The compulsion to look at the waves was growing
far too great for his comfort. He glanced around at the black ground and grey sky, and nodded.
"Yeah, I guess. If this place is nearly as big as the Digital World then there's gotta be some kind
of stuff here besides just rocks and water...." Davis pulled out his D-Terminal and idly toyed with
the buttons, hoping that the mapping function Izzy had modified into them for use in the Digital
World might somehow be useful here, too.
Neither Flamedramon nor Davis saw the eyes that rose from the surface of the water to peer out
at them. The countless number of Divermon maintained an eerie silence as they moved about in
the water. They moved slowly and steadily toward the shore. The one who dared go closest to
the land lifted his long, slender webbed hand, allowing a harpoon attached to a long rope to break
the surface of the water. There was not so much as a splash as he pitched his arm forward,
sending the harpoon into flight with the line rippling silently after it.
The spear rocketed past Davis and Flamedramon, startling the both of them. Before Davis could
even act on his surprise, the harpoon had changed over to a circular course, wrapping itself and
the line it was attached to around Davis' body several times. The Divermon holding the other end
of the line immediately began reeling it in with the enormous strength typical of an Ultimate-level
Digimon. Davis was abruptly pulled backward and launched across the sandy beach and into the
Dark Ocean before he even had time to begin shouting.
"Davis!" Flamedramon shouted his human's name as he turned around in time to see him pulled
into the Dark Ocean's water. The Armor Digimon tried to charge forward, only to find his Flame
Shield assaulted by a storm of thrown harpoons. The spears that managed to penetrate his aura of
fire were for the most part deflected by his armor, but the sheer number of them forced him to
stop his forward charge in order to avoid being skewered by a lucky shot to the eye or lower
torso. The pause gave the Divermon that was reeling Davis in more than enough time to seize the
boy in his incongruously strong arms and place one webbed hand over his mouth and nose before
diving into the water, dragging the struggling, frightened boy with him.
Flamedramon surged forward as the salvo of harpoons ceased, but the particular Divermon he
wanted to stop was already long gone. He screamed in grief and fury, launching a rain of fireballs
after the retreating Divermon that remained. Those that were struck let out screeches of pain
before disappearing beneath the waves; most of the fireballs were simply snuffed out by the black
water. Flamedramon found himself forced to touch down at the shore's edge. He was unable to
pursue his human due to the very nature of his powers. The black water would render him
incapable of attacking or even defending himself, and the Divermon had to know it. What
frustrated him was that they'd simply taken Davis away from him. They didn't seem to want to
hurt him; if they had, they could have skewered him with a harpoon instead of tying him up. But
where were they taking him, and what did they mean to do with him?
The only thing worse than knowing that his human might be in any sort of life-threatening danger
was knowing that there was nothing he could do about it. There was nothing else to be done but
see if he could find some way to get help.
Davis felt like his lungs were about to explode as the Divermon hurled him out of the water and
onto the sandy floor of the underground grotto. He gasped for air, not yet ready to bother his
mind with questions like where he was and why. All that mattered to him was that wherever it
was seemed to have a flow of fresh air and a solid floor.
When Davis finally took it upon himself to look around, he found the cave he was in was rather
narrow and small. He couldn't tell where the air was coming from, but he could tell that the solid
ground there was little more than an island. Black water lapped at the sandy ground just a few
feet away from him in every direction. Behind him lay the passage that lead back downward into
the sea; in front of him lay a glistening black pool that seemed to stretch away into some sort of
underground river or passage.
"... geez, this sucks... I hope Flamedramon can find me..." he spoke to himself, mostly to comfort
himself with the sound of his own voice. The Divermon that had kidnaped him had withdrawn
before Davis had even seen him again, and the others had not even dared to approach. Davis
felt utterly alone, miserable, and wet. He was a bit nauseous, too, since his trip through the black
water had made it clear that it wasn't just water. Something there had torn at him, tried to change
him, reached out to him with dark whispers and cold caresses. He wanted nothing to do with it,
and the strange feelings had faded the moment he'd steeled his mind to refuse to let the Dark
Ocean affect him. It left him feeling tired, though, and definitely too afraid to even think
about simply swimming out of the grotto or exploring down the underground tunnel to find where
the fresh air was coming from.
Davis did not have long to wonder about what to do next. After a few minutes of sitting and
fruitlessly attempting to think, he heard a rumbling in the water that lay down the tunnel. He
turned to watch what was happening, curiously. It didn't occur to him to be afraid, as he was sure
Flamedramon would find him at any moment. So he only gaped in awe as he saw the incredible
size of the Digimon that arose from the water before him. It seemed like nothing so much as a
gigantic humanoid squid, with fleshy 'wings' extending from its back. Its skin was mottled grey
and had a slick look to it. A necklace of skulls hung around its neck, and ornate jewelry
decorated the bound masses of tentacles that seemed to constitute its arms and, presumably, its
legs. Davis couldn't know about its legs for sure; the size of the cave only permitted the creature
to rise up to its waist level. Its red eyes fixated on him, and a wickedly gleeful smile crossed its
"Whoa! Who are you?" Davis asked, once it occurred to him to do something besides gape and
"Dragomon." The Digimon hissed his answer in one simple word, and curiously enough, didn't
bother giving an Analyzer entry on himself. Perhaps he assumed that Davis already knew him, or
was trying to hide something from him.
Once Davis got over the Digimon's sheer size, he quickly fell into his usual methods for dealing
with unruly Digimon. "Yeah, well, I don't appreciate your goons grabbing me and dragging me
down here! If you wanted to talk, you could've just come up to the surface! Now, you're lucky
I'm such a nice guy, 'cause I'm not gonna hold a grudge about this, but you'd better take me back
to the surface right now or I'm not gonna hold Flamedramon back when he finds out."
Dragomon chuckled. "Foolish boy. You have no idea what you're dealing with, do you? Your
little Armored pet would be a nuisance to me, at best."
"That's what they all say!" Davis smirked confidently. The smirk dissolved when Dragomon
merely reached one of the massive tentacles that served as his 'fingers' forward, wrapped it one
around his torso, and lifted his body high into he air. Davis fought down a shout and instead tried
to look appropriately heroic and determined as he was lifted until he was level with the monster's
hideous eyes.
"Do you remember when your little female friend came to this world?" Dragomon asked him, in a
whisper. Anything louder would have made Davis' internal organs vibrate at this proximity.
"Kari?" Davis asked, surprised.
Dragomon chuckled again, in a way that made Davis begin to feel distinctly nervous. "Who do
you think brought her here?"
Davis' expression contorted in sudden anger. "... that was you? You jerk!"
Dragomon's calm demeanor remained unruffled. "Do you know what I wanted from her?"
"Something evil!"
"Not entirely incorrect," Dragomon smiled coldly. "I wanted her energy, boy, her Crest Power.
And since it was bound into her heart of hearts, the very core of her being, there was only one
way I could take it from her. Do you know what that is?"
"Does it matter? You're never gonna get near her again!" Davis shouted back.
Dragomon's entire body rumbled with laughter. "Of course not, stupid boy. What do I need her
for now that I have you? The Crest of Miracles will serve my needs as well as the Crest of
Light... and you were so foolish as to want to come here. So you can take her place as my...
"What?" Davis said, confused. "That doesn't even make sense! I'm not even a chick!"
"A technicality. I can still take what I want from you." Dragomon's laughter stopped, and his eyes
narrowed threateningly. "INFINITE TENTACLES!"
The other tentacle-fingers of the hand that held Davis seemed to shred apart into a countless
myriad of smaller, prehensible tentacles. Even the one wrapped around Davis' waist altered.
Smaller tentacles seemed to peel off of it like the outer layers of a banana. They darted out to
seize his wrists and ankles while other tentacles wrapped around his arms and legs. In the
terrifying second that followed after the tentacle around his waist broke apart, Davis found
himself firmly but strangely comfortably in midair. And the smaller tentacles felt different to him
than the original squidlike one that held him. The skin of these was different, firm yet somehow
rubbery, and some of them seemed somewhat slick and moist. Some of the tentacles had oddly
bulbous tips almost like blunt arrowheads, whereas others tapered to a delicate whiplike end.
Some tentacles were thick, others as small and slender as one of Davis' fingers. They all seemed
very long, and very strong, entirely resisting Davis' attempts to struggle against him.
"Do you know what makes humans different from most Digimon, little boy?" Dragomon asked.
Davis could only stammer, confused even more by the sudden question. Dragomon did not seem
disappointed with his response. "Of course you don't. You're young, even by their standards. But
I am old, boy, as old as your miserable race, and I know about your race's peculiar needs and
drives. I studied and labored for many years to come to understand them... and to adapt my body
so that I could take advantage of such activities. It is a remarkably effective method of energy
A sickening sensation of panic seized Davis' stomach. He couldn't entirely tell what direction
Dragomon's rant was going in, but he could definitely tell that it wasn't good. Davis wasn't used
to feeling helpless, and it provoked a desperate rage in him. "You're nuts!" he shouted at the
massive Elder God Digimon that loomed over him. "I dunno what you're even talking about, but it
doesn't matter 'cause there's no way we're going to let you get away with... with... with whatever
you're plotting!"
Dragomon's eyes lit up with glee. "A challenge, boy? Let's see if you can resist an attack against
your race's greatest weakness."
Davis' next heroic, angry protestation died on his lips. He went pale and only narrowly fought
down the impulse to scream as Dragomon began his assault. Tentacles dived down the neck of
his shirt and pulled outward on it, tearing the garment into its component pixels. Others similarly
slithered up the legs of his baggy shorts and the loose boxers underneath them, shredding them
into a cloud of data with little more than a simple tug outward. His jacket, gloves, and even his
boots remained completely intact and untouched, and his goggles had not been so much as
budged on his head. But the front of his torso and virtually everything important from his waist
down was bared to Dragomon's piercing view. Davis turned red and shut his eyes; he couldn't
bear being stared at like a piece of meat.
"What are you doing to me?" he demanded, his voice somewhere between a shout and a shriek.
"Exposing you," Dragomon explained with malicious care. He enjoyed watching the horrified
look that came over the boy's face as he suddenly understood the reality of the situation. "First I
will take your body, and then through it, your soul."
Davis was more thoroughly terrified than he could recall ever being before. He had only a vague
understanding of what Dragomon meant to do, but it was still enough to sicken him. He could feel
the tentacles spreading his legs apart and forcing his arms behind his back, reducing him to little
more than a human marionette. Swarms of other tentacles surrounded him, advancing slowly, as if
they were still deciding what they would do to him.
Some of the smaller, thinner ones finally decided to advance. Davis felt their smooth, slightly
slick surfaces slither across his chest and around his thighs before finally reaching around him to
grope his tight, firm buttocks. One of the slender tentacles slid down the crevice that separated
them, before poking delicately at Davis' anus. The boy's body jerked as much as his bonds would
allow as he let out a cry of discomfort. His passage was tight, and even the relatively small
intrusion that the slick, tongue-like tentacle provided was uncomfortable. Dragomon felt a stirring
of genuine lust spread languidly through his massive body. Judging from his bewildered reactions
and his anal passage's tight closure, the boy appeared to be thoroughly virginal. Dragomon liked
virgins. There was something about being a victim's first sexual encounter that made the intrusion
particularly sweet. Perhaps it was their confused reactions to sexual stimulation, or all the
opportunities for seduction their sheer ignorance presented.
Regardless, it made Dragomon decide to take his time with this one. The slender tongue-tentacles
pulled away from the boy's rear and instead whipped back around to his chest. A pair of them
slithered down the narrow but firm expanse to rub moist, lazy circles around his nipples.
Others began investigating his body hungrily, sliding up his face and neck to caress his cheeks and
poke insistently for access to the insides of his mouth. Davis made a point of shutting his eyes,
clamping his mouth shut, and trying to turn away as much as he could. The ministrations of the
tentacles sent disgusting shivers through his body.
They continued probing him, though, running down from his chest to his taught abdomen, even
poking at the insides of his navel. Two pairs of tentacles began feeling the firm, shapely expanse
of his thighs and calves, while another pair began investigating his exposed genitals. One tentacle
wrapped around his scrotum and gently squeezed his balls together while another wrapped around
the base of his soft penis and stroked curiously up and down the length of it. Davis' member
firmed slightly under the tentacle's ministrations, but not enough to be considered a true erection.
Davis' stubborn resistance pleased Dragomon. Most victims began to cooperate out of
sheer terror and hopelessness. He rarely had to struggle to gain control of a victim's will, and that
always made the experience more interesting.
The tongue-like tentacles remained where they were, groping, licking, rubbing and squeezing to
stimulate Davis' body as fully as possible. Another set of tentacles, larger and more bulbous at
the tips, thrust down the back of his jacket and ripped the garment away to expose his back. They
retreated slightly, and then split even further to become a mass of extremely slender, whiplike
tendrils. The tendrils immediately lashed out at him, hard enough to sting but not so hard as to
draw blood. However, the force of the repeated impacts quickly drew a raw pinkish glow from
Davis' otherwise dark, tanned skin. Davis grit his teeth, but the previous stimulation of the
tonguelike tentacles had rendered his sense of touch far more sensitive than usual. He couldn't
ignore the painful lashes anymore than he could completely ignore the slick tentacles that writhed
around his body. Eventually, he had to open his mouth to scream.
That was the opening Dragomon was waiting for. Finally, one of the thicker and more bulbous
tentacles writhed into action, lunging with terrible speed at the boy's mouth. Davis gagged; the
distinctly phallic tentacle had plunged into his mouth and slithered across his tongue before his
scream was entirely finished. His first reaction was to bite down on the offending appendage,
which he did with all the force he could muster. His teeth sank into the dense leathery skin of the
appendage, but couldn't penetrate it. He was about to make another try at assaulting the
offending phallus with his teeth when he realized that the deep rumble that was emanating from
Dragomon's central body was pleasure, not pain.
"Yes, again," Dragomon leered at his victim. Human teeth could provide nothing but a sharp,
unusually intense stimulation to his countless erect tentacles. As much as he enjoyed it, he was
not surprised when the boy suddenly opened his mouth as wide as he possibly could to spare his
teeth any more contact with the invading phallus. But that merely opened another way for
Dragomon to enjoy him.
Lubricated by Davis' saliva and its own slimy emissions, the tentacle began slowly pistoning as
much of itself in and out of Davis' mouth as the boy's orifice could manage without suffering
injury. The motion was smooth and slow, to ensure that Dragomon could sharply feel each inch of
his monstrous erection pass over the soft flesh of the boy's lips. Dragomon found it immensely
enjoyable, but the expression on the boy's face clearly indicated that he did not feel the same way.
The taste of the boy's flesh as his tongue-tentacles caressed his body tantalized Dragomon with
thoughts of the World of Light that the Harmonious Ones had denied him so long ago. That,
combined with the soft, yielding heat of Davis' mouth as it was invaded roused Dragomon's
ancient instincts to their height. Voracious lust gave new energy to Dragomon's normally
lethargic body. Now was the time for the fucking to begin in earnest.
The tongue-like tentacles began to probe less gently at their victim's body. They squeezed more
tightly and writhed more insistently against his genitals, as if trying to force them into a full
erection. The tentacle in his mouth began plunging faster and harder into him, despite Davis' best
efforts pull away from it. Another tentacle darted violently forward from the mass that hovered
just a few yards away from Davis' straining body. This one was also tongue-like, but thicker and
wetter than the ones that were working over his body and genitals. It snaked relentlessly toward
Davis' ass before gently stroking the crevice between his slick buttocks. Then, not so gently, it
thrust its tip into his anus.
This time, the boy's scream of discomfort and terror choked on the monstrous penis that filled his
mouth. Fortunately, the thick tentacle that was invading his rectum was slick with its own
secretions, a saliva-like fluid that made an ideal lubricant. The liquid prevented Dragomon's
sodomy from even drawing blood from the boy's tight anus. It also allowed the tentacle to
immediately begin thrusting into the passage, slowly stretching it open.
The occasional groaning rumble was now escaping Dragomon's lips. Even now, the boy was
fighting him. His penis remained largely flaccid, and his muscles jerked perceptibly against his
bonds with every advance the hot, pulsating organ made into his anus. Every jerk sent thrills of
sublime pleasure through Dragomon's body. His attempts to make the boy's anal passage able to
accommodate one of his larger and more sensitive phallic tentacles were just heightening his
nearly uncontrollable arousal. Davis attempted to clamp his rear's muscles down on the invading
tentacle with all his strength, in the misguided notion that he could impede its progress. But the
pressure only made his ass tighter and more pleasing to Dragomon's member, which possessed
more than enough strength to keep advancing despite Davis' efforts to keep it out.
The struggle against his tormentor was beginning to wear on him. The humiliation of having
himself exposed and stroked for a hideous thing's pleasure, and then being forced to suck on one
of the monster's erections, was rapidly becoming more than he could handle. As he felt
Dragomon relentlessly sodomize his last available orifice, it simply became too much for him to
bear. His muscles relaxed, his body sagging against its bonds, before stubborn tears began spilling
down his cheeks. The tentacle in his rectum squirmed farther and less painfully into him.
Dragomon knew he'd reached a critical point. This was the first sign of despair or weakness the
boy had allowed himself to show, and though it was trivial, exploiting it was vital. Its work
finished, the tentacle that had been preparing Davis' anal passage for proper fucking withdrew.
The tentacles wrapped around his legs tilted his body forward slightly, and spread apart in
preparation. From the mass of tentacles that hovered around his body in readiness, a thick, slimy
one slid forward. This one had the distinct mushroom-like head and bulbous tip that marked it as a
penis-tentacle, but larger and thicker than the one that Davis was forced to accommodate with his
Davis managed to choke a scream of protest out as Dragomon's unholy penis plunged into his
anus. The tentacle slid with little difficulty into the wet, stretched passage. But it was not painless
for Davis, prompting him to once more attempt to thrash against his bonds. For Dragomon, his
struggles were pure ecstacy. The massive Digimon shifted his hideous body, and the tentacle in
Davis' mouth began thrusting with the rhythmic speed and force of a piston. Davis feared he was
going to be torn in half or suffocated.
Then the tentacle in his mouth abruptly pulled out. He temporarily ignored the phalli that
continued to twist around his body and the one that was thrusting into his ass so he could gasp for
air. That was when the looming tentacle ejaculated, spraying a thick, sticky black semen into the
air and onto Davis' face. He quickly shut his mouth and groaned in displeasure, but he was too
tired to put effort into having a more aggressively negative reaction. His head swam, sweat
poured down his body, and his eyes had difficulty remaining open. The forced exertion was now
what his mind settled on as the most torturous aspect of the ordeal. He wanted to lie still, instead
of constantly strain within his bonds or be rocked forward by the thrusts of the tentacle that was
anally raping him now.
Davis hung his head and gasped for air, wincing and weakly crying out as the monstrous phallus
that possessed his ass made a particularly forceful or violent move. Dragomon watched on, horny
enough to not be entirely displeased with the fact that he'd never managed to stimulate the boy to
an erection. There were other ways of getting what he wanted from him, and if anything, he was
amused that for the first time in thousands of years, he was having to employ a back-up plan. In
the meantime, he was more than content to feast upon the sensual pleasures the boy's unwilling
body provided. He could feel each the boy's fighting spirit break just a little bit more with every
thrust his pounding phallus made into his anus. Davis' continued refusal to beg or plead with his
captor made his every moan and cry excite Dragomon further.
The Elder God Digimon listened on to the boy's gasps for breath and helpless moans as he
continued anally ravaging him. Davis arched his back in agony and emitted a strangled scream as
the tentacle began moving faster and faster, building toward a climax. Despite the much greater
force being used against him, not one bit of spare flesh on the boy's body bounced or jiggled; the
muscles remained taut and firm, straining against the thrusting phallus. After one last, viciously
hard thrust, the tentacle retreated and ejaculated as Dragomon experienced another orgasm. The
demonic Digimon rumbled in exquisite pleasure as the tentacle spilled its black seed onto Davis'
lower back. Trails of the demonic semen ran downward, dripping over his buttocks and around
his waist. Dark grey streams of the slick fluid already dripped down his collarbone, having run
down the side of his face and neck.
Davis felt quite thoroughly miserable, hot, and sticky. His body was exhausted and his mind had
gone numb from a total inability to process his sheer horror at the situation. He didn't bother to
try to look Dragomon in the eye now. "Are you done now?" Davis spat bitterly at his tormentor.
"... done?" Dragomon's body rumbled with hungry, mocking laughter. The tongue-like tentacles
that bound Davis' upper torso tilted backward, forcing the boy to look up. Davis beheld an
innumerable swarm of phallic tentacles waving in his direction. "Boy, satisfy all of these, and
perhaps I may decide to leave you be."
Davis' mouth moved soundlessly for a few moments, before his mind was simply overwhelmed by
the awful scope of it all. His eyes rolled back into his head as he passed out, his unconscious body
slumping limply into the bonds that supported it.
Dragomon chuckled to himself at the boy's reaction. He idly thrust another erect tentacle into
Davis' ass, while a few more delicate, tongue-like tentacles worked his mouth open so it could
accommodate another monstrous erection as well. Even as he enjoyed the pleasures of the boy's
unconscious body, his mind was working away at his back-up plan. If he had heard the boy
correctly, he had brought his Digimon partner along with him. Dragomon had failed at terrifying
Davis into opening his heart to him, but perhaps he could succeed in getting what he wanted from
the boy by using a less direct route.
Flamedramon flexed his fingers uncertainly. He couldn't recall ever having to use them before
before he began tapping at the D-Terminal's interface. Flamedramon's first priority was
protecting his human, and he'd been more than willing to strip off his red armor plating when that
was necessary to fulfilling that goal. With his long and strangely slender hands freed from the
heavy red claw-gauntlets, he could use them as deftly as any human could. He'd stripped away his
knee and foot guards largely so he could sit down comfortably while he figured out how Davis'
D-Terminal worked. He'd kept his chestplate and armored mask on largely because he'd seen no
immediately utility to be gained in stripping them off.
It took some time to figure out how sending an e-mail worked, but Flamedramon was by
necessity a clever Digimon. His finished note read:
Trapped in Dark World. Assistance at your earliest convenience would be appreciated.
Best regards,
Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage
The Armor Digimon tapped the send button, and then fidgeted uneasily. He supposed he should
put his armor back on, but what was the point? There was nothing to fight. He felt strangely
pointless like this. Davis usually made him revert back to Veemon the moment the fighting was
over, so he wasn't entirely sure what he should do with himself at the moment. Flamedramon
couldn't ever recall having to be in a situation that called for mindless waiting. Shouldn't he
occupy himself somehow? But doing what? He was unnerved at all the questions he was
suddenly asking about himself.
His train of thought was abruptly interrupted when he heard a great sound of splashing and
roaring from behind himself. Flamedramon momentarily forgot his lack of armor and turned
around to face the source of the noise, the Dark Ocean. He saw a massive shape rising from the
water, a Digimon so huge that even when just its head and shoulders rose from the water, it
dwarfed Flamedramon. It also rose one of its arms, which appeared to be composed of nothing
but a great mass of tentacles that were loosely bound together. The tentacles seemed to fold in on
each other as they terminated, creating what appeared to be a tangled club-like ball of tendrils.
Flamedramon's reaction was immediately hostile. A fiery aura sprang about his body and he
launched himself at the huge Digimon, with the massive blade on his facemask leading. "FIRE
Dragomon winced slightly as the Armor Digimon collided into his, the armor point getting buried
in his leather flesh. The flames licked fiercely at his thick hide, but did not possess the strength to
really hurt him. Flamedramon felt the Digimon's body rumble with laughter before another arm-
like mass of tentacles rose from the water and wrapped themselves around his body. They gently
pulled Flamedramon out from Dragomon's dense, leathery hide, and then wrapped around his
body. Only Flamedramon's head and upper chest were even visible above the mass of restraining
tentacles as he found himself raised up into full view of one of the Elder God Digimon's glowing
red eyes.
Flamedramon didn't bother maintaining his aura of fire, since it obviously did no good. But his
angry, defiant expression clearly indicated that he was hardly surrendering to the larger Digimon.
"You! You'd better let me know where Davis is, Dragomon," Flamedramon hissed. "Or I
swear I'll make you regret it!"
Dragomon chuckled. "You? A puny Armor Digimon who's not even wearing most of his Armor,
defeat me, one of the most powerful Ultimates? You're quite lucky I'm not in a vindictive mood,
little lizard."
Flamedramon squirmed uncomfortably in Dragomon's tentacles. He knew Dragomon was
supposed to be a very evil, ruthless sort of Digimon who was cunning and treacherous. He had to
be on guard for any sort of trap, and the best way to do that seemed to be to take the most
aggressive possible stance. But it didn't make sense that an evil Digimon wouldn't try to attack
him or... well, do something evil, especially since he'd taken the first shot. He decided to press on
anyway. "I still want to know where my human is!" Flamedramon demanded.
"You're the one who let him be carried off by Divermon," Dragomon sneered down at his
hostage. "Fortunately, the weaklings had the good sense to drop their prize and flee from me."
Flamedramon decided that sounded enough like something an evil Digimon would do that it was
worth believing. "Then you do have him! Where is he?"
"Right here. He was amusing and harmless enough - much like yourself - so I decided to occupy
myself by taking care of some of his neglected physical needs until I found the partner he'd
babbled about to me before he became insensate," Dragomon spoke, slowly, making sure
Flamedramon absorbed every word as he gestured slightly with the ball of tentacles that he was
still holding above the water.
"Neglect?" Flamedramon exclaimed, in surprise.
"Of course. Humans have an insatiable need for stimulation that comes from their fleshly organs.
Digimon can learn how to enjoy it, too, but it's not a need for us. We are conceived more cleanly,
through packet transmission," Dragomon informed his captive.
Despite his better judgement, Flamedramon found himself becoming curious enough to ask
questions. "Stimulation? I don't understand."
"Watch," Dragomon said, a devious smile spreading across this massive face. The ball of tentacles
began to unwind itself, revealing what it had concealed: Davis' body. He was still bound by the
slender tongue-like tentacles, and a single demonic phallus was thrusting into his anus. Dragomon
carefully began peeling away the slender tentacles until the bare minimum necessary to support
Davis' body were holding him. The force of the tentacle that was ravaging his ass caused his
unconscious body to rock forward in time with the thrusts.
Flamedramon stared at Davis, fascinated and repulsed all at once. Something immediately struck
him as wrong with the situation, but as he could not see Davis in obvious pain, he wasn't sure if
his instincts were to be trusted. Even beside that, there was something terribly hypnotic about the
movements Davis' body was making at the moment. Flamedramon had never really gotten a very
good look at what his human looked like without his clothes on. Even when DemiVeemon
bathed with Davis, most of his human's skin remained covered by soap suds and water. But now,
save for the tentacles and the slimy-looking black patches, he could finally see what Davis was
like underneath all the fabric that humans insisted upon wrapping themselves in. Flamedramon
found something intensely interesting, if not downright pleasurable, about watching Dragomon's
tentacle slide in and out of Davis' body.
The Armor Digimon nearly started in surprise when Dragomon swung Davis closer to him, close
enough that Flamedramon could make out the troubled, exquisitely agonized expression on his
partner's face. "Would you like to do this yourself?" Dragomon asked him.
"... do?" Flamedramon stammered.
Dragomon laughed. "Fuck your human, of course. They need it rather frequently when they reach
a certain age, and this one seems to be nearly ripe. While he's amusing enough, I assume you
intend to take him back to the World of Light where he belongs at some point."
"... I... of course, yes, I do. I mean, take him back... this... if you're sure it's necessary..."
Flamedramon found himself stammering. He knew there was something dubious about
Dragomon's claim. He hadn't heard anything from the older Partner Digimon about needing to
provide physical service to their humans. On the other hand, he was entranced by the beautiful
sight Davis' writhing body posed to him, and did really want to learn how to make his body able
to fuck with him. Davis certainly didn't look like he was in pain, and perhaps this need to fuck
humans explained the curious lack he had been feeling in his duty to his partner.
Dragomon shrugged, a movement that caused small waves to ripple around his body. "Well, I
suppose it's not strictly necessary..."
"No... no, really, I want to know. How do I do what you're doing?" Flamedramon's question
tumbled out of him, unbidden. Watching the spectacle of Davis before him was simply too much
for him to ignore.
"You need at least one of these," Dragomon replied, as a few of his phallic tentacles slid forward
toward Flamedramon's face. "You call it a penis. It's used to fuck. Your human is male, so the
best place to fuck him is the opening in his ass. Like I'm doing." Dragomon tilted Davis' body up
vertically, so that Flamedramon could more clearly see the tentacle piston in and out of his
partner's anus.
"... I s-see," Flamedramon stammered, his cheeks reddening underneath his mask. "But I don't
"It's a simple modification," Dragomon chuckled at the uncomfortable Armor Digimon. One of
his tentacles pushed forward to rest mere inches away from Flamedramon's snout. "Take this into
your mouth and suck on it. Drink the liquid that comes out of it. The energy will give you the
sexual organ best suited to you."
Flamedramon thought that over. It seemed harmless enough and fairly logical, as near as he could
tell. So he nodded, and reached out with his bare hands to grasp the monstrous phallus. He drew
its head, which dripped with black fluid, into his mouth, carefully maneuvering it past his sharper
teeth. He began sucking gently on it in much the same way that his lower forms would suck on a
popsicle or lollipop, his tongue running over the penis' head and just below it. Dragomon
rumbled appreciatively and began thrusting more energetically into Davis' ass, as the new
stimulation hastened on his latest orgasm. Emitting a satisfied rumble, he ejaculated another load
of sticky black semen onto Davis' back, before sliding another tentacle forward to begin
sodomizing him anew.
Flamedramon watched the spectacle, fascinated, as he sucked on one of Dragomon's other
tentacles. Watching his human being fucked was beginning to make him feel a strange, unusual
excitement. It made him feel as if the entire world had fallen away, and all that really mattered of
what was left was Davis'. There was something beautiful about his pants and sighs, even about
the sheen of the black semen that trickled down his body. Flamedramon wanted desperately to
touch his human, but Dragomon's tentacle kept him from moving forward.
Dragomon could see and even sense the new emotion that Flamedramon was beginning to
experience: lust. It would probably be tempered with some slavish, sentimental affection for his
partner, but hopefully not so much that it would impede the plan. With a deeply satisfied rumble,
the Elder God Digimon climaxed twice at once. The tentacle thrashing in Davis' ass pulled out
and ejaculated messily upon the boy's back, while the tentacle in Flamedramon's mouth writhed
violently before depositing a stream of sticky black jism in the dragon Digimon's throat.
Dragomon watched Flamedramon swallow the liquid while wincing at the taste. The Elder God
Digimon gently deposited his Armored victim on the sand, then dropped his human next to him.
He'd sated his lust enough for now. He would withdraw into the sea while Flamedramon
underwent the painful internal and external transformations that would give him functioning
genitalia, then return again to strike when the time was right.
The first thing Davis realized when he woke up was that he was sore. Very, very sore. He
moaned softly as he tried to crawl up to his hands and knees, and then winced when he tried to sit
down on the soft sand. Then he mused to himself on how irritating it was to have sand clinging to
his butt cheeks, when he realized something else: he was quite naked. He reddened, despite the
total lack of anyone else around him, and quickly drew his knees up to his chin to afford himself
some meager element of modesty.
"... are you feeling better now, Davis?"
He started at the voice. It was deep, but soft and strangely hesitant. He glanced over in the
direction it seemed to be coming from, and only caught the barest flash of smooth, light blue
reptilian skin. That was enough, however, to make him recognize the voice.
"... Flamedramon?" he asked, both hopeful and confused all at once. He'd never heard
Flamedramon speak in that tone of voice before, and certainly never seen him hide behind a rock
He peeked out from behind the rock, hesitantly. Davis stared as he saw that Flamedramon's face
and upper torso were uncovered by his usual red armor. The fire dragon Digimon reached bare,
gauntlet-free arms over the top of the rock, the white claws tapping softly against the stone. "It's
me. Are you feeling better?"
"... y-yeah..." Davis' voice cracked as a terrible, hideous thought began twisting in the pit of his
stomach. "... did Dragomon catch you?"
Flamedramon knew from the moment that he heard the fear in Davis' voice that Dragomon had
not told him the full truth about what he had done with his human. A voice in his mind cursed at
him, telling him to put his armor on and find something to cover Davis up with while they waited
on the others to arrive. But another voice, one that had only been speaking to him since he'd
made the mistake of drinking Dragomon's semen, informed him that it was already far too late for
that; his armor wouldn't cover what needed concealing the most. There was no point in not going
on, especially since he certainly didn't intend to hurt Davis anyway.
The new, darker voice spoke the most loudly to Flamedramon now, and commanded his actions.
"No," Flamedramon said, confidently. "I just found you on the beach, that's all. You were dirty,
so I took you into the water to clean you off."
That explanation seemed to relax Davis considerably. In fact, it was enough to make him smile a
little. "... oh. Okay, I was worried..." he trailed off, as if uncertain of what to say next.
Flamedramon winced as Davis' smile provoked his new, blue-lavender penis to stand erect once
more. He wanted to fuck his human so badly that he could barely stand it. A voice that grew
ever-weaker howled at him in outrage for even thinking of such a thing, but it was summarily
ignored. Instead, Flamedramon decided that since the others would be returning soon, he'd need
to make his move as quickly as possible just to rid himself of his troublesome erection. Davis
would understand. In fact, Flamedramon was sure he could make sure Davis enjoyed it. He
loved Davis, after all, and wasn't this what humans needed most of all?
"Davis, I sent an e-mail to the others. They're probably trying to get to us right now. But before
they do get here... there's something we need to take care of," Flamedramon began, setting
himself down a path that he could never turn away from.
Davis' heart leapt with joy at the thought of his friends, even if he was naked and sure to be
embarrassed. He grinned openly at his Digimon Partner. "Sure, just you name it!"
"Come over here, Davis..."
The boy reddened slightly in embarrassment, but mustered the courage to stand up and walk over
to the rock. "Yeah?"
Flamedramon reached out to grasp Davis' shoulder with a trembling hand. "Over on this side,
Davis. By me."
He blinked in confusion, but complied. His eyes were locked firmly on Flamedramon's, so he did
not notice the azure erection that was bobbing freely before Flamedramon's body. But even for
Davis, it was difficult not to notice Flamedramon's heavy breathing, or the way that Flamedramon
was looking at him.
"... what is it?" Davis asked, voice quavering slightly.
"I'm sorry," Flamedramon managed to hiss through clenched teeth as he grabbed his human by
the shoulders and roughly pushed him down onto the sand.
"Flamedramon!" Davis protested as he fell to the sand. He could feel the Digimon grab his legs
and hoist them upward as he knelt over him. "What are you doing?! Wha..." His voice abruptly
stopped as he inhaled sharply, then screamed.
Even within the confines of his own mind, Flamedramon quickly abandoned all pretense of being
primarily concerned with Davis' well being as he buried himself to the hilt in his human's
struggling body. The pleasure he felt was overwhelming, intoxicating. New, bestial instincts
overwhelmed him and demanded that he focus on sliding his erection in and out of Davis' slick
passage, faster, harder, making the incredible new feeling ever more shatteringly intense.
Tears brimmed in Davis' eyes. Being raped again was hurting him physically, but it was his sense
of confusion and betrayal that wounded him most deeply. Flamedramon wasn't an evil Digimon!
Why was he hurting him like this, and... and enjoying it? Had Dragomon gotten ahold of him and
warped him somehow, put him under his control? Or... or what if everyone else had really been
right all along? What if Flamedramon had always wanted this, but managed to control himself
until he was in a world made of pure evil?
Kari's voice played through his mind, unbidden. "The Darkness is as much a part of everything as
the Light is, Davis. Everyone has a good side and a bad side. It's just how things are."
Davis squeezed his eyes shut as despair finally settled over his heart like a choking cloud. They'd
both tried to warn him, idiot that he was, and he hadn't been able to listen. He'd brought both
himself and Flamedramon to this point by interfering in things too large for him to understand.
Everything that had happened was all his fault. His muscles slackened as the urge to fight
Flamedramon left him. As the resistance stopped, the Fire Dragon Digimon simply held his human
tighter and gave himself the liberty of thrusting harder and faster, moaning to himself and running
his claws gently through Davis hair.
The boy opened an eye to glance hesitantly at Flamedramon's face. Davis pondered him and
decided that... well, he looked like he was enjoying himself. At least Flamedramon wasn't
suffering from Davis' stupidity, and putting up with the sex didn't seem so bad if it was for him.
Flamedramon was certainly being more gentle with him than Dragomon had. Maybe all of this
was the best....
Davis' will to fight had faded entirely by the time Flamedramon was approaching his orgasm. A
few more frantic thrusts, and he could feel himself ejaculating for the first time. His body
slackened, and he took a few moments to catch his breath before he began to be fully cognizant of
the world around him. Davis' body had suddenly begun straining against him. Flamedramon
glanced down, and was horrified by what he saw.
His human was in pain. His body glowed with an unnatural radiance, and his mouth gaped open
noiselessly. His hands flexed and gripped at Flamedramon's shoulders uselessly as spasms that
turned into seizures began to wrack his body. "Davis? Davis!" Flamedramon shouted urgently
down at him, panic lacing in his voice. "Davis, what's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" He
shook his human slightly, trying to get him to snap out of his fit. While Davis' movements began
to grow progressively weaker, the strange phenomenon that engulfed him did not abate. If
anything, the unnatural halo of golden light glowed ever more brightly.
Energy! The answer dawned on Flamedramon in a terrible flash of insight. Something was tearing
Davis' life-energy from his body. But what was it? Who could have managed to attack Davis so
viciously while they were fucking?
Flamedramon received his answer when he felt the aura of power begin flooding into his power.
He dropped Davis to the sandy ground and pulled his flaccid blue penis from the boy's body, but
it was too late. He had willfully violated his human too thoroughly to stop the process now.
Flamedramon could feel his naked body begin to undergo the Digivolving process as it absorbed
the power. He screamed in agony and regret as his limbs began to twist and distort.
He could hear Dragomon's mocking laughter from the seashore that lay all too close behind him.
"Stupid!" the Elder God Digimon hissed. "Didn't you realize? It is not natural for Digimon to feel
the urge to fuck! And for a Partner Digimon to fuck his own human makes you no better than me!
When your stupid boy lost his will to fight, he lost the ability to control his heart's power...
causing it all to flood into your body in a single instant!"
The newly evolved Megadramon opened his eyes and blinked down at what remained of his
human. His stomach twisted in agony. He could tell, just from gazing upon him, that Davis was
dead. When the Digidestined had lost his will to fight, Flamedramon's violation had become so
powerful that it had ripped his very soul out and devoured it. An indescribable sadness, laced
with self-hatred, lanced through Megadramon's soul... a sadness that shortly turned into boiling
rage as he heard Dragomon laughing behind him.
"YOU TRICKED ME!" Megadramon shrieked at Dragomon as he whirled around. "You didn't
tell me... if I'd know, I never would have..."
"Of course not," Dragomon rumbled. "That's why I didn't tell you. Now that you have the boy's
power, it will be much easier to take it for myself!"
The Dark Dragon Digimon's eyes widened in fury. "This was all just a plot to steal power...."
"... so I could Digivolve." Dragomon hefted his massive bulk upwards out of the water. He flexed
his tentacles. All hints of their phallic nature were gone. They were crushing, strangling
appendages now, ready to be wielded like the deadly weapons they were. "So now I will beat you
into submission and devour your data, and finally become a Mega level Digimon!"
The rocket launchers built into Megadramon's hands peeled open, readying themselves for
combat. "NEVER!" Megadramon screamed. "I'll make you pay for what you've done! I'll kill
The World of Nightmares shuddered as the two powerful Ultimate Digimon joined each other in
what could only be a battle to the death.
It was some time later with Kari, TK, and Ken managed to find where Davis' remains lay after
coming through the Dark Digiport. Angewomon, Angemon and Stingmon fortunately managed to
precede their humans to the site. By the time the young humans saw what was left of their friend,
Davis' body had already been wrapped in Angewomon's purple scarf, concealing the worst of the
Ken was inconsolable, enough so that Angewomon merely left the body where it lay so the boy
could have some time with his best friend's remains. His quiet sobs punctured the otherwise eerie
silence of the World of Nightmares.
Kari's hands trembled as she looked on. "... what did they do to him?" she asked herself, voice
barely above a whisper.
"Whatever it was... was probably what they wanted to do to you last time we were here," TK's
voice cracked with emotion as he attempted to place a comforting hand on Kari's shoulder.
"What are we going to tell the others... what are we going to tell his parents...." Kari continued.
"We'll have time for that later, Kari," Angewomon's voice was quiet and terse. "I'm more
worried about figuring out how he was brought here. We can't let this happen to anyone else."
"Is there any sign of Veemon at all? Anything?" TK asked.
Angemon and Stingmon swooped down to stand next to Angewomon, pieces of Flamedramon's
crimson armor held in their arms.
"This is all we've found," Stingmon's buzzing voice seemed somehow thicker and more
"Flamedramon was a proud warrior. Whoever hurt Davis, I know Flamedramon went down
fighting against him," Angemon added, stoically.
"Why didn't you listen to me? WHY?" Ken screamed at the body, before collapsing over the body
in a desperate crying fit.
"We have to lock this place away, TK," Kari said as she watched Ken's grief. "We've got to
make it so that no one can ever come here again."
"... after something like this... I'm not sure that's enough. We've got to find whoever did this and
make him pay!" TK exclaimed.
Kari bowed her head. "Davis wanted to come here just to do something like that." TK fell silent,
and looked away from her. "We can't destroy an absolute evil like this... but we can try to keep
people safe from it. Lock it up and throw away the key, and never think about it again. The more
you think about the Darkness, the more powerful its hold on you becomes...."
"I know you're right," TK sighed. "I just wish there was a better way... a way to really fix things.
To get rid of places like this."
"We all do, TK," Kari looked sadly over to him. "But this is just a part of the world we're going
to have to accept. If we can't..." she glanced sadly over to where Ken was kneeling by Davis'
body, his tears finally falling silently. "... that's all that's left for us."
