Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Only You ❯ The Music of the Night ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warnings - This fic will contain: yaoi, language, and a suicide attempt. Read at your own risk. It's rated R for these same reasons - which means if you're under 17 then you really ought to turn around and go read something else. In this chapter specifically: LEMON! Ah! A lemon! Run kids! Run!


Caitlin: coughs. That's right. It's a lemon.

Kali: About time.

Caitlin: Oh, shut up.

Zoe: purrs. It's not the last chapter anymore either.

Kali: Oh? How come?

Caitlin: Later. Busy now.

Zoe: purrs. Nope. She still doesn't own it or the song.

Pairings: This is mainly a Taito/Yamachi fic (or Tai/Matt for all us North Americans). But there's definitely TK/Kari, Mimi/Joe, and hints of Davis/Ken and Sora/Yolei.


Chapter 5 - The Music of the Night



When the door opened, Kari was curled up on the couch, wrapped in a warm fuzzy blanket watching late-night TV. Gatomon was draped across the back of the couch, catnapping. Agumon was asleep on one corner of Kari's blanket, snoring softly.

She looked up as the door closed. "Tai! How did it go? Are you alright? Was he there?" She could see him partially hidden by the coat closet door - but she didn't see who Tai had brought home with him. Kari tossed the blanket aside, burying a sleeping Agumon and waking Gatomon from her nap. She got up and grabbed the white board, hurrying over to her brother.

Kari was just handing over the board and marker to Tai when he closed the closet door to reveal…

"Matt!" Kari gasped, nearly dropping the board. Gatomon growled in her throat.

Tai grabbed the board from his sister and scribbled quickly. "It's all right guys! We made up. We're fine." He held it up for Kari to read.

"Oh! Then…you're friends again?" She asked tentatively.

"Nope." He gave her a mischievous smile, and Matt rolled his eyes.

"Just tell her Tai. Quit dragging it out."

Tai sighed and pouted, then abruptly turned, grabbing the front of Matt's jacket in one hand and yanking him down to crush his mouth to Matt's.

Matt was too startled to protest and the instant their lips met, he forgot why he wanted to.

Kari's jaw dropped and she stared at her brother passionately kissing Matt like there was no tomorrow. Then she made a strangled noise and crumpled to the floor.




Tai backed off at the sound of his sister hitting the floor.

"Kari?" Tai knelt down next to her. "Hey! Kari? Snap out of it."

"Oh, good one, Tai." Matt knelt next to him, one hand on Tai's shoulder.

"Oh, shut up, Yama. Shit! I didn't think she'd pass out!" Tai scooped her up and took her to the couch.

"You can talk." Gatomon gave him an accusing look. "When did that happen?"

Tai sighed. "After Matt and I made up. Don't worry, Gatomon, I wasn't going to keep quiet long."

"No, you'd just torture Kari a bit first."

Matt swallowed a laugh and Tai glared. "Do you mind?"

"Nah. You got yourself into this one Tai."

"You're lots of help." Tai grumbled. He pulled out another lozenge and sucked on it.

Kari stirred.

"Kari? Hey, you okay? You sort of passed out on us."

"Ugh. Yeah, I'm alright, Tai. You just surprised…me. TAI!"

He winced, and Matt laughed.

"I was going to surprise you with this, too." Tai began.

"TAI! You're talking!" Kari yelled, happiness making her seem to glow. She launched herself at Tai and hugged him tight. "You got your voice back!"

He grinned and hugged her back. "Yeah. When Matt and I…discussed a couple things, it just came back."

"This is so great! Just wait until Mom and Dad hear!" She gave Matt a soft look from Tai's arms. "I'm so happy for you. Both of you."

Matt knelt next to Tai and brushed a lock of her hair away from her face. "That means a lot, Kari. To us both."

"So you really talked huh? Did you tell him about what happened at the cliff, Tai?"

Tai froze. Kari stared at him.

"You didn't TELL him? Tai you are such a moron!" Kari got off him and glared with her best 'shame on you Taichi' glare.

"What cliff?" Matt looked at Tai, suspicious and worried all at the same time. "Taichi, what did you do?"

Tai whimpered and he gave Kari a pleading look.

"Oh no. You have to tell him." Kari shook her head, then kissed him on the cheek. "I'm going to bed. Come on Gatomon." She grabbed her fuzzy blanket (Agumon included) and left them alone.

She then stuck her head around the corner a minute later. "Oh, and try not to yell too loudly at each other, please? I don't think Mom and Dad'll be too happy if they have to bail us out of jail for disturbing the peace." Then she was gone.

Matt stared hard at Tai, who whimpered again and drew his knees up to his chest, curling into a ball and rocking himself back and forth.

"Well? What cliff?"

"Ah…well…see…I kind of lost it after you and I fought." Tai ducked his head behind his folded arms.

"Yeah. I can't blame you for it." Matt sat, cross-legged, across from Tai. "Spill the rest, Tai."

"I sort of…there was a cliff…I jumped…I…"

Matt cut him off. "You WHAT?!" Matt's heart lurched in his chest. "Tai, tell me you didn't! Please? Tell me you didn't jump off that cliff."

Tai began to cry. "I did. I wasn't all there, Yama. I don't even remember it. Kari saw me. And Angewoman caught me on the way down." He couldn't go on. He just broke down and sobbed.

Matt didn't even notice his own sobs as he crawled to Tai and pulled him into a crushing embrace, as if somehow it would erase both their pain.

"God. Tai, I can't believe you…" He couldn't even say it. "Promise me you won't do something like that again. Tai? Promise me!" Matt's voice was desperate and he forced Tai's head up so he could see Tai's eyes.

"I…p…p…promise." Tai blubbered. "I love you so much Yama. I couldn't leave you now."

"If you ever do something like that again, I'll resurrect you and kill you myself. Do you understand? Tai, you just managed to scare about fifty years off my life."

"I'm sorry. Yama, I'm so sorry." Tai wrapped himself around Matt like a monkey and buried his face in Matt's neck.

They sat there like that for a while, clinging to each other. When they'd both calmed down, Matt pulled away and wiped away Tai's tears gently. Tai sighed, exhausted with all the stormy emotions of the night. He nuzzled Matt's hand, eyes drooping.

Matt smiled and got up, helping Tai to stand. "Let's get some sleep, Tai. You're about to fall asleep on your feet, you're so tired."

Without protest, Matt pulled Tai to Tai's room and closed the door behind them.

They stripped to their boxers, both being too tired to care much that the other was nearly naked, and crawled into bed. Tai immediately cuddled up against Matt, pillowing his head on Matt's chest. He gave a contented purr and dropped off like a rock.

Matt stroked his back for a while until he, too, drifted off.


A bright flash and a soft CLICK woke them up the next morning.

Tai, sprawled over Matt with his face buried in the pillow next to Matt's head, sat up with a start and looked around blearily.

Then he spotted a giggling Kari…with a digital camera.

"Kari!" Tai yelled, causing Matt to spring up and whack his head on Tai's chin in shock.


"Damnit Matt!"

"What'd you yell for?"

"Kari, you'd better start running." Tai tried to get off the bed (and Matt) but instead fell off because he was tangled in the sheets and Matt's legs. Another click and a flash made him growl.

She stood in the door, leaning on the frame and holding her sides, laughing like crazy. Tai somehow managed to free himself and got to his feet.

"I couldn't help it!" She wheezed, still giggling. "You guys looked so cute!" Kari caught the evil glint in her brother's eye and began backing away as he stalked towards her, clad only in his boxers.

"Gimme the camera, Kari, and you'll live to see TK again." He growled, holding out his hand.

She shrugged. "Whatever." She tossed it to him. "I already sent the pictures out to everyone on my D-Terminal. Gotta go! Bye!" She ran for it, Tai's scream of "You are so going to get it Hikari! Get back here!" followed her out the apartment door.

Matt, who decided it wasn't worth the energy since there wasn't anything they could do about it now, lay back in a pose of lazy contentment, hands folded behind his head, and enjoyed the vision of a nearly-naked, lean, well-muscled Tai stalking around the room, muttering and growling. Damn he's hot.

"Tai, there's nothing you can do about it. Quit pacing. You're making me dizzy."

Tai ran his hands through his wild hair and grunted in annoyance, stalking back to the bed and flopping down next to Matt to glare at the ceiling.

"Kari's gone. Probably to my place to see TK." Matt rolled onto his side, facing Tai, catching his attention. Tai looked at him and Matt stretched, looking like a lazy feline. "Kari's gone. Your parents are gone." Matt leaned in and kissed Tai lightly. "It's just you." Kiss. "And me." Kiss. "And a bed." Kiss and moan. Matt withdrew from the kiss long enough to give Tai a look of lustful invitation. "And I can think of plenty of ways you could put that energy to use."

Tai crushed his mouth to Matt's. "Hmmm. Yama…I want you." He moaned against Matt's eager mouth. Tai rolled over on top of Matt, straddling him and running his hands up and down Matt's chest, brushing his thumbs over Matt's nipples. Matt gasped and arched into the touch.

"Ah! Tai…" He writhed as Tai's mouth began a slow, wet journey down his neck and over his chest. Matt thrust his fingers into Tai's mass of hair and tried to push him down farther but Tai just grinned at him.

"Uh, uh. I'm not done up here yet." Tai flicked his tongue over a nipple and Matt jerked, sharp fissions of pleasure shooting through him. "God, Yama. I never thought I'd have you here, like this. In bed, nearly-naked, and under me." Tai gave the same treatment to the other nipple and Matt whimpered. Then he began trailing downwards, fingers hooking around the waistband of Matt's boxers and slowly drawing them down, freeing Matt's erection from confines.

"Fuck!" Matt cried out as Tai, with no warning, took him in his mouth and sucked - hard. Tai pinned his thrusting hips to the bed, and proceeded to blow Matt's mind.

Tai stopped his work to look up at Matt's glazed, pleasure-hazed blue eyes. "I love you, Yama."

"Tai…my Tai…I love you too." Tai leaned up to kiss Matt passionately, tongues swirling and fighting for dominance. "Hmm. Tai…please…"

Tai kissed him hard once more then went back to teasing Matt. "Moan for me Yama." His tongue teased and he used his teeth on Matt. His lover didn't just moan - he yelled.

Panting, Matt gripped the bed desperately. He could feel…so close… "Tai! Please…want…need to…going to…" Tai clamped his mouth around him and sucked harder. It sent Matt flying and he came, exploding. Tai made a sound of raw lust and drank him down, swallowing again and again.

Tai smiled and sat up, watching Matt shiver and pant. When Matt's eyes met his once again he slowly licked his lips in a display of pure eroticism.

"You taste good." He purred, and Matt reached up and yanked him down, thrusting his tongue into Tai's willing mouth to taste himself. Tai whimpered as Matt slowly explored his mouth with his tongue.

Tai impatiently wriggled his way out of his boxers, never breaking the kiss. He moaned as Matt's hand stroked up and down his spine, fingers dancing teasingly. Tai licked a wet patch on Matt's neck, right where his shoulder and neck met, then nipped gently. Matt shivered and Tai sucked on the skin, leaving a red mark. "Mine." He whispered in Matt's ear.

He groaned and felt himself go rock hard once again at the words. "God, Tai!" His hips involuntarily thrust upwards, grinding against Tai's. Tai gasped and dropped his forehead to Matt's shoulder, suddenly unable to hold his head up.

Matt took the opportunity to flip their positions, so that he was top and straddling Tai. They kissed desperately and Matt trailed light, whisper kisses down Tai's jaw and nipped at Tai's ear. Tai made little mewling sounds and they drove Matt crazy.

He continued kissing his way down Tai's body, stopping to torture Tai's nipples, scraping teeth over them and licking to soothe.

"Maaaaatt!" Tai moaned, hands grasping at Matt's shoulders.

Matt didn't stop, moving farther down and dipping his tongue into Tai's navel, making him squirm. Tai wriggled and thrust his hips, demandingly.

Grinning slightly, Matt trailed an open-mouthed kiss down, avoiding Tai's weeping erection, to plant love bites and kisses on the inside of his lover's thighs.

"Ah! Ah! Yama…stop teasing me!" Tai cried out when Matt obliged and quickly licked away a drop of pre-come from Tai's tip, then sucked on it lightly. "Uh…Matt…wait…"

Matt raised his head and looked up at Tai. "What's wrong?"

"I want…you inside…me." Tai panted. "I want to belong to you, Yama, and give you my innocence. Please!" Tears spilled down Tai's cheeks.

"Tai…Oh Tai! Don't cry! Babe, please don't!" Matt crawled up and kissed away the tears. He took Tai's face in his palms and stared into Tai's gorgeous chocolate orbs. "Are you sure about this? It'll probably hurt you know."

Tai's eyes held a desperate plea. His voice was as firm as he could make it. "I'm sure. I've always been sure. Please take me Matt."

Matt kissed his nose then his closed eyelids, then his mouth in answer. "Do you have anything to…make this easier?"

Tai blushed and nodded. He reached over and dug through the drawer in his bedside table.

Matt took the bottle of lube and looked at it. "Chocolate flavoured? That's my Tai. Even now your sweet-tooth shows." He shook his head. "How long have you had this, Tai?"

Tai blushed harder. "Uh, just before you and Sora broke up." He ducked his head and pressed his face to Matt's chest, hiding his red face. Matt grinned, and wrapped his arms around Tai, holding him close.

"Why then? Did you suspect we were breaking up or something?" Tai shook his head, hair brushing across Matt's bare chest. His answer was muffled. "What?"

"I said I was trying to make myself feel better." Tai pulled away and looked up at him. "I'm not sure buying lube for that reason makes sense, but I'm always doing weird stuff."

Matt chuckled. "Oh, Tai. Is it any wonder why I love you so much?" He captured Tai's mouth and again passion ignited. He pushed Tai down to the bed and bent to take Tai in his mouth again. While he nipped and licked and sucked to distract Tai, he coated his fingers with the lube then slowly and gently pressed one finger inside of him.

Tai yelped. "AH!"

Matt's head snapped up. "Did I hurt you?"

"Not really. Just…surprised me. I…it's good. Strange, but good." He lifted his hips experimentally. "Really good." Tai closed his eyes with a moan when Matt wiggled his finger a little, stretching him. "More…"

Obligingly, Matt slid another finger in, this time a bit easier. He grinned when Tai bucked and clutched at the bed. "Hmm. Like that do you?"

Tai's eyes snapped open, slightly glazed. "I can't take much more. Now, Yama! Please now!"

Matt just shook his head, and bent lightly nip at Tai's erection. Then he added a third finger and Tai yelled. Matt had brushed that sweet spot inside Tai and it made Tai see stars.

"Fuck!" Tai yelled again, mind-numbing pleasure spurting through him as Matt scissored his fingers back and forth. "Yama! I…going to…"

Matt quickly circled the tip of his erection with his fingers, squeezing so Tai couldn't come. "Not yet, love. Not yet." When Tai had calmed a little, he removed his fingers and crawled up Tai's sprawled form. He positioned himself and looked down at Tai's face.

"Look at me, Tai. Open your eyes." Tai had to struggle to do it, but he did. Their gazes locked and Matt thrust forward carefully.

"AH! YAMA!" Tai cried out. Matt had great aim and bumped Tai's prostate. Tai wrapped his legs around Matt's waist and bucked, demanding that Matt keep going.

A low groan came from Matt. "God, Tai. This is…you're so tight." He slowly withdrew, then thrust again, and again, until a frantic rhythm gripped them both. Their hands sought each other out and their fingers entwined, gripping so hard their knuckles turned white. With every thrust, Tai made little cries, and moans, and whimpers, each noise driving Matt wild.

When Matt finally couldn't take anymore, he bent and sucked hard on the skin of Tai's shoulder, hard enough to bruise, then said hoarsely, "My Tai."

It was enough. Tai yelled the roof down and came hard between them, pumping jet after jet of his essence onto his stomach and Matt's. He twitched and convulsed, moaning Matt's name and it sent Matt plunging after him, spilling himself into Tai.

Matt pulled out with a moan and collapsed half on, half off Tai, cuddling Tai close and re-learning how to breathe. Tai just lay there, dazed and euphoric.

"Uh…Yama…Wow." Tai closed his eyes and discovered he couldn't move a muscle. He was totally boneless.

Matt gave him a lazy, satisfied, feline grin, and Tai laughed. "I think we need a shower. We're all sweaty and," Matt trailed a finger over Tai's stomach. "Sticky."

Tai yawned. "Okay. Just as soon as I can move."

Matt slid off the end of the bed and grabbed Tai's hands. "Come on." Tai winced as he sat up. "Sore?"

"A little. But it's good, you know? Like when I get sore after a soccer practice."

Rolling his eyes, Matt said wryly, "Leave it to you, Tai, to compare sex to soccer."

"My favourite two sports." Tai agreed, solemnly.


Kali: Mmm Mmm Mmm. Those two rock.

Caitlin: Quit drooling on the screen Kali! sweatdrops.

Kali: Sorry.

Caitlin: Well, while she's mastering her drool, I just wanted to let you all know that there is one more chapter (at least).

Zoe: purrs. R/R! And as always:


Lyrics for "The Music of the Night" from "The Phantom of the Opera"

Lyrics: Charles Hart

Music: ALW

Night time sharpens

Heightens each sensation

Darkness stirs and wakes imagination

Silently the senses abandon their defences

Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendour

Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender

Turn your face away from the garish light of day

Turn your thoughts away from cold unfeeling light

And listen to the music of the night

Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams

Purge your thoughts of the life you knew before

Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar

And you'll live as you've never lived before

Softly, deftly, music shall caress you

Hear it, feel it, secretly possess you

Open up your mind let your fantasies un-wind

In this darkness which you know you cannot fight

The darkness of the music of the night

Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world

Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before

Let your soul take you where you long to be

Only then can you belong to me

Floating, falling sweet intoxication

Touch me, trust me, savour each sensation

Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in

To the power of the music that I write

The power of the music of the night

You alone can make my song take flight

Help me make the music of then night.