Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Piedmon's Captive ❯ Wake Up ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. If I did the first season would still be on, and there would *so* be more slash.

Notes: Okay, lets all pretend that Piedmons Castle is not so gloomy, on the outside. That it's like Puppetmons forest. Or don't, and jsut wonder how it got that way in my story. But anyway, here's the 5th part! Took me forever, 'eh?

"Tai! Tai!" Sora shouted, shaking Tai lightly in her arms, while Joe was protesting saying that he didn't know if that was really helping at all.

Sora sighed slightly, in relief, when she heard Tai moan softly. She glanced at Joe, to see if he had notice. He had, and she sighed in relief as Joe whispered that he though Tai would be all right. She glanced at Tai again as she noticed him slowly opening his eyes.

"Give Tai a little room, you guys," Sora whispered, having Joe repeat for her, just to make sure everyone else had heard.

"Tai, you with us?" Sora asked, hoping for an answer.

Tai moaned, "Y-yes. Sora what happened? I can't really remem- Oh…"

"What?" Sora asked, confused about why Tai had stopped talking.

"I think I remember why I…fainted now…"

"Why, Tai?" Sora asked, "…I heard you say something about Matt."

Tai glanced down at the mention of Matt's name, "I'm not quite sure what was wrong with Matt… but when I fainted, it felt like- like something was wrong. Wrong with Matt, that is. I think…I think that why ever I fainted was because of something happening to Matt, I'm not sure what it was. But whatever, it couldn't have been good…"

Sora nodded, and bit her lip, "So…Is that why you fainted?"

Tai nodded, but then shook his head, "I saw something though."


"It looked like… Well, to be honest, it looked like two people kissing, or hugging at the least. But then I noticed something around one of the people, or things, neck, glowing. It looked like… Well, the place that it was at made it seem like it was kind of a…"

"A crest?" Sora asked, interrupting Tai.

"Yeah," Tai admitted, while he stood up, offering Sora a hand.

Sora took it, and stood up, walking with Tai over to the rest of the group.

"Tai? Are you all right?" Everyone asked.

Tai nodded, "We should start going now though. Whatever was the reason I fainted, it wasn't good. And I have a feeling it was because of Matt… So, we need to get him soon. Very soon."

The others nodded, and Izzy walked in the direction that they had been headed. Tai stopped for a second, looking at the group following Izzy.

"I hope you are all right Matt," Tai whispered, and ran to catch up to the group.

Matt groaned as he woke up, he could faintly hear some one whispering something to him. He strained to hear it, but it was already gone by the time he had tried. He briefly wondered if there was ever anything, or one, calling to him at all. He shrugged, and stood up from Piedmo- No, his bed, he though to himself.

He dressed slowly, wondering to himself why he felt so comfortable here now. Unlike he had yesterday. When he was done, he looked at himself in the mirror, or a mirror, that he either hadn't noticed… but he suspected that Piedmon had something bring it in while he was sleeping. Matt looked at the mirror again, making sure he looked fine. He barely glanced at his crest, never noticing the change of its color. Or the change of its symbol.

He walked out of the door of *his* room, slowly to the dining hall he had been in yesterday, having a feeling that Piedmon would be there, waiting for him. When he finally reached it no one was inside. Matt sighed, and turned to exit the room, when he ran into a Bakumon. Or rather, came face to face with a Bakumon (I'm assuming that Bakumon are basically ghost, so no human can actually touch them).

Matt gasped as he did, which caused the Bakumon to gasp in surprise.

"Pie-Piedmon requests your presence outside, Master Y-Yamato," the Bakumon squeaked out.

Matt looked confused, "Um…which way is outside exactly? Or, are you supposed to show me?"

The Bakumon nodded, and went in the direction behind Matt, looking back and waiting for him to follow. Matt did and sighed, hoping that he wasn't going to get into any trouble with Piedmon. With the though of Piedmon in his head, Matt smiled to himself. Feeling happier than he had in a long time, never noticing his crest emanating a dark light.

"You guys," Mimi whined, "I'm tired. Can't we at least stop for awhile?"

Tai sighed, "But if we stop now we may never get to Matt! Or worse, we get to him, but he's not…the same…"

The others looked guilty, until Sora added in, "Tai, look at out Digimon. They look even tired than us. What if we get there and they're too tired to Digi-volve?"

"Yeah, Tai," Agumon said, "I know you want to rescue Matt, we all do. But *even* I'm tired. And I'm one of the most powerful ones here!"

"Yeah, Tai," Tk said, "Don't take your…frustration out on us. And can't we rest? This is a really good spot too!"

Tai sighed, "All right. You all made your points; we're resting. But not forever, okay?"

The other nodded, while Mimi squealed in delight.

Tai sighed and walked over to a tree stump near the lake, all the while thinking about Matt. He stared at the reflection in the lake, noticing that it rippled without anyone touching any part of it. It changed briefly to Matt for a second, before it rippled and disappeared. Tai paid no mind to that though, thinking he was just tired, which he was. The water rippled again, he didn't really care about that fact though. Or that a tree-like creature was making its way towards him.

He sighed closing his eyes, and sliding down the tree trunk. He laid his head on the grass, falling asleep. Well, almost.

"Hello, Tai," a gravelly voice said.

Tai gasped, and opened his eyes, seeing the tree-like creature above him.

Matt closed his eyes as he entered the outside area of Piedmon's castle, for the sun was almost blinding. He blinked and opened them again, following the Bakumon who looked incredibly nervous.

He smiled as he saw little flowers growing everywhere, not expecting the harsh Piedmon to keep such things. He shook his head, and looked up towards the sky, though he glanced back down as soon as part of the sun entered his vision.

The Bakumon coughed a little, "Lord Piedmon requests you go down the path by yourself."

Matt looked puzzled as the Bakumon said this, "But how do I know…"

"It is not that difficult to get to where Piedmon is Master Yamato. The dirt path has only one direction; surely you can follow it? And my Lord will be very displeased with me if I take you…"

Matt sighed, and looked at the Bakumon's pleading eyes. He glanced down himself as he noticed that Bakumon seemed very afraid, and the good in him still didn't want the Bakumon to be afraid more so.

Matt nodded, and the Bakumon sighed in relief. Matt walked down the dirt path, glancing back as the Bakumon floated away from him. He shook his head, hoping that he was going the right direction, although he did trust the Bakumon.

Matt carefully walked down the path, not wanting to trip and fall, which would mess up his pants, and shirt. And any other clothing item on him. He stopped for a second to looked at his surroundings, noticing that they grew more beautiful every second. As the path began to thin, he realized it was ending, and he hoped he was at the right place.

Finally, he reached a clearing, and in the center of it stood Piedmon, whose back was turned to him.

"Piedmon?" Matt asked softly.

"Ah, Yamato," Piedmon whispered, "You've finally arrived. I'm glad; we have very little time. And you must begin training very soon."

"Training?" Matt asked, having no idea what Piedmon meant by training.

"Yamato," Piedmon started, turning to face him, "I must tell you something. You see, when you and I kissed, something… changed in you. You are no longer merely human. You are, but you are something more… Something… special."

Special? Matt thought But…I don't understand… Special how?

"You see, something happened between us. And I, gave you part of myself. Something to make you stronger… Better…"

Better? Matt thought That doesn't really make any sense to me…

"Better…Like this!" Piedmon hurled a sword at Matt.

Instinctively Matt threw up his hands at the objects. He watched in fascination as black balls of swirling energy emerged from them, shattering the sword instantly. Matt gasped as he realized what he had just done.

"Better… Like that…" Piedmon said, smirking.

"Wha?" Matt sputtered, "How? Wha? I…"

Piedmon laughed, "'Care to see what other powers you have?"

Matt couldn't help but laugh with Piedmon. Throwing those 'ball had felt… He couldn't even describe it. But whatever it was, it felt good.

Tai gasped, "Who are you?!?"

The tree-like thing laughed, "Me? Just an innocent digimon. I was just wondering why some one like you would be sitting here, all alone, becoming more and more sad by the second."

"I'm not becoming sad," Tai muttered, "But anyway, what's your name. I don't think calling you tree-like thing is all that great."

"I go by the name of Cherrymon," Cherrymon said, "…Do you know about this lake?"

"No…" Tai answered, "What about it?"

"It has a very interesting story behind it. You see long ago two digimon were in love. We'll name the female of the Digimon Shi and the male Digimon Yami. You see, both of them met here one day, though they weren't supposed to. They met at this very lake, or planned to. Before they got here though both of their other lovers found them, and kept them away from meeting. But other lovers had said that the other had been cheating on them, and were just using them. Finally they both accepted this, and met here anyway. Swearing to hate each other forever. They never met again, of course they also killed each other… But that's the story anyway. They say that this is the lake where soul mates love will die…"

Tai shivered at the end of what Cherrymon had said.

"Or at least that's what I hear."

Cherrymon coughed a little, waking Tai from his revere, "You know, some say that you can see something in the lake. Though no one exactly knows what the connection is between the two reflections shown… Just thought I'd tell you…"

Tai gasped, "I-I saw something before…"

"Ah…" Cherrymon said, while grinning, "And what did you see?"

"My friend," Tai whispered, "My friend Ma-"

"Tai!" Agumon shouted, running close to him, "Get away from that Digimon!"

Agumon growled at Cherrymon, trying to pull Tai away, while the others ran to them both.

"Why, Agumon?" Tai asked, "It is just Cherrymon?"

"Because Tai!" Agumon shouted, "This Cherrymon is an evil Digimon! And he's said to work for Piedmon!"

As soon as Gabumon got to them, he started growling too, trying to pull Tai away.

"Aw," Cherrymon laughed, "Now you are spoiled my fun."

"So it is true then!" Tai shouted, "Agumon digi-volve!"

All the Digimon did digivolve, though Gabumon did not for some reason. Which Tai tried to figure out while the Digimon battled, and he, and the others, ran away.

Tai breathed out as they ran away, everyone ran away. Everything ran away. They were forced to retreat. Once Cherrymon had used his fog, there was no way to ensure that everyone would be all right. He couldn't help remember the story that Cherrymon had told him, or the fact that he had seen Matt in his reflection.

Tai sighed, briefly touching his crest with his hand. Some how it felt different to him, and he couldn't help but wonder if it was because of Matt. He sighed, and shook his head, hoping that Matt would be all right.

Hang on Matt Tai thought It won't be long now.

Matt gasped, which caused him to not fire a black energy ball. He had heard the voice again. That same voice that had woken him earlier. The same voice that sounded so familiar, and yet he couldn't seem to place it anywhere.

He moaned as he was thrown back against a tree, for Piedmon had not paused when Matt had. Causing him to throw power balls and swords at Matt, and not stop them in time.

"Yamato?" Piedmon asked, concern running in his voice as he ran towards Matt, "Are you all right?"

Matt nodded, but felt the world spinning slightly. He tried to stand, but when he looked around again, he realized Piedmon had transported him to his room. His bed, to be more precise. Matt barely thought about what Piedmon had said about transporting.

"Shhh, Matt," Piedmon whispered, "Go to sleep…"

Matt couldn't help but obey Piedmon, falling asleep almost instantaneously. Matt sighed as he felt Piedmon kiss him, drifting off into the land of dreams.


Notes: Well, I hope you liked it!