Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Poinsettia: 'Twas the Night Before... ❯ Not a Creature was Stirring... ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Note: This story takes place in Season 02 during the Christmas episode. AND NO, THERE IS NO ANTI-COUPLING IN THIS STORY! NO OFFICIAL ONES EITHER! This is just how several Digimon feel for one another. I will be using a mismatch of Japanese and English character names and other related words. There are some hints of shounen ai and shoujo ai, but nothing extreme. As usual: Really goofy dialogue, poor vocabulary, poor spelling, poor grammar, poor verb tense, bad clichés, and all that. AGAIN, I BASED SORA'S CHARACTER LOOSELY ON MY COUSIN! IN OTHER WORDS… LOTS OF FAMILY WHOLESOME LANGUAGE AND OTHER FUN-FILLED THINGS! Hint of sarcasm there.

Important Note: The following story was inspired by many of my favorite authors. For this story, it is inspired greatly by the Author known as Togemon. If there is any resemblance to any anyone else's work, I apologize. As usual, my work pales in comparison to the other great work done by much better authors. This is my first attempt at a Digimon Romance! And it is NOT very good. This chapter is just an interlude to the upcoming chapter in which it has a plot. KEEP IN MIND THAT I WILL BE USING DIFFERENT DIGIMON POV'S FOR EACH CHAPTER. It may seem I am straying from the Gabumon and Palmon story, even though it is not so.

One more thing to keep in mind: Just because two Digimon fall in love DOES NOT necessarily mean their respective Human partners have to fall in love too! Nor does it happen the other way. Just because two DigiDestined have feelings for each other DOES NOT necessarily mean their respective Digimon partners have to share the same feelings for each other! For example, let's just say for now this will NOT necessarily end up in any form as a romance between Mimi and Yamato. Perhaps more of a friendship than before.

This story takes place during the Holiday Season of 02. Mainly Piyomon's POV. Minor hints of shoujo ai.

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. I had a few poinsettia plants once. I want to get a perfect miniature cactus now!

Poinsettia: Not a Creature was Stirring…

by Mimi, Myself, & Iz.

It's hard to find the balance
when you are in love.

You're lost in the middle cause you have to decide
between mind & heart.

The HEART is the engine of your body
but the BRAIN is the engine of your life.

Between mind & heart
Between mind & heart
Between mind & heart

Excerpts from the song Between Mind & Heart
Written by Michael Cretu

From the album The Screen Behind the Mirror
by Enigma


Tokyo, Japan
Nerima Shopping Center

A Vaccine Digital Monster… Pyocomon

'I love the flower too…'

'In the name of Jiji and Baba… I couldn't believe I almost revealed my feelings for Palmon right in front of Gabumon! What was I thinking?'

Just seeing Gabumon open up himself about his love for Palmon on this very day reminded me that I too once loved her. Well, maybe I still do. And to think it turned out I love her just as much as Gabumon was in love. Strangely, I… used to love Palmon the same way that I love Agumon! This made it so confusing for me… I am supposed to be in love with Agumon and only Agumon!

'Oh Jiji and Baba…'

Now it was too late… for Palmon and I, that is. I practically gave Gabumon a chance to win her heart all on a silver platter. Well, actually in a neatly wrapped Poinsettia in a flowerpot! An immense feeling of jealousy of Gabumon erupted in me, but I kept my emotions under control. It was then that I realized I lost all hope of being with Palmon. Not like it mattered. Palmon was not like me. She was not like Hawkmon, Gatomon, the newcomer Betamon… maybe not like Wormmon either.

Unlike Palmon and the rest, we were inter-phase compatible with either singular or binary parallel orientation and modulation. Tentomon was lucky. He claimed he was backward compatible. 'Whatever that means.' I have found out, not too long ago, that I am binary parallel. I have been programmed with the capability of boy as well as girl Digimon inter-phase compatibility. Despite everything, the fact was still clear. Palmon has been programmed with serial polarity capabilities. She will ever be boy Digimon inter-phase compatible. Nothing in the whole Digital Universe could change that. We could never go against the way we were programmed.

Now as this day in Sora's World began to creep on, I slowly yet painfully accepted the fact again that Palmon would never actually love me the way I once wanted to love her. It would be a painful ordeal to accept… and painful was right! I shouldn't delude myself thinking that Palmon would return my feelings any ways. In this case a female Digimon in love with another female Digimon. To this day, I kept my feelings secret from her. Eventually I would forget I even did love her.

'It is just Agumon… and only Agumon…'

Right now, all I could think of was he. I hope Agumon still remembered those times we shared together. The fun times. It was after the Chosen Children had sacrificed their Inner Crests' power to reform the Digital World. Everything was beautiful. Agumon and I found a nice secluded spot, away from the others. Watching the digital sunset each late afternoon. No words exchanged. Just us together alone sitting on a grassy hill under a lotus tree. My pink feathery winged paw intertwining with his soft golden scaly paw. The numerous times we sneaked a quick kiss on the cheek. All those happy moments seem to have been whisked away as we were once again called into battle. It was the battle against tyranny of the Digimon Kaiser.

I began to realize what Gabumon had feared about Agumon. I knew why he acted differently now. Agumon has changed since he was forced to digivolve into Skull Greymon by the once Digimon Kaiser. Everything that was whole to him was gone, just gone. The noble times when Agumon and Gabumon fought along side each other was now broken. Understanding and forgiveness after they unfortunately fought each other. During their once close ties with each other, I thought they would actually be soul mates! How heartbreaking would that be? I would have, in time, accepted them together… if it were true. I already knew whom Gabumon has deep affections for. As for Agumon, as much I have known him, he had been flirting with females left and right, which included Humans as well. Still, I shouldn't just prejudge anyone to thinking it would all go my way. I just hope he still has a place for me in his heart.

Even that spiritual bond Agumon and Gabumon shared when they jogressed… gone forever. That rift I've seen forming between Gabumon and Agumon beginning to widen. There should still be a chance to mend everything. I can't argue against that everyone goes through many changes over time, but not like this. I knew this was not right that Agumon was treating Gabumon badly. I remembered not that long ago in the Digital World, of Agumon giving one farewell hug to Palmon. She was going to leave for Mimi in New York. As Agumon stepped away, he gave Gabumon a little triumphant sneer. Gabumon didn't notice this for he was watching Gatomon hugging Palmon now. I don't think anyone else saw Agumon acting all conceded like that. I, on the other hand, saw him do it. My heart sunk even lower.

'Oh Agumon…'

As I think about it, would him finding love for another female affect me any differently? Even if it was Palmon that I end up competing against or another female Digimon, or perhaps even a Human? Would it be any different if he outright rejected me? I know I do sound selfish, but I still love him! I must earn a place in his heart again.

'I have to try! If it means to fight to do so, I will!'


Nerima Shopping Center, East Square
Sports Row Outlet…


That strange omnipresent-like voice echoed throughout our surroundings. As soon as the voice faded, bright cheerful and familiar music started to play. However, the peaceful ambiance it created contrast to the busy crowd of holiday shoppers. I felt Sora look up at the shopping center's speaker system near one of these odd black domes on the ceiling. She let out a snort and said, "Pheh! What kind of a lame-ass holiday spirit pitch was that?" With that, Sora tugged her blue coat and adjusted her pink scarf in place. She continued making our way through the crowded shopping center. Also with Sora were a large shopping bag, two gift-wrapped boxes, and myself in tow.

I was resting comfortably in Sora's arms. It was not too long ago that I channeled my energy to devolve back as Pyocomon. It was difficult to maintain my In-training form because I had excessive amounts of stored energy. It was enough energy to digivolve to and maintain my stable Rookie form as Piyomon. I knew I had to become smaller as Pyocomon so that I would not draw much unwanted attention as my bigger Rookie form. Also it would make Sora's job easier if I were lighter to carry. We both decided to stay in the mall for awhile before Yamato's concert starts. Sora said she wanted to shop for a few Christmas gifts. So far, Sora bought gifts for the younger Chosen: Daisuke, Hikari, Takeru, and Iori. She had their gifts all carried in one big shopping bag. I was not sure whom the gift-wrapped boxes were for.

'Could it be for Taichi… or Yamato?'

Those thoughts were swimming in my processor, which Humans called a mind. It was all too curious. But I knew I shouldn't pry. I noticed this afternoon, that there was some tension between Sora and Taichi. Now Yamato was in the picture. This made my situation with Agumon a little unsteady. We did not have a chance to talk because Taichi excused himself after a brief exchange with Sora. I was not listening to our Human partners. All I could focus on was Agumon. That emotionless look… To my disappointment, he never said a word to me. It was so… not him. It was heartbreaking! All that time I was holding the gift-wrapped box that contained Gabumon's Poinsettia in my hands.

'Was he hurt? I hope he did not misunderstand why I brought the Poinsettia gift for Gabu-'

"-to get Taichi something… Maybe later on tonight…"

Sora's voice awakened me from my thoughts. We came across a huge decorative display window of a place that Sora referred to as a sporting goods store. Displayed were all of the store's merchandise like clothing, gear, meals, diet stuff, exercise machines, various shaped sticks, and balls of all types and sizes. I saw her admire one particular soccer ball. A sport she almost gave up…

'Whoa! Wait!'

Something caught my eye… an object big and round as a tree log. It was about a hundred sixty two centimeters (162 cm) in length and fifty centimeters (50 cm) wide. However, this was not a log. It was manufactured, acrylic or canvas padded and probably stuffed with something. This object was something called… a punching bag. To my amazement, right beside them was something I could immediately identify. They were a pair of large round padded gloves that were bright red in color like a celeron rose. Gloves that Togemon wore. In this world they called it boxing gloves. It was strange. At first I did not know her gloves were something that existed in Sora's World too. Just seeing that big punching bag and red boxing gloves together like that reminded me of Togemon.


I smiled as I remembered the little story Palmon shared with me. It was about the time of the final showdown with Piemon. After Jyou left with Gomamon in search for Yamato and Gabumon, Mimi and Palmon were able to band together freedom fighting Digimon from all walks of Digimon to join the battle. Among the hundreds of Gekomon, Otamamon, Gazimon, Numemon and so forth, there was the one and only Meramon that once threatened the File Island Pyocomon Village so many years ago. Also there was the Digi-Arctic guardian, Yukidarumon, that joined them. I was amazed that Ogremon was with them. Even with the loss of his rival, Saber Leomon, he fought along the side of the DigiDestined. It was true as they say about the Eternal Duelists. If the Digital World were ever unbalanced, the two rivals would team up together and help the Chosen to save the Digital World.

That was true with the final battle against Piemon. Despite that this band of freedom fighters was large in numbers, Mimi thought it would be wise if their new allies would have more fighting techniques. That was when Palmon suggested that, as Togemon, she could train them empty-hand combat. Ogremon, Meramon, and Yukidarumon could also help teach with Togemon the basics of how to box and such. After a few hours of training, the others including Mimi learned quickly of how to defend themselves without dependently exerting to other weapons. Everyone was in better shape and fighting spirit as well.

Things started to get silly when Ogremon, Meramon, and Yukidarumon started to show off. They were demonstrating their energy projectile punches and speed techniques. They even wanted to see how their energy punch power would react if it struck each other head on. Lots of unnecessary destruction of boulders, trees, and mountainsides followed. Not to mention the little Digimon were getting scared again. It took awhile for Togemon and Mimi to settle down the street fighters and make them behave themselves. I remembered, according to Palmon, that Mimi speculated "the whole fiasco looked like Marvelous versus Cap Come Too! Live and in color." I had no idea what Palmon was talking about.

'Pal and Toge…'

I began to daydream…

Not many have realized this, but Palmon's Champion form of Togemon was more than she seemed. On the outside, her body looked like any other cactus mostly found in the deserts of FireWire. She had a tough green prickly covering and a blossoming flower on her top. However, her appendages and overall structure had the pure strength and mobility as any non-plant Digimon. Brute strength and speed was her power. Other than her punching power and speed, her other attacks included the rapid shower of her needles against her opponent. Two of those techniques she used often were the Prickly Bang Bang, and Hurricane Prickly Blossom. While her cactus body served as a protective armor shell, it was the being inside the cactus that was the true Togemon.

It was difficult to see within Togemon. One would have to actually peer inside the darkness of the eye and mouth orifices. With my gel-covered eyes and enhanced vision, I could make out the living being inside. It was almost humanoid in shape and was female. She was almost the same height and shape, maybe even age, as the once younger Mimi. The being had the same sparkling emerald seed eyes of Palmon, yet the overall shape of her face would resemble that of Lillymon's. The skin was light green to almost silvery. Her mane of silver hair, or something like plant vascular fibers, was spread out forming a shimmering halo around her head. Among that Lillymon-like face there was a small protruding nose and a small mouth that never opens. From what I would describe of the inner Togemon being, was a transitional phase of Palmon and Lillymon.

The being inside was in fact actually silent and unmoving. Her humanoid form spread out suspended in the inner succulent tissues of the cactus. It was the cactus itself that produced her voice and attributed mobility. It was like a symbiosis of the frail gentle being within her armor. All the thoughts, speech, and movement where directed to the cactus armor, basically her outer body. The eye and mouth orifices of the cactus also change to resemble such emotions as anger, sadness, and happiness. The inner Togemon shows no such emotion. She remains a presence of pure and peaceful solitariness.

'I can't help it anymore! I envy her!'

The Chosen Digimon of Purity was beautiful in all of her digivolved forms. She was so cute as her young Fresh form of Yuramon. Her In-training form Tanemon was cute too as we both shared similar floral qualities then. Her Palmon form always beamed cheerfulness in her voice, mannerisms, and nice smile. Need I mention how beautiful Togemon was to me? That was not to be shadowed by the forever delicate and graceful Ultimate form of Lillymon. Despite what the other boy Digimon say about her, she was one tough fighter no matter what her form was! I often wondered if there was a Mega form for her as well… or perhaps an Armor form.

For me, being Piyomon would be the last I would consider myself beautiful compared to her. I seemed to have gotten on Sora's bad side when I was nothing but a pink Digimon in In-training and Rookie forms. It was the time I clashed with her tomboy image. Her feelings for me changed when I digivolved into Birdramon, not to mention my Ultimate form of Garudamon! I can't digivolve to Garudamon anymore. Not that I missed it. In that form I was so grotesquely huge! I towered above the rest of the Chosen Digimon, even the two Megas. I really did not like it even though I had powers much more destructive than Greymon and Were Garurumon combined! Still I think of the many battles shared fighting along Togemon's side. Most of the times, I was Birdramon.

'It was just Togemon and I…'

It brought back memories of how I first discovered the inner Togemon. During our fight against Cockatrimon onboard his desert cruise liner on FireWire, I managed to get another glimpse at the inner Togemon before she reformed back into Palmon. I was back to Piyomon by then. As I looked at the inner Togemon, to my amazement, the being actually turned to look at me. A smile formed on her closed lips. She extended one of her delicate hands of five dexterous digits towards me. While she does so, the cactus armor shows none of these emotions nor does it move. The eye and mouth orifices were round or in rest formation. It was as if her inner self smiled only for me. How much I wanted to take her hand in my own wing even though her cactus armor was in the way.

That fateful day on the desert cruise liner must have opened up something between us. While Sora and Mimi were both sharing a nice long shower together, Palmon and I enjoyed a nice herbal bubble bath in a giant brass tub. I still blushed at the thought that we did that together. It was amazing that her own floral essence attributed nicely to the medicinal bath water. I could feel the mixture work wonders as it cleansed my feathers and tender skin. Everything smelled like roses. Now I knew why Palmon never used her Stinking Stench attack. She never had one! Everything about her smelled heavenly. Sora and Mimi were about finished with their long shower and wanted to join us. There was more than enough room for all four of us. Palmon and I did not mind the company. It would have been fun, but those Numemon sailor perverts interrupted us!

Still, that was the first time I can remember falling in love with Palmon. It must have been that bath we shared which…

'No, it was not Palmon.'

Realization finally hit me!

'I-I was actually in love with her Champion form of Togemon! Both her inner self and outer self! The strength and the beauty within! Was that it? I was actually in love with Togemon and not truly Palmon?'

I sighed in defeat. The truth hurt as I remembered clearly what happened afterwards…

After that magical moment of seeing the inner Togemon reaching out to me, my hopes were shattered as she finally devolved back into Palmon. Her Champion energy stability was exhausted. It was then that I discovered something new about digivolving. Certain memory, experiences, emotions, and even maturity were different or do not carry over across digivolutions. This seemed more apparent with Digimon of Data attributes.

When Palmon returned to her Rookie self, she remembered nothing of that incident with the inner Togemon! Nothing! She thought I was kidding! Since then, I hoped that if she digivolved again, she would remember. But that never came true. From then on, Togemon appeared only during battles, not to rest or socialize. Now rarely does Palmon digivolve to Togemon anymore, ever since the apparent defeat of Archnemon and Mummymon. Not even back in the old days when she was Lillymon did that bond we almost shared resurface. That lost moment with the true Togemon would only exist in my memories.

I shook my head. 'Damn it! I have to forget about her! IT'S TOO LATE! I LOST HER!'

'Agumon… Think of Agumon!'


Nerima Shopping Center, Eastside Circle
5 Increments… MINUTES Later…


The voice was finally gone and the cheerful music started to play again. I felt Sora looking up at the shopping center's speaker system again. She let out groan and scoffed, "You must be -cking kidding me! If that was supposed to be some sort of subliminal message or something, it is not working! That guy should be fired!"

Like before, a lot of people were scrambling through all the stores for that perfect gift or gifts. We saw Jun and her companion, Miyako's sibling, a few times. Both were still busy with their own gift shopping to stop and talk to us. I am not sure if Sora noticed, but I happened to see that adult Human named Mr. Fujiyama far off at the western circle. He, like the rest, was attempting to make progress here in this crowd. He was not alone though. Mr. Fujiyama had a young Human girl in a blue jumpsuit in tow. They were headed to a place Sora referred to as a Sanrio store.

After another round of pushing and shoving, we found ourselves in front of an elegant clothing store display. I felt Sora rocking a bit. She seemed to be admiring a certain statue-like artificial Human in a long pink dress. The dress was beautiful! It was elegantly decorated with flowers and had golden laces here and there. I was not familiar with the materials of Sora's world, but I bet it was soft and very comfortable. It flowed nicely down to the artificial Human's knees.

I noticed that Sora was attempting to mimic the pose of the artificial Human as if she herself wore the dress. Finally she said, "I wish I could afford something like that."

I looked at the paper tag on dress. My eyes widened. It had more digits than all of Sora's receipts combined!

Sora smiled and, with one free hand, lightly drummed her fingers on her chin. "I think it would look beautiful on Mimi," she said. I started to agree with her. Even with my limited imagination, the Child of Purity would look great wearing such a thing. I was about to comment until Sora spoke again, "But probably Mimi has seen better. That girl could have everything!" She sounded so hurt, so crestfallen. I guess it was hard for her to accept that Mimi was in another country. Sora then gave a little snort and added, "Well, not everything."

A strange sense of inspiration came over me. I was not sure how. It was all so amazing, as I found myself saying, "Why not design your own, Sora? Design and make your own dresses… for Mimi."

She looked at me incredibly. Her facial features had a sudden look of astonishment, inspiration, or perhaps humor, all twisting about. It was awhile before she replied. She then gave out a sarcastic laugh and said, "Yeeeah right!" She continued to laugh. I turned away in shame as I started to regret ever mention it. All of a sudden, her laughter stopped. Puzzled, I looked back up to face her. I studied her features and noticed that Sora looked like she was considering such possibility. She gave a slight hum as she relished the thought of becoming a fashion designer.

"I am not sure if I could," she said.

I gave her a reassuring smile. "Well, you'll never know if you don't try," I added with genuine optimism.

She turned to face me and gave me a cheerful smile. "I guess…"

I returned her smile. After giving the dress one final look, we continued on our way towards a giant clock in the middle of the shopping center. The clock was huge with large hour and minute hands. It was placed high above-

(Groan) "Hurry up, Ruki! The movie is about to start in a few minutes!"

"No running! I'm pushing safely! I don't want babies to fall out of carriage!"

(Sigh) "Well, pretend we are in a time warp. We move faster in time than anyone else."


"So that means… SPEED WALK!"

(Giggles) "Hang on babies! Warping to the theatres! ZOOOOOOMMM!!!"

I strange exchange of words got my attention. Sora heard them too. She turned and both of us saw these two young Human children. One appeared to be an older female child walking behind a younger female child pushing a little fluffy light blue cart. It was a baby carriage! Inside the carriage were two large white plush toys. One of them was dressed in a red stocking cap and the other a red dress. They looked like some sort of Yukidarumon, but I think Sora and others referred to them as Christmas Bears. Seeing these two Human girls and a baby carriage brought back some fond memories of a distant past. Memories of Palmon and I…


Quest for the Child of Light
The Day beyond Fire Wall
Plus Two…

The Child of Purity
The Child of Love

The Chosen Digimon of Purity
The Chosen Digimon of Love

One baby carriage…

"Stop pushing!"

"I am NOT pushing!
YOU'RE pushing ME!"

"You crossed over to my side,


"I-I'm telling…"

"Knock it off you two!"


Nerima Shopping Center, Clock Circle
Present thoughts…


That wasn't really a pleasant exchange between us. But we did have fun together! I noticed Sora was watching this scene with interest. I guessed it brought up memories of her too. I wondered if it was still true with Sora. I knew she got on with her life without her best friend Mimi.

'But did she?'

Somehow forgetting any consideration for Sora's feelings and privacy, I asked, "Sora? Do you still have feelings for Mimi?"

Sora's face faulted. She slowly turned her head to look at me. Finally she mumbled, "Ummm…"

'Whoops, big mistake! How could I have pried into Sora's feelings like that?' It was like I just reopened old wounds. I was stuck in the Digital World for too long. In just a few short years in Sora's world, things sure change. While some other things do not.

Immediately I said, "You don't have to answer if you don't want to-"

Sora let out a sigh and smiled. She looked back in the direction of the two retreating girls and the baby carriage. Sora gave a slight chuckle. "Yes, I still do have feelings for Mimi, Pyoco." She looked upward at nothing particular and continued, "Still… I feel that I have gotten over her. I'm glad it's Jyou that really likes Mimi now. Mimi likes him too."

I was surprised that Sora was still comfortable to talk about it. She does admit she finally gotten over her young… crush… for Mimi. Sora too accepted the fact that Mimi would not return her feelings, even though it was just a little crush. Times change. How these Human children have matured over the Digital years. Now this information about the Child of Faith liking the Child of Purity popped up. I found it quite cute of them being together. "Jyou? I never knew."

Sora nodded, "Well, who would have thought. They keep in touch very often. Michael supports their relationship as well." She let out a shrug and added, "And to think, I was so sure Izzy had a chance with Mimi, but something strange happened between those two."


Our young Human genius, whose close friends and family are allowed to call him by his nickname, Izzy. That was interesting. I was curious as to what happened between Mimi and the Child of Knowledge, so I asked, "What was it?

"I have no idea. Neither Izzy nor Mimi said anything. In fact, there was more communication between Mimi and Izzy than any one of us. They kept in touch with each other constantly. Izzy didn't even mind that Jyou was pursuing Mimi now. Weird." She gave a little snort and added, "Well, not like it mattered. It seems that Izzy really likes Miyako and has developed a nice flourishing relationship with her now." Sora sighed, "I wished I had such luck… with boys."

I felt bad that she was putting herself down now. Still, I can't seem to get this thought out of my processor any longer… "And… Yamato?"

A strange twisted look was on her face as she turned down to face me. "What about Yamato?" she asked slowly.

I didn't like this. I seem to have touched off a nerve in Sora. I felt that I have betrayed her trust in me, but I found myself continuing… "Well, Sora… you two seem to be getting close."

She breathed out in weariness as she rolled her eyes at me. "Um, yes, but…" she trailed off.

I couldn't believe my curiosity got the better of me. I just wanted to know more, so I repeated her last word, "But…"

Another sigh came from Sora, "Pyoco…"

I started to feel ashamed that I was doing this to Sora. However, instead of being angry, Sora gave a slight chuckle. "Yamato… Yamato… Yes we are close." She took in a breath and added, "But not in the same way as you think we are." She closed her eyes and added, "Well, maybe almost."

I was glad she wasn't mad at me. Her relationship with Yamato shouldn't be any different. So I questioned her last statement. "Almost?"

Sora groaned to herself and said, "Sorry, Pyoco. It's all confusing."

"Is it really, Sora?"

She made a weak smile and stared at the giant mall clock. "Well, Pyoco, let's just say that all of us are heartbroken because we keep our true feelings to ourselves. We stupidly think everything would go our way! Still we have that fear of rejection. We then feel compelled to come to our senses. Then as soon as we want to admit our feelings to the other, it is too late. We painfully sit back and watch while the ones we thought we would forever love go out and find love elsewhere."

My eyes widened. It was the same thing that I was going through. Like she meant before, I too was trying to move on. Finally I said, "I believe I understand what you are talking about, Sora."

She gave me a reassuring smile. I think she knew a little about my problems as well. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes again. "It's just that… Yamato and I… We are… consoling… our problems together. Something like that… nothing really more to say." She stayed with her head tilted and eyes closed. She seemed to be meditating.

I was supposed to respect her silence and let it all come to an end. However, something in my subconscious processor wanted me to ask one more nagging question to Sora. "Sora? What about Taichi?"


That seemed to have caused a nervous coughing fit in Sora! She made a fist of her right to cover her mouth while saying between coughs, "Well, I… do… care for Taichi, but… To me, he is like a… like a br…"

Sora's coughing seemed to have ceased. She made grunting sounds to clear up her cough. She then shook her head as if she was not sure herself of her and Taichi's relationship either! I was starting to believe that Sora's right, we really were screwing our lives up by not admitting that one simple… 'Simple?' To admit that single thing for each other… love.

"Well… but there is something we sort of find in each other," Sora added.

Suddenly, Sora cried out to the heavens, "ARRGH! And I am supposed to be the DigiDestined of Love!" Amazingly, the people around us haven't noticed or cared of Sora's outburst. They continued on their merry business.

"You truly are, Sora," I replied trying to comfort her.

"Yes, but what the rest of us are going through!" She covered her face in disgust. "Maybe I am able to feel love, but I am no expert in relationships! This is a totally different thing! That is something we are still too young to know anything!"

I could only feel sorry for her. "Sora… I'm sorry to bring all of this up…"

She let out one final sniff. Sora then seemed to nod in content and smiled down at me. She gently stroked my flower top. "No it's okay, Pyoco. I'm just not yet ready to deal with this now. Let's just drop this, okay?"

"Okay, Sora," I replied, hoping I won't let my big mouth upset her again.

I suddenly felt Sora release her hand from my flower top. I looked up in surprise, as she seemed to be wincing! I was about to ask her what was wrong. I managed to hear her mutter…

"Oh God… Mimi…"

I was shocked. Sora still had lingering troubled thoughts of Mimi! Immediately I tried to comfort her.

"It's 01100 okay, 011 01 Sora 001001000100 1101111

I couldn't finish. It took me awhile to get my awareness back. I felt this powerful yet familiar surges of energy fill my being! I realized what was happening to me…


I was standing on my feet. Sora must have let go of me. I looked down and found myself in my Rookie form as Piyomon! I digivolved! I was confused as how that happened. I guess it was all my stored excess energy. Like with other Rookies, as Piyomon my energy was at its ultimate stability.

"Opps! I'm sorry, Sora. I thought I could do it. I tried to stay in my In-training form!" I tried to apologize to Sora. Fear crept in as I realized something terrible…

'Oh no! What if someone saw me digivolve!'

I looked back at Sora, expecting to see her very disappointed. Instead, Sora just gave me a warm smile and stroked my feather top. "No, it's okay, Piyo. I shouldn't have allowed you to force yourself to be Pyocomon." She suddenly embraced me. "Everyone else were too busy to even bother to see you digivolve anyway." Thankful to have a friend like Sora, I accepted her embrace.

As we finally let go of each other, Sora said, "Well, it's Christmas time! The plush toy act could still work. I'll just carry you around."

I thought about it for a moment and asked, "Are you sure? I mean you already have enough gifts to carry. Plus I am bigger and heavier-"

She just brushed it off and said, "No problem. Just be still and quiet for the time being. I am sure to finish shopping for that gift. No one would notice you. We can find a place to rest and eat. We'll have some privacy. We still have two more hours till Yamato's concert!"

"Sounds good!" I said happily.

She scoped me effortlessly in her arms and added, "Yeah, remember now… Be still and keep it down."

"Okay," I replied. As we walked, this whole thing made me think of the past again. "Hey! Remember the last time, Sora?" I said, thinking of that time many Digital Years ago on the Tokyo train.

Sora nodded. "Yeah, it should be easy now, I think."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Sora gave a nod to the surrounding crowd and said, "I mean, everyone is busy with their own Christmas shopping to bother us."

I had to agree. "Still, you Human children… of all ages… sure love your toys."

Sora laughed. "Yeah, we sure do. Which reminds me."


"Well, two years ago, some company made these full sized dolls of all eight of you to commemorate our victory in the Digital World."

"Toys? Of us?" I asked astonished.

Sora nodded. "Yes! You saw my room right?"

I shook my head. "No. I have been hanging around the ground floor of the shop most of the time. Admiring the merchandise." I was absentmindedly checking out the various cacti without actually knowing why, until I realized I love Togemon. The cacti were all lovely and succulent! Still I must admit, the Christmas Cactus, or Schlumbergera bridesii, was not what I expected compared to Togemon. I guess it was more flowery like the Poinsettia.

Sora just shrugged. "Oh yeah. Well, I have one of those plush dolls of you, as Piyomon, on my bed," she said with a big grin.

I couldn't help but cry, "Oooo…"

Sora continued, "I also have one still in its shrink wrap and packaging locked away safe. It has a serial number of PIYO-00001!" She smiled even brighter.

I was confused on the strange numbers she just said after my nickname that she calls me. "Um… okay." It didn't seem important so I just forgot about it. Still, all this about us Chosen Digimon being made into toys was so exciting! How nice to be appreciated! To be immortalized as toys! WOW!

"Gee, dolls of us! I wondered if they have Palmon and Agumon available? Or perhaps a Togemon!" I asked, not realizing what I just said.

'Oops! Did I say that out loud?'

I don't think Sora heard me as she continued, "Get this… They called you Dimension Monsters!"

I blinked. "Dimension Monsters?"

Sora nodded. "Needless to say they sold out fast. One of the biggest toy craziness to hit Japan! Just barely enough for the Christmas rush. Another attempted boom last Christmas, but it was done in auctions only! None left now in stores. No new lines produced! Totally sold like hotcakes!"

"I can imagine!" I smiled in pride.

Sora's face suddenly turned sour. I was wondering what was wrong now. I faintly heard her grumble, "Still… the toy manufacturers made it so we never got ONE -DDAMN CENT from them. Those corporate-cheating bastards! Talking about unauthorized! Not that they even bothered to make dolls of us DigiDestined!"

I couldn't make out what Sora was muttering about. All I could do was ask, "What was that, Sora?"

Sora seemed to have awakened from her moodiness. She quickly replied, "Um, nothing, Piyo."

Not really believing her, I just accepted her quick response. I then speculated on our current predicament, "I guess it is okay to still be a plush toy. Since everyone is used to seeing something like me. I won't draw attention."

"Well, that was two years ago. Now, you're a Collector's Item! Thank goodness I got two! I think Mimi said you alone was worth a million Yen on eBay! She said it was about eight point five thousand or so U.S. dollars!" Sora beamed. "Their version of VamDemon had a limited number, mind you."

"VamDemon?" I asked in shock. "How could they make a toy for VamDemon? He was evil for crying out loud!"

She shrugged, "It's a long story. They didn't know what he was called anyway. Just the Vampire Blondie!"

I rolled my eyes. 'I must admit, Humans could make toys of anything!'

"Any ways… The remaining toys I see selling now are the ones active in the auctions like eBay!"

She mentioned that name again. She knew of eBay! I asked, "You mean the eBay?"

"Yes," she smiled.

"The eBay Oceanic Trading Port on the Continent of LogiTech?" I continued.

Sora's face faulted. "What? Er… no… My world eBay!"

"Oh," I said in defeat. It would have been too good to be true.

Sora continued, "Well, let's just say that your plush toy is worth a million Yen and possibly still increasing!"

This brought another huge grin on my beak. "NEATO! I'M RICH!" I said playfully.

Sora then had a stern look on her face. "I am not sure why they stopped making them. Some conspiracy thing or something. I heard the Intelligence Agency of Japan investigated the toy manufacturers. Some kind of government red tape sort of thing or something. Weird."

I did not understand what Sora was talking about… I was just thinking of how popular we were to have a Collector's…

'Wait a minute! Collectors… Christmas… Most in-demand toy…'

"Um, Sora?"

"Um, yes, Piyo?" she asked. She was still smiling as we continued walking.

I gave her some hints of why I was starting to worry. "Collector's Item? Most in-demand toy of the past Christmases?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Well, of course-"

Suddenly Sora stopped dead in her tracts. It finally dawned on her! "Ooooohhhhh sssshhhhhit…"


A loud sudden voice behind us made us jump!

"Um, what?" Sora muttered. She slowly turned around to see who spoke. To our shock, there was a huge group of people that stared back at us!

One of them pointed… at me and yelled…


"Oh shit," Sora swore under her breath.

"Sora?" I asked worriedly. The crowd started to come closer to us. I was worried about Sora's well being. I can't allow any harm come to Sora!

"Um… just stay still," commanded Sora. No sooner had she said that, the crowd circled around us making a Human wall with us in the middle.

"Wow! Ankle bracelet and everything!" a female child said.

"It looks so life-like!" said an adult male.

I tried to keep up the plushy alert! I remained completely motionless in Sora's arms. But it was hard. My defensive instincts kicked in. I had to keep my eyes active so that I had everyone in my peripheral vision. Any threatening move of this crowd against Sora would be met with harsh consequences! However, my attempts to keep everyone in check backfired!

"Hey! The eyes! It moved!" a young female of the crowd pointed out.

It was then that I decided to just act totally lifeless. Trying not to sweat. It was dangerous to let my guard down, but it was necessary not to give the crowd anymore ideas. My eyes were focused on nothing. All I could do was judge the distance and directions of every sound. All I heard was voices…

"Oh my! Is it electronic? Ani… anime-tronic?" a different adult female person asked Sora.

"Then it must be some sort of new edition!" said another adult male.

"Can it talk?" said another child, male.

"Young Lady… Where did you get this Dimension Monster?" the first adult asked Sora.

All Sora could do was stutter, "Ummmm uhhh…."

The adult continued, "I haven't seen any thing like this in the Nerima Toys R Joys."

I could feel Sora shaking as her grip on me tightened, "W-well…"

Another female crowd member said, "Say there, Young Lady. You look familiar…"

"Hey, Mommy… Why is her hair like… all orange?" I heard a really young male child say.

"Hush, son. That is not polite," the Mother replied.

"Is she 'four rain' like you say it?" the child asked.

"HUSH!" the Mother hissed.

"So, Miss. Where did you get it?" the same adult asked again.


"Come on, Miss," he urged.


"Please, Young Lady," an adult female pleaded.

"My son would love to have one for Christmas," the Mother said.

Her child cried, "I hate the pink pigeon! I want the seal with the mohawk!"

I tried not to get riled up from being offended from this child's remark… 'Pigeon indeed! And a seal with the mohawk? Did he mean Gomamon?'

As usual, Sora still was speechless. "UUUUHHHH…"

"Do you know if they have the yellow dinosaur one?"

"How about the batwing pig Dimension Monster?"

"Do they have the green dinosaur slash Poinsettia-thing?"


"We're waiting, Miss."


"What's up with her?"

"Maybe she doesn't understand us."

"Are you from around here, Miss? Do you speak Japanese?" the Mother asked.


Her child then remarked, "You look like you had orange juice poured all over your head!"

That did it! Sora couldn't take anymore of this interrogation! I could feel her trying desperately to think of a way out of this. Suddenly, a look of determination washed over her face as if she reached some sort of conclusion. "Ooohhh…" she breathed.

She suddenly lifted her right hand and pointed over the crowd to the east. "HEY LOOK! OVER THERE! ISN'T THAT MICHAEL JORDAN AUTOGRAPHING BASKETBALLS?"

"Did she say, 'Michael Jordan?'"


I was amazed! Sora's cleaver deception worked! The crowd attention was focused on the sporting goods store we were at earlier! Now all we need to do now was to sneak quietly and discretely away while these people were still distracted. I expected Sora to calmly urge me so that we together could give these people the slip… Unfortunately, Sora appeared to be too riled up from all of this. She just exploded!


Sora clutched me protectively in her arms. With all packages in tow, we made a mad dash towards the mall exits. I could hear the confused crowd. They now realized that they have been tricked! They were starting to pursue us!




Nerima Shopping Center, West Entrance
Seconds Later…

"I think we lost them, Sora!"

"W-wha-what, P-Piyo?" Sora huffed, still running at top speed.

"I said, 'I THINK WE LOST THEM, SORA!'" I cried as I peered behind us. Sora and I managed to get a good distance from that mob. We kept on running towards the exits. Shopping was over!


I sweat dropped…

Sora managed to take a fast look behind her. She smiled in relief.


I felt a sudden jolt as if we just collided with something. I opened my eyes and checked my bearings. We were sprawled on the floor. Sora's gift bags and boxes were all over the place. I looked up and noticed that we were by this booth-like structure. I couldn't tell exactly what these booths were for, but I saw a few of them when we came in this afternoon. I knew we were close to the exits at least.

Sora started to rub a sore spot on her rump. In irritation she yelled at whatever or whomever we collided with. "HEY! WHY DON'T YOU WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING, YA BIG APE-" Sora stopped abruptly as she seemed to realize who we collided with.

Standing before us was a very tall Human male with a short black mane. He was very muscular and was wearing some sort of costume. It was all blue from the long-sleeved shirt to matching pants. A shiny object, which looked like a miniature silver shield, was pinned to his left chest. Some sort of identification tag was on his right chest in Sora's language. He also wore a strange blue puffy stitched hat with a shiny black visor. On his hands were white gloves. Other strange insignias adorned this Human's outfit.

"Oh shit," Sora cursed to no one in particular.

The costumed Human approached Sora. I was about to go into defensive, but Sora gave me a squeeze to be at ease. The costumed Human extended a gloved hand and helped Sora to her feet. Sora dusted herself and I. She managed to pick up her packages as well. However, one of the boxes seemed to have fallen right at the costumed Human's feet. The costumed Human noticed this too, picked it up, and returned it to Sora. As Sora silently accepted her package, the man spoke, "Excuse me, Young Miss. What's the hurry?"

"Um, nothing!" Sora replied quickly as she prepared herself to leave.

However, the costumed Human immediately blocked her path. I did not like this at all, but I stayed calm. I did not want to be the cause of another incident. The man then said to Sora, "Okaaay… Can I see the receipt for that?"

"Ummm… Receipt?" Sora replied nervously.

He crossed his arms and said, "Yes, receipt. For that big doll you have there."

Sora's eyes widened. "Receipt? Receipt for her?"

The costumed Human cocked an eyebrow. "Her? Look, Miss… This is serious! To protect all our customers and store merchants, our policy against shoplifting is very strict during this time of year. Now if you would be so kind as to show me your receipts before exiting-" All of a sudden he stopped. He was then leaning over me closely. As still as I tried to be, I tried not to sweat. "Say, Miss. That doll looks familiar," he muttered, as he examined me.

Sora gulped.

The man started to nod to himself as he continued checking me out from claw to beak. He-he…


I stopped myself from gasping. To my disgust, I felt his hands touching me! My chest… My wings… Then down to my fanny! He was ruffling my feathers! His eyes looked onto mine as he got even closer to my face. If I had my way, I would have bit his nose off right then and there! I also had a good clear Magical Fire shot for his crotch!

"Wow… Great workmanship," he said as he continued his… probing. I could have sworn he has been touching this same spot, I dear not mention, a bit longer…

As this was happening, I heard Sora nervously say, "Ummmm, Mister? C-could you stop doing that, please?"

The man seemed to have heard her because he stopped. Maybe perhaps he was finished touching me any ways! I couldn't get over that sickening feeling of being touched by him though. I felt so violated!

"Yeah… I've seen this before…" that pervert speculated.

All of a sudden, another costumed Human seemed to pop out from behind a desk in the booth. He was a bit shorter than the perverted Human standing over me was. His short mane was brown. "Yo, 'Duki! I think that's the Piyo Dimension Monster Doll!" he said as he pointed at me. For some strange reason, I heard his voice before.

The pervert, 'Duki's, eyes widened. "REALLY?" He was now just a few millimeters from my face. I fought the urge to gouge his eyes out!

I could hear Sora make a strange groaning sound.

The pervert then turned to Sora and asked, "Miss. Where did you get that? I don't think Nerima Collectors Enthusiast Store had any in their collection for like… over a year! Cost a bundle too!"

Sora tried to answer. "W-well…"

"Oh shit! LOOK!" yelled the other man.

"What?" asked the pervert.

He pointed at me again as he said; "I saw it move! I think this one moves on its own! Look at that!"

The pervert poked his face into mine again. "Well, I'll be… This must be something new!"

Suddenly, Sora took this opportunity… for another diversionary tactic!







This seemed to work, as the pervert's associate immediately got out of the booth. "YO, 'DUKI! LET'S GO!"

"Right with you, Bi!" the pervert nodded. He joined his associate as they made their way towards the inner sections of the mall.

I thought they would be gone, but the costumed Human, Bi, turned back around! "Wait-a-minute… I forgot something!" he yelled back at 'Duki.

Bi ran to his desk in the booth and took out this little cylinder. He seemed to press something on it and then put it close to his mouth. A shrill screeching or whistling sound filled the mall. I winced in irritation.

All of a sudden, the cheerful ambient music stopped and I heard that strange familiar omnipresent-like voice echoed throughout the mall again…



With that, he threw the cylinder down on the desk. There was a loud bump sound throughout the mall as the cylinder hit the desk, rolled, and fell onto the hard floor. It dawned on me that this was the same guy doing the voice from the mall speakers. Bi then followed the pervert named 'Duki. I could hear them as they retreated off into the mall…

"I hope I can get the yellow pig with batwings!" Bi said.

"You always want that one… It's stupid looking! The cat doll is the coolest!" 'Duki replied.

"Oh yeah… Well you like the roach!" said Bi.

"Screw you…"

After a moment of complete silence…

"I DON'T -CKING BELIEVE THIS!" Sora cried. She slumped down tiredly on the ground with her back resting on the side of the pervert and company's booth.

The ambient music started playing again…

I breathed in relief. I could move freely now. I tried to forget the feel of that pervert's hands on me. It wouldn't be easy. I sighed and joined Sora, and sat down beside her. I shook my head as I said, "Gee, I never believed we Chosen Digimon, or Dimension Monsters, would be that popular!"

"NO SHIT!" she replied. Sora then looked at the booth's desk. There were several television units that were stack up like a wall. They were sort of like the I/O devices back in the Digital World. They displayed, what I could see, live pictures of every imaginable location of the surrounding mall. On one screen in particular was an image full of people pushing and shoving into one store.

"At least we got away," I assured her.

She nodded in agreement. "Maybe… I hope they don't have this all recorded on videotape. We sure created a scene back there. I won't be able to show my face in any shopping mall for the rest of my life! Now I might have to wear my hat again!" Sora continued with a much brighter tone, "But we did not do any shoplifting or any stuff like that! It should be fine." Sora then leaned over to have a better look at the I/O-like displays. "Still…"

I was curious as to what was so special about the I/O displays that interested Sora. "Sora, are you all right?"

Suddenly her eyes widened. "SHIT! IT'S ON DIGITAL RECORD!" She then slumped down again and brought her knees up. She then buried her face with her hands. Oooohhh… -ck! What have I gotten us into?"

"Digital?" I asked confused.

Sora did not answer me. She just groaned, "I hope they don't start some investigation about a mall riot or something… and with me at the center of it all." She started to rock back and forth. "I'm glad Mimi is not here to see me act like this. She would really be disappointed to have me as her best friend." Her face shot up as she yelled…


I hated to see Sora so upset. I guessed she was right about lying. I had to accept that she lied in order to protect me. Still, lying none the less was such a bad thing to do. I heard a familiar song playing on the speaker system. I remembered the lyrics as I picked up where the song continued. It seemed appropriate, so with a little playfulness in my heart, I sung…

"…He KnOwS tHaT yOu'Ve BeEn BaD oR gOoD…
So Be GoOd FoR gOoDnESs SaKeS! OKAY?"

Sora didn't even flinch. She bowed her head down again and mumbled, "Shut up, Piyo."


Local Grinds Diner, Across Nerima Shopping Center
10 Minutes Later…

Sora and I found refuge in a special restaurant that served what Sora described as Hawaiian Island cuisine. It was really popular with the locals, which some of them have traveled to the 50th Sector of the United Sectors, Hawaii. It was also popular with the Hawaii people who visit here too. Mimi told Sora about this place after her trip to Hawaii long ago. I thought it would be about this poi stuff but it was more. Sora said it served a wide variety of foods of different cultures that Hawaii shared. She mentioned something of a melting pot.

Sora ordered a meal called… a Plate Lunch? It consisted of two teriyaki stakes covered with curry beef stew, with two scoops of brown rice, coleslaw, and a scoop of macaroni salad. She also ordered a side order of onion rings and a large vessel of Diet Doctor Pepper with ice. She was supposed to order something called a Chicken Katsu Curry, but decided she shouldn't. Not in my presence, she said. Any ways, she ordered a smaller version or Mini Plate of what she was having with more vegetables and a cup of ice water. Instead of grabbing chopsticks to eat with, Sora grabbed a pair of these spoons… no… forks… or whatever they were supposed to be.

Ignoring the Food Server girl in a strange outfit's questions as to why Sora would order two meals, we made our way to the back area of the diner. There were very little diners during this time of day. We found a secluded booth in which to eat and not to draw any more unwanted attention. I sat across the table from Sora on the opposite seats. Finally in peace, we ate our meals. Needless to say, it was absolutely delicious!

It was then that I wanted to ask Sora something.

I placed my fork… er… spoon… down and asked, "Sora?"

Sora finished gulping down a mouthful of her drink before replying. "Yes, Piyomon?"

Gaining some confidence, I asked her, "If two Chosen Digimon love each other, does that mean the same Chosen Children must love each other?" I then added, "Or perhaps the other way. If two Chosen Children fall in love, must their Digimon surrender to like each other?"

Sora leaned back on her chair and thought about it. "Surrender huh?" she repeated. She shook her head and replied, "No, I don't think one should be constrained to a relationship just because their partners love each other. That goes for Digimon and Human alike. That would be unfair. Everyone has his or her own happiness to follow. Freedom. But perhaps it would bring more togetherness."

"Togetherness?" I asked.

She nodded and continued. "Yes. Even if the respected partners do not share that same love as with their counterparts, it would still bring support and companionship and…" she trailed off! "Shit!" She shook her head. "Something could still be worked out." Sora shrugged and pointed out, "Like I said, understanding love in relationships is something I still have to study on. Sorry, Piyo. I am not much help about that either."

I smiled at her. "No, Sora. You helped me understand a lot! I am glad you agree about just because two Chosen are in love, it does not mean that their respective Chosen counterparts should do so too. Only if they want to of course. Or they can still pursue that one they truly love! Also being Chosen or not!" I said happily.

Sora was astonished. She beamed a cheerful smile. "See, I think you understand it more than us Humans do!"

I returned her smile.

Sora then asked, "Is it about Gabumon?"

I blinked. "Gabumon?"

Sora nodded. "Yes, Gabumon. I couldn't help think of the Poinsettia plant you gave him to cheer him up."

"Oh that…" I replied nervously.

"And after how happy he was after you gave him that gift…" she added. Sora slowly leaned closer to me and asked, "So, is it true that Gabumon is in love with Palmon?"

I was happy she found out. "You got that right!" I replied.

Sora leaned back and said, "I could see why you are questioning back then about Yamato and I. Plus about the whole partners and counterparts and such."

"You do?" I asked.

"Uh huh!" Sora leaned closer to me. "Sooo… Do you… love him?"

"Who… Gabumon?" I blinked.

"Naaawww… I meant Yamato!" she said with OBVIOUS sarcasm.

I smiled at her little joke. Finally I replied, "Well… yes, but…"

"But what?"

I grinned as I said, "Not the way I am MADLY in love for this other boy Digimon!"

Sora was even more curious as she leaned even closer to me. "Who is it then, that has captured your heart?"

"I-I…" I found myself stammering. In my mind I thought, 'How would Sora react if it was Agumon I was talking about? And this thing with Taichi…'

"Excuse me, Miss."

My thoughts were interrupted… Someone was addressing us!

"How much would you offer for that Piyomon Dimension Monster?"

Both Sora and I gulped.

The stranger continued…

"Especially this one that talks and eats real food?"

I was shocked as I looked up and saw a tall Human male with blue hair and lens covered eyes standing right behind Sora. He was wearing a dark blue long coat with matching pants. He also wore a white dress shirt and a black tie. A large gift bag was draped around his left arm. With his right hand, he continued to tap Sora's shoulder for her attention.

'Great! I thought we wouldn't have to deal with this anymore!'

Immediately I went defensive, but not so that I would give myself any additional Collector's features. Still this person looked strangely familiar, but I did not have time for recollecting. This was a crisis! After the fiasco just moments ago, Christmas was definitely a time when Human shoppers go crazy!

I was expecting Sora to go into some other toy excuse, but she just lost it! Without even turning to face this stranger, she just slammed her fists to the table and yelled…


The person she was yelling too was taken aback. Still, a strange sense of amusement was present on his long face. Finally realization kicked in! The hair! The towering height! The framed lenses over the eyes! That voice!

"Um, Sora…" I started.


I tried again, "Sora…"


"Sora!" I cried.


"SORA!" I yelled… to no avail…


She grabbed her eating utensil and quickly turned to finally face the stranger. I don't think she recognized him yet, as she waved the plastic spoon… or fork… in front of the stranger's face!



"WHAT, PIYO!" she screamed.


In a much calmer voice I said, "That's Jyou you just threatened with a… aaahhh… a… a… spork?"

Sora's face faulted. She started to pale… Her once fiery eyes became small like dots…

"Jyou." she said in small disbelieving voice.

Just then, Gomamon's head popped out of the gift bag around Jyou's arm. "Yeah, Jyou! With his…"

















Sora, Jyou, and I sweat dropped.


Local Grinds Diner
3 minutes later…

We all managed to settle down and enjoy our meals at the diner. Jyou had a huge plate lunch of shrimp tempura with two scoops of brown rice, coleslaw, and a scoop of macaroni salad. For a drink, he ordered a large vessel of Diet Coke and ice. Gomamon had a smaller plate version of Jyou's. He also had a side order basket of French fries. His drink vessel consisted of a green liquid, probably some sort of fruit juice.

Sora and Jyou now sat from across table facing each other. I was by Sora's side with her on my right this time. Gomamon sat directly across table facing me. Sora and Jyou were deep in conversation, while I had Gomamon to talk to. However, Gomamon hasn't said a word to me as we settled down. He just kept eating his meal. I guess he was hungry. I just joined him by finishing up my own meal.

All of a sudden, I heard Gomamon let out a chuckle.

I looked at him and asked, "Yes, Gomamon?"

He did not answer me. He was busy dipping one of his batter-covered shrimp with his left claw flipper into a little cup of greenish sauce.

"Gomamon?" I tried again.

He just smiled with his attention still on his dipped shrimp…

His antics were starting to irritate me. With my temper still in check, I asked, "What is it?"

Gomamon takes the shrimp out of the green sauce and studies it in his flipper. He then gives me this sly look…

"WHAT?" I cried. Unfortunately, Sora and Jyou turned to look at us.

Finally… Gomamon opened his mouth…





'Ack! I don't believe it! That routine is SOOOO old! What is up with Gomamon and Armadimon?'

Gomamon just smiled and placed his wasabi-covered shrimp in his mouth. He sort of breathed in some air to cool down that hot and spiced up shrimp. I could see him chewing slowly and sweating a bit. The wasabi sauce must have been really hot! He was unaware or didn't care of the displeased looks he was getting from Sora, Jyou, and I. Sora rolled her eyes. Jyou gave Gomamon a playful yet threatening nudge on his side. Gomamon finally gulped down the shrimp rather loudly.

Still, with a smile of satisfaction, Gomamon cleaned his mouth with his napkin. "True… true…" he muttered. He then proceeded to get another shrimp piece to dip into the wasabi. Sora and Jyou decided to just ignore him as he played with his food. I decided to ignore him too and just listen to what Sora and Jyou were conversing about.

Sora said to Jyou, "So Jyou, I see you've managed to get some shopping done. Shiryokia and…" She seemed to spot something in Jyou's gift bag. "OH MY! Arakawa's Jewelry too!" she cried.

Jyou smiled as he took out an elegant looking box about fifteen centimeters (15 cm) long, thirteen centimeters (13 cm) wide, and two and a half centimeters (2.5 cm) thick. It was made of dark velvet or something I can't describe clearly. Some small gold colored glyphs were etched on the box. A separation could be seen running parallel across the thickness. "Yeah, here. Something for Mimi," Jyou said. He opened the box to reveal a nice gold bracelet!

Jyou took the bracelet out of the box to let Sora examine the bracelet closely. The bracelet was beautiful and polished to perfection. It was about eight and three fourth centimeters (8.75 cm) in diameter. There were a lot of engravings on the surface that looked like flowers and such. Everything about it was just lovely! I sort of gave a soft sigh in disgust as Mimi's gift made my ankle bracelet look cheap!

"It's beautiful! I am sure Mimi would love it!" Sora said with sparkles in her eyes.

Jyou smiled and blushed. Sora handed him back the bracelet. Jyou took it back and placed the bracelet back into the box. This time he put the box inside his inner coat pocket. I guess Sora was right about Jyou and Mimi! That was so cute of him!

"Amazing you could budget your money like that," Sora sighed.

Jyou shrugged. "Let's just say that my Father approves of my current academic performance for the past two years. Since Shin is off following his own life in the medical field… and Shuu has found success in industry politics and also being an assistant for Sora's Father… my Father has me to kick around."

Sora nodded in acknowledgement of her Father's work with Jyou's sibling. I haven't met Sora's Father personally yet. He was never at Sora's home, which I found quite awkward still. Sora said his passion was in folklore-

"Is it hard though?"

My thoughts were interrupted when Sora finally asked Jyou something. I figured I should just pay attention to their conversation while I finish my meal. "I mean all the pressure has been bestowed upon you to follow your Father's footsteps."

Jyou grinned. "Not at all! I want to prove it to him I CAN succeed; not that he ever had any confidence in me in the first place! Plus, it's not that I want to follow in his footsteps. I am still leading my own life."

"I noticed that… Kido Sensei," Sora said giving Jyou a playful smile.

Jyou gave a nervous laugh at the notable compliment. "Please, no titles yet."

Sora placed her left elbow on the table and rested her chin on the back of her hand. There was this dreamy look on her face as she gazed at Jyou. "Mimi would be so proud of you, Jyou."

Jyou now got even more nervous. He seemed to want to change the subject. After a few uncomfortable minutes of silence, Jyou said, "By the way, I ran into Taichi just about an hour ago at one of the people mover stations. He was dragging Agumon with him too."

This awoke Sora from her daydream. She no longer had her chin resting on her hand. She quickly sat up and said, "Oh?"

"Yeah, I joined him in one of the movers," Jyou continued. "It was strange. He sort of ignored my attempts in engaging conversation. What was even more strange was when I finally came to the question of where you were."

"Me?" Sora blinked.

Jyou nodded. "Yeah, you know, 'Have you seen Sora, Taichi?' and such. Taichi gave me this peeved look and said very coldly, 'Try Yamato.' I'd swear something was bothering him."

Sora paled.

Jyou continued, "I was about to ask him what was wrong, but once the mover stopped at the closest station, both him and Agumon got up and left. He covered Agumon with the black removable hooded lining from his blue fossil coat and disappeared into the crowd."

Sora looked even paler…

"Has something happened between you two?" Jyou asked. "Again?" he added.

Sora looked down. She, like myself, was shocked of realizing what today's unfortunate turn of events have manifested themselves into something beyond our control. Unfortunately Taichi and Agumon were in the center of it. Finally Sora said, "I… It may have been a misunderstanding. You see, Piyomon and I went to the backstage area where Yamato's band, the Teen-Age Wolves, were practicing… to see Gabumon."

"Gabumon?" Jyou blinked.

Sora let out a sigh. "It's along story. I don't know where to begin."

I noticed Gomamon giving me a strange look. I was sure he was about to give me the whole wasabi routine again. But I knew it wasn't that…

'I wonder if he knows about Palmon and Gabumon? Or does he like Palmon too? Damn! I never thought about him! Does he like Palmon also?' It was hard to tell. He was such a trickster! Never would anyone think of him being in love too! And that time he and Palmon were together during the Dark Masters Tyranny…

'He better not interfere! It's bad enough as it is with Agumon and Gabumon drifting apart! I hate to see Palmon in the middle of this!'

All during Sora and Jyou's conversation, Gomamon remained quiet. He just had this goofy smirk on his face. He didn't even make any smart-ass remark on Jyou's affection for Mimi. He locked eyes with me again. I was about to ask him why he was giving me that look, but I just let this staring game continue. A few seconds later, he gave a slight snort and rolled his eyes. He then placed the contents of the spork in his mouth and ate as if he was ignoring my presence. I was not sure what to make of his actions, but it irritated me further!


All of a sudden, a huge grin appeared on Gomamon's face. He gave a slight chuckle, which nearly caused him to choke on his food. Jyou looked at his Digimon companion in concern.

"Are you all right, Goma?" Jyou asked.

Gomamon swallowed his food in one audible gulp. "Nice and spicy! Love it!"

Jyou shrugged. "All right."

Gomamon then locked his eyes on me again. Without letting his eyes leave me, he slowly leaned to his left to where his large drink vessel was. He was still staring at me as he maneuvered his mouth to the drinking straw. Gomamon then proceeded to entirely slurp up his green liquid drink… until all that was left was ice. The gargling sound of the remaining siphoning drips were loud and annoying…



"Gomamon…" I heard Jyou say.

As the last remaining drops of his drink were gone, Gomamon let go of the straw. He let out a refreshing sigh…


His eyes were still locked onto mine as he finally acknowledged Jyou. "Yes, Jyou?" Gomamon replied in an aloof tone. I could see has throat expand as he seem to flex his neck and chest muscles… His cheeks became puffy…

"What have I told you about-" Jyou was caught off as…

Gomamon let out a loud belch!






Sora winced and cursed, "Shit…"

Gomamon just smiled as if he did nothing out of the ordinary. "Excuse me," he said innocently.

Jyou just thew his hands up in surrender. "Forget it."

Sora and Jyou just ignored Gomamon and I, and they went back into their discussion. I would have found this all amusing, but now Gomamon's eyes locked with mine again which made this really unpleasant. I felt really intimidated, as his gel-covered emerald eyes seemed to stare straight to my soul. A few seconds passed and Gomamon finally closed his eyes. He wiped his mouth with a napkin. Finished, he crumpled it up into a small ball with one paw and threw it into a nearby waste receptacle.

I thought everything would be okay, until Gomamon locked eyes with me again. It was as if he was accusing me of something. I couldn't help but match his gaze. He placed both paws in front of him and drummed his talons a few times. I started to get really annoyed by his semi aloof, joking, and somewhat rude behavior. I was about to give him a piece of my processor when he slowly leaned forward towards me…

'Huh? Is he going to tell me something?'

In confusion and curiosity, I leaned closer to him as well. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect. I was strangely drawn to his hypnotic gel-covered emerald eyes. As we were, by our noses, just a few millimeters apart from each other, Gomamon suddenly jutted forward to my left! He and I was now cheek to cheek. We still had just a few millimeters of distance. I could feel his rhythmic breathing near my left ear. I did not like this at all! I wanted to pull away, but I finally heard Gomamon whisper softly in my ears…


Gomamon then went back to his seat and continued finishing the rest of his meal. I on the other hand was still leaning over the table as before. I stared at Gomamon in disbelief as he continues eating as if the incident never happened. He was eating as if I wasn't even there! I slowly backed away and sat down in my seat. Gomamon never even acknowledge my existence. I just sighed in defeat. I tried to believe that all that never happened. Still, what he just whispered still was on my processor. Gap.

'What did it mean? Gap… Gaaap… No, was it G, A, and P?'

I tried to puzzle it together…

'Ga… ga… not go… WAIT! Gabumon and Palmon? Was that it?'

I looked back at Gomamon. He was now listening to Sora and Jyou while finishing up his meal. I don't think Sora and Jyou saw our little exchange. I looked at Gomamon in disbelief. 'He couldn't have figured out Gabumon's feelings for Palmon so soon. Unless Palmon has been talking in the past with Gomamon about who she likes. No that can't be it!'

A sudden dread came over me as I finally figured out what Gomamon meant…

'OH NO! Did he mean Gabumon and… me?'


Jyou's voice… "Sora?"

Sora's voice… "Yeah, Jyou?"

Jyou… "Does this by any chance involve any of you giving Taichi a hairpin, huh?

Sora laughs… "Oh jeez… No, it's nothing like that!"

"Then what-"


A sudden loud voice interrupted Sora and Jyou's conversation, not to mention my nagging thoughts!






Jyou looked out the window of the diner to see what was happening outside. His eyes then widened. "Hey! Isn't that…" Jyou asked.

Sora and I soon managed to peer outside the diner window to see what was happening. There was a nicely trimmed hedge wall ninety centimeters (90 cm) high surrounding the diner. I scanned the area and saw what Jyou had spotted earlier. A mob of twenty or more Humans was chasing these two retreating figures. I did not know what exactly was going on but the two figures looked familiar. One of them looked like a boy in a blue coat with a big furry hat with a blue trim on his head. The other figure was short with golden-

I gasped. A real sickening feeling was in my stomach. I could tell that Sora wasn't so well either.



To be continued…