Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Power Rangers: Digital ❯ The Emperor's Mini series: Final Part ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

As the rangers began to make desperate needed repairs for their zords, The Digimon Emperor threw his master plan into action and gain more power than before.
“Forces of darkness in this evil hour”
“Accept this energy and grant me power”
“Nevermore shall purity reign”
“Let evil and hatred rule with pain”
Meanwhile, Ken, was left with no choice but to go after his dark-half by himself, but only if he could over come his fear of the darkness.
(Ken running and screaming through the darkness)
Finally, after a great deal of braving his fears, Ken now stands face to face with his former self, The Digimon Emperor.
(Emperor gets Punched)
(The two stand ready to clash)
Part Four
The rangers were still rushing as fast as they could across the wastelands, and wreckages left behind by the Digimon Emperor. “Man… this guy is really starting to burn me up.” snapped TK.
“We could get there faster if we had our Digi-cycles.” wailed Cody. Sadly, their Digimon were still too weak from battling Kimeramon, and their transforming codes were still under serious repairs.
For now, all they could do was keep running. “I just hope Ken's okay.” cried Yolei.
The two Kens charged straight for one another, and engaged in a big dog fight. Ken didn't even care that his dark half looked so much stronger than he was, what with those huge muscles.
The Emperor took another whack to the face and went down again. This allowed Ken to start fight dirty, as he jumped all over his dark half and rammed punches and kicks all over him.
“Oh, give it to him! Give it to him!! GIVE IT TO HIM KEN!!” cheered Wormon.
Eventually, the Emperor was able to break free and began to fight back. He did still have his whip and began lashing it all around. “I'll make you sorry for having challenged me!!” he thundered.
Ken began to run as fast as his legs could move. That whip, combined with the Emperor's new power was strong enough to wound someone very badly. If not, then kill!
LASH!! Ken leapt out of the way just in time. “Whoa!”
LASH!! Ken leapt up quickly “AAH!!”
That's when he began to realize that he was pretty good at dodging blows, as well as giving them to his enemy; Just like Davis and the others.
“Give it up, Ken!” the Emperor growled. “You can never beat me!”
Well, it was true that with that whip, the Emperor now seemed untouchable; Ken couldn't even get close to him. That's when it got even worse…
As Ken tried to leapt over his dark half, and try to get him from the other side, the Emperor used it his whip to snag Ken's leg, and tie him down. “Ugh?! Oh, no!” he cried as the Emperor began to pull him in. He tried to untie himself, but the whip was on far too tight.
Finally, Ken was at his dark half's mercy again. “Hmm, mm, ah, ah, ah! You tried, and as expected, you failed!” he chuckled wickedly. Then he picked Ken up by the neck and practically strangled him as he lifted him up off his feet.
“KEN!!” cried Wormon. He tried to rush over and help him out; but with his new powers. The Emperor turned his head round, and his eye shot out a powerful beam that barley missed Wormon. “Try that again, and next time I won't miss.” he growled.
Wormon backed away slowly, leaving the Emperor to squeeze Ken's neck harder and harder. “Ha, ha, ha… I told you; I have the power now!” he roared.
“Yeah… you may have… the power--” Ken squeaked from being chocked. “But… if there's one I learned from ever being you; it's your not using your brain power!” and with that, he gave his dark-half a swift kick in the stomach.
The Emperor groaned and squealed as he held his stomach in pain, and then he was at Ken's mercy as Ken held him by twisting his arms behind his back. “Wormon! Get him!” cried Ken. “HURRY!!”
Wormon nodded, and leapt over. “SILK-THREAD!!” he cried. “STICKY-NET!!” All that sticky webbing, and the Emperor was bound up tightly in a cocoon, all except for his head, and his Black-D3 fell out.
The Emperor struggled and grunted. “Get this slimy stuff off me!” he thundered, but Ken and Wormon just hung him up in a tree.
“Let this be a lesson to you as it was for me!” Ken said. “Evil never pays off.”
Wormon nodded angrily in agreement. Then Ken moved over to pick up the Emperor's Black-D3. “Hey! No… don't touch that!” the Emperor cried, but Ken had already laid his hands on it… which suddenly caused both him, and his dark-half to glow.
Then, Ken's D3 began to absorb light-energy from the Black-D3, and transfer it to Ken and Wormon
“WHAT'S HAPPENING!!” they both cried. “AAAAAAAAH!!!”
The rangers could hear Wormon Ken's screams echo across the wastelands. “It's Ken!” cried Yolei. “Whoa! Look!”
They all turned towards the direction of the scream and could see the bright lights flashing up like a lightning. “That cannot be good.” Davis said.
“Come on, guys. We have to hurry!” cried TK, and they all kept running the rest of the way, and reached their destination just as the light dimmed out.
“Guys, check this out.” Cody said. Everyone looked over the hillside, and they could see the Digimon Emperor, all bound up in the tree; he looked pretty weak too. However… “Who's that?” Kari asked as she stared at what looked like… another ranger.
His suit looked just like Emperor's costume. Only his had the shoulder pads, without the cape, and instead of sunglasses he had on… a full complete helmet just like the other Rangers, only his helmet had a golden-visor instead of a dark one, with the Emperor's symbol on it.
“Ken?” Davis called. “Is that you?”
The new ranger looked up at the others. “Yeah… it's me.” he answered as he eyed his new suit over. “But… I don't believe this.”
Wormon exclaimed that he too felt a little funny after the lights had faded out. The others decided they needed to head back to Gennai's. Cody looked back at the Emperor who was still hanging in the tree, in his cocoon. “What about him?”
Their orders were just to bring Ken back, and not get involved in conflict.
Ken looked back at his dark-half. “I think we should leave him hanging for a while, and she how he likes being tortured.”
They all began to walk away leaving the Emperor to scowl at them until they were out of sight. He began to struggle and struggle. “And the fool is on them.” he muttered angrily under his breath.
He fiddled around to find his belt, and finally he got what he was he was looking for. “Heh, heh, heh… Catch you on the flipside, rangers.” he sniggered.
Ken, now out of his suit was being scanned by Izzy's scanners, so was Wormon. “Well, what is it, Izzy?” Ken asked. “Am I going to be okay.”
Izzy and Gennai both smiled. “Even better than that.” Izzy said.
Izzy had examined the D# that Ken stole from the Digimon Emperor, and according to his calculations, When Ken touched it… the D3 recognized his DNA and Digital-code, being the same as his dark-half's, and actually downloaded and copied the energy that the Emperor had gathered and fused it into his own D3.
This resulted in Kens D3 and the Black-D3 interacting with the Power Ranger code Izzy had infused into Ken. Thus, the combination of the two dark-waves, along with Izzy's Ranger codes, all this allowed Ken to harness the power and become… the new Kaiser Ranger.
The others couldn't believe this. “But how?” Yolei asked. “I thought Ken couldn't become a ranger.”
Izzy shook his head. “Not exactly.” he said. “Remember what we said? The reason Ken couldn't receive the power was because he was still weakened from his fear of darkness and evil.”
“That is correct.” added Gennai. “However, Ken's bravery for overcoming his fear of the Dark Ocean, and braving his way to confronting his evil-half. He has proven himself well worth worthy to become the Kaiser Ranger.”
“This time, all his powers of the Digimon Emperor are given to him to be used only for good, and justice, and can never be taken, or copied by evil ones.”
Davis gave Ken a friendly pat on the back. “Hey… Ken way to go.”
“Yeah, you did it.” added TK. “You're a ranger now.”
Yolei hugged her boyfriend tightly, and kissed his cheek.
Soon everyone, even the Digimon came up to give Ken their congratulations towards him, and that's when Izzy had even greater news for them.
“The new ranger shall control the Wormon-Warrior.” he explained. “A Zord capable of swift speed, and agility… and can function in two separate modes.”
He showed them, on his computer, Wormon's new Zord capabilities…
The first mode was called the Crawler-Mode: A larger, metallic shape of Wormon. It was capable of battling on land, or burrowing underground and pop up by surprise. It also had a web blasting cannon located in its mouth to attack the enemies.
Then was it's Warrior-mode: A larger metallic shape of Stingmon. It would be capable of flight, battle moves, and would wield two glowing sting-blades that could pop out from his hands to be used for combat, and also be joined to form a glowing staff.
Ken and Wormon stared in wow. “This is incredible.” Ken said.
Izzy then handed Ken his two D3's back, as he would be needing them to morph.
“Congratulations, Ken.” said Gennai. “From this moment forth, you are now an official member, of the Power Rangers Digital.”
Ken smiled the biggest smile ever. The guys all gave him thumbs up, and a few of the girls wiped the tears of happiness from their eyes. “I won't ever forget this.” Ken said. “Thanks, you guys.”
The people in the city of Tokyo were all running around in fear and panic as large explosions began to blow their town to bits, and those explosions were no accident.
It was Kimeramon. After he had finished in Obadia he proceeded to destroy more cities, and with no rangers in sight he was free to roam about and do as he wanted.
Or so he thought…
The alarms began to buzz and flare at Gennai's Palace. “What's going on?” asked Tai.
Gennai observed his looking-glass. “Kimeramon is on the move.” he said. “He has finished in your hometown, and has proceeded to attack the city of Tokyo.”
“Tokyo?!” cried Mimi.
They all saw the screen and could see Kimeramon smashing the buildings, tearing up the streets, and frightening all the poor people. “Man, we totally forgot about him.” Davis said.
They knew they had to do something, but their Zords hadn't been repaired yet, and it would take a little longer.
Then things got even worse. “Uh-oh!” cried Izzy. “Guys, I hate to tell you this, but the Digimon Emperor's escaped.”
The others ran towards Izzy's computer, and they could see him breaking free form the cocoon. “Hoo, hoo, hoo, ah, ah, ah! I knew they couldn't hold me!” he chuckled. Then he ran off.
“We can't let him loose.” TK said. “Who knows what he'll do to the Digital World.”
Everyone really had their work cut out for them now. They had to stop Kimeramon, and the Digimon Emperor, and repair the Digi-Zords.
They decided to divide up into groups and each take a part of the mission until things could get back on track.
Izzy, Gennai, and the other rangers' Digimon would stay behind and finish repairing the Zord-codes.
The other five rangers, along with Sora, Mimi, Joe, we're to head to the Digital world and try to hold the Digimon Emperor at bay. He could not be allowed to do anymore damage.
This left Ken, Tai, Matt, and their Digimon to head to real world and deal with Kimeramon until the others could join them. “Good luck, everyone!” Gennai wished them.
“Ready guys?” Davis said.
“READY!!” the other all cried.
“Ready!” added Ken.
“LET'S GO… DIGITAL!!” and once the others had morphed, it was Ken's turn.
With his two D3's, one on each of his arms, he waved them around and joined them together. KAISER POWER!!”
Then he, Tai, Matt, and their Digimon warped to the Real world, while Davis and the others headed deep into the Digital-world.
“Look there he is!” cried Kari.
The Digimon Emperor turned round. “I knew you'd all be back.” he growled. “Now I can finish you all off here and now!”
The rangers drew out their swords. “Not if we can help it!” Davis shouted. Then he cast his look at the other Digi-Destined. “You guys ready?”
All the others nodded. “We're ready!” Sora answered.
“It's time to Digivolve!” added Joe.
The held out their Digivices, and their Digimon all began to glow and change to their most powerful forms.
“BIYOMON… Warp-Digivolve to; GARUDAMON!!”
PALEMON… Warp-Digivolve to; LILYMON!!”
GOMMAMON… Warp-Digivolve to; ZUDOMON!!”
“All right… lets go!” Davis called and everyone rushed into battle.
Swords, and Digimon attacks all combined, and The Digimon Emperor wasn't willing to let all that overcome him.
So many attacks were hit and received. Small explosions and sparks flew everywhere, but no one seemed willing to give up until the battle was over… and one side got destroyed!
Kimeramon was halfway through messing up Tokyo. he roared loudly and angrily, he could be heard from miles around. “Haaa, ha, ha, ah, ah, ah! I love the smell of destruction in the evening!”
KAPOW!! He blew up three more buildings in one shot. “Ha, ha, ha… today all of Japan. Tomorrow, THE WORLD!!”
“Not so fast, pal!” called a voice from behind him.
Kimeramon turned and saw Tai on Wargreymon. Matt with Metal-Garurumon, and a new power ranger he had never seen before, but looked like his master, the Emperor.
“Kimeramon!” Ken growled. “You are truly a work of evil, and regret ever having give you life!”
Kimermon laughed sinisterly. “And just what are you and your friends going to do about it?!” he roared. “I am what I am, and no one can take that from me! NOBODY!!”
“We'll se about that!” snapped Tai. “Ready guys?”
Matt and Metal-Garurumon nodded as they followed Tai and Wargreymon to battle. “All right, our turn.” Ken said. “Ready, Wormon?”
Wormon nodded. “Lets do this.” he said with pride.
Ken raised his D3's to the sky. “Wormon-Warrior, Power Up!!” Wormon's body began to glow, and expand immensely, and his body became as solid as metal.
“Wormon… Mega-Growth too; WORMON-WARRIOR!!”
Ken jumped for joy. “Yeah… It works! All right!” then he leapt up high onto his new Zord, and into the cockpit. He held the two joysticks on his seat tightly. “Okay Wormon-Warrior… lets see what you can do.”
“You got it, Ken.” Wormon said. He began to dash forward with his ten legs, and then. SUB TERRAIN TUNNEL!!” and he burrowed under the ground as easily as tearing up tissue-paper.
Meanwhile, Kimeramon was left to deal with the two Mega Digimon. “GRR!! HEAT-VIPER!!”
Wargreymon stuck out his Brave-shield, and negated the blast. “My turn now! TERRA FORCE!!”
KAPOW!! “GRAARGH!!” Kimeramon got hit pretty hard, and stumbled over like a barrel on a ramp. He got up quickly after that though. “You think that will beat me?! Try again!!”
Metal-Garurumon leapt from the buildings that were still standing. “Okay… METAL-WOLF CLAW!!” but his attack missed as Kiemramon leapt up out of the way and smacked him right back with his tail.
“AAH… OW!!”
“Metal-Garurumon!” cried Matt, who saw the whole thing.
“Ha, ha, ah, ah, ah!! Anybody else want to take a hit?!” growled Kiemramon, but then suddenly the ground began to rumble below his feet. “Huh? Hey, what's going on?”
KAPOW!! The Ground exploded as the Wormon-Warrior shot straight up and bashed Kimeramon high up into the air. “Now that's what I call the element of surprise.” Ken joked.
“Yeah, great shot guys!” called Tai.
Kimeramon flapped his wings angrily. “You Squirming-Slug!” he shouted. “Now You'll pay!” and he began to charge straight at him from above, but Ken had another idea.
“Oh no you don't!” growled Wormon-Warrior. “STICKY-WEB!!” and it fired very sticky threads straight up, that blinded Kimermaon's eyes, and stuck his wings tight, causing him to crash down hard.
“All right… lets turn it up a little more.” Ken said as he fiddled with the controls. “Wormon-Warrior… transform!”
The Zord began to glow again, and change shape…
Its ten legs folded flat into the stomach, and then the stomach itself rotated around to reveal a Stingmon body. Next; the Wormon head moved down into secret compartment to be replaced with a Stingmon head. The arms and legs folded out from other compartments on the side, and the wings appeared on the back completing the transformation.
“Power up!” cried Ken.
“Whoa… check it out!” said Matt.
With the Warrior now in it's Meagzord form, and with the other two Mega Digimon, the battle was nowhere near over.
“Ooh… nice trick!” mocked Kimeramon. “But it won't save you!” and he began to charge forward.
“We'll see about that.” growled the warrior. “STING-BLADES!!” and he drew out his two weapons. “Ahh… that's more like it.”
Kimeramon lunged for the Warrior with his four arms, but the warrior, using his high speed, leapt out of the way, and then quickly sped back towards Kimeramon's open chest “Comin' at you!”
Kimeramon went down again, and this time, Wargreymon swooped down and was actually was able to lift him up despite the fact that he was so huge. He began to spin him around, and around. “INCOMING!!” and threw him right towards Metal-Garurumon.
“Now, lets try this again!” he growled. “METAL-WOLF-CLAW!!”
BAM!! Right in the gut, and sent Kimeramon flying into a pile of rubble. CRASH!! BOOM!! WALLOP!! “Woo-hoo… All right… that's what I'm talking about!” Matt said with glee.
They seemed to have the situation under control, at least! Still, they couldn't do this forever. Neither of the two Mega's could actually destroy Kimeramon, and Ken's Zord was brand new and need time to learn more of its new powers.
“I just hope the others get here soon.” Ken said.
The others had been having quite the field day with the Digimon Emperor, and by now he was looking rather beat. The others looked a little tired too, but were still not giving up.
“You want some of this?!” the Emperor growled as he charged forward wit his whip. “Well, here it comes!!”
The rangers and Digimon all charged for him, one at a time, but he was able to shove, or bash them clear out of his way. They tried it again only to have the same results.
“This guy's really starting to get to us.” TK said.
“We got to find some way so he can't defend himself.” added Sora.
“Well you better make it fast… because here he comes!” cried Zudomon, and sure enough the Emperor was heading straight for them, and he had murder in his eyes.
Garudamon, Lilymon, and Zudomon tried their best attacks…
The Emperor simply dodged, or negated all three of the attacks and kept right on going. This made Davis began to realize. “Oh… of course.” he thought tot himself. “He's too strong to take our attacks one at a time, but maybe--”
“Guys listen up.” Davis said. “We have to hit him all at once.”
The others began mumbling in confusion, but then they realized maybe Davis had a point. Wasting no time, they combined their Digi-Sabers into the Spectrum-Sword. “All right get ready!” Davis said. “Wait for it…!”
They waited a for a few more seconds as the Emperor got close enough. “TIME TO DIE!!” he screeched.
“NOW!!” Davis yelled
The Emperor stopped dead in his tracks as he saw all that massive fire-power heading straight for him, and there was no where for him to run, dodge… and the blasts combined were way too much from him to negate.
When the smoke from the huge explosion had cleared. The Emperor looked pretty badly injured as he lay flat on the ground. His outfit was all tattered and cracked… and he was still alive.
“All right, we got him.” cried Davis. “Now, lets finish him.”
The others all agreed, but before they could move in for the kill, Kari received an email from Izzy. “Hey, he says the Zords are back online.” She told the others, but then she seemed worried. “Ooh… but it also says Ken, and the others need our help.”
The others were left with a horn of dilemma. Should they destroy the Digimon Emperor first, or go help Ken? “Which one's it going to be guys?” Joe asked.
Suddenly, when they all looked back to where the Digimon Emperor had fallen. “Hey! He-- He's gone!” cried Cody.
The others all looked around, and Garudamon, and Lilymon flew up higher to get a better view, but they couldn't see him anywhere. This was not good!
“Look, he's too weak right now to do much. So we'll deal with him later.” TK suggested.
“Yeah, Ken needs our help.” added Yolei.
“Well… come on, lets go!” cried Mimi, and they all began to dash off for the Real-world.
Kimeramon was still going at it, trying to take down the others. “ICE WOLF SPIKE!!”
BOOT!! Right in the gut. “UUU-UUGH!!”
Then, the Wormon-Warrior joined his two blade together into his battle-staff. The long rod began to glow brighter than before. “Charging up.” Ken said.
“STINGING-STAFF!!” Growled the warrior and he struck Kimeramon several times over. Sparks and small explosions went all over, but near the end of it, Kimeramon only seemed angrier as he ROARED!!
“AAH!! Nothing's working against this creep.” growled Tai.
“He's too strong. We can't take him down like this.” added Matt.
“What are we going to do?” asked Ken.
Kimeramon sniggered under his breath. “Simple really…” he mocked, and he began to attack the Warrior with such brutality. Ken was being rocked about inside his cockpit.
“KEN!!” the others all cried.
Big explosions and shocks struck Ken's poor Zord causing him to fall out and down to the streets, and the Warrior to fall over too. “Wormon-Warrior; No!”
“Uh-Uhn… Ken--” cried his poor, fallen Zord.
“Hee, ha, ha, ah, ah! Now isn't this a shame.” Kiemramon mocked. “You came so close, but close is never close enough.”
Wargreymon, and Metal-Garurumon didn't know what to do either. They had both used up quite a lot of power in the battle, and only hand enough left for one last attack, each.
Tai and Matt helped Ken up. “Man, we need help.” said Tai.
“Tell me something I don't already know.” added Matt.
“Davis…” Ken cried. “Where are you?”
Suddenly. “You, called.” There they were; the other rangers, and the Digi-Destined with their Digimon. Izzy even brought Mega-Kabuterrimon to join the fun.
“Okay guys, this is it.” Izzy said. “If we all give it our all, we just might be able to finish him off for good.”
The rangers nodded, and then they summoned their zords. “DIGI-ZORDS… DIGIVOLVE!!” and the Zords all popped out from Izzy's computer…
They all seemed so brand new as their armor coats shimmered in the light of the setting sun. “All right… lets go!!” shouted Davis and the Rangers all leapt up to their Zords.
Then Metal-Ex-Veemon helped Wormon-Warrior up. “Hey there, don't give up now. We still have a job to do.”
The Warrior nodded. “You're right.” He said as he stood back up, tall , and proud. “You heard him, Ken. Lets do this.”
Ken nodded proudly. “Yeah! Here I come!” and he leapt back up, and into his cockpit. “Ready Davis?”
“You bet.” Davis answered. “Okay guys… lets get him!”
“RIGHT!!” the others all shouted.
The five other zords began to charge towards Kimeramon. “Ha! This is too easy.” he mocked, but he soon was eating those words as the Zords were actually able to evade his attacks, pounces, and blasts, and attack him right back.
“My turn now!” Metal-Ex-Veemon growled as he leapt right into battle. “I've been waiting for this for quite sometime now.”
Kimeramon got up and roared fiercely. “Only a fool would dare to challenge me on his own!” Then he and Davis' Zord engaged in a fist fight, and unlike the previous battle, Davis Zord was able to block Kimeramon's punches, and return them with his own hits.
The other Digi-Destined could barley believe this at all. The Digi-Zords were actually wining, and without too much effort. This was because Izzy and Gennai had not only repaired the transforming-codes, but upgraded and boosted them.
This meant the Zords were now much faster, and stronger than before. “All right… just look at them go!” cried Tai.
As soon as Meta-Ex-Veemon punched Kimeramon down again, it was time to turn up the heat some more. “Okay, guys; Let's bring them together.”
“RIGHT!!” the others all cried out. “DIGI-MEGAZORD… ENERGIZE!!” and thus, the Megazord was formed, holding its sword, and looking a lot stronger and more powerful than ever.
Kimeramon was now throwing a tantrum. “I've had just about enough of these tin-platted bots of yours!” he shouted. “I'll open you both up like a couple of sardine-cans!!”
“Wanna' bet!” Ken snapped. He then cheekily tapped on a switch “You better get into tight wrappings!”
“STICKY-NET!!” roared his Zord, and just like before, Kimeramon was being bound up by sticky webs again; Only this time, he was too weak to break free from them.
“YEAH!!” cried Yolei. “Great shot, Ken.”
Her boyfriend smiled under his helmet. Then suddenly his eyes fell upon a single figure, standing down in the streets; the Digimon Emperor. “Kimeramon!”
he cried.
Ken's eyes narrowed, and his teeth clenched. “It's okay Ken… we see him too.” Davis said to him. “Go ahead.”
Ken was confused. “What?”
The other rangers being to agree with Davis. “This is your chance, Ken.” TK said. “You're free from his tortures forever now.”
“So all you have to do is go down there and finish him off.” added Kari.
“You can do it. You have to do it.” cried Cody.
“Do it for us. Do it for me.” called Yolei. “DO IT FOR YOURSELF!”
Even his Zord agreed to let him go. “I'll be fine, even without you Ken. Now go!”
Ken nodded and leapt down into the street to confront his dark-half. “Hey!!” he shouted. The Emperor turned to face him. “You!” he growled. “Now I will finish with you what we started in the Digital-World!!”
He gripped his whip tightly. Then ken drew out one of his new weapons. “Kaiser-Whip!” Now the two would be evenly matched. “As Davis would say… BRING IT ON!!” and the two of them began to clash like warring titans.
Their whips lashed and parried the opposing whip away like swords, and meanwhile, the Zords and the others were ready for the final blow!
“Everyone… Ready…” Davis shouted, “Aim!!”
All The Digimon, and the two Zords stood proudly in alignment, and began to power up their strongest attacks. “FIRE!!”
All that fire-power, and all that energy combined into one ENORMOUS beam that flew straight towards Kimeramon, who was unable to free himself and, “GRRAAA?!”
KABLAAAAAAAAM!!! Right through him and out the backside. “RRAAAAAA-AAAAAH!!!”
His body was beginning to crack-up as lighting shouted out from his every side. “RRR-RRR-RRRAAAAAAHHH!!” The Biggest Explosion any of them had ever seen, and he was gone!
The Rangers, and the Digi-destined, along with their Digimon began to cheer for joy. Hug, and slap high-fives.
The Emperor looked up, distracted form his battle. “KIMERAMON!!” he screamed. “GRR!! I'LL GET YOU FOOLS FOR THIS!!” but suddenly…
“Hey… CATCH!!” Ken called to him as he suddenly got LASHED by Ken's whip right across the chest, dealing him a lot of damage and causing him to flip over. “GAAH-AAH!!”
Kaiser-Whip… INGNITE!!” cried Ken. He began to whirl the whip round, and around over his head like a lasso as electrical currents, and powerful energy began to light it up. “You… are… OUT OF HERE!! HIIIIIII-YAAAAAAA!!”
He lashed the whip right at his dark-half, delivering the final blow. “HUUUAAAAAAH-GAAAAAAAH!!!” His body began to flare up and dissolved… then… he EXPLODED, and was gone!
Finally, after all these long years of being tormented by his evil-past. After all this time of struggling, it was finally over!
The Next day
Things finally got back to normal after Azulongmon had repaired EVERYTHING! All the cities were restored, all the lives revived. Everyone owed a great deal of thanks to the Power Rangers, and the Digi-Destined.
Speaking of which, all six of the rangers were standing on the roof of the tallest building in town, and overlooking everything as far as the eye could see.
While it was true that Ken was now a ranger. They finally conquered his evil-side, and Kimeramon was gone too. Their mission was still not over.
Davis: “We're back! We're ready to head into action”
Ken: “Six, working together to fight evil!”
TK: “To stop General Lockhart!”
Yolei: “And all his menacing monsters!”
Cody: “From destroy the two worlds!”
Kari: “And ruling all with evil!”
Davis: “Look out, Lockhart! We're not backing down because we're the--”
It's been 2 months since Kari and Davis started dating, and the other rangers seem to be freeing over how the two should have a perfect anniversary.
“Davis you should get her something special.”
“Kari what… you're going in that?!”
Meanwhile, the back in action General Lockhart has upgraded his machine and plans a surprise for the rangers.
“To beat those rangers, I'll have to use a MEGA Digimon”
(Rangers, and their zords getting badly hurt)
Do the rangers have any hope of defeating this new strong monstrosity? Is Davis and Kari's anniversary ruined?