Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Princess & the Pirate ❯ Taken ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


This is not a pretty or particularly romantic fic, but I think it's one of my best, & I'm rather proud of it. Warning! There is nondescriptive-as-I-can-make-it-rape in this one. AU & MAJOR OOC

Sora sighed as she looked at the moon. These long walks at night were nice but there were times when she wished that there was someone to share it with her. Yamato held for no such nonsense. Shifting her head a few degrees, the princess saw a boat docked at the harbor. Curiosity & confusion mingled to make the pretty redhead get up to investigate. No one docked at night, to the best of her knowledge, when everyone was asleep, except for one time when it had been an emergency.

But that explanation did not fit this time. If the crew of this ship were in trouble, why was it so silent? Walking out of the gates, Sora stopped. Another thing was amiss. No guard to stop her. Making a mental note to tell her parents in the morning that a guard was neglecting his duties to them, the girl entered the ship.(Yes, she's that much of an idiot. 16 years of looking at the same 4 walls means that she doesn't know the dangers of the outside world. God I sound like Disney.)

Walking up the gangplank, Sora bit her lip as her footsteps sounded thunderously into the still night. Feeling increasingly uneasy, she explored the ships. After the first floor proved to have nothing of interest, she went to the second floor. The 3rd door she opened showed treasure. Gasping in delight & surprise, Sora began admiring the pretty things there. Caught up in her task, she didn't hear the footsteps until the door burst open. Turning guiltily, she was faced with three men, rough looking & obviously as surprised as her.

Two of them carried a chest. In front of them was a man with a sword at his side that Sora recognized as as one of her guards & with a tremble of fear realized where the guard at the main gate had gone. Summoning up her courage, the redhead stood & said imperiously "My apologies for my intrusion, but if thou let me pass, I shall return to shore. I assure thee, I hath taken nothing." Throughout this speech the men had sat in amazed silence. Now they burst into laughter. "Take ye back?" the one in front said. "Come outside & see just how far 'back' is."

Sora followed him nervously, & when they reached the main deck she gasped at how far away the shoreline to her home was. Turning to the man who had originally seen her, she demanded they turn back with a trace of panic in her voice. Cold laughter was the response. "And why should we go out of our ay to return ye to yer home?" he asked. Sora hesitated. Somehow, telling these men of her lineage seemed like an idea teeming with bad fortune. When he received no response, the man turned to his crew & said "I first laid eyes on her, thus she be mine."

Terror filled Sora. In desperation, she cried "I am princess there, heir to the throne! Release me & there shalt be a reward!" Silence reigned at that statement, but somehow it was not the silence Sora had been hoping for. The apparent captain of the ship looked like he was contemplating it, then turned to his crew. "The wench snuck aboard. Should we cater to a spoiled princess, when her predicament is her own fault?" A resounding 'No' was the answer.

The captain turned to Sora. Normally she would have been indignant at the spoiled bit, but currently was too frightened to do anything but pray she woke up. "We have decided we like you. A woman could be more useful to us then any gold, & we have enough anyways." Sora knew that was right, that she had sealed her own fate. Before anything had a chance to sink in, the captain pulled her away. Sora stumbled, suddenly blinded by tears, but there was no time to stop.

She was pushed into a room, a tiny one with a rumpled bed in one corner. She turned to the man, who said "My name be Taichi. Ye obey me always, or the consequences will be... harsh." Sora nodded, than was pushed onto the dingy bed. She struggled & Taichi slapped her. The knowledge that the more Sora resisted the more Taichi would hurt her came to her. There were no allies here & her cries as she was being ravished would be laughed at.

Her thoughts became nothing more then a red haze of pain as she felt her maidenhead torn cruelly from her. Taichi was not one for gentleness. When he was finished ruining her he got up, grabbed his garments & left. Where he went Sora neither knew nor cared. After a few moments of her laying there someone entered. Sora glanced up but they were already gone, leaving a bucket filled with water.

After a moment of puzzling, she remembered her mother's only piece of advice to her about her marriage to Yamato: when to marriage is consummated, have a bucket of water placed by the fire. When Sora asked her why the only response was that she would know when the time came. Looking down Sora easily identified the reason. There was blood on her thighs. She stood up, then gasped at the pain. Would this happen every time, or was this ache only for when she was deflowered?

Staggering over to the bucket, she took the cloth that floated in it, wondered how it was kept clean, wondered where the water came from & stopped wondering. Sora gingerly wiped away the last stains of her maidenhead, then sat there & cried, uncertain of any other options. After a while the door opened again, & Taichi entered, almost tripping over the girl in the doorway. "Get up," he ordered roughly, paying no attention to her resistance, with good reason. He was much stronger then her. When Sora was finally on her feet Taichi regarded her for a moment then handed her a small plate.

Sora took the food warily, wondering if it was poisoned. The first careful bite revealed nothing wrong & suddenly ravenous, Sora attacked the food, gulping it down unceremoniously. When she was done, Taichi took the plate & set it outside the door, than turned to face her. In a soft voice he told Sora exactly what was expected of her. "This is not the palace ye claim was yer home. Ye will do chores during the day, as well as playing the role of mistress when the sun sets."

Sora nodded, uncertain of the response he wanted. Taichi continued "When addressed directly ye will answer with words only. There will be other rules for other aspects of yer behavior, but for now I cannot think of them." Staring at him, Sora began to feel numb. However he phrased it, she was going to end up a slave. As if sensing her thoughts, Taichi said "Ye'll no be likin' this, m'lady.