Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Reich Diaries 2002 ❯ Entry 7 - Buzzing of evil, from the skies Yanmamon ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

------------------------------------------------------- < p class="MsoNormal">DISCLAIMER - Digimon belongs to several different companies of which I own none. Therefore all digimon used are their property and used without permission. The Diaries Universe belongs to Lord Archive. The German Digi-destined belong to the Diaries universe. All other miscellaneous characters are my meagre intellectual property.

By Misc666

Set in Lord Archive's Diaries Timeline

Reich Diaries 2002

Entry 7 - Buzzing of evil, from the skies Yanmamon

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"Not quite. I may have lost in Armour form. But Dokunemon has another evolution, much like your own partner's Adult form of Tyranomon. And now I'm able to evolve him with the Dark Tower destroyed. And it doesn't really matter much. Look around you." Hans smirked with malicious intent.

Nikolaus took this to heart as he turned to look into the trees. Indeed he could see insect digimon building up around him and the others as Harpymon, Karl and Kokuwamon began to move closer to them. It now seemed like it had been a trap all along, and they'd fell into it. But one thing slightly nagged him, how could Hans know about Tyranomon?

"Dokunemon evolve…"

Dokunemon's sides ripped as six long mandibles ripped out ending in claws. His back formed into a hump as a long tail ripped out of the back, ending in a point. His jaw stretched and his eyes turned into green orbs. Then his body changed to a sandy yellow colour.

"…Yanmamon." The new Adult form chittered madly as it flew around glaring hungrily at the three boys and their partners. Karl seemed to falter in the face of this as he turned to the others.

"We're royally screwed now. Allomon is bound to be feeling it after that fight. And Kokuwamon's Armour form is basically useless without water around. We may have Harpymon but what are the chances of him holding up?" Nikolaus and Tobias both felt the pessimism practically radiating off Karl as he looked away from the neo-Nazi. Neither could admit their feelings were that much better.

"Well, don't worry. When the cards are down there's always a way out of it. Harpymon, you can take them all. And what are the chances of God abandoning us now?" Tobias had meant it more as a joke, but he was slightly surprised when Karl's face filled with happiness as he agreed.

"Yeah, with God on our side he doesn't stand a chance. Kokuwamon you should be able to take down a couple of the Child digimon, right?" Kokuwamon nodded mechanically as Karl stared at the bored looking Hans and his malformed bug of a partner.

"Allomon, you'd better start the fight. Try not to kill any of them, but if it's necessary don't hold back. We're outnumbered as it is." Nikolaus wondered about the others' views on killing. He saw Karl look a little down when he said if it was necessary, but he wasn't too surprised with him being a devout Catholic. With Tobias' goal in life it was pretty obvious that he wasn't going to be all that opposed to letting Harpymon kill.

"I'm bored already. Yanmamon, teach them to fear us. Teach them not to oppose us." Hans grinned maliciously as his partner chittered expectantly as it tried to decide who looked tastier.

"I'll take Yanmamon. Wind Seeker." Harpymon swung his wings round sending a blast of air ripping towards Yanmamon. However the bug suddenly dashed out of the way reappearing a few metres aside. Harpymon decided this was going to be harder than he'd expected and set off after him. The others concentrated on the rest of the forces as they came out of the trees. They ranged from Snimon to some kind of wasp-like creatures.

"Dino Burst." Allomon's stream of fire razed the trees around the insects and taking the safety of it away from them. However this only meant that the true size of the force against them was now revealed.

"We're really in trouble now." Moaned Karl as they attacked as if they were a single irresistible force.

"Silk Thread Attack." A caterpillar-like Wormmon spat out a line of thread as it aimed for Karl. Kokuwamon however was fast enough to interject himself into the path of the attack and grab hold of it. Swinging the thread around he chucked Wormmon back into a group of his allies knocking them down. A little zap of electricity was added to keep them down.

"Deadly Sting." The wasp-like group of Flymon shot out their stingers aiming for the wearying Allomon. But he had enough strength to destroy the attacks with a Dino Blast.

"Insect Swarm." A cloud of flies fell to the ground and dispersed to reveal an injured and devolved Hawkmon. Yanmamon flew overhead as if he was sizing the others up for dinner. Nikolaus felt a feeling of dread inside him as he stared up at the monstrosity.

"It's over now. Give up now and I'll let the lot of you leave the Digital World. You don't fit in here, you don't stand a chance." Hans seemed deadly serious as he walked towards them. Nikolaus tried to stand in front but the wounds of the past fight suddenly came back to him as one leg gave way beneath him. Part of him was saying that Hans was right, after all he could barely stand up by himself.

"Never, we're right… and you're wrong. We'll never give up as long as there's strength in us. We're not afraid of you." Karl was standing forward with one of his hands clenching a crucifix. However from the angle he was at, lying on the floor, Nikolaus was able to see the trembling of his legs.

"You may not be afraid of me, although I doubt it. But maybe you'll be afraid of Yanmamon. Frightening isn't he?" He grinned as Yanmamon descended to ground level and Karl began to back away.

"Enough. Shut the hell up." Everyone spun at the familiar voice. Katrina looked down at them from the arms of some kind of a bondage queen. Renamon was held under the other arm with a sheepish look on her face. Letting them down the tall figure turned to face all the digimon. Their partners bowed down reverently whereas the bugs began to back away, some of the less powerful ones running away completely.

"Who's she?" asked Tobias as he looked up and down at the tightly clad female digimon. Katrina scowled while Renamon looked positively aghast at the slight lecherous grin on his face. Hawkmon grabbed his partner and spun him around.

"That… Is… Lady Rosemon. The one digimon with the power to take on Gran Kuwagamon. Please show some respect." Hawkmon tried to pull his partner's head down to the ground but Tobias didn't want to have anything to do with it and struggled against him.

"Please call me Rosie. As for you, who's been a naughty boy?" Rosemon grinned mischievously as she turned to face Hans and Yanmamon. Hans growled angrily while Yanmamon looked doubtful about what to do. Finally he charged Rosemon only for her to pull out her whip at the last second and throw him away from her into a tree and devolving him.

"Damn, seems I lost out this time. Well I'll see the lot of you later, but remember what I said… I meant it." Hans turned and picked up his partner before walking off into the trees. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief before beginning to catch up with what had been happening.

"Calm down you lot, Rosie says she has a way for us to get home." This stopped all conversation as they turned to face the Ultimate level digimon. She paused for a second as if she was thinking, then suddenly flashed a thumbs up sign and grinned.

"Yup, I do. I'm super-powerful, wouldn't be any problem for me to send you back." She bounced happily as if she was a little girl while holding Katrina's hands. Nikolaus wondered what was more worrying; that this all powerful digimon was like this, or that Katrina was joining in.


"A portal? So in fact it's just that easy? We just go through and end up back in out own world? Back at the Reichstag?" Karl seemed to have trouble understanding the situation as he stared at the portal that Rosemon had opened. In it he could see the building known as the Reichstag. Seemed like they'd be able to go home, but things were never that simple. Or at least he was of the opinion that they never were.

"Yes, and I don't even expect you to come back. Although there is a way if you want to." She looked over at them as Tobias grabbed Nikolaus by the shoulders and pumped his fist in the air.

"Course we're going to come back. We're going to beat Gran Kuwagamon." He grinned boisterously as Nikolaus frowned slightly.

"Well, then all you have to do is hold your D-3 up to a computer. It should work so that the first computer it's used on will open the portal, and I'll try to boost it with my own power. You emerge from one of the many televisions around here, although you can never be sure. But you can see the point of emergence on the screen." She saw the anxious looks on the digimon and turned to face Renamon, who seemed by far to be the most confident of them.

"What about us? Can we go with them?" Rosemon nodded happily at the question. Katrina, who up until now had been sulking slightly, now lightened up upon hearing this.

"Really? They can come with us?" She shone with hope as Rosemon looked down on her.

"Yes, although they won't have the power of the Digital World behind them. Not that they'd need it in your world." She turned to face the still frowning Nikolaus who looked down at his partner then away to the rest of the Digital World, most of his lighter wounds seemed healed by now while heavier ones were light nuisances.

"So, we don't have to come back?" The area went silent as they all spun to look at him. Agumon particularly looked aghast at the thought.

"No, you don't. And I won't try to influence you. It's your lives." Rosemon looked away as Nikolaus turned to the portal. Silently he walked through it with Agumon running after him. Eventually all the others passed through until Katrina was the only one lingering, even though Renamon had passed through already.

"If it means anything Rosie, I'm going to come back. Even if I'm alone." With that she ran after the others leaving Rosemon alone.

"Mother, are you in there? Come out and play, I promise I won't hurt you… much." The sing-song voice was mocking her as she looked out the window of her cottage. The bugs were already all around her.


"A week and a half, we've been away for a week and a half. I suppose out parents must be going crazy with worry. No doubt the police are looking for us." Tobias grinned flippantly as he looked up at the reconstruction being done to the Reichstag. Karl sighed as he noticed the other two and the digimon ignoring him, obviously they were too busy being happy they were home finally.

"Heck, knowing my parents they probably didn't notice I was gone. Heck I'll probably be able to sneak Hawkmon in under their noses and they wouldn't bat an eyelid. Anyway I'll be heading home now." Before Tobias could leave Nikolaus caught hold of him.

"It's probably not a good idea for us to take them home with us today. I say we let them stay out here tonight while we go home and sort everything out. Then we come back tomorrow. Who knows how our parents might react to them. Maybe slip it into a conversation." Nikolaus looked down at Agumon who seemed hurt by these words.

"But…" started Agumon only for Renamon to cut him off.

"Agumon, your partner is right. They have been gone from their families for some time. Let them explain what's happened by themselves. We can stay here tonight." Renamon sat down as Agumon grunted in acceptance.

"Don't worry Renamon, my parents easily accept most things. No doubt they'd let you stay. As long as my little brother doesn't act like a brat you'll be staying with me tomorrow." Katrina smiled pleasantly at her partner before she started wandering off. Tobias turned and grabbed her by the arm.

"Just give me a second to say goodbye to Hawkmon and I'll walk you home. I'd hate for some guy to mug you on your first day home." He grinned earnestly and she agreed to let him escort her home.

"Don't worry about me Tobias, I can beat up anyone who threatens the four of us." Hawkmon batted his chest proudly eliciting a round of laughter from his partner.

"Well, we'll see the two of you later." Katrina waved goodbye to Karl and Nikolaus as she and Tobias made their departure. Nikolaus grinned at the giant smirk plastered across his friend's face.

"I may be reading too much into it, but I suspect our good friend Tobias has a crush. Shame she's going to blow him down without a second thought." Nikolaus thought he'd at least get a snigger from the shorter boy. But instead Karl just gave off a distressed look.

"What's wrong with you Karl?" Realising that his partner had seen his expression Karl started to wave his arms in protest.

"Nothing, just wondering if he's going to make mistakes because of it. After all, if he was to make a move and she turned him down we'd have the possibility of two of our team not on speaking terms. And what if they were to go out and it ended badly?" Karl sighed loudly as Nikolaus raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I'm sure that's the reason. Well, like I said. I don't think Katrina has any intention of giving in to his interest." Nikolaus turned to face his partner who was giving a good attempt at pouting, despite dinosaurs not being suitable for it.

"Why do I have to stay here?" Nikolaus laughed as his partner finally broke the silence between them.

"My parents worry so about me, my uncle ran away from home when my dad was younger. He was found in Switzerland eventually living with my grandmother. My dad was young and had a hard time not seeing his older brother for so long. I'm sure he's worried sick that I've run away as well." Nikolaus looked down at the ground while letting the others comprehend this.

"So, I guess this is goodbye… for now at least." Kokuwamon looked up at his partner who nodded in agreement.

"Well, hopefully my mother isn't too pissed off. She keeps asking me to fix the toaster." Karl laughed lightly at his bland humour.

"Yeah, I'll see you at school tomorrow and the four of us will come back here. As for you four, stay here and don't let anyone see you. We'll be back tomorrow." With that Nikolaus began wandering off without looking back.

"Well, guess we'll hide in the bushes." Without looking back himself, Agumon turned and walked off in the opposite direction to the way his partner had gone.


Katrina looked at the tear stricken faces of her mother, father and younger brother. She'd only just finally gotten them to stop hugging her so much, on account of it hurting a lot. She was surprised that her normally aloof eight year old brother was willing to hug her; normally he was unhappy at any displays of affection between the two of them. And she wasn't too fond of hugging him either; they had a mutual distaste for each other.

But she had been missing for a week and a half; no doubt even he had some love for his older sister. She had to remember to use this later on for blackmail fodder.

"Where have you been, we've all been so worried. Your grandparents were going to grab a train and come down here tomorrow, I'll have to call them and stop them coming up now." Her mother bustled about shooting off words faster than anyone could comprehend, as she finally stopped talking it was only so she could place a plate of cookies down in front of her daughter.

"Mum, where were you hiding them. I've been looking for your cookies all day." Her little brother, Viktor, reached out to steal a cookie for himself. But his mother, without even turning around, lashed out to slap his hand away. The look in her mother's face as she warned Viktor away made Katrina giggle.

"Ah, the sweet sound of a girl's laughter, how much I have missed it." Katrina sighed at the sentimentality in her father's face, she was sure she could see tears brimming in the corners of his eyes. It was no wonder that her mother ran the family.

"Phooey, I don't see why she gets cookies. I've been a good boy; I haven't even been in her room while she was gone." Viktor folded his arms across his chest and begun sulking in his seat.

"Yes dear. But you haven't been missing for a week. How about you run away and come back in about a week, then I'll give you some cookies." Katrina giggled slightly at the thought that her brother probably would do it if it meant getting cookies, and in that her mother was probably serious about it as well.

"Fine, I'll do it. Right after my cartoons. And maybe dinner. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow…" Viktor trailed off as he decided he couldn't be bothered to do it after all.

"So my dear little Katty, where have you been? Have you been with any boys, I'll box their heads if they touched you." Her father flexed his muscles, rather pitifully, as he laughed happily.

"My love, you should probably calm down." Her father deflated as his wife slapped him on the back of the head. His pose mirrored that of his son as he sulked as well.

"Well, as for where I've been. It's a long story…"


"Hey son, you're home late." Tobias grinned at the smile on his father's face, and the sarcasm in his voice. His mother was asleep lying across the sofa and with her head on her husband's lap.

"Well, you know the bus system. It's terrible nowadays. You wait and you wait for eight days, and then three come all at once." A bellowing laugh came from his father as he heard the joke. But pretty quickly he became serious and turned to look intently at his son.

"But in all honesty, where have you been?" His father looked at him carefully as Tobias tried to think of an answer.

"Well, it's a long story. But rest assured, I had Nikolaus and Katrina with me all the time. And I met an interesting bird." He grinned lecherously as his father grinned in the same way. Looking around he bent down to make sure his wife was sound asleep before slipping himself out from underneath her and dragging his son into the kitchen.

"So, this bird. Any good, nice looking? Big breasts? Attractive mother, or maybe older sister who has a interest in the more experienced man?" His father grinned devilishly at the thought as his mouth began to water.

"Dad, just remember something important. I'm only eleven. I don't think any of the girls I know are going to get breasts for another couple of years. And as for the bird I met. You guessed the wrong time of bird to what I meant." Tobias grinned as his father threw him a confused look as he tried to take it in.

"Well, no matter. That Katrina is a right little cutie; I'm looking forward to seeing her when she's older." His father grinned lecherously as Tobias looked worriedly over his father's shoulder.

"Darling, haven't I told you about lusting over your son's friends?" If his father wasn't an older man Tobias suspected he would have pissed himself, instead he settled for going as still as a statue. Tobias's mother walked out from behind his father and took a seat.

"Umm… I was joking. There's only one woman for me, you know that." Tobias's father went on his knees to beg for forgiveness as Tobias sighed.

"So, son. Tell us where you've been, what adventure you've had?" Tobias sighed and grabbed a chair for himself.

"Well 'adventure' is the right word to use in this situation. As for where, I'm not totally sure myself…"


Karl pushed open the door to see a surprising sight; all four of his sisters and his mother were sitting in the living room talking animatedly. But the talking stopped immediately as they realised he'd came in.

"Karl? Is that you? You're home?" The first to react was his oldest sister, eighteen year old Frieda, who rushed forwards to snatch him up. He couldn't help but blush as she held his tightly to her ample bosom. The rest assembled around them as Frieda let go and the others all got turns at hugging him as well.

"We've all been so worried. Mama was calling the police everyday and demanding to know where you were and if they were looking hard enough. One of the poor officers urinated himself out of fear." The youngest, thirteen year old Heidi, giggled at the memory as their mother looked abashed and held the rosary in her hands tightly.

"Well, I was deathly worried that the Devil had stolen my precious baby." His mother suddenly snatched him up as the four girls giggled at the sight of their blushing little brother.

"Well, as you can see I'm fine. I even think I've came away better than I was a week and a half ago. I think my faith is stronger than before and I have met new people. I have found something I can do for the cause of good." Karl looked proudly at his mother whose eyes brimmed with proud tears.

"Well that's my little brother, goes missing and comes back with more strength than before." The tomboy of the group, fifteen year old Helene, grabbed him in a headlock.

"Let go of the poor boy, he's been gone for so long. I bet he'd like to just sit down, have a nice cup of tea. Remember to make me one while you're at it Helene." Sixteen year old Marianne pried her younger sister off their brother and pushed her towards the kitchen.

"Well, I assume you've all been wondering where I've been…"


Nikolaus breathed in deeply as he thrust open the door to his house. At first he couldn't see anything in the darkness, at least not until a plank of wood swung towards his head. A heavy breath came from the owner of the plank as he narrowly missed his target.

"Woah, dad. It's just me, Nikolaus." Nikolaus patted his dad on the back as the man looked up. It took a second for the realisation, but after that his father leapt up to grab him in a bear hug.

"I don't know why your bother hitting people with a plank of wood, you should just hug burglars to death." Nikolaus wheezed slightly as his father released his grip on him. As he began to see more clearly Nikolaus was able to see his mother timidly standing at the door.

"Hey mum, I'm home." He smiled as he looked at his mother. She walked slowly towards him and reached out to touch his face. Then suddenly she slapped him heavily on the cheek.

"Where have you been? We've been worried sick. We've had police around every day; we've had them search the area around the Reichstag several times. What happened with that pile of sludge?" She looked down at Nikolaus who held the side of his face; he'd thought it uncharacteristic that his mother looked tender.

"Well, I think I have to save the world, not that I really think I should. Well, not this world… another world. The Digital World." He looked hopefully at his parents who turned to face each other.

"He gets it from your brother Gerhard. Nobody in my family does drugs, at least not to the extent that led them to believe they had to save another planet." His mother looked shocked at his father's words.

"Oh, so it's my families fault. What about your Aunt Sybille, the loony one. Didn't she think she was a superhero, and a potted plant at the same time?" His mother smirked as his father sighed.

"Actually, I'm not on drugs and I'm not crazy. Let me explain…"


Interlude A - Night of Broken Glass, Gran Kuwagamon's plan.

The four Digi-destined are away deciding whether to return to the Digital World or not but in the Digital World action is already underway. Gran Kuwagamon is putting his master plan into action as bugs swarm the forest. Nothing is safe in the face of his army.