Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Second Chances ❯ Foreign Home ( Chapter 1 )

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Second Chances
Category: Anime » Digimon Censor: PG Genre: Romance Chapters: 2
Reviews: 12 StoryID: 327008
Author: ~Mimi_Tachikawa~

« Previous Chapter ( 1 ) Chapter 1 : Prologue-MemoriesChapter 2 :
Chapter 1- Foreign Home

Second Chances

~A/N~ Okay well short note. Thank you to everybody who responded to this fic. I
love hearing your opinions. Sorry it took so long to post, I went camping for
two weeks and then I couldn't get into Fanfiction.net. Ugh I was very upset to
say the least. Okay. Contest announcement.

*~*Mimi's Contest*~*
Okay well as you might have noticed, The number of new romance stories featuring
Mimi and any other digidestined is sadly declining. Everything these days seem
to be takari, Kenyako or Sorato. Of course I like Takari and Kenyako but I miss
Mimi! Isn't she still important? So this is my contest rules
1. The contest is open to anybody who likes to write.
2. Any straight couple featuring Mimi and any other digidestined (01 or 02) are
accepted. Triangles are allowed as long as Mimi is in the final couple
3. Any rating is accepted.
4. The catch- The story must be more than 2000 words! I miss the longer stories.
Everything these days seem to be less than 1000.
5. The entries are due before my birthday. September 2nd 2001. That should give
plenty of time for the length restriction, right? If it seems to unreasonable,
email me at Mimi_A_Tachikawa@hotmail.com and tell me
6. Stories can be posted on fanfiction.net or my mailing list* but if at all
possible, it would be greatly appreciated if you could email a copy of the story
or the link at MImi_A_Tachikawa@hotmail.com. The only reason I suggest this is
in the event that I might miss an entry while I look through the stories. I
would hate to have you not win just because I accidently skipped over your
story. I willl be trying my best to find all entries though.
7. Multiple entries are allowed. One author may submit more than one story as
long as they meet the above criteria.
8. The winners will be announced on September 7th. Prizes will be awarded to the
top three stories. Due to the fact that I am an unemployed teenager who is still
in high school, the prizes reflect that fact.
I will write a story featuring the couple of your choice at a rating of your
choice for each of the top three stories authors, along with illustrations
(which will be emailed to you) That's the best I can do. I hope to receive some
response in this contest.

* My mailing is www.topica.com/lists/MImi_Tachikawa_loves/read

Now to the story (Oh please excuse any errors in the Japanese. I am new to the
language, from a 6 week live in nanny job for a Japanese family so I picked up a
little but grammar is probably off)

Second Chances- Part 2.

Tears ran down her cheeks. Even after ten years, it still hurt to remember. When
she had arrived back in New York after the event, she threw herself in
everything possible. School, modelling, acting and singing. She ignored all
phone calls from Japan and never replied to their emails, although she read most
of them. Many had just been remarks on how she was unreasonable and childish,
ignoring them all. Thinking on it now, she realized it probably wasn't the best
course of action. 'I had just lived up to their stereotypes of me.' she thought
But she had her excuses. Her career took up a lot of her time, too much to come
back to Japan.
She smiled. She knew it wasn't the best excuse and after nagging about it for
several years, she decided it was time to do something, she just missed her home
to much.
She just released her sixth album in America and despite the complaints of her
manager, she recorded all of the songs that she had written in high school after
the event. Seventy minutes of One song after the other all in japanese. She had
been told by everyone that it wouldn't sell, but she had put her foot done, for
the first time since she started singing and they reluctantly agreed to it.
And it had already gone platinum, she thought with a triumphant grin. It was due
to her huge success that she had granted a month's vacation, her first in four
years. No sooner had the announcement been made when Mimi was on her cell
planning a trip to Japan.
Now here she was, responsibility free for the first time in a decade.
Walking over to the phone booth, she picked up to index. She searched the
listings slowly as her memory of the Japanese characters gradually came back.
"Takenouchi" Mimi murmured as she saw the number. "3106-4281´She quickly placed
the 10 yen coin needed for 90 seconds of conversation and readied 4 more.
"Moshi, moshi. Takenouchi sumai desu" (Hello, Takenouchi residence) a woman's
voice answered.
"Hello, may I please speak to Sora?" Mimi asked.
"Nani? Watashi wakerunai." (What, I don't understand)
"I want to speak to Sora..."
Mimi felt a hand tap her on the shoulder.
"Try Japanese if you want her to understand."
Mimi blushed. She hadn't realized she was still talking English. "Gomenasai. Ka
Sora mo hanasu?" (Sorry, May I speak to Sora?)
"Iie. Sora to issho ni Taichi mo sumu, gomen." (No, Sora lives with Taichi,
"Arigato, Takenouchi-san." (Thank you, Mrs. Takenouchi)
With a frustrated sigh she hung up the phone. Of course Sora was living with
Tai. She had sent her an email three years ago about it. How could she have
forgotten? She reopened the phone book to look for Yagami, which she quickly
"Looking for an old friend?"
Mimi glanced up quickly to the guy who had given her the advice. "Yeah, I've
been out of touch for about ten years now." She quickly scribbled down the
address 3-8-6 then grimaced. "Hey, do you think if you are not to busy you
could..." Mimi turned around and gazed in shock at the man. "Matt?" she asked.
"No my name is Takeru." he said as he furrowed his brow. What was the chance
that this stranger would address him by his brother's name?
Mimi's eyes widened further. "T.K?" Tears spilled out if her eyes and she gave
him a hug.
Takeru stared down at her, confused. How did she know his childhood nickname was
T.K? "DO I know you?"
Mimi looked up at him. "Oh I forgot!" She exclaimed as she removed her scarf and
glasses, pushing her hat back. "It's me, Mimi."
T.K gave her a big hug. "I can't believe it's you! It's been so long since I
last talked to you even."
Mimi sighed. "I'm really sorry about that now, but I really needed to distance
myself from all of you guys. To follow my dreams. Then those dreams kept me too
"It's okay. At least you came back. I was so afraid, after what I did..." T.K.
trailed off. "So that was Sora you were calling then. So you need some
directions to their apartment?
"Yeah. actually that was what I was going to ask you originally. I'm so confused
by everything here. I never thought home could be so foreign."
Silence settled for a moment as they walked on.
"So will you be here for long?" T.K. finally asked.
"A month for now. But I will be on tour here three weeks after that. Of course
it could change. There are always conflicts of some sort, the recording studio
has problems, the set collapses, the camera angle was wrong, the equipment
broke. and so on. My schedule is about as constant as the sand." Mimi shook her
head. "Well what about you? How have you been?"
"Well after you left, I patched things up with Kari but we broke up two years
later and she started going out with Davis. I played basketball for a while and
received a scholarship then got a job at Nasda last year."
"You're kidding!" Mimi exclaimed, hitting him lightly on the arm. "You work for
Nasda now? You're so smart! And a scholarship too! I bet Matt was really proud."
"Takeru smiled. "Everyone was. It really was the first time they realized that I
wasn't the little kid they knew in the Digiworld. I had grown up.
Mimi gazed over at T.K. He certainly had grown up. He stood over 6 feet but
still maintained his medium build. His hair was shorter but still just as blond
and he no longer wore a hat.
"This is their apartment." T.K stated looking over at Mimi. "I was thinking,
well even after what happened to us, that you, well, if tonight you would care
to go catch a movie with me then maybe get dinner." He finsihed quickly.
Mimi looked at him with a small smile. Maybe he hadn't grown up that much.
"Sure. That sounds fine. Why don't you meet me here?"
"At 4 then?"
"Yeah." Mimi smiled then began to walk up the stairs, her stomach fluttering.
Would Sora remember her after ten years?
She rang the doorbell and quickly ran her fingers through her hair, leaving her
hat, glasses and scarf in her hands.
The door opened slowly and Sora stepped forward.
"Can I help you Miss?"

Okay that's where this one ends. Will Sora remember Mimi? Will sh ehold a grudge
after being ignored for a decade? What is this with T.K and Mimi? What will
happen when she meets up with Matt? All of this is in the next chapter but again
I need the 5 request to continue.


« Previous Chapter ( 1 ) Chapter 1 : Prologue-MemoriesChapter 2 :
Chapter 1- Foreign Home

Review Story ( be a responsible reader and write a review)
Title: Second Chances
Name:~Mimi_Tachikawa~ (Signed Review)
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