Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Second Reich Diaries ❯ Entry 0 ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Message: It's been a very bad day for the Berlin team

User: Karl Weber

Title: Bearer of Key of Noon and Digimentals of Sincere Faith and Knowledge

Location: Berlin, Germany

Digimon: [Choromon, Kapurimon, *Kokuwamon*, Clockmon/ Mantaraymon/ Searchmon, Andromon ]

Time: 02-02-2005 21:04:01 GMT

I'm not exaggerating one bit, we have not had any digimon attacks in weeks. But something worse happened today. Something far worse, and far more problematic. It's not the kind of bad day Bobby faces, and luckily not a Pedro style one. But believe me when I say I am worried.

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DISCLAIMER - Digimon belongs to several different companies of which I own none. Therefore all digimon used are their property and used without permission. The Diaries Universe belongs to Lord Archive, and is used with his permission. The German Digi-destined belong to the Diaries universe. All other miscellaneous characters are my meagre intellectual property.

By Misc666

Set in Lord Archive's Diaries Universe

Second Reich Diaries

Entry 0 - Bad Day

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"I love you, you know that?" Katrina giggled as she ran her finger along Nikolaus' naked chest. Patterns were formed as she ran it through the thin sheen of sweat covering him from their previous activity.

"I know, and I love you back. And I have something to tell you." Katrina leant up as she replied so she could kiss him. Their tongues intertwined and batted at each other as she rolled on top of him pinning his arms. But before she could tell him the news he was talking again, leaving no opening for her to explain what had happened to her.

"You know I'd do anything for you?" Nikolaus grinned himself as if he was playing a game with her.

"I know." She lifted away, not caring that there was nothing to cover her breasts from his view. Of course she wasn't planning on hiding them from him, he'd seen them time and time again. And more than just them.

"You're the first girl I've ever loved; there's never been a girl before you. Ever since I met you in Primary School, even when I pulled your hair." He looked deep into her eyes and she was sure she saw the brimming of tears in the black orbs. But she felt he deserved the truth, Nikolaus wasn't her first love as much as she wished he was.

"I can't tell you the same thing, you know that. But I really do love you." She kissed him on the nose but he didn't make any attempt to act back, obviously he wasn't too happy to hear it, even though he had to know.

Indeed it was an odd situation between them. Katrina hadn't been out with any other boys, well not as in proper dates and stuff, except for one with Hans-Joachim which had ended very badly because the two really weren't suited for each other. But with Nikolaus there was this calm peace she couldn't have with anybody else. Not even Renamon could make her feel the same.

"When are your parents coming home? Just out of curiousity." Katrina sighed as Nikolaus changed the subject; at least it meant he was over the previous conversation and she wouldn't have to explain herself. But she did want to, for some reason.

"Not for another three hours. And my brother is staying at a friend's house. How about we go again?" She winked suggestively as she laid her body by his and nibbled on his earlobe erotically.

"No, I feel like getting up for a bit." She couldn't help feel a little put out as he got up and found his underwear and then the rest of his clothing. With that he walked into the living room and sat down on one of the leather sofas in there.

But she knew something was up. He couldn't be worried about her parents coming home since it was ages away, and they knew the pair was sexually active anyway. But she'd never known him to turn her down. She walked over to him and placed a slender hand on his finger while twirling her long flowing blond hair.

"What's wrong?" She looked down at him as he sighed and stared out the window.

"I know I'm not the first guy you've been out with. I know you went out with Hans for a bit, and I don't hate him. But it just gets to me slightly. I'm close with the whole group, even Hans, and it just feels slightly odd that we've both been with you." He looked down at his hands with a frown.

"But I didn't sleep with Hans, I didn't even kiss him." She leaned over to kiss him but he pulled away from her.

"What about Tobias?" She went dead still as she heard this. Did he know what had happened between them all those years ago? Had he lost all the respect he had for her?

"I'm sorry, it wasn't my fault. It just happened." She saw the confused expression that crossed over his face, and immediately she realised that he didn't know. But she'd dug the hole, and piqued his curiousity.

"What? What happened?" She knew she had to tell him, somehow she felt this was the only way to continue their relationship. There could be no more lies between the two of them, not anymore. She had to tell him the truth, at least this one time.

"In the Digital World… three years ago… he… raped me." She looked over at his face to see nothing she'd expected. She thought he'd be angry, or sad. Maybe even confused. But instead he was blank. No expression at all. Hesitantly he got to his feet and began to walk towards the door, stopping to grab his shoes and coat. A brief moment of hesitation passed through Katrina before she realised Nikolaus had already left, and she was barely dressed.

Rushing into her bedroom she threw on some clothes and back out into the hallway. Then she realised, she'd never told him the news she'd received from the doctor. Never told him why she'd been feeling ill. She hadn't told him that she was in that most special of womanly conditions.

She was pregnant.


Tobias felt that life was good. Here he was, watching some porn he'd found in his dad's drawers and smoking a cigarette he 'stole' from his dad. In his opinion the only thing that would make the day better was being able to go out hand-gliding or with Aquilamon. But his partner was busy and it was too windy outside. So he had to make do with what he had.

Life was so good that he didn't bother to get up when the telephone went off, and therefore didn't know that Katrina wanted to talk to him. In his thoughts it would be his sister telling him to come pick her up. Or his parents saying they were on their way home. He didn't want them bothering him at the moment.

His thoughts did, however, drift to thinking about his love life. Although it was true that he still had feelings, deep feelings, for Katrina he knew he stood no chance with her. He'd apologised every day since that day but she'd never been comfortable around him. So that was one girl that wasn't going to be his.

Of course he had slept with another girl since that day, but the relationship had gone nowhere. After they'd had sex he'd thought that she'd enjoy going hand-gliding with him. He'd been wrong and had accidentally taken girl who turned out to have severe acrophobic tendencies. She also refused to speak to him.

With a sigh, reminiscent of Nikolaus, he went back to watching his dad's pornography. And that's when the doorbell rang.

Realising that his parents or sister may be home he hastily switched off the television, then grabbing both the video and ashtray he threw both into his room. Then, feeling slightly smug, he pulled the door open.

And a fist pummelled him in the face sending him flying to the ground.

As he tried to think who it was the figure was upon him raining down a shower of blows. From the left and right came punches that rocked his vision. But at the same time he recognised his attacker.

"Damn it Niko', what the hell are you doing?" Used to scrapping with Nikolaus he was able to push the larger boy off. But assuming it was just a joke he made the mistake of just standing there brushing the long red hair out of his face and laughing.

But for Nikolaus this was a serious situation, and Tobias was just laughing at him. With a growl he threw himself at the lean boy, pinning him to the ground and shashing his forehead into his friend's.

"Damn it, what the hell is your major malfunction? Get off me you crazy bastard." Locking his arms around Nikolaus' head Tobias rolled and the pair began squirming as they fought to be on top. A lamp was knocked over as Nikolaus' back was forced against the table it was on.

"How could you do it to her? How could you do it to her?" Nikolaus was screaming by now, and Tobias thought it would be bringing the attention of neighbours through the open doorway. But Tobias still had no clue what was going on. Luckily for him the neighbours on his floor were all out.

"What did I do? I didn't break up with Konstantin, she broke up with me." Tobias managed to get one of his hands on Nikolaus' head and began pulling his hair in an attempt to free himself from the stronger ones grip.

"Not. Her. Katrina." Nikolaus clamped down on Tobias' wrist with his teeth and started biting until the other boy released his grip on his messy black hair.

"Huh?" And that's when Tobias received that moment of clarity he should have gotten earlier. He knew about that day, the day that had ruined two lives. The reason he and Katrina could no longer access their Digimentals.

"You. Bastard." With all the weight of his anger behind it Nikolaus drove a fist into Tobias midriff causing a spurt of blood to leap from the boy's lips. That wasn't a good sign. But he managed to force Nikolaus off him and into the hallway of the block of flats his family lived in.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't myself. It was an accident. Just… calm down." Tobias pushed his friend up against the wall and held him tightly against it.

"Nikolaus, stop it. Don't hurt him." That's when Katrina came running up the stairs, not realising it was Nikolaus pinned against the wall. Tobias turned to look at her curiously, a big mistake.

"Heh, shouldn't turn away from me." With that Nikolaus knocked Tobias' hands off him and let loose with the heaviest punch yet. But Tobias hadn't taken his whole attention away from him and dodged it.

"Nikolaus, you can't do this. I'm pregnant." But Nikolaus wasn't able to stop his arm, missing Tobias it kept going. It flew over the boy's shoulder, right into Katrina's face. At first she stood wobbling on the top stair, but the force of the blow was too much for the petite girl as she threw out an arm to grab the rail. All in vain.

"No." Yelled Nikolaus as realisation came to him. He threw out his extended arm to grab her, but missed her by a millimetre. And down she fell. Even from upstairs he could hear the crack of her hitting the bottom of the stairs.

And that's when Tobias collapsed as well, whatever had been driving him had failed. But Nikolaus was still going, down the stairs to the bloodstained girl. The way her body was positioned was unnatural and he knew she was seriously injured.

"Nikolaus! Don't do anything…" Karl trailed off as his ran through the doorway of the building. Hans-Joachim Goeth was right behind him, although far less out of breath than Karl.

"I have to go." Pushing past Karl he started running. Karl realised this and began chasing him leaving a stunned Hans behind.

"Bugger." Was all the neo-Nazi uttered as he stood there is mute confusion. This was not good, whipping out a mobile phone he began dialling the emergency services. An ambulance was needed. But what was needed for Nikolaus' sanity?


Nikolaus panted heavily as he leaned against a tree. He'd tired himself out, finally, after running across town to Tobias' house. And then his random burst of speed away, which had led him… somewhere. He had to admit that he didn't recognise where he was, but it seemed far enough.

"Damn it Nikolaus, what the hell happened back there?" Turned out he was wrong, Karl stood behind him. Admittedly he was even more out of breath than he was, but he was there nonetheless. And he was already asking the questions he didn't want to answer.

"Nothing. Why can't you just leave me alone? I don't want this kind of shit." With a dejected sigh Nikolaus drooped down onto a bench and looked up at the clouds. Karl, unsurprisingly, sat down beside him and looked up at the clouds with him.

"What happened, she sent me a message saying she'd said made a mistake and that we had to get round to Tobias' to stop you doing something stupid. What happened?" Nikolaus looked down, away from the clouds, and put his face in his hands. Karl thought he saw a tear drip down, between the fingers.

"I made a big mistake; she told me something that got me angry. I knew that after all these years I couldn't really hold him accountable for it, but I was angry. Not at him, or Katrina. Just at the world, in general. So I hit him, and he hit me, and we hit each other. Over and over again, until I missed him that one unfortunate time." As Nikolaus lifted his head, Karl clearly saw the tears flowing down his cheeks.

"So, you didn't hit her? Not on purpose at least." He knew it was a stupid question but Karl needed the verification on it, he needed to know for sure. Nikolaus nodded mutely to it.

"She said she was…" He dwindled off at the end into a murmuring tone. Karl strained himself to hear it.

"She said what?" Karl looked down at him as Nikolaus turned, tears flowing as intense as they physically could.

"She said she was pregnant, with my… child. She was going to have my son, or my daughter. I don't care which one, I'd have love them whatever. But she, there's no way she managed to keep the child." He began to cry again as Karl wondered how to comfort him.

"She may have. And if not, you can try again. This time it would be intentional." But Nikolaus could barely hear him above his own wailing.

"I saw pictures of Hank and Jessica's daughter; she was so beautiful in the picture. The calmest child I'd ever seen, in my experience babies are always crying, but she was just lying there serenely. I knew I wanted a child of my own in that moment, one to call my own. I wouldn't care even if it was one of the noisy ones." He smiled at the thought as he was lost in his own world.

"There are always other times. Maybe this wasn't your time to have a baby." Karl looked over to see Nikolaus rising to his feet. His face was no longer sad, but filled with anger.

"There isn't always a time for it. Not everything is fate, not everything is God. I feel so bad, I feel like I've lost a part of myself. I've only known about the child for twenty minutes, and yet… it feels like I've been ripped asunder by this situation." His legs began to wobble as the events of the day got to him and with a thud he fell to his knees and just knelt there.

"God always moves in His own divine way, you just have to trust in Him." Nikolaus giggled as if this was one of the funniest things he'd heard.

"Ah His mysterious ways again, is it? All I ever hear from you is about God, well and Christianity. I can't take it any more. We all know I don't believe in God. And I don't want this right now. I don't want to hear you saying that my child is dead, and Katrina is seriously injured. And all this is because God doesn't want it happening? Then I don't want Him as a God, he's like a malicious little child." Nikolaus' hands were tightly clenched as he stood there, white rage evident in his face. He wanted nothing of this.

"Look, I'm not going to say this is a good situation. But God can help you through it; Christianity will lead you to salvation." That's when Nikolaus' fist struck him in the face.

"Shut up. I've had enough of it all. I don't need any salvation, I don't need God. I need to get away from here; I need to go somewhere that isn't here." He growled low as he finished this.

"The park? Or do you mean Berlin?" Karl looked at him in shock as the idea that had formed in his head scared him, the loss of their leader.

"I don't mean Berlin, I mean Germany. I need to get away from everyone; I can stay with my uncle." Nikolaus sighed loudly as his anger subsided and was replaced by indifferent feelings. For Karl, it was different though. This was what he'd feared.

"But doesn't he live in Switzerland?" Karl asked the question hesitantly.

"Yes. I've got to go home; I need to talk to my parents." With that he walked off leaving a stunned Karl behind.


"She's really hurt." Hans-Joachim rolled his eyes as the paramedic pointed out the obvious. If she wasn't really hurt she wouldn't need an emergency ambulance. Calmly he climbed into the back of the ambulance and was followed by the paramedic. Of course in the paramedic's defence she looked rather young, and far from intelligent.

"Umm… is she… your girlfriend?" The question was quietly asked, causing Hans to grin. Obviously people still feared him and he found that he could still inspire people to run as he walked towards them in the hallways.

"No." He left it at that as his gaze was drawn to the unconscious Katrina. A respirator was providing oxygen for her, and the young paramedic was checking her pulse. It was all formulaic and nothing special.

"But you'd like her to be?" The question was irritating. He couldn't deny he still had feelings for her but, as was obvious from the time they'd went on their first and only date, they wouldn't work out.

"Not exactly." He didn't really know what he felt for her to tell the truth. Apart from Nikolaus, she was the only person he could really stand being in a room with. Well among people who weren't his lackeys or agreed with his beliefs.

"Well, I think its sweet you're watching over her anyway." The girl seemed to be a hopeless romantic, probably had herself a boyfriend who brought her flowers. Chances are he was cheating on her, the gullible fool she seemed to be.

He laughed at the idea, his father was already cheating on his wife. She'd given him a son, a non-Aryan son unsurprisingly, and he'd grown bored with her. But she wasn't going to give up on her wealth. So they stayed together, he cheated on her but always respected her as his wife. And their son was given everything a little boy wanted, even though he could barely talk. So they just gave him stuff to keep him appeased.

"Whatever, I work with her. It wouldn't be good for her to die, what with it being an inconvenience to me." He felt a smug grin form as he said that. The shocked look on the girl's face was what he'd hoped for.

"That's… so cold." With that the girl left him alone to go up front with her partner. This left him to his peace and quiet, and with Katrina.

"So, Nikolaus went over the deep end. Although, I'm the one here talking to someone who can't hear me." There was no laugh on either end. Her, because she was obviously unconscious. And him, well he didn't laugh at poor jokes like that. So why had he made it?

"I guess this is the end for Berlin. We've survived Gran Kuwagamon in the Digital World, and we survived it when he started smashing up the city. We fought him on the Wall. Then Nikolaus and I fought Taomon's group, stopped King Etemon's summoning…" Hans became aware of the girl watching him from the front, with a bemused expression.

"Well, I hope you get better soon. I haven't got anything better to do, so I may as well watch over you for a while. Just until he comes back, at least." He sighed as he leaned back in the seat he'd taken.

"You're not as cold as you make yourself out to be," murmured the girl paramedic as she stared at him with interest.

"No, I just make exceptions for some people." With that he decided to try and get some sleep, he was going to need it.


So, basically both Katrina and Tobias are stuck in hospital for a while. Tobias has some internal bleeding but should be out in a matter of days. But Katrina… she is going to be out for a couple of weeks, at least.

Tobias is conscious of his surroundings, but he said that Nikolaus had the right idea. He's no longer a hero, the fact that he cannot access his Digimentals… he says he cannot be a Digi-destined any longer.

And Nikolaus, as far as I know you can't contact him. He left his D-Terminal and D-3 with me, not even Agumon is able to contact him. His mother also refuses to give me his uncle's phone number. I don't think he is ever going to come back.

So it leaves the two of us, me and Goeth. And I am not going to work with him.

So as of the 2nd of February, 2005the Berlinteam is no longer on active duty. I will do my duty, and I suppose Goeth will do some as well. But officially, the team is dissolved.

Sighing with all his heart as he pressed the button and posted the message, Karl felt a tear drip down his cheek. He decided not to wait for any replies to the message, he wasn't in the mood to read any messages at the moment. It was that simple, the First Reich had fallen. Gran Kuwagamon hadn't been able to stop them. King Etemon's followers hadn't stopped them.

But they'd stopped themselves. Internal strife, something most teams suffered from at times. But it hadn't involved Hans, the one they all thought was going to betray them at the slightest sign that he was on the losing side.

It had been Tobias and Nikolaus, friends since birth. But they were no longer friends.

And there was no final battle the bring back Nikolaus, no reason for him to return. After all, they weren't really needed as a team. They'd had one digimon attack in the Endless Forest in the past two months, a Sukamon who claimed to be King Etemon reborn. Hans had had Shadramon set it alight.

No, it was better this way. They were too old for this kind of thing. Younger teams were forming all over the world, newer kids were needed to stem the tide of evil.

They were no longer pure. Well, he was. But he knew the others were all sexually active, and that was a clear sign of impurity. His mother even refused to let Katrina into his house, on account of her being the 'Whore of Babylon'.

The Endless Forest was no longer a 'forest', and the Digi-destined were no longer 'destined'. For them, the journey was over.


Maximillian von Weisskopf was an eleven year old. And he wasn't very big for one. He had floppy black hair that flowed over his cherubic face, thick black eyebrows, and inquisitive black eyes. Currently he was standing in his underwear staring at the mirror and trying to flex, non-existent, muscles.

"Damn, I'm not getting anywhere." He moaned as he gave up on the search for muscles. Tiredly he fell backwards onto his bed and looked at the clock showing that it was past midnight already, and explaining why his parents were asleep.

And that's when a bright light flashed outside his, open, window. When it subsided he found his attention drawn to the floor where a device lay.

A bean-like shaped device with red plastic and black grips.

Silently he picked it up.


Next Entry: Entry 1 - A New Beginning

Just as a team is dissolved, a new one steps forwards to take their place.With three scattered to the wind, three will fill those spots. But the need for a new team, it always heralds a threat. Those who wish to rule, wish to bring about their own age of dominance. But will the new ones get on with those still remaining, and will those still remaining stop glaring at each other?

Yes, it happened… I couldn't hold off the sequel to Reich Diaries, even though RD is still only just beginning. Although chances are I won't be continuing this any time soon, just leaving my options on what to write open. Hopefully this should be enough of a preview/teaser to drive up support for when I get round to continuing it, which could be at any time as I said.

Age of Consent - As far as I know the age of consent in Germany is 14, correct me if I'm wrong as this is only what I've been told by others. So, although Nikolaus is over the age of consent Katrina isn't. However her parents are aware that she's sleeping with Nikolaus and are okay with it, as long as she doesn't get pregnant. And besides, she lost her virginity before she started sleeping with Nikolaus.