Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Shinwa ❯ 5 ( Chapter 5 )
Notes: right on, right on! After waiting for so very long, it's finally here- an update. Damn personal life kept getting in the way. Bah! Only kidding- this part's been rough, hope it was worth the wait!
P.S. I'm officially in love with Howie Day. The man is a brilliant singer.
Warnings: we've got your standard yaoi with a healthy side dish of yuri. yay!
Disclaimer(s): don't own the characters, don't own the show they come from, don't own the gods (although that would just be rowdy), don't own much of anything really- I'm a starving artist!
Shinwa- 5
"Baby," a smooth voice sounded in the blooming darkness. He groaned. "Sugar, where did you go? Where's my God of all things Aquatic?" Ryo stretched in a languid movement before rising from the bed. Wrapping a sheet around him, he began exploring the humble living quarters he shared with Osamu- all infinite square feet of it. When the sound of waves reached his ears he perked up. As always, his companion was in the control center.
Osamu sat with his back to the door fingers flying over keys and keypads. Eyebrows furrowed in dark concentration he studied the migration maps on one screen before him- the thin display of plasma hanging mid-air, almost magical with its glow. Layers of illuminated screens spread out before him as his indigo eyes searched to make sense of it all. "Come on, where are you hiding him? He's mine god dammit! My little brother to cut and manipulate." The words were a hiss and went unheeded by the Child of Earth behind him. Violently pulled from his obsessive searching, he snapped around when a voice spoke up.
"Osamu?" When the Child of Water spun in his chair, Ryo flinched. Something was not right. There was a dangerous glint in those indigo eyes. Swallowing his sudden panic back, he tilted his head deciding not to try to seduce his companion again. "What're you doing?"
Eyes like indigo pools turned to ice in the way only a true Child of Water could manage. Osamu glared for a few moments that expanded into a small eternity. After letting the silence surround them, he managed a smug grin. "Don't you worry about a thing. Just go back to bed. I'll get you up later." Then he turned back to his screens acting as if Ryo was not even there in the first place.
A pout wrinkled the smooth caramel face. This was getting ridiculous. Children of Water were not supposed to behave this way, not even on the worst day of their existence. Letting the bed sheet melt away into his usual attire he stepped forward. "I'm not some little ditz you fuck and then throw aside, Osamu. Don't keep me out. I'm getting paid for this too."
Tension shivered down Osamu's spine. Spinning around again he nearly toppled the chair. Of course, with all his grace and poise it hardly showed. "I know you're getting paid too, but you're also getting in my way. I'm in the middle of something big here, so why don't you just go run along and play?"
The bitterness of the words stung, taking Ryo back a step. "Well, I just thought that maybe you could use my input-"
"Well maybe you should just keep your mouth shut." Challenge sparked between them, but of a different sort. "Now," Osamu wet his lips, "get out of here."
One eyebrow automatically went up. "Oh, I don't think so, Osa-chan. I think you and I can work this out right here, right now. What do you say?" Voice flowing with velvet seduction he gave a tiny smile. "You up for it?"
Lashing out with power, the Child of Water pulled his companion to him before rising from his seat. A few punches and kicks later, Osamu smiled when he heard a rib crack. A final blow against one caramel cheek and he gripped his sometimes lover by his sun-kissed hair. Drawing a dagger from his belt he chuckled when his opponent's eyes widened. "That's right- you seem to remember this little tool of mine. Such good craftsmanship don't you think?" Trailing the fine edge of the blade across one high cheekbone he continued. "Solid, cold iron. The metal that hurts our kind. The one thing that can leave permanent marks on us." With inhuman agility he made a quick gash at the base of Ryo's neck. When the Child of Earth squirmed he gripped his hair even tighter. "Relax, it's only a scratch." Leaning down he licked at the small wound savoring the quick flare of copper taste. When he kissed Ryo he was rough, almost unforgiving. "Now, I love you dearly- even if you are pathetic most of the time. But," his grip tightened more, "if you get in my way again at all your punishment will be much worse next time."
Ryo almost cried with relief when he was thrown to the floor. Suddenly, there was a boot at his shoulder flipping him, giving him seconds to realize that his windpipe was closing under the pressure of the same boot. Gasping, he tried to choke out words. "Please… stop… you're hurting me…"
Removing his foot, Osamu crouched down stroking his companion's forehead, dagger still in hand. "I know it hurts, Ryo," his voice was soothing, lulling the Child of Earth into false comfort. "I only hurt you because I love you. Don't you want to know how much I love you?" Osamu breathed his question against the trembling neck beneath him. "I love you so much," his breath tingled like ice across Ryo's skin. "I love you this much."
The dagger sank into Ryo's flesh, and the Child of Earth screamed.
The clinging substance of webbing stuck at his shoulders making him grimace. Brushing it away with distaste, the demon narrowed its eyes in irritation. He stalked the hallways to his employee's quarters. Throwing open the door he was treated to the sight of more webs. Lacking intricate design, or even any simple finesse, they hung in clumps like curtains shielding their creator.
The demon frowned. He had no need to announce his presence, he simply spoke. "They're getting close, you know. Or rather, the Water Child is getting close I should say. If he gets his hands on that boy my plans will not work and I will be severely displeased." In the form of a human, he stood- plainly radiating impatience as he studied his fingernails wondering if he could make them sprout and sharpen.
There was a sudden spasm in the air. Webbing was sucked upwards, away, but not revealing the creator within the room. A voice came, like a hiss of something old, dry, nearly dead. "It is getting dangerous for us to keep this boy. The other one is becoming obsessive and violent." Within the confines of the room, the hiss echoed off the walls despite the webbed resistance. "Water is not something my workers enjoy, and that Child is becoming far too unstable."
The demon raised it eyes to the seemingly unending darkness overhead. "Well, until you start doing what I pay you for you'll find yourself hard-pressed for a meal."
The other hissed. "We had a deal!"
Shrugging elegantly he replied, "Darling, I lied. I'm a Shadow Demon after all. A member of the Royal Circle of Shadow Demons, no less. Remember that I set you free from your prison. I alone set you free and I have the power to keep you here. My destruction does not equal your freedom. The key to your release lies within me alone. You'd best remember that. Until then, you might want to find a better way to conceal my prize. The Water fey is not the only one who seeks him." That said, the demon turned and left the room, sealing it's occupant inside.
Daisuke strode hard on his heels, determination plain on his face. Ahead of him, Mimi trounced along in the daylight, highlighted hair trailing in the slight breeze. Behind him, Gennai walked at a steady pace still calm despite any tension. Shaking his head, Dai bit his lip in thought. They were getting close to the others; he could almost feel them. Sora's shop was less than half a city block away. His head was still reeling from what the traveler and the kitsune had told him. An Adept? Part of him was refusing to accept it. Things like this simply did not happen to him.
Granted, the introduction of Ken into his life had triggered all of this. The warrior had been well worth it though. His touch was so gentle, so loving. Memories of the previous night flickered through his mind. How connected he felt to Ken, how much he felt Ken reveling in what they shared, how soft his lips had been, how sweet he had tasted… The way they had moved together- it seemed like it had to be magic. Daisuke could no longer remember any other people from his past sexual experiences. They became a dim memory to the all too vivid recollection of holding Ken in his arms. Dai shivered as he remembered how it felt when Ken's tongue had run across his skin and how warm his mouth was…
Pain flared in his chest. He needed his sidhe back. As soon as possible. Each moment away from him was like slow torture, and not the good kind. The absence of Ken's heartbeat from his chest and the whisper of thought in his mind left Daisuke feeling empty, alone. Blinking tears back he sighed. If he was so powerful or whatever else, why did it still hurt so much? With all that kind of strength he should have been able to make it go away. But no, he could only control the elements, not emotions. Perhaps he would talk to Taichi once they arrived.
Jolted out of thought, he noticed they had stopped. The building stood before them. Dai saw Mimi swallow thickly and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It'll be okay. I told you she's still in love with you. Don't worry."
The pink haired woman nodded a few times before turning back to the door. Memories flooded her eyes taking all of her strength. Raising a hand she prepared to knock then lowered her hand again. It took six tries before she was able to finally commit to the act. After giving the door a few solid knocks, Mimi just stood and waited patiently for one of her old friends to greet her. Much to her surprise, it was the shopkeeper who opened the door to allow entrance.
Sora had found it odd that someone was knocking on the street door. Most people simply went through the shop. She wondered, briefly, if it might be Ken trying to stay under cover. When she threw back the wooden barrier her breath caught in her throat. Standing before her was a vision she had not seen in so long, and it nearly brought tears to her own chestnut oculars. Flowing hair that she knew felt like silk, large hopeful eyes filled with… were those tears? Sora felt her eyes flickering rapidly. After so much time when she swore to herself that she would never accept Mimi back with open arms, she found it damn near impossible to resist. What could make the love of her life cry like that?
Mimi's eyes dropped, letting her observe the fascinating surface of the sidewalk. When she looked up again, the auburn haired woman that she secretly called a goddess still stood before her. "Hi," she finally offered faintly.
Biting her lip against crying or yelling, instead Sora threw her arms around Mimi not caring about the touch sensitivity for the first time in a very long while. Somewhere inside her mind registered all the missing time, but she would deal with all of that later. Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes. Holding her other half so tightly she whispered, "I missed you so much."
Relief made Mimi all but collapse in her beloved's arms. "I missed you too."
He was surrounded by darkness. In every direction blackness unfurled before his eyes. Blinking, he felt his head tilting in confusion. The very last thing he could remember was running and fear. Terror that tasted like thick, bitter syrup on the back of his tongue. But what had he been so afraid of? There was a fragile memory of pain, but it was tenuous at best. He could not hold the thought long enough to access the imagery of what had happened. All he could remember was running.
Putting his hands out in front of him he tried taking a few steps and almost immediately hit a wall. He tried going in the opposite direction, again not long before he touched a wall. Maybe he could find a door… Tracing fingertips across the surface that imprisoned him, he found no breaks. No door. Unless…
Crouching he ran a shaky hand over the floor- it was rough, nearly jagged and left a stinging trace on his hand. Something wet ran down his skin. "Great," he muttered, "Just fucking perfect." Somehow he knew that bleeding was not a good idea. Still crouching he pondered over his situation for a few moments longer.
Tossing his head back he looked up still not finding light. Standing he summoned what strength he could gather and leaped. He surprised himself with how high he was able to go. Jumping again and again yielded no results. Stopping, he let his mind wander and began to finally speculate about what could have happened.
Long minutes of silence brought him few answers. However, he did realize that he could not remember anything. About his life or otherwise. No recollection of his appearance- he had no memory of what color his eyes were. There was no lingering trace of what his name might be. He bit his lip in concentration trying to focus as much as possible. Nothing. It was as if something had purged his body of whatever it had once held leaving him an empty vessel. Even without memories of who he had previously been, he knew that the idea of being filled by some unknown was not appealing. He refused to let it happen.
Fists clenching he struggled more to find a thought, a memory, any fleeting image his mind could grasp. Perhaps if he could only focus more he could remember his own name… Something in the back of his mind faltered. Suddenly he was standing straight, tall. There was a whisper, a faint shimmering light, and then a name…
But he knew the name was not his own.
Daisuke stood staring at the hole in the floor left by Ryo two days previous. The others said that they could not touch it or, at this point, look at it. Miyako still seemed terminally pissed off that someone had broken her wards. Any comfort from Hikari seemed to offer little solace. Sighing, Dai stepped around the edge of the wood and slumped into the same chair he had been tormented in. Truthfully, that particular torture was nothing more than a fleeting memory- only a whisper against the silent scream of feeling so empty without Ken beside him.
Eyes like fine spice began to liquefy and he swiped at them quickly. "Dammit," he whispered. "He shouldn't mean this much to me! I've known people for years that don't make me feel like this. This just isn't fair…" His voice broke away in pieces, dissolving into quiet, shaking sobs. "Come back, Ken," he cried. "Please just come back…"
In the past, Daisuke had chosen partners based upon looks like most everyone else in the world. However, he had always chosen men who had some sort of mystical element to their appearance. Even before Ken had entered his world, Dai had been with men who held some sort of power that strangely seemed to resemble that of the fey. Thinking about that while sitting in Sora's shop, he felt his eyes widen. Perhaps he really had been searching for Ken his entire life- not even someone of just a significant amount of power. It seemed that only the pale Child of Air could ever be the one to fill the void he had felt for so long. Still, that did not seem fair either. Spending his entire life seeking out one person without face or name, simply hoping he would recognize him at first glance?
Well, maybe not first glance. After the initial flare of desire and intrigue, a few glances later perhaps. But Ken just had something within. Some indefinable characteristic that appealed to Daisuke's aesthetic sensibilities. Regardless of the incredibly violent aura the fey gave off, something deeper within exuded warmth, compassion; traits that all of Daisuke's previous lovers never had.
Trying to regain control of himself he heard it- a subtle whisper that could not have come from human lips. It was a breath that ran across his nerve endings, danced over his bones, and made his insides turn to fire. A whisper that could only come from power, from a fey.
"Ken," he breathed, eyes blinking in desperate need to understand. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was his love. Yet, something seemed different. There was something distinctly off about the power he felt whispering his name. An almost ghostly touch floated across his skin, the air suddenly cooler. Shaking in anticipation Dai whispered the warrior's name again. Somewhere, a switch was flipped- suddenly the connection ceased. Leaping out of his chair he ran from the room searching for the others.
He found them; all seated in what vaguely resembled a living room. They were talking, voices hushed. Strangely enough, he noticed the absence of Sora and Mimi. When he cleared his throat a few in the room turned to him, nearly startled. "Sorry," his words were sheepish. "Guess you guys were really into whatever you were talking about. But, I think Ken just called to me. Or something."
Obsidian eyes widening, lighting up, Koushiro rose from his seat. "What did he say?" Immediately, the redhead's mind began whirling with possibilities and implications.
Daisuke shrugged. "He didn't say anything. He just… called to me- whispered my name. There was this connection and then it suddenly vanished." He paused for a moment. "But something's wrong. It was Ken, but it wasn't really him. I don't know how to explain it, really."
Out of the corner of his eye, Dai saw Yamato whispering something to Taichi and watched the brunette depart before the telepath spoke up. "Tai's gone to get Sora and Mimi. As much as I hate to break up their reunion-"
He was cut off by a shriek, followed very closely by Mimi's voice screaming, "TAICHI! Didn't you learn how to fucking knock?! GET OUT OF HERE!" Then silence, followed by a much quieter, "Oh."
"I can't believe you two were already getting down and dirty," Taichi cried. "Mimi's been in the building for all of, what, forty-five minutes and already you two are getting freaky deaky. Priceless." Barely ducking a smack, the empath snickered.
Mimi glared at the offending man. "Shut up," she muttered. From her place beside Sora on the couch, she huddled in on herself, pouting. A soft touch at her cheek made her look up.
"Don't do that," Sora chided. "You're irresistible when you pout like that." Placing a quick kiss on her blushing girlfriend's forehead she smiled.
"Seems like you've acquired quite the vocabulary while you were away," Yamato smirked. "I didn't think you even knew what the word 'fuck' meant."
While the blond giggled with his boyfriend, Mimi stuck her tongue out at the two of them. "You'd be surprised at the words I know."
"That's for damn sure," Daisuke spoke up, a grin on his face. It seemed so right to see the group completed this way excluding only himself and Gennai. Sparing a glance at the old man he noticed a distinct sparkle in the kitsune's eyes. Feelings of happiness spread across his body… only to be washed away quickly when he heard that ghostly whisper once more.
The man in question gasped. This time the touch felt solid, almost real. And while it carried obvious signatures that could only exist for Ken, something was still missing. Sighing, he leaned into the invisible hands at his shoulders. It seemed so strange to welcome this feeling without trepidation, though he could feel the fear radiating from Ken. The whisper came stronger, louder…
Help me…
For a moment it seemed as though there were two voices calling to him.
"What the hell is that?" Miyako eyed the space around her. "It feels like he's here. Like he's standing right beside Daisuke…" When she pointed to where she thought Ken should be her voice failed. A nearly transparent figure loomed behind the bronzed man. While the figure itself shone with some iridescent light hidden away somewhere, it completely illuminated Daisuke. The wine colored hair blazed and his skin was enough to light up the entire room. "Holy shit," the pagan breathed. "What kind of fucking magic is this?!"
Iori sat, mouth agape, trying to mentally run through all forms of luminous spells and spirits. Beside the youngest, Takeru began to blink. The blond could feel something in the room with them. If he concentrated he could almost feel two distinct impressions, yet they had the same essence. That was odd. He was about to say something when Hikari beat him to it.
"You guys," the female psychic spoke up, "this is getting way too weird. There are two versions of Ken in this room right now." Cherry eyes flickered back and forth between the apparitions trying to decipher which was real and which illusion. Ultimately, she could only come to one conclusion. "There's two of him," she whispered. "But neither one is false."
Daisuke merely stood and observed the confusion. Moments after he felt the barest of touches and heard that ghostly call he felt the missing piece of Ken enter the room. While the others were busy trying to figure out what it meant, Dai was trying to communicate with the pieces of his love that he had to work with. Ken, his mind whispered. Ken why are there two of you? You know I can hear your thoughts again, I can feel you. Why is everything so dark? Damn if that's not one of the creepiest things ever.
Daisuke… Two Kens whispered, but only one took over. Shadow demons caught me again. The voice sounded highly irritated at the prospect. Apparently, Ken did not like being held in captivity. I'm not sure what they're planning to do, but they separated me into two beings. Of course, then the bastards cursed me so I can't tell you exactly what they did-
Well that's no fucking fair! Daisuke was outraged. How was he supposed to help if Ken could not tell him what was going on?
I know, Daisuke. Both versions of Ken sighed. Our bond must be stronger than they anticipated though if we're able to talk like this across miles of city and magic. Listen, tell Koushiro I've been split. He'll know what to do with that information.
Koushiro. Right, will do. Frowning, the other felt something tugging at him in places too deep for human hands. I miss you Ken. And I think I-
Don't, Daisuke. Not here, not now. Don't say it. They'll use it to hurt you. I will not allow that. Please be careful. And watch out for my brother and Ryo. They'll be after you again soon once they figure all of this out and those assholes are resourceful. You'll need to stick with the others to stay safe… I wish they hadn't been dragged into this. This is my mess. Echoes of guilt and sorrow laced the whisper across Daisuke's mind.
And I will help them, and I will help you, and everything will be okay, Ken. I can't lose you. Besides, Koushiro's come up with some sort of theory. Gennai has too. They think I'm some sort of adapt or something. Chuckling to himself, he could feel the fey's eyes widen at this. Beyond that, he felt nothing but the cold glimmer of fear.
You shouldn't have said that, Daisuke. Those were Ken's last words before departing.
When he could no longer feel the connection, Dai took a deep breath. That switch had been flipped again severing their ties. In one split second he felt so hollow and so empty, missing his other half. Tears swelled in his eyes and he fought them with everything he had. He should have known that it would be a losing battle.
As the newcomer had spoken with his absent lover, others in the room had noticed. Yamato, Taichi, and Gennai each kept a close eye on the sequence of events, the expressions on Dai's face. The telepath tried with the greatest power he had to break into the conversation. It came through like bad frequency, much like everything associated with demons. When the link was shut off completely it threw him. Beside the blond, Tai was picking up the emotions from both forms of Ken and the wilting form of Daisuke. Everywhere from Ken there was concern and determination coupled with something so fierce that it made Taichi's knees buckle and it took him some time to pinpoint what it was. His eyes widened as he solved the puzzle and heard the kitsune speak up.
"He loves him a great deal, doesn't he? It is almost painful in its scope." The older man sighed, weary from the small battles they had already waged, knowing that there would be a war coming soon. "Ken has loved him from the moment he first saw him. Daisuke is like his oxygen, his source of magic almost. And Ken will die to keep him safe. From the moment he first read of him, Ken has fought for him with such a passion that it staggers the mind." Rubbing the back of his neck, the kitsune moved over to where Dai stood. The other man's shoulders were sagging under the weight of his loss.
Taichi was up and running before he had time to think. "What do you mean read about him? And how long ago did Ken first see him? If you know shit you better cough it up damn quick or you'll have all of us to deal with. Start talking, kitsune if you want to see another day." The words came out so quickly and so sharply that they cast a hush out over the room. Empathy aside, the brunette let his eyes burn with the words showing that he meant every single one.
Mimi gulped seeing an all too familiar situation. "You know, Daisuke acted the same way when you withheld information before, Gennai. You saw what he was willing to do. You know what my friends will do." Sighing, the light haired woman turned to study the companion beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "He's dealt with this before, Sora. These demons… he knows their rules and their policies. He'll help us and we don't have to threaten him. I trust him." Her eyes were honest, sincere. Doing her best to radiate the truth in her words, the borrower watched her girlfriend think it over.
Large chestnut eyes clouded for a moment. She knew why Mimi touched her, could feel the reasons. The memories were being passed to her so quickly. Sora spared a glance at her lover. "You're familiar with them too," she whispered. Biting her lip she fought off the pain gathering in her throat. "I wish I could have been there to help you."
"I know," Mimi whispered.
With shaking hands, Sora wiped her eyes clean. "Guys," she raised her voice. "Leave Gennai alone. He'll answer everything in due time. For right now, don't push him."
The old man nodded in respect to the shopkeeper. "Thank you, my lady," his voice was soft yet it filled the room, all but commanding respect. "Your love is correct in saying that I have dealt in these affairs before. That is how I trained Ken to make him the warrior you know today. However, there were certain things I could not teach him because I did not anticipate them." He sighed. "For all the world, if I could have saved that boy from this fate I would have." Glancing at Daisuke who was still struggling with gravity and the genuine weight of emotion he gave a sad smile. "I would have saved him as well."
"You know what he is then." Koushiro stepped forward. As the kitsune nodded the redhead mirrored the action. "How strong do you think he really is? For instance, did he tell you about his encounter in this shop? Has he demonstrated any abilities that you could see?" Slowly working himself into a frenzy the telekinetic had to step away from the words for a moment. Warm hands touched his shoulders.
"Breathe," Jyou murmured in his lover's ear. "You'll be all right, just breathe. We'll get our answers." The bespectacled man looked up locking eyes with Gennai. "You call Ken a boy as though he is decades younger than you, but I'm willing to bet he's older than we thought."
"You mean I'm dating an older guy?" Daisuke's voice cut through the built-up tension smoothly. "Well… shit then. After my last boyfriend I swore off older men and everything too. Motherfucker." Giggling a bit he sank to a crouch before finally landing on the floor, wincing at the impact of tailbone and solid wood. "Ow."
The youngest approached the babbling man with caution before poking him in the side after being told how much that action tickled the subject. Said subject swayed as he sat looking for all the world as though he were high as a kite. "It's like he's drunk or something," Iori observed. "And does anyone else feel what he's doing?"
Mimi stood quickly searching for the violet flame that the kitsune had carried with them. "All right, this is still lit. How can he bypass this to make everything feel-"
"Like it's all okay…" Miyako shook her head, a worried frown creasing her features. "I don't like this," the pagan said quietly. "He's gaining power simply by thinking about Ken. I would hate to see what happens when they're together. I'm not so sure the universe can handle it."
"He isn't gaining power, Miya," Hikari countered. "All he's doing is recharging and redispersing. There's nothing being taken from anywhere, but at the same time he isn't creating anything new either. All he's doing is magnifying what already exists to make all of us feel better." She could see the patterns of energy wafting through the air as if made of tangible fabric. Colors and designs floated in the air. "You know, if I did drugs this would be completely insane."
"Or completely rowdy," her brother added with a smirk. "But can we please focus on the issue at hand! We've got a borderline obsessive fey, his Adept boyfriend, demons, and I'm being the responsible one! The universe has gone completely fucking wacky!" Relinquishing his authoritative demeanor he immediately sank into a pout that disappeared as soon as a certain blond telepath took him into an embrace.
"It's ok," Yamato whispered. "You won't have to be in charge anymore. Don't worry, your brain won't explode with the strenuous task of having to think…"
Taichi glared at the blond and mussed his hair. "You bitch!"
On the floor Daisuke felt the world slipping back into place as he chuckled at the couple's antics. He had heard everything the others said, yet it had felt like he was outside his body. As Iori studied him, Dai shook his head trying to clear images of Ken. "Koushiro," this time his voice was a ragged mess. Trying to stand proved difficult as he slid back to the floor. "Damn," he muttered. "Koushiro," Daisuke spoke again. "Ken said to tell you that they split him and you would know what that means." As he watched the redhead's obsidian eyes widen into comically large circles he grinned. "Well then, I guess he was right. Feel like sharing?" A dangerous tone flickered through the words causing the air in the room to change. The tension was back again- simmering, shining, cutting…
"How do you DO that?!" Takeru shook his head as he gaped at Daisuke. "That's just freaking creepy! Will you stop?"
For all of the knowledge and power gained, Daisuke was still confused about everything. First he had demons trying to kill him, then a couple sidhe were after him. He had fallen in love with a Child of Air who had subsequently been taken away and he was relying on the help of a kitsune and a ragtag group of people with mysterious abilities to find the love of his life. Understandably, he was still oblivious to the fact that he was able to shift elements in subtle enough ways to change the environment of even one small room. Therefore, his response to Takeru went as such: "Huh?"
Miyako rolled her eyes. "Tell me you're joking," she muttered. "You can't be fucking serious. 'Huh'? That's all you've got to say for yourself? You've shifted the emotional energy of this room twice, and effortlessly I might add, within the space of less than ten minutes. All you can say to that is just 'huh'?" She shook her head in disbelief, hands firmly on her hips. "Un-freaking-believable."
In that moment something hit Daisuke that had been quiet for the past several hours. Images began to bounce through his mind. Flashing pictures of the pagan's memories ran like lightning across the synapses in his brain. "Oh," he finally replied. "I hadn't even realized it. I mean, when Ken and I were here dealing with…" he glanced at Gennai who nodded, "when we were dealing with Ryo I did something then too. It's hard to explain and it just happened so quickly. Really this kind of stuff just happens at random sometimes and I just thought I was really, really lucky that everything went well for me." Words fell away and despair sank in. "I don't know," he whispered. "I just don't know."
It broke Mimi's heart to see Daisuke look so sad. His entire world he been turned on end in the blink of an eye and he was learning that he had enough power to control the elements that made up space and time. "Sweetie," she moved to crouch beside him. "It'll be okay, Daisuke. Don't worry. I found Ken once already, didn't I? You know I can find him again. Everything will turn out okay, you'll see…" She continued in this vein for a while, trying to soothe the confusion away.
At this bit of information, Koushiro was stunned. "You did it? You flew again?" When Mimi nodded his mouth dropped open in complete shock. Behind him Sora smiled.
"How was it?" The shopkeeper's voice never wavered.
"I had forgotten how amazing it was," Mimi replied. "How beautiful everything really is." Tears shimmered in her eyes and she felt a wave of comfort settle over he before they could fall. Stunned she looked at the man she had been trying to comfort.
"I'm a quick study," Daisuke said with a smile. Mentally assessing the situation he sighed and finally stood and then offered Mimi a hand. "Sorry about that little breakdown just then. But you've got to admit this is more than a little overwhelming. I mean, there are still supernatural beings trying to kill me-"
"Why yes, baby, there sure are." A voice cut over Daisuke's words with sticky sweetness. "Now, if you would be so kind as to come with me, I could solve all of these problems for you. Take you away from all that plagues you…"
The others looked wildly around the room. There was no body that went with the velveteen voice. Each word ran like a caress across the skin. However, the touch felt almost perverted, unwanted. Daisuke frowned, he knew the voice but it had not been like this before.
"Ryo, why don't you come out where we can see you?"
The very air itself pouted. "Aw, you're no fun anymore." Just behind Daisuke the air shifted, expanded. The energy undulated and bloomed into the shape of a man. And just as before, Ryo stepped out of nothingness. "Well hello gorgeous," he planted a kiss on Dai's cheek. Before he could move away an iron grip caught his wrist.
"You don't ever touch me," the words were low, dangerous. "You don't ever lay a finger on me."
Ryo blinked his pretty eyes. "But lover, I thought you liked it when I-"
"Don't," he warned. Fire was building in Daisuke's eyes. Anyone witnessing could plainly see that he was losing control very quickly. Unfortunately for the others in the room, it could be felt as well. "Where is he, Ryo? Where did they take him?" Without even trying, Dai made the Child of Earth shudder.
Swallowing his quickly he remained strong. Osamu would kill him if he screwed up. "Who?" His question came out shaky and he noticed the flash of pleasure in his opponent's eyes at that. "Kenny? Haven't seen him in ages. His brother though… well," he gave an intriguing smile, "I've seen him. And let me tell you he can do amazing things for you."
"You're scared of me Ryo," Dai stated calmly. "Point blank- you are terrified of me." Leaning closer to the sidhe he gave his most wicked smile. "And you should be." It was enough of a distraction. Daisuke had seen Sora moving up behind Ryo quick enough to catch him, but she would need someone to keep his mind off the other people in the room.
Ryo felt a hand on his neck seconds before a blistering pain tore across his mind. "No!" He was screaming. "You don't understand. He'll kill me if I fail him. He's crazy, you don't know what he'll do!"
The Child of Earth writhed as the others descended upon him. He kicked and screamed with everything he could. For his part, Gennai frowned at the tactics used. He gave Daisuke a sharp look and saw that the other was already beginning to regret his choice. "Guys stop," the young man said, voice firm.
Letting their captive go, the others backed away processing what they had gotten from him. On the floor Ryo shivered uncontrollably. Whispering over and over he rocked and wrapped his long arms around himself for the small comfort they could provide. "No. No, no, no, no, no, no…"
Staring at him the group was puzzled. Finally Sora knelt before the sidhe, unafraid. "Ryo, can you hear me?" The Child of Earth pushed her away and shook his head quickly, still rocking as he sat on the floor. Tears squeezed from the corners of his eyes.
"He'll kill me," he whispered. "He'll kill me. He'll fucking cut me up and eat the pieces before he picks his teeth with my bones. He'll eat me! Don't you get it?! He will destroy me!"
Quick glances were passed around the room. Without any hesitation a decision was made. Yamato silently made sure everyone agreed before he spoke. "You'll be okay, Ryo. Everyone here has decided."
Daisuke pulled Sora aside, touching her without reservation. "What happened?"
Her chestnut eyes were luminous with pity. "It's Ken's brother. Ryo is in love with him and they've been together for years. But… he's gone crazy, Daisuke. He's completely lost it. And he really will kill Ryo. He's after Ken and he'll stop at nothing to get him." She gave him a searching look. "You'll help him won't you?" Desperate times will indeed call for desperate measures. "Please," she whispered, "he's even scared for Ken. He came to us for help."
Something was not right. Daisuke shook his head, face dark. "Then why all the tricks?"
A laugh sounded in the room. Another disembodied sound that echoed off the walls, rang with dark promise. Somewhere beyond the laughter was a softer noise, like waves upon the shore. Water ran down the walls, flooded the floor. "You're too smart for your own fucking good, little Dai-chan. I can see why my brother seems to be so fascinated by you."
Cinnamon eyes darted everywhere trying to pin the source of the voice. "Osamu," he growled. "Enough games. Get your ass out here." He had no idea what he would do, only that he wanted Ken safe.
On the floor Ryo was crying again. Whispers fell from his lips in a quiet plea. "I'm sorry… I'm sorry. Forgive me. I'm so, so sorry. I had no choice…"
The Child of Water gave another laugh. "You're all so pathetic you know that? Thinking you could hide Ken from me for so long, thinking Ryo would actually lower himself to asking you for help. Pathetic I tell you!" As he spoke the water ceased its flow and collected in a tower that formed the outline of a man. In a flexing touch of magic the tower gave way and Osamu stood before them. An arrogant smirk plastered on his face, his hair disheveled and spiked, he could have been Ken… if not for the eyes. They shone nearly opaque, dead- a poisoned cornflower blue. "So nice to finally meet you face to face, Daisuke," the words slithered through the air, feeling like water trickling into the ears. "Of course, I've been watching you for a while."
"What do you want?" Folding his arms Daisuke did his best to look interested. Truthfully, he had seen Osamu's greatest flaw from the start. The Child of Water would be defeated very easily. Looking bored, however, got him nowhere.
"I was expecting a little more reverence with that. Clearly, you were made for that disgusting waste of flesh known to this world as my pathetic little brother. No matter though, you'll do nicely all the same." He drew a dagger from his belt, smiling as he watched his lover cringe and curl up tighter on the floor. "Don't worry, baby. I only save the special one for you." He blew Ryo a kiss.
Raising an eyebrow, Dai shook his head in disbelief. "You really are out of your fucking mind aren't you? Why are you here, Osamu?" Taking a step forward he let his power swell around him.
"What was that?" The fey gave a dark laugh. "You think you can overpower me? Think again, darling boy. I will eat you alive," he lunged at Daisuke, slashing out with power. Teeth bared, weapons ready he launched himself and fought for everything he was worth. As though he had nothing to lose.
The combination of violence and magic stunned Daisuke and he tried to side-step Osamu with no luck. This was not something that he could have planned for. Insanity wrought strength all on its own, coupled with the power locked inside the sidhe it made a near unbeatable force. Before he could blink he found himself facing the others, Osamu behind him holding a dagger to his throat. He could hear the ragged giggling behind him.
"If you think so awfully about Ken, why are you hunting for him?" Hikari's voice came from beyond Daisuke's line of vision. "And what could you possibly have to gain from hurting Daisuke?"
The blade at Dai's throat pressed closer. This time Ken was not there with his poise, and grace, and incredible sword work. This time he was on his own. "You can't fine him, can you?"
Osamu shook his captive. "You shut up. I may not be able to find where they hid him, but I know who's holding him. They like boys with power. And I think they'd be more than willing to trade Ken for you." He ran his tongue against Daisuke's neck and laughed at the resulting shudder and the look of blatant pain in Ryo's eyes. "Oh lover, don't worry. I only save the special treats for you. Daisuke here makes perfect bait, though. They'll come to me and I will have my little brother back so that I can cut him and hurt him and bleed him dry. Come on Ryo. Let's leave these pathetic fucks to wallow in their humanity."
Ryo sat wide-eyed on the floor and shook his head. "No, Osamu. You've hurt me enough. Take him to be your whipping boy. I'm through with it."
"Fine," the Child of Water sneered. "But you will regret saying that later, Ryo. Next time I see you I will kill you."
Before anyone could move there was a flashing light coupled with the sound of rain, and they were gone.
"This," Gennai said slowly, "is not good."
Eyeing the broken down Child of Earth on the floor, Sora was inclined to agree. With Ryo's memories swirling in her mind she knew where to go to find Osamu, but was equally aware he would either be expecting her or would have relocated. "Ryo," she knelt before him, "where are they going? I know where you lived with him but I know he must have moved. Where are they going?"
Terrified of his lover and horrified at what he had just done, the fey trembled. "They're going to where the demons live. I can't remember the name of the place, but it's the demon market. He'll take him there if he survives the night. Knowing… knowing Osamu, that could be a gamble." It left him cold to imagine what the Child of Water was going to inflict upon Daisuke.
In the quiet darkness he pieced things together. That man. He had told him his name. He had welcomed him so openly. And he was just as puzzled as to why he was so incomplete. But then, there was another who appeared. Another version of himself. As he sat in his quiet, dark prison he let his mind wander.
The one named Daisuke. He was the key. That beautiful, magical, entrancing man. Somehow he knew that he had loved him. And he knew that he would always love him. They belonged together, he could feel it. Taking in one shuddering breath he rolled over the sensation in his mind. Daisuke would help him. He would set him free, he would make him whole again. All he had to do was wait.
But his patience was not endless.
alright, so this was an extremely long chapter and I wasn't quite sure where to end it, so I hope this makes everyone happy for now. I promise the next part won't take so long. Review if you want to, criticize if you must… and I will love you all the same. Until next time…