Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Shukumei no Yuki ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
Welcome to chapter two of the fic, the name translates to 'Rebirth of Courage'
and in later chapters the story may lead up to a Yoai. I WANT FANART, send me some and I'll post it up on my webpage... and if I get enough I'll be able to put sections up.
Shukumei no Yuki
By Firehedgehog
Chapter Two
Gennai sighed as he walked up to where he knew Tai was, he could
feel the worry of the child from where he was. He was quite dissapointed on
how the others had treated him, but he was amazed on what had happened.
Somehow the digital world had reconfigured Tai into a digimon, and a mega
level one also.
Tai's digimon form Chimon was very powerful from what he could tell,
also somehow he was still a digidestined and agumon was still his partner.
He wondered how this had happened, he had never expected this type of
thing to happen.
"Tai," he said once he came apon the boy, Tai was sitting on the
dessert sands agumon by his side looking sadly in the distance. Startled the
new digimon turned to look at him, he found himself looking into golden slit
pupiled eyes.
"Gennai," Tai said in a surprised voice, the old man blinked unused to
Tai's new voice.
Tai stared at the old man in surprise, he hadn't realized that Gennai
had arrived at the Yusamons camp. So startled that after he said the mans
name he lost his concentration of his thoughts and his wings appeared. At
first they were transparents, and then they glowed silvery white and
appeared and then they were solid.
"Tai, I am sorry of what happened to you... but we must speak of what
will happen now, how to get you use to being Chimon," Gennai said, the old
man sat down in front of Tai careful to avoid the large wings as Tai moved
them around to make himself comfortable.
"I don't get it Gennai, I messed up once and I loose everything. I still
have Agumon, but I even lost my humanity.... I'm a digimon now for some
reason," Tai said angerly, he pounded his fist on the sand and everyone
sweatdropped. Where his fist had landed was no a smoking crator that went
down quite a few feet, the sand on its inside walls was now melted into smooth glass.
"Maby you should hold your temper for awhile Tai, at least till we
figure out what your powers are and how to control them," Gennai suggested,
Tai nodded and they all moved to another area to discuss what was going on
with Tai.
"So tell me if I got this right, somehow the digital worlds power chose
me somehow for some destiny or other and changed me into a mega level
digimon... but I'm still a digidestined and agumon is still my partner," Tai
said after they had talked for an hour, Gennai nodded and wsa glad that Tai
had calmed down some.
"Yes it is correct, unfortunately I don't know what that destiny is... or
how to change you back into a human," Gennai said, Tai sighed and his wings
folded over him like a silvery white cloak.
"I guess it isn't that bad... my parents won't notice if I don't go back,
they havn't really noticed me since Hikari was born," Tai said sadly, this caused Gennai's eyes to open wide... he hadn't realized that Tai wasn't noticed at home.
"Why don't they notice you Tai, you don't seem like the kind of child
adults ignor," Tai sighed and willed his wings away, as Gennai watched the
wings flickered away and then were gone.
"When my sister was born they named her Hikari which means light,
she was there light and it seemed I was pushed into the shadows by her
light. We share a room but most of the stuff there is hers, every year I get
less things of less value while she gets better and better things. It wasn't
fair, I was ignored while they gave her love... love they could of shared with
me," Tai said with tears in his golden eyes, he looked sadly at the ground.
"I'm sorry child, I only hope your new life as Chimon will be better
then your life as Taichi," Gennai said, Tai nodded and then smiled at the old
man in front of him.
"You know whats funny... your the only person here other then
agumon that knows my full name is Taichi, everyone knew me as Tai. And
here I am Chimon, even if we meet again they'll never realize that I was Tai
unless agumon tells them or you," Tai said with a grin, they looked at
Agumon who giggled.
"I won't say a thing since I don't like how they treated Tai and Tai
smells different now, and so they won't reconize me as the Agumon they
know... well I know a way for a digimon to change there scent," Agumon
said, the two humanoids blinked at that and sweatdropped.
"Sure... " Tai said, they all gave a small laugh.
Miles away Matt Ishida sighed heavily as were trying to open the gate
in myotismons castle, the vampire like digimon had already gone to the to
the real world and now they were racing to get there also. But he was at a
stop, he had two cards to choose from and he didn't know which one was
'What would Tai do, hell he would be here if it wasn't for them kicking
him out' Matt thought angerly, he gazed apon the card that showed agumon
and slipped it into his pocket. A small smile graced his pale lips, he knew
that Tai ould of kept the agumon card.
'I hope your okay Tai, hopefully one day I'll be able to get back to the
digiworld to find you' Matt thought as he slipped the other card into the last
slot, as he watched the gate to the real world opened.
Ohhh another Tai fic and hopefully one of these days I'll actually work on the dream weaver sequal I have planned, hope you like the fic so far.
Ja Ne