Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Someone to Forgive Me ❯ Betrayal ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Still not mine.

Someone to Forgive Me

"What do you think you're doing, sister?" the skeletal Perfect asked, hovering in the air. "Our father gave you orders to find the boy and bring him back."

"Well, then you'll just have to tell him I'm disobeying orders," LadyDevimon retorted. "Go away and tell him I'm my own woman now."

SkullSatamon stared. "I have trouble believing that you of all people would betray our cause just so you can help a pathetic human child. And a Chosen Child, at that."

"He's not just a Chosen Child…he's my son." LadyDevimon's wings spread to their full length. "Get out of my way."

When he didn't move, she scowled. "I don't want to fight you, but if you try to hurt him or take him from me, I'll CRUSH you!"

"Brave words, sister; let's see if you can live up to them! Nail Bone!" The Perfect swung his staff forward, beam of energy shooting in her direction, forcing her to dodge.


Takaishi Takeru turned his face upward as he caught a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye. "Hey, Angemon…what do you think that is?"

The holy digimon also looked up, following his partner's gaze. The two figures were too far up for either of them to make out clearly; they could only see the vague outlines. But it was obvious that they were fighting.

"Is it BlackWarGreymon?" Takeru asked, his fists clenching at the thought.

His partner shrugged. "It might be. It surprises me that anyone would be willing to fight him, though."

"Well, whoever they are, neither of them are probably friendly."


The Kaiser turned toward the four Chosen. "Since the Spiral I made for you was broken," he said, his gaze on the Keeper of Light, "I'll just have to use a regular one."

V-mon glared at him. "HEY! I won't let you do that to Hikari! V-mon Head!"

As he threw himself forward, intent on crashing into the Kaiser's stomach, the whip slashed through the air, slicing into his back.

Daisuke glared at the other boy angrily. "What gives you the right…"

"That's the wrong question. You should ask, 'who' gives me the right."

"Arachnimon...Shoulda known she's behind all this," Miyako muttered.

"Arachnimon serves the same master I do," the Kaiser replied. "All of you, move. Now. Millenniumon requests your presence."

"Ken, please don't do this!" Daisuke pleaded. "Ken, I know you can't have forgotten about everything we've done together!"

"We're not going anywhere with YOU," Miyako retorted. "Come on, everyone, let's get out of here."

Hikari started toward her, but the Kaiser blocked her path. He reached out, grabbed her arm, and tried to pull her forward.

Miyako's fists clenched, and she shifted to her digimon form. "Get AWAY from her," she hissed. "I'm warning you, Ichijouji!"

As the Kaiser and Miyanumon faced off, Hikari clutched her head and began to sway on her feet.

"Hikari?" V-mon asked, taking a step in her direction.

The Keeper of Light fell to her knees. "Tailmon…" she whispered, her face paling.

"What about Tailmon?" Daisuke asked. "What's happening to you?"

"She's…she's in pain," Hikari groaned. "Someone's hurting her…something terrible is happening to her…" The halfbreed struggled to rise onto her feet. "I can feel what he's doing to her…We have to find her right now, before he kills her!"

Hikari then let out a long, loud scream of pain. Her arms were flung back against the wall, and her wrists began to bleed.

"HIKARI!" Miyako and V-mon shouted, both running to her side.

Miyako had one hand over her mouth, staring in horror as her girlfriend writhed in agony. V-mon stared at the brown-haired girl with shock on his face. He wanted to help her somehow, anyhow, but he had no idea how to do that. How could he help her when he didn't understand what was happening to her?


LadyDevimon dodged to the side as the blast of energy seared past, leaving a burn mark on her leg. "AHH! You…"

The boy in her arms groaned and stirred slightly; he was still unconscious with fever and helpless. His mother ground her teeth in both frustration and determination. *I'll get you out of here, not matter what it takes,* she vowed silently.

Another Nail Bone speared outward from SkullSatamon's staff. The demon woman twisted away in an attempt to get her son out of the line of fire.

"Come on, LadyDevimon!" he taunted. "Show me what you can do!"

"Heaven's Knuckle!" a deep male voice shouted, and a golden beam of energy streaked upward from below.

SkullSatamon snarled as the blast singed one of his wings. "That hurt…" he muttered, the smirked as the source of the attack appeared. "Oh, I'm looking forward to this."

LadyDevimon's gaze turned in Angemon's direction. "You!" she called. "Are you the Angemon partnered with the Keeper of Hope?"

When the Adult nodded slowly, she held out Ken's unconscious body to him. "I'll deal with my brother; you take care of Kenjimon."

"Not so fast! Nail Bone!"

The yellow blast burned through her right wing, leaving a large hole in it. No longer having the support of both of her wings, the Perfect began to fall.

LadyDevimon flipped herself over, so that her back was facing the ground. She held Ken protectively to her chest as the ground came rushing up to meet them.


The Kaiser watched Hikari's agony for a few moments, then shrugged. It was interesting that she felt her digimon's pain, but he didn't actually care about how she felt.

Daisuke turned in his direction when he heard him snap his fingers. Miyako and V-mon were too busy with Hikari to worry about anything else.

Miyako stood back a little when Hikari was able to open her eyes, her pain fading somewhat. V-mon glomped onto the girl. "You're okay!"

The brown-haired girl nodded. "Yes, V-mon. I'm okay…mostly."

The Viral halfbreed cleared her throat loudly. "She'd be a LOT better if you weren't trying to block off her windpipe."

Daisuke's face paled when he saw the digimon the Kaiser had called appear behind him. "Hey guys, we've got bigger problems right now…Arachnimon's here."

Miyako scowled at the woman and wrapped one arm protectively around Hikari. V-mon moved to his partner's side, preparing to evolve.

"Spider Thread!" the woman called, and the four friends found themselves tangled up in thick red webbing.

The Kaiser turned and began to walk off. He had quickly lost patience with all of them.


Takeru watched as the dark digimon fell into the stand of trees not far away, and went for a closer look.

As the Keeper of Hope approached the fallen digimon, his expression changed, turning into first a look of disbelief, then growing fear. He stopped short, his jaw hanging open as he stared. "What's LadyDevimon doing with KEN?!"

Patamon, who had devolved and quickly flown down to his partner, had no answer.

The Virus groaned, using the trunk of a nearby tree to support herself as she pulled herself up. Takeru and Patamon watched her warily.

"…What do you want?" the Keeper of Hope asked finally.

The demon turned toward him. "I need your help." She paused; it was hard for her to ask for someone's help, even with this. "My son is sick, and I know you have the power of healing."

Takeru blinked. *Ken's a 'breed?!*


A wave of satisfaction passed over Millenniumon as his servants herded the four Chosen into the massive room.

The Kaiser and Arachnimon bowed. "The Chosen, just as you ordered," the blue-haired boy announced.

Daisuke glanced to the left…and felt his blood turn to ice. "Oh, SHIT," was all he could think to say.

Miyako and V-mon turned to look at him. "What is it?" the dragon-like Child asked.

The red-haired boy could say nothing. He just pointed.

Miyako gagged as she realized just what Hikari had meant when she said Tailmon was being hurt.

Hikari followed Daisuke's gaze, and felt her skin crawl. Her face turned grey-white as she began to scream.

"Okay, that's enough looking." Miyako turned the smaller girl away, letting Hikari lean against her as she cried.

To their left, raised high off the ground on a wooden cross, was Tailmon. Miyako gagged again as her attention turned back to the Adult feline. Nails had been driven through her wrists and feet; the girl could blood flowing from the wounds.

"She deserved everything I have done to her," Vamdemon said. "And more. But she is dying now, and will be disposed of outside."

Miyako scowled darkly. "She doesn't deserve to be treated like this-you're nothing but a sadistic BASTARD!"

"I suppose she never told you of how she betrayed me, then."

The Keeper of Love and Purity shook her head angrily. "Of COURSE she told us-she told all us new Chosen."

Vamdemon folded his arms, smiling smugly down at the halfbreed. "You Chosen are all alike-self-righteous fools. I thought you would have a little more sense, Miyanumon. What would your mother say?"

"Don't you DARE bring her into this! I may be a Virus, but I'm NOTHING like YOU! You're a heartless MONSTER!!"

As the two Viruses continued to argue, Daisuke and V-mon's attention turned back to Millenniumon as he addressed their guards. "You have done well, my servants."

"May I have your permission to Spiral them, Master Millenniumon?" the Kaiser asked.

The dark god nodded. "Yes."

"NO!" Daisuke shouted desperately. "Ken, PLEASE! You don't have to do this! We're your FRIENDS!"

The Kaiser laughed. "Oh, you still think I'm your weak friend? You don't even understand the rules of the game yet, then."

Three Evil Spirals appeared in the air before him. With a wave of his hand, they flew toward V-mon and the two halfbreed girls.

Daisuke watched helplessly as the Spirals clamped around his friends' arms, and he let out a sob of despair as their eyes began to glow red.


The first Chosen looked up as Mrs. Yagami, also known as Xuanwumon, entered the living room. They had gotten the call to meet here, and hoped she could tell them how they could help their friends trapped in the Digital World. "Hello, Chosen Children," she greeted, nodding to each of them.

Taichi got to his feet. "Can you get us into the Digital World?" he asked.

She nodded. "The current situation in the Digital World has deteriorated enough to draw the attention of myself and the other Sovereigns. I hope you've packed your bags, because I can't say when you'll be able to return to Earth."

"Are our friends safe?' Jyou asked.

The Holy Beast paused. "In a manner of speaking."

Taichi sighed to himself. His adoptive mother's rpundabout way of talking could really get on his nerves sometimes. "But they're still alive, right?" he asked.

"Yes," she answered, then turned to address the group. "Are you ready to leave?"

The Ultimate's answer was a collective nod.