Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Spirit Tamer Izumi ❯ Spiritual Sensuality, Fairymon's Caress ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
It had been three years since the fight to save the Digital World. After defeating Lucemon, the Legendary Warriors had finally returned to their home, leaving the adventures behind them with the Spirits. The six children returned to their normal lives, going to school, hanging out with friends, and spending time with family. Although settling back into their daily lives, the group stayed in contact, getting together whenever they could. Everything seemed perfectly fine. So of course, something had to happen…
Spirit Tamer Izumi!
Entry 1 ~ "Spiritual Sensuality, Fairymon's Caress"
Written by Rocker Starlight
Disclaimer ~ I don't own digimon, nor will I probably ever. I'm writing this for my enjoyment, not for profits. The story line was inspired by various lemons, which will be addressed at the end of the chapter.
This story contained acts of sex involving human/digimon, with male/female, female/female, as well as other issues. If this is not thing you wish to see, since this story will get a little odd at times, then I recommend finding another story to read. ^_^ However, if you have an interest in odd things, your more then welcome to continues at your own discretion.
Izumi Orimoto was not known for being a morning person. Her normal days usually started with her mother spending an hour calling for her, before she was shaken awake. Then it would be into her shower to start waking up, getting herself dressed, and finishing it off with eating her breakfast as she ran out to door to avoid being late for school.
Snoring softly, Izumi's eyes blinked as she started to wake herself. She groans, feeling the muscles in her body complaining about how hard her bed was, as she stretched her arms over her head. "Wonder what's keeping Mom…" she said softly, as she covered her eyes with an arm. If her mother wasn't waking her up, maybe school got canceled or something. She wrinkled her noise, wondering she thought she could smell the lawn, before giving an exasperated sigh.
"Alright, who's cutting the gra…" The blonde's sentence stopped itself short as her eyes widened in shock. A large field had replaced the nice room she was used to being in, grass extending around her until it hit the forest edge. Lowering her gaze, Izumi looked at herself, finding herself wearing the same outfit she had worn to the digital world about three years ago. Unfortunately, it was very close to the same clothes, including their size. The purple and white striped shirt ended a few inched below her bust, showing her taut stomach, while her skirt was now a mini, barely reaching down her thighs at all.
Tugging the skirt down, the former Warrior of Wind blushed a little, glancing around to be sure no one was looking at her. Although whoever had brought here had been kind enough to give her the purple, sleeveless jacket and hat she had worn as well, they had conveniently forgotten to add a bra to the list of items for her to wear. Thankfully, she knew she was at least wearing underwear, although the snug fit wasn't helping hide her virtues anymore then the mini-skirt.
"Whoever decided to pull a joke on me is really in for it, when I find them…" Izumi muttered to herself, as she got to her feet. With the specific choice in clothing, she could only assume she was back in the Digital World. Looking at the ground near her, she received her confirmation as she saw her D-tector sitting in the grass, as it waiting for it. She took the device in her hand, looking around again before clipping it into the waistband of her skirt. "At least I hope this is a joke…"
Waiting a few minutes, the blond finally started walking towards the forest. If no one were going to come find her, she would have to find someone herself. After all, if she had been brought back, it was only logical to guess that the others were here too. All that remained was to find them!
As she got within a few feet of the trees, Izumi giggles softly. "Why walk? If I'm back, then flying is much easier!" Taking her D-tector in hand, she grinned brightly. "Spirit Evolution!" A few moments passed, staring at her hands for the fractal code to form, before she frowned. "Spirit Evolution!!" She screamed a little louder, glaring at her hand to try and force the code of data to form. Sighing, as dropped her hands to her sides. "Oh man… I thought I would get my Spirits back, if I got my D-tector…"
"Well, shows how much you know."
Izumi jumped at the gruff voice, backing away from the trees as a hooded figure stepped out. The cloak over it's body kept her from seeing any features, although it looked like it stood a good foot taller then her. "And just what do you know, tall, dark, and spooky?"
"More then you do. I have a message from my Master. He has told me to welcome you back to the Digital World."
Giving a skeptical look, Izumi crossed her arms under her chest. "Oh? I take it he knows why I'm here then?"
The hood nodded. "Yes. My Master brought you here. You are being given a chance for greatness, My Lady."
Izumi smiled slightly at the 'My Lady'. "Well if he brought me here, mind if I know why? After all, it really isn't nice plucking a girl out of her bed in the middle of the night."
"Of course, I am most sorry for the abrupt summoning. As for why you are here, My Lady is to by my Master's head mate for all time. 'Tis a most gracious honor." The cloak pushed out, as if the figure was opening his arms wide, even if it didn't open the cloak enough to show anything.
However, Izumi's twitching eyebrow showed she didn't exactly share the feeling about the statement. "Head mate? Your master…wants me…for a sex toy?!" She screamed the last part, giving the hooded messenger a deadly gaze.
The figure took a step back at the outburst, giving a soft sigh. "Master said you may not see the what a loving gesture he was making with the offer. So he also sent me with an additional message." Waving an arm under the cloak, a small window appeared in the air. Through it, all five of the boys hung from chains against a stone wall, from Tomoki, whose chains were extra long, all the way to Kouichi. All of their eyes were closed, but their breathing showed that they were merely unconscious.
Izumi stared in shock at her friends, having not expected to find them this way. "Takuya, Tomoki, wake up! Junpei, come on! It's me Izumi! Kouji, Kouichi, what's wrong, are you all deaf?!" She yelled out, watching as her cries had no effect. She watched the window fade again, returning to glaring at the figure.
"My Master told me to give you a proposition, should you refuse his generous offer at first. If you will not willing be his mate, then he will give you a chance to free your friends. You must travel and collect all of the human and beast spirits that you and the other Legendary Warriors wielded, and bring them my master's castle. There, you will be given a test. If you have all the Spirits and pass, you and your friends are free to go. However, if you do not have all the Spirits, or fail the test, then not only will you submit to my master, but your friends shall also work as his slaves. Is this agreeable?"
Izumi frowned, turning partially away from the cloaked figure. "You won't release them unless I do, will you?" As the shake of the hood, she sighed softly. "Then I don't have a choice. I'll do it."
The figure bowed. "Most good, My Lady. I will look forward to serving you as my Master's head mate. You will find the human spirit of wind to the east. Then, you shall understand your quest. I look forward to seeing you again." Turning around, the cloaked figure stepped back into the trees, disappearing into the shadows.
Izumi huffed as she watched the figure disappear. The stupid -whatever it was- had acted like there was no chance for her to succeed! Looking at the sky, she watched a moment, before she determined which way was east. "You made a big mistake giving me my human spirit back so fast." As she started walking, she gave a sharp laugh at the figure. 'Once Fairymon was back in action,' she thought, 'this was going to be a breeze.'
"Maybe breeze isn't the word…" Izumi muttered as she made her way through some of the foliage. After her path east had put her going through the forest, the plant life around her just seemed to keep getting bigger, until she was dealing with grass almost as tall as she was! Determined, she continued on, shifting through the tall grass until she finally broke through the forest edge.
Standing under a mile from her, was what looked like a temple build into the base of an enormous tree. It was almost like it was carved out of the wood itself, made to be lived in, but remaining a piece of the tree as well. Staring for a moment, she shook her head, continuing towards it.
As she reached the entryway, Izumi glanced at her D-tector, watching as the screen flashed the symbol of wind for a moment. "Ha, look out Digital World. Here comes Fairymon, back with a vengeance."
"I am?"
Izumi blinked at the voice, more then a little surprised at how similar it sounded to her own. Her green eyes widened in shock as she looked through the doorway, looking slightly up at the face of Fairymon. The fae digimon smiled at her, looking at her through the metal visor over its eyes, with two parts of her pinkish/purple hair framing the sides of her face. She wore the same costume, a bodice, belt, and skimpy shorts, all connected with a strap reaching from a small strap around the tops of her knees, although normally hidden by the top of her boots, to the side of her top. Behind her, two transparent butterfly wings fluttered slightly, while two small sets of wings stood on the back of the gloves. Izumi simply continued to stare as she stuttered in shock. "B...But…How?!"
Fairymon giggled softly. "I would imagine this is rather confusing, yes. Please, come in. I'll explain everything over some tea." Turning around, the fairy digimon walked into the temple, pausing a moment for the human girl to follow. "Don't forget to take your shoes off please."
Shaking the shock off, Izumi quickly removed her shoes, a little surprised to find the digimon's boots near the entrance, before she followed after the digimon. Her thoughts were running a mile a minute as she stared at the other female's back. 'It's not possible! I'm Fairymon! Could someone else have somehow activated my spirit? B…But if they did, how can I get it back…' She gave a mental sigh, having trouble trying to piece together this little mystery, as she gave a turn and followed Fairymon into another room.
Izumi glanced around the room in surprise, stopping at the doorway. A small table was set in the center of the room, cushions set around it for people to sit comfortably. A few cabinets held various dishes, while one standing against the opposite wall from her, held small figurines of different digimon. Over all, the room was a near perfect match for the dining room in her house, although the figurines were normal animals back home.
"Please sit." Fairymon sat two cups out, before leaving the room through another door, returning with a small kettle. "I was almost done brewing the tea, so you're just in time."
Slowly walking to the opposite side of the table, Izumi sat on the cushions, sitting on her legs. She watched the digimon pore the tea, before taking her own seat. The blond sniffed the liquid cautiously, giving another surprised look. "Green tea… That's my favorite."
"Mine too." The fairy digimon giggled softly as she took a sip. "It always perks me up when I'm feeling down, you know?"
"Yea… I do…" Izumi's voice was a little distant, as she listened to her feelings about the tea being echoed, finding the whole situation more then a little strange. Taking a sip, she gave a content sigh, glad the tea still had the same flavor here as it did back home. "How did you know…"
"You would be here?" Fairymon smiled as she finished the human's sentence, watching the surprised face. "I could feel you in the distance. I thought the tea might help calm your nerves, since I can bet you're rather confused right now."
Izumi gave a strong nod, taking another drink of her tea.
"Well, I can't explain everything, but I can tell you what I know. To start, the answer is yes. I am the human spirit of wind, and no, another digimon is not wielding it instead of you."
Izumi blinked. "But that's…"
"Impossible?" Fairymon finished again. "Not really. Cherubimon was able to give the spirits of earth, plants, metal, and water life without making digimon use them. Although don't worry, he isn't behind this." Pausing a moment as Izumi let a large sigh of relief, Fairymon slowly continued. "However, I don't think you're going to like what did happen though…"
"I am the digimon for the human spirit of the wind. Since we ten first defeated Lucemon, we have remained asleep with in Spirits, allowing our power to be wielded should it be needed again. So you can imagine how surprised I was when I was awoken, finding myself in this temple. After a day of adjusting, a man in a cloak came, telling me I had been awoken by his Master, for a special purpose."
Izumi frowned slightly at the mention of the cloaked man. "I think I know who your talking about… But what happened?"
Fairymon nodded as she continued. "Well, I basically told him I wanted nothing to do with his master. But he still kept talking, telling me I was brought back to teach someone how to 'capture the Spirits'. Mind you, I listened, but I thought he was off his rocker, until I felt you again."
Izumi nodded, taking a sip. "So, this guy's master brought you back just to show me how to get the Spirits? Wow, he wasted his time… I already know how to do that. I just use my D-tector to hold them. And if a digimon is using one of them, I'll digitize his fractal code, and get it that way."
Sighing softly, the fairy shook her head slightly. "I'm afraid it isn't that simple. I'm not the only Spirit to be released. It seems all ten Spirits have been released from their rest. And I'm afraid you won't be able to just absorb them into your D-tector without finding a way to return them to their Spirit form."
Izumi groans softly. "It's never easy… Well, you said he told you how to catch them, so tell me! My friends are in danger, and I can't just sit around all day doing nothing."
The digimon's cheeks darkened slightly, as she looked around the dining room, suddenly acting slightly nervous. "Wouldn't you like something to eat first? You're probably hungry, and after you have some food in you, I'll…teach you…"
Quirking her brow, Izumi wondered why the digimon, a legendary warrior no less if her story was true, was acting so nervous about showing her how to catch the Spirits. Opening her mouth, the grumble of the girl's stomach stopped whatever she was going to say, taking her turn at blushing slightly. "Well… Maybe a little bit to eat…" She grinned sheepishly.
Fairymon perked up, nodding as she stood up. "One moment." She floated into the kitchen, returning only moments later with a platter of breads and fruits, with a bowl of soup sitting in the center. "Here. Sweet bread, meat fruit, and a bowl of Floramon specialty soup." She set the platter down in front of the blond human, watching her green eyes light up. "Dig in."
No sooner were the words out of fae digimon's mouth, than Izumi began into the food. While she tried to remain polite, her lack of any breakfast before the beginning of her adventure had left her poor stomach a little wanting. "Molte bouno! This is wonderful, Fairymon!" She continued eating, not leaving anything left as she rubbed her full stomach. "That hit the spot… So, can you start teaching me now?"
Blushing a little again, Fairymon fidgeted again as she collected all the plate. "Well, how about giving your stomach some time to digest? I'll show you around the temple a little first, and then we can talk about Spirits." She ran into the kitchen, not even giving Izumi a chance to argue.
Izumi blinked as she watched Fairymon run into the kitchen. She could tell she was avoiding telling her what it was she had to do to catch the Spirits, but she couldn't see why it would be such a problem. After all, it couldn't be any harder then having to fight them when one of the boys lost control, could it?
Before she thought too much more on it, Fairymon came back in, no longer wearing her gloves as she dried her hands on a small towel. "Alright. Come on, I'll show you my home." Smiling sweetly, the digimon quickly turned her head to try and hide the flush in her cheeks, as she walked out the door.
Standing up quickly, Izumi followed after the Spirit of Wind, following her as she walked further down the temple's main hallway. As the turned into another room, Izumi's eyes lit up again, gazing around the almost duplicate for her living room. They walked through the room, next going through a room full of books, very similar to her dad's computer room, minus the computer.
Finally, Izumi's face brightened as they stopped walking, gazing around the duplicate of her own room. She walked around, looking at every detail, mentally sorting what things had that digimon style to them, while others looked like a perfect duplicate. As she looked over her bed, admiring the style that went into the oak bed, the young human looked over, noticing Fairymon hadn't moved from the door. "Fairymon… Why does this all look like…."
"Your home?" The fairy digimon smiled softly, the blush fading a little as watched the girl nod. "I think it's because we're bonded. You're the only person who has wielded me, and after I woke up, I just had the urge to make this place look livable, and this was how it turned out. I kinda had an idea what is was based off of, but I wasn't sure until you came…" Her cheeks darkened a little more, as she stepped into the room, walking towards the bed and Izumi.
Izumi looked away from the digimon, stroking her fingers over the sheets on the bed as she thought about the explanation. It seemed reasonable enough, that she had influenced the spirit because of being the only person to use it. "Wait… Does that mean, the oth…" Her sentence cut off as she looked up, seeing the blushing digimon standing right next to her. "Fairymon? What's going on?"
Fairymon fidgeted a moment. "Are you sure you want to know you'll need to catch the Spirits, Izumi-chan? I know what you said earlier, but I just need to certain…"
Turning to face the digimon, Izumi crossed her arms as she wondered why the '-chan' had been added to her name. "Of course. I have to save my friends after all."
Fairymon nodded. "Alright… Well, if how I feel about knowing it is any indication, you're going to be rather embarrassed about it too…" She sat on the bed, her fingers fiddling absently as she watched the human girl.
Izumi sat next to the digimon, giving a small huff. "Oh, it couldn't be that bad! I mean, after all, it's not like I have to go have sex with all of them or anything." She laughed at the audatious notion, although her laughter slowly died off as she noticed Fairymon wasn't joining in with her.
"That's the thing…" Fairymon started to say, a little quieter then normal. "To get each of us to turn back into our spirit form, you'll have to…" She trailed off slightly, saying the rest too low.
"I'll have to what?" Izumi asked, frowning slightly, as she suspected she wasn't going to like this answer.
"You'll have to make us climax…" Fairymon's cheeks were darker then before, as she squirmed, glancing at Izumi.
Izumi, however, was in quite a state of shock, staring for almost complete minute before she spoke up again, rather loudly. "I DO have to fuck them?!" As the digimon nodded, Izumi sputtered slightly, standing up and starting to pace a little around the room. "But I can't… I mean, I never have before… Besides, what about the Beast Spirits?" As she looked over, seeing another nod, Izumi made a strangled noise in her throat. "You have to be kidding me!!"
"I wish I was, Izumi-chan… But whatever the digimon behind this did to bring us back, somehow set that as a stipulation. Once we climax, we will return to our Spirit form, at which point you can collect us into your D-tector." The digimon's head never lifted as she spoke, staring at her own hands on her knees.
Listening to Fairymon's explanation, Izumi sighed softly. She may not like what she was hearing, but it wasn't an excuse to yell at the fae digimon. After all, she was only the messenger, not the one behind her problem. Walking back to the bed, she sat down next to the fairy, smiling softly. "Hey, I'm sorry about going off the handle… I guess I still have a little trouble not yelling when things really just exasperate me…" She watched, not seeing the digimon really reacting. "But hey, at least it's been nice to finally meet you! I was always a little curious what you were like, when we heard the stories about you."
Izumi paused as she watched Fairymon's blushing face look at her, a sudden realization settling in her head. "Wait… You said us didn't you?" The digimon nodded her head slowly. "So that means you and I…" Another nod answered her before she finished, giving the blond a turn at blushing. "I, um… Well, I've never even thought about… I mean, I don't think I'm THAT way…"
Fairymon sat up a little more, smiling softly. "You mean, wanting to mate with a female? I never did much originally either, although I must admit, Shutumon had a special touch…" The digimon's cheeks returned to their darkened state as she let her mind wander a moment.
That comment was enough to get cough from the human, staring at Fairymon in shock. "You mean… You and Shutumon…" She pressed her index fingers together, rubbing them against one another a little, to try and convey the point.
Giggling softly, the fairy digimon nodded. "Yea… It was still fun to spend time with a male, but being with Shutumon was something no one else could repeat."
Izumi leaned down a little, placing her face in her hands, as she gave a soft moan. "Too much information… I so did not need to know both my spirits were lesbians…" she looked up, as she gave the digimon a confused look. "Wait… when was this?"
Fairymon smiled. "Well, we both enjoyed the company of males too. In fact, we were never with any other females, although Ranamon always wanted to join us... As for when, we were brought back once after we all we split from the ancient digimon to assist the three angel digimon. It was during this time that Shutumon and I mated…"
"Wait… So you and Shutumon were just Bi then?" Izumi sighed in relief, since she had been fearful for her future relationships, if both her spirits being lesbians ended up effecting her, although the idea that they were Bi didn't exactly appeal to her either, it was better then her original though. Pushing the curiosity about a second need for the Spirits aside, Izumi focused on the thing that had caught her curiosity. "So, Ranamon was jealous of you two?"
Fairymon nodded slowly. "Yes. We were never sure why though. I always thought she wanted the intimacy that we had, but instead of finding someone special for herself, she decided to simply try and get in on ours. Of course, her ego didn't exactly help her with anyone though…"
Izumi sweatdropped slightly, as she remembered the 'Ranamon fan club' they had run into more then a couple times. "Well, she still had it when we met her too."
Fairymon giggled softly. "Well, Cherubimon's equivalent. The digimon of the spirits you fought were not the original Spirits, but created from them. We wouldn't have worked for someone like Cherubimon, with how much effort we put into saving the Digital World from Lucemon, so he simply made followers based on the four that he could control."
Nodding Izumi thought a little about that. She hadn't really ever thought about the past of the original Legendary Warriors, although she did wish some things could have stayed hidden. However, Ranamon's obsession with besting her seemed a little more founded now, if she truly had been jealous of Shutumon and Fairymon before the battle with Lucemon.
"Your trying to ignore what you have to do you know," Fairymon said softly, smiling at the blond. "Is being with me that hard a thought?"
Izumi blinked and shook her head, her cheeks going red again. "It's not that! I just… um… Well, I've never even thought about being with a girl before. Not to mention, I've never kissed a boy yet…" Now, Izumi was the nervous one, fidgeting with the edge of her skirt as she looked down. She was having enough trouble believing she would have to go from bring a virgin to having to get every one of the freed Legendary Warriors to get off.
As a hand took one of hers, Izumi looked up in surprise, with Fairymon leaning in closer. "Just relax, Izumi-chan… I'll help you…" Her words were a bare whisper, before she pressed her lips to the human's, making her first a gentle one.
Izumi almost pulled back as Fairymon kissed her, but the digimon's hand moving to her shoulder preventing it. Although the idea of kissing another girl had never crossed her mind before, she had to admit it wasn't as bad as she had always thought it would be. She slowly started to relax, letting her eyes close as her lips began to return the kiss.
Feeling the tension starting to leave Izumi, Fairymon opened her mouth, sliding her tongue out and slipping it into the girl's mouth softly. She felt a small jump of surprise, before relaxing again, letting Fairymon continue without question. The digimon's hands began to stroke the human girl's arms softly before moving to her bare sides, getting a small shiver in response.
Pressing forward, the fairy digimon slowly laid Izumi onto her back, breaking the kiss a moment. "If you want me to stop…" As the girl shook her head, Fairymon smiled sweetly, stroking one of her cheeks, before her other hand started to push the stripped shirt higher on her torso. As the shirt passed the buds of the human's breasts, Izumi's face began to blush worse. She squirmed slightly, as Fairymon traced her fingers around the swells of the pale orbs, almost purring.
"Just try and relax Izumi-chan. You have a lovely body after all." Before Izumi could respond, Fairymon dipped her head down, giving a soft lick over one of the nipples capping her breasts. She resisted giggling at the cute gasp from the human as she continued lapping at the small nub, feeling it perking up under her attention. Opening her mouth slightly, she started suckling on the human's nipple, making her moan softly in response.
Izumi was more then a little shocked as she felt Fairymon touching her. Being with a girl was definitely more pleasant then she had thought it would be, as she felt the tongue flicking her sensitive nipple. She was no stranger to touching herself sometimes, but the digimon's touch was easily beating out how nice the touches felt. She looked up as Fairymon switched nipples, giving the left one the same treatment, making her squirm and moan a little louder.
Slipping a hand down, Fairymon helped scoot the human to the center of the bed, finally pulling away from the nipple. Sitting up on her knees, she reached back, sliding each sock off her feet, as the flushed girl start to relax a little. Grinning, the fae digimon stroked her fingers along the soft legs, watching Izumi shiver again, before she reached the bottom of her skirt. Scooting between the blonde's legs, she spread them apart slightly, while bunching her skirt around her small waist. Fairymon couldn't help giggling at the cute pair of purple panties Izumi was wearing, hugging her tightly enough to leave little to the imagination of what lay beneath them, while a definitive wet spot was forming in the center of them.
Feeling a finger poking her sex through the snug panties, Izumi's eyes shot open again, a loud gasp escaping her. As the finger ran up and down the middle of her mound, she moaned louder then before, grabbing at the sheets tightly. Soon enough, the fingers curled around the waistband of her underwear, sliding it down her legs and off, leaving her completely exposed to the Spirit of Wind. Looking down, Izumi watched as the fingers returned, stroking her bare folds, making the dampness on them continue to grow as she shook in pleasure.
Fairymon felt rather proud of herself, as she nudged at the girl's entrance. She tilted her head a moment, when she didn't feel a barrier protecting it, but she assumed her adventures in the Digital World before had probably not left much of a hymen intact after it was all said and done. She continued tickling the entrance, watching the human girl squirming harder on her bed, before she pulled her hand away, slipping them both under her rump to lift her hips.
Izumi panted softly, looking at Fairymon again as she felt the finger stop teasing her. She watched at the digimon lifted her hips, until the fairy's knees were near her head, and her own hips were resting on the soft orbs of Fairymon's chest. Blushing worse, she watched as her legs were pushed back, glad for the gymnastics classes her mom had insisted she take, as her legs were parallel with her body, leaving the wet slit exposed right in front of Fairymon's face.
Grinning, Fairymon ran her tongue along the soft netherlips, listening to the moan coming from her lover, as she tasted the sweet flavor of her juices. Dipping her head, she continued sliding her tongue back and forth over the girl's labia, before slipping between them and licking the pink center of her sex. Izumi's hand slide up to hold tightly on Fairymon's hips, gripping tightly, as the fae's tongue dipping inside her sex. After a few pokes of her tongue into the young girl, the digimon felt the body she held spasm in her grip, keeping her hands on her thighs as Izumi came for her.
Izumi, however, was less the coherent of anything besides the pleasure washing throughout her body. Fingering herself had NEVER given her that intense an orgasm, and Fairymon had given her this one without even touching her clit or inside her mostly! She panted softly, as her body began to come down from the climax, opening her eyes slightly to see the digimon's smiling face, her mouth glistening with her own juices.
Lowering Izumi to let her lay on the bed flat, Fairymon giggled softly at the look of the human. Her shirt pushed up under her arms, skirt bunched around her hips, and her crotch covered in her cum, while her face held a flushed look as she slowly caught her breath again. Turning away from the human, Fairymon slipped off the bed, trying to ignore the small tingle in her own sex.
Turning her head, Izumi watched as Fairymon moved away from the bed, almost surprised as she watched the digimon starting to strip. The digimon's hands reached underneath her head as she undid a button on the back of her neck, releasing the top. Next, she unbuckles the belt around her stomach, letting the connected clothing fall further, before lifting each leg to undo the straps around them, completely bare save the tight shorts. Izumi's face would have darkened if it could, as she watched the fairy bend over, revealing her rear end as she pushed the shorts down slowly. She even got a peek at the puffy lips of her sex, before Fairymon stepped out of the shorts and turned around, revealing her developed breasts, each with a stiff little nipple topping it.
Getting a little of her strength back as the digimon walked back to the bed, wearing only her visor and a smile, Izumi pulled her short over her head, taking her hat with it, before setting it to the side. Fairymon's hands tugged at the skirt, sliding it down her legs slowly, as she crawled back onto the bed. Izumi still blushed with the post-climax glow, as she smiled at the digimon shyly, still trying to adjust to this.
Fairymon giggled as she watched the nervous returning to her lover's face, kissing her lips softly. "Relax… Just touch me how you liked to be touched, alright?"
Izumi nodded slightly as she looked up at the fairy. One of her hands reached around her back, stroking just underneath the set of wings, getting a strong shiver, before her other hand cupped and massaged one of the digimon's breasts. Judging from the gasp, she was right on the ball. Leaning her head up, the blond took one of the digimon's moves, suckling the free nipple into her mouth and licking it softly, while her fingers gave gentle pinches at the other.
Fairymon shifted her weight onto her hip, moaning softly as she enjoyed the touches that Izumi was giving her. She was a little surprised the girl had found the sensitive spot just before and between her wings, but right now, she wasn't complaining. She scooted a little closer, giving the human better access to her body, as she stroked her fingers through the blond hair, giving another groan at the tongue flicking against her nipple.
Pulling the hand from the soft orb, Izumi trailed her fingers down until she felt dampness under her fingers, stroking at the digimon's own sex. A louder moan escaped Fairymon, panting with want as the fingers stroked the soft lips. Izumi was a little surprised when she didn't find a clit hiding within the top of her folds, pulling away from the breast slowly. "F…Fairymon? Y…You don't have a clit…?"
The digimon smiled sweetly, still stroking her fingers through the human's hair softly. "No… I wouldn't even know what that or a hymen was, if not for sharing memories and such with you to learn. But digimon don't have either…" Reaching down, Fairymon stopped the fingers on her sex, biting her lip slightly. "Izumi-chan… After I become a spirit again… you're welcome to stay here as long as you want… We are near Breezy station, so you'll have friends to help you. I just wanted you to know, before I go back to sleep…" As she saw the understanding nod, Fairymon pressed the small hand back to her folds, leaving her own hand on top of them as the rubbing resumed.
Izumi gave a soft kiss on Fairymon's cheek, as one of her fingers found the fairy's entrance, slowly sliding into the wet tunnel. She felt a little bad making Fairymon have to go back to sleep, but she knew she didn't have a choice. Besides, now, she knew Fairymon would share a little of her mental state once they were bound again, so at least they had that. Watching the digimon's mouth gasp and moan, she started working her finger faster inside her lover, watching as the climax quickly built in the Legendary Warrior of Wind.
After working on Izumi, Fairymon had already been fairly close to cumming just from watching the girl climax on her face. But with the finger diving inside her body, she could feel the bundle of feelings tightening in her belly, threatening to go off any second. Wrapping her arms around the human, Fairymon cried out, nearly screaming as a deep thrust of the finger pushed her over the edge, cumming hard over the hand between her legs. "Izumi-chan!"
As the digimon's body shook, Izumi slowly pulled her finger out of her sex, carefully hugging the fae back. "Thank you Fairymon…"
Fairymon smiled softly, as her body began to glow slightly. "No… Thank you, Izumi-chan… I'll always be with you, so never think you in this alone, alright?" Raising her head, the fairy digimon pressed her lips against Izumi's again in an affectionate kiss, feeling it returned before her body began to glow brighter and shift.
Izumi pulled away from the kiss, as she felt Fairymon's body shifting around. The female digimon's body seemed to turn into a pinkish/purple energy, shifting around randomly, until it slowly settled back into a smaller shape. After a few moments, the glowing dimmed, revealing the Human Spirit of Wind, just as she had found it during her first adventure.
Shifting onto her knees, Izumi pulled the Spirit to her, hugging it tightly to her chest. "I promise I'll never forget you, Fairymon… Thank you…"
After a few minutes, Izumi sat the spirit down, picking her D-tector up off the bed. Aiming it at the spirit, she pressed the button on it, watching as a beam of light struck the Spirit and pulled it in. As the symbol of wind appeared on the screen, she gave a small grin. "Spirit Evolution!"
Striking the fractal code appearing around her hand, Izumi gave a relieved sigh as she felt herself changing into Fairymon again. Still kneeling on the bed, she looked over herself, realizing she was almost identical to the Fairymon she had just been with. Even her bust was more rounded. She had never fully realized how much her body matured while she was in this form. Smiling softly again, she hugged herself, knowing even if she was asleep again now, Fairymon would always be with her now.
Witchmon ~ *purrs* Well that was most entertaining. So what's next?
Rocker ~ *thinks* Well not sure... Flora and ToyAgu are normally around to do the next episode promos....
Witchmon ~ *gives a mischevious grin* I think they retreated to their room near when you finished this. Means your stuck with just little ol' me for now... *licks her lips slightly*
Rocker ~ *sweatdrops* Umm... Not sure what the next chapter will be, btu I'll try and have it out soon. Bye! *runs off quickly, with Witchmon flying after him*
A/N ~ Why am I writing this you may ask? Hehe, because had an odd inspiration to write a Izumi lemon that did not have her completely ooc, but also allows to develop her some. ^_^ A few stories on Grey Archive had much to do with inspiring the idea basis for this, as well as a few of my fellow Diaries Authors. Cudos go out to Canis Black, Misc666, and Lord Archive, all three of which have helped me on and off brainstorming this idea. ^_^ I have more people I wanna thank, but I think I'll save that for next chapter, since I want to post this before something else makes me start procrastinating again. Hope you all enjoy!!
Spirit Tamer Izumi!
Entry 1 ~ "Spiritual Sensuality, Fairymon's Caress"
Written by Rocker Starlight
Disclaimer ~ I don't own digimon, nor will I probably ever. I'm writing this for my enjoyment, not for profits. The story line was inspired by various lemons, which will be addressed at the end of the chapter.
This story contained acts of sex involving human/digimon, with male/female, female/female, as well as other issues. If this is not thing you wish to see, since this story will get a little odd at times, then I recommend finding another story to read. ^_^ However, if you have an interest in odd things, your more then welcome to continues at your own discretion.
Izumi Orimoto was not known for being a morning person. Her normal days usually started with her mother spending an hour calling for her, before she was shaken awake. Then it would be into her shower to start waking up, getting herself dressed, and finishing it off with eating her breakfast as she ran out to door to avoid being late for school.
Snoring softly, Izumi's eyes blinked as she started to wake herself. She groans, feeling the muscles in her body complaining about how hard her bed was, as she stretched her arms over her head. "Wonder what's keeping Mom…" she said softly, as she covered her eyes with an arm. If her mother wasn't waking her up, maybe school got canceled or something. She wrinkled her noise, wondering she thought she could smell the lawn, before giving an exasperated sigh.
"Alright, who's cutting the gra…" The blonde's sentence stopped itself short as her eyes widened in shock. A large field had replaced the nice room she was used to being in, grass extending around her until it hit the forest edge. Lowering her gaze, Izumi looked at herself, finding herself wearing the same outfit she had worn to the digital world about three years ago. Unfortunately, it was very close to the same clothes, including their size. The purple and white striped shirt ended a few inched below her bust, showing her taut stomach, while her skirt was now a mini, barely reaching down her thighs at all.
Tugging the skirt down, the former Warrior of Wind blushed a little, glancing around to be sure no one was looking at her. Although whoever had brought here had been kind enough to give her the purple, sleeveless jacket and hat she had worn as well, they had conveniently forgotten to add a bra to the list of items for her to wear. Thankfully, she knew she was at least wearing underwear, although the snug fit wasn't helping hide her virtues anymore then the mini-skirt.
"Whoever decided to pull a joke on me is really in for it, when I find them…" Izumi muttered to herself, as she got to her feet. With the specific choice in clothing, she could only assume she was back in the Digital World. Looking at the ground near her, she received her confirmation as she saw her D-tector sitting in the grass, as it waiting for it. She took the device in her hand, looking around again before clipping it into the waistband of her skirt. "At least I hope this is a joke…"
Waiting a few minutes, the blond finally started walking towards the forest. If no one were going to come find her, she would have to find someone herself. After all, if she had been brought back, it was only logical to guess that the others were here too. All that remained was to find them!
As she got within a few feet of the trees, Izumi giggles softly. "Why walk? If I'm back, then flying is much easier!" Taking her D-tector in hand, she grinned brightly. "Spirit Evolution!" A few moments passed, staring at her hands for the fractal code to form, before she frowned. "Spirit Evolution!!" She screamed a little louder, glaring at her hand to try and force the code of data to form. Sighing, as dropped her hands to her sides. "Oh man… I thought I would get my Spirits back, if I got my D-tector…"
"Well, shows how much you know."
Izumi jumped at the gruff voice, backing away from the trees as a hooded figure stepped out. The cloak over it's body kept her from seeing any features, although it looked like it stood a good foot taller then her. "And just what do you know, tall, dark, and spooky?"
"More then you do. I have a message from my Master. He has told me to welcome you back to the Digital World."
Giving a skeptical look, Izumi crossed her arms under her chest. "Oh? I take it he knows why I'm here then?"
The hood nodded. "Yes. My Master brought you here. You are being given a chance for greatness, My Lady."
Izumi smiled slightly at the 'My Lady'. "Well if he brought me here, mind if I know why? After all, it really isn't nice plucking a girl out of her bed in the middle of the night."
"Of course, I am most sorry for the abrupt summoning. As for why you are here, My Lady is to by my Master's head mate for all time. 'Tis a most gracious honor." The cloak pushed out, as if the figure was opening his arms wide, even if it didn't open the cloak enough to show anything.
However, Izumi's twitching eyebrow showed she didn't exactly share the feeling about the statement. "Head mate? Your master…wants me…for a sex toy?!" She screamed the last part, giving the hooded messenger a deadly gaze.
The figure took a step back at the outburst, giving a soft sigh. "Master said you may not see the what a loving gesture he was making with the offer. So he also sent me with an additional message." Waving an arm under the cloak, a small window appeared in the air. Through it, all five of the boys hung from chains against a stone wall, from Tomoki, whose chains were extra long, all the way to Kouichi. All of their eyes were closed, but their breathing showed that they were merely unconscious.
Izumi stared in shock at her friends, having not expected to find them this way. "Takuya, Tomoki, wake up! Junpei, come on! It's me Izumi! Kouji, Kouichi, what's wrong, are you all deaf?!" She yelled out, watching as her cries had no effect. She watched the window fade again, returning to glaring at the figure.
"My Master told me to give you a proposition, should you refuse his generous offer at first. If you will not willing be his mate, then he will give you a chance to free your friends. You must travel and collect all of the human and beast spirits that you and the other Legendary Warriors wielded, and bring them my master's castle. There, you will be given a test. If you have all the Spirits and pass, you and your friends are free to go. However, if you do not have all the Spirits, or fail the test, then not only will you submit to my master, but your friends shall also work as his slaves. Is this agreeable?"
Izumi frowned, turning partially away from the cloaked figure. "You won't release them unless I do, will you?" As the shake of the hood, she sighed softly. "Then I don't have a choice. I'll do it."
The figure bowed. "Most good, My Lady. I will look forward to serving you as my Master's head mate. You will find the human spirit of wind to the east. Then, you shall understand your quest. I look forward to seeing you again." Turning around, the cloaked figure stepped back into the trees, disappearing into the shadows.
Izumi huffed as she watched the figure disappear. The stupid -whatever it was- had acted like there was no chance for her to succeed! Looking at the sky, she watched a moment, before she determined which way was east. "You made a big mistake giving me my human spirit back so fast." As she started walking, she gave a sharp laugh at the figure. 'Once Fairymon was back in action,' she thought, 'this was going to be a breeze.'
"Maybe breeze isn't the word…" Izumi muttered as she made her way through some of the foliage. After her path east had put her going through the forest, the plant life around her just seemed to keep getting bigger, until she was dealing with grass almost as tall as she was! Determined, she continued on, shifting through the tall grass until she finally broke through the forest edge.
Standing under a mile from her, was what looked like a temple build into the base of an enormous tree. It was almost like it was carved out of the wood itself, made to be lived in, but remaining a piece of the tree as well. Staring for a moment, she shook her head, continuing towards it.
As she reached the entryway, Izumi glanced at her D-tector, watching as the screen flashed the symbol of wind for a moment. "Ha, look out Digital World. Here comes Fairymon, back with a vengeance."
"I am?"
Izumi blinked at the voice, more then a little surprised at how similar it sounded to her own. Her green eyes widened in shock as she looked through the doorway, looking slightly up at the face of Fairymon. The fae digimon smiled at her, looking at her through the metal visor over its eyes, with two parts of her pinkish/purple hair framing the sides of her face. She wore the same costume, a bodice, belt, and skimpy shorts, all connected with a strap reaching from a small strap around the tops of her knees, although normally hidden by the top of her boots, to the side of her top. Behind her, two transparent butterfly wings fluttered slightly, while two small sets of wings stood on the back of the gloves. Izumi simply continued to stare as she stuttered in shock. "B...But…How?!"
Fairymon giggled softly. "I would imagine this is rather confusing, yes. Please, come in. I'll explain everything over some tea." Turning around, the fairy digimon walked into the temple, pausing a moment for the human girl to follow. "Don't forget to take your shoes off please."
Shaking the shock off, Izumi quickly removed her shoes, a little surprised to find the digimon's boots near the entrance, before she followed after the digimon. Her thoughts were running a mile a minute as she stared at the other female's back. 'It's not possible! I'm Fairymon! Could someone else have somehow activated my spirit? B…But if they did, how can I get it back…' She gave a mental sigh, having trouble trying to piece together this little mystery, as she gave a turn and followed Fairymon into another room.
Izumi glanced around the room in surprise, stopping at the doorway. A small table was set in the center of the room, cushions set around it for people to sit comfortably. A few cabinets held various dishes, while one standing against the opposite wall from her, held small figurines of different digimon. Over all, the room was a near perfect match for the dining room in her house, although the figurines were normal animals back home.
"Please sit." Fairymon sat two cups out, before leaving the room through another door, returning with a small kettle. "I was almost done brewing the tea, so you're just in time."
Slowly walking to the opposite side of the table, Izumi sat on the cushions, sitting on her legs. She watched the digimon pore the tea, before taking her own seat. The blond sniffed the liquid cautiously, giving another surprised look. "Green tea… That's my favorite."
"Mine too." The fairy digimon giggled softly as she took a sip. "It always perks me up when I'm feeling down, you know?"
"Yea… I do…" Izumi's voice was a little distant, as she listened to her feelings about the tea being echoed, finding the whole situation more then a little strange. Taking a sip, she gave a content sigh, glad the tea still had the same flavor here as it did back home. "How did you know…"
"You would be here?" Fairymon smiled as she finished the human's sentence, watching the surprised face. "I could feel you in the distance. I thought the tea might help calm your nerves, since I can bet you're rather confused right now."
Izumi gave a strong nod, taking another drink of her tea.
"Well, I can't explain everything, but I can tell you what I know. To start, the answer is yes. I am the human spirit of wind, and no, another digimon is not wielding it instead of you."
Izumi blinked. "But that's…"
"Impossible?" Fairymon finished again. "Not really. Cherubimon was able to give the spirits of earth, plants, metal, and water life without making digimon use them. Although don't worry, he isn't behind this." Pausing a moment as Izumi let a large sigh of relief, Fairymon slowly continued. "However, I don't think you're going to like what did happen though…"
"I am the digimon for the human spirit of the wind. Since we ten first defeated Lucemon, we have remained asleep with in Spirits, allowing our power to be wielded should it be needed again. So you can imagine how surprised I was when I was awoken, finding myself in this temple. After a day of adjusting, a man in a cloak came, telling me I had been awoken by his Master, for a special purpose."
Izumi frowned slightly at the mention of the cloaked man. "I think I know who your talking about… But what happened?"
Fairymon nodded as she continued. "Well, I basically told him I wanted nothing to do with his master. But he still kept talking, telling me I was brought back to teach someone how to 'capture the Spirits'. Mind you, I listened, but I thought he was off his rocker, until I felt you again."
Izumi nodded, taking a sip. "So, this guy's master brought you back just to show me how to get the Spirits? Wow, he wasted his time… I already know how to do that. I just use my D-tector to hold them. And if a digimon is using one of them, I'll digitize his fractal code, and get it that way."
Sighing softly, the fairy shook her head slightly. "I'm afraid it isn't that simple. I'm not the only Spirit to be released. It seems all ten Spirits have been released from their rest. And I'm afraid you won't be able to just absorb them into your D-tector without finding a way to return them to their Spirit form."
Izumi groans softly. "It's never easy… Well, you said he told you how to catch them, so tell me! My friends are in danger, and I can't just sit around all day doing nothing."
The digimon's cheeks darkened slightly, as she looked around the dining room, suddenly acting slightly nervous. "Wouldn't you like something to eat first? You're probably hungry, and after you have some food in you, I'll…teach you…"
Quirking her brow, Izumi wondered why the digimon, a legendary warrior no less if her story was true, was acting so nervous about showing her how to catch the Spirits. Opening her mouth, the grumble of the girl's stomach stopped whatever she was going to say, taking her turn at blushing slightly. "Well… Maybe a little bit to eat…" She grinned sheepishly.
Fairymon perked up, nodding as she stood up. "One moment." She floated into the kitchen, returning only moments later with a platter of breads and fruits, with a bowl of soup sitting in the center. "Here. Sweet bread, meat fruit, and a bowl of Floramon specialty soup." She set the platter down in front of the blond human, watching her green eyes light up. "Dig in."
No sooner were the words out of fae digimon's mouth, than Izumi began into the food. While she tried to remain polite, her lack of any breakfast before the beginning of her adventure had left her poor stomach a little wanting. "Molte bouno! This is wonderful, Fairymon!" She continued eating, not leaving anything left as she rubbed her full stomach. "That hit the spot… So, can you start teaching me now?"
Blushing a little again, Fairymon fidgeted again as she collected all the plate. "Well, how about giving your stomach some time to digest? I'll show you around the temple a little first, and then we can talk about Spirits." She ran into the kitchen, not even giving Izumi a chance to argue.
Izumi blinked as she watched Fairymon run into the kitchen. She could tell she was avoiding telling her what it was she had to do to catch the Spirits, but she couldn't see why it would be such a problem. After all, it couldn't be any harder then having to fight them when one of the boys lost control, could it?
Before she thought too much more on it, Fairymon came back in, no longer wearing her gloves as she dried her hands on a small towel. "Alright. Come on, I'll show you my home." Smiling sweetly, the digimon quickly turned her head to try and hide the flush in her cheeks, as she walked out the door.
Standing up quickly, Izumi followed after the Spirit of Wind, following her as she walked further down the temple's main hallway. As the turned into another room, Izumi's eyes lit up again, gazing around the almost duplicate for her living room. They walked through the room, next going through a room full of books, very similar to her dad's computer room, minus the computer.
Finally, Izumi's face brightened as they stopped walking, gazing around the duplicate of her own room. She walked around, looking at every detail, mentally sorting what things had that digimon style to them, while others looked like a perfect duplicate. As she looked over her bed, admiring the style that went into the oak bed, the young human looked over, noticing Fairymon hadn't moved from the door. "Fairymon… Why does this all look like…."
"Your home?" The fairy digimon smiled softly, the blush fading a little as watched the girl nod. "I think it's because we're bonded. You're the only person who has wielded me, and after I woke up, I just had the urge to make this place look livable, and this was how it turned out. I kinda had an idea what is was based off of, but I wasn't sure until you came…" Her cheeks darkened a little more, as she stepped into the room, walking towards the bed and Izumi.
Izumi looked away from the digimon, stroking her fingers over the sheets on the bed as she thought about the explanation. It seemed reasonable enough, that she had influenced the spirit because of being the only person to use it. "Wait… Does that mean, the oth…" Her sentence cut off as she looked up, seeing the blushing digimon standing right next to her. "Fairymon? What's going on?"
Fairymon fidgeted a moment. "Are you sure you want to know you'll need to catch the Spirits, Izumi-chan? I know what you said earlier, but I just need to certain…"
Turning to face the digimon, Izumi crossed her arms as she wondered why the '-chan' had been added to her name. "Of course. I have to save my friends after all."
Fairymon nodded. "Alright… Well, if how I feel about knowing it is any indication, you're going to be rather embarrassed about it too…" She sat on the bed, her fingers fiddling absently as she watched the human girl.
Izumi sat next to the digimon, giving a small huff. "Oh, it couldn't be that bad! I mean, after all, it's not like I have to go have sex with all of them or anything." She laughed at the audatious notion, although her laughter slowly died off as she noticed Fairymon wasn't joining in with her.
"That's the thing…" Fairymon started to say, a little quieter then normal. "To get each of us to turn back into our spirit form, you'll have to…" She trailed off slightly, saying the rest too low.
"I'll have to what?" Izumi asked, frowning slightly, as she suspected she wasn't going to like this answer.
"You'll have to make us climax…" Fairymon's cheeks were darker then before, as she squirmed, glancing at Izumi.
Izumi, however, was in quite a state of shock, staring for almost complete minute before she spoke up again, rather loudly. "I DO have to fuck them?!" As the digimon nodded, Izumi sputtered slightly, standing up and starting to pace a little around the room. "But I can't… I mean, I never have before… Besides, what about the Beast Spirits?" As she looked over, seeing another nod, Izumi made a strangled noise in her throat. "You have to be kidding me!!"
"I wish I was, Izumi-chan… But whatever the digimon behind this did to bring us back, somehow set that as a stipulation. Once we climax, we will return to our Spirit form, at which point you can collect us into your D-tector." The digimon's head never lifted as she spoke, staring at her own hands on her knees.
Listening to Fairymon's explanation, Izumi sighed softly. She may not like what she was hearing, but it wasn't an excuse to yell at the fae digimon. After all, she was only the messenger, not the one behind her problem. Walking back to the bed, she sat down next to the fairy, smiling softly. "Hey, I'm sorry about going off the handle… I guess I still have a little trouble not yelling when things really just exasperate me…" She watched, not seeing the digimon really reacting. "But hey, at least it's been nice to finally meet you! I was always a little curious what you were like, when we heard the stories about you."
Izumi paused as she watched Fairymon's blushing face look at her, a sudden realization settling in her head. "Wait… You said us didn't you?" The digimon nodded her head slowly. "So that means you and I…" Another nod answered her before she finished, giving the blond a turn at blushing. "I, um… Well, I've never even thought about… I mean, I don't think I'm THAT way…"
Fairymon sat up a little more, smiling softly. "You mean, wanting to mate with a female? I never did much originally either, although I must admit, Shutumon had a special touch…" The digimon's cheeks returned to their darkened state as she let her mind wander a moment.
That comment was enough to get cough from the human, staring at Fairymon in shock. "You mean… You and Shutumon…" She pressed her index fingers together, rubbing them against one another a little, to try and convey the point.
Giggling softly, the fairy digimon nodded. "Yea… It was still fun to spend time with a male, but being with Shutumon was something no one else could repeat."
Izumi leaned down a little, placing her face in her hands, as she gave a soft moan. "Too much information… I so did not need to know both my spirits were lesbians…" she looked up, as she gave the digimon a confused look. "Wait… when was this?"
Fairymon smiled. "Well, we both enjoyed the company of males too. In fact, we were never with any other females, although Ranamon always wanted to join us... As for when, we were brought back once after we all we split from the ancient digimon to assist the three angel digimon. It was during this time that Shutumon and I mated…"
"Wait… So you and Shutumon were just Bi then?" Izumi sighed in relief, since she had been fearful for her future relationships, if both her spirits being lesbians ended up effecting her, although the idea that they were Bi didn't exactly appeal to her either, it was better then her original though. Pushing the curiosity about a second need for the Spirits aside, Izumi focused on the thing that had caught her curiosity. "So, Ranamon was jealous of you two?"
Fairymon nodded slowly. "Yes. We were never sure why though. I always thought she wanted the intimacy that we had, but instead of finding someone special for herself, she decided to simply try and get in on ours. Of course, her ego didn't exactly help her with anyone though…"
Izumi sweatdropped slightly, as she remembered the 'Ranamon fan club' they had run into more then a couple times. "Well, she still had it when we met her too."
Fairymon giggled softly. "Well, Cherubimon's equivalent. The digimon of the spirits you fought were not the original Spirits, but created from them. We wouldn't have worked for someone like Cherubimon, with how much effort we put into saving the Digital World from Lucemon, so he simply made followers based on the four that he could control."
Nodding Izumi thought a little about that. She hadn't really ever thought about the past of the original Legendary Warriors, although she did wish some things could have stayed hidden. However, Ranamon's obsession with besting her seemed a little more founded now, if she truly had been jealous of Shutumon and Fairymon before the battle with Lucemon.
"Your trying to ignore what you have to do you know," Fairymon said softly, smiling at the blond. "Is being with me that hard a thought?"
Izumi blinked and shook her head, her cheeks going red again. "It's not that! I just… um… Well, I've never even thought about being with a girl before. Not to mention, I've never kissed a boy yet…" Now, Izumi was the nervous one, fidgeting with the edge of her skirt as she looked down. She was having enough trouble believing she would have to go from bring a virgin to having to get every one of the freed Legendary Warriors to get off.
As a hand took one of hers, Izumi looked up in surprise, with Fairymon leaning in closer. "Just relax, Izumi-chan… I'll help you…" Her words were a bare whisper, before she pressed her lips to the human's, making her first a gentle one.
Izumi almost pulled back as Fairymon kissed her, but the digimon's hand moving to her shoulder preventing it. Although the idea of kissing another girl had never crossed her mind before, she had to admit it wasn't as bad as she had always thought it would be. She slowly started to relax, letting her eyes close as her lips began to return the kiss.
Feeling the tension starting to leave Izumi, Fairymon opened her mouth, sliding her tongue out and slipping it into the girl's mouth softly. She felt a small jump of surprise, before relaxing again, letting Fairymon continue without question. The digimon's hands began to stroke the human girl's arms softly before moving to her bare sides, getting a small shiver in response.
Pressing forward, the fairy digimon slowly laid Izumi onto her back, breaking the kiss a moment. "If you want me to stop…" As the girl shook her head, Fairymon smiled sweetly, stroking one of her cheeks, before her other hand started to push the stripped shirt higher on her torso. As the shirt passed the buds of the human's breasts, Izumi's face began to blush worse. She squirmed slightly, as Fairymon traced her fingers around the swells of the pale orbs, almost purring.
"Just try and relax Izumi-chan. You have a lovely body after all." Before Izumi could respond, Fairymon dipped her head down, giving a soft lick over one of the nipples capping her breasts. She resisted giggling at the cute gasp from the human as she continued lapping at the small nub, feeling it perking up under her attention. Opening her mouth slightly, she started suckling on the human's nipple, making her moan softly in response.
Izumi was more then a little shocked as she felt Fairymon touching her. Being with a girl was definitely more pleasant then she had thought it would be, as she felt the tongue flicking her sensitive nipple. She was no stranger to touching herself sometimes, but the digimon's touch was easily beating out how nice the touches felt. She looked up as Fairymon switched nipples, giving the left one the same treatment, making her squirm and moan a little louder.
Slipping a hand down, Fairymon helped scoot the human to the center of the bed, finally pulling away from the nipple. Sitting up on her knees, she reached back, sliding each sock off her feet, as the flushed girl start to relax a little. Grinning, the fae digimon stroked her fingers along the soft legs, watching Izumi shiver again, before she reached the bottom of her skirt. Scooting between the blonde's legs, she spread them apart slightly, while bunching her skirt around her small waist. Fairymon couldn't help giggling at the cute pair of purple panties Izumi was wearing, hugging her tightly enough to leave little to the imagination of what lay beneath them, while a definitive wet spot was forming in the center of them.
Feeling a finger poking her sex through the snug panties, Izumi's eyes shot open again, a loud gasp escaping her. As the finger ran up and down the middle of her mound, she moaned louder then before, grabbing at the sheets tightly. Soon enough, the fingers curled around the waistband of her underwear, sliding it down her legs and off, leaving her completely exposed to the Spirit of Wind. Looking down, Izumi watched as the fingers returned, stroking her bare folds, making the dampness on them continue to grow as she shook in pleasure.
Fairymon felt rather proud of herself, as she nudged at the girl's entrance. She tilted her head a moment, when she didn't feel a barrier protecting it, but she assumed her adventures in the Digital World before had probably not left much of a hymen intact after it was all said and done. She continued tickling the entrance, watching the human girl squirming harder on her bed, before she pulled her hand away, slipping them both under her rump to lift her hips.
Izumi panted softly, looking at Fairymon again as she felt the finger stop teasing her. She watched at the digimon lifted her hips, until the fairy's knees were near her head, and her own hips were resting on the soft orbs of Fairymon's chest. Blushing worse, she watched as her legs were pushed back, glad for the gymnastics classes her mom had insisted she take, as her legs were parallel with her body, leaving the wet slit exposed right in front of Fairymon's face.
Grinning, Fairymon ran her tongue along the soft netherlips, listening to the moan coming from her lover, as she tasted the sweet flavor of her juices. Dipping her head, she continued sliding her tongue back and forth over the girl's labia, before slipping between them and licking the pink center of her sex. Izumi's hand slide up to hold tightly on Fairymon's hips, gripping tightly, as the fae's tongue dipping inside her sex. After a few pokes of her tongue into the young girl, the digimon felt the body she held spasm in her grip, keeping her hands on her thighs as Izumi came for her.
Izumi, however, was less the coherent of anything besides the pleasure washing throughout her body. Fingering herself had NEVER given her that intense an orgasm, and Fairymon had given her this one without even touching her clit or inside her mostly! She panted softly, as her body began to come down from the climax, opening her eyes slightly to see the digimon's smiling face, her mouth glistening with her own juices.
Lowering Izumi to let her lay on the bed flat, Fairymon giggled softly at the look of the human. Her shirt pushed up under her arms, skirt bunched around her hips, and her crotch covered in her cum, while her face held a flushed look as she slowly caught her breath again. Turning away from the human, Fairymon slipped off the bed, trying to ignore the small tingle in her own sex.
Turning her head, Izumi watched as Fairymon moved away from the bed, almost surprised as she watched the digimon starting to strip. The digimon's hands reached underneath her head as she undid a button on the back of her neck, releasing the top. Next, she unbuckles the belt around her stomach, letting the connected clothing fall further, before lifting each leg to undo the straps around them, completely bare save the tight shorts. Izumi's face would have darkened if it could, as she watched the fairy bend over, revealing her rear end as she pushed the shorts down slowly. She even got a peek at the puffy lips of her sex, before Fairymon stepped out of the shorts and turned around, revealing her developed breasts, each with a stiff little nipple topping it.
Getting a little of her strength back as the digimon walked back to the bed, wearing only her visor and a smile, Izumi pulled her short over her head, taking her hat with it, before setting it to the side. Fairymon's hands tugged at the skirt, sliding it down her legs slowly, as she crawled back onto the bed. Izumi still blushed with the post-climax glow, as she smiled at the digimon shyly, still trying to adjust to this.
Fairymon giggled as she watched the nervous returning to her lover's face, kissing her lips softly. "Relax… Just touch me how you liked to be touched, alright?"
Izumi nodded slightly as she looked up at the fairy. One of her hands reached around her back, stroking just underneath the set of wings, getting a strong shiver, before her other hand cupped and massaged one of the digimon's breasts. Judging from the gasp, she was right on the ball. Leaning her head up, the blond took one of the digimon's moves, suckling the free nipple into her mouth and licking it softly, while her fingers gave gentle pinches at the other.
Fairymon shifted her weight onto her hip, moaning softly as she enjoyed the touches that Izumi was giving her. She was a little surprised the girl had found the sensitive spot just before and between her wings, but right now, she wasn't complaining. She scooted a little closer, giving the human better access to her body, as she stroked her fingers through the blond hair, giving another groan at the tongue flicking against her nipple.
Pulling the hand from the soft orb, Izumi trailed her fingers down until she felt dampness under her fingers, stroking at the digimon's own sex. A louder moan escaped Fairymon, panting with want as the fingers stroked the soft lips. Izumi was a little surprised when she didn't find a clit hiding within the top of her folds, pulling away from the breast slowly. "F…Fairymon? Y…You don't have a clit…?"
The digimon smiled sweetly, still stroking her fingers through the human's hair softly. "No… I wouldn't even know what that or a hymen was, if not for sharing memories and such with you to learn. But digimon don't have either…" Reaching down, Fairymon stopped the fingers on her sex, biting her lip slightly. "Izumi-chan… After I become a spirit again… you're welcome to stay here as long as you want… We are near Breezy station, so you'll have friends to help you. I just wanted you to know, before I go back to sleep…" As she saw the understanding nod, Fairymon pressed the small hand back to her folds, leaving her own hand on top of them as the rubbing resumed.
Izumi gave a soft kiss on Fairymon's cheek, as one of her fingers found the fairy's entrance, slowly sliding into the wet tunnel. She felt a little bad making Fairymon have to go back to sleep, but she knew she didn't have a choice. Besides, now, she knew Fairymon would share a little of her mental state once they were bound again, so at least they had that. Watching the digimon's mouth gasp and moan, she started working her finger faster inside her lover, watching as the climax quickly built in the Legendary Warrior of Wind.
After working on Izumi, Fairymon had already been fairly close to cumming just from watching the girl climax on her face. But with the finger diving inside her body, she could feel the bundle of feelings tightening in her belly, threatening to go off any second. Wrapping her arms around the human, Fairymon cried out, nearly screaming as a deep thrust of the finger pushed her over the edge, cumming hard over the hand between her legs. "Izumi-chan!"
As the digimon's body shook, Izumi slowly pulled her finger out of her sex, carefully hugging the fae back. "Thank you Fairymon…"
Fairymon smiled softly, as her body began to glow slightly. "No… Thank you, Izumi-chan… I'll always be with you, so never think you in this alone, alright?" Raising her head, the fairy digimon pressed her lips against Izumi's again in an affectionate kiss, feeling it returned before her body began to glow brighter and shift.
Izumi pulled away from the kiss, as she felt Fairymon's body shifting around. The female digimon's body seemed to turn into a pinkish/purple energy, shifting around randomly, until it slowly settled back into a smaller shape. After a few moments, the glowing dimmed, revealing the Human Spirit of Wind, just as she had found it during her first adventure.
Shifting onto her knees, Izumi pulled the Spirit to her, hugging it tightly to her chest. "I promise I'll never forget you, Fairymon… Thank you…"
After a few minutes, Izumi sat the spirit down, picking her D-tector up off the bed. Aiming it at the spirit, she pressed the button on it, watching as a beam of light struck the Spirit and pulled it in. As the symbol of wind appeared on the screen, she gave a small grin. "Spirit Evolution!"
Striking the fractal code appearing around her hand, Izumi gave a relieved sigh as she felt herself changing into Fairymon again. Still kneeling on the bed, she looked over herself, realizing she was almost identical to the Fairymon she had just been with. Even her bust was more rounded. She had never fully realized how much her body matured while she was in this form. Smiling softly again, she hugged herself, knowing even if she was asleep again now, Fairymon would always be with her now.
Witchmon ~ *purrs* Well that was most entertaining. So what's next?
Rocker ~ *thinks* Well not sure... Flora and ToyAgu are normally around to do the next episode promos....
Witchmon ~ *gives a mischevious grin* I think they retreated to their room near when you finished this. Means your stuck with just little ol' me for now... *licks her lips slightly*
Rocker ~ *sweatdrops* Umm... Not sure what the next chapter will be, btu I'll try and have it out soon. Bye! *runs off quickly, with Witchmon flying after him*
A/N ~ Why am I writing this you may ask? Hehe, because had an odd inspiration to write a Izumi lemon that did not have her completely ooc, but also allows to develop her some. ^_^ A few stories on Grey Archive had much to do with inspiring the idea basis for this, as well as a few of my fellow Diaries Authors. Cudos go out to Canis Black, Misc666, and Lord Archive, all three of which have helped me on and off brainstorming this idea. ^_^ I have more people I wanna thank, but I think I'll save that for next chapter, since I want to post this before something else makes me start procrastinating again. Hope you all enjoy!!