Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Step Ahead ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This will take place about one month after the battle with Malomyotismon and will eventually become a Daikari. This is my first fic. I will add more if I get good reviews. So please give me good reviews.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

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They were coming. He could feel them coming closer. He would kill them all. Soon he would rule for all time.

"Where is he," yelled Yolie as she stalked around Izzy's room. Much to the dismay of the other people in the room sense there was little space. They had been waiting for about half an hour and were all getting a little impatient. Everyone hated when he did this. When there was something important he was nowhere to be found and when he was nowhere to be found Yolie always had to voice her opinion.

"If he doesn't hurry I'll…" Yolie clenched and unclenched her fists as and spoke and everyone knew what she would do.

"You'll what, finish a sentience," came a voice from the doorway. Everyone in the room stopped watching Yolie and turned to see a slightly winded Davis.

"Finally Davis, where have you been," interrogated a still very angry Yolie, "shouldn't our leader be on time."

"Yes he should but our leader had soccer practice. We need to stop having emergencies during my practices; my coach is starting to wonder how many times that my grandma can die." Every one laughed a little at this except Yolie who was still fuming.

"Izzy didn't you have something to tell the others," Tentomon asked.

"Yeah." Izzy started typing away at his and brought up a map of the Digital World. He pointed to a sector flashing red that appeared to be in the desert." I found a massive energy signature here." He then brought up an email. "A few minutes later I received this from Gennai. "It says that an immensely powerful digimon has appeared there." Everyone gathered around the desk with the laptop. Davis wisely stayed far away Yolie.

"We've beat immensely powerful digimon before," Davis stated confidently, "this one should be a piece of cake"

"Yeah but we never faced one that could control time," said TK after he finished reading the email.

"So, we can beat anyone." He wasn't reassuring anyone, just inflating his own enormous ego.

"Guys shouldn't you get going," asked Izzy.

After they had all agreed, Davis opened a digi-port and they were sucked into the Digital World. They had no idea what they were getting themselves into.

As soon as they exited the digi-port they began to look around. First thing they noticed was that they were in the desert and that it was very hot. They were surrounded by sand dunes with a huge cliff over to the north.

"At last you have come," boomed a voice that seemed to come from all around them.

"Who said that," asked a slightly scared Cody.

Just as he asked that the ground beneath the opened up and they fell. They landed painfully in the middle of a large, well-lit cavern. Davis winced as he got up.

"Anyone got some aspirin."

"Don't waste your time…you won't live long enough."

"It's the same voice we just heard," pointed out Gatomon, as a huge Digimon suddenly appeared right in front of them.

He would have looked like a normal human…if he wasn't as tall as two average adults, didn't have a long white beard and glowing red eyes. He wore robes like those a wizard would have worn in medieval times. He carried a long wooden staff with an hourglass at each end.

"Let's see what the Digimon Analyzer says about him," Yolie whispered so that only the Digidestined and their Digimon could hear.


Level: Mega

Type: Ancient Wizard

Attacks: Aging Staff, Time Portal, and Temporal Canon

His Aging Staff can incapacitate even the most powerful of Digimon and can change age both humans and Digimon. His Time Portal can bring enemies of the Digidestined from the past and the future to the present, while the Temporal Canon can make his enemies think twice about attacking an old man.

"Now you pathetic little brats you will die."

"Not without a fight."

"Everyone Digivolve."

Veemon, Wormmon, Gatomon, Hawkmon, Patamon and Armadillomon digivolved into their respective DNA forms of Imperpialdramon Fighter Mode, Silphymon and Shakkoumon.

"So you think your pathetic Digimon can beat me."

"Are you calling us pathetic old man," roared an angry Imperialdramon. As he started advancing on the Ancient Wizard type Digimon with Silphymon and Shakkoumon behind him also advancing.

"Surrender now and we won't destroy you."

"Your puny threats don't scare me," Generationmon yelled with disgust in his voice, "you and the weak children will die."

"Soon you will be dead and I will rule both worlds for all eternity."

"That's it."

"Positron Laser"

"Static Force"

"Justice Beam"

"Temporal Canon"

The attacks flew at incredible speed and when they hit everything went black.

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Well that's the end of chapter 2. I hope you liked it. If you didn't tell me how I can make it better.