Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Tamers: Leaving The Past ❯ A New... Who?? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dialog key-
*mysterious voice*
"Everyone else"
-The Digimon talking-
/dreams and flashbacks/

/*A choice? Arima... you don't have a choice... maybe I'll prove it today.*/

The air was chilly that morning, but it wasn't normal cold weather. Not to Arima at least. Henry had taken her and Rika, Takato, and Jeri out to the movies. The movie was good, a little childish by Rika standards, and they spent the rest of the day walking around the town. When it got late, the air seemed to stop.
"Henry, we should go home..."
"What's wrong, Arima?"
"Nothing, we need to go."
Arima tugged on Henry's shirt, trying to get him to move when a man crossed the street and headed straight for them. He was dressed in a beige trenchcoat that covered his entire body; his dark red hair draped across his shoulders, back, and his face. Rika gnashed her teeth together. She wanted to call Renamon out, but couldn't because of Arima. The man pulled out a pocket watch and checked the time. A smirk streaked across his face.
"My, my", he had a British accent "Little children like you shouldn't be out this late, what will your parents think?"
"Hey, back off man," Takato stood before him, "We're going home right now."
"Such attitudes, this cannot be accepted!"
The man jumped back and ripped free from his jacket, revealing a humaniod type creature. His hair flared back into wings, red scales rippled down his back and onto a blue scaled tail, his body was covered in blue fur. He had canine hind legs and claws on his hands, his eyes shone black and his fangs glistened, -Ionamon must teach such disobediant juviniles some manners!-
"Who?" cried Jeri. Rika pulled out her digivice and read out his stats.
"Ionamon, champion level. His special attack, Stack Bomb, makes sure that everyone is very proper, or very dead."
"Damn it!" Arima said under her breath. Her father must have sent this one out for them. She stayed behind Henry, trying to think of a way out of it when the voice returned.
*Arima. What are you going to do?*
::Leave us alone!::
*But you dared to defy me yesterday! What nerves you must have to tell that that you would stay if you had the choice! I control you now! I WILL BE THE ONE WHO DECIDES WHAT YOU CAN AND CANNOT DO!!!!!!*
She looked up and saw that they had called upon their Digimon, the sight of them making her stomach churn. The little red dinosaur, Guilmon, was Takato's, the large yellow fox, Renamon, was Rika's, and the tender little Terriermon was Henry's.
-Little Digmon too?- chortled Ionamon, popping his neck, -Little Digimon should already know their manners! Discipline Roundhouse!-
The demon-like Digimon landed his heel in Guilmon's neck, sending him into a nearby wall. Henry and Rika both had their Blue cards ready as Takato raced to his digimon's side.
"Digivolution!" they shouted "Activate!"
-Renamon Digivolve to--
-Terriermon Digivolve to--
*You know they're not strong enough to beat Ionamon, you know that like the back of you're pathetic human hand.*
*What will you do? What can you do? Will you let them die? Let their data be absorbed? Allow your beloved Henry's blood to spill on the sidewalks? Will you reveal your tamer status? To them? Can you trust them? What will you do?*
"Help me!!!!" Henry and Rika were both awestruck by Arima's sudden outburst. Ionamon grinned and ran at her.
-You should not interrupt others! Discipline Roundhouse!-
A silver flash shot past Ionamon's leg, leaving a large gash in his ankle; a gray wolf stood in the street, its gold eyes transfixed on Ionamon.
-Who are you?-
-It's not polite to ignore your superiors! Stack Bomb!- the wolf in the street was suddenly carrying several bombs on it's head -Now stay there like a good mon or die a quick flashy death!-
"Gargomon! Kyubimon! Now! Aim for his neck!"
The two digimon aimed and struck Ionamon's neck, causing the digimon to shatter and the bombs on the wolf's head to dissappear.
"Hey! You there! Thanks." Jeri called out. The wolf snorted and dashed off into the distance.
"I wonder who that was.", Takato said.
"There was no data on him." Rika answered, looking down at her blank digi-screen.
"Do you know, Jeri?"
"Hm." Henry pondered, "A data-less digimon who comes out of nowhere to sacrifice his life for our own? There's something that doesn't quite fit in... Arima!"
They all turned to face Arima, who had fainted in all the commotion. Henry gave a sigh of relief, happy to know that she was not harmed in the ambush. He picked her up and carried her home. Takato and the others watched the two walk off, they both seemed to be so happy to be with one another. Takato snickered.

/*What the Hell is with you, Arima? You're not suppose to feel compassion for them! I am begining to have a hard to understanding you and these new found emotion of yours!*/