Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Tamers No More ❯ Nudity and Robbery ( Chapter 7 )
"He is still a digimon…"
Rika thought to herself as she watched Impmon mimicking move per move with Renamon, in the shadows of the evening sky. He wasn't naked anymore. Well, not completely anyway. He still had his goofy red scarf around his neck but he also had a new addition to his wardrobe: a shirt. The shirt, or what would pass as one, was in fact an old leotard that the digmon had stolen. It had happened when Renamon, Impmon, and herself had passed a dance studio. Someone had made the mistake of leaving his or her bag outside the door. The digimon had slipped briefly into view and snatched up the appropriately purple article as they had passed. Renamon and Impmon both were too smart to walk in the open, Impmon having bounded from the roof of the building, grabbing it, and leaping back up out of view.
The former digimon still was considerably more agile than a human. The tights were much too big for his small frame, but that hadn't stopped him. He had ripped off most of the lower half and had made it tight by pulling the slack into a strong knot that hung at about his hip.
"So, how do I look?" he'd touted, showing off his new conquest. Rika had to stifle the urge to laugh at the boy. Renamon, her face obviously red under her fur, had politely pointed out that he was still indecent below his waist. "What!?" Impmon moaned. "You said I needed clothes! Well, I'm wearing the stupid things! What do ya want from me!?" he'd snapped. Renamon explained to him for the 3rd time why.
They had gone on their way, Impmon back trailing in the shadows with Renamon. Rika, now for the 1st time since school had ended, was able to hear herself think. This had been a strange day to begin with, considering the weird way Takato had been acting. It wasn't so much the obvious things. Why was his skin almost lobster red? How had he found her in the hundreds of students during lunch? Not to mention the…revolting, way he'd ate. It was the little things that were bothering her. The way he had looked at her. The way he seemed to have been breathing the air around her like it was perfume. Even the much to casual way he talked to her. Rika stopped dead in her tracks. He had been flirting with her! She also knew something else. She had liked it…
"Rika…" Renamon's cool voice broke the air. Rika gasped as she was pulled out of her thoughts.
"Rika?" Renamon asked again, concern slipping into her tone.
"Its…" Rika muttered. "its nothing…" she trailed off.
"GIVE ME THAT!!!" A voice yelled loudly, the sound snapping the two of them towards it.
"Impmon…" Rika and her digimon muttered to themselves, their irritation evident. The former digimon was running towards them with his digimon level speed. Behind him another boy, around 8 or 9, was chasing after him. Impmon was much too fast to be worried by the child and was waving what he'd taken at the kid. Impmon had ripped off the kid's pants. "Renamon…" Rika ordered quietly. The female digimon was already on the move. Impmon's laughter was cut short as Renamon had grabbed him and taken into the night with him. The pants less boy was left dumbfounded in the cool night breeze.
"This day is getting worse by the second." These were Rika's thoughts as she followed her digimon's noiseless dash away, heading for home. The only sound she could hear was being made was by Impmon as he struggled to figure out how exactly pants worked….