Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The 4th Tamer ❯ The 4th Tamer ( Prologue )

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I don't own digimon or anyone in this but myself. I changed my name, so, yeah. I put a couple songs in this, and I don't own any of them.

A/N: I have no idea why I wrote this.

The 4th Tamer
By: PurpleSailorSaturn7


"Asuka, dinner's ready!" My little sister, Miya called to me.
"I'm not hungry!" Was my rapt response, one I use quite often.
"But.." Now she was in my doorway. This was getting personal... she's never supposed to enter my room.
"Get out of my room." I hissed, punching keys on my laptop, the soft whirring filling the silence between us.
"But sis, why don't you ever come down and have dinner with us?" She sighed, and I could tell she was irratated, which was fine by me.
"Because I want to download the next episode of Di Gi Charat. And I already told you, I'm not hungry!" She was making me really mad...
"Oh sis," She groaned, stalking off.
Later that night, I signed off, and shut my computer off. My thoughts were interuptted by the distant ring of the phone, and I picked it up.
"Hello? Taika residents."
"Asuka? It's Mina! I was wondering, can I spend the night tonight? My parents aren't home and I don't want to stay with my brother." Mina replied.
"Sure. Bring your digimon cards. I'll play you."
"You're not going to win this time! Sayanora!" She hung up the phone, and I laughed to myself. If she thought she was going to win, she had another thing coming. About fifteen minutes later, I heard Mina's footsteps outside my door. A soft knocking soon followed.
"Come in." I said quietly, rolling off my bed and landing softly on my feet.
"Yo! Ready to lose?" She laughed.
"Bring it on!" I sneered, shuffling my cards. We set up the game and it wasen't very long after that I found something quite unusual.
In my deck sat a blue card, which was the same size as the other cards. I didn't want Mina to know just yet, so I didn't bother to investigate.
After a few more games, we decided to call it a night. I yawned and streched, and finally found the perfect time to study the card. I picked up my card reader, and swiped the card, and suddenly, the whole thing backfired. I watched in amusement as the card reader instantly changed in my hand...

A/N: Please R/R!!! NO FLAMES!!!