Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Amazing Colossle Unoficial Season 11 Episode Guide ❯ Ep #1102: Sincere Hope ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Original fic By Robster80

Summary of MiSTing by Digifan316


Ah, love is in the air. SOMEBODY SHOOT IT DOWN!

In the park, we see Matt and Kari kissing, witch tells you that you should turn back now. We then get a better view and see non other than the pink one herself, Mimi, seeing it all go down between Kari, who is supposed to be TK'S girlfriend, and Matt, who's supposed to be her ex. Not only that, but she hears every single word they're saying, witch should lead to the conclusion that they are within at least eye sight of each other. How they don't notice her, we do not know. Then after seeing her ex and TK's girl sucking face, we see the Gilligan impersonator himself: TK. He too heard and saw the whole thing and ran away and cried for so long, he almost flooded the town. Mimi tries to comfort the young teen, thus setting up another couple that must never happen (I BLAME THE WORD SORATO FOR THIS!). The next day is TK'S birthday and the first person to greet him is the blonde boy band wannabe himself: Matt. After dropping several obvious hints that TK knew that Matt was with Kari, he still didn't get it. So after a blunt question of who's screwing who, Kari appears and TK wishes both her and Matt dead. If only we were so lucky (Hey, I like Kari, but the way she acts in this fic, you'd want her head off too). When Mimi runs into them, she over hears that Matt would have killed TK if it went worse than it did. Feel the OOC people. After a Mimi gets all Three Stooges on Matt and Kari (Yes, you read right), she changes into her clubbing outfit and she takes TK out to a dance club that her parents go to on a regular basses. After a few minutes of eating and dancing, we run into a Davis that people can tolerate. Hey, is that a pig flying?

Well, after all of that, they finally say "I love you," then they go home. We read TK'S journal and find out that he's got plans for Matt and Kari. We then read Mimi's journal and see that she's been around, hint, hint. Also, she too has plans for Matt and Kari. That's love for you. You find someone new, and you're still hung on your ex.


Segment one: Brian and the guys open a robot used for… um… uh… Saturday night fun lets just say.

Segment two: After getting a question right, Brian gets to pick three people to join him for at least one experiment. Hint, he wears goggles and only five people like him.

Segment three: How NOT to repair an android while trying to prevent yourself from destroying to dirty minded robots.

Segment four: Using the only disk they got, Brian inserts the Magic Voice disk into the android's body, creating Maggie. As soon as she sees Tom and Crow, she's overjoyed. As soon as she sees Brian, she does the one thing everyone wants to do to him the minute he talks.

Segment five: Not one for even ten minutes, and Davis already is acting like himself.

Segment six: After trying to comfort Tom and Gypsy from Davis' wrath, Crow finds him trying to let air out of his lock. Now we know how stupid he really is.

Segment seven: After no words from the Mads, Brian hits the button himself and we see Mike at the college getting "Extra Credit" from Pearl. If you still don't get it, lets just say if the van's a rockin…


I blame Sorato for this. Ever since some yahoo first said "Hey, I'll make Sora and Matt a couple," couple switching fics like this have appeared all over the place. This has two good things going for it though: It was written so well, you root for the broken hearted ones (TK and Mimi) to get together, and it proves that Matt is an idiot. The only major problem with this fic was the OOC of Matt and Kari being glad that TK hates them. I mean, I don't think any one would be happy that someone hated them. If that were true, then Stephen Ratliff and John Rocker are the happiest people on the planet.

Most of you who read the MiST are wondering "Why did you get Mike and Pearl together?" The reason is that I needed a host segment to go with the fic, so what's more unusual than a Forester and a Nelson being a couple? Ok, a Motomia and a Kaymia being together would be. And an Ishida and Takenouchi. And…


You can find the MiSTing at…

http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_ch.php?id=2956&cid=7 491