Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The chronomon Chronicals ❯ The Chronomon chronicals Ch1: return to the digital world ( Chapter 1 )

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The Chronos Chronicles
By krimson killer

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the digimon characters, places, names, or the company that created them. I'm just writing a fanfic to have a little fun and see if you like it or not, I do however take credit for at least 1 new digimon that you will read about if not three.
So without further ado here is

The Return To The Digital world

(A/N. This takes place about a year after the defeat of the Dark Masters. <>means thinking so you know.)

Izzy walks down the hall to his room after supper to do his schoolwork, he enters his room, but instead of going to his computer to work, he goes to his bed and lies down on it. He starts thinking about his last adventure in the digital world where he and the other digidestaned had been turned digital after being "killed" by appoclamon (Is there a chance that I spelt that right) He couldn't quite remember it, how it felt, what he was doing, among others. <Give up Izzy> He thought to himself <You've been trying for over a year now to remember it, you'd of gotten it by now.>

Izzy gets up and walks to his laptop which was on already "Weird I don't remember leaving it on." Izzy said to no one in particular, shrugging it off, he access a file called "Del-Time" which holds what he can remember of his time deleted. He stares at the words on screen, hoping it will help. After a minute he relises it's hopeless, turns off hiss laptop and throws it on the bed. He sits down at his desk and opens up his English homework <I'm tired, I'll get this over with and go to bed> But no later then he said those words did his digivice start to go off and his desktop computer started to glow.

<Prodigious, we must be needed in the digital world> thinks Izzy as he grabs his laptop (barely) and gets sucked into the digital world.

"Come on, take that, and that, Matt" Said tai, to his computer screen as he was playing a game of STARBUSTERS 5 against Matt, well in their bedroom T.K. and Kari were playing together. He was going to lose, and he knew it, but he wouldn't let Matt know that. A message appeared on the top left corner of his screen. It read:

'MatttheMan01':That all you got tai?
'MatttheMan01':I'm going to beat you for sure!

"No you won't" Tai said to the screen momentarily forgetting that Matt could not hear him. As he typed a response to Matt his ship hit a accelerator pad fallowed quickly after by a solid metal wall. "WHAT!!!" said Tai as he looked up to see the words "you lose" flash on screen. "NNNNOOO!!!" said Tai banding his head against the desk. This noise of Tai's scream and the sound of banging brought Kari and T.K. in the room. "What happened?" asked Kari as she came in the room. "None of your business!" Tai spun around and told her, "oh" said Kari feeling slightly disappointed. "Tai something's funny with your computer." Said T.K. to Tai pointing behind him. "Huh?" Tai said and turned around, sure enough, the screen was glowing a eerie green (Yes the same color as Izzy's) "What is it Tai?" Kari asked more curious then scared. "I don't know Kari" Tai said honestly "But were probably not going to like it." Matt was seeing the same screen at his computer, the last thing any of them did was check if they had their digivices before they were sucked into the screen.

"Why do these things always happen to me?" said Joe as he went into his second hour of searching for a document that he wrote last week but couldn't find it. "Are you sure you saved it or something Joe?" asked Mimi, Joe was the smartest person she knew that she could stand if when she needed help in school she turned to Joe for help. "Mimi, I would have saved something that important no matter wha...t." said Joe as he realized what happened. to it. "I was going to save it when dad asked for a fuse for the fuse box, when he put it in he must of restarted the computer by accident, oh man, a weeks worth of typing and research down the drain." Said Joe , more depressed then ever. "Uh Joe, I don't want to stop you from breaking down in front of me but could you turn off your screensaver, it's to bright." Said Mimi bringing her hand up to cover her eyes. "What do you mean Mimi? I don't have my screensaver on." Responded a puzzled Joe, he lifted his head up and sees what Mimi was talking about. There was a eerie green light on his screen. He pulled his digivice from his desk and fallowed behind Mimi getting sucked into the screen.

"Ok, Mama good night, I'll see you tomorrow." Yelled Sora to her mother as she closed the door to her room. Turning on the light see saw a picture that that brought warmth to her heart. It was a picture of biyomon see had drawn form memory, but it was still a good picture, she put the bags of stuff she and her Mother had bought at the mall next to her closet, turned around and looked at Biyomon's picture again, <I sure hope she is allright?> She thought to herself and sighed. She left her room and washed up for bed, but when she got to her room (I'll, give you three guesses what I'm going to type next.) Her computer screen was glowing the same shade of eerie green like all the others. <That's funny, I didn't leave it on before I left> thought Sora, as she slowly walks towards her computer, when she gets about 3 feet away form her screen it suck's her up too.

All the digidestened land in a clearing together. "Will who or whatever's on me please get off my back" said Joe in pain. "Sorry" Said Matt as he gets off of Joe, "Matt?". "Gabumon?" said Matt turning his head around. "Tai?". "Augmon". "Sora?". "Biyomon?". "T.K.?". "Patamon?". "Kari?" "Gatomon?". "Izzy?" . "Tentomon?". "Mimi?". "Palmon?". "Joe?" "Gomammon?". All together "IT'S YOU!!!!!!" as they run over to hug each other. "But what are you guys doing here?" asks a very happy Tai. "We could ask you the same question." Replies an equally happy Gatomon.

"I was just minding my own business when all of a sudden my computer screen started t-" started Izzy. "To glow a weird Green color," said Tai. "And then we were sucked in." said Joe finishing off the sentence. "Whoa all of you too?" said Matt, fallowed by nods.
"Don't ask us, we were minding our own business and then 'boom' we were here with you." Said Gabumon. "Hey Patamon, who's that behind you?" says T.K. and points. Everyone fallowed T.K.'s finger and they saw a human. The human was a male, probably about Tai's or Joe's age, around 5,8-5,9, had wild out - of - control brown hair, that was short but covered his whole head, except for the front which covered his forehead and cast a shadow over his green eyes, was in a light dusty brown shirt, and had on black track pants.

"Uh, Tentomon , who's that, actually what's that?" "I don't know Izzy but it's definitely not a digimon" "Should we go talk to him." Asked Sora to the group. "HEY BUDDY, I'm Tai what's your name?" "Tai what are you doing that could be the enemy we have to fight." "No way, he's a human and besides we have our digimon with us, now let's be polite and say hello." Said Joe from out of nowhere and walks to him. "Boys!" said Sora discouraged.

"Hello, digidestand." "Uh , hi." Said Matt aloud "How does he know were digidestended?" Matt whispered to the group. "I don't know but if he knows that I don't trust him, Augmon, digivolve." "Augmon digivolve to..........Greymon." "Nova Blast" shouted Greymon and lunched one towards the human.

Sorry I end this chapter here, I would like to apologize for any names I misspelt. The human is the first of the 3 new characters I'll be introducing as the story goes. Please review my first fanfic I'll take questions, comments, advise, criticism, requests (via e-mail) or flames but I will write another chapter if I get 1 person asking me to do so.

e-mail me at krimson_killer@hotmail.com

Write to ya soon I hope. Bye. Krimson killer.