Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Crest of Honesty ❯ The Crest ( Chapter 2 )

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The Crest Of Honesty



Chapter 2 - The Crest

Sam thought of her boyfriend then she thought *-shall I?-* *-can I?-* *-what would Ben think?-* then she remember that Ben had told her that if she had left the UK they would be over, *-so if Ben and I are no longer together why should care what he thinks!-*. Matt stood there wondering whether Sam was going to turn him down or not, then Sam smiled at Matt and finally spoke

Sam: sure

Matt was smiling so much it looked like his face was about to crack!

Sam: when?

Matt: um…

Sam: because you see I'm still settling in at the moment

Then Matt's smile faded a bit as he wonder if Sam knew he had just asked her out as it sounded like she thought it was just a friendly get together. Sam saw this and laughed

Matt: what?

Sam: I'm sorry…I know that you asked me out

Matt was smiling more than ever now

Sam: just give me a day or two to sort myself out ok

Matt: ok

Matt walked off, he was still smiling when Tai walked passed him. Tai wanted to know what Matt was smiling about and was about to ask when he saw Sam waiting for him *-uh oh-* he thought he knew that Sam wouldn't be in a very good mood having to wait for him all this time.

He cautiously went up to Sam but to his surprise Sam was smiling.

Tai: hi (nervously)

Thinking Sam was going to snap at him for being so long

Sam: hey

Tai: sorry I took so long I…

Sam interrupted: that's ok I had some company while I was waiting

She laughed

Tai was about to ask if she knew what Matt was smiling about but then kept quiet all he said was

Tai: are we ready?

Implying that he wanted to go home

Sam: yup

As they walked back home Sam kept wondering if she had done the right thing saying 'yes' to Matt, was it right to go out with someone so soon after all she did just arrive yesterday, and was she ready to go out with someone this soon? At the moment it was all she could think about she didn't even hear Tai when he was talking to her

Tai: Sam

But he got no answer he tried again

Tai: Sam! Hello

Still no answer, he waved his hand in front of her face, which got an immediate reaction

Sam: huh? What? Oh sorry Tai… I was miles away

Tai: yeah I could see

Sam blushed which was unusual for her as she rarely blushed

They reached home and Sam sat down on the sofa, she was still thinking about Matt. She played with the necklace her best friend had given her while she was thinking, she had always played with her necklaces while thinking she had found it helped her think better. She moved the pendant from left to right then right to left on the chain.

Kari: hey Sam

Kari could see that Sam was thinking about something

Kari: want some help?

Sam wasn't in such deep though as when Tai spoke to her earlier, this time she heard what Kari had said but it was like it went in one ear and out the other.

Sam: huh? Oh sorry Kari

Kari: that's ok … need any help?

Sam: help?

At first Sam wondered what Kari was talking about then she realised

Sam: oh… I'm not sure

Kari smiled then she said: well tell me your problem and I'll see if I can help

She sat down next to Sam then Sam told Kari everything that happened and what she had thought, she also told Kari everything that Ben had said before his trip to China.

Kari: sounds to me like your confused

Sam: yeah

The two girls sat there for a while in silence then finally Kari spoke

Kari: did Ben really say he'd break up with you if you left England?

Sam: yeah but it was the way he said it. It didn't sound like there was any love in his

voice, he just said it straight out 'if you leave the UK we're over' I was a bit

surprised because this didn't sound like the Ben I fell in love with. Then I

thought that he must be joking because he knew all about the pain I had


After this last sentence a tear came to Sam's eye as she remembered all the pain she had suffered while living in England.

Kari: well it sounds to me like you need a new start…

Sam smiled that's exactly why she had left the UK in the first place to create a new life for herself

Kari: …and a distraction… so you go unpack and I'll come help you in a minute

Sam hadn't unpacked yet because as soon as they came home from picking Sam's luggage up they all went straight to bed.

Sam: ok Kari

Then she smiled and went to unpack

Kari waited until Sam was out of sight then went over to the phone, she picked it up and started dialing

'Hello?' a voice said on the other end

Kari: hi Matt it's Kari

Matt: hey Kari, how are you?

Kari: fine. Listen Matt, Sam told me what happened today

Matt: did she?

Kari: yeah she needed to talk… anyway can you come over? We need to talk

Matt: what about?

Kari: just come over I'll explain when you get here

Matt: well ok …bye

Kari: bye

Kari put the phone down and went to help Sam unpack.

Sam: who was on the phone?… sorry I'm a nosy person

Kari smiled

Kari: that's ok it was just one of my friends

Kari: how are you doing?

Trying to change the subject it worked

Sam: fine almost done

Sam was just setting out her jewellery. She had an assortment of things from necklaces to rings to bracelets, most of them were sliver but a few were gold. Sam had always preferred sliver to gold she thought it looked nicer, she had just taken off the necklace that her father had given her when Kari noticed it.

Kari: that's nice, can I look at it?

Sam: yeah sure, be careful though

Kari: ok

Kari held the necklace in her hand, she looked at it on both sides then noticed the symbol on the front.

Kari: it looks like a crest

Sam: a what?

Then Kari realised she had said it out loud

Kari: oh nothing just talking to myself

Sam laughed

Sam: I do that sometimes, I find it helps me think

The two girls laughed, and Kari put the necklace down very carefully if it was a crest she didn't want to break it. Then she noticed a piece of paper it had been folded four times. She took it and opened it and she was surprised to see a drawing of all their crests.

Kari: what's this

Sam: oh that's just a drawing I did a while ago when I was bored.

Kari was about to ask Sam when she had drawn them then the doorbell went.

Kari: do you mind if I keep it?

Sam: nah I don't know why I've had it for so long anyway. Take it

The doorbell went again

Kari: o that'll be m…

Then she stopped and looked at Sam then continued

Kari: …y friend

Sam smiled

After putting the drawing in her pocket Kari got up and went to answer the door. She opened the door to see Matt standing there then she saw TK standing beside him. She looked surprised, 'hi' they both said

Kari: hi, come in

She was finally able to say. TK could see that Kari was surprised to see him there, so he thought he'd explain why he was also there.

TK: I was visiting Matt when you rang

Kari smiled she didn't mind that TK had come in fact she was glad of it

Kari: take a seat I won't be a minute

She walked back to the room Sam was in.

Kari: can I show this to one of my friends? I promise I'll be careful

Pointing to the necklace she thought to be a crest

Sam: sure Kari I know you won't break it

She smiled before asking: may I meet your friend?

Kari: sure but he's not the one I want to show it to

Sam laughed: ok Kari

Kari picked up the necklace and carefully put it in her pocket then both of them went to see TK and Matt. When Sam walked out of the room she saw a tall blonde haired boy.

Kari: Sam, this is TK

TK: hi

Sam: hey

Kari: TK is Matt's brother

At the word Matt, Sam instinctively smiled and thought *-good looks must run in the family-*. TK looked at his brother who was still sitting down Matt had froze when he heard Sam's voice he didn't know why he did.

TK: Matt aren't you going to say hello

It wasn't until TK had said this that Sam had realised there was someone else in the room beside Kari, TK and her. Then Sam realised what Kari had meant when she said 'you need a distraction'. Slowly Matt got up

Matt: hey Sam

Sam: hi Matt

Kari: well TK and I would love to stay but we've got to go visit someone right TK

TK looked a little confused, then Kari looked at him as if to say 'just play along'

TK: oh yeah right… I nearly forgot

Kari: well cya both later

TK: bye

Sam and Matt stood there in complete shock as the door closed and they were left alone, as Tai was out with Sora

Outside TK was wondering where Kari wanted to go so urgently.

TK: Kari, what's going on?

Kari: I'll explain on the way to Izzy's

TK: Izzy's but w…

He stopped as he saw Kari was already heading towards the stairs. On the way to Izzy's Kari explained how she thought Sam's necklace looked like a crest and how she had found a drawing Sam had done of all their crests. It was 5 o'clock when they reached Izzy's TK rang the bell, the door opened and there stood Izzy

Izzy: hi Kari, hi TK

TK and Kari: hi

Izzy: what's up

TK: Izzy we need to talk

Kari was nodding

Izzy: sounds serious come in

They walked in

Izzy: so what do you want to talk about?

Kari: this

Kari pulled out the drawing and Sam's necklace then gave them to Izzy

Izzy took them and looked at the drawing first

Izzy: it's a drawing of our crests so what

Then he looked at the necklace

Izzy: and this is a piece of sliver jewellery so what about them

Kari: well the drawing was done by Sam and….

TK interrupting: and Kari thinks the necklace looks like a crest. That also belongs to


Izzy: Sam? You mean that girl that Tai brought with him to school today

Kari: yeah that's her

Izzy: hmm

He examined the things Kari had given him more closely, then said

Izzy: you know Kari you could be right about this necklace it does kinda resemble a crest

He put them down on the table and then went to his computer and started typing

TK: Izzy do you think it's possible Sam could be a digidestined?

Izzy: it's possible

At the word 'Digidestined' Sam's necklace began to glow and they all stared in amazement.

Kari: what's going on?

Izzy: it must have reacted to something TK said

TK: what? Me? What did I say?

Then he remembered

TK: which part? Sam? Digidestined?

The necklace began to glow more brightly then stopped

Kari: what happened?

Izzy: I don't know but what I do know is that we need to know where Sam got this necklace. Do you know where she is?

Kari: yeah she's at home with Matt.

TK was looking at the drawing of the crests then started saying

TK: Courage, Friendship, Love, Hope, Reliability, Sincerity and Knowledge. Hey guys did you notice that there's a crest missing.

Kari and Izzy: huh?

Izzy: let me see

TK gave the drawing to Izzy

Izzy: hmm Knowledge, Sincerity, Reliability, Courage, Hope, Love and Friendship.

Your right TK a crest is missing

Kari: it's my crest that's missing, the crest of light

They all looked at the drawing again Kari was right her crest was missing instead of the crest of light there was another symbol in the top right hand corner of the page it wasn't as big as the others. While the other crests filled the page this symbol was small and kept to its corner. Then they all noticed that the small symbol on the drawing was exactly like the symbol on Sam's necklace.

TK: what does this mean?

Izzy: hm I'm not sure, but what we must do next is simple

TK: which is?

Izzy: we must talk to Sam

*-figures-* TK thought

Kari: right!

Kari picked up the necklace and took the drawing back from Izzy. It was starting to get dark when they all left Izzy's and started going to Kari's on their way there they saw Joe.

Kari: hey Joe

Joe: huh? Oh hi Kari

TK: what are you doing?

Joe: oh just getting some fresh air to clear my head, you all look troubled what's up?

Izzy: we'll tell you on the way

Joe: on the way to where?

Kari: my place

And while they walked they told Joe what had happened at Izzy's and how the necklace glowed

Joe: do you know what it was that made it glow TK?

TK shook his head he didn't want to speak just in case the necklace glowed again.


It was nearly nightfall and Sam stood on the balcony looking at the sky it looked as if someone was painting the sky black with a mixture of colours *-almost a kind of blue/ black with sliver dots in it-* she smiled then closed her eyes while taking deep breaths. She didn't know what came over her earlier. She was fine a moment ago sitting down talking to Matt then all of a sudden she felt dizzy as if she was going to collapse or something. She had asked Matt if he could help her to the balcony to get some air as she could just barely stand. Matt was now standing besides Sam ready to catch her if she felt dizzy again, she didn't look well she looked pale and unwell. They had been standing out there in silence for a couple of minutes now.

Matt: are you ok now?

He finally asked

Sam opened her eyes and started to breathe normally again

Sam: yeah I think so… thanks

Matt smiled then said: hey anytime

They both laughed then Sam's laugh turned into coughing, Matt wanted to look to see if she was ok but she put her hand up as if to say 'stop' then she stopped coughing and she looked at Matt. She had tears in her eyes as she was coughing that much.

Then the front door opened and in walked Kari, TK, Izzy and Joe, at first Kari and TK wondered where Sam and Matt were.

TK: where are they?

Kari: we left them right here

Joe: looks like they had the same idea I did

Looking towards the balcony

They all looked towards the balcony Sam looked she was trying to kept herself from falling down and Matt was standing next to her trying to make sure that Sam wouldn't fall.

Kari: looks like they didn't hear us come in.

Then Matt turned round, saw them and started towards them after checking Sam was ok before making a move

Matt: hey guys, I see we've doubled in number.

Kari: is Sam ok?

Matt: I don't know we were just talking then she said she needed some air. She could barely stand up….

As they listened to Matt, Kari put Sam's things on the table. After Matt had finished Kari and Izzy told Matt everything that happened. TK was still worried that if he told Matt what had happened with the rest of them the necklace or crest or whatever it was would start to glow again.

Matt: So do you know what made it glow?

Izzy: I think when TK said the word 'Digidestined' it somehow triggered it

Matt: Digidestined? Why that?

To everyone amazement the necklace began to glow again but this time the light was so bright that none of them could look at it. Then they heard what sounded like a thud or bang. They all thought the necklace must have exploded but as the light got dimmer they could see it was still in one piece and it was still glowing but now it was more of a dim glow.

Joe: what was that noise?

Kari looked at the balcony to see if Sam was ok then she gasped

Kari: Sam!

Everyone looked at the balcony to see Sam lying on the floor unconscious but there was something odd about Sam besides the fact that she was unconscious there seemed to be what looked like an outline of light all around her.

Izzy looked at Sam then at the necklace on the table then back at Sam again

Izzy: interesting

TK: what's interesting Izzy?

Izzy: the glow around Sam and the glow the necklace is giving off seem to be the same

Everyone looked at Sam then at the necklace then back to Sam again, Izzy was right they were connected somehow. Kari picked up the necklace then all of a sudden the dim light shot from the necklace into Sam when this was over (which only took about a minute or two) the necklace stopped glowing. Just at that moment Tai and Sora walked though the door 'hey all' Tai said as he closed the door behind him

But no one answered

Tai: what's up with you guys

Then he saw what they were all staring at

Sora: Tai isn't that the girl you brought with you to school today?

Tai: yeah it is, hey guys what's going on

Still no one answered Tai but all went straight over to see if Sam was ok

Joe: hey Tai

Finally noticing him

Joe: give us a hand will you

Tai: sure but what's going on

Kari: we'll tell you in a minute just help us move Sam

Kari was still holding the necklace as they all helped moved Sam to her bed

Sora: what happened?

Izzy: we don't know

Tai: what do you mean you don't know!

Izzy: well it's like this Kari and TK came to me with….

Sora and Tai listened carefully while Kari tended to Sam, she put the necklace down next to Sam before saying

Kari: You'll be ok Sam, we'll look after you

After Izzy had explained everything he concluded with

Izzy: like I said we don't know

Tai: I see what you mean

Sora: poor girl

Then Matt looked at the time it was 9pm

Matt: uh oh we'd better get going you guys

Everyone looked at the time and agreed with Matt that it was time to go, they all headed for the door except Kari who stayed with Sam.

Tai: don't worry guys Kari and I will look after Sam. See you all tomorrow

All: bye Tai

When Tai got back to Kari and Sam, Sam had stopped glowing but was that a good sign or a bad one they didn't know.

Kari looked at her brother

Kari: do you think she'll be ok?

Tai: I don't know Kari I don't just know. how is she?

Kari: she's still unconscious