Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Digital Network ❯ Digital Squares: Round 1 ( Chapter 5 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: On owning Digimon--
"I would if I could, but I can't, soooo I won't even bother." --Gennai's Apprentice
A/N: This one's for 'Seth Turtle'. For the convenience of our T.V. viewers, I have placed his review for 'TDN: The Introduction' right here.
--Cool idea. How about a porn channel (heh heh...maybe mimi has a sudden interest in becoming a porn star...heh heh - just kidding). Anyway, good job and good luck.--
*Porn Warning* I'm just kidding! No! Please don't leave, I really was kidding. It's really G-rated! Noooo--aw, nuts. Oh well, I've still got you guys, right? Okay, Jenji, GA, and Gennai's Apprentice all refer to me, and I'm not responsible for anything said by Sandiya, Seiitsu, or Dr. C. Exchange rate for yen is: 100 yen = 1 dollar.
The Digital Network presents...
Digital Squares!
"Hey Kari, do you know what these corn costumes are for?" Sora asked.
"Yeah, T.K. told me that we got a phone call earlier. Hey T.K. c'mere! Sora wants to know what that crazy guy said."
"Alrighty," T.K. pulls out a pad and squints at it.
"What is this?!" Sora asked as she looked over the young boy's shoulder. All it looked like was a bunch of scribbles.
"Hey!" he said, pulling the pad away, "So what if it's messy, I can still read it!"
"Fine then, what does it say?" Sora asked as she crossed her arms and a smile crept up to her lips.
"Uhhh... Ummm... give me a sec," T.K. scratched his head, "Aha, now I remember, it says, 'A corn channel heh heh...maybe Mimi has a sudden interest in becoming a corn star...heh heh, just kidding.'"
"Well, you were right, that guy sure was weird, why would I want to be a 'corn' star?" Mimi said as she came into the conversation.
"Were you listening the whole time?" T.K. asked the girl decked out in pink.
"Yeah, so what?" Mimi asked, giving him 'the Look'.
T.K. shifts uncomfortably, "Anyways, the connection was sorta bad. He coulda' meant something else."
Tai burst into the room where the four were, wiping the sweat off his forehead, "The gameshow host isn't coming, his flight was canceled. Do any of you know somebody who can host the show, but doesn't ask for much cash?"
"How about our head producer?" Izzy said entering the room through the same door Tai came in through. In his arms, he carried a white box with breathing holes, "He's cheap. Anyways, look at this box I found. I oppened it and found a drugged cat."
Kari peeked inside and saw a fairly large cat snoring. "It looks really cute. Reminds me of Gatomon."
The sleeping cat suddenly woke up at the sound of Gatomon's name. "Huh, Gatomon, where? Where am I?"
Mimi picked up the cat and talked to it in a caring/excited tone, "You're at TDN studios, ya little cutie!"
Izzy picked up a note inside the box where the sleeping cat was, "Hey, I didn't notice this before. It says that the cat is to be kept here and used for our upcoming T.V. gameshow for the ninth square. How considerate."
Right at that momment, the last two of the Digidestined, Matt and Joe, came running in through the doors, one looking really excited, and the other looking really sick.
"Hey guys, the contestants are here! Man, those are some cute chicks, too bad they can't understand me." Matt proclaimed.
"No worries," Izzy said holding up a small earpiece, "these are the new Universal Translators that we picked up from Super Supplies.
Behind him was Joe, who ran off to the bathroom.
"What's up with him?" Mimi asked.
"See, as I always said," Matt winked, "Joe's alergic to cute chicks."
"HEY!" Mimi and Sora said at the same time. Sora finished their thought, "Are you saying we aren't cute?"
Everybody started to break up in different directions, Mimi going to put the makeup on the new arrivals, Izzy, who went to get the universal translators from MiB Inc. and the rest dressing up in their corn costumes, except for Tai who headed for the phone.
"Hello. Jenji?"
"Yeah, Jenji speaking. Tai? Is that you? Whatd'ya want?"
"Our gameshow host can't make it. Can you come and be the host?"
In the background, the screams of a crazed cat yelling things like, "I'm gonna kill that jerk!" and, "That freakin' idiot's gonna die!"
"Ummm, for how much?"
"How about 30 yen?"
"Sure, I'll be right over!"
***********************************************************************< br />
Announcer: And now, welcome to TDN, Channel 527, Odaiba, presenting... Digital Squares!
*Lights come on the studio revealing three consoles. One of them is to the side of the other two which face a large box with nine smaller boxes.*
GA: Hey there, all you people in T.V. Land! Today we got two beautiful contestants for Digital Squares, Sandiya and Seiitsu!
Seiitsu: Hi Mom, I’m on T.V.!
Sandiya: Good morning America! Umm... I mean Japan! *silly wave*
GA: It’s evening actually.
Sandiya: Oh...
GA: Alright, let’s see our special guests!
*Lights shine on a big box-like construction revealing the Digidestined and a cat in the smaller boxes within.*
(Special A/N: Box positions)
Sora | T.K. | Kari
Tai | Petros | Izzy
Mimi | Joe | Matt
Sandiya: Takeru and Kari in adjoining squares! How kawaii!!!!
Sora: Hello.
T.K.: Hey everybody!
Kari: Hiya!
Joe: Somebody move that light, it’s in my eyes!
Tai: Be quiet Joe, you whine too much. Dr. C, tell those idiots up there to move those lights!
*A guy with green hair says something into a headset*
Matt: *angrily* You coulda’ said that a little nicer.
Mimi: Won’t you two stop fighting! I'm sick and tired of you big haired idiots fight... Oops, did I say that?
Seiitsu: Who's Dr. C?
Tai: He's supposed to be one of our writers here, but he hasn't written anything yet, so we put him as stage manager.
Petros: Who cares who he is, I know somebody’s reaaaallly gonna get it when we get home!
Izzy: Interesting, this cat is extremely hostile.
GA: Yeah, but if you want him for experiments, he's yours.
Izzy: Prodigious! Unfortunately, I think he may be more costly than profitable.
GA: Oh well. Back to our contestants. Seiitsu, you're fifteen and live in Kentucky, USA.
Seiitsu: Yup, and I so love to ski! *points to 'USA ski team shirt* I also wore my fave outfit today! *spins around showing her blue jeans, and a turquoise bandana on her head as well as...*
GA: Why exactly are you wearing slippers?
Seiitsu: To show off my pink toe socks.
GA: Okaaaay, Sandiya, you're thirteen and live in Conneticut, USA...
Mimi: How come everbody's from America?
*The song "We're the Kids in America" blares suddenly then stops.*
Mimi: Ummm... Dr. C what was that for?
Dr. C: *Off camera* Dunno. I'm from America too ya know.
Sandiya: Anyways, *completely ignores the two* you're right and I'm also wearing MY fave outfit *spins around showing black long-sleeve zippered shirt with a hood, dark blue jeans, and her black velvet boots.
GA: Are you two dizzy yet?
Seiitsu & Sandiya: Uh-huh.
GA: Okay, cointoss time
Seii: I choose tails.
*GA tosses coin and lands heads... three times in a row.*
GA: Okay, that's settled, Sandiya it’s your turn.
San: Hm? It's my turn? 'Kay! Awesome! What do I do?
GA: Good question, I forgot to say what's going on. You choose one of our friends, and yes even Petros here. Next I ask a question, and the person you chose answers it. Then finally, you agree or disagree, and if your right then you get your sign on the little screen there right under their podium. Sandiya, since your first, you get X and Seiitsu gets O. By the way, if you get it right a special prize will be waiting for you and whoever wins all three rounds gets the mystery prize!
San: That's it? Really? Or is my math teacher hiding behind the corner
waiting to spring a test on me? Stranger things have happened, sir.
GA: Perhaps you need a break from school.
San: Possibly. I choose Izzy.
GA: Okay, here's your question. Is Yamato gay?
Matt: What the HECK?! I thought we settled this with Chris McFeely! I AM NOT GAY, PEOPLE!
Izzy: Matt, it's my question, not yours. By the way, who wrote these questions?
*Dr. C whistles and turns away*
GA: Okaaay, let's get on with the next question. Does Matt love Sora?
Matt: Hell NO! Are you nuts, I don't love that tomboy!
Sora: Oh yeah, whatd'ya mean by that, huh? You wanna see who YER DADDY is little boy?
GA: Exactly how many of these questions did you write, Dr. C?
Dr. C: Um, it took me three days straight to write 'em all.
GA: GEEZ LUIZ! Three days! *flips through weird romance questions*
GA: Okay, here's some normal questions. These'll deal with your journeys in the Digiworld. What type of Digimon was Gennai?
Izzy: Umm, he told us he wasn't exactly a Digimon so I'll have to say that he has no type.
San: Izzy, d'ya have a 4.0 average?
Izzy: Actually, it's 5.0. Schooling is surprisingly easy.
San: Oh, 5.0. *bows to the great one* Wow, I must say you're right then. You can go back to your computer, Izzy-san.
Izzy: *Pulls Pineapple from under his desk* Thank you.
GA: You could save that for later, in the meantime, you both are correct.
San: YAY Izzy!!!! Geniuses everywhere will rejoice with us, computers are sooo COOL!
Izzy: Ahem, *sweatdrops* yes. And you got 30 yen
San: Hey! Wait a second! Isn't that only worth, like, 30 cents in America.
GA: Huh? What! 30 cents! I'm risking my life in a gameshow with my crazy cat for 30 cents! Man oh man, Tai, you owe me BIG TIME. Okay, *clears throat* it's your turn Seiitsu.
Seii: I choose Kari.
GA: Do T.K. and Kari lo... Forget it, next one. What level is Gatomon?
Kari: Well, Dr. C I don't if me and T.K. love each other, because we are sorta' young, but I know T.K. sure does look cute.
*T.K. blushes deep red*
Kari: Anyways Gatomon's my Digimon, so I know she is a Champion.
Seii: *sighs* Yes Kari, you're correct... AS USUAL...
GA: Correct, and you win...
Kari: One of those tiny horses that we have only in Japan!
San: I choose, um, Petros.
GA: What is the name of the keeper of Primary Village?
Petros: Um, I haven't seen all the shows, so, I can't really...
GA: Too bad.
Petros: It's all your fault, Jenji! FINE, be that way. I think it's Centauromon.
San: Cats everywhere unite!!!!!! Wa-HOO! You rule, Petros-san! I agree!
GA: Too bad, you're both wrong. That box goes to Seiitsu.
San: Oh, it's okay, we'll get it next time. Cats still rule, Petros-san! D'ya know that cats are one of the smartest animals found on Earth? Petros is living proof!
Seii: Scary! I choose, Mimi.
GA: True of false, Mimi. Is Otamamon a virus digimon?
Mimi: Well, them and the Geckomon sure were nice to me. I say false.
Seii: YOU GO GIRL, I KNOW it's right!
GA: Sorry gals, but you're both wrong.
Mimi & Seii: WHAT!!!
GA: Um, moving on, that square goes to Sandiya.
San: Sora!
Sora: Sandiya!
GA: Your question! Who was the motherly character throughout your entire journey?
Sora: Hmm... It can't be a guy, cause guys don't normally act motherly, especially these guys.
Tai: Hey! I'm sensitive!
Sora: I didn't say you weren't, besides who has the icy veins?
*Tai pouts, then gives a sniffle*
Sora: Not Mimi, maybe Kari, but she wasn't always with us. Me?
San: No Duh, Sherlock!
GA: Yes Duh, Watson, and you got it right!
San: Girl power, Sora-chan! I knew we'd get that, aiight!!!
Sora: You get... a new Japanese imported car! *mumbles* When you're 18...
San: Alright!!!... Wait. Did you say something?
Sora: Um, nothing.
Seii: Gotta choose Tai!
Tai: Yup, everything always revolves around me!
Matt: Tai's head is big enough for the Solar System to revolve around it! Hey, look! I see Uranus!
*Everybody is cracking up, except Tai*
GA: Has anybody *wheeze* seen my *wheeze* pump? Tai *cough* What was Piedmon? *breaks out in laughter*
Seii: Yes, yes you're... Do I have to say he's right? *GA nods* Fine, your rrr... r... right. *sighs*
San: Looks like there's a mind beneath that big hair! Possibly as big as the hair, great going Tai! Now this game will never end!
GA: Unfortunately, he just couldn't choose the right answer so we could make fun of him. *everyone, even audience nods in disappointment* Well, tell her what she won, Tai.
Tai: You won... *grinning insanely* 100 yen, or 1 Americn dollar.
San: *drones* Must end long annoying game. Must choose Joe...
GA: In the fight for File Island in the beginning of your journey, you were attacked by Ogremon when the group was split up. What did Ogremon pop up out of?
Joe: I... I... I forgot. Trauma and something I call "Forget Bad Things That Happen Syndrome" happens. But I think it was a... treasure chest.
San: Is Jyou right?... Is Jyou ever wrong?... I don't think he is. He's so right!
GA: You better change your opinion. He's wrong and so are you. Seiitsu's got Joe's box!
Seii: No choice, but T.K.
GA: You get this right, and you win round one, you don't and it's a tie. T.K., what is the name of Patamon's Champion Stage?
T.K.: That's an easy one. I could never forget when Patamon digivolved to beat up Devimon. It's Angemon!
Seii: He's so right! In yo' face Sandiya! I won this round!
GA: Don't get to cocky now, but of course, you're right! For winning round one, you get...
Digidestined: A pack of GUM!
Seii: What?!
GA: Yes, you heard right. Only the finest gum in Japan, worth 1000 yen!
Seii: *Sarcastically* Ten dollar gum, I hope it's worth it.
GA: Time for a commercial break! Let's hear some words from our sponsors...
*screen fades to black*
Special A/N: End of Round
X | O | O
O | O | X
X | O | Matt
Sandiya: X
Seiitsu: O
"I would if I could, but I can't, soooo I won't even bother." --Gennai's Apprentice
A/N: This one's for 'Seth Turtle'. For the convenience of our T.V. viewers, I have placed his review for 'TDN: The Introduction' right here.
--Cool idea. How about a porn channel (heh heh...maybe mimi has a sudden interest in becoming a porn star...heh heh - just kidding). Anyway, good job and good luck.--
*Porn Warning* I'm just kidding! No! Please don't leave, I really was kidding. It's really G-rated! Noooo--aw, nuts. Oh well, I've still got you guys, right? Okay, Jenji, GA, and Gennai's Apprentice all refer to me, and I'm not responsible for anything said by Sandiya, Seiitsu, or Dr. C. Exchange rate for yen is: 100 yen = 1 dollar.
The Digital Network presents...
Digital Squares!
"Hey Kari, do you know what these corn costumes are for?" Sora asked.
"Yeah, T.K. told me that we got a phone call earlier. Hey T.K. c'mere! Sora wants to know what that crazy guy said."
"Alrighty," T.K. pulls out a pad and squints at it.
"What is this?!" Sora asked as she looked over the young boy's shoulder. All it looked like was a bunch of scribbles.
"Hey!" he said, pulling the pad away, "So what if it's messy, I can still read it!"
"Fine then, what does it say?" Sora asked as she crossed her arms and a smile crept up to her lips.
"Uhhh... Ummm... give me a sec," T.K. scratched his head, "Aha, now I remember, it says, 'A corn channel heh heh...maybe Mimi has a sudden interest in becoming a corn star...heh heh, just kidding.'"
"Well, you were right, that guy sure was weird, why would I want to be a 'corn' star?" Mimi said as she came into the conversation.
"Were you listening the whole time?" T.K. asked the girl decked out in pink.
"Yeah, so what?" Mimi asked, giving him 'the Look'.
T.K. shifts uncomfortably, "Anyways, the connection was sorta bad. He coulda' meant something else."
Tai burst into the room where the four were, wiping the sweat off his forehead, "The gameshow host isn't coming, his flight was canceled. Do any of you know somebody who can host the show, but doesn't ask for much cash?"
"How about our head producer?" Izzy said entering the room through the same door Tai came in through. In his arms, he carried a white box with breathing holes, "He's cheap. Anyways, look at this box I found. I oppened it and found a drugged cat."
Kari peeked inside and saw a fairly large cat snoring. "It looks really cute. Reminds me of Gatomon."
The sleeping cat suddenly woke up at the sound of Gatomon's name. "Huh, Gatomon, where? Where am I?"
Mimi picked up the cat and talked to it in a caring/excited tone, "You're at TDN studios, ya little cutie!"
Izzy picked up a note inside the box where the sleeping cat was, "Hey, I didn't notice this before. It says that the cat is to be kept here and used for our upcoming T.V. gameshow for the ninth square. How considerate."
Right at that momment, the last two of the Digidestined, Matt and Joe, came running in through the doors, one looking really excited, and the other looking really sick.
"Hey guys, the contestants are here! Man, those are some cute chicks, too bad they can't understand me." Matt proclaimed.
"No worries," Izzy said holding up a small earpiece, "these are the new Universal Translators that we picked up from Super Supplies.
Behind him was Joe, who ran off to the bathroom.
"What's up with him?" Mimi asked.
"See, as I always said," Matt winked, "Joe's alergic to cute chicks."
"HEY!" Mimi and Sora said at the same time. Sora finished their thought, "Are you saying we aren't cute?"
Everybody started to break up in different directions, Mimi going to put the makeup on the new arrivals, Izzy, who went to get the universal translators from MiB Inc. and the rest dressing up in their corn costumes, except for Tai who headed for the phone.
"Hello. Jenji?"
"Yeah, Jenji speaking. Tai? Is that you? Whatd'ya want?"
"Our gameshow host can't make it. Can you come and be the host?"
In the background, the screams of a crazed cat yelling things like, "I'm gonna kill that jerk!" and, "That freakin' idiot's gonna die!"
"Ummm, for how much?"
"How about 30 yen?"
"Sure, I'll be right over!"
***********************************************************************< br />
Announcer: And now, welcome to TDN, Channel 527, Odaiba, presenting... Digital Squares!
*Lights come on the studio revealing three consoles. One of them is to the side of the other two which face a large box with nine smaller boxes.*
GA: Hey there, all you people in T.V. Land! Today we got two beautiful contestants for Digital Squares, Sandiya and Seiitsu!
Seiitsu: Hi Mom, I’m on T.V.!
Sandiya: Good morning America! Umm... I mean Japan! *silly wave*
GA: It’s evening actually.
Sandiya: Oh...
GA: Alright, let’s see our special guests!
*Lights shine on a big box-like construction revealing the Digidestined and a cat in the smaller boxes within.*
(Special A/N: Box positions)
Sora | T.K. | Kari
Tai | Petros | Izzy
Mimi | Joe | Matt
Sandiya: Takeru and Kari in adjoining squares! How kawaii!!!!
Sora: Hello.
T.K.: Hey everybody!
Kari: Hiya!
Joe: Somebody move that light, it’s in my eyes!
Tai: Be quiet Joe, you whine too much. Dr. C, tell those idiots up there to move those lights!
*A guy with green hair says something into a headset*
Matt: *angrily* You coulda’ said that a little nicer.
Mimi: Won’t you two stop fighting! I'm sick and tired of you big haired idiots fight... Oops, did I say that?
Seiitsu: Who's Dr. C?
Tai: He's supposed to be one of our writers here, but he hasn't written anything yet, so we put him as stage manager.
Petros: Who cares who he is, I know somebody’s reaaaallly gonna get it when we get home!
Izzy: Interesting, this cat is extremely hostile.
GA: Yeah, but if you want him for experiments, he's yours.
Izzy: Prodigious! Unfortunately, I think he may be more costly than profitable.
GA: Oh well. Back to our contestants. Seiitsu, you're fifteen and live in Kentucky, USA.
Seiitsu: Yup, and I so love to ski! *points to 'USA ski team shirt* I also wore my fave outfit today! *spins around showing her blue jeans, and a turquoise bandana on her head as well as...*
GA: Why exactly are you wearing slippers?
Seiitsu: To show off my pink toe socks.
GA: Okaaaay, Sandiya, you're thirteen and live in Conneticut, USA...
Mimi: How come everbody's from America?
*The song "We're the Kids in America" blares suddenly then stops.*
Mimi: Ummm... Dr. C what was that for?
Dr. C: *Off camera* Dunno. I'm from America too ya know.
Sandiya: Anyways, *completely ignores the two* you're right and I'm also wearing MY fave outfit *spins around showing black long-sleeve zippered shirt with a hood, dark blue jeans, and her black velvet boots.
GA: Are you two dizzy yet?
Seiitsu & Sandiya: Uh-huh.
GA: Okay, cointoss time
Seii: I choose tails.
*GA tosses coin and lands heads... three times in a row.*
GA: Okay, that's settled, Sandiya it’s your turn.
San: Hm? It's my turn? 'Kay! Awesome! What do I do?
GA: Good question, I forgot to say what's going on. You choose one of our friends, and yes even Petros here. Next I ask a question, and the person you chose answers it. Then finally, you agree or disagree, and if your right then you get your sign on the little screen there right under their podium. Sandiya, since your first, you get X and Seiitsu gets O. By the way, if you get it right a special prize will be waiting for you and whoever wins all three rounds gets the mystery prize!
San: That's it? Really? Or is my math teacher hiding behind the corner
waiting to spring a test on me? Stranger things have happened, sir.
GA: Perhaps you need a break from school.
San: Possibly. I choose Izzy.
GA: Okay, here's your question. Is Yamato gay?
Matt: What the HECK?! I thought we settled this with Chris McFeely! I AM NOT GAY, PEOPLE!
Izzy: Matt, it's my question, not yours. By the way, who wrote these questions?
*Dr. C whistles and turns away*
GA: Okaaay, let's get on with the next question. Does Matt love Sora?
Matt: Hell NO! Are you nuts, I don't love that tomboy!
Sora: Oh yeah, whatd'ya mean by that, huh? You wanna see who YER DADDY is little boy?
GA: Exactly how many of these questions did you write, Dr. C?
Dr. C: Um, it took me three days straight to write 'em all.
GA: GEEZ LUIZ! Three days! *flips through weird romance questions*
GA: Okay, here's some normal questions. These'll deal with your journeys in the Digiworld. What type of Digimon was Gennai?
Izzy: Umm, he told us he wasn't exactly a Digimon so I'll have to say that he has no type.
San: Izzy, d'ya have a 4.0 average?
Izzy: Actually, it's 5.0. Schooling is surprisingly easy.
San: Oh, 5.0. *bows to the great one* Wow, I must say you're right then. You can go back to your computer, Izzy-san.
Izzy: *Pulls Pineapple from under his desk* Thank you.
GA: You could save that for later, in the meantime, you both are correct.
San: YAY Izzy!!!! Geniuses everywhere will rejoice with us, computers are sooo COOL!
Izzy: Ahem, *sweatdrops* yes. And you got 30 yen
San: Hey! Wait a second! Isn't that only worth, like, 30 cents in America.
GA: Huh? What! 30 cents! I'm risking my life in a gameshow with my crazy cat for 30 cents! Man oh man, Tai, you owe me BIG TIME. Okay, *clears throat* it's your turn Seiitsu.
Seii: I choose Kari.
GA: Do T.K. and Kari lo... Forget it, next one. What level is Gatomon?
Kari: Well, Dr. C I don't if me and T.K. love each other, because we are sorta' young, but I know T.K. sure does look cute.
*T.K. blushes deep red*
Kari: Anyways Gatomon's my Digimon, so I know she is a Champion.
Seii: *sighs* Yes Kari, you're correct... AS USUAL...
GA: Correct, and you win...
Kari: One of those tiny horses that we have only in Japan!
San: I choose, um, Petros.
GA: What is the name of the keeper of Primary Village?
Petros: Um, I haven't seen all the shows, so, I can't really...
GA: Too bad.
Petros: It's all your fault, Jenji! FINE, be that way. I think it's Centauromon.
San: Cats everywhere unite!!!!!! Wa-HOO! You rule, Petros-san! I agree!
GA: Too bad, you're both wrong. That box goes to Seiitsu.
San: Oh, it's okay, we'll get it next time. Cats still rule, Petros-san! D'ya know that cats are one of the smartest animals found on Earth? Petros is living proof!
Seii: Scary! I choose, Mimi.
GA: True of false, Mimi. Is Otamamon a virus digimon?
Mimi: Well, them and the Geckomon sure were nice to me. I say false.
Seii: YOU GO GIRL, I KNOW it's right!
GA: Sorry gals, but you're both wrong.
Mimi & Seii: WHAT!!!
GA: Um, moving on, that square goes to Sandiya.
San: Sora!
Sora: Sandiya!
GA: Your question! Who was the motherly character throughout your entire journey?
Sora: Hmm... It can't be a guy, cause guys don't normally act motherly, especially these guys.
Tai: Hey! I'm sensitive!
Sora: I didn't say you weren't, besides who has the icy veins?
*Tai pouts, then gives a sniffle*
Sora: Not Mimi, maybe Kari, but she wasn't always with us. Me?
San: No Duh, Sherlock!
GA: Yes Duh, Watson, and you got it right!
San: Girl power, Sora-chan! I knew we'd get that, aiight!!!
Sora: You get... a new Japanese imported car! *mumbles* When you're 18...
San: Alright!!!... Wait. Did you say something?
Sora: Um, nothing.
Seii: Gotta choose Tai!
Tai: Yup, everything always revolves around me!
Matt: Tai's head is big enough for the Solar System to revolve around it! Hey, look! I see Uranus!
*Everybody is cracking up, except Tai*
GA: Has anybody *wheeze* seen my *wheeze* pump? Tai *cough* What was Piedmon? *breaks out in laughter*
Seii: Yes, yes you're... Do I have to say he's right? *GA nods* Fine, your rrr... r... right. *sighs*
San: Looks like there's a mind beneath that big hair! Possibly as big as the hair, great going Tai! Now this game will never end!
GA: Unfortunately, he just couldn't choose the right answer so we could make fun of him. *everyone, even audience nods in disappointment* Well, tell her what she won, Tai.
Tai: You won... *grinning insanely* 100 yen, or 1 Americn dollar.
San: *drones* Must end long annoying game. Must choose Joe...
GA: In the fight for File Island in the beginning of your journey, you were attacked by Ogremon when the group was split up. What did Ogremon pop up out of?
Joe: I... I... I forgot. Trauma and something I call "Forget Bad Things That Happen Syndrome" happens. But I think it was a... treasure chest.
San: Is Jyou right?... Is Jyou ever wrong?... I don't think he is. He's so right!
GA: You better change your opinion. He's wrong and so are you. Seiitsu's got Joe's box!
Seii: No choice, but T.K.
GA: You get this right, and you win round one, you don't and it's a tie. T.K., what is the name of Patamon's Champion Stage?
T.K.: That's an easy one. I could never forget when Patamon digivolved to beat up Devimon. It's Angemon!
Seii: He's so right! In yo' face Sandiya! I won this round!
GA: Don't get to cocky now, but of course, you're right! For winning round one, you get...
Digidestined: A pack of GUM!
Seii: What?!
GA: Yes, you heard right. Only the finest gum in Japan, worth 1000 yen!
Seii: *Sarcastically* Ten dollar gum, I hope it's worth it.
GA: Time for a commercial break! Let's hear some words from our sponsors...
*screen fades to black*
Special A/N: End of Round
X | O | O
O | O | X
X | O | Matt
Sandiya: X
Seiitsu: O