Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Digital Trilogy - Episode 3 - Feint Within a Feint ❯ Chapter 1
Episode 3 - Feint within a Feint
The sun set on August, and Kovin and Kelryn standing on the pier. When the sun rose again, it was May of the following year, just as the air lost its crisp spring nature, and acquired the slow tangy feeling of summer. The quiet lull the group of seven, known as the Guardians, was over. At least twice or three times a week, there would be an attack that was to be stopped. Aeromon and Arcreumon were capable of transcontinental travel, so the group had expanded its efforts to North and South America, Europe, and the rest of Asia.
On the other continents, they found that a third of the digidestined were against the game as much as they were, so the Guardians took it upon themselves to educate and form other groups of seven in other locations around the world. The fall and winter saw the formation of eight other groups. Beta and Epsilon in China; Gamma and Delta in Central and Western Europe; Zeta and Kappa in North America; Lambda in Africa; and Sigma in South America. No one remembers why Greek letters were chosen for the group chapters, but it fit.
Closer to home, Kelryn abandoned her apartment, to share Kovin's. It came as a quiet surprise to other five members of the Alpha Guardians, but it was easily accepted. Kelryn also declared herself an official member, to no one's surprise or objection. Every member of their group had found themselves in a romance, odd one out Allura was going steady with Tai.
Although they're small army were now 63 people strong and there were others not in their army that supported them, the digidestined that supported the game out numbered the others two to one.
Chapter 1
"Flaming Shot!"
"Nail Club!"
The two attacks came at each other strong and fast. The ball of fire from the ultimate dinosaur-like thing meeting the club of the white skeleton looking digimon. A teenage boy, probably about seventeen was directing the dinosaur. He was about to suggest another attack when the owner of the skeleton digimon came at him with an angled katana. He was instantly sliced across the chest, his blue shirt now showing a purple line were the blood soaked through it.
"What the hell are you doing? It's against the rules!" He was screaming. The dinosaur digimon came to the aid of his human, trying to get the renegade human away from him, but couldn't get there in time.
"Nail Club!"
The dinosaur was distracted, and took the attack right in the chest. He started to fall over in death, but the attack had so much force behind it that he pixilated before he touched the ground. His owner stared at the pixels being absorbed into the skeleton. He saw the bolt of energy leave his digivice. He stood up and prepared to leave, loosing gracefully. But he stopped hearing something none is his place wanted to.
Satamon digivolve to ... Skullsatamon
"What the fuck?" The defeated boy yelled. "According to the Watcher's database, Skullsatamon is an ultimate, but you already had an ultimate. What's going on?"
"First, what the hell are you doing in the Watcher's database; second, sometimes digimon at ultimate or mega levels switch. He's got the strength of a mega, with the body of an ultimate." The defeated boy looked the six meter red skeleton up and down, complete with his darkened eye sockets with glowing yellow dots for eyes. The defeated boy started to leave, something told him he shouldn't be there.
"Nolan, he's getting away!" Skullsatamon said. Nolan, turned his head away from his new mega digimon, and struck out running after the other boy. He got up behind him running, and tripped him. The other boy looked up in pure fear, as Nolan's katana severed the vertebrae in his neck, and all the flesh around it. Nolan looked at the severed body, smiled, and wiped the blood off the blade of the shirt of the body. He turned back to his digimon, and started laughing. "You love that as much as I do, don't you?" The digimon asked.
"Oh yeah, take their power, take their life, and no witnesses. We've killed seventeen times in the last year. Been great, eh? But I have to find the ones who killed Cera."
"Don't worry, we'll find him. Once we get into Tokyo and start some fights, they'll come running. And now we got the backing to finish them." Nolan looked around, as if seeing the environment for the first time, the outskirts of a small town just outside Tokyo. Nolan looked into the sky when he heard flapping wings, he looked up to see a girl riding an ultimate level pterodactyl.
"Nolan, you coming? We're all organised! Hey shit! Satamon digivolved! That makes four virus type, and two data type megas we got now!" Nolan wanted to remind her that he was capable of counting, but she was his ride back to camp.
"Thanks, how many we up to total?" He asked.
"Forty six, not counting you." The girl landed her digimon, and allowed Nolan to climb on, and Candlemon right behind him. They took off, and flew towards the west where the massive camp of digimon were preparing to finish what Kovin had started nine months ago.
* * *
Kovin came out of his bedroom at about one o'clock, wearing just his boxer shorts, lumbering like someone with a hangover. He went to the kitchen, stumbling over the couch cushions on the floor. Kovin picked himself back up, and went to the kitchen, where Kelryn was making grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch, wearing only a pair of socks. Correction: half a pair of socks. Kovin looked up and did a double take, blinking to get his vision back.
"You know, most people don't cook naked." Kovin said.
"It's alright, as long as your already sleeping with the person your cooking for, and it's nothing that splatters grease." She said, indicating the proximity she had to the stove.
"I guess that true. Holy shit, my head is still pounding, you really know how to have a two person party don't you?"
"Damn straight, you think that cop was mad?"
"Well, having a chick answer the door to a noise compliant naked probably hasn't happened to him before." Kelryn just laughed. Kovin walked around the room a bit, surveying the damage the four of them had caused the previous night before they split off into pairs, with he and Kelryn in the bedroom. Kovin stopped and looked at the bottom of a bookcase, Demireumon's tail was visible out from under it. Kovin gripped her tail lightly, and pulled her out. She hissed at him and crawled back under. Kovin looked around the back of it, and saw a few feathers of a wing, and decided not to try bothering the other hung over digimon.
"I've got to get some news, make sure there's still a world out there." Kovin flopped down on the couch, reached for the remote, and turned the TV on to the news channel. He put his head down in the pillow so he could hear it, but didn't have to see any light. Kelryn came over, set the gilled cheese sandwiches on the table, and sat on the couch with Kovin. Her hand was gently finding its way under the boxer shorts, but Kovin's hand stopped her. "I think he needs a twenty-four hour break. He put in quite a bit of overtime last night."
"No way," Kelryn kept up her pursuit. Kovin stopped her, sat up, and turned the TV up.
"There is still no leads in the murders of young adults around Japan. Authorities have no explanation why all these seemingly unconnected people are showing up beheaded or with some other amputation. The only connection seems to be that they all were killed by some long knife or sword. Authorities also now say each victims is found with one of these devices on their person, somehow shattered." The TV display the image of a shattered digivice, crudely reconstructed. "Last night John Okiwansi was added to the list of victims, making seventeen."
Kovin turned off the TV. "That's seventeen. Seventeen! And Jamie was really strong! We have got to find out who's doing this!" Kovin said, jumping up. He immediately grabbed his head in pain, and fell back to the floor. Luckily, he landed on the misplaced cushions. Kelryn leaned over and gently stroked the back of his head.
"We'll just wait for the hangover to wear off, okay?" Kovin just moaned in pain for his response.