Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Digital Trilogy - Episode 3 - Feint Within a Feint ❯ Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Aeromon set down in the parking lot of an office building, just across the street from the pier. He had flown low the whole way, and kept all the other digimon under his wings, so that even if he was seen, their real number would remain hidden. He crouched and let the others off, and they looked around the edge of the building, to the derelict pier. It looked so quiet, so peaceful, they wondered if they were wrong about it.
"She might not be in there." Kovin said. Demireumon started twitching, and Kelryn's digivice went off. Demireumon had it in her backpack for when they found her. Kovin pulled it out. It's screen showed a three-dimensional image of the building, with a small flashing red indicator, showing Kelryn's exact position. Just then the other six digivices started beeping, confirming what Kelryn's had told them.
"Then that's it." Yolei said. "Let's get this show moving. I want to be done in time for dinner." Yolei's careless attitude was taken as a brief pep talk, and the others agreed completely.
"Aeromon, you and the others charge, we'll be right behind you on foot. I know we're going to have to fight human on human here, but I want it said in the history books that they made the first move outside the rules." Kovin said to them all, snapping the goggles on. "Let's do it!"
Aeromon flapped his wings, and took to the air. Only Demireumon lost her balance from the splash back. The other digimon took they're positions under Aeromon, except Demireumon who was riding on Kari's backpack. Aeromon crested the small hill, now there was only two hundred meters of air between him and the target.
"Ionic Force!" Aeromon's wings glowed with energy that cumulated near his eyes, firing huge bolts of blue lightning at the building. The whole thing shook, and a few boards came loose, but no real damage from the distance. It was just a friendly knock on the door.
"Desperado Blaster!" "Celestial Arrow!" "Flower Cannon!" "Blast Rings" The other four digimon with distance attacks also fired to get attention.
* * *
The whole building shook around Nolan and the ten soldiers he had with him. "Holy shit! What the fuck was that?" He ran for the door, his soldiers behind him and the fleet of digimon behind them. They all saw the massive Aeromon and shuddered. The other digimon were too small to be seen from the distance, but they knew they were there from the array of attacks. Nolan looked around at them with contempt. "Shut them up, hard." The soldiers obeyed, they liked the odds, there was three more of them. Eleven if Nolan joined. They ran out and digivolved, all to ultimate levels.
At both ends of the pier the two factions stood, just letting the wind talk to them. The sun was directly over head, and neither side was twitching a muscle. They stared at each other trying to see through them to a weakness.
"Aeromon, start this please." Kovin said. The huge bird lowered his head and neck taking a huge gulp of air, he then brought him self up to his full height and screeched for all he was worth. The Guardians were prepared for it, and had covered their ears, but the enemy digimon all shuddered when they heard the noise. His sound broke the tension and had the two factions running strait on. Closer and closer the got, seventeen digimon all with lethal thoughts in their heads ran towards each other with all the speed they could.
Had it been another time and place, what happened next could have been the most spectacular thing ever seen. All seventeen digimon launched their attacks simultaneously. The array of energy arcs and other attacks soared through the air and collided with a brilliant flash of light and an explosion louder than Aeromon. The guardian digimon grabbed Aeromon and held while he angled his body to allow the shock wave to pass, the others were blown back.
The Guardians didn't even pause and kept coming, falling on the enemies with deadly accuracy. A horrible melee ensued, all fighting for their survival. Each side was launching attacks and using normal fighting techniques together. Paildramon took to the air and fired at a spider like digimon who was attacking Aquilamon. Magnaangemon was cutting through the fight with his sword like he was dicing vegetables. Angewomon had been locked into a fight with a Ladydevimon and was sorely being beaten until Lillymon fired at her a few times. Aeromon was taking most of the hits, his size made him an easy target. He was supposed to be a distance fighter, and he was vastly overrun in this hand on hand combat. The guardian humans had run the hundred and twenty meters to the melee edge.
"Demireumon, go!" Kovin yelled. "They're distracted, get in there now!" The cat needed no other bidding, she was off Kari and past the fight like a shot. She ducked, bobbed and waved among broken equipment and old crates at a dizzying speed. She was a cat on a mission, and she was not going to let her partner down.
In the fight, they got co-ordinated, the five of them organised to get Aeromon uncovered, and allowed him to take flight. Once airborne, hovering thirty meters above them, his attacks were now useful and damaging. It was turning in their favour. They all smiled looking at the statistics; they were going to win. But all their hope left as they turned when they heard a sickening sound of wings, feet, and yelling from behind them. It was the other three platoons of Nolan's army coming to assist. They may have been able to handle six to eleven, but six to forty-six was going to be a slaughter.
* * *
Demireumon had reached the building and was pawing around it looking for a way in. Her gut was constantly telling her that she was close to Kelryn. The building seemed to be in remarkably good shape despite Aeromon's hit, and it's age. She was starting to feel down when a crack between some boards revealed itself to her. No human would have thought anything of it, but to a cat on a mission, it was perfect. She slipped in with some difficulty, but did manage to get through.
* * *
At the melee, all activity had stopped. They looked up at the flying force, then down at the ground running force coming for them. Twenty meters from them, they stopped and the humans dismounted. Nolan came around from the other side, with his humans all in one place, and spoke.
"Well Kovin. I wanted you to die slowly. But first I wanted you do see Kelryn die the way I had to see Cera die." He said.
"Is that all this is about?" Kovin asked. "Vengeance? Why are you killing this much just for me?"
"Oh, well. Your words also had kind of a resounding effect of me. You Guardians don't have the right to police us. In fact, haven't you ever asked why so many of us would gather just for this? When it's done, we all get one hour to leave, then it's right back to same old, survival of the fittest." Everyone stared across the factions. Digimon and human alike glaring at each other. "Tell you what Kovin. You come with me, quietly, and your little friends can go free."
"Kelryn too?" Kovin asked.
"Well, I don't think so. I told you my plans. But that's two lives for five. Surely you know math." Kovin turned to the others to ask them.
"Guys, I'm going. Get out of here and don't look back." Everyone stood in place. No one moved a centimetre. "Guys. I am in charge. I don't want your blood on my hands, go!" TK spoke for them all.
"We are all here by choice, and we all agreed to come back with Kelryn, all seven of us, or we don't come back." Kovin looked around at the faces of the others. Each one agreed with TK. TK addressed Nolan. "Cowardly escape or fight to the death? That's a tough choice." TK drew a pair of guns, and spun them. Ending with the barrels pointing out at Nolan's crowd. "Bring it on!" The smile faded from Nolan's face.
"You are going to die."
"I don't think so!" Kari flexed her agile muscles and sent two throwing stars into the crowd. They heard a slight scream, and two of the smaller digimon pixilate. "Who's next?" Yolei, Allura drew their guns, and Ken drew an English broad sword. Kovin drew his katana in his left hand.
"Let's dance." Kovin said. Both factions of digimon and humans came at each other. The sound was incredible. Nolan and Kovin were quickly separated from the fight, they were keeping everyone else at bay with the flying metal of the swords.
* * *
Kelryn could hear the horrendous sounds of the battle raging outside. She was on her feet for the first time in days. And with something other than self loathing in her mind. Why was such a huge battle happening? Kelryn had been given some overalls by Nolan's order, so she had some dignity back. Kelryn also heard another sound. A small scratching sound coming from the door. She went over to it but herd the door being unlatched, then something hit the floor. Demireumon poked her head in the room.
"Demi!" The two hit each other and embraced. They hadn't seen each other in such a long time. Both had tears in their eyes.
"Come on, Kelryn. No one is around, we can get back to the fight, and now I can digivolve!"
"What fight? Who's fighting?"
"Kovin and everyone! We're here to break you out!" Kelryn started to cry.
"I thought they were dead." Demireumon comforted her friend.
"Nolan just tricked you. Come on."
* * *
Back at the fight, the five people left were loosing badly. They had retreated more times than they'd like to say, and Kovin and Nolan had fought off somewhere else. The girls looked dejected, the boys forlorn. They thought it was the end. Then they heard something that made their hearts left.
Demireumon warp-digivolve to ... Arcreumon
They looked to the building, to see the huge winged black panther come soaring at them. She took a defensive stance with them, and was greeted warmly.
"Where's Kelryn?" Kari asked.
"She said she had something to do. And it looks like you guys need my help." They hadn't heard the gruff voice of her in a long time, but even with her, they were badly outnumbered. "It doesn't look good."
Dozens of digimon gathered around them in a semicircle, the remaining side was the open water of the bay. They were cornered. "I'm sorry everyone. I could have gotten us out of this." TK said.
"It's alright TK. We knew the risks. We knew the odds." Kari said.
"At least we went down fighting." Added Ken.
"I'm going to snap at least one neck before I go down." Yolei said between clenched teeth.
"That's the spirit." Finished Allura. They all prepared to die, prepared for the final attack. When they heard something no one anywhere expected. There was a yelling sound from the bay sides and highway. And then they heard at least fifty digimon voices.
... digivolve to ... !!!