Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Digital Trilogy - Episode 4 - How to Build an Army ❯ Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Tyler, Mathew, Sara, Mitzy, James, David, and Jody stayed where they were, directing their digimon. They had been told about a phenomenon that not many digidestined know; that your digimon can hear you, even kilometres away, by talking into your digivice like a radio.
Kovin, Yolei, Izzy and Kelryn moved off to simulate an attacking enemy force. This was no where near accurate, as they were fighting in groups rather than one on one as most battles end up. The seven smaller children were sweating and panicking. Talomon and Magnareumon were able to dodge the others with ease and grace, while still firing attacks. The problem was that the champion digimon where making individual attack runs. As individuals, one champion can do almost nothing to an ultimate. Kovin knew this, and this lesson was designed to teach teamwork.
"Nova blast!" Greymon fired his flaming ball into the air at Talomon. The great owl arced his body so his feet came into contact with Magnareumon's, and they kicked off each other with incredible speed. The flaming projectile kept flying up and kit Kabuterimon in the chest, he fell to the ground with a thumb, but was only stunned. Birdramon banked suddenly back at Magnareumon.
"Meteor wing!" The backwash from Talomon's wings easily dissipated the flames from her wings as he flew past. Birdramon regained her balance and set off after Talomon.
"Tail hammer!" Ankylomon swung his tail at the low flying owl with all the force he could. Talomon banked out of the way at the last second, his feathers brushing the spiked tail. Birdramon didn't see him and went crashing into Ankylomon and send them both sprawling and gasping for air.
"Howling blaster!"
"Electro shocker!" Garurumon and Kabuterimon both took shots at Magnareumon. She shot upwards to avoid them and saw own of Ikkakumon's harpoon torpedoes flying at Talomon. She sailed past and kicked the tip, sending it back towards Garurumon and Kabuterimon. Both were stunned by the missile, and blown completely off the ground by Magnareumon's 'Zodiac Arrow' attack.
The children were watching in horror as their seven digimon were getting kicked all over the field. Sara called them in closer. "Guys, we are getting beat hard. We outnumber them three and a half to one! Why are we loosing?"
"They're too strong." David said. Some of the others were agreeing with him.
"Strength is irrelevant." Mitzy said.
"Thank you Borg Queen. How the hell does that help us?" Mathew said, annoyed.
"Many battles have been won by a small force. Strategy is worth a lot more than strength. We obviously can't outfight them, so we out think them."
"They've had years of practise at this!" David said.
"Maybe," said James. "But look at them, all they're doing is dodging and avoiding our attacks. They're not trying to fight in any way." Everyone was seeing that.
"I've got a plan." Sara said. She picked up her digivice to speak to Birdramon.
* * *
"What do you think?" Kovin asked.
"I don't know." Kelryn said. "They're getting hurt."
"They're fine." Yolei said. "Just a few bumps. We've all seen digimon take a hell of a lot more than that and just shrug it off."
"Maybe." Izzy spoke up. "Kovin do you think they will learn teamwork from this?"
"Yeah. They're having some team meeting or something look." As they saw that, they also saw Birdramon make a direct attack run on Talomon. She was kicked out of the way by his Talons. It didn't look like a serious hit, but she fell to the ground and landed near her partners. Kovin held his left hand up, asking them if they gave up. Sara yelled back that they'd never give up with a lot of drama. The remaining six split in two groups. Greymon, Garurumon and Ankylomon went towards Talomon. "What the fuck?" Kovin said. "Three land-based digimon attacking a flying digimon?" His team just watched.
The two quick rushes of three digimon separated Talomon and Magnareumon so they couldn't work together. Kovin, Kelryn, Yolei and Izzy all saw it, and knew what was happening; divide and conquer. Just then, some flames exploded in the sky from Birdramon. She came sailing toward Talomon with lightning speed, she had been faking her injury. She hit Talomon directly in the head. Ikkakumon's attack hit him over the stomach, and Ankylomon hit him over the head when he fell. Greymon, Garurumon and Exveemon all fired their distance attacks into Talomon's back. He was disoriented from the multi-pronged attack, and fired his 'Sonic blast'. Birdramon arced his head so the red energy beam coming from his mouth hit, and disabled, Magnareumon. She reverted to Demireumon. Talomon attempted to stand with all seven hanging off him, and gripping him to cut off circulation to all parts of his body. He fell, and faded. Ozlimon appeared gasping for air. All the others fell back when they saw the two out-of-breath rookies before them. They reverted to their own rookie forms.
"Hell yeah! Take that! That's what you get!" Tyler and David were screaming happy. They had fought off the best two digimon in the Guardians. Granted, one level less than their maximum. The rest were equally excited. Just then, Sara felt a leg kick her in the back; not hard but enough to send her to the ground. Jody screamed. David fell to his knees staring up the barrel of a gun. Izzy had two guns, as did Yolei, and they were trained on Jody, James, Mathew, and Mitzy. Kelryn had her foot on David's neck and a throwing star against Sara's torso, ready to spill her internal organs. Kovin held his two katanas in a scissors-like way on both sides of Tyler, ready to separate him from his head. All seven children were instantly quiet. And most and tears in their eyes and they genuinely thought they were about to die.
"Lesson two. Defeated humans are very angry. They will often attack the winners when their digimon revert. You will find that all of your lessons are in fact two joined lessons. One usually in the form of a surprise like this one." Kovin said.
"Why like this?" Tyler said from between Kovin's blades, shivering and holding back tears.
"I can see your pulse from here." Kelryn said. "You won't forget this for as long as you live. That's enough." When she said the last word, all four the then retracted their weapons and put them away, and moved away from the frightened seven. They indeed would never forget that lesson.