Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Digital Trilogy - Episode 6 - Meandering Pathways ❯ Chapter 10
Chapter 10
"Oh just fuck off!" Kelryn yelled at Kovin.
"The finishing school vocabulary just shines doesn't it!" He yelled back.
"You bastard, I'll fucking show you." She ran forward and hit him hard, he hit her back and would have continued if not for the sound of Azuma crying and Ozlimon and Demireumon pulling them back.
"What is wrong with you two?" Ozlimon asked.
"You two should be helping each other, if only for Azuma!" Demireumon yelled. Both were too proud to admit they were anywhere near wrong, and stormed off in opposite directions. Kelryn's motherly instinct took her to her child, while Kovin left the apartment for the roof. Ozlimon followed him.
"I'm not in the mood for one of your lectures!" He said.
"Well tough! You need a blast of cold water or something! What's happened here?" Kovin didn't answer and sat on the edge of the building. "The seven of you were the last best hope for digimon and human alike across the world. You and Kelryn are so strong when you work together. And now look at you, TK and Kari off raiding the rogue population of the planet, Ken and Yolei trying to get killed. And Allura's in America trying not to go insane."
"It's all falling apart. Maybe I should be on the other team." Kovin said.
"Like when we first came to Japan? Killing everything?" Ozlimon asked. "I'll destroy our digivice before that happens." Kovin looked at him sharply as Ozlimon had never been this forceful. "Demireumon and I can't take care of Azuma. At least make up with Kelryn." Almost on cue the door opened and Demireumon came out with Kelryn's D-Terminal because Kovin's was still in the apartment. Kovin read the message and was followed by the two digimon back downstairs at full sprint. He came back in to find Azuma asleep and Kelryn walking back and forth.
"This is it for us," Kovin said. "We can't handle seventeen digimon." Ozlimon and Demireumon were on the table flanking Azuma's baby carrier.
"Arguing is nothing. I'm sorry. And if I don't get a chance to say it again, I love you." Kelryn said.
"I'm sorry too, and I love you. But we need to get these three out of the city," Kovin said turning to the smallest three members of his family. "This will almost certainly come down to fighting. Are you guys ready?"
"Let us digivolve and leave us here, you two get Azuma and leave. We can't win but we can give you time to get out of here." Ozlimon said.
"Hurry, there isn't much time." Demireumon said. "They'll find the two of us easy." Kelryn had tears streaming her face and kneeled to face her black-cat digimon. Her tears soaked through the cat's fur, but she didn't move.
"I can't let you do that," she said quietly. Kovin also had tears in his eyes.
"Neither can I. We can get out of here together. And who says they're here for us?" All four of them knew that the rogue digidestined were there for them being two mega-capable digimon separated from their group.
"There isn't any time!" Ozlimon said walking toward the balcony. "Let me warp-digivolve!"
"I have a better idea." Kovin said. "We try and get out of here as a group, you two can do what you have to, if you really want to, if the time comes."
* * *
They were in Kovin's car speeding through the streets of Tokyo. It wasn't looking good for them as blast after blast caused the car to shake and cut off yet another escape route. Two-wheeled turns and horribly lethal driving were not saving them in any way. Flying and land-based digimon were everywhere. Kelryn was the better driver and even though she didn't want to, Kovin made her drive. He was counting on her motherly instinct and adrenaline to give her more skill than he could ever have. It also worked for his plan 'B'.
When they hadn't felt an attack in a few minutes they started to breathe easy, but a blast from behind to a building send a piece of rubble their way and the car did a one-eighty. Kovin jumped up and grabbed both his blades. "That's it, you two with me. Kelryn, get Azuma and yourself out of here now!" He ran around to the driver's side to get the pair of digimon ready.
"You trying to be a hero?" She asked. "Get back in here!"
"I'm trying to save the lives of my son and wife. Now move!" Kelryn didn't. Kovin held his blades up to her. "Get out of here now!" She held up her digivice and triggered it before screeching the tires and speeding off.
Demireumon warp-digivolve to ... Arcreumon
Kovin likewise nodded to his digimon and triggered his own digivice.
Ozlimon warp-digivolve to ... Aeromon
"I know I don't have to tell you two how long we hold this position. And I know both of you are ready and willing." He looked at the winged Black Panther, and at his own eagle/owl hybrid. He looked down the street to see seventeen ultimate and mega level digimon flying at them. He also saw their partners in three jeeps. "I love you both, and thank-you for doing this." He raised his blades slowly. "Let's give them something to remember us by!"
"Rhystic Lightning!"
"Ionic Force!" Both fired their attacks long range, and it tore up the street in front of the jeeps causing them to fool and flip. No digimon pixilated so no humans were killed. Both digimon flanking Kovin screamed and lunged into the assemblage of digimon trying to pick their partners out. Kovin was right behind them yelling and throwing his blades around. Aeromon forgot his attacks and used his lethal beak to rip through three digimon and two humans. Arcreumon's claws did a similar level of damage. Kovin's blades hit their mark several times, but each side was giving as good as they got. Two bullet wounds to Kovin's torso and one to his left shoulder had him on his knees. His two digimon fell back to defend him.
"Just a little longer guys, give Kelryn as much time as we can," he said in shallow breaths. The remaining six circled them. "Just give me a chance to catch my breath and we can take the rest of you right now!" Kovin's threat didn't carry a lot of weight as he was coughing up blood with almost every word. He looked back and one of the people as he spoke into a radio.
"Target's one and two being held," he said.
"Target three captured, Dex." The radio said back. He clipped the radio back on his side and starred at Kovin with a smile.
"And that would be my Libby coming back in the helicopter." He said.
"What's target three? Kelryn?" Kovin asked.
"Actually no." He said. They both looked up to see and hear a black-painted helicopter landing on the street just away from them. Kovin looked at it with pure hate, and his will alone was almost strong enough to cause the aircraft to burst into flames. He gasped when he saw Kelryn pulled out of it. She was bleeding from a dozen points on her body and he could already see her face starting to bruise.
"I'll kill you!" Kovin said, trying to stand. But he ended up falling back to the ground. Dex caught one of the tesla cannons Libby threw at him after tossing Kelryn out of the helicopter.
"And now for the reason we're here." They both took aim and fired at the wounded Aeromon and Arcreumon before they could say anything. Both screamed in horrible pain and reverted to their rookie levels in a flash of light. Both were quickly bagged by the humans standing around and taken to the aircraft. "That's it folks." Dex said as he and Libby boarded the helicopter. The remaining attacking digimon took off with their humans and followed the chopper.
A van came to a screeching stop where the helicopter was. Tai, Sora, Joe and Izzy filed out and ran up to Kovin and Kelryn. "Are you two alright?" Sora asked. They had followed them as well as they could and had planned on taking Azuma off their hands to let them get away. But they came too late. The new four looked up to see Magnaangemon and Angewomon land carrying TK and Kari.
"What happened here?" Kari asked, shocked. TK looked around at the massive damage without talking and his gaze stopped on a young woman running through the alley to them. She had straight rusty hair halfway down her back.
"You!" Tai yelled. "Did you do this?"
"Of course not!" She said. She slowed her pace and walked up to where Kelryn had limped over to Kovin. She put her hand on his uninjured shoulder around Kelryn's embracing arms. "Sorry I'm late, Kovin. I couldn't stop them."
"Relaina?" He asked before passing out. Relaina looked at Kelryn who was a mess of tears, bruises and cuts.
"They took my baby," was all she could say through her sobs.
The seven healthy people there all looked into the sky to see the running lights of the helicopter fade into the distance, none knowing what to do next.