Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Digital Trilogy - Episode 7 - Journey Through the Darkness ❯ Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Three boys and two girls were walking through an industrial area late at night. All had a digimon with them, and all looked confident they could take on anything that might come their way. "Do we have to be out here?" The younger girl asked.
"Yes, I told you. They sense some D-Power in this direction."
"But it's cold."
"Do you really think Alexis is going to take that for an excuse?" One of the boys asked.
"I don't see her out here," the young girl continued muttering. They followed their five digimon, all who seemed to know just where to go. They guess it was two powerful, or three mediocre digimon out there close by. They walked slowly because of the cold, and the digimon keeping track.
"What do you guys think?" One of the boys asked his Betamon.
"I'm not sure," he said pausing. Suddenly, a Patamon flew over him and continued to fly fast down the street. They broke into a run following as fast as they could but the Patamon was faster. They rounded a corner and saw him resting on a garbage can beside a Gatomon.
"It's two, get them!" The older girl yelled. They broke into their run again and were gaining. Around corners and through tight alleys the chase went. They followed the two digimon with a will. Both were vaccine types and very rare, and would make great additions to their army. They rounded another corner and saw a behemoth of a deserted freighter ship docked in the river. The Patamon was up and over the rail as quick as the Gatomon was up along the mooring lines as fast as if she were running along the ground. The five stopped at the dockside with their digimon and examined the situation.
"Betamon, I don't like the look of this. Their partners are probably nearby, but why haven't we seen them?"
"They're probably just hiding on the ship," the small frog-like digimon said.
"Even so, would you mind keeping a watch for us while we're in there?"
"Not at all." The oldest boy triggered his digivice.
Betamon digivolve to ... Seadramon digivolve to ... Megaseadramon.
With the huge, and now armoured, sea-serpent in the water and looking out for them, they boarded the ship through its only gangway. They all moved slowly, being careful to watch their backs. When the nine of them had filed through the door they looked at the three possible directions that could be taken.
"Split up. Eddy, take Lucy and go towards the stern. I'll go with Maggie and Neil for the bow. Don't touch anything, just see what you can see and meet back here in fifteen minutes."
"Sean, watch your back," Eddy said before setting off. Sean and his two companions set off with their two digimon. Sean's was the Megaseadramon outside. The ship was dimly lit, all of its lights were on but they were faded like the ship's batteries were near-death. It gave the whole place an eerie yellow glow that accented the rusted walls making the place look like a huge floating tomb. Doors creaked, and the ship's own hull groaned, but ever other sound was muffled like it was covered with a blanket. The little digimon were quivering right along with their three human companions.
"Sean, are you sure this is smart?" Maggie asked, her young voice betraying her fear.
"Don't worry, we'll be fine. This looks like some sleeping quarters, we'll give them a quick check, okay?" They entered quietly, letting their minds adjust to the size of the room form the small corridors. They went along looking under and over the beds for any trace of their quarry, but found none. Blackness. Suddenly the room was black and all sound stopped. Maggie was heard to whimper quietly. "Maggie, it's alright. We'll just go back out the same way, alright?" No one answered. "Maggie? Neil?" The lights came back to their half-power eerie-ness and Sean saw that he was alone. Both his friends and the two digimon were gone. One of the beds had fallen over, showing a sign of a struggle, but there was no sound to give any clues.
* * *
Eddy and Lucy were in a similar position walking through the spooky corridors. They found a place where the ship's cowl vent and started leaking years ago and make a long rusty streak down the wall, like the ship itself was bleeding. They found the ship's engine room and went in.
"Look at this," Lucy said. The ship's batteries were half disconnected making the lights the way they were. They all had a full charge, but only half didn't have the right power to light the whole boat.
"Someone's been screwing with it," Eddy said when the lights cut out. "What did you touch?" He asked.
"I didn't touch anything, they went out on their own. Where's the door, I want out of here right now." Silence. "Eddy? Edward." She called him by his full name to get some response, but there was none. The lights came back and Lucy was alone, even her's and Eddy's digimon were gone. She backed out the door and ran back to the doorway. She found Sean running from the other way to her.
"Where are they?" He asked.
"They disappeared," she said.
"You too? I think we found a ship-of-the-damned, and I want off." They wound their way back to the doorway to find the gangway missing. They looked out the door and saw it on the dock twenty metres below them.
"Let's go to the deck and get Megaseadramon to help us."
"My thought's exactly," Sean said. They ran through the corridors looking for the stairway like they were being chased by the devil himself. Their breathing was hard, their steps fast, and their faces white, all with fear. They came out on the ship's cargo deck to see Megaseadramon looking at them.
"Where's everyone else?" He asked.
"A ghost took them!" Lucy said.
"I'm a Gatomon not a Ghost-mon." They turned to see the Gatomon they were chasing and her partner, and the Patamon with his partner. The male human put his fingers to his neck checking his pulse.
"I'm still alive. Patamon, get the lizard," he said as the digivice went up and activated.
Patamon digivolve to ... Angemon digivolve to ... Magnaangemon.
The angel was in the air instantly fighting with the huge sea-serpent. They fought back and forth easily avoiding each other's attacks. Lucy and Sean figured the whole situation out and lunged at the humans. TK drew his guns and Sean drew two of his own. They both exchanged some fire while running using the ship's cargo hatches for cover. Lucy hit Kari before she could trigger her digivice and they both hit the metal deck with a crunch. They bit, clawed, kicked, spit, punched and slapped before they started fighting dirty. Lucy pinned Kari down hit her with her forehead. Gatomon tried to jump in but was easily kicked aside. Magnaangemon was now lost to sight as Megaseadramon took him in his powerful jaws and submerged. Sean and TK were at a stalemate as neither could move or would let the other move. Kari managed to get her hand to her digivice and activated it.
Gatomon digivolve to ... Angewomon.
"Two angels? You guys are loaded," Lucy said. Angewomon picked Lucy up by her neck. "I thought angels were nice."
"Not warrior-angels that get kicked in the face," Angewomon said and slapped Lucy hard. "Now for your friend."
"He's not my friend!" Sean had climbed around the corners of the container tops looking for TK who was likewise doing the same thing. The going was easy on the freshly-painted green deck. Sean saw TK's feet and jumped up.
"Stop there," he said. TK turned slowly and saw he was caught. Sean suddenly screamed in pain as Angewomon kicked the gun out of his hand. "Ahh! Broke my fucking hand!"
"Poor baby. You'll live," Angewomon said pouting. "Now where did my partner go?" As if on cue, Patamon came sailing up over the edge, but not on his own power. He had been bitten and thrown. Angewomon and TK were instantly at his side, and were surprised to see him smiling.
"You think I look bad? You should see him." TK and Angewomon looked over the side and saw the blast of green-coloured pixels come over the edge and toward Patamon. TK covered his eyes from the blast of white light from Sean's digivice. The pixels hit Patamon and the light hit TK's digivice. Patamon was right up on his feet with new strength.
"Here they are!" TK looked over to the doorway where Kari was holding Sean and Lucy at gunpoint when the other three people and their digimon they took earlier were standing there.
"TK, I can take them," Patamon said. They could only watch as Kari was overrun and the remaining four digimon went to ultimate. TK triggered his digivice again.
Patamon warp-digivolve to ... Seraphimon.
Two flyers came at the new Seraphim and were instantly kicked aside and down to the deck, where both reverted to rookie levels. The new digimon's mega-level strength was too much for them. The two land-based digimon quivered and watched the attack come. One was reduced to rookie and the other surrendered and reverted.
After only a few minutes TK and Kari had the five humans and four digimon tied up in a circle in one of the ship's cargo hold.
"Great, back in here," Maggie said.
"Yeah, and this time we fixed the door," TK said. "Now let's talk, shall we?"
"We're not telling you, shit." Sean said.
"You're probably hungry? Right?" Kari asked. "We have enough food here for a week, and the store's not that far away. And our friend said the ship was ours as long as we needed it." Kari kicked back and opened a can of cola and a bag of chips. "You just take all the time you need."