Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Holder of Miracles ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon. Wish I did though. Do you know how rich I'd be if I did? Oh well. However, I do own Kurisuteru and Gryphonmon. Well, not exactly but this Gryphonmon I do. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The Holder of Miracles

At Kristen's house

"Kristen, do you honestly think you're going out right now?" Kristen's mom asked. She impatiently tapped her foot on the floor. Kristen rolled her eyes.

"And why not? There is nothing wrong with a little socializing!" Kristen answered.

"Young lady, you know what's been going on lately! You could go out there and get taken away by those terrible things! How would I explain to your dad when he comes to pick you up that his only child was taken away by monsters?!" Kristen's mom answered.

"Dad doesn't even care about me anymore! Ever since you married again, all he's been talking about is how lousy your decision was and I for one agree with him," Kristen yelled. She burst out crying and ran to her room. Kristen's mom shook her head.

"That kid is just beyond repair. I can just see her when she's a teenager," she muttered. There then was a knock at the door. She was about to answer it when a large cut was placed in the door. Ghost-looking-things piled in and before Kristen's mom knew what was happening, the ghosts were taking her away. She screamed as loud as she could but there was no answer.

In Kristen's room

Kristen laid on her bed, weeping loudly and so hard that she started to get the hiccups. She paused her crying, though, as she heard a scream.

"What?" Kristen asked. She got up from her bed, rubbing her eyes. She opened the door to simply see a large cut in the it. "Mom? Mom?!" Kristen yelled. She ran all over the apartment but found no one. "Mom's gone." Kristen then heard a knock on the door. She opened it but no one was there. She looked down to see a colorfully designed over-sized egg. She bent down and picked it up. She looked around but found no one and nothing but rubble.

"...I think..." Kristen began. She, however, was cut off when she felt the egg shaking. She screamed and dropped it to the ground. The egg cracked and a small digimon appeared. It opened its eyes.

"What the heck?" Kristen asked. The digimon started to jump up and down. "I'm Gryphonmon!" the digimon said.

"Uh..." Kristen answered.

Some time later

"Gryphonmon, what's wrong?" Kristen asked the mega-level digimon. Gryphonmon was sniffing all over the place until she came to a halt.

"So?" Kristen asked. Gryphonmon shook her head disapprovingly.

"You get denser with every passing day. It's digimon! And other kids!" Gryphonmon answered. Kristen shrugged.

"I don't even know them so why should I care?" Kristen answered. "But..." Gryphonmon started. Kristen simply walked away.

That night

Kristen laid on her bed reading a book when her digi-vice started glowing. She stared at it as a deep purple light shot from it and out the window.

"Kristen, what's the matter?" Gryphonmon asked, looking up. Kristen slipped on her shoes, put on a coat, grabbed Gryphonmon and opened the window. She grabbed a vine near the window and lept down. She got on her bike, put Gryphonmon in the basket and raced off. They soon came to a hole in the ground.

"What's that?" Gryphonmon asked, leaping out. Before Gryphonmon could do anything, Kristen lept in the hole. Not knowing what to do, Gryphonmon followed her.

In the digi-world

Yamato Ishida ,a.k.a Matt, walked along with Gabumon at his side on a beach when he tripped over something. He looked down to see an unconscious digimon that reminded him of a gryphon.

"What's that?" Matt asked. "That's Gryphonmon a mega leveled digimon. It must have gotten hit pretty hard," Gabumon answered, kneeling at Gryphonmon's side.

In the trees near by

Kristen laid unconscious on the branch of a tree when she heard voices. Her head slowly rose up.

"Huh?" she asked as she pulled her brown hair out of a branch. She was about to sit up when she heard the branch she was sitting on crack. "Uh-oh!"

Back to Matt, Gabumon, and Gryphonmon

Gabumon was about to pick up Gryphonmon when her eyes flew open. "KRISTEN!" Gryphonmon exclaimed, running around until she knocked into a tree. Just then, a branch could be heard breaking and soon, Kristen came crashing down. "What an entrance!" Gabumon commented.

"Aw, Gryphonmon, I wish you wouldn't be so hyper! I might have been able to climb down!" Kristen told the digimon. Gryphonmon just walked around, dizzily.

"Ooh, the world go round, spinny!" was her answer. "Pardon me. I have go perform the Technicolor Yawn." Gryphonmon stumbled off into the bushes and retching was soon heard. Meanwhile, Kristen had been staring hard at Matt. "I know you!" she shouted in realization.

"Cottage Cheese Boy!" Matt's eyes narrowed. There was only one person who had the guts to call him that. He turned around to face Kristen.

"Kristen? Since when are you a digidestined?" Matt asked. Kristen grinned.

"Well, considering we haven't seen each other since I moved away from Heighten View Terrace, maybe we both have a little catching up to do," Kristen answered.

A little while later

Gryphonmon laid on the ground, asleep, when she heard voices.

"But Gryphonmon's a mega. How did she hatch out of the egg at that level?" she heard Matt ask.

"I guess the egg was just a travel package," Gryphonmon heard Kristen answer. "You know, like when that Parrotmon hatched 4 years ago in the real world." Gryphonmon sat up and looked over to see Matt and Kristen were sitting by the lake near-by. She smiled. They looked perfect together. She then shook her head.

"Nah, they're too different," she told herself. "Then again, you never know!"

The next day

"I'm not letting you go with me!" Matt answered after he had picked up camp. "Why don't you just go on your own?"

"You know, I would, except one thing," Kristen said calmly. "I'M NINE YEARS OLD AND WE'RE STUCK IN A DIFFERENT WORLD AND I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE WHERE GIANT BUG MONSTERS CAN GET ME!!!!!!!!" Gryphonmon and Gabumon fell over from the yell (you know how they do that sometimes in cartoons). Matt shook his head, defeated.

"Fine," he answered. Kristen grinned.

"You won't regret it!" she said, skipping ahead of him. Matt sweat dropped.

"Oh yes, I will..." = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Well, that's the end. `Pologize is Yama was a little out of character; it's been a while since I've seen any of the episodes of the first season. Anyway, this is my first season 1 fic so go easy on the flames if you didn't like it or don't review at all. Constructive is accepted.