Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ Where are the Digieggs? ( Chapter 9 )

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The Invincible Digimon

Chapter 9: Where are the Digieggs?

By Trunks MTK

Hey,it's Eoin last time me,Matt and T.K. were looking for the last of the new digidestined.After a couple of hours we found him but Armageddemon was there disguised as a kid so he could destroy him.Gabumon and Patamon digivolved to fight him,Vulnermon,Marunamon and Shadowmon.We got the boy out of there.Tai and the others saw the digimon fighting so their digimon helped too.The last digidestined,Zero got his digi-x and then we went to Gennai's cottage in Digiworld.He told us about our crests and that we had to find our digimon before Armageddemon attacked us again.What a lot to take in.See ya.

The digidestined had been searching for the digieggs for hours now and were just about ready to go asleep when all of a sudden Mac shouted "My digi-x is picking up a signal from something over there."pointing off into the forest.

"Mine's got a signal too."Zero said pointing in the opposite direction.

"Let's split up into two groups.Karen,Mimi,Kari,Joe and Izzy you go with Mac.And Matt,Eoin,Brad,Sora, and T.K. come with me and Zero."Tai ordered.

"Lets go take a look."Izzy said.

"The signal gets stronger over in that cave."Mac said and ran over to the cave.

"Wait a minute I've got a signal too."Karen said."It's coming from somewhere over there."

"Okay lets go find it."Kari said."Come on Mimi,you can come too."

Mac,Joe and Izzy reached the cave but the doorway was blocked off by a large rock.

"Let's try and move it."Mac suggested.

They tried to push it out of the way when two red dots appeared on it and then it growled so loud it knocked the digidestined down.

"What happened?"Gomamon asked.

"That big rock looks like Gravelmon."Tentomon said.

"That's because I am Gravelmon.I am a champion digimon.My Cementing Blast will make you like a statue."

"What are you doing here?"Joe asked.

"Armageddemon sent me to destroy the digieggs but I fell asleep before I got there."Gravelmon said.



"Digivolve"Joe and Izzy said in unison.

Tentomon digivolve to……Kabuterimon!

Gomamon digivolve to……Ikkakumon!

"Electro Shocker"

"Harpooned Torpedo"

"Cementing Blast"

"Mac go inside the cave and get the digiegg."Izzy said.

"Okay."Mac said and entered the cave.

* * *

Inside the cave Mac was looking around in the darkness for the digiegg.But then his digi-x started emitting a path of bright light leading straight to the digiegg.Mac ran up to the digiegg and picked it up.

"Okay now I better get back to Izzy and Joe."Mac said and ran out of the cave.

* * *

Meanwhile outside Kabuterimon and Ikkakumon were doing very well against Gravelmon.

""Where'd he go?"Ikkakumon said.

"Cementing Blast"Gravelmon's attack hit Kabuterimon,Ikkakumon,Joe and Izzy trapping them in rock.

"Now that I've done that I can go back to Armageddemon."said the blockhead digimon and left without destroying the digiegg.

Mac came out of the cave and ran over to them as soon as he saw them.

"What will I do to get them out?"Mac wondered."I know.Digiaxe Activate."

The digiaxe came out of the digi-x and grew to its full size.Then Mac started hitting at the rock with the axe.He hit them until the rock started to crack and broke into pieces.

"Thanks for getting us out Mac."Izzy said.

"No problem.Hey…what's happening?"Mac said as the digiegg started hatching.

"The digiegg is hatching."Joe said.

The digiegg hatched and inside there was a cute little digimon that looked like a kitten without a body.

"Hello,my name is Dabomon."the little digimon said.

"Isn't he cute."Gomamon said.

* * *

Meanwhile Zero,Tai and the others were searching for Zero's digiegg.

"We're almost there the signal is getting stronger.It's coming from the edge of that cliff.Come on lets go."Zero said and ran toward the edge of the cliff.

"Wait a minute our digi-xs have signals pointing out in that direction."Eoin said pointing in another direction.

"Okay we'll get mine and Sora,Tai and Matt go with Brad and Eoin.T.K. can stay with me."Zero said.

"Okay then lets split up."Sora said and off they went.

"Come on T.K. lets go get my digiegg."Zero said and they went to the edge of the cliff.

"There it is on those two branches.How will we get it?"Zero wondered.

"I know!Patamon fly down there and get that digiegg."T.K. said.

"Okay T.K."Patamon said and flew down and got the digiegg and brought it up to Zero.

"If you rub it it will hatch."T.K. said.

Zero rubbed the digiegg and it started to hatch.It hatched into a digimon that looked like a lizard's head.

"Hello,my name is Permon."the digimon said.

"Hi,I'm Zero.I guess we're partners."Zero said.

* * *

"Come on its this way they must be in that temple."Eoin said and went into the temple.

Inside the temple there were two passages to take.

"Which way do we go?"Agumon asked.

"Well my digi-x is pointing more to the one on the right"Eoin said "so I guess my digiegg is that way.Matt you come with me."

"Okay then Tai,Brad and I will go this way."Sora said.

Matt and Eoin went down the passage following the light from the digi-x.They entered a small room with a digiegg in the middle on a stone platform.

"There it is.Lets get it and leave."Matt said.

Eoin went over grabbed his digiegg and they left the room and went after Tai,Sora and Brad.

* * *

"This passage is going on forever."Tai said.

"Finally there's a room up ahead."Sora said.

"There's my digiegg.Lets get it and find the others."Brad said and took the digiegg.

Then they went back to the entrance where Matt and Eoin were already waiting.

"We better get back to Gennai's cottage to meet the others."Matt said.

"Hey you're one has stripes mine has spots and cracks on it.Huh."Brad said.

Brad's digiegg hatched into a ball with a tail.

"I'm Charmon and I'm your digimon partner."the digimon said.

"Cool.Woah."Eoin said and tripped over a rock on the ground and dropped his digiegg and cracked into two and out popped a ball with spiky ears and a tail.

"I'm Coonmon delighted to meet you at last."the digimon said.

"Okay now lets go back to Gennai's."Matt said.

* * *

Mimi,Kari and Karen were looking through the jungle for the digiegg.

"We're almost there.It should be just behind those trees."Karen said.

They went through the trees to a clearing.In the middle of the clearing was the digiegg.Karen went to pick it up but Elecmon jumped out in front of her.

"You can't just take this digiegg.It's not yours."Elecmon said.

"Elecmon it's Mimi."Mimi said waving at Elecmon.

"Oh is this girl a digidestined too?"Elecmon asked.

"Yes she is and that digiegg is hers."Kari said.

"Oh,I'm sorry it's just that a digimon came here trying to take it and I had to fight him to get him away."Elecmon said."Here you can take it now."

Karen picked it up."Thank you Elecmon."she said.

"If you want it to hatch just rub it."Elecmon told her and she began rubbing it until it hatched into a little ball with horns and a tail.

"Hello,I am Deevilmon."the digimon said.

"Okay now that we have your digimon we better get back to Gennai's and meet the others."Mimi said.

* * *

Back at Gennai's Mimi,Kari and Karen had just arrived back.

"Good you all have your digimon.Give them some of this so they can digivolve."Gennai said handing Eoin,Brad,Mac,Karen and Zero a bowl of food.

They all gave their digimon some food and they began digivolving to the In-Training stage.

Coonmon digivolve to……Racoomon!

Charmon digivolve to……Kachumon!

Dabomon digivolve to……Kitamon!

Deevilmon digivolve to……Satemon!

Permon digivolve to……DemiAotomon!

"Cool."they all said.

"Now that they're a bit stronger they'll be able to defend you against weaker digimon."Gennai said."But when you are in great trouble they will digivolve to save you.Now you better make your way to Armageddemon's castle that's on top of Spiral Mountain only it's much much bigger than it used to be.Once there you will be able to fight Armageddemon and hopefully defeat him."

"Bye Gennai,thanks for all your help."they said and waved goodbye to him.

"Good luck,I'll contact you if I find out anything else about Armageddemon."Gennai said.

End of chapter nine:Will the digidestined be able to find Armageddemon and defeat him?Will the new digimon help to defeat him find out next time on the Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 10:The Way To Spiral Mountain.

Author's Note:I will have picture's of the digimon and digidestined for anyone who want's them sometime after Christmas 2001.Thanks for readingTrunks MTK.