Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ Bye,Bye,Sabertoothmon ( Chapter 18 )

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Disclaimer:I don't own Digimon or any of the original digidestined.I do however own Eoin,Brad,Mac,Karen,Zero and their digimon and crests.If anyone wants to use these characters they need to get permission from me by e-mailing me at trunksmtk@hotmail.com .Thank you and enjoy.

The Invincible Digimon

Chapter 18:Bye,Bye Sabertoothmon

By Trunks MTK

It's Mimi,last time we were all very busy.Me,Eoin and T.K went to Primary Village to find Elecmon so he could tell us where Whamon was.It turned out he was near Gennai's in his rookie stage Guppymon.He told us that he'd met Aquarimon and he said if he could digivolve he'd take us to meet him.We helped him digivolve and began to go on our way.Joe and Ikkakumon came across a school of Dolphmon and followed them.They came into a big group of digimon who agreed to help with some persuasion.The others all found digimon who agreed to attack Sabertoothmon when we asked them too.Gotta go now bye.

Eoin and Mimi had been following Dolphmon and T.K for hours further and further into the ocean.They were both getting restless.For a while they'd been talking about clothes,how to keep your skin perfect and how to get boyfriends and girlfriends.But after a while they'd stopped.The signal from T.K's digivice allowed them to track him but they thought they'd been following something else when they stopped and right below them were T.K and Dolphmon.

"We've finally stopped.I was getting so bored.No offense Mimi."Eoin said.

"None taken.I was bored too.At least now we'll see some action."Mimi replied.

Houndramon flew down lower beside Dolphmon and T.K and waited for instructions.

"This is where I met Aquarimon.He told me he comes here every day at the same time to find some food."Dolphmon informed them.

"What time does he come at,as a matter of interest."Houndramon asked.

"It's quite hard to tell but judging by the position of the sun,it should be any minute now."Dolphmon answered.

"Good because my wings are sore from all this flying."Houndramon said.

"Sorry I forgot you've been flying all day.I can take us back if you want.It won't be as fast though."Patamon offered.

"Thanks Patamon,but I'll be okay.We can always take it in turns."Houndramon said thanking him.

"Wait a minute,be quiet for a second.I hear something."Eoin said signalling for silence.All of a sudden a huge wave appeared and out of it came a digimon.It was as big as a whale but had the body of a shark.It had massive spikes protruding from its back.They all pointed toward each other and in the middle of them was a spout.It propelled itself along by spinning it's many tails.

"Greetings I am Aquarimon.I am an Ultimate level marine digimon.I am of the vaccine type.My Hydro Spike and Water Cyclone attacks will knock you out of the water."the digimon said.

"Aquarimon it's me remember about two months ago we met.I was only a Guppymon then."Dolphmon said refreshing Aquarimon's memory.

"Of course how did you digivolve so quickly?"asked Aquarimon.

"I had help from my friends."Dolphmon said indicating the digidestined."These are the digidestined and they require your help."

"But of course,how may I help the courageous digidestined that saved our world from destruction."Aquarimon said doing a sort of bow in the water.

"We were wondering could you help us in our assault on Sabertoothmon.We need a digimon such as yourself to carry some of us through the water and to help flush him out of his base."Eoin said explaining plan D to him.

"Why of course I will help you.It would be an honor to fight with you and your digimon to stop the onslaught of the forces of evil."Aquarimon said."We should head off straight away from what you've told me your friends will be waiting."

"Okay then let's go."Palmon said rather enthusiastically.

"Wait a minute,I've got a message on my digi-x.It's from Zero.It says that they're ready and are going to start part two of Plan D."Eoin read.

"What's part two?"Aquarimon asked.

"They're going to kidnap Spikemon and try and lure Sabertoothmon into the forest where we will have a trap set.We've got to hurry because Zero says they need me to tell the digimon of the forest we're ready and where they have to be."Eoin explained."Okay everybody on Houndramon we've got to go now."

"Wait a second,how fast are you at swimming through the water roughly,Aquarimon."T.K asked.

"Roughly I'd say about as fast as a Spedomon would be on land."Aquarimon told him."Why?"

"Just wondering if we'd be faster going with you or Houndramon.How fast is a Spedomon?"T.K said.

"A Spedomon would be faster than I would be in the air.We should go with Aquarimon."Houndramon said.

"Okay then we go with Aquarimon.Houndramon you should rest,you'll need your energy later."Eoin said and jumped onto Aquarimon's back."Come on Mimi jump I'll catch you."

"Okay,but you better not miss."Mimi said and humped off Houndramon's back into Eoin's arms.

"See,I told you I would catch you.You can de-digivolve now Houndramon."Eoin said and with that Houndramon reverted back to Wolfiemon."Okay then if everybody's ready let's go."

"Goodbye digidestined,good luck.I hope we'll meet again soon."Dolphmon said as they left.

"Goodbye Dolphmon,thanks for all your help.Stay well."they shouted to him as they drifted off into the ocean.

* * *

Back at the campsite the others were debating about who should kidnap Spikemon and how they would do it.

"Have you sent Eoin the message yet Zero?"Tai asked.

"Yeah,I just sent it he should have it and be on his way."Zero answered.

"Now that that's done it would be better if a group of us did it.Not too many about two of us and three digimon.We could make a noise and someone would come out to see what it is.Then we knock them out and wait for someone else to come out.Eventually Spikemon would come and then we could get him."Tai suggested.

"That's a good plan but what if Sabertoothmon comes out?"Karen said.

"It isn't very likely that he'd waste his time on a little noise.He's porbably busy working on a plan to get us.But since we already now ours we've got the upper hand."Izzy said.

"How is Sabertoothmon going to know about Spikemon and where to find him?"Joe asked.

"We'll send a digimon to give him the message saying that we've got Spikemon and we're holding him in the forest.If he cares as much about him as Squidevilmon did Minis-qmon then he'll come running right into our trap."Matt said.

"What digimon would be able to get to him?And who would be brave enough to do it?"Brad asked.

"It would be like a suicide mission,there aren't many digimon that would volunteer for it."Kari put in.

"I'm sure one of the digimon we've enlisted would do it we just have to ask."Tai said.

"I've got a better idea.Remember when we first saw the Dark Lords,MysticUnimon and Loremon appeared so we could get away."Zero started.

"Yeah,but what's that got to do with any of this?"Tai asked him.

"Well MysticUnimon made us invisible to the Dark Lords,and after we'd left he did the same to himself and Loremon.If he told Sabertoothmon where we were he could then make himself invisible and get away,unharmed."Zero said.

"That's a great idea with one flaw,we don't know where MysticUnimon is.And we don't really have enough time to find him."Joe said in his usual pessimistic fashion.

The digidestined all sat speculating over what they could do.They thought silently for nearly ten minutes when the silence was interrupted by a cheery voice.

"We're back and we've gotten Aquarimon to help us."Mimi said appearing from the water.

"Mimi you're back.So you found him.That's great news."Joe said.

"Hey,why is everyone being so quiet.We didn't miss a funeral did we?"Eoin asked coming up behind her with T.K.

"We're just trying to think of a way to find MysticUnimon because we need his help."Izzy told him.

"Is that it?Why don't you just use the digimon locator on the digi-xs."T.K said.

"Digimon what?"Izzy said in astonishment."You mean to say that the Digi-Extremes have a digimon locating function and none of us knew about it."

"Yep that's it.I only found out.You see the Digi-Extremes have a digimon analyzer and they have a map function.If you use them both together you can find any digimon you want."Eoin explained.

"Wait they have a digimon analyzer too.These digivices are lame compared to yours."Izzy said holding up his own digivice.

"That's not really fair on your digivice.The analyzer is good but a map could be drawn up by any one of us if we went all around the digital world."Eoin said.

"How does it work then?I have got to see this."Izzy said enthusiastically.

"Well you say the name of the digimon you want to see information on.Than say locate digimon."Eoin said then showed Izzy how it worked.

"Prodigious.Hey look he's real near us.In fact I think he's been listening to us all this time."Izzy said.

"Really."T.K asked."Oh MysticUnimon come out,come out wherever you are!"

"I'm right behind you.There's no need to shout.To tell you the truth I have been listening to you.I just wanted to see if you could find me."MysticUnimon told them.

"Well we have now,so could you please tell us if you'll help us or not."Tai said impatiently.

"Of course I will help you,I will always help you as long as you need my help."MysticUnimon told them.

"Okay then let's get ready.Eoin go into the forest and find the digimon who agreed to help us and tell them to hide near the clearing in the centre of the forest.If you can get a map on your digi-x show them that.Meanwhile Matt and myself will take Gabumon,Agumon and MysticUnimon and lure Spikemon out.We will then take him to the clearing where a digimon will guard him.MysticUnimon will tell Sabertoothmon where Spikemon is then disappear.When Sabertoothmon comes to find Spikemon he'll be attacked and weakened hopefully.Then we will initiate stage three of plan D."Tai said.

"Okay then let's go."Matt said and he went off with Tai,their digimon and MysticUnimon to Sabertoothmon's base.Eoin ran off into the forest and evryone else just relaxed and wited.

* * *

Eoin ran all over the forest stopping every so often to tell the digimon where to assemble and what they were to do.When he was certain he'd been to every digimon he headed towards the clearing and waited for them to arrive.In the meantime Agumon and Gabumon had digivolved and were waiting outside Sabertoothmon's base for the first digimon to come out.

"Here he comes.Go."Tai said and Greymon whacked the digimon over the head and dragged him into the bushes.They did this a few more times and eventually Spikemon came out.

"Both of you get him."Matt said and Greymon and Garurumon attacked Spikemon knocking him unconscious."Now that we've got him let's bring him to the forest."

"MysticUnimon wait until we've been out of sight for a few minutes then go and tell him."Tai said.

"Right then you go I'll be okay."MysticUnimon said and they ran off on Garurumon.

* * *

Back in the forest Eoin was growing impatient waiting for Spikemon to arrive.He kept on waiting till he picked up a signal on his digi-x.

"That must be Matt and Tai.They're almost here."Eoin said to himself.

"Okay we've got him.We'll need a digimon or two to keep an eye on him,any volunteers."Tai asked.

"We can watch him."said a Deramon and a Floramon.

"Okay,you all know what to do,when Sabertoothmon gets here all of you attack.Don't stop attacking until you have him really worn out.Then you can leave."Eoin said once again.All the digimon nodded their heads and hid.With that they left the forest and went back to the others.

* * *

Back at Abertoothmon's base MysticUnimon had just told Sabertoothmon about Spikemon.He was furious and demanded to know how he'd been kidnapped.

"We have no idea,sir.He was here a few minutes ago then he just disappeared."said a digimon.

"I know he just disappeared those digidestined took him."Sabertoothmon said and destroyed the digimon.

"MysticUnimon appeared again and said "If you want him back meet the digidestined in a clearing in the middle of the forest,on your own." He then disappeared.

"Okay I'm going.You stay here and protect the base."Sabertoothmon said then flew right out of the base to the forest.

* * *

Back at their campsite the digidestined were resting to save their strength.MysticUnimon suddenly appeared and woke them up.

"You will have to find somewhere to hide because Sabertoothmon is flying to meet you,if he sees you your plan will be ruined.I will cloak you."MysticUnimon told them.

"Speaking of cloaking,if you cloaked the digimon in the forest that are going to attack him,then he won't be able to defend himself from them."Zero said.

"He's absolutely right as soon as you cloak us go and cloak those digimon."Izzy said.

"Sure thing I'll be back after I'm done."MysticUnimon said then said something and ran off.

"Okay now all we have to do is wait,soon we'll be able to finish the plan and Sabertoothmon."Tai said.

"Yeah!"they all shouted in agreement.

* * *

Back in the forest the digimon were patiently awaiting Sabertoothmon's arrival when MysticUnimon appeared out of nowhere.

"Don't attack,I'm here to help.The digidestined sent me to cloak you from Sabertoothmon's view then he won't be able to defend himself from your attacks."MysticUnimon said.He then said something in a strange language and a strange mist formed all the digimon were invisible and in the middle of the clearing there was an illusion of the digidestined,their digimon and Spikemon.MysticUnimon was about to run back to the digidestined but in the sky above Sabertoothmon was getting ready to land.He landed a couple of feet away from the digidestined.

"I'm hear,what do you want in return for Spikemon."Sabertoothmon asked them.The illusions just stood there not that they couldn't do anything else anyway."Answer me!!"

Sabertoothmon got really angry when they didn't answer and ran over to attack them.As he did this all the digimon ran out and attacked him.Sabertoothmon was just standing there wondering what was happening.He couldn't attack he was stuck in place.

"What's going on?Is this some sort of trick,digidestined?"Sabertoothmon shouted.All around him the digimon were attacking but he was unaware of it.Attacks were coming at him from all directions there were hundreds of digimon attacking.

"Photosynthesis"the Chloromon all said together and energy went to all of the digimon fighting.

"Thanks for the energy boost.Rain of Pollen."Floramon said and a shower of pollen came down on Sabertoothmon.

"Yeah appreciate it.Pummel Whack."a group of Ogremon said and hit Sabertoothmon at the same time with their clubs.

"Royal Smash"

"Beak Buster"the Deramon attacked him.

"Mystic Fog"MysticUnimon joined in on the attack.

"Woody Smasher"the Woodmon joined in.

"Deadly Weed"about fifty or so Zassomon attacked him.

"Whatever's happening it's weakening me."Sabertoothmon said barely able to move.He threw his arm out to the side "Saber Claw".A digimon was hit.

"MyticUnimon you're hurt!"said a Floramon.

"I'll be fine keep fighting the digidestined are counting on you."MysticUnimon said but the attack had weakened him and his cloak was also weakened,he could tell it wouldn't last much longer.The digimon kept on fighting never giving up.MysticUnimon let out a loud cry of pain and the cloak fell.

"Now I can see you.I think I'll finish you first."Sabertoothmon said to MysticUnimon.

"Oh no you won't."the digimon shouted.

"Thorned Vine"

"Stamen Rope"

"Deadly Ivy"the digimon had sent vines to hold down Sabertoothmon while the other digimon attacked.

"Ha you think you can hold me.Spike Wing."he sent spikes flying from his wings towards the digimon.

"They're not getting past us."the Ogremon said and knocked all the spikes back at Sabertoothmon with their bone clubs.

"Ancient Horn"MysticUnimon shouted his horn glowed a rainbow of colors all the digimon felt themselves growing stronger but Sabertoothmon couldn't move then a beam of light coming from the horn engulfed Sabertoothmon weakening him greatly."Tell the digidestined I'll be okay and I'll come back to them some day.Don't give up keep fighting him."MysticUnimon let out another great yell and started being reconfigured.

"Royal Crusher"

"Pummel Whack"

"Deadly Weed"the digimon continued attacking with a flurry of attacks.With every attack Sabertoothmon could feel himself being weakened but he wasn't going to leave without Spikemon.

"Get out of my way.Saber Claw."he attacked and knocked a few digimon but the energy they had gotten from MysticUnimon helped them to keep on fighting.The fight continued for nearly an hour.By this time even the digimon were tired and some of them had deserted.Sabertoothmon was very weak now and was trying to leave but the attacks prevented him.

"I'm sorry Spikemon but I can't save you today.Goodbye."Sabertoothmon shouted and with that let out a wave of energy that sent the digimon flying back against the trees.He then flew back to his base.

"Someone has to tell the digidestined that he's gone."a Zassomon said.So a few digimon went off to their campsite.

* * *

Back at the campsite the digidestined were all sleeping in wait for someone to tell them about Sabertoothmon.A few minutes passed by and then the group of digimon emerged from the forest.

"Digidestined wake up.We have news of Sabertoothmon."said a Floramon.

"Wha…what's the news."Tai asked waking up.

"Well we were fighting under MysticUnimon's cloak but Sabertoothmon managed to hit him,weakening him.Soon afterwards the cloak wore off.Sabertoothon then went to attack him but we prevented it.Then MysticUnimon used up the last of his energy to attack Sabertoothmon and replenish our energy.He is gone now.Sabertoothmon kept fighting us for an hour then I think he was too weak to fight so now he's going back to his base."an Ogremon explained.

"What MysticUnimon is gone!It can't be why do digimon have to die all the time?"Mimi said and burst into tears.

"Calm down Mimi,it's okay he'll be back someday."Eoin said trying to comfort her.

"Actually he mentioned that he'll be okay and he will see you again."said a Zassomon.

"Okay well we have to get to Sabertoothmon's base before he recovers his energy.We can have a funeral for MysticUnimon later.Besides I think he'd want us to get Sabertoothmon."Matt said.

"You're right we can't forget about the plan.Let's get on our way."Tai said and they thanked the digimon and left for the base.

"Aquarimon can you go with Joe and Zudomon to find the digimon that said they'd help."Tai asked him.

"Sure thing but shouldn't your digimon be digivolved now so that they won't be heard digivolving?"Aquarimon said.

"You're right everyone digivolve,except the digimon that make a lot of noise when they walk."Tai said and everyone held out their digivices.

Gabumon digivolve to……Garurumon!

Biyomon digivolve to……Birdramon!

Birdramon digivolve to……Garudamon!

Tentomon digivolve to……Kabuterimon!

Gomamon digivolve to……Ikkakumon!

Ikkakumon digivolve to……Zudomon!

Palmon digivolve to……Togemon!

Togemon digivolve to……Lillymon!

Patamon digivolve to……Angemon!

Angemon digivolve to……MagnaAngemon!

Gatomon digivolve to……Angewomon!

Wolfiemon digivolve to……Houndramon!

Lelecmon digivolve to……Electramon!

Felimon digivolve to……Mongomon!

Pectumon digivolve to……Cuckaburramon!

Aotomon digivolve to……ExAotomon!

They all went towards the base running,flying,rolling,swimming.Mimi and Joe went with Aquarimon as Lillymon knew what she had to do and didn't need Mimi since she'd already digivolved.When they got there Agumon digivolved very quietly and started digging the trench with the other digimon.

"Come on guys,can you dig any quicker.Lillymon can you start making that maze of vines."Tai said.

"Okay now that the trench is dug and the vines are in place someone tell Joe and the other digimon they can attack.ExAotomon go into the trench then go into the base from there."Tai ordered.

"I'll go tell the others."Eoin said then ran off around to them.

"Okay now does the air squad know what they have to do."Tai said.

"Yes.When the digimon fall into the trench send attacks down there destroying them then attack Sabertoothmon.Electramon and Cuckaburramon have to grab ExAotomon and bring him past the vines and the trench."Sora said from Garudamon.

"Right then everyone else just keep attacking.Don't stop unless you have to."Tai said.

Just then from inside the base ExAotomon could be heard "Spike Bombs"then spikes went all over the base.Then from the water could be heard Joe's voice "ATTACK!!"

"Hydro Spike"Aquarimon yelled and water started flowing through his spout and as it did it took parts of Aquarimon's spikes and went flying into the base.And sure enough marine digimon started to come out and into the water.

"Striking Fish"the Divermon attacked and hundreds of fish went flyinginto the digimon.

"Pulse Blast" "Dolphin Kick"the Dolphmon attacked as well.

"Ice Needle"the Seadramon attacked them back.

"Everyone brace yoursleves.Water Cyclone"Aquarimon let out his most powerful attack all of his tail began to spin extremely fast and created a cyclone that dragged all the digimon into it then sent them flying.

"Vulcan's Hammer"Zudomon knocked the digimon away with his hammer.

Meanwhile at the front of the base ExAotomon came running out.Electramon and Cuckaburramon grabbed him and lifted him past the trench then let him down again.Then loads of digimon came running out right into the vines.They attacked the vines cutting through them when they had made a pathway they ran right into the trench.The digimon in the air saw their cue and attacked.

"Wing Blade"

"Electro Shocker"

"Celestial Arrow"

"Angel Staff"

"Egg Bomber"

"Electro Tail"the attacks completely wiped out all the digimon that fell into the trench.

"Garurumon!Greymon!Digivolve!"Tai and Matt shouted in unison.

Greymon digivolve to……MetalGreymon!

Garurumon digivolve to……WereGarurumon!

"Wolf Claw"

"Giga Blaster"they attacked the base knocking down the walls to reveal Sabertoothmon and a hundred more digimon.

Back in the water Joe,Mimi and the digimon were holding off all the digimon.Then they saw what was going on in the base and decided they were needed there so they left Aquarimon in charge.

"Vulcan's Hammer"Zudomon attacked the digimon.

Out of nowhere all the digimon protecting Sabertoothmon digivolved.

"Hoe did they just do that?"Brad shouted.

"I have no idea it's impossible."Izzy said.

"Not that impossible."the digimon said and began to attack.

"Giga Blaster"

"Wolf Claw"

"Poison Darkness"WereGarurumon and MetalGreymon were knocked back.

"Gate of Destiny"MagnaAngemon said as he opened a gate.

"Wing Blade"

"Horn Buster"said MegaKabuterimon who had just digivolved.

"Celestial Arrow"

"Flower Cannon"they knocked about a third of the digimon into the gate.

"Keep on attacking them."Sora shouted.

"Cuckoo Wing"

"Thunder Wing"

"Spike Bomb"

"Hound Blast"they sent about another fifth of the digimon into another gate created by MagnaAngemon.

"Giga Blaster"

"Vulcan's Hammer"

"Claw Fist"there were now about twenty to thirty of them left.

"There are too many of them.We need more power."Tai said.

"Hydro Spike"

"Pulse Laser"

"Striking Fish"

"Poison Darkness"they sent all the digimon right into the middle of the ocean.

"What are these digimon?"Matt asked Izzy.

"They're not showing up on my anlayzer."Izzy said.

"They're not on the digi-Extremes either."Eoin said.

"Never mind that just keep on attacking."Zero shouted.

"Spike Tail"

"Tail Blade"

"Thunder Tail"

"Claw Fist"all the attacks got deflected somehow and made them revert back to their rookie stages.

"Gig Blaster"

"Wolf Claw"

"Wing Blade"these attack were also deflected and caused them to de-digivolve as well.

"Celestial Arrow"

"Angel Staff"

"Vulcan's Hammer"

"Flower Cannon"

"Horn Buster"

"Dark Deflectors"the attacks went back and were even more powerful causing them to revert back to in-trainings.

"Karen Cuckaburramon's the only one left it's all up to you.Our digimon will need a few minutes to recover before they can digivolve again."Sora said.

"But I can't do it on my own."Cuckaburramon said dodging an attack from the unknown digimon.

"You can I know you can,Cuckaburramon.They're depending on us we have to hold them off."Karen said and as she did her tag and crest began to glow brown and silver and so did Cuckaburramon.

"What's happening I have a surge of power going through me.I think I'm digivolving."Cuckaburramon said.

Cuckaburramon digivolve to……Tiggermon!

Tiggermon looked like a tiger except for the fact that he walked on two legs.He had scars on his face and he had blue shorts on.His chest was a light yellow coloring.He had a purple band across his chest with a gun on it.He had a jewel encrusted dagger on his belt.He was like an improved version of Pectumon.

"I am Tiggermon the evolved form of Cuckaburramon.I walk on two legs which is good because it allows me to use my Tiger Paw Punch attack.My other attacks are Scar Face and Bengal Bite."Tiggermon said.

"Ha do you really think that will help you."said one of the digimon.

"Yes I actually do.Scar Face."Tiggermon said and his face grew larger and paralyzed the digimon."Now Bengal Bite."His head grew larger again and he bit right through the digimon destroying some of them.

"You're not on your own anymore."WarGreymon said.

"Thanks,you finish these guys off I'll go after Sabertoothmon."Tiigermon said and went to where Sabertoothmon was trying to escape."Going somewhere,I don't think so you will pay for all the bad things you have done."

"Oh yeah and I suppose you're going to stop me,right."Sabertoothmon asked.

"Exactly,I'm going to stop you.Tiger Paw Punch."Tiggermon attacked Sabertoothmon with loads of punches."Now to finish you off.Bengal Bite."and with that Sabertoothmon had been destroyed and was being reconfigured.

"Way to go,Satemon."Karen said as Tiggermon de-digivolved back to his in-training stage.

"Thanks Karen I couldn't have done it without your help."Satemon said to her and she hugged him.

"Now that is over maybe we can have a break."Brad said.

"If only we could but I just know the next Dark Lord is waiting to fight us."Matt said.

End of chapter eighteen:Which of the Dark Lords will the digidestined have to face next?Will they be able to defeat him find out next time in The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 19:And Your Next Challenger is…

Author's Note:Well what did you think of this chapter.I'm sorry it got a bit long but it's because of the title of the chapter.If I hadn't written it in my last chapter I would've split it into two.Please review the story.Trunks MTK.