Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ Brad's Affection ( Chapter 20 )

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Hey,it's me.I just wanted to say that the fanfic has kind of gone off the main point of the story.So Huntermon will be defeated in this chapter and Vampiressmon will be destroyed soon after.Oh and in case you're thinking I am not sexist,getting just the girls kidnapped is the only way to get a new ultimate digimon.Thanks for taking the time to read my story.Oh and by the way I don't own digimon.

P.S.I changed the name of this chapter because the old one didn't really suit.

The Invincible Digimon

Chapter 20:Brad's Affection

By Trunks MTK

This is Armageddemon.Why I am talking to you worms is unimportant.Last time I told Rectamon what my master plan was.I then gave him a device that would weaken the Dark Lords so that I won't have to wait too long to begin my plan.The foolish digidestined decided to try and find Huntermon in Factorial Town.When they got there they had to stop a stampede of digimon,ordered by Huntermon to distract the digidestined so that Megadramon and Gigadramon could kidnap some of their group.Now I am going to leave so I can finish my plan to destroy the digidestined and your world.Muahahaha.

In Factorial Town the digimon were still trying to stop the stampeding digimon.The digidestined were wondering what Huntermon wanted with Sora,Mimi,Kari and Karen.

"He's probably trying to lure us into a trap."Izzy said.

"I don't know we did come here out of the blue.I think he's trying to stall us from finding him so that he'll have enough time to come up with a plan."Mac said.

"You both have valid points.It might be both a trap and a way to stall us.We don't know where they are so we'd be wasting a lot of time to find them and by the time we do find them he'll be ready."Tai said.

"Well we're wasting time standing here talking about it we should just go out and find them."Brad said.

"But we have no idea where they are it would take ages to find them as a group.And if we split up we're more susceptible to an attack."Matt said.

"Yeah but if they have their digivices we can track them by using our digivices.Especially the Digi-Extremes because they can show us the layout of the city,like where digimon are guarding and the quickest way to find them."Eoin said.

"You're right.Tell the digimon to just get rid of the digimon we don't have time for them."Zero said.

"Angemon,tell the other to just get rid of the digimon then follow us.We're going to find the others."T.K shouted to his partner.

"Right T.K we won't be long."Angemon shouted back.

"Okay then let's go find them then."Joe said.

* * *

Half an hour later the digidestined were still walking around Factorial Town trying to find the other digidestined.They were following Brad who was looking at the map on his digi-x.

"Didn't we pass by here before I remember seeing that picture of a Tankmon."T.K said.

"You know what,you're right we did pass by here before.See over there are those two Mekanorimon who almost saw us.Brad,you've been leading us in circles!"Tai said.

"Wha-but how I was heading towards the dots on the map."Brad said pointing at some dots on the map.

"Brad those aren't them they're those towers that are all over the city."Matt said.

"I can't believe you've been leading us around in circles.We've been going around this town for half an hour."Zero said.

"Here I'll use my digi-x to find them."Eoin said and opened up the map on his digi-x."Okay if we go straight ahead a bit then turn right then left then right again,we should be able to make up for lost time."

* * *

Back at Huntermon's fortress in the center of the town Huntermon was getting ready to go to the Town Hall where Megadramon and Gigadramon were keeping the digidestined.

"Are you sure you don't want anyone to go with you,sir?"asked a Hagurumon.

"I'll have Megadramon,Gigadramon and Grenademon if I need any help.I'll be able to get rid of these digidestined on my own.Sabertoothmon and Squidevilmon were just careless."Huntermon said.

"Okay sir.We'll stay here and inform Gigadramon and Megadramon that you are going to them."said the Hagurumon.

* * *

Meanwhile at the Town Hall the digidestined were trying their best to escape but couldn't because Megadramon was watching them all the time.

"How are we going to get out of here?"Mimi asked.

"We'll just have to wait for Tai and the others they'll find us eventually."Kari said.

"Yeah but without our digivices it might take a while.I can't believe those digimon creeps just dropped them as we flew away."Sora said.

"Well we can't give up hope.It doesn't look like these digimon want to destroy us so we should be safe enough."Karen said.

"Yeah.I wish Biyomon were here though.Even if she can't digivolve I'd at least fell safer with her here."Sora said.

"We all miss our digimon but they'll find us eventually."Karen said again.

* * *

Back to the digidestined who were getting real close to the signals from the digivices.

"According to this they should be just around this corener."Eoin said as they turned a corner.

"Where are they they're not here.Don't tell me we went the wrong way again."Joe said.

"I don't understand the map says they're right in front of us."Eoin said checking the map again.

"Hey guys,I found something over here."T.K said.

"It's their digivices.Those digimon that took them must have dropped them here so we wouldn't be able to find them."Biyomon said.

"Well now what do we do?"Tai asked.

"Eoin,can I have a look at that map?"Izzy asked.

"Sure,but what do you want it for we can't find them if they don't have their digivices."Eoin said and handed his digivice to Izzy.

"I'll show you.Here's where we were when they were kidnapped.The digimon would have come from here.Here's where the digivices are.Which means that they're probably somewhere in this area."Izzy said and pointed to an area of the town.

"But there's loads of places there how are we supposed to know where they are?"Matt said.

"Well they couldn't be in any of these buildings because they're not big enough to hold Megadramon or Gigadramon."Izzy began."They're probably in a place with no ground entrance which means they're not here,here or here.Which only leaves these three buildings."

"Way to go Izzy all we have to do now is get there and search those buildings."Tai said.

"But if they have no ground entrance how are we supposed to get in there?"T.K asked.

"I know,Wolfiemon digivolve."Eoin said.

Wolfiemon digivolve to……Houndramon!

"Houndramon can fly,he's big enough to carry all of us and he's fast at flying so we won't waste too much time."Eoin said and climbed onto Houndramon.The rest of the digidestined climbed on after him with their digimon.

* * *

Back at the Town Hall Megadramon was getting bored watching the digidestined.

"Gigadramon,how much longer do we have to watch these humans?"he asked.

"Well I've just been talking to Hagurumon and he said that Huntermon is coming here."Gigadramon replied.

"Good because this is boring and my wings feel kind of stiff.I'm going to stretch them a bit if you don't mind."Megadramon said.

"Okay but make sure you don't get seen by the digidestined."Gigadramon said and took over Megadramon's role of watching the digidestined.

"Did you hear that,Huntermon is coming here.What are we going to do?We can't protect ourselves from a mega."Mimi said.

"I don't know.The others will be here soon with our digimon.We just have to wait patiently."Sora said.

So they waited and waited and waited.Then Megadramon flew into the room.

"I just saw the digidestined and I think they saw me."he said

"Don't worry,I can handle the digidestined."Huntermon said and entered the room.

"Huntermon,sir,when did you get here?"Gigadramon asked.

"I've been here for quite some time and you didn't notice me.What would you have done if it were the digidestined they would've attacked you and you could be gone."Huntermon said to Gigadramon.

"I'm so sorry sir it won't happen again.I was busy watching the digidestined that we have here."he explained.

* * *

Outside the digidestined had seen Megadramon all right and were going in to the Town Hall ready for a fight.Their digimon digivolved and they then entered through the hole in the wall.

"Tai!"Kari shouted glad to see her brother.

"Don't worry Kari we'll get you out of there."Tai said."Eoin you go over there and untie them and give them their digivices."

"Right away!"Eoin said and ran over to Kari and began to untie her.

"Thanks Eoin.You better help the others now.Gatomon are you ready."Kari said.

Gatomon digivolve to……Angewomon!

"Here are your digivices now I've got to get to Sora."Eoin said to Mimi and Karen as he handed them their digivices.

Palmon digivolve to……Togemon!

Togemon digivolve to……Lillymon!

Satemon digivolve to……Pectumon!

Pectumon digivolve to……Cuckaburramon!

"Not so fast you aren't going to get this one."Huntermon said to Eoin and grabbed Sora.

"Sora!"Biyomon shouted."Spiral Twister"

Biyomon attacked Huntermon but he just flicked her into the wall.The other digimon were busy fighting with Megadramon and Gigadramon so they couldn't help.

"Now I will destroy you and then I will destroy your friends."Huntermon said to Sora."Metal Bear Claw"Huntermon raised his hand with the bear trap on it and was going to hit her with it.

"Noooo.Sora!I love you."Brad shouted and as he did his crest began to glow a pinkish-red and green.Electramon glowed the same colors.

Electramon digivolve to……Electormon!

Electramon transformed into a larger form of itself but it looked more like an animal than a bird.It stood on two legs.It was half yellow and half orange and had an orange shield on its back with an image of Brad's crest on it.It had two lightning bolt shaped wings and a gold cannon coming from its stomach.

"I am Electormon.I am the evolved form of Electramon.My Thunder Tail attack will stun you and then I will finish you off with my Lightning Missile attack."

"I can't believe it he digivolved!"Brad said.

Electormon flew at Huntermon and stopped him from hitting Sora.

"Thunder Tail"Electric Charges came from Electormon's three lightning bolt shaped tails and he dug them all into Huntermon.

Huntermon dropped Sora from the shock but Electormon saved her and left her on the ground where Eoin gave her back her digivice.Electormon then attacked Gigadramon and Megadramon leaving them stunned.

"Thanks Electormon we'll finish him off."MetalGreymon said.

"Giga Blaster"

"Wolf Claw"

"Flower Cannon"

"Horn Buster"

"Vulcan's Hammer"

"Angel Rod"

"Celestial Arrow"

"Tail Blade"

"Spike Bomb"

"Claw Fist"

"Cuckoo Wing"

Megadramon and Gigadramon were hit by all the attacks and destroyed on impact.The only digimon left now were Huntermon and Grenademon.

"Grenademon attack them!"Huntermon shouted.

Grenademon grew and grew till he was the same size as Huntermon.He then began to fight.

"Xplosion"Grenademon swung around threw his body at the digimon then another body appeared in its place.

"Thunder Tail"Electormon appeared behind Grenademon and was about to attack him.

"You're not going to get him that easily.Double Barrel Bear Shot"Huntermon grabbed his gun from his back aimed it at Electormon and shot.

"Electormon watch out."Brad shouted.

Electormon flew up into the air and dodged Huntermon's attack.But Grenademon was hit by it instead.Grenademon then began to get reconfigured.

"You tricked me into destroying my own partner.I'll get you for this.Razor Death"

Huntermon's chainsaw hand began to turn around really fast and he swung at the digimon making four of them de-digivolve.The other digimon just dodged his attacks.

"Horn Buster"MegaKabuterimon lunged at Huntermon but he swung at him and MegaKabuterimon de-digivolved too.

"Cuckoo Wing"

"Spike Strike"

"Razor Death"

Huntermon swung at them before they hit him and they reverted back to their rookie forms.

"Thunder Tail"Electormon appeared behind Huntermon and stunned him.

"Everyone attack him now while he can't move."Matt said.

"Wolf Claw"

"Vulcan's Hammer"

"Flower Cannon"
"Celestial Arrow"

They attacked and knocked Huntermon over.He then raised his chainsaw ready to use his attack.

"Razor Death"

"Lightning Missile"

Electormon sent loads of lightning bolt missiles at Huntermon.Most of them hit him but a few of them went into his chainsaw and forced it down onto him.

"You did it.Look his chainsaw is digging into his body."Brad said.

"Vampiressmon will avenge me don't you worry about that."Huntermon said before he disappeared into millions of pieces of data.

The digimon all reverted back to their rookie stages except Electormon who became Kachumon.

"You all did great.Especially you Kachumon.The way you knocked his chainsaw back into him was great."Tai said.

"I wasn't actually trying to do that I was just aiming at him but then he moved his chainsaw in the way."Kachumon said being modest.

"Well whether you meant to do it or not it was great."Biyomon said now that she had recovered after being hit by Huntermon.

"Well now that we've gotten rid of him all we need to do is beat Vampiressmon."Mac said.

"Aren't you forgetting something.The main reason we're here is to stop Armageddemon he just made the Dark Lords to keep us busy."Izzy said.

"Oh yeh.I totally forgot since we new digidestined only saw him the time when he introduced the Dark Lords to us."Mac said.

"Well lets stop thinking about him until we have to.We all could do with some rest."Kari said.

With that they left the Town Hall and found a big building that looked like a hotel.They ate the food that was there then went to sleep for the night.

* * *

"Well now that Huntermon is gone I'll finally get my turn at those digidestined.They won't know what hit them when I'm through with them."

End of chapter twenty:What does Vampiressmon have in store for the digidestined?Will they be able to defeat her as easily as they did Huntermon?Find out next time on The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 21:The Leader of the Dark Lords

Hey what did you think of that chapter.I know Huntermon wasn't around very long but I have moved off the point.If you'd like to see a picture of any of the digidestined's digimon or the Dark Lords featured in this story just go to this address http://www.mediaminer.org/user_info.php?id=2524and click on fanart.Thanks for reading and please be a good reader and leave a review as it's the only way I know what you'd like to happen in the story.