Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ The Mystical Weapons ( Chapter 4 )

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The Invincible Digimon

The Invincible Digimon
Chapter 4:The Mystical Weapons

By Trunks MTK

This is Matt,last time Gennai started to tell us that on File Island there is an ancient prophecy that said that Apocalymon would come back and digivolve.It also said that a long time ago another digimon called Diamamon digivolved to the same level.Gennai told us that in the real world there are five new digidestined and that we have to get these mystical weapons to get back to the real world and then give the weapons to the right digidestined.He told us that there was another digimon that knew where the items where,it was Loremon who lives on the Island of Lore.We went to the island and found Loremon.He gave Izzy a computer program to show where the items are,Izzy printed it out then we all split up to find them.Me and T.K. went to the iced over part of the island and an evil digimon appeared behind us,I wonder who it is.

Matt and T.K. turned around to face a giant,icy bat-like digimon.

"Who are you?"Matt asked.

"I am Screechermon.My Supersonic Screech attack will hurt your ears so much you won't hear anything for weeks."Screechermon told them.

"What are you doing here."T.K. asked

"A long time ago Diamamon asked me to protect the digi-shield but now Armageddemon has promised me unimaginable power if I deliver it to him.That and he's taken control of me."Screechermon said laughing.

"Oh yeah,well Armageddemon is never going to get the mystical weapons.Gabumon warp-digivolve!"Matt shouted.

Gabumon digivolve to……Garurumon!

"You're not going to stop me.Supersonic Screech."Screechermon shouted as the most annoying sound started coming from his mouth.

"Aaah,my ears Patamon digivolve."T.K. said holding his ears.

Patamon digivolve to……Angemon!

"Howling Blaster"

"Hand of Fate"

Both attacks hit Screechermon and he became good again.

Garurumon and Angemon de-digivolved.

"We're sorry we had to hurt you Screechermon but Armageddemon was controlling you."Gabumon said.

"It's OK.Are you looking for the digi-shield?"Screechermon asked.

"As a matter of fact we are."Matt said."Could you please tell us where it is."

"Of course anything for freeing me from Armageddemon's control.I have it right here with me,Diamamon asked me to look after it until it was needed."Screechermon said handing them the digi-shield.

"Thanks Screechermon and you're welcome."T.K. said."Bye."

"Goodbye and good luck."
* * *
Over in the stormy part of the island Tai and Kari were looking all over the place trying to find the digi-bow+arrow.

"We've looked all over the place Kari maybe the digi-bow+arrow isn't here maybe one of the others found it."Tai said.

"Are you looking for this?"someone asked from behind them.

"Who are you?"Kari asked.

"I am Trexonaymon and I have what you are looking for.I just got it off a wimpy digimon called Wallopmon.Though his name makes him sound tough he is really weak."Trexonaymon said."I am under orders to destroy you and take the digi-bow+arrow back to Armageddemon."

"Armageddemon's not going to get it because we're going to take it off you.Agumon warp-digivolve."Tai shouted.

Agumon digivolve to……Greymon!

"Nova Blast"

"Lightning Claw"

"Bloody Sword"

Greymon and Gatomon's attacks cancelled out Trexonaymon's attack and destroyed him leaving only the digi-bow+arrow.

"All right we got it.Lets head to the edge of the jungle."Tai said.
* * *
"Hang on T.K. the others won't take too much longer to get here.We'll just wait until they get here."Matt said to T.K.
* * *
While all of this was happening Sora and Mimi were lost in the one of the factories in the industrial part of the island.

"This place is so big,I don't even remember how we got in here.Next time we should leave a trail behind us."Mimi said falling down onto the floor."My feet are so tired lets sit down and have a rest."

"You know we can't Mimi if we stop now Armageddemon could get the digi-stars and try and find the digidestined in the real world,that's if he hasn't already found it."Sora told Mimi even though she wanted to have a rest too.

"I've got an idea!"Biyomon piped up."Why don't I fly around a bit and see if I can find the digi-stars or a way out of here."

"That would be great Biyomon.Why didn't I think of that?"Sora said sitting down on the floor next to Mimi."Come back if you find anything."
A while later
Sora and Mimi were fast asleep when they were woken up by the sound of someone shouting "Game Fist".

"Spiral Twister"

"What's happening?Who are you and why are you attacking us?"Sora said waking up from a dream she was having.

"I am Demomon.I was guarding the digi-stars when I was attacked by an evil digimon who said he was sent by Armageddemon.I wasn't attacking you I was attacking the evil digimon."Demomon explained."I believe you are looking for this.It is the launcher from which the digi-stars are launched please take good care of it and make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands."

"Thank you Demomon."Palmon said.

"Flaming Sword"

"Go now it is the evil digimon I told you about.I'll hold him off.The exit is that way."Demomon said pointing in the opposite direction of the direction from where he came.

"You heard him Mimi let's go,we got what we came for."Sora said running towards the exit.

"Sora slow down I'm not as fast as you are."Mimi said trying to keep up with Sora.
* * *
When they got outside they rested for a minute or two and then looked at the map.

"If we go this way we'll be able to get to the jungle."Sora said pointing at the map.

"OK,lets go."Mimi said.
* * *
Meanwhile Izzy and Joe were in the underground part of the island east of the iced over part.Bits of rock kept falling and Izzy kept on saying that they would break his computer if they didn't get out of there soon.

"Come on Joe the sooner we find the digi-axe the sooner we can get out of here."Izzy said checking the map again."If we go down this tunnel I think it might be where the digi-axe is,come on."

"Please Izzy……no more running……I'm too tired."Joe said gasping for breath.

"Fine then!I'll check it out and you wait here and get your breath back."Izzy said heading down the tunnel.

"Joe I see it come on down here I'll need your help carrying it."Izzy shouted and made more rocks fall down.

"Ok,Ok I'm coming."Joe said.

"This is a lot heavier than it looks."Joe said as they climbed out of the underground tunnel.

"I'll take that,thank you."an overgrown crow-like digimon said just as they got out.

"Hey give that back it doesn't belong to you."Izzy shouted.

"No,you're right it doesn't belong to me.It belongs to Armageddemon."the digimon said.

"Armageddemon!Tentomon digivolve!"

"You too Gomamon."

Tentomon digivolve to……Kabuterimon!

Gomamon digivolve to……Ikkakumon!

"Harpooned Torpedo"

"Electro Shocker"

"Comet Beak"

"Ikkakumon digivolve again."

Ikkakumon digivolve to……Zudomon!

"Vulcan's Hammer"

The attack hit the digimon and it disappeared and dropped the axe.

"Way to go guys"Joe said as they de-digivolved."you beat him."

"We sure did"Gomamon said."now lets go meet the others."

"That's a great idea."Izzy said.
* * *
In a castle on top of a mountain somewhere in digiworld Armageddemon was talking to another digimon.

"Master are you sure you want to go to the human world?Who will rule the digiworld while you are gone?"the digimon who was called Rectamon asked Armageddemon.

"I am sure that I want to go to the human world I have to find the other digidestined before those blasted kids.And you shall rule the digiworld in my absence."Armageddemon told him.

"Me sir,I shall do as good a job as I can.It is an honor sir."Rectamon said.

"I shall now be departing for the human world wish me luck on my search Rectamon."Armageddemon said.

"Good luck master I will rule the Digiworld as if you were still here."Rectamon said.

With that Armageddemon disappeared to the human world in search of the new digidestined.
* * *
"Tai."Sora called.

"Hi Sora,where's Mimi?"Tai asked her.

"Here I am.Sora's a lot faster than I am."Mimi said."Are Joe and Izzy here yet."

"Not yet.Did you get the digi-stars?"Tai asked them.

"We sure did.This digimon called Demomon gave it to us.Even though it's so small it's really heavy."Sora answered.

"Izzy and Joe should be here soon though.You said a digimon gave it to you,right."Tai asked.

"Yeah,why?"Sora asked him.

"Well when me and Kari found the digi-bow+arrow a digimon had it but it was an evil digimon,are you sure that that's real."Tai told her.

"I'm sure it was real because there was an evil digimon trying to take it from him."Sora told him.

"Did you say an evil digimon was trying to get it.Was it working for Armageddemon?"Matt asked.

"I don't know we didn't get a chance to see him because Demomon told us he would stop it."Sora answered.

"Hi guys.We've been listening to what you've been saying and it appears to me that Armageddemon is trying to get the mystical weapons too."Izzy said appearing from the bushes alongside Joe.

"Hi Izzy,hi Joe it's about time you got here we better start looking for the digi-sword."Tai said to them.

"OK let's get going."T.K. said.

A while later deep in the jungle the digidestined were even more lost than they were when they first came to digiworld.

"Izzy you must be looking at the map wrong we've been looking around this jungle for hours and we haven't found anything."Joe said.

"Yeah let me take a look."Tai agreed taking the map off Izzy.

"According to the map we're going in the completely wrong direction."Tai said looking at the map.

"That's because you're looking at it upside down."Matt said taking a look at the map.

"Oops sorry."Tai apoligized."OK all we have to do is walk a few feet north and we should find it."
* * *
Back at Armageddemon's castle Rectamon was giving a digimon orders to attack the digidestined before they find the digi-sword.

"-the digidestined will be near the temple on the Island of Lore.Stop them before they find the digi-sword if you miss them there head them off at Gallop Mountain.They will have to ask that fool Loremon how to use the mystical weapons."Rectamon told the evil digimon.
* * *
"Look up ahead there's a building of some sort.It looks like an ancient Aztec temple."Izzy said pointing at the temple.

"Maybe that's where the digi-sword is."Agumon said hopefully.

"It's a pity you won't be able to get to it."Someone said flying down from the sky.

"Oh no it's LadyDevimon!"Kari shouted.

"That's right I may have been defeated by you before but this time I shall be victorious."LadyDevimon said.

"Oh no you won't.Gatomon digivolve!"Kari said.

Gatomon digivolve to……Angewomon!

"Agumon you too."

Agumon digivolve to..….Greymon!

Greymon digivolve to……MetalGreymon!


"Right T.K."

Patamon digivolve to……Angemon

"Everybody help."

Gabumon digivolve to……Garurumon!

Biyomon digivolve to……Birdramon!

Tentomon digivolve to……Kabuterimon!

Palmon digivolve to……Togemon!

Gomamon digivolve to..….Ikkakumon!

"Hand of Fate"

"Meteor Wing"

Both attacks missed LadyDevimon and she attacked back. "Black Wing" It hit Birdramon causing her to de-digivolve back to Biyomon.Angemon just dodged out of the way in time.

"Howling Blaster"

"Mega Claw"

"Electro shocker"

"Darkness Poison"Garurumon,Kabuterimon and MetalGreymon were all knocked back and then de0digivolved.

"Harpooned Torpedo"Several missiles came from Ikkakumon's horn hitting LadyDevimon but not hurting her much.

She aimed a 'Black Wing' at Ikkakumon making him turn back into Gomamon.

"Angewomon it's up to you and Angemon now to defeat LadyDevimon."Biyomon said.

"We'll try our best.Ready Angemon."Angewomon said.

"Sure am."he replied.

"Celestial Arrow"

"Hand of Fate"

Both attacks hit LadyDevimon and she disappeared with a shriek that sounded like a banshee.

"Yay,we beat her now we can get the digi-sword."T.K. and Kari said jumping up and down as Patamon and Gatomon came over to them.
* * *
Back at Armageddemon's castle Rectamon was having a temper tantrum over the digidestined.

"Armageddemon is going to be angry at me when he finds out that I failed him"Rectamon said to himself.
* * *
"There it is it's the digi-sword."Tentomon said leading the others to it.

"Now that we have it we can get home and find the five new digidestined."Joe said.

"Yeah,but how do these help us get back to our world."Tai asked.

"I don't know."Izzy said."I guess Loremon forgot to tell us.Well if we go back to him I'm sure he'll tell us."

End of chapter four:Will the digidestined get back to the real world and find the new digidestined or will Armageddemon find them?Find out this and more next time in The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 5:The Search is on 1:The Doubter.