Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ The Search is On 1:The Doubter ( Chapter 5 )

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The Invincible Digimon

The Invincible Digimon
Chapter 5:The Search is on 1:The Doubter

By Trunks MTK

This is Sora,last time Matt and T.K. were attacked by a digimon that was under Armageddemon's control so they helped him get back to normal and he gave them the digi-shield.Meanwhile Tai and Kari were looking for the digi-bow+arrow when they were attacked by Trexonaymon who had stolen the digi-bow+arrow Greymon and Gatomon defeated him and got the digi-bow+arrow.Me and Mimi were in a factory when a digimon called Demomon gave us the digi-stars.Joe and Izzy got the digi-axe but were attacked by an evil digimon that looked like a crow they defeated him and we all met back at the jungle.Elsewhere Armageddemon was leaving digiworld to go to our world to find the new digidestined.A digimon that was working for him called Rectamon sent LadyDevimon to stop us from getting the digi-sword but we defeated her and got the digi-sword.Now we have to go back to Loremon so he can tell us how to get to our world.

At Armageddemon's castle Rectamon was watching the digidestined on a screen as they were heading back to Loremon's home on Gallop Mountain.

"You called for me,Rectamon."a digimon said as he entered the room were Rectamon was.

"Ah,yes it's you I have something for you to do and you better not mess it up.I want you to go to the jungle on the Island of Lore and stop the digidestined from getting back to Loremon,"Rectamon said,"if you fail Armageddemon will not be pleased because you see if they get to Loremon they will be able to get back to the human world.And if they do that they will be able to find the new digidestined and might defeat Armageddemon."

"I will do my best sir,Rectamon."the digimon said.

"See that you do."
* * *
"Come on guys I can see Gallop Mountain,we're almost there."Tai shouted to the other digidestined.

"I'm tired from walking can we stop and rest for a couple of minutes."Mimi asked.

"I think we all need a rest."Matt agreed.

"OK we'll stop here for five minutes."Tai said.

"What was that noise?"Gatomon said."It came from those bushes over there."

"Do you think it's Loremon?"T.K. asked.

"You are wrong digidestined it is I Jokermon."the digimon that Rectamon sent said coming out of the bushes."I am the ultimate level of Piedmon."

"What!"everyone said in terror.

"Here he is.Jokermon an ultimate level digimon.His attacks are Card Trick and Royal Flush.We might need to digivolve to beat him"Izzy said looking at his computer.

"It's digivolving time!"

Agumon digivolve to……Greymon!

Gabumon digivolve to……Garurumon!

Biyomon digivolve to……Birdramon!

Tentomon digivolve to……Kabuterimon!

Palmon digivolve to……Togemon!

Gomamon digivolve to……Ikkakumon!

Patamon digivolve to……Angemon!

Gatomon digivolve to……Angewomon!

"Let's get him.Digimon fight!"Sora shouted.

"Nova Blast"

"Howling Blaster"

"Card Trick"Jokermon shouted as loads of joker cards went flying at Greymon and Garurumon.

"Meteor Wing"

"Light Speed Jabbing"

"Harpooned Torpedo"

"Hand of Fate"

"Royal Flush"Jokermon said and loads of copies of him appeared and attacked the digimon.

"We need to digivolve again."Greymon said.

Greymon digivolve to……MetalGreymon!

Garurumon digivolve to……WereGarurumon!

Birdramon digivolve to……Garudamon!

Kabuterimon digivolve to……MegaKabuterimon!

Togemon digivolve to……Lillymon!

Ikkakumon digivolve to……Zudomon!

"Let's get him!"

"Giga Blaster"

"Wolf Claw"

"Wing Blade"

"Card Trick"

"Flower Cannon"

"Celestial Arrow"

"Hand of Fate"

"Vulcan's Hammer"

"Horn Buster"

All the attacks hit Jokermon and he was destroyed.As his data was reconfigured the digidestined decided it was time to get moving towards Loremon's home on Gallop Mountain.
* * *
Back at Armageddemon's castle Rectamon was going crazy.

"Curse those digidestined Armageddemon is going to have to punish me for failing him."Rectamon said.
* * *
"Hello Loremon are you in here,hello."Gomamon shouted looking around with the others.

"Oh you're back so soon I thought you would be gone longer."Loremon said."Did you get the Mystical weapons?"

"We did but we don't know how to use them to open the gate to our world."Joe told him.

"Oh how stupid of me I forgot to tell you how to use them."Loremon said laughing at himself for being so stupid."To open the gate to your world you must leave the weapons in a row on the ground in this order,first the digi-shield,then the digi-stars,then the digi-bow+arrow,the the digi-axe and then the digi-sword."

So they did as Loremon said and put the weapons in a row on the floor in the right order and waited but nothing happened.

"Loremon nothing is happening."Kari said.

"That's strange I'm positive that's the right order.I must be forgetting something hold on a minute while I think."Loremon said and paused in thought for what seemed like forever then he said "Aha,now I remember you're supposed to say digi-weapons activate."

As Loremon said this the weapons started to glow.Then the digi-shield started floating in the air then rammed up against the wall.Then the digi-stars went flying at the shield and made a shape on it that looked like a target.Then the digi-bow+arrow floated up in the air the arrow attached itself to the bow and it shot it right in the center of the digi-stars.Then the digi-axe went right at the arrow and split it in two.Then the digi-sword cut right around the digi-shield the hole it made started glowing.The gate was open.

"Go on now you had better go through before it closes the Mystical Weapons have already gone through so you had better go get them.Because if Armageddemon gets them he will be all powerful.And he will be able to find the new digidestined and destroy them.Armageddemon has already gone to your world to find them.When you get back the Mystical Weapons will have shrunk only their owners will be able to make them full size again."Loremon told them.

"Then we'd better find them before he does."Izzy said.

"Goodbye Loremon thanks for all your help."the digidestined said and they walked into the portal and disappeared.
* * *
"We're back at my house."Izzy said.

"I think we should start looking for the new digidestined right away before Armageddemon finds them." Matt said.

"Okay,we should split up so we can find them quicker."Tai said."Matt,you and T.K. take the digi-shield and find it's owner.Me and Sora will see if the digi-bow+arrow belong to anyone at the soccer club.Izzy,you and Joe find out who owns the digi-axe.Mimi and Kari will take the digi-stars.And whoever finds a new digidestined will take him or her and find the person who owns the digi-sword.Izzy I want you to take care of the digi-sword until someone is found,okay.Let's move out."

They all took whatever weapon they were supposed to and left in search of the new digidestined.
* * *
The next day everyone was tired from searching for the digidestined and they all forgot that they had school until they were woken up by their parents.After a mad rush they were all dressed and on their way to school except for T.K. who had a day off from school.

"Okay T.K. I want you to look for the digidestined who the shield belongs to.But make sure you're up at my school by the time I'm finished there."Matt told T.K. as he left for school.
* * *
Up at the school three boys were there long before everyone else.

"Are you ready to fight me yet,Eoin.Or are you chicken."one of the boys said.

"Eoin I don't think this is such a good idea.Greg is the strongest person in school."one of the other boys said.

"You should listen to your friend Eoin.You can't beat me."the one called Greg said.

"Don't worry about me Ryan,he won't be able to hit me.You know how fast I am."Eoin said to his friend.

"Okay if you're so sure of yourself let's fight".Greg said and they did.

Every time Greg aimed a punch or a kick at Eoin he simply dodged it.

"Stay still you chicken."Greg said and aimed another punch.This time Eoin jumped over him and kicked him in the back.

"You're too slow,Greg."Eoin said.

"I'll get you for that."Greg said and charged at Eoin.Eoin dodged out of the way and Greg bumped into a wall.

"Hi girls."Eoin said as he walked over to a big group of girls and he started talking to them.

"Eoin get back over here and let's finish this."Greg said angrily.

"Sorry girls I'll be back in a minute."Eoin said and went back to Greg.

Greg threw a couple more punches Eoin dodged them easily then jumped behind him and aimed his knee at Greg's back.Greg started crying and ran off.The girls all cheered for Eoin and Ryan came up to him and gave him a pat on the back.

"That was really good Eoin.You know that means that you're the strongest person in school now."Ryan said to him.

"That was real impressive."the girls said and started walking off with Eoin.

"Would you like to go out on a date sometime?"one of the girls asked him.

"No thanks.See ya."Eoin said getting away from the girls.

"How come you didn't agree to go out with that girl,Eoin?I mean look at her she's gorgeous.Anyone would love to go on a date with her."Ryan said as he and Eoin walked into the school.

"She's not my type."Eoin said.
* * *
After school the search for the new digidestined continued.

"Okay T.K. you check that apartment building and I'll check this one."Matt said.

"Okay Matt."T.K. said and went to the apartment building.
* * *
Who's that guy over there Ryan?"Eoin asked pointing at Matt.

"That's Matt.He's one of the digidestined."Ryan told him.

"Oh enough with that digidestined stuff.I seriously doubt that a huge monster was destroying the place and they didn't show it on the news."Eoin said."And if there was a world in the sky I would have seen it.I do have eyes you know!"

"Yeah well maybe you were asleep when it happened."Ryan said.

"Well I still don't believe it.Now let's go over and talk to Matt."Eoin said.

"Hey Matt."Ryan said walking over to him.

"Hi Ryan.What's up?"Matt said.

"Nothing much."Ryan said smiling.

"He's right.I'm the only thing up."Eoin said swinging down from a tree.

"Who are you?"Matt asked in surprise.

"This is Eoin.He moved here from Ireland a couple of weeks ago."Ryan told him."He's really fast and strong,he beat Greg in a fight.Greg couldn't hit him he's so fast."

"Cool,let's see if I can hit him."Matt said and aimed a couple of punches at Eoin.He dodged them easily.

"It's no good if I know you're going to hit me.Try and take me by surprise."Eoin said.

"OK I will.How do you like it here?"Matt asked.

"It's all right."Eoin said."A bit boring."

Matt threw a punch at Eoin and he missed again.

"You'll have to be faster than that if you want to hit him."Ryan said."Why don't you show Eoin you digivice,Matt."

"My digivice I think I dropped it.I'll be right back."Matt said running of to find his digivice.
* * *
"I found it.Here this is a digivice.We use it to make digimon digivolve."Matt said handing Eoin his digivice to look at.

"The digivice started beeping as Matt threw another punch at Eoin.This time he hit him.

"Ouch strong punch.Is this thing supposed to beep."Eoin said giving Matt back the digivice.

Just then T.K. came up to Matt "No luck"he said."What's going on."The digi-shield had begun to glow.

"I don't fell to g-"Eoin started to say but he fainted before he could finish.

"We'd better get him to his apartment.Matt can you help?"Ryan said.

"Sure."Matt said.
* * *
At Eoin's apartment Eoin was still unconcious.Matt and Ryan dropped him on his bed then left him alone until he woke up.Matt was talking to Ryan trying to see if the digi-shield was reacting to him but nothing was happening so he went into Eoin's room to see if it was his.

"Hey he has a tag and crest."Matt said looking at a chain Eoin had around his neck."It must be him."

Matt looked down at the digi-shield.It was glowing.

"T.K. come in here."Matt shouted.

"What is it Matt?Is Eoin a digidestined?"T.K. asked him.

"He is.Now we just have to wait until he wakes up."Matt said.
* * *
A little while later Eoin woke up.

"Are you all right?You fainted earlier."Matt said.

"Yeah I fell better now."Eoin replied.

"Good because I have something important to tell you."Matt said and started telling Eoin everything that was happening.

"So you think I'm a digidestined.Yeah right I don't believe any of that stuff ."
Eoin said when Matt finished.

"I can prove it if you come to my apartment I'll show you my digimon.Then will you believe me?"Matt said.

"Fine.I bet you don't even have one."Eoin said.
* * *
At Matt's apartment him and Eoin were in his room talking to Gabumon.

"So you're a digimon.I'm sorry I didn't believe it at first.Does this mean that I have a digimon and a digivice?"Eoin asked.

"You do.But it means more than that.Eoin this shield belongs to you."Matt said showing him the digi-shield."If you are the digidestined who this shield belongs to then it will grow when you hold it."

Eoin took the digi-shield from Matt.Then all of a sudden it started to glow and then it grew back to its full size and a bright orange dot floated from the digi-shield,the dot floated to his hand.

"Cool.Is this thing here my digivice?"Eoin asked holding up the thing that floated to his hand.

"It must be it looks real cool."Matt said looking at the new digivice.

"It's not just cool,it's extreme.Maybe we should call it a Digi-Extreme or
digi-x for short."Eoin said.

"That's cool or should I say that's extreme."Matt said and they all started laughing.

"One more thing am I going to have to carry this big thing around or can I make it shrink."Eoin asked and as if by magic the digi-shield shrunk and went into the digi-x.

"Never mind."

"I wonder how the others are doing."Matt said.

End of chapter five:Will the digidestined find the new digidestined before Armageddemon?Or will he find them and destroy them?And can Eoin help in the fight against Armageddemon?Find out next time in The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 6:The Search is on 2:The Magician

Author's Note:If you want to see a picture of the digi-x there is one in the fanart section on my website.The address for it is http://macandtrunksdigisite.homestead.com/fanart.html .And hopefully I will have a picture of the Mystical Weapons up too.Thanks for reading the fanfic,Trunks MTK.