Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ Relaxation,Yeah Right ( Chapter 12 )

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The Invincible Digimon

Chapter 12:Relaxation,Yeah Right

By Trunks MTK

This is Wolfiemon.Last time we were going to Spiral Mountain but when we got there Armageddemon was there and he had four digimon with him.They were Squidmon,Sabertoothmon,Huntermon and Vampiressmon and they called themselves the Dark Lords.Squidevilmon sent some digimon to attack us.Eoin got caught by Crustaceamon and I digivolved to Houndramon to save him.Brad got caught by Seadramon and then Lelecmon digivolved into Electramon.After the digimon were all defeated everyone went to sleep.

The next day after everyone had woken up they were deciding what to do.

"I think we should start thinking of a way to defeat the Dark Lords."Matt said.

"I think we should find them and defeat them after all they can't be that strong."Tai said.

"We should find some food for the digimon or else they won't be able to fight."Sora said.

"I've got the best idea why don't we all have a day of rest and relaxation."Brad said.

Then everyone started arguing about whose idea was the best.

"Oh this is giving me a headache."Eoin said then whistled to get everyone's attention."Why don't we vote on it?"

"Fine!"they all shouted together.

"At least you can agree on something.Okay put up your hand if you think we should come up with a way to defeat the Dark Lords."Eoin said and Matt,Eoin and Zero put up their hands.

"Okay three for that idea.Put up your hand if we should just go and fight them."only Tai put up his hand that time.

"One.Who thinks we should find food for the digimon?" Sora,Joe and four of the digimon put up their hands.

"Okay six.And who thinks we should just relax?"Everyone else put up their hands.

"Okay then it's settled we all relax and have fun today."Eoin said.

Everyone started arguing again.Eoin whistled and everyone looked at him.

"Now what are you arguing about?"he asked.

"We're arguing about what we'll do first."Tai said.

"Is that all.Okay I've got an idea everyone write on a piece of paper what you want to do first,only the humans the digimon can decide themselves see."Eoin said and pointed at the digimon who were playing in the water."and then put the piece of paper into my hat.I'll be the one who picks out the piece of paper because I don't care what we do."

Everyone got some paper off Brad and they wrote down what they wanted to do except Eoin.

"Okay has everyone put in their idea?"Eoin asked and everyone nodded."Okay and we'll play…soccer first.Whose idea was that?"

"Me."Tai and Brad said.

"Okay then you two can be the team captains and pick whose on your teams.Who'll be the referee?"

"I will."Mac said.

Tai went first and picked Sora,Eoin,Zero,Karen and Matt.Brad picked Izzy,Joe,T.K,Kari and last Mimi.

About thirty seconds into the game Eoin zoomed by Brad stealing the ball kicked it to Tai and Tai scored.Then Brad's team got a free kick because Zero pushed Izzy out of his way when trying to score a goal.T.K. took the free and kicked to Brad who was in front of the goals and scored.Just as the match was about to end Karen got the ball from Joe and knocked it in to the goal almost hitting Mimi.After the match they all had something to eat and rested for a few minutes and then they decided to play something else.

"What will we play now?"Karen said.

"Anything except soccer."Izzy said.

"What about chasing.It might be fun."T.K. said.

"Okay."someone said."We'll chase you and you run for your lives."

"Who said that?"Mimi said.

"I did.I am Octomon.I'll stop you from moving in my Octopus Trap and cover you with ink with my Spurting Ink attack."

Agumon digivolve to……Greymon!

Gabumon digivolve to……Garurumon!

Biyomon digivolve to……Birdramon!

Tentomon digivolve to……Kabuterimon!

Gomamon digivolve to……Ikkakumon!

Palmon digivolve to……Togemon!

Patamon digivolve to……Angemon!

Wolfiemon digivolve to……Houndramon!

Lelecmon digivolve to……Electramon!

"Not so fast.Octopus Trap."Loads of Octomon appeared and caught the digimon with their tentacles.

"Run."Tai shouted and they did.

"You can't get away that easily."another digimon said and appeared in front of them.

"It's Gesomon."Joe said remembering when Ikkakumon fought him when they went back to the real world to find Kari.

"Elastic Arms"Gesomon's arms grew and grabbed Karen and Mac.

"Octopus Trap"Octomon said and grabbed Zero.




"Where are they gone anyway?"Matt wondered."They're not with the other digimon."

"Here we come."they shouted.

"Leaf Flyer"


"Rolling Spike Strike"

"Ha ha.Spurting Ink."

"Coral Crusher"

"Leaf Flyer"


"Coral Crusher"

"Rolling Spike Strike"

"Spurting Ink"

"You can do it."Mac,Karen and Zero said to their digimon at the same time.

"I'm glowing."

"Me too."

"We're digivolving."

Felimon digivolve to……Mongomon!

Pectumon digivolve to……Cuckaburramon!

Aotomon digivolve to……ExAotomon!

Felimon digivolved into a bigger cat-like creature.It's claws were sharper and it had clothes on.

"I'm Mongomon.My attack is Claw fist.It's my only attack but it's as strong as two."

Pectumon digivolved into a huge purple bird with colored stripes on it.And gold hair.

"I'm Cuckaburramon.My attacks are Egg Bomber and Cuckoo Wing."

Aotomon digivolved into a bigger version of himself.It was longer and much more powerful.

"I'm ExAotomon.My attacks are Spike Bomb and Spinning Strike."

"Claw Fist"Mongomon hit Gesomon and he let go of Mac.

"Cuckoo Wing"Cuckaburramon hit him as well and Karen fell on to Cuckaburramon's back.

"Spinning Strike"ExAotomon knocked Octomon against Gesomon.

"Let's finish them off."

"Egg Bomber"

"Claw Fist"

"Spike Bomb"Octomon and Gesomon were destroyed and started getting reconfigured.

"Now for the others."

"Egg Bomber"Cuckaburramon hit all the Octomon and they freed the other digimon.

"Spinning Strike"ExAotomon knocked all the Octomon together.

"Now let's finish them off."

"Nova Blast"

"Howling Blaster"

"Electro Shocker"

"Meteor Wing"

"Harpooned Torpedo"

"Hand of Fate"

"Needle Spray"

"Lightning Claw"

"Hound Blast"

"Claw Fist"

"Thunder Wing"

"Spike Bomb"

"Egg Bomber"

The Octomon all got destroyed and began getting reconfigured.The digimon all de-digivolved one by one.And they ran to their partners.

"You did it."

"You sure did."

"Mongomon was cool."

After everyone had finished congratulating each other the digidestined had another decision to make.

"I think after that fight we won't be able to relax so I say we should get ready to fight Squidevilmon because it's obviously him who's sending these digimon to attack us.Are you all with me?"Tai said

"Yeah."everyone shouted.

"Then it's decided we'll come up with a battle plan to defeat Squidevilmon."Matt said.

* * *

Meanwhile in his lair Squidevilmon was so angry he was destroying everything around him.

"How could that many digimon be defeated?"Squidevilmon asked


"The remaining digimon digivolved and defeated them sir."he answered.

"I'm so angry Minis-qmon you better just go and tell Vampiressmon what's been happening."Squidevilmon ordered.

"Yes sir."Minis-qmon said and left.

* * *

At Armageddemon's castle the rest of the Dark Lords were wondering when Squidevilmon was going to send Minis-qmon to report to them.

"You don't think he's been destroyed along with Minis-qmon."Sabertoothmon said.

"No the digidestined couldn't have gotten rid of him this quickly." Vampiressmon said.

"Here he comes now."Huntermon said.

"Minis-qmon we were wondering when you would get here."Vampiressmon said.

"I'm sorry it took me so long."Minis-qmon said.

"Well do you have any news for us?What has been happening in the fight with the digidestined?"Vampiressmon said.

"Squidevilmon sent digimon to attack the digidestined twice but each time the newer digidestined's digimon digivolved and stopped them."Minis-qmon told them.

"I knew he'd fail."Sabertoothmon said.

"He hasn't given up yet he'll keep trying until he beats them even if it destroys him in the process."Minis-qmon said.

"Very well you can go now Minis-qmon but be back with more news tomorrow."Vampiressmon said and Minis-qmon left.

"So he failed and the digimon have digivolved.It looks like we may have to fix Squidevilmon's mistakes as soon as he fails."Vampiressmon said."Sabertoothmon be ready to leave the minute Minis-qmon tells us Squidevilmon has failed."

"Of course."Sabertoothmon said.

* * *

The digidestined were working on their plan of defeating Squidevilmon.

"He hasn't appeared to fight us himself so maybe he isn't strong enough to defeat us.So maybe if we can find where he is hiding and attack him we could beat him."Tai said.

"I think Tai might be right."Brad said.

"So far I'd say he's about as strong as MetalSeadramon was.But we were only able to beat him because of Wargreymon's Dramon destroyers.But Squidevilmon isn't a Dramon so it might be harder to beat him."Izzy said.

"You're right Izzy but how will we defeat him then.Maybe he has have some sort of weakness."Sora said.

"Even if he did have a weakness we don't know it so that won't be any help."Matt said.

"I think I know of Squidevilmon's weakness."someone said.

"Who said that?Whoever you are you better show yourslef."Tai said.

"It's all right it's only me,MysticUnimon."the digimon said.

"You're all right.What's his weakness?"Joe said.

"Well Loremon and I were fighting the Dark Lords when I made us invisible to them.Squidevilmon got really angry and started shooting all over the place and Loremon jumped out of my protective bubble and attacked him and Squidevilmon didn't notice."MysticUnimon explained."So I think if you can get him really angry you might just be able to defeat him."

"That's great news.But how could we get him so angry that he wouldn't notice all of us attacking him?"T.K. said.

"If you destroy his little friend Minis-qmon that would get him so angry you could destroy him and he wouldn't notice."MysticUnimon said.

"Okay then that's what we'll do.Thanks for all your help MysticUnimon."Tai said.

"No problem if it will save the digital world I'd do anything even attack him myself."MysticUnimon said and then he disappeared.

"Okay so we'll try and find Squidevilmon when we do we'll destroy

Minis-qmon and then we'll destroy him."Tai said.

"There may be one problem Tai.Minis-qmon is an Ultimate and he can grow to the size of Squidevilmon and become invisible when he wants to."Izzy said.

"Then we'll just have to get our digimon to digivolve quickly and destroy him before he has the chance to do that."Tai said.

"But if he's going to attack us then he'd probably already be Squidevilmon's size."Matt said.

"And if he's that size his attack could send all of our digimon flying."Izzy said.

"I've an idea."Mac said."Felimon told me that when he's Mongomon he can dig his feet into anything.So if he did that even if Minis-qmon sent all your digimon flying he'd still be there and able to attack."

"You're right then that's what we'll do.Just make sure Mongomon is ready."Tai said.

"You can do it."

"It's up to you."

"They're putting all their trust in me.They really trust me to pull it off with Mongomon"Mac thought to himself and for a few seconds his tag and crest glowed.

End of chapter twelve:Will Mongomon be able to stand up to Minis-qmon's attack?Will Mongomon be able to destroy Minis-qmon and if he does will it really make Squidevilmon so angry that the digidestined will be able to destroy him find out next time on The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 13:Squidevilmon!