Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Invincible Digimon ❯ Sabertoothmon's Trick ( Chapter 14 )

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The Invincible Digimon

Chapter 14:Sabertoothmon's Trick

By Trunks MTK

It's Felimon,last time we were looking for Squidevilmon when Gennai said he had found him so we went there to fight him.I digivolved to UltraMongomon and defeated Minis-qmon which made Squidevilmon really angry.Agumon and Gabumon warp-digivolved and together we destroyed Squidevilmon with a little help from him.After we defeated him we thought we'd be all right for a while but a little later we were attacked by some Hornedmon so now we have to fight them.

The digidestined were surrounded by more than ten Hornedmon.

"There are eleven of them now,how are we going to beat all of them?"T.K. said.

"We'll just have to fight them and beat as many as we can."Tai said.

Agumon digivolve to……Greymon!

Gabumon digivolve to……Garurumon!

Biyomon digivolve to……Birdramon!

Tentomon digivolve to……Kabuterimon!

Palmon digivolve to……Togemon!

Gomamon digivolve to……Ikkakumon!

Patamon digivolve to……Angemon!

Gatomon digivolve to……Angewomon!

Wolfiemon digivolve to……Houndramon!

Lelecmon digivolve to……Electramon!

Pectumon digivolve to……Cuckaburramon!

Aotomon digivolve to……ExAotomon!

"Mega Horn"all the Hornedmon went charging at the digidestined.

"Nova Blast"

"Needle Spray"

"Tail Blade"Greymon,Togemon and Houndramon stopped some of thee Hornedmon.

"Electro Shocker"

"Electro Tail"

"Spike Strike"Kabuterimon,Electramon and ExAotomon hit some more.

"Meteor Wing"

"Cuckoo Wing"

"Harpoon Torpedo"Birdramon,Cuckaburramon and Ikkakumon got some more.

"Hand of Fate"

"Howling Blaster"

"Celestial Arrow"Angemon,Garurumon and Angewomon stopped the rest.

"Comet Horn"the Hornedmon attacked the digimon together really weakening them.

"They need to digivolve again."Sora said.

Greymon digivolve to……MetalGreymon!

Garurumon digivolve to……WereGarurumon!

Birdramon digivolve to……Garudamon!

Kabuterimon digivolve to……MegaKabuterimon!

Togemon digivolve to…

The Hornedmon fired another attack at the digimon.

"Oh no you don't.Thunder Wing."Electramon stopped most of the attacks.

"Hound Blast"Houndramon stopped the rest.


Ikkakumon digivolve to……Zudomon!

Angemon digivolve to……MagnaAngemon!

"Flower Cannon"

"Wing Blade"

"Giga Blaster"

"Mega Horn"three Hornedmon attacked them.

"Vulcan's Hammer"

"Angel Rod"

"Horn Buster"

"Comet Horn"three other Hornedmon attacked them.

"Celestial Arrow"

"Wolf Claw"

"Hound Blast"the three of them together beat one of the Hornedmon.

"Comet Horn"one of the Hornedmon was attacking the digidestined.

"Egg Bomber"

"Spike Bomb"Cuckaburramon and ExAotomon stopped him from hurting them.

"You guys should get out of here we'll take care of these guys."MetalGreymon said.

"Okay come find us when you're finished fighting them."Tai said and the digidestined left.

"Gate of Destiny"MagnaAngemon opened up the gate.

"Giga Blaster"

"Wolf Claw"MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon knocked one of the Hornedmon in and the gate closed then disappeared.

* * *

Meanwhile the digidestined had been too busy running away from where the digimon were fighting to notice that they had been separated from each other.

"Do you think we've gotten away from them,guys?Guys?"Eoin said.

Eoin looked around for them but he couldn't see them anywhere.

"Where are you guys?If this is a joke it isn't a very good one!"Eoin said.

"Not a joke,but a trick and not done by your friends."someone said.

"Who are you?"Eoin asked.

A digimon that looked like an overgrown spider appeared out of nowhere.

"It doesn't matter who I am,I work for Sabertoothmon and that's all you need to know,"the digimon said,"and right now I'm supposed to capture you and your friends.

"You'll never capture me."Eoin said and ran.

A few seconds later Eoin bumped into something.

"You were saying."the digimon said.

"Let me go!"Eoin said.

"No chance.You're not going anywhere."the digimon said and wrapped Eoin up in a web and hung him on a tree.

"Houndr-!"Eoin began to shout but the digimon put some web over his mouth.

"Shut up.I'll be back soon with your friends."the digimon said and disappeared.

* * *

A while later Eoin wasn't the only one hanging from the tree.The digimon had brought back Brad,Mac and Zero.

"Mmf mmm."Eoin tried to say.

"What are you saying?"Brad said as he was the only one who didn't have any web over his mouth.

"Uggh!"Eoin said.

"What?"Brad said again trying to figure out what they were saying.

"Mmf mmm mm!"Zero said and the digisword came out of his digi-x and cut the web off him.He then ripped the web from his mouth.

"That's much better.Now to get you guys out."Zero said and one by one cut the others out of the web.

"Finally.I was trying to say shout for help.It's obvious he's only looking for us newer digidestined."Eoin said.

"Okay.Electramon!"Brad shouted.

"That's what I was trying to say too."Zero said.

"Now that we can speak,Houndramon help!"Eoin shouted.

"What about the others?"Zero said.

"You three keep shouting and I'll go look for them."Eoin said and ran off.

"Now what?"Brad said.

"I guess we keep shouting.ExAotomon!"Zero said.



Just then the digimon appeared.

"How did you get out and where's the other one of you?"it asked them.

"Gone to find the others."Zero said.

"Well you might as well wait for him together."the digimon said and grabbed Brad and Mac with some web as they were trying to sneak off.He then wrapped all three of them up together and took them with him.

* * *

Eoin was looking through the forest with no look.All he could hear was Zero,Brad and Mac but they had stopped shouting a while before.

"I better go back to the others.I can't find Tai anywhere.It doesn't even show him on my digi-x."he said to himself.

He ran off back to towards where the digimon had left him,Brad,Zero and Mac.When he got there they were nowhere in sight.

"Maybe they found the others and went looking for me."Eoin wondered."No,I would have heard them calling me."

"I know,I'll go get Houndramon and the other digimon and we'll all look for them."Eoin said.

* * *

Meanwhile Tai had found all the digidestined except Mac,Brad,Zero and Eoin.

"They must be somewhere.I hope Sabertoothmon doesn't have them."Tai said.

"I'm sure they're fine,Tai.Maybe we should go to the digimon."Kari said.

"Kari's right they can look after themselves."Matt said."But the digimon might need our help to digivolve or something."

"Okay we'll go find the digimon then."Tai said and they left.

* * *

The digimon had defeated all of the Hornedmon and were resting up before looking for their partners.

"I hope they're alright one of the Hornedmon might have gotten away from us and could be attacking them right now."Palmon said.

"I don't think so I counted eleven Hornedmon defeated."Agumon said.

"Maybe we should start looking for them now."Pectumon said.

"Is everybody ready?"Gabumon asked.

They all nodded and got up ready for action.

"There's no need for that."Eoin said.

"Eoin,you're okay."Wolfiemon said and flew over to him.

"Of course I'm okay."Eoin said.

"Where are T.K. and the others?"Patamon asked.

"I don't know.See we were all running and somehow we got split up."Eoin told them.

"Then where are they?"Biyomon asked.

"We're over here."Sora said.

"Where are Brad,Zero and Mac?"Eoin asked.

"We thought they were with you."Izzy said.

"Well they were.It's a long story.See this digimon caught me,Brad,Mac and Zero and wrapped us up in a web thing.Zero used the digisword to free us.Then I said I'd go look for you.When I went back they were gone so I thought they had found you and come here."Eoin explained.

"If they're not here then that digimon must have gotten them."Joe said.

"I guess.We'd better find them quick,the digimon said he was going to bring us to Sabertoothmon."Eoin said.

"Then we'd better hurry."Matt said.

Gabumon digivolve to……Garurumon!

Wolfiemon digivolve to……Houndramon!

"Hop on."Matt and Eoin said and they got on the digimon and started running through the forest looking for the others.

* * *

The digimon was looking all around the forest for Eoin but couldn't find him.This made him really angry and he threw Brad,Zero and Mac against a nearby tree breaking it in two.

"Where could he be?"the digimon said.

"Right here!"Eoin said as he and the others appeared on Garurumon and Houndramon."Houndramon cut them out of that web but be careful.

"Okay."Houndramon said and cut them free.

"Thanks,now lets get this digimon."Zero said.

"Right!"Mac said.

"He's dead meat."Brad said.

Kitamon digivolve to……Felimon!

Lelecmon digivolve to……Electramon!

Felimon digivolve to……Mongomon!

Aotomon digivolve to……ExAotomon!

"Thunder Wing"

"Claw Fist"

"Spike Bomb"they all attacked with their most powerful attacks and pulverized the digimon.

"Way to go,Lelecmon."Brad said.

"Thanks for saving us."Mac said."He was going to give us to Sabertoothmon."

"At least now we know who we're fighting."Zero said.

* * *

"What?They beat the Hornedmon and the new digidestined escaped from Spidomon."Sabertoothmon said.

"That's what happened,sir."Spikemon said.

"Next time they won't be so lucky I'll just have to make an appearance,won't I?"Sabertoothmon said.

End of chapter fourteen:Will Sabertoothmon defeat the digidestined?Will his next plan work out like this one find out next time on The Invincible Digimon.

To be continued in chapter 15:Sabertoothmon Attacks