Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Island Of Doom ❯ Go West Young Taylor. ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Taylor's story…
The Last thing I remember was being alone, all by myself. No Family! No Friends! Even the Orphanage wouldn't except me.
I didn't even know how to talk properly, because no one taught me how.
In fact, the only thing I could ever say…was my name.
My stomach was empty, and so was my heart. Even a basket of soccer-balls looked good enough to eat.
But as soon as the High-school girls team saw what I was up to, even the coach was mad at me.
They tied some string around me, and tied my tight against a tree.
“Bad-Boy… you deserve to be punished!”
I cried, and cried and finally cried myself to sleep.
Then suddenly, a few days later… something awoke me.
Some of the students at the school had gathered outside that night, for they were watching a film that came all the way from a place called… Hollywood.
What I saw on that screen really clicked me on the inside.
Romance… ice-cream…Fried-Chicken!
I could tell that those things were my ticket out of the gutter, so I broke free from the ropes… and I knew what I had to do.
Go West Young Taylor!
Go West to Hollywood! Where there was Fried-Chicken, and Ice-cream. Waiting just for Me!!!
A week later…
I hopped a tanker-tuck heading west. I opened my eyes at the end of the tunnel, and there it was…Hollywood!
The place I thought where all my dreams could come true… but I was soon to be proved wrong!
The next day…
An Angry chief was chasing me in attempt to get back the food I took, and he hit me over the head with his frying-pan, and kept on chasing me.
The streets in Hollywood were even colder than Ice-cream I craved. No one really cared about a poor helpless little guy!
Finally one day... I felt a warm arm rub my back. I looked up and saw a strange guy with a bunch of other alley kids.
I expected them to kill me, but strangely, they offered me a few of their table scraps.
“Eat hearty, kid!” said the leader, who went by the name of Dodger.
Even though the scraps had been in the garbage, I never tasted anything so good in my life!
Dodger even asked me to join up with the gang, and they would teach me everything they knew.
The next day I went back to that mean old chief, but I got away from him… and tasted Fried-chicken for the very first time.
I ate, and ate, and ate… But I was still hungry… for love!
Next Day…
And then… I met her… Marissa!
A beautiful girl from England with shiny red hair, and skin as whit as the clouds.
Our eyes met as I passed by, but when I tried to reach out to her, she rejected me… and that's when her mother came and pounded my head with her umbrella.
“You dirty little street-urchin! Keep yourself away from my daughter!”
That's when it suddenly hit me, to why she rejected me.
“My mother is rich, and can buy me anything I want, and you don't have any money, or a job and power!”
“You're just a Street-Rat… so can just forget me!”
And they left…
There was only one thing I could do now… IF I WANTED HER I HAD MAKE MYSELF A LITTLE BETTER!!!
Over the past few days…
To win Marissa's heart I had to walk better, and real working people walk straight and tall… not slouchy!
Pretty soon, I could walk straight and tall… but I couldn't run fast enough… and that angry chief caught me!
That's when I learned to crawl… right up to my hideout… in the attic of a drama school.
I over heard the instructor getting his class to say a sentence in perfect semaphore.
“She Sells Sea-Shell by the Sea-Shore!”
“Taylor…Taylor… Taylor!!”
Talking was hard… but regardless how hard it was, I wasn't giving up.
I stayed up endless nights looking through picture books, and learning about the alphabet.
“Taylor…Taylor, Taylor, Taylor… Taylor!”
-Under the easy sky
with the moon high up above.
I'll learn to speak better,
cuz this kid's got puppy love
-I'll stand up straight,
and hold my head up high,
and she'll want me.
Don't you see!?
-I'll write poetry
and recite it myself.
But it's hard for me…
A few days later…
But I had my heart set on Marissa. So I kept on running…and getting caught!
But I got a little faster each day!
“She Sells Sea-Shellsby the Sea-Shore!”
“Ta…Se…Sea...ylor…Ta…shore!̶ 1;
“Tee Tells Tea-Tells Ty Te Tea-Thore!”
I tried one more time…and…
“She Sells Sea-Shell by the Sea-Shore?”
“HEY!! She Sells Sea-shells!”
My very first real words…so quickly, I went back to my book, and soon learn may things like.
“G…is for… G-g-General!”
“B…is for B-b-Blue!”
I it weren't for those words, I never would have become General-Blue of the infamous Red-Ribbon Army.
But never the less… I kept going and going until!
“Oh, at long last… I can Talk… I can Talk!”
Yet another few days later…
I met Marissa outside that very same spot, and showed her all the new things I could do…
…But still…she rejected me!
“What's so good about you now? Just look at yourself!”
“You may walk better now, you may talk better now, you may even behave like a better person now…”
“..But you are still a dirty Street-Rat with no money and power.”
“You are worse than before… Now you're just a FREAK!!!”
“She…she thinks I'M A FREEEEEEEEEAK!!!”
Years later…
She thought I was a freak, did she?!
Well… I'll show her!
I'll become the richest, most powerful man she ever met! Then she'll be crawling back to me and begging for me love!
But… that was the last I ever saw of Marissa, Hollywood, or my old gang!
I joined the Red-Ribbon Army and became rich and powerful… but my dream just never came true!
As I stared upon the ruins of my old neighborhood, I felt as if I was being watched!
I looked around and saw my old gang around me again. “Long Time, No see brother!” said Dodger.
I followed them back the gutter, and Dodger said he wanted my join up with the old gang again!
“Well… I may be richer now… I may be stronger now… and may be more powerful now than before.”
“So I guess having me around would be a great addition to you little operation…right!”
“You bet it brother, so what do you say… you in?”
I just rejected his outstretched hand.
“Sorry to disappoint you, Dodge… but I'm staying with the Red-Ribbon Army!”
“Oh no you're not!”
“Yes I am! My mind's made up, and your not going to change it!”
“Maybe I can't…but SHE can!!”
“Huh…what the…?”
I looked behind him, and there she was. I couldn't believe my eyes.
“No! It can't be! Marissa, What are you doing here?”
We shared a little discarded champagne, and she told me everything about what happened after I had left.
It turned out that her mother had gone bankrupt, and all her money was gone.
Te only way she could sustain herself, was if she had no children, and left her in the gutter.
Now that was down right cruel!
Dodger allowed her in the gang, and seeing as how she had nothing, Marissa had no choice.
Marissa also said she planed to stay, and for the first time ever, she begged me to stay with her in the gang.
“I told you… NO!!”
Now Marissa was the one who was crushed. “Look… Taylor…you may be just a…a Freak and all but…but- -!”
“But nothing!”
“That's all I ever am to you, A FREAK!! Well, guess what … the table shave turned!”
I got up and started to leave, when I heard Marissa following me… I whipped out my gun and poised it at her.
She got the message.
“Stay the heck away from me… STREET-RAT!!”
And then I walked away, leaving her to bewail her loss.
As I walked along the empty roads, I suddenly began to cry myself, but there was nothing I could do now.
My heart was just too bitter and cold now to carry on.
That's when I found a bulletin for the Island of Doom, and just like Marissa… I didn't really have anything left, so I left the world all behind me.
And there you have it.
Boy meet's girl… Boy likes girl… Boy losses girl and all the rest! I'm Taylor Tristan… now called Number 29.
The screen changed…
Davis gently closed the book and put it down. “Poor Taylor!” he said sounding a little low.
“I guess that's just how the ball bounces in life! Some people win, and some people… lose it all!”
The wolves howled again, and that spooky music started up again.
“Tune in next time…when the Island of Doom will present to you, the story of a girl, Mina, and how her boyfriend dumped her, because she seemed to pay too much attention to Sinatra songs!”
“Until then… I am Daisuke Motomiya, the rarest of all these people saying… Farewell… From the Island of Doom!!”
Davis turned his head slowly to the window as the thunder shook the skies again, and Davis slowly nodded.