Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Lemon Crisis ❯ The Lemon Crisis ( One-Shot )

[ A - All Readers ]
Disclaimer: Digimon and its characters are NOT mine, never did, never will. This is an UNOFFICIAL fic for Digimon, just an author with a nut head wanted some fun so this was written.

Author's notes: Mistakes will be found scattered in this fic due to the fact it's a fic I did really quick. I was checking the new stuff on FF.net and this idea suddenly appeared in my mind. My first attempt on humor so please be nice and easy on me.

The Lemon Crisis

After what seemed to be forever weekend has finally came. All the new Digidestined wanted some fun after their pissed off week so they decided to go over to someone's house for a sleepover. Ken's house was chosen at last, due to the fact he had the fastest computer. It was futile for him to protest because everyone voted against him.

At around five, when Miyako came over, all the children were there. Mr. and Mrs. Ichijouji wouldn't be there the entire night for some relative visitings so they had it all to themselves. They gathered in the living room and started some meaningless chatter.

Miyako: *looks pissed, bumped her rear onto the crowded couch* You know what? I'm REALLY pissed off about this week.

Hikari: *moved left with Takeru on her left for Miyako's intrusion* We know that, you said it with your face.

Iori: *sitting beside Takeru, full attention on Miyako* What made you so mad about the week?

Daisuke: *watching TV with his stomach on the floor, not looking at the group but listened* Probably just got dumped by some sort of cute guy, don't worry she'll get over it. She's used to it ya know.

Miyako: *grabs whatever she could with the first shift of her hand, throws it to the goggled head mercilessly*

Daisuke: *hit by a clock* Ouch!

Ken: Daisuke, that was mean.

Daisuke: *rubs his head, turned from TV to Miyako* 'K, sorry, just jokkin'. *turns back to TV, flips channals until he stopped at one showing Pokemon*

Takeru: *frowns* Can we watch something else?

Hikari: *straightened from her seat, eyes on TV with an excite expression on her face* No! It's the episode with Pikachu getting tormented! Daisuke don't change the channal!

Takeru: *eyes widened, shudders at Hikari wordlessly and edged to Iori's direction*


Ken: *shudders, moved away from the chair beside the couch to the floor*

Takeru: *whispers to Iori* My God, those girls sure can scare me...... *turns to Iori, even more scared seeing him with the same expression on the girls' faces, or maybe both combined*

In a scene Pikachu was getting shocked by Raichu, suddenly the channal was changed to one with The Rugrats. All but Daisuke, Ken and Takeru gasped.


Daisuke: *hugs controller* But Rugrats is way better! All the characters in Pokemon in every episode is just making a fool of themselves or getting into any trouble in the world! (A/N: This isn't true! Don't get offended if you're a Pokemon fan, I actually think Ash is VERY cute!)

Hikari: You. Take. That. Back.

Ken: *To Takeru* I'm heading for some computers in my room, want to join me?

Takeru: Sure, that sounds way better.............

Both of them stood up, started their way to the room upstairs.

Daisuke: *Fighting Miyako for controller* Where're you going?

Ken: Computers. Wanna join?

Daisuke: Sure, these guys are IMPOSSIBLE!

Miyako: *grabs whatever she could with the first shift of her hand, throws it to the goggled head mercilessly*

Daisuke: *hit by the controller* Ow!

The three boys headed upstairs to Ken's room, where Ken put their stuff for the sleepover in. Daisuke and Takeru gasped at the neatness.

Takeru: THIS room is impossible.

Daisuke: *went dumb* Yea..........

Ken: *switched on computer, waited for it to load* Get a chair at the corner.

Both boys did as told, now sitting in beside Ken, who was sitting in front of the computer.

Ken: Now, *asks once got onto internet* where to?

Takeru: No idea...........

Daisuke: Just went here to get away from the guys downstairs, never think of any other destination.

Ken: *sighs, typed on his keyboard* I'll lead the way, then............

Ken pressed enter when he finished with the address, the computer was ready in the next second.

Takeru: That was quick............. my computer was so slow and it broke last week.

Daisuke: And I don't even KNOW how to use one. (A/N: I'm not sure if that's true, but I personally think Daisuke, as a Digidestined, should at least knew some basic techs.)

Ken: *Clicked on a link* This page is great, it has millions of fanfics and a lot of other things.

Daisuke: *exclaims suddenly, both the blond and the raven boy jumped* I know what this is! It's the Fanfiction.net!

Takeru: And you said you don't know how to use computer?

Daisuke: My sister do. *turns to Ken* She's an author! At home she just kicks me out of her room everytime she checks on her stuff! I want to take a look at her fics!

Ken: *looks slightly interested* What the name she uses as an author?

Daisuke: I think it's 'Super Lemon Priestress' or something related to lemons. What's that with the sour stuff? Why does she use it as her pen name?

Takeru: Maybe it's better off that you don't know.........

Ken: *blushes slightly* Yea............

Ken typed 'Super Lemon Priestress' in the author searching block at the top right corner of the page, only one match had been found. Ken clicked in to find all the fics inside were NC-17's stuff.

Takeru: *peeks at Daisuke* Emmmm....... let's........ maybe, check out the new stuff?

Ken: *understood what Takeru said that for, peeks at Daisuke* Yea........... let's check something else.

Daisuke: *didn't seem to read the ratings* Why? I don't think Jun's bad at writing! *concentrated on the summary of the first one on the listing* My fist attempt on Digimon, *shrieks* she writes fics on DIGIMON???????

Takeru: Ken, press the back button...........

Daisuke: Let me finish this first! The Digimon Kaizer had Daisuke captured once again, what will he do to his captive? *bursts out laughter* That's funny! *turns to Ken* She wrote fics on us! What do YOU think you'll do to me? Putting a dark ring on me and makes me to fight a dinosaur Digimon?

Ken: Maybe............... *ignores him and pressed back* Let's check what's new.

Daisuke: Hey! I wasn't finished with that!

Takeru: *whispers under breath* If you read that, you'll be finished..........

Ken clicked the home link to get back to the first page, then clicked on the link named anime with a Doraemon button. Again the computer was ready in the next second and Ken and Takeru gasped at the pageful of NC-17's.

Ken: *shook* Tragedy...........

Daisuke: If it's some sniffy fics don't read it, I love those crazy laughting ones.

Takeru: *sighed* Ken.......... check the next page...........

Ken did as told, unnerved by another pageful of NC-17's. If it was only Takeru he's with, he would've read those. But he didn't want to shatter Daisuke's innocence..........

Miyako: *suddenly yelled from behind* Wow! A pageful of Lemons! *to Ken* Click in!

Ken, Daisuke and Takeru turned to the voice to see Hikari and Iori both stood beside Miyako, shifted to get a view on the screen.

Daisuke: Why are you here? Aren't you watching TV?

Miyako: *turns to Daisuke, looking pissed* Thanks to the stone head of yours! The controller broke! *turns to Ken* What're you doin'? CLICK IN!!!!!

Takeru: *nervous twitch* I don't think it's a good idea.........

Daisuke: *really confused* What's a Lemon?

Miyako: *laughed* You don't know? You really DON'T KNOW??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

Hikari: *smirks* I see one Kenori!

Iori: *blushes* Don't read that one! Read the Takedai one below!

Daisuke: *as clueless as ever* Can NEone tell me what's a Lemon NOW? Pretty pretty please?

Hikari: *annoyed but explain* A Lemon is.........


Daisuke: Is what?

Miyako: Come on! I need some Lemons to save me for the stress I have had through the week! *place hand on Ken's hand, which was on the mouse* CLICK IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was the first time Ken cursed his computer for being such a quick loader. Within the same second they had a page of a juisy lemon in front of them, much joy to the two girls and the shortest boy in the room. Takeru pushed Daisuke out of the room without thinking, slammed the door hard in his face and locked it.

Daisuke: *stunned for a minute before snapping back to reality* Hey, what was that for?

Takeru: *inside the room but close to the door* It's.......... not suitable for you to read.

Daisuke: Why? I'm not suitable to read ONE SINGLE FRUITY FIC???????? Even Iori can stay inside then why can't I? I'm OK with anything that's not a sniffy! Hey!

His voice was deaved from Takeru's ears by the laughter and shrieks from Miyako, Hikari and Iori. He stood outside, blinked his eyes and didn't have a single idea of what's going on.

Daisuke: *stood dully* Just what's a Lemon anyways?


This is a quick fic so I think it's kinda sucky. I didn't bother to check the grammers because I just want to upload this ASAP. This is probably the last fic I'm uploading before the summer holiday ends. Read and review, and hope to see you again soon!