Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The New Digidestined ❯ Chapter 1: Our Adventure Begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Digimon: The New Digidestined
Disclaimer: I'm only saying this once- I don't own Digimon, but I do own myself, my partner, Cheetahmon, and any other made-up Digimon you see here. My brother owns himself and his partner, Lizarmon. Any other Human character and their Digimon belong to them.
And anything else, like references to movies and such aren't mine either.
Oh, and don't review if you don't like it.
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Chapter 1: Our Adventure Begins
Julia as song to herself as she worked on the computer. Suddenly, something caught her attention: a signal that she had mail. She clicked on the button and a window popped up. And she stared. The e-mail label read in plain, simple letters: So you want to be a Digidestined?

Huh? It must be fake. Glancing at the spot where the sender's name would be, she blinked when she realized there was nothing but “Unknown Sender”. Maybe it's a virus. But curiosity prompted her to open it. Her blue eyes widened as she read the message:
Dear Julia,
We know you are a big fan of Digimon, so we want you and your brother to come to the Digital World at once! Please help us! You and several others are our only hope… If you want to come, please respond.
There was no signature. Julia leaned backwards slightly. This has got to be a joke. But still…
She clicked the button that said Reply, and began to write. Her fingers flew over the keyboard as she typed out: Sure. Why not?
Then she pressed Send. Just then, the computer turned off. “Hey! What the-?!”
And then, without warning, the screen flashed multiple colors, and bolts of electricity ran across it.
At that moment, her younger brother, Richie, came running into the room. “Hey!” He shouted. “What did you do?!”
“How the heck should I know?!”
Just then, there was a huge burst of light that blinded them…
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When Julia came to, she realized she was lying on a field of grass. What?! Hurriedly, she got up, and looked around. She was standing in the middle of a sylvan glen, and lying next to her was her younger brother.
“Richie! Wake up damn it!”
Her younger brother came to rather quickly. “Huh? What? Where are we?”
Julia shook her head. “Honestly, I have no idea.”
Richie stood up and looked around. After a while, he said, “Well, we should probably try to find someone who can tell us what this place is.”
“Right.” Julia looked at her brother and blinked. “Hey! What's with the new outfit?”

Richie looked at himself, and his eyes widened in amazement. Before, he wore a simple sleeveless shirt and shorts, but now, he sported a light blue T-shirt with a black Chinese dragon on it with black trims on the sleeves, collar, and on the bottom underneath a dark blue overshirt, jeans, white socks, and red and black sneakers.
Then he looked at her and said, “You should check yourself.”
Julia stared. She now wore her favorite white T-shirt with the red, white and blue star outline on it, with a red hooded jacket on top, along with jeans, and white sneakers.
“Woah…” She stared down at herself, then put a hand to her head, and felt something. “Huh?”
Julia grabbed the object, and pulled it down so she could see what it was: a pair of silvery goggles with blue tints. She also spotted something on her hand: a purple wrist watch with a pink ring around the screen and pink buttons.
Glancing at Richie, she saw he had something similar, only it was silver and blue.
“Oookayy…this is getting weird. But we won't figure this out by standing around. Come on.”
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Sometime later, they were walking along when they heard shouts.
“Run for it!”
Out of nowhere, two figures barreled out of the woods, and ran straight into them.
“Hey! Get off my head!”
“Only if you remove your arm first!”
When the four of them untangled themselves, Julia found herself staring for the third time that day.
In front of them were two non-human creatures. The first was a bipedal cheetah with gold bands on her ankles, wrists and tail (one on each), and a big gold collar with some kind of engravings on it. The other one was a large blue white-spotted gecko with big green eyes. Julia quickly recognized them as Digimon that she and her brother created, called Cheetahmon and Lizarmon, respectively.
*Digimon Info*
Cheetahmon is a Rookie-level Beast Digimon known for its great speed. It takes down its enemies with its Rainbow Spark Ball and Rainbow Spark Punch Attack.
Lizarmon is a small, timid Reptile Digimon at the Rookie level, who prefers to run away from battle. But when he needs to, he attacks with his Burner Breath ability.
*End Info*
“A-are you…Digimon?” Julia asked amazed.
“Yeah, we are! And what are you?” asked Cheetahmon. (Apparently, this one was a female.)
“Well, were' Humans…” Richie began, but Lizarmon interrupted.
“Uh, excuse, but there's a big horde of Flymon coming this way, so I think we'd better run!”
Sure enough, out of the trees came a large group of huge yellow-and-black striped bee-like creatures.
*Digimon Info*
Flymon are nasty Champion-level Insect Digimon that is easily angered. They always travel in groups, so they can pummel their victims with their Deadly Stinger (1) attack!
*End Info*
“Grr! Deadly Stinger!”
The stingers on the ends of the abdomens shot out at the foursome, forcing them to run.
“Just what did you do to make them so mad?!?!” Julia screamed.
“It wasn't me!” Cheetahmon yelled back. “Lizarmon fell into their nest!”
“Well how was I supposed to know they don't like visitors?!”
Suddenly, Julia tripped over a tree root and fell on her face. The others stopped to help her.
“Are you alright?” Richie asked.
“Yeah.” answered the other girl, getting up. It was then that Cheetahmon noticed the colorful watches on their wrists. She nudged Lizarmon.
“Hey isn't that…”
“Yeah! I think it is!”

”Then they must be…”
Suddenly, they were interrupted by the buzzing of the Flymon's wings.
“We have to protect them!” Cheetahmon shouted. She ran forward, and held out her paws. A ball of rainbow-colored energy formed in them. “RAINBOW SPARK BALL!” She threw the energy ball at them, but they swerved out of the way.
Lizarmon trembled, but yelled, “Burner Breath!” shooting out a small fireball from his mouth that the Flymon dodged too.
“It's no use!” Julia exclaimed. “The Flymon are too fast!”
“DEADLY STINGER!” The two Humans and two Digimon jumped out of the way of another needle barrage. Suddenly, the two items on the boy and girl's wrists began to glow…
“Hey! What's happening?!”
“I dunno, but I think the Flymon are afraid of it!”
Sure enough, the bee-like Digimon were backing away from the light. All of a sudden, two beams of energy shot from the devices and struck Cheetahmon and Lizarmon, and they started to radiate so much energy that it was hard to look at them…
“Cheetahmon Digivolve to… Tigramon!”
“Lizarmon Digivolve to… Velocimon!”
When the light faded, two new Digimon stood in the places of the Rookie Digimon. Tigramon was big white tiger with blue stripes and a gold collar, as well as gold bands on her ankles and tail. Velocimon was a big red velociraptor with an all-white face with what looked like red lines of paint coming from his eyes.
*Digimon Info*
Tigramon is a powerful and graceful Beast Digimon who takes out her enemies with heir Cat's Eye Orb and Needle Fur attacks.
Velocimon is one Dinosaur Digimon you do not want to mess with! He tears apart his enemies with his Sickle Claw attack, and then destroys them with his Flame Sphere attack!
*End Info*
The two evolved Digimon stared down their opponents for a minute, then rushed into battle.

”Sickle Claw!” Velocimon shouted, as his claws started glowing, and he jumped into the air, slicing a few Flymon to shreds of data.
“Needle Fur!” Tigramon growled, raising her hackles, and several needles struck the enemy.
“Okay, now together!” Velocimon exclaimed.
Tigramon nodded. “Right. Cat's Eye Orb!” She opened her mouth, and shot out a rainbow-colored orb with a black slit down the middle like a cat's eye.
“Flame Sphere!” from out of Velocimon's mouth came a large fireball. The two attacks destroyed most of the Flymon, forcing the survivors to retreat.
“Alright!” Julia and Richie exclaimed. At that moment, the Champion Digimon reverted back to their Rookie stage, but looked at each other and smiled.
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“You mean you were looking for us?”
A few minutes later, the humans and Digimon sat together, talking.
“That's right,” Cheetahmon said, nodding. “You see, a while back, normal, peaceful Digimon started going wild and attacking everyone they met. The four Sovereigns- That is, Azulongmon, Baihumon, Zhquaimon, and Ebonwumon- sent us to find the Digidestined that could help save the world.”
“And you think were' them?” asked Julia in amazement.
“Well, you have the D-Watches, don't you?”
Julia looked down at hers. “Is that what it is?”

”Yeah,” said Lizarmon, “And we have to find them.”

”Just how many Digidestined are there supposed to be?” Richie asked.
“I don't know, he never really said.”
The two humans promptly fell over.
“Well,” said Julia, getting up, “I guess we'll have to look for them…”
“Did you hear that?” exclaimed Richie.
“It sounds like someone is in trouble!” said Lizarmon.
“Well, let's go help them!” Julia shouted. The others nodded, and they ran off in the direction of the voice…
To be continued…
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(1) Yeah, I may change the attacks of some Digimon if I feel like it.