Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Paladin of Darkness ❯ Plans of Action ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Nobody slept well that night, when they went back home to rest and recover from their battle. Their minds were still pondering over the many casualties that now lay before them.
As was expected, TK was losing his cool now that there was a new evil for them all to face. An evil composing of a Mega Digimon with unbelievable power, and a new human villain whom they couldn't even recognize.
One thing everyone did do, was they emailed a message to Tai, and the others warning them about what was happening and they would need all the support they could get.
They all had a meeting in Izzy's apartment the next day before school. Everyone except Mimi, and Davis were there.
Mimi had been sent an email warning her of the trouble, and they would be calling for her help if need be.
Tai socked his palm with his fist. “Man, I'd sure like to get my hands on this creep, whoever he is.” he said.
“Well, until we can get Gennai back from that lost vortex, we have no idea of knowing who this Paladin of Darkness really is.” said Izzy. “But what we should do is consider what we know about him already.”
The only clues they had, was he was a human, and he had a Digivice, and his own Digimon too. “Which means that this guy could be anyone in our world.” said Matt.
To bad his monotone-voice from when he wore his helmet and mask made it harder to recognize his real voice.
Everyone nodded, and then there was that other clue. Just before they left yesterday they all heard the Paladin and Red-Ex-Veemon cry out. “Long live the Dark Ocean.”
“So you think the Dark Ocean, and the Digimon in there are responsible for this?” asked Hawkmon.
“Well they could be.” said Kari. “I'll never forget when those creatures asked me to be their queen.” she shuddered. “I still have nightmares from it.”
“Gee… this is just like Ken's evilness all over again, only ten times as worse.” said Wormon. “Ooh, uh… sorry to say that, Ken.”
“It's okay, Wormon.” Ken said tenderly. “We know what you mean.”
Biyomon fluttered about suggesting. “Do you think maybe there's a way we can find out who the Paladin of Darkness really is?”
Tentomon buzzed. “Believe me and Izzy, Biyomon, if we could've done that we would have known hours ago.”
“Tentomon's right. Only Gennai, or his computers would be able to show us the answer.” added Izzy.
“Well then, there's no other option.” Joe said. “We'll just have to find someway to get Gennai back.”
“Yeah, easier said than done.” snapped Gomamon. “We don't even know if he we can get him back, or what's become of him.”
“He's got a point there.” added Sora. “I'm no computer expect, but if Gennai's really trapped in a warp-vortex, it could take years to find where he is.”
“Not if I can help it.” Izzy said….
He began to explain that there was a slim chance to narrow down their searching, and get Gennai back faster. All they knew was he was trapped inside the computers in his palace. If they could just fix the computers and restart the systems, it just could do the trick.
“Gee, Izzy, do think we can really do that?” asked Cody. “We saw those computers, and they really are in bad shape.”
Yolei just chuckled. “Hey, who here fixes your computer every time, Cody?” she asked rhetorically.
Izzy nodded his head, and said he could actually use a good hand. So the plan was set…
Everyday, whenever there was free time. Izzy, and Yolei would head to Gennai's palace and work on the computers. As for everyone else; they would remain on standby. “The Paladin of Darkness, and Red-Ex-Veemon could strike again, and the best we can do is hold them back until we get some dirt on this guy.”
With that settled, they all called break. Before they all headed off to school, Izzy asked where Davis was, he hadn't shown up for the whole meeting.
“If I know Davis, he's probably overslept his alarm clock again.” TK joked, and everyone shared a good laugh.
…but actually, Davis had been up since dawn.
He was doing the homework he had neglected the previous night, and got it done that morning. He also looked very well rested for only a few hours sleep. So did Demi-Veemon.
Just before he was ready to head off to school, he had received an email on his computer, from the Scubamon.
“Our Warriors… you shall remain in the real world until you are needed. Remember to keep your identities secret. No one must ever learn the truth.”
Davis and Demi-Veemon smiled at each other and the both sent a reply back. Their eyes were literally glowing red with evil.
“As you wish, our people.”
“Whatever pleases you all.”
They didn't dare right their true names for the fear of getting caught. Then they packed up and were off to school.
Davis, bumped into Jun on his way out. Not being able to watch where she was going as she was still blabbing away on her cell-phone. “Hey, watch where you're going you little brat.”
Jun picked up her phone. “Sorry, my stupid brother doesn't know where to walk.” She said to her friend, and Davis decided to punish her a little for that.
His eyes glowed red…
Suddenly, Jun's cell-phone sparked, and had a complete blowout. “Whoa! Hey!” she cried. “What… what happened?” she cried as she picked up her broken phone.
“What's the matter, Jun? Did the phone decide to dump you too just like all the boy you dated?” Davis mocked, and he was out the door., leaving Jun all confused.
The Scubamon were busy preparing Davis and Demi-Veemon for a new challenge. For there were but two more treasures to be given to them both that would make their powers complete.
Centuries ago, when the Dark Ocean had first formed, the Scubamon were presented with two treasures when they had discovered the ancient powers of the Paladin of Darkness.
The Sword of Darkness: The Paladin's weapon of choice. A Legendary blade that could cut through any source of material, and held great magical powers.
And the second treasure…
The Pendant of Black Chaos:A Dark Necklace that was said to be given only to the Digimon who partnered the Paladin through all their hardships. It would focus his powers and protect him from being destroyed by any Digimon in battle.
The ring leader twiddled his fingers evilly. “If we give these treasures to our warriors, they will also be kept under our spell forever.”
“But, my friend…” cried another Scubamon. “The treasures will keep them under our spell, provided that no one destroys them, and Gennai is well aware of it's secret.”
“Yes… but remember, Gennai is no longer a threat to us. His chosen children will not stop us now. Hmm, mm, mm.”