Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Ressurection War ❯ Dark SEED: Last Destiny Stone of Light ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is Ken. Kari was still feeling depressed about Yolei, and she felt that Davis was taking her place in destiny. Ladydevimon sent an emissary named Doumon to attack Kari and Salamon. Kari managed to use her Holy Lance, but incorrectly. She fused with Angewomon and created a Fallen Angel digimon named Persephamon. Tk and I managed to make her use up her energy, but before we could save her, Yolei brought her back into the Digital World. Meanwhile, Ladydevimon is at the location of the last Destiny Stone. Now, Davis, Catherine and Derek are searching for the Key Cards and Tk, Cody and I are going after Kari. Who knows when we'll see Earth again?

I'll keep on running without looking back, sunshine day

I won't give in to the pain of skinned knees, adventure

I'll face my future, there's nothing to be afraid of

Your smile moistens my dry throat

I'll say good-bye to that coward who lives

Deep in my heart, and become a little stronger

This time I'll take off with courage

Spread the wings of my heart and fly to the unseen future

Now I'm headed towards an endless sky

This dream adventure has only just begun

I'll hold your hand, let's fly away, blue sky height

Your cheerful voice and smile are dazzling, paradise

Even if I get lost in the darkness, I won't give up, I won't lose

I know I'll be able to find that ray of light

I don't have time to show my tears!

From now on I'll try not to show my tears

I'll open the eyes of my heart and head for the unseen future

This time I'll believe and have strength

I'll have the courage to stand up again

If I hang my head and droop my shoulders I'll never arrive

At the wonderful, hope filled goal

I'll keep on running, keep on trying, I'll get stronger!

This time I'll take off with courage

Spread the wings of my heart and fly to the unseen future

Now I'm headed towards an endless sky

This dream adventure has only just begun

"Keep On"-2nd Ending Theme, Digimon 01

Dark SEED: Last Destiny Stone of Light

Veemon placed a hand over his eyes to shield them from the bright sunlight as he attempted to see the top of the mountain in front of him, a large, rounded mountain which had a patterned shape of smaller hills, giving it the look of a turtle shell. "You know, it really does look like the back of a turtle."

"I think that's why it's called Turtle Island," Davis sighed, "Now come on; I don't want to stand on this beach all day."

The two partners walked up the slope of the beach and onto a thin layer of grass. The other members of their small group were already on the top of the hill, surveying the area before them. "I think it's only about two, maybe three hundred kilometers before we hit the mountain itself," Derek said. "I wonder where that village is?"

"Probably at the bottom of the mountain," Crabmon said.

"Can we get moving?" Catherine asked, "I want to zee zat Floramon Village."

"Me too," Catherine's Floramon said.

As the group began walking across the palm tree littered field, Veemon turned to Floramon. "Were you born here?"

She shook her head. "No, I mean, I don't really remember where I was born, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't here." She looked around, "None of this looks familiar at all."

"It haz been a long time zince you were born, right?" Catherine asked, "Maybe you just don't remember?"

"Maybe," she said, "But I don't think it was here."

The group continued in silence until they arrived at a group of grass huts arranged in a circle around the base of the turtle shell mountain. As they walked into the village, they were greeted by a small group of Mushroomon. "You're humans, aren't you?" one of them asked.

"That's right," Davis nodded.

"What are you doing in the Village of the Living Earth?" the other Mushroomon asked, "Huh? What are you doing here?"

"We were sent here by the Gizamon," Veemon said, "We're looking for the Key Cards."

"Key Cards?" the Mushroomon asked, "What are the Key Cards?"

"Look, we're not here to hurt you," Derek said, "We're tryin' to stop an evil group named Dark SEED from getting them."

The trio of Mushroom huddled together for a few seconds and then turned back to the Digidestined. "Come with us."

They lead the Digidestined through the village. The residents had all came to the doors of their small homes to stare in awe and wonder at the strange beings that were walking through their town. The Digidestined did their best not to appear embarrassed, but Catherine's face was a deep shade of red. "Zis iz zo embarrazing!" she sighed, trying to cover her face.

The Mushroomon finally reached a large hut built out of the side of the mountain. Two of the Mushroomon stopped at the door and turned to face the Digidestined. "Wait here." The remaining Mushroomon passed through the cloth covering the entrance of the larger hut.

"What is this?" Davis asked, mentioning to the hut.

"The leader of our village," one of the Mushroomon answered, "He'll decide what to do with you."

The curtain opened and the third Mushroomon emerged. "Enter," he said. The Digidestined nodded and walked through the cloth and entered the inside of the large hut. In the center of the circular room was a massive, elderly tree holding a cane with one of his hands.

"Greetings," he said, in a raspy, elderly voice, "I am Cherrymon, the ruler of this village. What can I do for you?"

"We're looking for the Key Cards," Davis said, "We heard they were here?"

Cherrymon stared at him. "Tell me, how do I know that I can trust you?"

"We know Gennai and Ryo," Derek said, "If ya call the Guardians, I'm sure they'll tell ya."

Cherrymon nodded. "I'm going to have to take your word for it. After the fall of Myotismon's castle, we and the members of the Guardians found those cards in the wreckage. After much deliberation, we decided to hide the Cards here. I know that you have come a long way, but I am sorry to say that you have a more difficult task then you originally thought."

"What do you mean?" Catherine asked.

"The Key Cards were stolen about a year ago."

"Stolen?" they gasped.

"Yes, by a group of Bakemon and Vilemon," he answered, "They came from the Forest of Shattered Light."

"Forest of Shattered Light, huh?" Davis asked, "Well, where is it?"

Cherrymon was shocked. "You're going there?"


"But, that is a place where evil exists and multiplies in great numbers!"

"Well, it's not like we have a choice," the goggle-wearer responded, "Dark SEED is looking for those Cards too. If we don't get them first, they will."

Cherrymon smiled. "Very well. If you can keep those cards from the seeds of evil, then I will allow you to keep them."

"Thanks," Davis grinned, "Now, where's that forest?"

"Mushroomon!" Cherrymon called.

One of the Mushroomon entered. "Yes?"

"Bring these Digidestined and their partners to Pteranomon. Tell him to take them to the Forest of Shattered Light."

He bowed. "Yes. Please come with me."

"Go luck," Cherrymon called, "May the power of Alphamon, the justice of Dukemon and the courage of Omegamon watch over you always."

%% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %%

Ladydevimon's airship, the Boreas was still stationed in the skies over Lumière. The small village populated by Patamons and Salamons had been successfully occupied by the devil woman's female army. Groups of Alruamons were marching around the city's perimeter, while Youkomons wandered through the inside, making certain that the residence remained where they were suppose to. Palmons and Dokugumons acted as foot soldiers while Biyomons hovered around the elevated perimeter.

Inside of the Boreas, Ladydevimon was grinning wildly as she stared at the unconscious figure lying in front of her. Hikari Kamiya was strapped to a metal table in the center of the room, with Salamon right beside her. The devil woman turned to the teenage girl that was standing over the Digidestined leader. "Well?"

"She's still out of it," Yolei answered, "I guess that the fusion thing took more out of her then she thought."

Ladydevimon frowned. "I still don't like the idea, but we're going to have to sedate her more."

Yolei nodded. "Hawkmon?"

The bird flew into the room with a large syringe in his claws. Yolei took it from him and gently injected Kari and Salamon with the contents. "There."

The devil woman walked over to where the Holy Lance was lying on another examining table. "Daemon wants us to bring him Kamiya and her Lance as soon as we're able."
"And when are going to?"

She grinned again. 'Jet Silphymon is interrogating the villagers below. Once we have the location of the Destiny Stone of Light, we'll send Kamiya on her way."

Yolei nodded. "Right."

Down below, on the ground outside of the city of Lumière, Tk and Patamon pressed themselves as hard as they could onto the dirt-covered ground of the jungle. Tk glanced to the right and saw that Ken and Wormmon were pressed as firmly as they could on the ground. He turned to the left and saw that Cody and Armadillomon were doing the same. All six of the males held their breaths as a large black bird soared over their heads. The large flying creature would have seen them, if it had not been for the cover of the lush jungle around them. Tk waited a full five minutes after the bird had left before mentioning to the others. "Come on, that Sabirdramon is on patrol, so she'll be back. We've got to hurry."

They got back onto their hands and knees and continued to crawl towards the city. Using the cover of the thick jungle plants, they traveled undetected to the very edge of the underbrush. Unfortunately, they were not able to go any further.

Tk frowned as he stared at the outer perimeter of the village, using a large green leaf as cover. "How many do you think there are?"

Cody had to think before answering. "It looks like those Alruamons are positioned all around the outside of the city. It looks like we can either fight our way through or sneak inside."

Tk turned to Ken. "What do you think?"

"I think we'd have a better chance of getting onto the Boreas if we sneak on," Ken said.

The blond teenager nodded. "Yeah, but how are we suppose to get inside? I don't think that we'll have much trouble blasting through those Alruamons, but I don't know what else Ladydevimon has inside of that city." He sighed deeply, "We need a way inside."

"I might have a solution," Ken said. He opened his backpack and removed his laptop. The others looked over his shoulder as a map appeared on the monitor.

"What's that, Ken?" Wormmon asked.

"A map of this city. Gennai gave me a CD containing many cities in the Digital World. Luckily, this city, Lumière, was on it. According to the schematics, there's an irrigation system. We might be able to use that to get inside."

Tk nodded. "Sounds good. Where is it?"

"Follow me."

He led them back through the jungle to an area that sloped down to form a hill, where a large cave had been created in the side. A small stream of water trickled from the entrance. "In here," Ken said, "Hopefully, Ladydevimon doesn't have any soldiers guarding it."

"Nobody's here," Armadillomon said, "She either doesn't know about it, or doesn't care."

Patamon chuckled. "She's a bit full of herself, so she probably doesn't care."

The rest of the journey was made in silence as they traveled through the dark tunnel of the city's sewers, with their digivices the only source of light. The small stream of water grew wider as they traveled deeper into the cavern. "Where are we going, Ken?" Tk asked.

Ken glanced at his laptop screen. "According to the blueprints, we should be coming up to a large underground lake. This is the main source of water for the village."

"I found it," Cody said, shinning the beam of light from his digivice to a massive underground lake that stretched for miles in every direction. He pointed his make-shift flashlight towards the stone ceiling and saw a large hole in the center. "Is that for a well?"

"I think so," Ken said, "That's our way into the city."

Tk frowned. "We still need a way up there. Ken, our digimon are going to have to digivolve and carry us up there."

"I'm on it," Wormmon said, jumping off of Ken's shoulder and onto the ground. "Wormmon digivolve to Stingmon!"

"Patamon digivolve to Angemon!"

The large insect man lifted Ken, Cody and Armadillomon over to the large hole, while Angemon did the same for Tk. The angel digimon lifted Tk through the well, but only as far as his head could see over the brick wall to survey the area. Fortunately, the center of the city was empty of Ladydevimon's female soldiers. The blond teenager swung his head around so he could see all the houses that were positioned in the city. His eyes settled on a large hut that was behind a few smaller dwellings. He guessed that that had to be the mayor or lord or whatever the ruler of this village was called.

"Come up here," he whispered to the other Digidestined, "And do it quietly." Ken, Cody and Armadillomon climbed over the rock well and stepped onto the ground. Angemon and Stingmon regressed to their Rookie forms and joined their human partners.

The group of digidestined and their partners silently and stealthily traveled through the darkness of the night. They pressed themselves firmly against the back of one of the huts. Tk glanced around the corner of the building. "Okay, the cost is clear, let's go."

They darted across the main path of the village to teach the rear of the larger hut. Pressing his back firmly against the wall, Tk lead the group as they slide around the circular shape of the hut until they reached an opening in the side of the wall, a window. The blond teenager cautiously looked over the window sill at the inside of the building. "Well?" Ken asked, "What's going on?"

"There's a group of Patamons and Salamons inside," he reported, "A few Unimons, Centarumons, a digimon that looks like Angemon, but with pink cloths, and a large human cat. They're talking to a group of black Biyomons and…and what looks like a teenage girl in armor. She's carrying some kind of…of pinwheel on a staff."

"What are they saying?" Cody asked.

Tk shook his head. "Something about…the Destiny Stone of Light...they want to know where it is…."

One of the black Biyomons turned her head towards the window, but saw nothing. She turned back to face the citizens of the village. Outside, Tk breathed a sigh of relief. "I don't think she saw me."

Wormmon silently crawled over to the edge of the wall to peer at the entrance. The group of black Biyomons and the armored teenage girl marched out. The green digimon turned back to the others. "I think they left."

Tk looked back over the window. "They did. Let's go." The group of Digidestined darted around the corner and jumped inside the large house. The group of citizens stared in awe at the trio of humans and digimon.

"Who are you?" the human cat asked.

"My name is Takeru Takashi, this is Patamon, Ken Ichijoji, Wormmon, Cody Hida, and Armadillomon. We were sent here by Gennai."

"The Guradians?" the human cat asked, "Good. Maybe you can help us. My name is Bastemon, and I am the ruler of this village."

"Who just left?" Ken asked.

"That was Jet Silphymon," Bastemon said, "She is Ladydevimon's top lieutenant. They wanted to know where the location of the Destiny Stone of Light is."

"Did you tell her?" Tk asked.

Bastemon hesitated. "They have my entire village occupied. What was I suppose to do?"

Tk sighed. "We have reason to believe that one of our members is being held on Ladydevimon's airship. Is there any way to get up there?"

Bastemon thought for a few minutes. "Maybe, but we will have to hurry."

"Why?" Armadillomon asked.

"This city sits in the center of a large valley. Mt. Starshine to the left, and Mt. Tamarac to the right. The latter mountain contains a massive cavern that reaches to its very center. There, is where the Destiny Stone of Light resides." She sighed, "I heard Jet Silphymon talking, they are going to take their entire airship into that cavern."

The group of males gasped. "When are they leaving?" Wormmon asked.

"Soon," Bastemon said, "They are stealing supplies from us. We could hide you within those crates."

"Thank you," Tk bowed.

An hour later the Boreas dropped a large crane down to the village below. The citizens of Lumière were forced to load large crates onto the platform for the mechanical crane to lift into the hull of the large airship. Inside one of the larger wooden crates was Tk's Digidestined group. As they felt themselves being lifted into the air, Tk took a deep breath. "Here we go."

Ken looked at him. "Is there something bothering you?"

"Actually, there is," he sighed, "Ladydevimon isn't going to be a walk in the park, from what I hear she's pretty tough, maybe stronger then Magna Angemon. If I really want a good chance to beat her, I may need to use that Holy Sword that Tatum gave me, but…what if I get it wrong too? What if Patamon and I become some kind of…Dark Angemon?"

Ken stared him straight in the eyes. "Listen, Kari is my friend, so it's kind of hard to say this, but, I think that what happened to her, was her fault."

The others hidden inside of the crate gasped. "What?"

"What I mean is, she was really depressed. The situation with Yolei and Davis, and how she felt like everything was her fault, I think that Persephamon wasn't suppose to happen, but did because of her mood."

"But what about me?" he asked, "I haven't exactly been all smiles and sunshine myself."

"Well," Patamon said with a smile, "I guess we'll just have to do our best."

Tk smiled as he patted his partner's head. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Guys," Cody said, "I think we've stopped moving."

The group of digidestined and their digimon partners could indeed tell that they had stopped moving. They held their breaths and waited to try and detect any form of sound from outside of the box. They heard none. Cody looked through a small peephole. "I think we're in some kind of cargo hold."

"Is there anybody out there?" Armadillomon asked.


"All right," Tk said, taking a deep breath, "I'm lifting the lid." He pushed the ceiling of the crate up and took a better look around the cargo hold. It was empty, and very dark. He saw what appeared to be the cargo entrance in the bottom of the floor, closed and sealed. There were a series of porthole shaped windows in the walls and a large staircase in the far corner. "I think they're finished loading. Come on."

The digidestined climbed out of the box and made their way through the dozens of others boxes until they reached the windows. They each found their own and glanced outside to watch as the ground got further and further away. "We're floating further into the sky?" Wormmon gasped.

"The tunnel," Ken said, "Ladydevimon is heading for that tunnel where the Destiny Stone is."

The Boreas was indeed pulling away from its hovering position over the city of Lumière and heading towards the large cavern in the center of Mt. Tamarac. It floated through the cavern opening and began to travel down the rocky tunnel.

Back inside of the cargo hold, Cody looked to the others. "Maybe we should try and stop them before they get to that Destiny Stone?"

Tk glanced at the staircase. "We'll probably have to fight our way through."

"Not to worry," Armadillomon asked, "I think we'll be fine."

Tk took a deep breath, "All right, lets go!"

"Patamon digivolve to Angemon!"

"Wormmon digivolve to Stingmon!"

"Armadillomon digivolve to Ankylomon!"

The floor above the cargo hold was populated by Alruamons and black Biyomons, performing their normal functions. They were suddenly thrown into the walls as the floor was ripped apart. The three Champion digimon jumped through the hole and began tearing through Ladydevimon's army.

%% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %%

Davis stared over the side of Pteranomon to get a better look at the island that the large bird was descending towards. "That's the Forest of Shattered Light?"

"That's right," Pteranomon said, as Davis's group jumped onto the ground, "Be careful inside of there. It's a place that reeks of evil."

Catherine stared at the sea of dark green trees, as an equal amount of darkness streamed from the forest. She shivered. "I can feel ze darknezz!"

"Be careful about that too," Pteranomon said, "I'll wait here for you. Good luck."

"Thanks," Derek said, as he fell in line behind Catherine and Floramon as Davis and Veemon lead the group into the dark forest.

"They weren't kiddin'," Derek said, "This place sure looks like a perfect breedin' ground for things that go bump in the night, eh?"

The rest of journey was made in silence, except for a few jokes. The depressing and alien nature of the woods around them caused them to be silent. They traveled deeper into the woods until they could see a large group of buildings. "I guess that's where we've got to go," Veemon sighed.

A group of Bakemon suddenly flew from the town and headed down to the road to the Digidestined. "Oh great!" Davis sighed, "All right, everyone, get ready to…" He trailed off when he noticed that the Bakemon passed right by them. "Did they even see us?"

"Maybe zey juzt do not care?" Catherine suggested.

"Maybe," Derek said, "We should probably keep going with caution."

The group took a deep breath and began to walk through the town. There were dozens of Bakemons and Vilemons, but none of the dark digimon appeared to notice the invaders. Every dark digimon was performing their normal, every day duties. "This is really weird," Floramon said, "Why don't they notice us?"

Derek mentioned to a group of Bakemon and Vilemon that were assembled in front of a large raised platform, a speaker's stage. "I wonder what's happenin' there."

Davis looked around at the citizens of the city. There was a Bakemon that hovering in front of its house. He took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm going for it." He walked over to the ghost digimon and waved. "Hi there."

The Bakemon stared at him. "You are a human, aren't you?"

He nodded. "Yeah?"

"What are you doing here?" he asked, "You do not belong here, this is a place for darkness only."

The goggle-wearer hesitated. "Um, well…."

"I bet I know," the Bakemon grinned, "You're here to visit the Temple of Darkness and worship the God of Darkness, haven't you?"

"Uh, yeah."

The Bakemon pointed towards the large temple. "You must hurry, the ceremony is about to begin."

Davis thanked him and ran back to the others. After a quick explanation, the digidestined ran to join the group of Bakemon and Vilemon that were assembled in front of the large platform, that contained a Bakemon with a red hood and a scythe and a black bowling ball with bat wings. The group of humans and digimon silently slipped in the back of the assemblage of ghosts and demon bats. "What's going on here?" Crabmon asked a Vilemon.

"We are waiting for Lord Phantomon and Master Demidevimon to begin the ceremony."

"What ceremony?"

"Shh!" the Vilemon said, placing a finger over his lips, "The ceremony is about to begin."

The Phantomon raised his scythe to the sky. Drum beats could be heard in the distance. "Khul nu kappi par!"

The drums sounded again.

"Welcome," Phantomon said, "Welcome, fellow brothers! We, the Cult of Darkness, who were once the loyal followers of the Ruler of Darkness, the Undead King, he who was and will be the Beast of the Armageddon! The Vampire Lord, Myotismon!"

The Cult of Darkness cheered.

"But now we worship a new lord," Phantomon continued, "And, in honor of our new god, we have taken the mythical cards that Myostimon once coveted so well." He spread his arms open to the dark sky, "Our new god, our human god!"

As the Cult of Darkness began to cheer, the digidestined and their partners stared at one another. "Human God?" Catherine gasped.

"Hiroshi?" Davis asked.

Derek shook his head. "I don't think so. Why would Dark SEED need to look for the Key Cards if they all ready had them? No, I think that their god is someone else."

They turned their attention back to the balcony, but saw that Phantomon and Demidevimon were gone. "What?" Davis gasped, "Where'd they go?"

"They have returned to the temple," the Vilemon said, "To pray to Myotismon's cards. In the Temple of Darkness, deep in the center of the forest."

Davis looked to the other members of his small team. "Well, let's move."

%% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %%

The Boreas continued its voyage through the tunnel in Mt. Tamarac, searching for the Destiny Stone of Light. The large airship had to move slowly through the winding tunnel; although there were not any twists or turns, the tunnel was growing narrower. Speeding through an unknown area could surely result in serious injury or death.

Ladydevimon grinned to herself as she stood atop the deck of her floating ship. "Soon, that Destiny Stone will be ours!" She turned to face Yolei and Jet Silphymon. "Well, let's finish our little quest here."

An Alruamon ran up the stairs and onto the small deck. "Mistress Ladydevimon!"

"What is it?" she asked.

"Madame, down below, three Digidestinds…"

"What?" she reached over and grabbed the small plant digimon with her claws.

"They somehow snuck aboard, they're wreaking havoc everywhere; almost everyone is gone…"

The devil woman flung the plant creature back into the deck. "Digidestineds, here?"

Jet Silphymon stepped forward. "I will handle them, M'lady."

Ladydevimon grinned. "Good, go. Inoe and I will handle the stone, as well as our…special cargo," she added with a chuckle, turning to where the still unconscious Kari and Salamon were lying on the floor.

Down below, Tk's group was making their way up to the deck. They had just entered the floor directly below, one that was bare of any digimon.

"Not bad," Tk said, "There's the door, let's move."

The group ran for the stairs, but was stopped when a familiar girl in armor dropped in front of them. "Greetings."

Another digimon appeared from the right; a giant black spider. "Hi."

A third digimon flew in from the left. She was wearing a red dress with the chain wrapped tightly around her legs and a large black buckle around her waist. She wore two red gloves that made her hands look very large, as well as a black cat and pointed hat. Most sticking was the large broom that she was using to hover above the ground. She nodded somberly. "Welcome."

The first female digimon spoke. "Welcome to the Boreas. We are the servants of Ladydevimon."

"I'm Dokugumon," the second digimon said.

"I am Witchmon," the third digimon said.

"And I'm Jet Silphymon," the first one continued, "Prepare to die." She shot forward and swung her staff into the center of the trio of male digimon. They jump aside as Jet Silphymon's weapon destroyed a section of the floor.

"Jet Silphymon's an Ultimate!" Tk shouted, "Angemon, digivolve!"

"Angemon digivolve to Magna Angemon!"

The angel digimon swung his glowing sword around and blocked Jet Silphymon's staff. She pulled up and the sword became caught on the pinwheel top of the staff. Witchmon began to fly around Stingmon in a tight circle. The insect digimon tried to grab a hold of the broom, but the witch digimon was flying too close. She blasted his back before he could attack. Ankylomon charged over to Dokugumon and executed his Tail Hammer attack, slamming his spiked tail into the spider's face. Unfortunately, the two Champion digimon were too massive and the force of the land digimon's attack caused both of them to smash through the floor and every floor beneath it until they were once again in the cargo hold.

Cody ran over to the edge of the large hole. "Ankylomon!" he shouted, "Are you okay?" Down below, in the cargo hold, Ankylomon was trying to over-power Dokugumon by pushing his head into the spider's. He was too involved in his battle to hear his partner.

Back in the floor below the deck, the first sub-deck, Magna Angemon's sword was still caught in Jet Silphymon's pinwheel staff. He brought his foot up and kicked her in the stomach, forcing her to let go of her staff. He propelled himself through the hole. "Hold on, Ankylomon," he shouted, "I am coming to aid you."

After she recovered herself, Jet Silphymon shot after Magna Angemon, traveling through the holes in the floors. "Dokugumon!" she shouted, "Open the cargo doors!"

Down below, the large spider was still engaged in the head-butting battle with Ankylomon, but she did hear Jet Silphymon's orders. She fired a stream of webbing which flew across the cargo hold and hit the large red button that was on the far wall. A section of the floor opened to reveal the outside. As soon as Magna Angemon arrived in the cargo hold, Jet Silphymon grabbed him by the leg and threw him though the opening. She shot after him.

"Why have you brought us out here?" Magna Angemon asked, watching as the Boreas continued on its voyage through the tunnel.

"I have more maneuverability out here," she answered, holding up her staff, "Are you ready to continue?"

He responded by slashing his sword at her. She shot out of the way and swung her own weapon and managed to rip part of his white suit. "Not bad," he said, "But I'm not finished yet."

As the two Ultimates continued their battle, on the first sub-floor of the Boreas, Stingmon and Witchmon were still attempting to attack one another in the close confines of the floor. The witch digimon placed both of her palms together and fired a blast of blue smoke which encased Stingmon. "Aquari Pressure!"

Stingmon screamed out in pain as the blue smog began to crush him. Witchmon grinned as she clapped her palms together, and the blue smoke dissipated into the air. Stingmon began to slowly descend towards the floor. Witchmon shot over and smashed her broom into his head, throwing him into the metal floor, inches from the massive hole. Ken, Tk and Cody had to jump out of the way before being crushed. Stingmon had brought himself back to consciousness and leapt to attack Witchmon. He was able to grab the end of her broom and spun her around in the air before throwing her into the floor. Unfortunately, it was too close to the three humans. They had to once again, leap out of harm's way.

"Stingmon!" Ken shouted, "There's not enough room in here, you've got to take the battle outside."

"Roger Ken," the insect digimon said. He grabbed Witchmon's broom again and shot through the holes in the floors, heading all the way down to the cargo hold and then out the open dock doors. He flew past the battling Jet Silphymon and Magna Angemon and slammed Witchmon into the wall of the rock tunnel. The shockwaves caused the entire tunnel to shake and drop small pebbles from the ceiling. This went unnoticed.

Inside of the cargo hold, Dokugumon was losing her head-butting battle with Ankylomon. The land digimon was pushing the spider closer to the cargo door. She kept trying to push against Ankylomon, but she was loosing. The spider finally decided to take the offense and used her large jaw to clamp her fangs around Ankylomon's head. He had to pull back, giving Dokugumon enough time to run to the cargo hold and jumped through. She shot a thick spider's thread into the bottom of the Boreas so she could lower herself to the ground safely. She was almost to the ground when Ankylomon jumped out of the cargo doors and slammed into her back. The thread snapped and both massive digimon crashed into the bottom of the tunnel. This sent another shockwave through the rock wall, causing it to shake again.

"I've had about enough of you!" the spider shouted, "Poison Thread!" A spider's web shot from her mouth and wrapped itself around Ankylomon. This web grew even larger, grabbing Magna Angemon and Stingmon, trapping them like flies.

"Excellent work, Dokugumon," Jet Silphymon said.

"Yes, I must agree," Witchmon said, gazing up at the massive spider web that covered the tunnel with Stingmon, Ankylomon and Magna Angemon trapped inside.

Inside of the Boreas, the three human digidestined stared through the portholes in horror. "Oh no," Cody said, "They'll stuck. What are we going to do now?"

"Just have faith," Tk said, "They'll be okay, I just know it."

They soon became aware that the airship had stopped. Before they could even speak about it, they felt the ship move again, this time not forward, but around in a circle. They had to run around the massive hole in the floor to reach the windows on the other side so they could keep watching their digimon's battles. "What just happened?"

"We turned around for some reason," Ken said, "The Boreas is facing the entrance of the tunnel, but why?"

Up above on the deck, Ladydevimon stood facing the last Destiny Stone. Yolei and Aquillamon were at her side. "There it is, the Destiny Stone of Light."

"Shall I destroy it?" Aquillamon asked.

"No," Ladydevimon said, grinning, "Allow me."

While the three male digimon struggled to break free of the web, the trio of female fatales marched towards their prey. Dokugumon began to attack Ankylomon by punching him with her eight legs. Witchmon used her Aquari Pressure attack on Stingmon once more, while Jet Silphymon used her pinwheel shaped staff to slash across Magna Angemon's chest. The angel groaned in pain as he struggled to free himself. "Hurts, doesn't it?" Jet Silphymon chuckled.

"Not as much as you will hurt," the angel said, defiantly.

Down below, Witchmon laughed as her attacks slowly destroyed Stingmon. "Have you been defeated yet?" she asked.

"No way!" Stingmon shouted. His glowing saber shot out from his wrist, tearing through the section of the web that held his hand imprisoned. Witchmon was too shocked to move out of the way before Stingmon smacked her with his hand. He quickly used the glowing saber to cut through the web that held his body. He dove down to help free Ankylomon, when Witchmon appeared behind him and grabbed a hold of his ankle. She flung him into the rock wall.

"I will return what you have done to me," she said. She let go of his ankle to execute her Aquari Pressure, but the insect digimon did not give her the chance. He blasted off of the wall and head-butted her across the tunnel to where she slammed into the other side. He leapt after her and began smashing her with a flurrying array of kicks.

"Spinning Spiking Strike!"

If she had not been backed up against the wall, she could have moved out of the way, but with each of Stingmon's kicks, she was pushed even further into the wall. She did not have a chance to escape, or survive. She gave a final scream before being deleted. Stingmon panted heavily as he turned to help free his two other partners, but found that they had already freed themselves. Magna Angemon had followed Stingmon's lead and used his own wrist based swords to cut the webbing which bound him, while Ankylomon used his Tail Hammer attack to tear through the stick substance.

Ankylomon leapt into the air and slammed down on Dokugumon. He began to raise his legs and slam them down onto the spider's back again and again. "Yeah, can't take the pain, can you?" he asked, grinning slightly, "Well, you'll be joining your friend Witchmon soon!"

He leapt into the air and executed a back flip, bringing his spiked tail into the spider's face. "Tail Hammer!" She was deleted instantly.

Up above, Jet Silphymon and Magna Angemon were still engaged in battle. The female digimon swung her staff around at a tremendous rate, creating a wind storm that through Magna Angemon into the rock wall. "Ultra Turbulence!" she shouted, finishing her attack by sending a sharp current of wind that sliced the angle's hat off. She shot after him, but he pointed his glowing sword at her and shot a series of glowing bolts.


Jet Silphymon was too close to move out of the way before the barrage of energy sabers tore through her body. "You may have defeated us," she said, "But Ladydevimon will succeed in her task!" She did not scream as her body was destroyed.

"Nice work," Stingmon said, "But what did she mean?"

"Up there!" Ankylomon shouted. The others quickly looked to the hovering Boreas and saw the large floating Destiny Stone of Light. Ladydevimon was approaching the stone. "Oh no, we've got to stop her."

Magna Angemon nodded. "Stingmon, fly back inside and get Tk and the others." He flew over and grabbed Ankylomon, "We'll handle Ladydevimon."

"Roger," Stingmon nodded. He shot back into the Boreas through the open cargo doors and open through the multiple floors to reach the three humans still waiting on the first sub-floor. Outside, Magna Angemon flew up to the Destiny Stone of Light, attempting to make it there before the devil woman. Unfortunately, with the weight of the land digimon, he was not at top speed. He was too late to stop Ladydevimon from using her Darkness Wave attack to destroy the Destiny Stone.

The two digimon watched in horror as she caught the heart of the stone and landed back on the deck. Magna Angemon dropped Ankylomon onto the deck while Stingmon and the three humans charged up from the first sub-floor. Ladydevimon grinned. "So, you made it past Jet Silphymon, huh? Good, I wanted to handle this myself." Her grin widened as she mentioned over her shoulder, "You might want to say goodbye, as this will be the last time you see your leader."

The Digidestined and their partners gasped as they saw Kari and Salamon, unconscious and bound, lying on Aquillamon's back. Yolei grabbed the heart of the Destiny Stone that Ladydevimon dropped into her hands. Tk ran towards her. "Yolei! Yolei, don't!" The devil woman dropped down in front of him.

She looked over her shoulder. "Inoe, take Kamiya and the Destiny Stone heart to Daemon, I will handle the Digidestined."

"Don't kill them too easily," Yolei laughed as she jumped onto Aquillamon's back. The large bird shot off of the Boreas and flew towards the entrance of the tunnel. Magna Angemon attempted to fly after him, but Ladydevimon grabbed him by the ankle and flung him into the deck. The hovering devil woman grinned. "Now, let's begin."

"Stop her!" Tk shouted, "We've got to go after Kari!"

Magna Angemon shot towards Ladydevimon, but the devil woman used her claws and slashed across the angel's chest, ripping his shirt to shreds. Stingmon flew up behind her to jab his saber into her back, but she was too fast and executed a roundhouse kick, throwing him backwards.

On the deck, Cody ran over to Ankylomon. "This is like being a cheerleader on the sidelines," the land digimon growled.

"There's nothing you can do about it," Cody sighed, "You can't fly. This is a battle that's going to take place in the air."

Magna Angemon and Stingmon shot towards Ladydevimon, each one holding out their wrist-based swords. "Trying to double team a girl, huh?" the devil woman grinned, "Well, I've got a few tricks of my own. Darkness Wave!"

Both of the male digimon gasped as the wave of dark bats shot towards them. "Oh no!" Magna Angemon gasped.

"Get out of the way!" Stingmon shouted. Magna Angemon was able to dodge out of the way, but the Darkness Wave attack brutally attacked Stingmon. He regressed to Wormmon and landed in Ken's hands.

"Sorry, Ken," he said, "I was too weak from fighting Witchmon."

"It's okay," he said. The black-haired boy turned to Tk. "It's up to Magna Angemon now."

"Don't worry," he said, "Magna Angemon can take it. Do you hear that, buddy? You're not going to let her win, right?"

"R..right," Magna Angemon said, "I will not lose!" He propelled himself towards the floating devil woman and prepared himself to slash her with his sword.

"Ha!" Ladydevimon laughed, "Come and get me!"

He moved closer with his wrist-base sword, but at the last section he used his other fist to smash Ladydevimon's face. She was stunned momentarily, and Magna Angemon used this opportunity to grab her by the ankle and fling her into the rock wall with incredible force.

The Digidestined and the digimon on the airship cheered. "Way to go!" Tk shouted, "That devil witch's got nothing on you!"

"Magna Angemon!" Ankylomon shouted, "Look out!"

The angel spun around and saw that the devil woman had emerged from the rock wall, a large scar on her pale face, with an equally large sneer of anger. "You destroyed my beautiful face!" she shouted, "And I'll repay you in kind!"

She held out her left claw, which formed into a large blade. "Dark Wing!" She propelled herself to Magna Angemon and attacked which her Dark Wing attack, but the angel used his wrist-based sword to block it. The two Ultimates engaged in a power struggled, before Ladydevimon was able to win and tossed the angle aside. As he fell towards the wall of the tunnel, he spun around and pointed his sword at her, executing his Excalibur attack, firing a barrage of glowing daggers at Ladydevimon. She just grinned and sent them flying back with a hit from her Dark Wing. Magna Angemon was torn apart by his own attack.

"Magna Angemon!" Tk screamed, watching as his partner began to fall from the skies, "Magna Angemon! You can't die, I need you! We still need you! Please, you've got to wake up!"

Suddenly, a bright light exploded from his backpack, illuminating the entire cavern with a golden glow. "Tk?" Ken asked.

"It's my sword," he said, opening his backpack and pulling out the glowing sword that was given to him by Tatum, "It's glowing?"

"It must want to work," Wormmon said, "Just like Hiroshi's did."

Tk stared at it in his hands, "But, what if what happened to Kari happens to me?"

"Tk," Cody said, "Remember what you told me? We just have to have faith in ourselves? I believe in you."

"Me too," Ankylomon said.

"Me three," Ken said.

"Don't leave me out," Wormmon grinned.

Tk nodded, a slight smile forming over his lips. "Okay, if you guys believe in me, then I've got no choice but to believe in myself." He took a deep breath and pointed the sword at his partner, "Magna Angemon!"

A beam of light golden light shot from the edge of the sword hilt into him, while a beam blasted from the tip of the blade and merged with Magna Angemon. The two partners where pulled towards one another and exploded in a bright golden light. The new figure that was formed appeared to be Magna Angemon, but his muscles were not as developed. He was shorter, and he did not wear his hat, leaving his eyes visible. In his hand he held the Holy Sword tightly. He spoke in a fusion of Tk and Magna Angemon's voice. "Well, Ladydevimon," he said, "Are you ready to continue?"

She stared at him. "You don't scare me."

Tk/Angemon grinned. "Perhaps I should." He placed the Holy Sword into a holder on his wrist and pointed it at Ladydevimon, "Give me your best shot."

She grinned. "With pleasure." She shot forward, swinging her Dark Wing blade, which was easily shattered by Tk/Angemon's Holy Sword. She grabbed a hold of her stump. "You..you…!"

"I can do much worse then that," he said.

Ladydevimon shot back, then fired her Darkness Wave attack. Tk/Angemon swung his Holy Sword, executed his own Excalibur attack, destroying the bats of Ladydevimon's wave with ease. The glowing sabers tore through the Darkness Wave and into the devil woman, throwing her into the wall of the tunnel once more. The fused human/angel waited until Ladydevimon had dug herself out of the rock wall.

"This is it!" she shouted, "I'm sick and tired of you!" She shot towards Tk/Angemon with her claws outstretched.

The fused human/angel pointed his Holy Sword to the sky and formed a glowing circle in the air. "Gate of Destiny!" The glowing gate open and began to pull the devil woman into it.

"No!" she shouted, being caught in the suction. She tried to free herself, but she was not able to. She was pulled inside the Gate seconds before it slammed shut. The Gate of Destiny twirled around before dissolving into nothingness.

The Digidestineds and the Digimon standing on the Boreas cheered loudly. Tk/Angemon landed on the deck and were encased in a golden light. When the glow faded, Tk was standing with Tokomon on his shoulder and the Holy Sword in his hand. The human grinned. "Wow, that was pretty cool."

A loud rumbling suddenly exploded through the tunnel. "What's that?" Armadillomon shouted.

Ken watched as the ceiling of the cavern began to fall apart. "The tunnel is falling apart! It must have been the battles! We've got to get out of here!"

Tk looked at Tokomon. "I'm sorry," he said, "I don't have any energy left."

"Me either," Wormmon said.

Cody looked up to the collapsing ceiling. "We're going to be crushed!"

"Downstairs!" Tk ordered, "We've got to find the control room!"

The group of humans and digimon ran off the deck and into the bowels of the ship. After searching a dozen rooms, they finally located the bridge. They past the captain's chair and over to the array of switches and knobs that were located directly under two giant windows which allowed them to see the entrance at the end of the long collapsing tunnel. "Ken?" Tk asked.

The black-haired boy stared at the large control panel. "It would help if I had some idea of what any of these did."

Outside, a large boulder fell from the ceiling and smashed into the side of the ship. The hull was not damaged, but it did cause the entire vessel to shake violently.

"That was a big one!" Armadillomon shouted.

Ken was breathing heavily as he examined the control board in front of him. There were dozens of buttons, knobs and one large screen in the center. His attention focused on a lever that was resting in the lowest setting. "I think this is the accelerator."

"Are you sure?" Wormmon asked.

He shrugged. "We've don't much choice." He grabbed tightly to the lever and pushed it all the way forward. Outside, the jet engines attached to the wings and the rear of the ship exploded with fire and smoke. The Boreas shot forward at such an incredible rate that it threw the Digidestined and Digimon in the bride into the far wall.

"I think that was it, Ken," Wormmon said.

The black-haired boy had caught onto the edge of a raised platform where the captain's chair rested. He clawed his way back to the control panel and looked out the large viewing windows. The Boreas was escaping the tunnel, but if they did not change direction fast, they would smash into a massive stalactite. Ken shot his head around the control panel before seeing what appeared to be a large joystick. He took a hold of it and pushed it to the right. The entire airship swung to the right, missing the stalactite, but heading straight towards the wall. Ken pushed the joystick back to the left and the ship swung back, safely zooming towards the entrance. The Boreas continued on its path and successfully shot out of the collapsing tunnel. Ken grabbed the accelerator and pulled it back to its starting position. The ship stalled out and slammed into the ground, a mile from the perimeter of the city of Lumière.

Inside of the Boreas, Tk breathed a sigh of relief. "Jeeze, that was close."

"Tell me about it," Cody said, struggling to his feet, "But now Daemon has Kari and Dark SEED just destroyed all of the Destiny Stones!"

"I know," Tk said, "But I guess they still need those Key Cards. Hopefully Davis can get them before they do."

"But we don't have any idea where Daemon or Dark SEED headquarters are," Cody said.

"Don't worry, Cody," Armadillomon said, "We'll find a way."

Ken stared at the control panel in front of him. "Maybe Ladydevimon's airship can tell us."

"You can make it tell you?" Tk asked, awe struck.

"Maybe it's on-board computer can," he replied, "Give me a little while."

Tk nodded and smiled slightly as he looked to Cody. "No problem. I've got faith in you."

Next: Tk's group heads to confront Daemon while Davis's group continues their search for the Digimon Key Cards. Will either team succeed in their missions when they're confronted by enemies more powerful then they've faced before?