Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Ressurection War ❯ Dark SEED: Heroic Warriors ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ken here. Davis, Catherine and Derek were able to steal the Key Cards from the Cult of Darkness, Davis and Paildramon merged together and defeated the cult leader, Necromyotismon, but Yolei was able to take the cards from Davis right afterwards. Meanwhile, Tk, Cody and Ken were able to rescue Kari and Angewomon and Tk/Magna Angemon defeated Daemon. Now we have Tatum on our side and we're heading to Dark SEED headquarters to stop Hiroshi before he completes his plans. The entire Digital World is depending on us!

The globe is a darkening, striking story

The earth begins to turn full speed

It is helped by the servants of this paradise

Who have become known

Run through your heart

The slope's unmeasured and far away

Stand up! You're the brave man

The scaring target cannot be defeated

Blaze up! Go for regaining the forgotten tomorrow

The cause of the battle

Time has risen the limited energy

Which was sleeping in daily life: now it's being pulled through

Overheating running towards the rainbow

Up now, hazing and far away

Stand up! You're a soldier

The upcoming target cannot approach and run away

Blaze up! The fighting spirits dividing the road

Cannot hesitate the hot spark which flares

It feels like it's necessary to defend the dram angel

Who says it's possible to stand up to the slaves who seem to break through

Stand up! You're the brave man

The scaring target cannot be defeated

Blaze up! Go for regaining the forgotten tomorrow

The cause of the battle.

(Akai Shougeki)

Dark SEED: Heroic Warriors

The Boreas continued on its voyage towards the evil mountains region of the Digital World known as Darkness Falls. There, the passengers of the airship, the Digidestined, would have to face their enemies, Dark SEED, to stop them from completing their evil plans, and rescue this world. However, the Digidestined were currently more interested in the story of their newest member.

Tk said, "That gives us time to talk. Tatum, I want to know who you are and how you know me."

The braided-haired girl sighed. "I guess I can't run this time, huh? Very well, I will tell you."

"Is Tatum your real name?" Davis blurted out. The others stared at him.

"Yes," the braided-haired girl smiled, "And if you're wondering, I'm just as old as you are, as of right now."

"What do you mean by that?" Kari asked.

"I know your memories of your past life aren't all there, but I was with you, I mean, when you were your past selves, I was there too."

"You were?!" Ken gasped, "You're a reincarnated Digidestined too?"

She shook her head. "No, I was not a digidestined in my past life, that might be why you don't really remember me." She looked at Tk. "But, Matt, I'm surprised that you don't remember me, after all, you were the one that found me."

"I was?" he asked.

Tatum nodded. "Yup. After Tai returned to Earth after beating Etemon, you all split it. Matt found me and rescued me from being killed by a group of evil digimon. I was with you the entire time you fought against Myotismon, and then I was mysteriously pulled back with you in your fight with the Dark Masters." She sighed slightly, "I don't really remember after that, but I assume I died at the same time you did. However, by the time I was five, I had already remembered much about my past life."

"But why were you in the Digital World to begin with?" Cody asked.

"Because of my father," she said. "I mean, the father of my previous life. He was a scientist, a computer technician to be exact. He was trying to find a way into the Digital World, but one of his colleges found my father's notes and wanted that world for himself. He was a computer programmer, like my father, but he was also into dark magic, the occult, that sort of thing. He used this mystic knowledge and, in a dark ceremony, was able to open a gate to the Digital World. My father tried to stop him, but got pulled in too."

She sighed deeply and continued. "I, of course, didn't know about any of this until my father contacted me through my own computer. I was accidentally pulled in, and there I found that my father had become very old. He told me that time in the Digital World moved much faster then on Earth, and while he had only been gone a year on Earth, in the Digital World, fifty years had passed. He told me that a great evil had tried to enter the Digital World, but was repelled by a group of children. He knew that evil was bound to return, so he created an order of guardians to protect the Digital World, and hid tags and crests for a new group of children. After he died, I was determined to help those children, but something else happened first."

"So that's why you wear the same robes as Geni and Ryo," Patamon said.

"But how come Geni and Ryo didn't know who you were?" Kari asked, "I mean, if your father created the order, then they should have known about you, right?"

She smiled slightly. "Remember, that was my past life."

"Right," the brown-haired girl said, "But, why did you steal the Crest of Reliability?"

Tatum looked to the ground and sighed. She hesitated; then said, "Sometimes you need to do desperate things in desperate times. I needed a way for my digimon to get stronger." She looked down at Betamon, "I knew I wasn't going to be able to help you if I didn't have enough power. Ryo and Genai didn't know who I was, they weren't going to give a Crest to me."

Kari sighed. "Well, I don't think you should have stolen it, but you have helped us, so I guess I'll take your word for it."

"What about the sword?" Tk asked.

Tatum nodded. "Yes, of course. After I got my digivice, I remembered bits and pieces of my past life. I opened a gate and went into the Digital World, but I found you again. We..uh.. 'rediscovered' ourselves, and traveled together for a bit. I don't know where you got the Holy Sword from, but you gave it to me and told me to keep it safe. You could feel that evil was overtaking your body, and you didn't want to have that kind of power. I held on to it, but I really wanted to help you. You wouldn't let me, and even forced me back to Earth. When I was able to get back into the Digital World, you were all ready the Digimon Emperor."

"I've got a question," Derek said, "You just said that you tried ta find us, but somethin' happened first. What?"

Her smile grew. "The reason my father was trying to find a way into the Digital World, was because my grandfather disappeared into it. And so, after burying my father, I tried to find you, but someone found my way to this beach, which acted as some kind of gate, allowing me to pass into another reality, almost like another Earth, which had its own digidestined. My grandfather was there. I really don't remember too much, but I did help them in some way, then I returned on my mission to find you."

"Zo," Catherine said, "What was your name?"

"Alice McCoy."

%% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %%

Hiroshi nodded to himself as he walked through the large room with Muchomon at his side. The Dark SEED leader grinned as he turned to the left side of the room. The hearts from the Destiny Stones of Forest, Fire and Earth were resting on metal pedestals, while the remaining hearts from the Stones of Light, Water, and Wind were resting on pedestals on the right side of the room. Attached to the center of the high ceiling was a cylinder shaped object, with the bottom of a diamond pointing towards the ground, and another diamond shaped piece pointing towards the far wall, which contained two large double doors. The key cards were placed over the door in a specific pattern.. The Dark SEED leader turned to Yuehon, who was currently working on the object hanging from the ceiling. "How much longer?"

"I'm ready whenever you are," the Chinese girl called.

Hiroshi grinned. "Great. Do it!"

Yuehon jumped off of the object and landed on a balcony that ran along all four walls. She placed her hand on a switch attached to the wall and pulled. Instantly, the six Destiny Stone hearts started to glow brightly, firing a beam of light into the large diamond-shaped object in the ceiling. "It's going to take some time before the device is at full power to blast through the barrier of the Digital World," Yuehon explained.

"Unfortunately, we don't really have time," he frowned, "Kamiya and the others are heading this way. We're going to have to hold them off until the time is right. Tell Inoe to be prepared to fight."

Yuehon nodded. "As you wish."

Hiroshi chuckled as he held his Holy Trident tightly in his arms. "And if they get past you, I'll crush all of them with the power of my Holy Trident and my Crest of Spirit."

%% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %%

Kari could not help but shiver as she looked up at the black tower in front of her. "So, this is Dark SEED's base?"

Tatum nodded. "Yeah."

"Sure doesn't look too inviting," Ken said.

Tk took a deep breath. "It doesn't matter. Come on, we've got to get inside and stop them."

"He's right," Kari said, "This isn't time for small talk. Come on." She led the group to the large double doors that were resting at the bottom of the tower. The brown-haired girl took a deep breath and pushed them open, revealing a tunnel of darkness.

"Hmm," Tk said, mentioning to a pile of debris, "The damage from our battle with Daemon is still here. They don't clean up too often, huh?"

They continued in silence until they reached a fork in the road. "We should split up," Tk suggested, "You know, cover more ground."

Kari nodded. "Okay. Davis, why don't you, Catherine, Cody, and Ken take the left tunnel, and Tk, Tatum, Derek and I will take the right? "

Davis nodded. "Sure. Good luck."

The two teams ran up their separate tunnels. Davis's team did not have long to run as they soon arrived in a large room, almost like a hanger, with doors in all four directions. "Which way now?" Veemon asked.

"How about to your graves?" a familiar voice shouted.

"I recognize zat voice!" Catherine gasped, looking to the left as a black-haired girl walked through one of the doors, with a candle creature at her side. "Yuehon!"

The Chinese girl grinned. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you pass." She grabbed her digivice, "And just because I lost my crest, doesn't mean that Candlemon can't reach the Ultimate level."

"But how is that possible?" Ken gasped.

Yuehon shrugged. "I don't know the necessary technical explanations; I guess that my digivice just remembered the power. Who cares? Candlemon!"

Her partner nodded. "Right. Candlemon digivolve to Apemon! Apemon digivolve to Mammothmon!"

Davis looked at his small team. "All right, there's only one of him, and four of us! Let's go!"

"Veemon digivolve to Exveemon!"

"Floramon digivolve Kiwimon!"

"Armadillomon digivolve to Ankylomon!"

Mammothmon laughed. "All right, bring it on!"

%% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %%

Crabmon panted as he ran through the other tunnel. "Jeeze, did this thing suddenly decide to go uphill?"

"Yeah, I think so," Derek said, whipping sweat from his head, "But we can't start complaining now."

"He's right," Tk said, "Let's just keep moving, I'm sure that, ah!" The floor beneath them suddenly swung open, sending all but Kari through it before closing again.

"Tk?" Kari gasped, spinning around just in time to see them falling through the hole. "Tk!" She fell onto her knees and slammed her fists into the now solid floor. "Tk! Patamon! Tatum!"

Salamon looked to her partner. "Where did they go?"

"They must have fallen into a lower chamber. You didn't see a side tunnel or anything on our way up here?"


Kari jumped back to her feet. "Come on, we've got to keep going then."

Underneath of their feet, Tk and the others forcefully landed on a hard wooden floor and then began to slid down a descending ramp until they entered a large open area. "Oh, my head," Tatum said, rubbing the back of her head.

"What happened to Kari?" Tatum asked.

"Kari?" Tk asked, "Hey, where is she? She must not have fallen down with the rest of us."

"Really?" another voice asked, "Too bad."

"Yolei!" Tk gasped.

The holder of the Crest of Hate chuckled. "I wanted to get Kari, but it looks like I'll have to settle with you."

"Yolei, please!" Tk shouted, "Don't!"

The purple-haired girl ignored him as she grabbed her digivice. "Hawkmon!"

Her partner was hovering above her head. "Hawkmon digivolve to Aquillamon! Aquillamon digivolve to Silphymon!"

The hovering bird-man grinned and stared at the digimon. "You'd better digivolve."

"He's right," Patamon said, "Tk, we don't have a choice."

The blond boy nodded. "I guess not."

"Maybe if we beat Yolei, we can save her," Betamon said.

"It's worth a shot," Tatum nodded, "Let's do it."

"Patamon digivolve to Angemon!:

"Betamon digivolve to Airdramon!"

"Crabmon digivolve to Coelemon!"

Yolei grinned. "Let's begin."

%% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %%

Kari and Salamon ran as fast as they could through the dark tunnel. "I still don't see any side tunnels or passages," the small digimon said.

"I know," Kari panted, "But we have to keep moving!"

They soon exited the tunnel and emerged into a strange room. "What the heck?" the brown-haired girl asked, walking through slowly, staring at the giant double doors on the far side.

"Kari," Salamon gasped, "Look at the wall!"

"The Hearts of the Destiny Stones," she said, in awe. She followed the beams of light that each stone was casting to the diamond-shaped device in the middle of the ceiling. "That's collecting the energy. I guess it's going to attack that door?"

"That's correct."

Kari focused her attention to the source of the voice and saw Hiroshi and Penmon sitting on the stairs beneath the door. He was lightly tapping the Holy Trident into his left hand while holding it with his right. "You see, this is door was built over a weak spot in the seal around the Digital World. That device in the ceiling is going to collect the energy from the Destiny Stones and once it has been completely filled, fire a blast that will shatter the seal and allow me to pass into the world where my greatest wishes can come true!"

Kari stared at the device hanging from the ceiling. "That's what that does?"

"Yes," Hiroshi said, "but since I don't want it to get damaged…" He held up a small remote and pressed a large button, which lowered a wall behind Kari, trapping the Hearts of the Destiny Stones and the diamond shaped device safely behind it. There was only a small square missing from near the ceiling, which allowed the end of the device to continue pointing at the door. "It will be some time before it's filled, so, why don't we get this over with?"

He stood up and pointed his digivice at Muchomon. "Ready?"

He nodded. "Muchomon digivolve to Seadramon! Seadramon digivolve to Megaseadramon!"

Hiroshi gripped his Trident tightly as it began to glow brightly. Megaseadramon began to glow in synch. The Holy weapon fired a beam of gold light that enveloped both Hiroshi and his digimon partner. The light exploded to reveal the fused form of Hiroshi/Megaseadramon.

Kari held out her own Holy Weapon and turned to Salamon. "Are you ready to give this another try?"

The small digimon nodded. "Yeah, if we just believe in ourselves, we can do anything!"

Kari grabbed her digivice. "Do it!"

"Salamon digivolve to Gatomon! Gatomon digivolve to Angewomon!"

Kari took a deep breath, and then pointed her Holy Lances at her angelic partner. The Holy Lances fired a beam of gold light that merged with Angewomon, and another beam of light that merged with Kari. The two figures were pulled together until they exploded in gold light, revealing a new, single figure. The merged Kari/Angewomon looked like Kari wearing Angewomon's white outfit, but with much longer brown hair. Her white wings glistened behind her, but she did not have Angewomon's gloves, helmet or ribbons. She used her Holy Lances to point at Hiroshi/Megaseadramon. "All right, now you're in trouble."

"Ha!" Hiroshi/Megaseadramon laughed, "Just because part of me is a water Data digimon, and not a demon virus digimon, doesn't mean I'm going to be easy to beat." He grinned, "Bring it on!" He charged at her, swinging his Trident to smash her side, but she took to the air, using her wings.

Kari/Angewomon grinned. "Wow, I can fly! I can fly!" She was suddenly thrown out of the sky by a large bolt of electrical energy.

"Keep your eyes on the battle!" Hiroshi/Megaseadramon grinned.

Kari/Angewomon growled as she stood back on her feet. She charged at the Dark SEED leader and swung her Lances at his head, but he used his Trident to block with ease. He twisted around and slammed his foot into her side, throwing her to the ground. He pointed his Trident at her and fired another bolt of electrical energy, but she was able to jump back into the air in time.

"Get down here!" he shouted.

She grinned and dive bombed him, slamming her Lances into his face. He stumbled backwards, but was still able to swing his Trident into her side. She twisted around and slammed into the ground. Hiroshi/Megaseadramon left into the air and fired another blast.

%% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %%

"Tusk Crusher!" Mammothmon shouted, firing two missiles from his tusks, hitting Stingmon and Exveemon, throwing them into the wall. Kiwimon attached from the side, firing her bird-shaped daggers into his side. The large elephant swung his trunk around, sending her into the other wall.

"I'll stop him!" Ankylomon shouted, slamming his head into Mammothmon's leg, trying to knock him onto his side, but the elephant was too big. He used his tusk again to wrap around Ankylomon's back leg and threw him into the wall to join Kiwimon.

Yuehon laughed from her place on Mammothmon's back. "You can't beat us! You don't stand a chance!"

Davis growled and reached for his digivice. "Exveemon!"

The blue dragon nodded and stood on his feet. "Exveemon digivolve to Paildramon!"

Mammothmon frowned. "This could be a problem," he whispered to his partner.

Paildramon swung his gun barrels around and pointed them at the elephant. "Desperado Blaster!" The glowing bullets pierced through the mammoth's side, causing him to moan in pain.

"Ha!" Paildramon laughed, "Like that, huh? Huh?"

"Freezing Breath!" he shouted, turning Paildramon's leg into pure ice. The dragon man yelled in pain. Mammothmon grinned. "I bet that hurt, huh?" He smacked his trunk into Exveemon again.

Davis reached inside his backpack and removed his Holy Gauntlets and quickly pulled them onto his hands. "Paildramon, we've got to use these! Hold on until…" He was abruptly cut off when Mammothmon hit him with his trunk, throwing him to the floor.

"Davis!" Cody cried, "Davis!"

"Is he allright?" Catherine asked.

"He's out cold!" the younger boy gasped, "Davis, get up!"

"Tail Hammer!"

"Spinning Spiking Strike!"

Mammothmon turned his head just in time to receive the combined attacks of Ankylomon and Stingmon. He frowned and executed a counterattack by firing his Tusk Crusher at Stingmon, slamming him into the far wall. The large mammoth then stood on his hind legs, slamming his right foot into Ankylomon's head.

"Ankylomon!" Cody shouted, "Are you all right? Get up!"

Catherine stared with horror as the brutal attacks on Stingmon and Ankylomon. She squeezed her digivice tightly. "Kiwimon, you've got to digivolve!"

Her faithful partner nodded. "Kiwimon digivolve to Blossumon!"

Mammothmon turned to stare at his newest opponent. "So, you digivolved, huh?"

The plant digimon smashed her vines into the elephant's side. The small mouths on the tips of the vines ripped and tore through the mammoth's side. He tried to bat her aside with his trunk again, but Blossomon used the remainder of his vines to stop Mammothmon's nose. She stared directly at his face and fired glowing beams out of her eyes. "Spiral Flower!"

"Yes!" Catherine cheered, jumping into the air, "Yez! Go, Blossomon!"

The plant digimon continued her assault on Mammothmon, slapping him with her vines. The large elephant was finally able to overpower her, tearing his trunk through her vines and smacking her into the ground. Mammothmon turned and pointed his two horns at her. "Tusk Crusher!" She screamed as she was hit with the missiles at such close proximity.

"Blossomon!" Catherine screamed.

"You see," Yuehon grinned, "You can't stop us. Just give up now."

"We're not defeated yet!" Davis said, slowly standing back up.

"No!" the Chinese girl gasped, "No! How..Mammothmon slammed you into the wall! You should be unconscious for hours!"

Davis grinned as he held up his Holy Gauntlets. "What can I say? I'm tougher then I look. Paildramon!" His dragon partner appeared behind him, as the Gauntlets glowed brightly, enveloping them both in its golden light. When the light faded, the fused form of Davis/Paildramon stood in their place.

"Oh no!" Yuehon gasped, "No!"

Davis/Paildramon did not speak as he pointed the twin gun barrels that were attached to his waist at the woolly mammoth digimon. "Desperado Blaster!" The twin barrels fired a barrage of energy pellets into Mammothmon, ripping across his body. The large digimon glowed brightly and then shrunk down to his Rookie form of Candlemon.

The other digidestined came running over and congratulated them, but the goggle-wearer was staring at his opponents. Yuehon was cradling the barely injured Candlemon in her arms. Davis/Paildramon marched over and stared at her. "I'm sorry your partner was hurt," he said, "But you attacked us first. Why do you do that?"

She stared at him. "Huh?"

"Why are you part of Dark SEED? Why are you so determined to fight us?"

"Because of Lord Hiroshi," she said, "I have been his loyal servant all my life." She grinned, "And by now he's already managed to break through the seal!"

Davis/Paildramon turned to the others. "Take her back to the ship!"

"What about you?" Cody asked.

"I'm heading for Hiroshi!"

%% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %%

The Dark SEED leader was already engaged in a battle with the Digidestined leader. Kari/Angewomon hovered in the air over Hiroshi/Megaseadramon, giving her an advantage. She held her Holy Lances above her head, making it glow a bright white light. She stared at Hiroshi/Megaseadramon, standing on the ground, staring back at her. Kari/Angewomon swung her lances down, sending a crescent beam of light towards the Dark SEED leader. "Heaven's Charm!"

Hiroshi/Megaseadramon swung his Trident, firing his own energy attack. "Thunder Javelin!"

The two attacks smashed into each other, exploding in a blast of light and energy that sent shockwaves into both combatants. Hiroshi/Megaseadramon was thrown into the staircase beneath the double doors, while Kari/Angewomon slammed into the ground. The Dark SEED leader recovered quicker and saw the Digidestined leader lying on the floor. He ran at her, bringing his Trident above his head and swung down. Kari/Angewomon quickly brought her Holy Lances up and successfully blocked the attack. Unfortunately for Hiroshi/Megaseadramon, the tip of his Trident was caught in the handle of the Holy Lances. Kari/Angewomon grinned as she pulled her Lances as hard as she could, throwing Hiroshi/Megaseadramon over her head and onto the ground. She jumped back onto her feet seconds before her opponent did the same.

They stared at one another, panting loudly. "Not bad," Hiroshi/Megaseadramon grinned, "You're pretty good."

"Thank you," Kari/Angewomon smiled, "You're pretty good too. I just wish there was a way that I could convince you to stop what you're doing."

"Ain't going to happen," Hiroshi/Megaseadramon said. He held up his Trident, "Shall we continue?"

Kari/Angewomon looked to the ground. "If you want," she sighed, sadly.

The Dark SEED leader grinned and ran forward. Kari/Angewomon reluctantly leapt back into battle

%% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %%

Yolei laughed with glee as Silphymon fired his Static Force attack into Angemon, before grabbing Aidramon by the tail and swinging him into Coelemon. "You guys are pathetic!" she laughed, "I can't believe you beat the four generals of Dark SEED!"

"Yolei!" Tk called, "Yolei, please, remember who you really are!"

"I know who I am!" she laughed.

"No," Tk said, "I mean, you're a Digidestined! You're one of us!"

"Yeah, I was!" she laughed, "But I left after Kari turned her back on me!"

"She didn't do anything like that!" Tk pleaded, "You don't understand, Kari does love you!"

Yolei stopped her cold laughter and stared at him. "She..she does?"

"Yes!" Tk said, slowly, not wanting to scare her off, "She's just confused about her feelings. She doesn't know how to deal with what she's feeling towards you and me…"

"You!" she suddenly screamed, "You're the reason that she hates me! Silphymon, kill him!"

"Well, that went well," Derek said, ducking to avoid another blast from Silphymon.

"I almost had her," Tk said, "I almost brought her back!"

The bird-man tried to attack Tk and Derek by firing another of his Static Force energy balls, but Angemon jumped in front of his partner. "Angemon!" Tk shouted, "Digivolve!"

"Angemon digivolve to Magna Angemon!"

The newly digivolved angel used his wrist-based sword to bat the energy ball aside, where it exploded into the concrete floor. Silphymon growled and fired another Static Force at the Ultimate Angel digimon. Magna Angemon could not react in time, and was hit in the chest. He was injured, but not enough to cause him to pause in the fight.

"I do not want to hurt you," he said.

"Then you're out of luck!" Aquillamon shouted.

"Hold on!" Aidramon shouted, zooming towards the Ultimate bird digimon with Coelemon on his back. "Now's your chance, Coelemon."

"Thanks a lot buddy," the crustacean said, jumping off of the serpent's back and firing his sharp needles into Silphymon's face. "Fossil Bite!"

The Ultimate bird-digimon yelled in pain, but he soon roared when Airdramon fired his own energy beams into Silphymon's already injured face. "Silphymon!" Yolei screamed, "Silphymon!"

The bird-digimon pulled his hands away from his injured face and stared at the flying serpent and the crustacean on his back. The small circle on his belt began to spin at an incredible rate, covering his body in a bright light. He shot at his two enemies, then pulled up quickly, but the glow in the shape of his body slammed into the flying serpent. "Astral Laser!" Airdramon was thrown out of control and crashed into the floor.

"That is enough!" Magna Angemon shouted, his body glowing with a bright light, "I'm not going to let you hurt our friends any longer."

Silphymon grinned wickedly. "Bring it on."

Tk stared with awe and horror at the ferocity of Silphymon's attack. He turned to the grinning purple-haired girl. "Yolei! Yolei, please, try to remember!"

"Remember what?" she sneered.

"Remember how you really feel about Kari!"

"Kari?!" she roared, "I hate her!"

"No, you don't!" Tk said, "Remember, you're Sora Takenouchi, and Tai is the last person Sora would ever hate."

Yolei's face suddenly softened. "T..tai.."

Tk nodded. "That's right. Remember, I'm Matt, I was there, I saw how much you two were in love with each other. You may have only been ten-years-old, but you two were destined to be in love. You were soul mates, without a doubt."

The Crest of Hate around Yolei's neck started to glow. The purple-haired girl fell to her knees, screaming. She clutched her head and moaned in extreme pain.

"Yolei!" Tk shouted, running to her, "Yolei! What's happening?"

Tatum stood by Tk's side. "My best guess would be that the Crest of Hate is trying to regain its hold on her, but she's fighting back. Keep talking to her."

Tk nodded. "Yolei, Sora, you can do this, I know you can. You've just got to remember your true feelings for Kari. Remember!"

"I..I remember," she screamed in pain, "I remember! I..I don't hate her..I don't hate her!" The Crest of Hate around her neck began to crack.

The blond boy nodded. "Right. You love her…"

"I love her!" Yolei screamed, "I love her!" The cracks in the Crest of Hate began to grow larger.

Tk nodded. "Come on, Yolei, I know what its like to have a crest that turns against you. Sora, you don't have the Crest of Hate, your power is love. Please, fight it! Yolei, you can do it, I believe in you! Do it!"

Yolei roared in pain as the Crest of Hate completely shattered, revealing the familiar Crest of Love hidden underneath. The purple haired girl smiled then fell forward into the open arms of Tk. The blond boy looked to the ceiling and saw that Silphymon had regressed to Hawkmon's In-training form of Poromon, whom Magna Angemon was gently lowering to the ground.

Tk looked back to the unconscious form of Yolei and smiled. "She's back. Sora, er, Yolei's back. Derek, here, take her." He gently placed her into the other boy's arms.

"Where are you goin'?" he asked, shifting Yolei in his arms.

"I've got to look for Kari. Both of you, get back to the Boreas. Come on, Magna Angemon." He ran towards the door on the other side of the room.

"Wait," Tatum called, "Let me go with you."

He shook his head.

"I can help you more then you know," she said, reaching into her robe to remove a gold whip.

"What is that?" Magna Angemon asked.

"The Holy Whip," Tatum's Airdramon answered.

"You have a Holy Weapon?" Tk gasped, "All right, come on."

%% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %%

She executed a roundhouse, slicing her heeled boot into Hiroshi/Megaseadramon's face. The top half of his body was pulled back, but he flung forward and head-butted Kari/Angewomon, throwing her backwards. He charged forward, swinging his Trident down into her injured body. She yelled in pain, but he did not cease. He continued to attack with his Trident, brutally smashing and batting her from side to side. It was taking all her concentration to block the attacks, much less fight back.

"Ha!" he laughed, smacking her in the shoulder, "You can't fight back, can you?" He laughed as smacked the Trident against her side. "Why don't you just give up?" He smiled as he used the tip of his sharp points to slice her stomach, tearing away part of her white costume. "Give it up!" he laughed, "Give up! You've lost!"

A fire began to well up deep in Kari/Angewomon's body. "No…No! I won't give up!" she shouted, swinging her Holy Lances to block the Holy Trident, but luck was with her this time, as it threw the hand with the Holy Trident above Hiroshi/Megaseadramon's head. She began to attack with the same lightning speed that the Dark SEED leader used against her. She jabbed him with one end of her Lances, then twisted her weapon around to smash him with the other end. She continued with this blitzkrieg, until Hiroshi/Megaseadramon stumbled backwards before falling onto his knees. Kari/Angewomon leapt towards the ceiling and hovered in the air.

"This is your end," she said, holding her Holy Lances perpendicular to the ground in her left hand, "Your evil deeds cannot go unpunished."

"Spare me your lectures!" he snapped, struggling to stand.

Kari/Angewomon formed a glowing arrow in her right and placed next to the Holy Lances, which she was still holding perpendicular to the floor in her left. She pulled the glowing arrow back, using the Holy Lances as a bow. She pointed the tip of her arrow at the kneeling Hiroshi/Megaseadramon. She let go of the end, sending the glowing arrow into the Dark SEED leader, exploding on contact. He screamed as he was thrown backwards, slamming in the stairs beneath the double doors. He panted heavily as she stared at Kari/Angewomon, who was descending towards the ground.

She walked over to him. "Hiroshi, Megaseadramon, are you okay?" she asked.

"Spare me your pity!" he snapped.

"It's not pity," she said, "It's general concern. How are you?"

He glared up at her but gasped when a loud noise started humming from behind Kari/Angewomon. She spun around and her eyes focused on the diamond tip of the object hanging from the ceiling. "It's full!" Hiroshi/Megaseadramon laughed, "It's full!"

"What?" Kari/Angewomon gasped, "You mean…?"

"Yes!" the Dark SEED leader grinned, "Yes!"

The beams from the six Destiny Stone hearts faded as the hanging object began to shine in a rainbow of light. The diamond tip perpendicular to the floor glowed in the same rainbow of colors and fired a beam of multicolored light into the double doors. The stone gates did not shatter, however, as the beam hit an invisible wall directly over the doors. Kari/Angewomon assumed this was part of the shield and watched as the beam of light caused it to shatter. The Key Cards placed over top of the door began to glow brightly.

"Yes!" Hiroshi/Megaseadramon shouted, finding renewed energy to stand on his feet, "Yes!" He ran towards the doors, eager to throw them open, but to his surprise, they opened on their own. The Dark SEED leader stopped short and started in confusion and horror as the doors swung open to reveal a glowing wall. A massive figure stepped through, causing the entire room to shake violently. The doors slammed shut after this figure, who was grinning wildly.

"Yes!" the figure laughed, "I'm back, Digital World!"

"Venom Myotismon?" Kari/Angewomon gasped.

It was indeed the evil mega. He turned to look at the fusion of Kari and Angewomon. "What exactly are you?" he asked, "I sense both human and digimon."

"I'm kinda both," she said. She stared at Venom Myotismon. "You don't know who I am, do you?"

"No, and I don't really care," he grinned, "I'm finally free of the prison those blasted Guardians placed me in!" He turned to stare at Hiroshi/Megaseadramon, "And I couldn't do it without your help."

"W..what are you talking about?" he gasped.

Venom Myotismon grinned. "Where do you think you got the idea to pierce a hole in the protective seal of the Digital World? How would you have known to use the Destiny Stones to do the job?"

The Dark SEED leader pointed his Holy Weapon at him. "Are you telling me that..that you…"

"Yes, he finally gets it!" Venom Myotismon laughed, "Ever since I became trapped in that prison dimension beyond the Digital World, I've been waiting for my chance to return. I found you, already in tune with the darkness. Somehow I could sense your thoughts, and so, I contacted you in your dreams, implanting the idea and the means to break through the seal, all so I could free myself!"

"You used me!" Hiroshi/Megaseadramon shouted, "You used me!"


"I'll kill you for that!" He charged at him.

"Don't do it!" Kar/Angewomon shouted, "You'll get killed!"

Hiroshi/Megaseadramon ignored her and fired his Thunder Javelin attack at the evil mega. Venom Myotismon just grinned as he easily batted the bolt of energy into the ground. The Dark SEED leader fired another attack, which the evil mega once again batted aside, this time straight back at Hiroshi/Megaseadramon. The Dark SEED leader was thrown back into the far wall. Kari/Angewomon flew over to his side. "Are you okay?"

Venom Myotismon laughed as he fired a bolt of blackness from his mouth, straight a Kari/Angewomon. "Venom Infusion!"

"Look out!" Hiroshi/Megaseadramon gasped, grabbing the Digidestined leader by the ankle and yanking her to the ground. The ball of blackness smashed into the concrete wall, which melted into nothingness seconds later.

"A..acid?" Kari/Angewomon gasped. She turned to ask the Dark SEED leader why he bothered to save her, but he was already running full force towards the evil mega.

"Thunder Javelin!" He fired another bolt of electrical energy.

Venom Myotismon roared with laughter. "This pathetic attempt again?" He once again easily batted the bolt of electrical energy into the ground directly in front of the Dark SEED leader, throwing him backwards onto the floor. Venom Myotismon grinned as he towered over top of him. "Time to die!" he laughed, placing his foot over top of the fallen Hiroshi/Megaseadramon, "Thanks for all your help, but it's time for you to leave us!"

"Desperado Blaster!"


The evil mega shot his head back up in time to see the combined attack of Davis/Paildramon and Tk/Magna Angemon slam into him. He was thrown off balance, and had to place his foot behind him to keep from falling over, saving Hiroshi/Megaseadramon.

Kari/Angewomon grinned as she saw her two teammates. "I'm glad you're okay. Tatum?"

The Irish girl nodded. "Yes. I can help you too." The other two digidestined/digimon began to battle Venom Myotismon, giving Tatum enough time to prepare to use her Holy Whip.

"A Holy Weapon?" Kari/Angewomon gasped.

She nodded and turned to her partner. "Ready?"

Betamon nodded. "Betamon digivolve to Sand Yanmamon!"

"Sand Yanmamon?" Kari/Angewomon gasped, staring at the giant dragonfly, "What about Airdramon?"

"My partner has two evolution lines," she said. She grabbed hold of the Crest of Reliability and her own digivice. "Ready."

Sand Yanmamon nodded. "Sand Yanmamon digivolve to Brachiomon!" Her dragonfly partner had digivolved into a larger, orange colored brachiosaurus. The Holy Whip began to glow brightly, enveloping Digidestined and Digimon alike. The light grew in intensity, until it exploded, revealing the fused form of Tatum and Brachiomon, a human girl covered in orange scales, with the top of Brachiomon's head acting like a cap on the top of her head. The Holy Whip was attached to the back of her waist like a tail. She smiled at Kari/Angewomon. "Ready?"

The Digidestined leader smiled. "Yeah." She tightened her grip on her Holy Lances and the two fused warriors charged to join Davis/Paildramon and Tk/Magna Angemon.

"Guys!" Kari/Angewomon shouted.

"Glad you're here," Davis/Paildramon said, mentioning to Tk/Magna Angemon battling Venom Myotismon, "This guy's pretty tough."

"Of course!" the evil mega grinned, "Do you think I'm some puny Rookie? Ha! I am a mighty mega! Venom Infusion!" He fired another large black ball from his mouth; narrowly missing Tk/Magna Angemon. He did, however, knock into a wall, dissolving it. This caused part of the ceiling to collapse on top of him. Before his attack connected with the wall, it passed by the hearts of the Destiny Stones, and even a fraction of Venom Myotismon's attacks caused them to turn to dust.

"He's not gone yet" Tk/Magna Angemon said..

"We have to attack him together," Tatum/Brachiomon said, "From what I remember, it took two Megas to stop him, maybe five fused Ultimates can do the same."

"Five?" Davis/Paildramon asked. He suddenly gasped and turned around to stare at Hiroshi/Megaseadramon. "No way."

"We've got no choice," Tk/Magna Angemon said. He walked towards the Dark SEED leader, "Will you help us?"

He mentioned to the large pile of ceiling debris that Venom Myotismon was struggling to dig himself out of. "I guess I don't really have a choice, do I?"

They heard a loud rumbling noise. The fused warriors jumped to attention and stared at the pile of debris. "Here he comes," Davis/Paildramon said.

"We're going to have to hit him fast," Tatum/Brachiomon said, "Don't give him a chance to recover himself."

Kari/Angewomon took a deep breath. "This is it."

The pile of debris exploded, revealing the evil mega, Venom Myotismon. He stared at the fused warriors and laughed. "So, you're all ready to try and stop me? Well, everyone deserves to die fighting!" He opened his arms and charged forward.

"Now!" Kari/Angewomon shouted.

Tk/Magna Angemon raised his wrist based Holy Sword and fired a series of glowing sabers into the evil mega's chest. He staggered backwards.

Davis/Paildramon swung his gun barrels around from behind him and fired. "Desperado Blaster!"

Venom Myotismon grimaced in pain as the glowing bullets ripped across his chest.

Tatum/Brachiomon created a group of glowing balls in her hands and fired them at Venom Myotismon. "Brachio Bubbles!" The series of glowing spheres slammed into the evil mega, causing him to flinch in pain.

Hiroshi/Megaseadramon swung a familiar bolt of electrical energy from his Trident. "Thunder Javelin!"

Venom Myotismon fell to his knees. "D..damn you…"

"We've got him on the ropes!" Davis/Paildramon grinned, "This is your chance Kari! Do it!"

Kari/Angewomon held her Holy Lances perpendicular to the floor and formed a glowing arrow, which she used the Lances as a bow. She aimed the tip at the evil mega and fired. "Celestial Arrow!"

"No!" he screamed, as his body was covered by white light. When it faded, a much smaller, yet familiar figure remained.

"Myotismon?" Kari/Angewomon asked.

"Amazing," Tatum/Brachiomon gasped, "After all that, he only regressed one level."

"He looks unconscious," Tk/Magna Angemon observed.

"But how can he be here?" Kari/Angewomon gasped, "I thought we destroyed him!"

Tk/Magna Angemon shook his head, "I have no idea, but I bet that Ryo and Geni know."

"What are we suppose to do with him?" Davis/Paildramon asked.

Kari/Angewomon thought for a moment. "Put him on the Boreas. Well shackle him in the cargo hold, or something, just until we get to Geni's."

"What about him?" the human/dragon digimon asked, pointing to Hiroshi/Megaseadramon.

The Digidestined leader nodded. "We'll let Geni decide."

All five fused warriors glowed brightly, then returned to their previous forms. Tk contacted Ken on the D-terminals, while Davis grabbed Hiroshi and brought him to his feet. Kari found that Tatum was observing the remainders of the hearts of the Destiny Stones.

"They're gone," she said, "Venom Myotismon's attack completely destroyed them."

Kari nodded. "But the damage was already done. I bet that when the seal here was destroyed, it must have either destroyed the rest of the seal, or severely weakened it. I just hope there's a way to repair it."

"Kari," Tk said, walking up to her, "Ken's making a force field generator, or at least trying to. He thinks that maybe it'll keep Myotismon immobile for how ever long it takes to get back." He mentioned to Hiroshi, being watched closely by Davis, "And some handcuffs."

Kari nodded.

Tk smiled. "Oh, almost forget. Here, the Key Cards. I just grabbed them. They fell to the ground during the fight."

Kari counted the cards to make sure that there were nine of them, then smiled. "Thanks. I'd better keep my eye on these."

Tk stared at the destruction of the Destiny Stones. "It's too bad, you know."

"What is?"

He smiled slightly. "I have to confess that part of me was hoping that Hiroshi was going to succeed. I mean, are the Digital World and Earth the only worlds out there? What else is beyond our reach? I would have really liked to see that."

Kari smiled. "Yeah."

%% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %%

Somewhere else, in a room similar to a throne room of an ancient castle, a human figure sat on the make-shift throne, staring at a pedestal in front of him. On this stand was a board with small squares of different colors, and a variety of small wooden figurines. The figure raised his head. "Really, Myotismon?"

A woman dressed entirely in red nodded. "Yes. Apparently, he was trapped in some sort of prison world, or perhaps just banished to the boundaries between worlds."

"In any case, this is very interesting," the figure grinned, "I did not anticipate him, but it could all be for the best in the end." He took a small square of wood from a bag along side his throne and a pocket knife from inside of his trench coat. He quickly began to use the knife to cut and saw away the wood until he had produce a new figure, one with an almost exact likeness of Myotismon. He placed this figure on the board.

He stared at the other figurines, carved in the likeness of the Digidestined, Tatum, Yuehon and Hiroshi. They were grouped together with the new figurine of Myotismon, next to a small model of the Boreas. Ryo and Geni figurines stood off to the side, as was a lone Agumon. A bag on the floor contained the models of Ladydevimon, Diaboromon, Skull Satanmon, Daemon and Kimeramon. "The countdown to Armageddon has begun."

"Sir?" the woman asked.

He grinned wickedly "The pieces….are almost in place."

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Next: Enter, the Dark Ocean.