Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Zoo ❯ Vampire's kiss ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Vampire's Kiss/In the Zoo

WARNING: This is an alternate universe of Digimon Tamers. For starters, Takato is gay and likes dressing in girls' cloths (Sorry Takato/Henry fans, this is a Kazu/Takato story) and, if you haven't figured it out from the title, Takato and Rika are vampires. The reason that I'm telling you this is because this isn't a "Guess the secrete fic," this is a romance fic for the sake of romance, not to play with the reader's mind. This is a Takato/Kazu and Rika/Henry story to the tune of one of my favorite songs from the first ECW CD, Bruce Dickinson's (The dude from Iron Madden) cover of "The Zoo."

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It's been a few weeks since Takato told his friends about his first two secretes. When he first told them he was gay, he thought they would shun him. They didn't. In fact, his best friend Kazu said that he was too. The second secrete was that he loved to dress up in women's' cloths. He's been doing it for most of his life, carefully hiding that from his folks, all though he almost slipped when his folks came back from vacation a bit early, but he quickly still kept his secrete by covering all but his head in his bed sheets. Like the first secrete, he thought this one would drive his friends away, but it didn't. He should have known better because of all they've been through with the Digital World. A bond like theirs can't and never will be broken, especially after the events in both the real world and the Digital World. Yes, an adventure like that can strengthen the bonds of friendship through anything.

Shortly after telling both secretes, Rika told Takato her biggest secret and Takato was glad, because he shared the same thing as her. In fact, it's been 2 months since they told each other about there secretes, and 3 since Takato told everyone about his two secretes. He was ready to tell his boyfriend Kazu the third, as Rika was ready to tell her boyfriend Henry hers. They were all to meet at the park and then go their separate dating places until the end of the night. Rika and Takato were dressed as Goths. Takato had black lipstick on, a black tube top with a cross necklace, a matching skirt, black pantyhose, leather boots that went up to a couple of inches above the ankles, and dyed his hair black. Kazu said that she looked hot like that.

`Then again, he thinks I look hot in anything.' Takato thought to him self.

Rika kept her red hair color, but was covered in white make up, purple lipstick, a black star painted over her right eye, a black t-shirt, a dark black skirt, pantyhose, the same boots as Takato, and a trench coat to go with it.

"I take it you're going to try something different?" Takato asked.

"Nope. I just like messing with Henry's mind." Rika said, causing Takato to laugh. The two became best friends, and in fact, Takato was spending the weekend at her house. As soon as they were done getting ready, Rika told her mom that they were leaving and turned out the light to her room.

Job is done, the lights go out.

Another boring day.

The roaring silence in my ears

So many worlds away.

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At the park, Henry and Kazu were waiting for their dates, some more patient than others.

"How long does it take for those two to get ready?" Kazu said.

"Patients. Sometimes, it takes a while for dates to get ready." Henry said. "Besides, didn't you tell Takato last time he apologized for being late `Take all the time you want?'"

"I couldn't help it. He wore that shirt I gave him two months ago and he looked so hot." Kazu said. Henry just laughed. "What's so funny? I'm willing to bet my comic books that you'd act as dopey around Rika if she dressed in something hot."

"Oh now, that's one bet he'll loose." They heard a voice behind them. It was Rika and Takato, and sure enough, Henry went from being one of the intelligent and thinking Tamers… to a drooling baka. As for Kazu, his jaw just dropped, as he couldn't stop staring.

"Uh… um… uh…" Henry and Kazu said.

I meet my girl, she's dressed to kill,

What are we gonna do?

"Ok, so how about me and Kazu go to the dance club while you and Henry go to a movie and I'll meet you back at your house after our date is done?" Takato suggested.

"Deal." Rika said. "So, what movie do you want to see?"

"I hear `X2' is good." Henry suggested as they left. Shortly there after, Kazu put his arm around Takato's and left for the club.

Lets walk around, and catch the thrill

Of the streets we call the Zoo.

`I hope they still accept me.' Both Takato and Rika thought at the same time. `After all, its not everyday you date a vampire.' They both thought again.

In the sins of night, lets drink the blood!

Make all your dreams come true!

Our hungry eyes passes by

The streets we call the Zoo.

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At the movies, Henry and Rika were having a blast, but paying attention to the movie wasn't easy.

`God, she's beautiful. I hope I can be as good to her as she is to me.' Henry thought.

`He's so handsome. I hope he's still with me after I tell him.' Rika thought. `I can't delay this anymore.' "Henry?" Rika asked.

"Yeah?" Henry replied.

"Can I see you in private?" Rika said.

"Sure." He replied as they left.

A few minutes later, it dawned on both of the teenagers that there's no place private for them to go in the movie theatre.

"Lets talk out back in the ally." Rika suggested.

"Uh, sure." Henry said. `What does she want to talk to me about?' He thought.

`Now's the time I tell him. I hope he stays with me.' Rika thought.

Outside in the ally, Henry is awaiting for Rika to tell him whatever she wants to tell him.

"Ok, I have this secrete. Its pretty big, and I want to know before I tell you: Do you love me, no matter what?" Rika asked.

"Of course I do, I love you Rika. I always have, I always will." Henry said. `Why is she talking to me like this?' Henry thought.

"Then I'll get to the point. Take a look at the puddle in front of me on the ground and tell me what you see in the reflection." Rika said.

"Uh… ok." Henry said as he did so and saw him and… no one else. "What the…?"

"Henry… I'm a vampire." Rika said showing her fangs, and crying. "And before you wonder, that whole sunlight, crosses, holy water, and uncontrollable blood lust stuff is pure bull shit." She said still crying.

"Rika…" Henry said.

`Oh, I knew I shouldn't have done this.' Rika sadly thought.

"…why are you crying?" Henry caringly asked.

"Because you're going to get scared and try to stake me or leave me." Rika said sadly.

"Why would I do that?" Henry said as he put his hand under Rika's chin.

"You mean…" Rika said.

"When I said I love you, I met it. No matter what." Henry said just before kissing her.

In the sins of night, lets drink the blood!

Make all your dreams come true!

Our hungry eyes passes by

Our streets we call the Zoo!

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At the dance club, Takato and Kazu were having a great time dancing, but Takato had other thoughts in mind.

"Kazu, can I see you privately? I need to talk to you!" Takato shouted over the music.

"Sure!" Kazu replied. "But lets talk outside where we can hear each other!"

`Oh God, oh God, oh God…' Takato thought over and over and over as he and Kazu walked outside

Join the Zoo and walk down 42nd Street.

Right across the street, next to an ally of a currently closed office building, Takato was nervous and Kazu sensed it.

`At least I don't have to yell it.' He thought. `But how will he react?'

`He's nervous about something, but what?' Kazu thought.

"Ok, I don't know how to say it, but I'll get it out in the open: I'm a vampire." Takato bluntly said.

"Nani? You're kidding, right?" Kazu said. Takato pointed to a window which showed Kazu's reflection… and Takato's was missing. Kazu was, needless to say, shocked.

"I know you're scared, but don't worry, I don't have any blood lust or anything. In fact, I prefer cooked foods or vegetables. I do drink blood, but not to live, its like an option for me and I promise you I won't hurt you, just don't… don't…" Takato said on the verge of tears.

"Leave you? Why would I? I'd love you even if you were a werewolf." Kazu said, causing Takato to cry, but with tears of joy just before the two lovers kissed.

`I'm glad we went across the street and there's no sound to bother us.' Takato thought.

If the world would be as silent too,

You would feel the heat.

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At Rika's house, Takato and Rika met each other smiling and went to her room. This was one night that they would never forget.

In the sins of night, lets drink the blood!

Make all your dreams come true!

Our hungry eyes passes by

Our streets we call the Zoo!

"Did you tell your secrete?" Rika asked.

"Yep. Did you?" Takato replied.

"That and more." Rika said.

"'And more?'" Takato said. Rika just smiled… and showed her bloody fangs.

In the sins of night, lets drink the blood!

Make all your dreams come true!

Our hungry eyes passes by

Our streets we call the Zoo!


Whoops, looks like I lied about the mind thing. >:-)