Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ This is my life ❯ Chapter 2
Evilchild here with the second chapter! Sorry it took me this long to update but I had to finish my other digmon fic. Go read it!!
A/N: Read the last chapter. I am not typing them again.
Disclaimer: see last chapter except for Tony. I forgot to state that in the last chapter.
Now on with the fic!
Taichi tried to wash the dishes but his hands were shaking too badly. He thought what had happened to him wouldn't affect him but his body was telling him differently. He stopped and took a deep breath and tried to calm his nerves. Miko meowed and rubbed up against his legs. He slid down to the floor and picked up Miko and cried softly.
"Oh, Miko. What am I supposed to do now? Tony is a friend of my dad's. He won't just disappear." Taichi's head snapped up as he heard the door opening and heard his dad's voice.
"Boy! You better had finished those dishes!" Taichi's blood froze as he glanced up at the sink and saw four dishes, waiting to be cleaned. His father walked in and Taichi quickly stood up. "That's what you've been doing while I was gone!? Playing with that damn cat?!"
"No! I washed some of them! Then I made Mr. Tony something to eat!"
His father eyed him suspiciously. "Tony is that true?!"
"Yeah, John! I'm sorry I kept him from doing something!"
"You're off the hook this time, boy, but net time I'm getting rid of that cat!"
"Yes sir." He sat Miko down and she hissed at John and stood behind Taichi's legs.
"Stupid cat." He walked out of the kitchen and Taichi quickly washed the rest of the dishes.
"Come on Miko." She meowed and followed Taichi into his room. He closed his door softly and sat on the bed. Miko jumped on the bed and snuggled up against his belly as he laid down. His stomach growled and Miko meowed sadly at this. "I'm Ok, Miko, it's just a hunger pang. I've braved them before." Miko growled and rubbed her head against his empty stomach.
Taichi had fallen asleep for a few hours until he heard his name. "Taichi!!" He looked up as Tony entered his room.
"Yes sir?" his voice wavering slightly.
"Your dad asked me to stay here to watch you while he's at work and I agreed so we can spend some... quality time together."
"Oh." Taichi replied lowly.
"I'm getting ready to leave Tony! Make sure that boy stays out of trouble!"
"I will!" Tony heard the front door open and close and he closed Taichi's door. "Time to have some fun."
Well, there you are! Short but more will be up.
Please R&R!