Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ This Time I Know its for Real ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
This Time I Know It's For Real

A Digimon yaoi songfic by the Silver Ranger. Before I even write anything lemme just say that this was my very first yaoi songfic. Three years ago I published this on a website that is currently closed but with some luck and love will be up and running again. I do not own Digimon or anything related to it. It all belongs to it's respected companies and creators. These characters ain't mine I'm just borrowing them for a while. This story is also a social commentary and has not been approved by the companies who have created and owned Digimon. On with the fic.

Taichi was playing soccer with Sora, Jyou, Koushiro, Takeru, and Yamato back in the human world. Ever since liberating the Digiworld they of course had very little time to enjoy the finer things in life. Taichi was not putting his all into the game, and Sora could tell that something was wrong. He loved soccer as much as she did. She wondered what was going on in his mind. Taichi told the others that he wanted to take a break. As he began to reach for a nearby water bottle he brought with him, he turned his gaze toward Yamato. He could not help but smile at that face of his. He also could not help but admire the rest of him. His angelic golden blonde hair, his beautiful ocean sapphire blue eyes, his slender arms and legs......his mind was begining to trail off and he was hoping to admire another part of him. But he thought 'nah, why bother. He probably does not even feel the same way about me. If I even dream of telling him, he won't even be around me anymore. Hell, he'd probably flat out hate me. Oh Yama-kun, if you only knew how much I feel for you.'

What would, I have to do
to get you, to notice me too.
Do I, stand in line
one of a million admiring eyes.

Walk a time for way up high,
write your name, across the sky.

I'm going crazy just to let you know, baby
you'd be amazed how much I love you so.
When I get my hands on you I won't let go,
this time I know it's for real.
Sora went up to Taichi to try and find out what was troubling him. "Tai-kun, what's the matter?" She asked. "Tai-kun? You ok?" "Huh, wha- oh, Sora-chan. I didn't notice you." Taichi returned to his very cheerful disposition to try and prevent Sora from prying into his mind. "What is it?" He asked. "I noticed you were barely paying attention to the game, it's like you kept drifting into outer space or something. Taichi, if anything is wrong, I want you to know that I will always keep an open ear. We have been friends for a long time. Through soccer camp, and even up to the battles in the Digiworld. And I want you to know that you can trust me with anything you have." She was about to turn away when Taichi suddenly grabbed her arm. "Sora wait, I really need to talk to you about something. But I need to do this with you alone, I don't want anyone else hearing our conversation, especially Yamato." "Why Yamato?" "Come with me and I will tell you."
Taichi led Sora to a park bench not to far away from the others but at a rather preferable distance. They both sat down and began to talk again. "Sora, I have been having these rather weird feelings lately, but I don't know if these feelings are even normal." "Why do you say that?" She asked. "It's because I don't know if the same person has the same feelings, and people like me get treated differently because of what our preferences are. I have been having these feelings in the Digiworld. But I was always afraid to express my feelings toward this person." "Well who is the person?" "Sora-chan, I'm gay. And I might as well admit it to you first, I'm in love with Yamato." "Taichi-kun, I had no idea. But it's ok, I'm not going to hate you just because of that. So you love Yamato, big deal. The only question is, does he feel the same way about you?" "I don't know. If I tell him, I'm afraid he would be disgusted with me, or even hate me. Besides how could he even love me back. We used to fight so many times in the Digiworld." "Tai that was over a year ago, we are older now, a bit more mature. And I don't think Yamato would show any malice toward you if you told him your feelings. Besides, if you don't tell him, and keep your feelings and emotions bottled up inside yourself, it's going to make you sick. I really think you should figure out a way how to tell Yamato you love him. I really wish you the best and good luck. I know Yamato won't hate you for this." Sora then walked away and back to the others. Yamato decided to let the others continue for a bit and went over to take a break himself. As Yamato sat next to Taichi, Taichi's gut was beginning to hurt him. He had to, he wanted to tell Yamato the way he feels, but his fears were stopping him. How could he get the fortitude to tell him he loved him.

Should I write, or call you home.
Shout it out with a megaphone.
Radio, T.V. news,
Got to find a way to get the message to you.
Say I love you with a neon sign,
anything, to make you mine.

I'm going crazy just to let you know,
If I wait too long for you I might explode, baby
I've been around long enough to know,
this time I know it's for real.
Taichi was sweatdropping profusely, he could no longer stand it. He grabbed his water bottle and started running back to his house with tears streaming down his eyes. Yamato looked at him bewildered and in a bit of shock. He went over to the others. "What's with Tai?" Asked Yamato. "No idea. Have you been noticing he has been acting rather stressed lately?" Pointed out Jyou. "I have been having a rather odd feeling that he is suppressing a few emotions from the rest of us lately. And as a matter of fact, I have noticed he has been looking at you more often lately." "So what? He just suddenly ran off with tears in his eyes, anyone care to tell me as to why?" "I really think you should ask Tai yourself." Stated Sora. "Sounds like a logical resulotion. I don't know about the rest of you but I feel like heading home." Said Koushiro. "Yama-kun, you really should talk to Taichi. He really needs a friend right now. I've done all I could but it's not enough for now." "But why me Sora?" "I cannot tell you. You have to ask him yourself."
It was almost nightime and the sun was begining to set and the stars were starting to peak out. Taichi was feeling absolutely miserable and he had no idea how to fix it. He had his head resting on his arms as more tears started to flow from his eyes. "Yamato, I'm so scared. I wish I could be able to tell you how much I love you. But I don't want to lose the friendship we already have. I just want to hold you in my arms so much." "So that's what has been bugging you." A voice said. "What?! Who is there?!" "Taichi it's me, Yamato, and I heard everything you said. No wonder Sora wanted me to talk to you alone. You're in love with me. Taichi I had no idea." "Yeah it's true, and your probably going to hate me for life after this." "No I am not. I think it's real sweet that you love me. I kinda had my own secret feelings for you as well. I wanted to tell you since the Digiworld but I never thought I could love you or you me after the many times we have fought so much." "Yama, I......" Suddenly, all time stopped as Yamato silenced him by pressing his lips on Taichi's and kissed him. Yamato took it even further and slipped his toungue inside Taichi's mouth. Taichi died and went to heaven as his golden haired angel was kissing him passionately. He suddenly broke the kiss and he began to cry again. Yamato took his tears away with his lips. "Yama-chan, I love you so much. I really do." "I love you too Tai-kun." "Should we tell anyone else about us?" "Well, we could tell the others with the exception of Takeru and Hikari. Unless they all already know." "No, Sora is the only one who knows, she tried to convince me to confess to you." "In a way you already have, and I'm glad you did." "Shall we watch the stars Yama?" "Sure, I would also love to hold you right about now." They pulled each other close together in a romantic embrace as the stars began to shine brightly. They kissed passionately again and Taichi ran his hand through Yamato's hair. Yamato rubbed his hand across his face making Taichi moan in passion. They would never ever forget thier first kiss in thier young lives.

Walk a time for way up high,
write your name, across the sky.

I'm going crazy just to let you know, baby
you'd be amazed how much I love you so.
When I get my hands on you I won't let go,
this time I know it's for real.
I'm going crazy just to let you know,
If I wait too long for you I might explode, baby
I've been around long enough to know,
this time I know it's for real.

The End

Well that's the end of my fic. This is dedicated to the loving memory of fanfic.net writer Dareru, rest in piece love. ^_^ This is also dedicated to Tabbycat (I pray you read this girl!), Palon, the writer formerly known as Mika Crystal, Dana-chan, and Iori no Miko. Plus I would also like to thank Ms. Donna Summer for making a beautiful song such as this and the song had inspired me to use this song for a romantic and touching story. Ja ne for now. ^_^

The Silver Ranger