Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Till death do us part II ❯ Till death do us part II ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Cristal - YAH I WROTE CHAPTER 2 !!! well same as before .

~~~ Somesone elses P.O.V ~~~

Yamato watched as Koushiro ran off , his ice blue eyes fixed on his form until he disappered ,
What was wrong with kou that he would yell at cris like that ? He had to find out . suddenly a
loud thunder clap was hurd and it began to rain - HARD !! but they all just stood there , with a
bewildered look on their faces at what had just happened . " Kous' never done that before .....
Its like her was a hole other person " Skyler said but she never moved from her spot . Everyone
had moved from there spot in the rain to under an tall tree but skyler and yamato still didn't
move from where they stood . " I'm going after him " " what Matt are you crazy you can get sick
if you go out runing around in that storm " " I don't care what happens to me skyler , I need to
find him and find out whats wrong " " Matt I ......... be carful " " don't worry I will " he finnaly said and took off runing .

Koushiro finally stoped runing and fell against a wall , still out in the rain . He wraped his own arms around his torso and hugged himself tightly as he slid down the wall with tears forming
in his eyes . He just couldn't take the pain anymore , his head hurt and it was hard to breath ..
...... but that was nothing compaired to the pain that he felt in his heart . He sat there in the
rain just letting all his tears flow down his face , he hoped that noone followed him ....... but
he was wrong on that part . He heard soft foot steps coming up from behind him but he didn't look
to see who it was , he thought it was probably cristal or skyler or even may jyou or tai .... but
he wasn't prepared for who knelt doen and put their hands on his shoulders . He lifted his head &
turned it ever-so-slighty and there was yamato kneeling down behind him with his umbrella over
both of them . They sat there in slience for a few minutes until yamato broke it " Whats wrong Kou-kun ? " " .......... I can't tell you " " yes you can , we are best friends and you can tell
me ANYTHING " " I can't !! " kou yelled and began to cry once more " Kou please tell me ... I hate to see you like this , I love you to much to see you in so much pain !! " Kou stoped crying
at those words and looked up at yamato who then slaped his hand over his mouth , realizing what he had just said to the red head . " Kou I ... I mean .. I " kou lifted his hand to yamatos lips
to shut him up " Do you really mean that yamato ? " " yes I do ... with all my heart " " Yamato I
...... I .... " Kou couldn't think of anything to say so he though himself into yamas lap " I take it thats an ' I love you too ' right ? " koushiro didn't respond but moved in closer into
yamatos embrace . After a few moments of silents koushiro spoke up " I'm gonna die " he said quietly " what do you mean ' I'm gonna die ? " " I mean just that " " I don't understand kou "
koushiro picked up yamatos hand and brought his hand to the side of his head ...... Yamato didn't
need any explaintion ........ he knew now what was wrong .... and he also know there was nothing
he could do to help . " I don't want to die Yama-chan " " Kou shhh its ok , I'm here " " I'm gonna die ..... I don't want to die ! " Kou through himself onto yamato againe and againe began to cry ( ~~ Boy he does alot of crying ~~ ) But yamato didn't try and stop him . They sta there
in the rain together and held eachother crying .

~~ Yamatos P.O.V ~~

I sit there next to the Hospital bed with kous hand in mine . He's asleep now and I watch his
crest rise and fall with every breath he takes . I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPENING !! I'm gonna
lose him ... My light , my life , my soul .. he meens everything to me and more then that and now
he's being taken away from me . I look over to my right to see skyler sitting in the corner huddled in a ball rocking back and forth trying to keep herself from crying ..... I know its hard
for her and kous parents , Skyler had told me about kou being adopted and all and that it would be hard on his parents especially but I don't care that he never told me now .... nothing matters
now . He leaving me I can't feel it ... I can feel his life slipping away in my hands ..... I bow
me head and release a few tears , but then I hear a small sound coem from my Koi , I lift my head
and look into his eyes and for the first time in a while i see a sence of peace .. Why ... is he
happy hes leaveing me ? " Don't worry yama " he tells me with a soft voice , hes so weak he can
hardly talk " I'll always be here ...... No matter were you are all always be here " " Kou-chan ,
You can't leave me .... I Love you " " And I love you " he says and I bend over and kiss him softly on the lips " Goodbye Yamato .... I'll see you againe " And he falls back to sleep .....
Never to wake again .