Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ TK's Journal ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )
Thursday July 31st, Twenty Miles south of Myotismon's Keep
Yesterday we met up with a force of Murgen's soldiers sent from the west. It seems that the came to the same conclusion that Gennai did. However, they seemed very uneasy when they saw Piedmon and Hugh among our forces. I will not hazard to guess what they thought when they saw two of their worst enemies among us. If Gennai was not among us, I am certain they would not have hesitated to slay us on sight. With friends like these… Since then we have been training for the final conflict. With the two Masters of the East destroyed, we have some time for peace and quiet. Piedmon insists that that we steel our resolve, and has us train on mental and physical conditioning over swordplay. When a soldier asked why, he merely stated, "When you fear death, your sword becomes useless. When you fear nothing, the world fears you."
Friday August 22nd, New Village
Over the past month we have set up several tents, making a makeshift village, named in honour of the Digiworld's first settlement. Last week the soldiers held a tournament of skill. We were all puzzled, as this could trivialize the importance of us being here. Gennai told us that all would be explained afterwards. To everyone's surprise, Hugh managed to beat all comers. This is perplexing to say the least, because he had to use an ordinary sword. Although Hugh has summoned down huge bolts of light and ripped apart Puppetmon with his bare hands, he spends more time hunched on the ground studying Piedmon's tomes. Anyway, thousands of soldiers sat in the corner, each having been beaten by his skill. My brother was the only remaining challenger. Before the fight, Gennai announced that this last fight would be to the death. Matt was more than willing. He charged Hugh with a fury in his eyes I have never seen before. But Hugh dropped his sword, refusing to fight, and thus Gennai declared Hugh the winner. Matt was definitely peeved. I went to Hugh and asked him why he did not fight. He said, "You only have one death to die. I have had many, and I have many deaths left to die." Later that night, Matt went to Hugh, who was studying a tome, as usual. I could hear Matt from my tent. He challenged Hugh to another duel, telling him not to hold anything back. Seconds later, Matt came back to our tent, his face white as a sheet, refusing to tell me what happened. I asked Gennai why he gave the victory to Hugh. He told me that arrogance and pretension would have to be dealt a heavy blow if we were to win.
Sunday August 24th, Home at last…
Gennai's plan is a mad one. He plans to approach within a hundred yards of the Keep and raise Piedmon's banner. He believes that Hiroshi and Myotismon are two different names for the same person, and his old enmity for him will make him throw caution to the wind, despite his previous defeat, and come deal with us himself. I think that four months in the desert addled his mind. Tales of Hiroshi's great deeds told around the campfires describe how he saved this world from the iron grip of Gemma, and his imprisonment of Piedmon, a being who we now rely on for any hope of victory.
In seven hours, just after sunset, we shall charge the Keep. Myotismon disabled Hugh's sword, so he can no longer summon "Heaven's Justice". We will have to fight through the fortress' defenders the hard way. Until then, we have been given a rare opportunity to travel through a portal that Gennai and Piedmon have opened. We have all decided to go through and see our family for what will probably be the last time. This will make it harder for us to leave them, return here and go forth, but Gennai has told us that we would be blameless should we choose to stay at home, but warned us that if they failed, our world would be sure to follow. Kari was the only one who decided to remain behind. She believed that no one should be alone when death was this close, and snuggled close to him while the rest of us went home.
I should never have gone home. Going back there served no purpose other than to make my parents even more worried, and it made me even more aware of what we had to lose. No time to dwell on that now, however, as we must leave soon. Before we left, Gennai told us the Primary Village had fallen.
Gennai's thesis about Myotismon proved correct. No sooner than the banner was raised did he rush ahead from the safety of his walls. He charged straight towards Hugh, bellowing sardonically like a banshee. "Traitor!" he yelled as he flew straight at him. The rest of us - even the hardened warriors of the armies - froze in terror at the site of Myotismon's wrath. Hugh, however, merely smiled. As his foe was about to strike, Hugh froze him in his tracks - with but a glance. As Myotismon stared, incredulous, Hugh told him, "True power does not lie in your strength of arms." I would later learn that this was what Hugh did to Matt two days ago to humble him.
At the sight of this, fear left all of us, and we charged the front of the keep. Before our archers were within range, however, Hugh waved his hand in our direction. We found ourselves once more in the real world, although after our adventures I don't really know what is real anymore. Izzy turned on his laptop and received a message from Gennai and Piedmon. They showed us that they were safe and assured us that their world was safe, and we had finally earned our well-deserved respite. Kari then interrupted, asking what had happened to Hugh. They showed us what happened - Hugh drained Myotismon of all his strength, but his spirit still existed. To end it once and for all, Hugh floated up in the sky to the middle of the fortress, appeared to condense into a ball of light. That ball of light filled our entire field of vision as he exploded. When it died down, the fortress was no more, and a lake of lava remained in its stead. The two new custodians of the Digital World told us that we would know if we were needed in the future, and told us not to worry until then.